THE TIMES. TIIL'USDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1802. MATTERS OF LOCfcL INTEREST. Pkkshyti'KIAX Services every first iiiilay Mt 11 in.. :uid 7 p. in. 1ev. G. A. Ilouait, Pastor. Mi:riKniST. Servic! ilie 4th Suu ,',,v :ii H a. m., and :it night at 7 p. m. j, , ,t Sumhy night :it 8::U) p. in. nuuduy 4;-IkmI :it t p. in., Prof. D. IJ. Parker, rinteinleiit, IIkv. J. I). Pkgkam. Pastor. PniMITIVE RAITST. Services Sit in tit aiil Suiulay morning; lef.i tlie tliir l SiiMilay in each month. Kew Hukxick. Wood, Pastor. Il sCirl-KS. Services :$r;l S'.ititl iy in f.,h iiMiiitli. morning ami night. Sim , . .School at 4 p. in., every Sunday. Fr.ivcr Mt-vting every Tluirstl.ty night. 1;ev. C. YV. IlowAiti), Pa-tor ('. W. 15. M. meet every Moud.13- night .iftcr tlie -.1 ami 4th Sunday iu each ill Cltll. PaVtist. Services every 2. id and 4th .;':,.! iv at 1 1 a. in., and 7 p. ir.. Snn i !tni at iiz'.iO a. in., It. G. Taylor, ;s i !. I'rayer Meeting every Thur sd-iy -'-ni:ig at 7. I Ki:v. V. F. Watson, Pastor. I nix-WiLL IJai'TIST. Servhres on '.Sx.ud Sunday at 11 o'clock a'ld on 4th Sanday at 5 P- i-1- Kkv. U. A. Joiixsox, Pastor. LOCAL. We regret to say that Rev, K. Johnson remains quite sick yet. A. Mr- J. K. Godwin went up to Ral- Monday to serve on the Jury tin's week of the Federal Court. Mr. G. Rosenthall of Iialiegh, suc ceeds I). W. liain as Grand Secretary of the Masons of the Stale, The Headlight says a girl bady which was born to a Ordile inSauls tun township re-ent'y, was named Mary Ellen Lease. We did not know there- wit a so many office seekers in t!ie Democrat ic parly until since, Cleveland was elected, but this is the first opportuni ty they ever had the fun of being candidates so we will excuse them this t;me. The State Laplist Convention meets in IJaKigh on the 8'h of Dec. and coiene.4 until the loin, isro. in.i , .... - - - I I in writing to the delegates savs : Let to the convention wilh new squeaking bor ts or'slioes on, ex j cept he keep; s'ill after gottinj m ta'cs the North Carolinian. there Mr. W. C. Douglass of Carlhage, :.i.d who our people leineuiber well for the impressive speech he made here still lingers on some of our minds, is spoken of for Assistant District Attorney, While he is not in our District, we would like to see him have the place. if The State Seed Law requiring all packages to be marked, the date the heed weae grown, was decided to be unconstitutional by Jude Goif in a special session of the U, S. Circuit Curt held at Wilmington last week. The truckers and seed-men will hear this with pleasure, The State Returning Board meets 'today to canvas the returns of the election. The Hoard consist of the Gover.or. the Secretary of the State, tiie Attorney General and two Slate Senators appointed by the Govenor. lie has appointed Hon, James 11. P011 of Johnston and W. D. Jlender s n, (ed,) a republican from Vance, and the only republican that will be in the Senate this session. It is said that Ex. Congressman AVaddell's name of Wilmington will 1 fnr ntmointment for first Assistant Postmaster General uuder Mr. Cleveland, Mr. Waddell was chairman of the Com, on Post Oiliees and Post Roads in the 44th, Congress and is well fitted to fill the position of- Assistant Post Master General and his many friends of the old North State would like to see him there. Wednesday evening while Mr, Alex. Norris, a farmer living about a mile from here, was out 111 the woods with his three boys cutting sume saw logs, two of thtm were cut ting a tree down and his son about 12 years old was laying uear by rest when the tree began falling it 0 a struck one near knocking off some limbs one of which fell and killed JunS rsorns instantly. Mr. Morris was al:i strtiL-k b3T some ot he tab '"S limbs and seriously hurt, but Jhxk ho sv 1 1 1 get well. Solicitor Ed. W. Poti i9 quite sick a lid unable to attend Harnett Cou-t tliis week. Cards are are out announcing the marriage of Dr. J. Hill Daniels of tliis place, to aiss Lula Leverelte of Cecil. Ga. Mr. Julius Culbreth, one of nr most gallant a.d handsome young men, spent Sunday and Mondav in Fuyetieville -'on business." - M:ss Mabel Harrell left Tuesday tnorningj H.r Washington City, where she will spend the winter with rela tive. Mr. T. R. Hood of Smitl.field, N, C. spent Monday night in the city with Mr. D. II. Hoo I, Mr. Allen B. Godwin is having :. i i- . . . 