BSBBBBSSBBBBBssBsSftBssiBja1 THE TIMES, PUBLISHED EVEKY THURSDAY, BY YOUNG & GRANTHAM. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 17. ISM. Harnett County Vote For Cleveland Kjr Harrison For. Weaver judicial. ... Democrats Republicans STATE. Carr Furches Ex urn SENATORS, Vm, II. G Lucas. Dem, Fleet R, Cooper, Dem, F, N. Robinson, t. p. F. M. White, t. p. CONGKESSIOXAL. ft. F. Grndy. Dem. F. D, Koonce, t, p. A. M. Clarki Rep. 9 ' "COUNTY TICKET. i 1222 C50 C35 324G I 1246 567 657 1275 1272 1059 .1059 1233 759 412 Dem. T. P. Pipkin 1021 McKay 1011 Rjrd 1021 Byrd 1016 Uiley 1026 McLeod 1028 Frince McArtan Shears Sexton Moore Green 1369. 1399, 1372. 1340. U346. 1332. The entire county Democratic tick nl was elected, the victoiy is ours, we have fairly won it, and now wish to utter thfi hand of friendship to way ward deserters, and if they will come back to the care of our fold and un dor our shepherd, here is a welcome hand to them all. The smallest folks and the small est word we know of now is the re mains of the I party, The Third party people of Godwin raised li Weaver and Field flag some time ago, but we will rise to say they may tafce her down and hide it now. Mr. Knonce said in his speech here before the election that the 3rd party settled all questions, but since then vhc ha9 learned something new." Mr. Settle, who got beat in the 5th district Tor Congress by A. II. A. Williams, Democrat, is going to con test the election in his district. The National Farmers Alliance is -in session this week in Memphis. Tenn. President Loucks, Ben Ter ircll of Texas, Gen, Weaver Dr. Ma -cune and many other prominent AN lianccinen are in attendance, The House of Representatives will probably be as follows next term : Democrats 93; Republicans 11; Peo pies' party 14. The Senate will have 45 Democrats; Peoples' party 3; Re publicans 2. Some time ago we gave warning to the "Woodpecker crowd'! of Sampson but it was not heeded, so they have all gone home as we predicted with sore bi'ls and decided they can't de vour the old Democratic party. ".North Carolina sends a solid Dem ocratic core of Congressman: 1st district W. A-Branch; 2nd F. A. Woodard; 3rd B. F. Grady; 4th B. 11. Bunn; 5th A. H. A. Williams; 6th S. B. Alexander; 7th John S, Hen derson; 8th W. II , Bowers. 9th W. T, Crawford. the evening of the 14th inst , Winston had the misfortune to be visited by a terrible fire, the largest -and most destructive one North Car -olina probably ever had, A number .4f the most piomineat business ihouses were laid into ashes. The -joss is estimated at $350,000, insur ance $250,000. The present United States Senate is composed of fortv-seven republi cans, thirty-nine democrats and two farmers alliance Senators, The num ber whose term expires on the 4th cf March next is twenty nine, and of this number eighteen are republicans and eleven are democrats. The eleven democratic Senators will be succeeded by democrats, and euough .democrats an 1 independents will sue .ceed the eighteen republicans to make .the next Senate anti-republicans. It sappears that on any certain and well lefined issue' the majority against the republicans will be not less than eight And both the independents and dem ocrats favor tariff reform and otber changes in the present finaneial poli cy of the country. Let the Fjjderal election law be repealed a3 soon as possible. Let confidence between the State and Fe le al cevermncnt be fully re-tored, Chronicle. THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION. From the estab'ishment of this Goyernment to the present time, there tins been no period In the his tojy of our commonwealth in which th j Supreme Ru'er of the Universe has more richly bestowed upon us His blessings, or indicated more clearly His purpose to preserve for us our civil and religious liberties. To the Auth -r of all Good we owe whatever of peace, prosperity or hap piness we have