4uue a .arge nvery stable e ected on the lot behind DupreeJ & Line's store. Services at the Iiajitist church wifl be held twice a month o.dv. On the second and fourth- Sundays. Rev. W. F. Watson, we are glad to say, will be the Pas'.or another year. The M. K. Quarterly Conference was held Saturday with Ihe church lure- All thechurches in the charge were represented. Sunday Presiding Elder Ogiesby proached and the sac rament was administered. Cleveland seems at last to have 278 I-ytectorul 0ie3. Harrison 133, Weaver 28 Uis majority over Harri son alone 14.0, over Weaver 416, over l oth Harrison and Weaver together 112 Cleveland carried California. Mr. N, A. Smith our representa tive elect fiorn this county will uard the interest of every class of his con stituents while in the legislature and you ma- bi-sure he will never cast a vole for anything that he thinks will be against the tanning class of people, he is one himself and knows tome of their needs, Winston seems to be unfortunate. Last week the hustling town was yUited by another disastrous fire, laying into ashes the Zinzendorf llotl, one of the tines; hotels in the Slate which cost $12"). 000. It was insured - for $100,000. The man aers propose to rebuild soon. On WednesdayTpf last week Mi.s Todie McLean, one of Harnetts most Donular :in 1 sweet voun? ladies, wa led to hymens '.nr by Mr, Alext Campbell of .Ajberdeeu. The in rt risge took place' at the residence of 4he bride's mule, Hon. D. H. Jlc L "an, Tiie happy couple left im-mcdiat- 1) for the Lome of the groon . Some one suggest, some new ente; irise to le started iu our town? We IJeeil somc kin1 of raanufaCtur, tii c?tabii-hm nl in our midst. c ma!; plenty of nearly all kinds of r..w m.,leri;ii in t!j;s section, so we might utilize that per cent, on it by m:uiufae'. uriu at home TSie University Foot Ball Team have bout in all the games they have p'ayed this season. They cleaned up S ulh Carolina and Georgia and on Saturday last played a match game with the University of Virgi nia in Atlanta. Ti;e score resulted in 27 for North Carolina and nothing for Virginia, a skunk. So our boys are now the champions of the Sou:h. The lawyers who wera in atten dance at the Liliington Bar this week were Judge Buxton and II. McD. Robinson ot Fayetteville, Mr. W. E. Murchisou of Jonesboro, Col. Argo of Raleigh, Messrs. D. H. Mc Lean, O. J. Spears, L. B. Chapin, F. P., Lee J. Best, Col. Jno. A. Spears and J, A. Farmer, oi Harnett. Court convened Monday 'and tried one case, a negro boy for firing the jail who was then in jail. Judge Bryan sentenced h!m to 3 years in the Penitentiary. On account of the burning of the records with the Court House, in the recent lire, Court adjourned and made an order to re new all papers where pending suits had been entered, Among those who took an active part in our county campaign ami worked lor the Democracy of both State ar.d National success, were Hon, 1). H. McLean, exSenator J- A. Green and our chairman, Mr. J M. Davis. While our candidates did thtcr duty well and met the opposing forces at all times, these gentlemen Vtood ready to advance our cause when an opportunity presented. Mr. Davis managed the canvass with skill and success, the success that the good people of Harnett now feel proud of, He left no effort unturned, but alwa3-s dealing fair and square with the opposing parties. Hon. D. H. McLean and Mr, Green were a' ways found read3r to respond, and wnrLp, m.mmiiv t nrou7 1 tue UOLLeSL of tLe battle, and their valuable work cver be remembered by the Dem ()f thU county To these gen ;cess and thereby return ub jituded cir-jrt. thanks for their Mr.A. J. Turli- gtou w nt' down lo llmington to bfc the sights ,f Gala Week iu that cilj Messrs. Laudie and Mangrum of Clinton, formerly of the Caucasian, spent Tuesday night in town pros. I pcting for a newspaper opening. Mr, Josiah Carter of Dismal,!. C. h spendin a fe(f d ,a Dunn and 1 ; , ., .....,. . """it wr. j ii. unniei sireaimenL i for Cancer. The Dr. is meeting with wonderful success in every case. The Progressive farmer makes an appeal-to ihe Alliancenien to stand together and make it a non partisan organization, but slill it says there ! demands are the same now as before j the election. That does not harmon- j ize fluiLe riS!,t t( I Madam Humor, who is ahvavs irv- ; ing into young folks secrets, says i that twu olher wf our business young I men wiU ere lon takc l,1,to U,eni" j S"lve3 a bctler h:ilf tu coramen t,ie New Year with. ,'Thc much talked of comet fr Sun-1 day night failed to be visible in this section to the naked eye, The As trcmioner?-, like all other people, mis calculate sometimes, and we judge this was one of the times. New.'; came to us yesterday that Fayeiteville had a big fire eaily yes tesda3- morning. Some 9 or 10 stores were burned, among them Mr, Frank Bcasley's Jevvlery store, McDullies Drugstore and others, did not learn the names. We arc uot able to give any f the particulars about the fire. We met the other day, what we term a singular man to live in this age he said he was GO years old, and had never given a mortgage, never been a juror, never been a witness in court never li id a law suit, and had never given but one or two plain notes, men like he comes 011I3' one lH a pack age, and never more one & k rge. i . " . Rev. Sam Small preached in Ral eigh at Edenton stTet Method st chuich Sunday and Sunday niglP, to a crowded audience &t the morning service and at night, Lis alrcad3' wide reputation as an eloquent speaker had been spread over the city so that several hundred, who went out to hear him, were turned awy being unable to eveu secure standing room in the gallery. On Wednesday night Mr. Small delivered his great leol'ire on the subject : "From Bar-room to Pulpit," at Metropolitan Hall, aud no doubt would have had quite a large vud'encei had the night not been so chilly. Tuesday night as had been annou'i- cul the m n of the Piii oma tlusii Literary Society entertained tiie towu with a Public Debate. The Query : Reso'vcd that women should be allowed to vote. Ou the All'ara tive Messrs. C, C. Fordhaai, K. L. Lee, F. R. Hall and Prof. Mason. Ou the Negative Messrs' II, LvGud win, G. A. Bain, McD. Higgs and J. W. Smith. The school hall was packed full, a: d most of the ladies of the town gave their presence to the occasion. The youug men made j interesting and breezy speeches and acquitted themselves with credit. Alter the debate the question was decided in fuor of the Affirmative side by the committee. NOTICE. I have a pair of good mu ;:- I will sell cheap for cash or ou time. J. G. Layioij, Ji:. dec 1st hn. Dunn, N, C, GBOVEB CLEVELAND. Grover Cleveland is our leader. The good, the true and brave. Wc have given hiui our ballots, And our laud he will save. j CHORUS. Hold thejfort fo.- we are coming, Democrats must win. Now, thelitis .an have their outing, And the outs go in. Illinois sends her kindly greeting. From the far olf west. Gf all her grand aud noble staLesmen. She gives us the besi. Hold the fort, etc. Thanks to Harrity, son of Erin, All the way from Cork. 1 He met the Rads at Harlem river. And saved to us New York. Hold the fort, etc, Now, Grover dou't forget Bill Whit nev, Diekerson. and the rest, J Of those grand men, good jolly feN lows, Who did their level best. Hold the fort, ec Can's elected. Carolina's Governor, IIonet, modest and plain. ! He kicked against SL Louis platform,; j Hut got theiejust the same. Hold '.he furl, etc. j North Carolina's gallant Siinra' ns, Foremost in the fight, Nev r laid down his battle armor. (Till he put our foes to fl'ght. Hold the fort, etc. For