enjoyed during the past year. The people of North Carolina have much for which to be thankfu1, and, while the earth has not, yielded he greatest abundance, our people are yet blessed with a moderate and reasonable return for their labors, In conformity, therefore, with the recommendation of the President of the United States, I, Thomas M. Holt, Governor of the State of North Carolina, do appoint Thursday, the twenty fourth day of November, 1892, as a day of thanksgiving, praise and prayer. And I do earnestly request that the people of oui State lay aside all secular business and assemble on tfmt day at their usual place of wor ship in humble thanksgiving for pat blessings, and prayer for a contino ance of Divine favor. In order that our services may be more pleasing and acceptable, let us remember in our prajers and sub srantial offerings the needs of the widow and orphan, the disabled sol diet, the poor and afflicted, and all institutions established throughout the State for their proper care and maintenance, Given under my hand, and the Great seal of the State of North Car olina, at the City of Raleigh, this 1 lib day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and ninety-two, and in one hun dred and seventeenth year of our American Independence. Thomas M. Holt. By the Governor : S. F. Telfaik, Private Secretary, , STILL TWO SIXTY-EIGHT. We are still waiting for the official result in Ohio, California and Michi gan in order to determine whether or not there shall be any change in the following estimate of Cleveland's vote in the Electoral College : The Solid South New York Connecticut Indiana Illinois Wisconsin New Jersey Michigan 159 37 6 15 24 12 10 6 268 45 Clevelands majority Star. Chief Justice A. S. Merrimon died in Raleigh on Nov. loth about 2:30 a. m. Judge Merrimon was one of the St&tes great and good men, his family was prominent in our earlier North Carolina history, and his place will be hard to fill. This is the sec ond time iti a short space of lime that we are called upon to lament the death of our highest Court Judges. NOTICE I Having qualified as Administra trix on the estate of T. J. Hunt, on the 22nd day of Oct., 1892, notice is hereby giyen to all persons indebted to the esUte of the said T. J. Hunt to make immediate payment and set tlement, or the claims will be put in the hands of an officer for collection; and all persons having claims against sa;d estate will present them for pay ment on or befi re the 1st day of Nov. 1893, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This Oct. 22nd. 1892, Floka J. Hunt, Adm'rx. oct 27 Gt. CONSTIPATION and other bowel complaints cured and prevented by the prompt use of Ayer's Cathartic Pills They regulate the liver, cleanse the stomach, and greatly assist digestion. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Mass. Children Cry for Pitcher's Cistorti! VALUABLE nEAL ESTATE fiR SALE. By virtue of authority conferrv ed by a Deed of Trust executed on the 16th day of April 1886. by J. W. Smith and Isabella Jane Smith bis wife to A. W, Haywood Trustee for the Life Inmrance Company of Vir ginia and duly recorded in the oQcr of the Register of Deed for Harnett county. N. C In Book V Page 256 et eeq I will on the 23rd day of No vember 1892 eell at public outcry to the highest biddej for cash, certain lots or parcels of land, lyirg and be iog in the county of Harnett. State of North Carolina, And more fully de scribed as follows, viz: Adjoining the lands of W. B. McKay, Neill McLeod, Tom James et ale, lying on or hear the waters of Thornton's Creek and Juniper Branch in Grove Township. 