Thomas Holt, retiring Governor, I've naught but words of praise, Mav he live in the hearts of a grate ful people A life of many days. Hold ibe fort, etc. Honor to Ransom, Jaryis, And all the noble ban I, Peebles. Who denounced the force bill and tarifT, From the mountains to the sand. Hold the for ,, etc. The Old North State, may heaven Lless her. Our free and happy land, She wiped out Furches, Exum and Wqjlsm And the whole of jjjrideon's baud. Hold the fort, etc, All ye loyal heed this warning, Don't be to bold and fast. Be patient, calm, don't bother Grover, Till a neck at. least has passed. Hold the fort, etc. When you've waited till uneasy, Wrile to the Prestdeui, And put your mcssagj on a postal, It will cost you but one cent. Hold the fort, etc. Well! Us oyer, go tell Benny, Grandpa to baby McKee, That Ruth will vnnt the White House nursery. Early in ninety-three. Hold the fort, etc, By an enthusiastic Seaboard Democrat in News & Observer. ' Died. On Wednesday Nov. 23rd Mr. Mal com McKay, Sr.of Suminerville, pass ed from this life. He was one of Har nett' s o'dest and raostesteemed citi zens. He was born and raised in this county and had lived more than niairs allotted time, being at his death 82 years oM. He lias been a consistent member of the Presbyter ian cliurch since his boyhood days. He had heen twice married, neither of his wives survive him. He leaves five children behind, three sons and two daughters, besides man' relativ ei and friends. Iu the death of him we truly say the children have lost an affectionate fathc, the county a goo i and highly esteemed citizen, and his community a most excellent neighbor and bene factor. This Times tenders most heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved ones in this their hour of affliction. At his home in Hectors' Creek township Harnett county, o;i No vember 12st, Mr, James T. Matthew passed from earth to an unknown world beyond, aged 19 years. He was a young man highly re spected by all who knew him. If he ever had an enemy we neyer knew it. He professed faith in Christ at the age of 17, and connected himself with Hectors Cre'-'i Baptist church, and lived the life of an exemplary christian young man. He was sick two weeks with Typhoid fever, and bore his-afflictions with which only a christian could fear ttiem. His church lias lost one of its promising yoVing members, society has lost one of its fairest flowers. But we weep not for Lira as we would for oe who' had no hope, we believe he has gone to the home of the' good. His remains were laid to "await the resurrection morn," at Olive Branch church. The funeral services were conducted by Rev, J. A. Campbell, his pastor, and was at tended by a large concourse of rela tives and friends. Weep not for death ! ,' 'Tis but a fever stilled, A ialn suppressed a fear at rest, A solemn hope fulfilled!,. The ipoonshiue on the slumbering deep. Is scarcely calmer. Wherefore weep ? Weep not for death ! The fount of tears are sealed. Who knows how bright the word light, T: those closed eyes reveal ? Who knows what holy love now fills. The heart that seems so cold and still. D. II. S, Eleciric Hitters. This remedy is becoming po weli known and su popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and is guaranteed to do all ail Hint is ciaiiueu. xjicuiuo uttKis will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidnevs, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Rheum and other affections caused by impute blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache, Con:ipation and Indigestion trv Electric Bittera intir.- i!lrn'5iin auaranteed. or ' refaniej.-price 50 cts. and $1.00 per bottle at Harper & Hood's Drugstore. I BUSINESS LOCALS. FLKMING & CO'S. IS Til L C H E A PEST PL ACE 1 N TO V N. -! 1 If you want tiie best Shirt in town; buy the "Royal Hiue" at Fleming & Co. Microbe Killer. Those sutfer ing witli Consumption would do well to get a jug of "Microbe Killer!' at : D. H. Hood's Drugstore before it is j to-j late. Wc have the nicest line of Neck ware in town. Fleming & Co. If you want nice dress trimings. remember our line is complete. Flem ing & Co. We hive now the latest style of Ornamental Buttons. Come 'and ex amine them before 30U buy. Flem ing A- Co. If yju want an all wool shirt you con get it at Fleming & Co si. If you want a nice Hat buy it from Fleming & Co., whie you can get it cheap. Fleming & Co. will sell you a nice, button s'.oe for $1.00. School Books, Sla'es, Crayon and and all School supplies at I). H. Hood's Drugstore. Fruit of the Loom at Fleming & Co's. for 9 cents a yard.- If you want a nice Tablecloth buy it from Fleming &. Co. at 20 cents per yard. If you are in need of Underwear remember lyon can bnv wool euits at Fleming Co's. cheap. If you want a nice pair of pants buy them from FlemiiTg & Co's. where you can get them cheap. If you want a nice pair of 40 cent suspenders buy them at Fleming & Co's. for 25 cents. Ladies, if j'ou want a nice belt buy it from Fleming & Co. Fleming & Co. will sell 3011 shoes cheaper than anybody in fownv Don't forget that we have the nicest line of clothing in Dunn, and that we will sell you a suit cheaper than you can buy them elsewhere. Examine before you buy.1 Fleming & Co, ' j Fleming & Co. have Ladies &h(;e3 from 50 cents per pair up. - J .1 1 Fleming & Co. have just received a nice line of cheap dress coats, over coats, ets, call aud exajniue . before you buy. Where did you get that coat ? At Fleming & Co.'s cheap store for $2.75, and it's all wool, Best "Quinine" at D. H. Hood's Drugstore for 50 cents per ounce. Glove Grain Shoes at Fleming & Co's for fl.00. Fleming & Co. carry a complete line of Gent, and Ladies Miles Dress Shoe. All School Books used in the pub lic Schools for sale at D- H. Hood's Drug-Store, School Books, you can. gpt any kind of school books at D. II. Hood's Drugseore, ; D, II. Hood will have a fine lot of Xraas goods and fire works this xmas. Don't forget to call at D. II. Hood's Drugstore whe in need of any thing in the dru line, He will save you money. "- . Those who bought Turnip Seed from me. last Spring now has has the chance of making $5.00. I will pay in cash $2.50 for the largest Turnip; $1,50 for the second largest, and $1.00 for the third largest. Bring 3'our Turnips, 3ou ma' get the prize. D. H, Hood. When Baby wai tick, we gave her Castorta. When ehe vu a Child, she cried for Castoria. When he became Miss, ehe clung to Castorta. When she bad Children, she gave them Castorta FIemil.g & Co, carry a complete line of Dress Shoes for both Gent's 1 t r and Ladies, The nicest line of Furs eyer brought to Dunn is now at Fleming & Co's. Fleming: & Co. have jut releived the nicest line of Trunks. .Valisefcnd Grip Sacks ever brought to Dunn, and t' ej' will tell you a leather Va j lisc for $1.00. Be sure ou ste our good3 befiTe you buy. I " 1 A ' ' li -r tw .it J A fc jTi FsA 1 ... . , ....v nt, vvwv-vvv for Infants and Children. "Caitori a e to well Adapted to children that I recommend it aa superior to as j precriptioa known to me." 11. A. Axchxb, 1L D., Ill So. Oxford St, Brootljn, X. T. "The use of 'CastoriA is bo universal and its merits so well known that it srnu a work of supererogation to endorse it Few air the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easj reach . " Carlos Makttk, D. D . New York City. Late Pastor Eloomingdale Eef ormed Church. ATTENTION! Come to see me, I am better prepared to sell you any goods you aecd' than ever before. My slock is now COMPLETE, and I can sell you CHEAPER than bvfore anything in the way of Gcneial Merehamhse'frooi. a paper of Needles to a box of naconr" and when you need a pair of Shoes come right on , here we can beat the town in Prices and quality Thanking you for the past favors, I remain, Respectfully, j. J. WADE, MRS. DELLA A. KOOWCE, Here we are to-day ready with a Nice Stocjc of , CHRISTMAS HATS, Every LADY wants a new HAT for CHRISTMAS and this is the place toget one CHEAP. Come in and see our GOODS