1st Tract. Beginning at a stake (the last corner of lot 1 assigned by Commissioners to make partition of the lands of John McLeod see re port of said Commissioners filed in superior Court of Harnett county) runs thence S. 45 W. 24 chains to a corner in a branch thence N. 85 W. 20 chains to a small persimmon tree in the old 100 acre surrey (a well known Flat) then as that line N, 87 W, 21-25 chains to a stake In the bottom-corner of the aforesaid 100 acres, then as that line N. 3 E 4 chains to a stake in the line of the aforementioned 100 acre survey, then S. 3 W. 412 chained to a stake, the corner of said 100 acres, then S. 87 K. 2-30 chaiLs to the beginning containing 45 acres more or less and conveyed by James McLeod to J. W. Smith by deed recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Har nett county, N. C, in Book V page 159. 2nd Tract. Beginning at stake (the original corner of the 100 acre suryey) and runs as that line 8. 87 E. 49- 75 chains to a dead pine, .the cor ner, then as the other line S. 8 W. 919 chains to a stake and pointers in the line of lot 4 assigned by com missioners making partition of lands John McLeod, then as that line (No. 4) N, 87 W. 975 chains to a stake in the side of a biarich in the line of 100 acre survey, then as tbat line N. 3 E. 9 19 chains to the beginning costaining 45 acres more or less and conyeyed by Sj E. JucLeod guardian etc, to J. W. Smith by deed record ed in the office of the Register of Deeds for Harnett county, N, C, in Book TPae 177. 3rd Tract. Beginning at an old stump with pointers Neill McLeod corner and runs as the line N. 73 E. 3 15 chains to - a stake formerly i small post oak Mollie McLeod'a cor ner then as her line and past the corner N. 28 W. 22 chains to a stake -W. B. McKa3's corner then as hia line S. S3 W, 18-50 chains to a stake his other corner then direct to the beginning containing 78 acres more or less. Place of aale county Court House door in Lillington, N. C. Time of sale 12 o'clock m. A. W. Haywood, Trustee for the Life Insurance Co. of Virginia. oct 20 ta. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. By virtue of authority conferred by a certain Deed of Trust executed on the 6th day of October 1886, by M . R. Morgan and E. V, Morgan bis wife to A, W. Haywood Trustee for The Life Insurance Company of Virginia and duly, recorded in the of See of the Register of Deeds for Har new eounty, A. u, in Kook V pages 463 et seq I will on the 23rd day of November. 1992, sell at public out . - cry to tue uigitesi owwr lor csvan, -a certain lot or parcel of land, laying and being in the county of Harnett, Sate of North Carolina, and more fully described aa follows, vis: Ad joining the landa of Williams et ala in Lillington Township and begin ning at a stake ten feet from the southern line of the town of Lilling ton (opposite S. W. corner lot No, 6 Town Lillington) runs thence south 18 W, 3 chain 97 links to the Ochel tree - line now Williams thence said line N. 61 W 6 chains 53 links to the road or street, thenos N. 13 E. 2 chains and 16 Ituks to a corner in the edge of Main street, thence South 72 E. 6 chains and 43 lioka to the the beginning containing 1 8-10 acres and being the same conveyed by J. B. to M. R. Morgan by deed recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Harnett conn ty, N. C, In book L, page 339 et seq. Place of Bale county Court Hooso i Door in Lillington, N. C. Time of sale 12 o'clock M, i A. W, Hatwoob. Trustee for The Life Inswnx Co, of. Virginia. Gnat ATTRACTION AT r . T A great gathering -of clothing buyers have pronounced my stock of ' FALL AND WINTER CIOTHING To be the LARGEST AND CHEAPEST EVER DISPLAYED BY ANY HOUSE IN NORTH CAROLINA. Foi the past eight or ten yeara I have .control led the clothing trade of thia section of the State, because it is a well-known fact that I offer no gar ments tbat are not cut in the newest stylesand style goes a long way now. Not less than $40,000 worth of Clothing. Is now shown at my Clothing Store, at prices 4,hat will suit the times. This immence stock includes MEN'S FINE CUTAWAY FROCK SUITS. MENS' FINE PRINCE ALBERT FROCK SUITS. MEN'S FINE STRAIGHT CUT SACK SUITS. MEN'S FINk CUTAWAY SACK SUITS. MEN'S FINE OVERCOATS. These goods come in alLthe most DESIRABLE STYLES AND COLORS. And an inspection of them will convince the most skeptical, that thia stock is indeed a great attraction, I show also an immense line of 'S ft INCLUDING OVERCOATS, which will be sold exceedingly cheap. C mention specially a line of BOY'S SUITS for school wear Which Will DEFY ALL COMPETITION as to price. Parents are earnestly ia vited to call and examine this line of goods. Don't forget that I have a line of SAMPLES for custom work, and will always guarantee a perfect fit.. This stock of goods was bought to sell, and I am prepared to compete with any house either in this city or elsewhere, so that everybody who in tends buying a new suit, will find just what they want, and will saye money by calling at my Clothing Store. FRANK THORNTON. Fayetteyille, N. C. oct 27 lm. n t am now opening NEW GOODS every day at the old stand of J. J. DUPREK. Where I am running for the most customers. I offer LOW PRICES and GOOD GOODS FOR CASH. Everything in the GROCERY line. DRV GOODS. BOOTS. SHOES. HATS, NOTIQNh etc. CLOTH I SG A SPECIALTY I have CALICOES at from A to to 6 cents; Worsted from 10 . to 22 cis; Gingham 6 to 8 ct8t and other goods ic pro portion. J. J. Dnpree will have charge of to the business, and will be glad wait on his old friend any time, . Very Respectfully. J: Q- ETJFIVEE mm " CLOTHING WSM STORE m and mm CLOTHING "Lit for! in ELECTION J. I DENNING I s TsT o w SELLING HER S TOCK OF GOODS AT COST. Give Her a CalL She will not discoaticue buisness after selling out. Oct 6 '92. . Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorta Cape Fear & Yadkin Vaey Bail way Company. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. IN KFFECT MAItCII 29TII, 1891, NORTH BOUND. No. 2, Daily Except Sunday. Leave Wilmington, Arrive Fayetteville4 Leave Fayrtfeville, Leave Sanford, Arrive Greensboro, Leave Greensboro, Leave Walnut Cove, Arrive Mt. Airy, 9.50 a in 1.55 p in 3.00 p in 4.25 p m 6.55 p m 7.15 p m 9.00 p m 11.15 p m So. 4. Daily Excopt Sunday. . Leave Eennettsvillc, 12.40 pra Lave Maxton, 1.27 p m Arrive Fayeteville, 2.57 p m No. 16, Daily Except Sunday. Leave It am sen r, " 7.25 am Arrive Greensboro, 10.05 am Leave Greensboro, 10.45 a m Arrive Madison. 1.05 p m No. 12, Dally Except Sunday. Leave G reensboro 10.10 a in Lcavw Walnut Cove 1,55 p ra Arrive Mt- Airy 7.55 p m No, 14, Daily Except Sunday. Leave Bennettsville 1.00 a m Leave Maxton 4.25 a in Arrive Fayetteville 9.55 a m ' SOUTHBOUND. No. 1, Daily Except Sunday. Leave Mt. Airy. ' 6.00 a m Leave Walnut Gove, 8.11 a m Arrive Greensboro, 10.00 am Leave Greensboro, 10.30 a m Leave Sanford, 12,45 p m Arrive Fayetteville, 2.0Q p m Leave Fayetteville, - 3.04 p m Arrive Wilmington. 7.05 p m No. 3, Daily Except Sunday. j Leave Fayetteville, 2.11pm Leave Maxton, 3.32 pm Arrive Benuttsville, 4.22 p m No. 15. Daily Except Sunday. Leave Madison, 2.45 p m Arrive Greensboro 4.55 p m Leave Greeii!loro. 5.15 p m Arrive Rainseur, 8.10 p m No. 11, Daily Except Sundas. Leave Mt. Airy 1.10 p m Leave Walnut Cove 6.15 p m Arrive Greensboro 9.30 p m No. 13, Daily Except Sunday. Leave Fayetteville 10.15 am Leave Maxton ( 4.30 p m Arrive Benncttsyille . 4.05 pm Train No. 2 connects at JS an ford with Seaboard Air Line for Ralei-b Norfolk and all points North, and East, and'et Walnut Cove with the Norfolk A Western R R. for Winv stonSalen. Roanoke aud all pointa North and West of Roanoke. Trail No, 1 connects at Walnut Cove with Norfolk & Western R. R. for Wi nsionSaleca. Roanoke and points North and West of Ruanuke. and at Sanford with Seaboard Air Line for Monroe Charlotte, Athens. Atlanta and all poiuta South and Southweat, Pull man Palace Sleeping Car on Seaboard Air ine trains North and South from Sanford and on Norfolk 4 Western trains North and West from Roanoke, Passengers from Wilmington, Fay etteville. Maxton, Bennettaviile and all rMiints south of