be--" fore buying, We will give you something NICE and SAVE YOU MOSEY. - We have ALL Prices and we are sure wo can PLEASE YOU, ' Give us a trial and be convinced tliat we sell GOODS CHEAPER ELSEWHERE. sep 20 IVoW Try TiaiN. It wiil cost you nothing and sure ly do 3-ou good, you have a Cough, Cold, or any trouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to give re lief, or money will be paid. back. SulH rers from La Grippe foftnd it just the thing and under its use had 'a speedy. ami perfect recove ry. .Try a sample bottle at our expense and learn for yousself just h-;w 'good a thing it is. Trial bott'e3 frea at Harper & Hood's Drugstore. Large size ooc. and $1.00. t ' J. A. FARMER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW DUNN, N. C. j Circuit ; Harnett; Johnston, Samp son aud Cumberland. Collections a specialty. Prompt attention given to all i:si ness pla. ed in hand. POE'S. t'AUM-MT COI'Xi; V. N c. rev-j a. carnPeau I'io.'-jp!- RIRS. J. A. CARPBiLL, Asutant. Ninth session opens Dec. 5th, 1892. Good building lod enrolled last year.' Over 250 enrolled since school, was founded; 30 of whom havo beem teaching. J , . Vocal Music and Pennraanship Free, 50 per cent, discount to ministers, their children, orphans, or the child, ren of widows, - . Tuition from $1.00 to $3.00. Good board, including washing, $0,50 to $7,00. ... For circulars or other infoi rration, apply o tle Principal, nov 17 '92. . - NOTICE! Having qualifie 1 as Adminislra trix cu the estate of T. J. Hunt, on j the 22nd day of Oct., 1892, notice is .i,.,., ...... , T ,, , to e 0 sa Hunt tQ make immejiate payraont and set- j jtlement, or the claims will be put io J the hands of an officer lor collection;! , ,, , . , . and all persons having otaims against, said estate will present them for pay- meut on or beft re the list dav of Nov. 1893, or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recover). This Oct. 22ad. 1S92. Flcka J. Hunt, Adars. oct 27 CL CattAria euros Cone, OoMttpatfoa, Sour Stomach, Diarrhaaa. Krucuutoft, : i faction. Hthout injurious " sires weep, aw medication For several rears I kave reaammifc&g your Castorta, ' and thaUaJwayi ewmaa? do so as ith&j j Invariably produced bt 'hg. Jk result." Eowiir F. Pakd4 ZL XyJ The Winthrop," lliXU Street aad Tih XewYovkCka Tms Cstac CoMPurr, 77 Mm rat Stust, Ytww i- TCiari:-jrT1i,Li.r..T,,.-71.: " -Ui. MRS D. A. KOONCE, DUNN,,N. 0. LEE J. BEST, Attoriiey-itl-Iaigr . DUN N, N. C - Will practice in Harnlt, at lining Counties. Special AlteibUt -given to collection of claim- W. E. MfKCDISOJf, Joiipsboro, N. C. V. B. Cbajc. -LiUiaa.X . ATT0ENE -LILLINGTON, N. Oilice fronting Court Hoase." April-21-92. I D' 11. J. II DANIEL. . DUN, HARNETT CO. w IIa. met with most wondarful ioi.;. ces in ihe treatment of Cancer.. ; Write to him for one of his pan..' p!i3( ts on XJttnecr and its treatment. it-!' .mrlrnvQ In Mr. ftnd 5irs. Loren Trotcott ate, keepers of the Gov. Lightkoase t 4 v Sand Beach, Miss., and are blessed 4 witrf a daughter, four years old. Last, April she was taken down with Meas les, followed with a dreadful Cough, and turning inco a Fever. Doctors,' at home and at Detroit treated ber, but in vain, she grew worse rapidly, until she was a mere "handful of bones." Then &he tried Dr. King, New Discovery for Consumption ana after the use of twa and a half bot" ties, was completely cured. They siy Hr. King's New Discorery lt worth its weight in gold, yetyoa mv get a trial bottle free at Harper, Hood s Drugstore, ': ft ire n -1 h aud IlcaUli. If you are not feelinsr itrmnf nrl j healthy, try Electric Bitters. If "La 4 p. "J i GriW h" loft "eak and wesn'. f K.tclr:G UllT- ThU remedy acts directly on Liver, Stomach sod Kidneys, gently aiding those organs Ui perform their functfong. If yo "1, ?5lh-81 yoa11 -'" oiwy nan permaoentreiier by i-ki-.g Electric Bitter On tPial j will convince -u that this fg th remody Vou neetl. Large rWtlles on- ly ooc. tt Harper & Hood's Drur More. It ili pay ym iy advertise Tjie Tim , It