Sanford will arrive at Raleigh at 11 15 A. M., and have 5 hours in Raleigh and reach home same day. Ample lime Is given passengers for break faat and supper at Fayett. eville, and dinner at Walnut Cove. W.L.KYLE, J. W. FRY, Gen. Pass. Agent. General Manager. I aildrw Cfy for F-Ws Ccstor! If I am novr Prepared to in tho DRUG The advantages I offer you are many : FIRST : I carry the Largest and Most Com plete line of DRUGS, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Stationary, School Books, etc. in DUNN. SEJCOND : All of our Officinal Preparations are Manufactured by me from the cjide Drug thereby obtaining Medicines of propei Strength and Freshness. 1 THIRD; I save you money when you buy . C from me Give us a call. Thanking my many customers for their past patronage and aaking them a continuance of th same, I am YOURS TO PLEASE, D. H. rail THEY LJftE HERE! And are offering the NICEST LINE of COO D S I W D U ft RL ... - - i . . . " at Prices to suit the TIMES- tuo iunmuife ui uu.yAiig guuus examine our COMPLETE STOCK, AND YOU WILL SEE THAT "ITT 11 a n-r W li UAiN SAVE YOU RIONEY. Thanking our many Friends for their past patronage and asking & QQUtinuaaoe of t&Q same, we are VERY RESVECTFUULY FLEMING fc CO. DefikCrTlncr Prolan We desire to say to our citizens, that fo years we haxe been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Dr. King's New Life Pill. BucklenNi Arnica Salve and Eleotrio Bitters and have never handled re medies thai sell so well, or that have give such universal satisfaxAfcin. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every tinaet and we stand ready to refund the purchase nrioe. if sfttiafno.. . - wiry results aa not follow their use. These re media h&v(. t,oi. popuinnty purely on their merits. Harperds Hood Druggista, a lrOeuncel llopelr.t Ye r ruifl lener Wri'Aen Uy Mrs. Ada EilH1i r rs o tx - HUM, Of liTOton, S. D.. we quote Waa taken with a bad old. whiehj seuien on my L,unga. cough aet in and finally terminatad in PtnDnmn tion. Four doctora gae me up, say ing I could Jive but a short time. gave myself up to my Saviour, deter minpd If I could not stay with, my frienda on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My hnsband was advised to get Dr. KlngV. New Dis. covery for ConsumpUon, Coughs and Colda. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottle.; it haa cured me. and thank God I am uow a well and hearty woman." Trial bottlei free Harper & Hood's Drugstore, regular aze. 5oc. and $1.00, STORE Furnish yon Anything LINE, :o: HOOD. c 0' A EUppr Orphan. XIL KBSToa CoKtm Oet. "90. Ia our rpbim a;laia hre Uiere is 1 you-old ehlU tbt had ben mfering for yrt from eervoiMXMas to Booh an extent that aba Of tUmM te tb lgbt fk op. and with fear de yleted on Try leature atKl 1a delirioni con dittos, would sek prQtectjjloi mcm$ the older people) from an Imaginary porsmer. and ooukj wyvUagtea&dU&ciUtT b gUi pat to bed. ! it mriuy. r Koemd whuaont Yiiith. I Wiod to oUem the cUWU od 1tx1 th. of Pastor Konl2a Nerre Tonic and kindly JuxnUhjed at several botU of ity The first boU ajfeavod. a mark4 fcapaTatoaot. and after aeiogtbe aecoad bote and op to the present time th child is a kajtyy aad eon tan ted being. 11 thoae s offering troux aervoaanees shoold ek xefnge in Passov Koeaig's Mrve Tonic FREE"S Dlsejue wr.t free) to any s4drMV ua poor ,suenta en also oms tau luadiclA. tre of ehars. Tbl remedy b.Mjpeea prepared by e Kererl Pastor Koeniir. of fort Wtrue, (4 eiaee IS aad l now pprd un!r kl ltivcUoV toe KOKNIQ C3EO. ?Q.qrtleec)f III. 8oi4by DnKreist at per TioiiU. for 07; I aBottiM6re. EUCKUrS ARKICA SALVE. The beat Salve in the world fef Cuta, Brniaea. Korea, Ulcers, Salt Theutn. Fever Swea, Tetter, Chap ped Hands. Chilblaina Cams, and all Skin Ejptiona, and positively cure Piles, ox no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, r money refunded Price 2 cents per box. For sale by Harper & Hood. i