v 1 Ti-iTnni) mm A 1.00 Per Annum, in Advano (. K. GBANTHAM, Editor Bonder Unto Oacsar the Things that are Oacsar'6, Unto God, God's. '' 1 1 ' ' - II .- - f : " VOL. II. DUNN, HART CO., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1892. NO. 42 I a T Ste OH tsu.a.1 get uuju, avely rode to win or die. HE MODERN KNIGHT. Eis eld was briSht that Knight of old, wu Cvord was keen, his courage high j In sk; .e tierce ho sought his fame, tbo tourney sword to sworJ; -tesy his greatest shame ( iy's smile hi3 best reward. irs no shield, our modern Knight, tiering sword or lance he wields, r il he knows the keen delight : courage finds in warring fields. ,r the ball beyond the goal, heck the rush, to tackle tru3 - e as much the striving soul t or combat used to do. - 1 ; ; -i. r ; ' I DIXIE NEWS. The Sunny South Gleaned and Epito- . mizea. -MUST PAY BACK FREIGHTS. In!- lie t. V. T ' ' T- Ir;' i AU the News and Occurences Printed Here is Condensed From. '1ST A I! fugitive verses. v - bo shall say that courage high not its place in modern life, -V -n thronging thousands testify t manly iove for manly strife? o ;r Knights that nobly play -their parts k-.jw the fciern joysthat warriors feel. - invas jackets cover hearts brave as ever beat in 6teel ! Outing. HUMOR OF THE DAT. s r ft answer will kill where a club wo ;: V fail. Ram's Horn Tr pre are men who tire themselves al fno ito death looking for an easy place. -.Rain's Horn. i, ,-cn't the "flierhtv" poet who is re sponsible for all the Ho;ton Courier. The humorists of this country seem to hav- made a butt of the goat. Phila ..hbia Record. Broom "So you are on your wedding our, eh?" Groom (sadly)4 'No; a lec ture tour!" Truth. la his moments of abstraction even the pickpocket thinks time is money. Philadelphia Times. Trie trouble is that you never know when you've got enough until you've got too rnucli. Puck. People who are always looking trouble generally run when it looks them. -Milwaukee Journal. A-roan who lives last cannot expeui, that enjoyment will keep up with him. Binghamton Republican. Coasting is very excellent sport, but, like some other amisements, it has its drawbacks. Somerville Journal. Gay "The Widow Weed wears very heavy mourning." Day "Yes; but she doesn't feel as black as she is dre3ied. Puck. All sorts of vexations attend the par lor matrimonial match. Even the lamp . is frequently put out over it. Bingham ton Leader. There are some men who can't take "home a beefste. k without believing they are taking their wife a preseat. At chison Globe. More people with patent leather shoes on borrow money they never pay back than men who wear shos that are patched. Atchison Globe. The next thing a long-suffering public learns will be the fact that gas compan ies are putting pneumatic tires on their gas meters. Ohio State Journil. Man goes tD law to get his right, (Of common sense oereim for for for Ignoring that in such a fiat, All others have got left. Boston Transcript. "What coat of arm? is tnat on wie panel of your carriage?" "Give it up. Had to have it stuck on before we. could enra"e a footman." New York Her aid.. Men are a good deal better collec tively than they are fndividually. M '.ay a man will do thatfprivately which he will denounce in a crowd. Atcnisou Globe. As a rule, a man who has a mustache he can twist, or whiskers he can stroke, as ionn uii"uo r J who hasn't. Atchison Priscil is three times mind as one Globe. Not Deceotive-r In 4 1 W h on riharlift nroDOsed to me the did look so silly. ella "Well, no wonder." New York herald. There's plenty of room at the top, but you shouldn't tell an ambitious artist so just as he is on the point of sending his Dicture to the exhibition Somerville Journal. Mr. New "On the stage they always have such dolt, woodeny actors to rep resent dukes and kings." Mr. Know "Yes; that's so to hvc them true to life." Puck. Botes "Hello there, Joggs, what are you going to do with that keg of powder'!" Joggs "I am. going to try " to blow myself away from a porous plaster that is on my back. '--Harvaru Lampoon. Admiring Neighbor-"Do you think the pretty pet is going to rbeKllk.e, father." Fond Mother-"I should n t be at all surprised. He keeps me up every night, as it is, and is fractious in the morning." " 1 j . - Vmwa an it. Mr. Bronson "JLia you teresting subject preseatei for your con sideration thi morning at church. Mr Bronson-"Very. But I couldn t make out whether the, lace trimmings were real or imitation." New York Drummer "How do you account for the gradual decrease m t:me between New York ana tmc- v caga Drummer (disdainfully) Cni cago, sir, is rapidly growing in an east erly direction." Jewelers' Weekly. Professor (to class in surgery) "The right leg of the patient," as you see, u thn the left, in consequence o hich he limps. Now, what would .yoc Of tni3 Kinu; Newi Vice CJol. Anthony, resigned, Capt. Armfield. of Statesville, was Thursday, at charlotte, elected colonel ol tne 4m regiment of North Carolina. H. A. Bolton, of Mullins, 8. C, was in Wilmington, N. C, last week search- ing ior ms wne anu iwu lumucu . ran awav from home. Albeit Gould Glover has bsen arrested in Philadelphia charged with obtaining 12,500 on fraudulent prcten es irom ins Asheville, N.C., Kaolin Company. At Fayetteville, N. C , Wednesday mornins a fir cutirelv destroyed eight stores, the losi being $10,000, about one half covered by insurance Bob Maynard, a well-known horse jockey, committed suicide at Columbus, Ga , by shootiog himself. Citizens hanged two men to a tele griphpole at Benton, Bossier parish, La. Magee and Carmichael were theii names. Mgee shot and ; killed Mrs. Ellie Liugle, aud Carmichael was acces sory. The new College Hotel at Florence, Ala was burned to the eround. Noth- iug saved but the trunks of a few guets. The recent rise in cotton has, it is said, put fortunes into the pockets of several Charleston, 8. C. , men. One buj cr is re potted as having made $100,000, another $40,000, while several are $10,00T better off than they were at the begining of the season. i At Charleston, S. C, Napoleon La ville was sentenced for .the third time to be hanged-for the murder of his wife iu this city, reo. ID, loutj.- ' The following are new enterprises the past week : The people's Slaughter-House & Re r . o .:n Vx.,;iri on d nnii ingerauug , wm uuw nlant at New Orleans,- La. The Osceola Sugar Cc, of Kissimmee City, Fla., to erect sugar mills, etc., capital stock $1,000,000. . The Sumter (S C.) Water Co., capital stock $65,000. The Palmetto Fur Co., of Columbia, S C 1 A $50,000 cotton mill company at Con cord, N. C. A $160,000 cotton mill company Aiken, S. C- The Missionaiv Ridge Farm Co., o! Jackson, Tenn , capital stock $25,000. The Great Southern Fibre Co., to man ufacture fibrous goods at Ohnleston, S. C, capital stock $50,000. The Fulton Brick Co., of Richmond, Va., to make brick and tile, capital stock $100,000. ' t The Ashland Coal & Coke Co. , of Mc Dowell. W. Vat. capital stock $200,0: 0. The Jackson (Te in ,) Woolen Mills, capital stock $55,000. Another cotton mill is being organized at Concord, N. C. A negro boy who was subject to fit fell into a well while drawing water near Princeton, Johnston county, N. C, was drowned. It swelled up, no doubt. A Peters burg,' Va., dispatch says William Tucker died in Sussex county from overfeeding. The evening before he ate one gallon of tronU. hsh. half a eallon of coffee and crackers mixed together, and half a gal Ion of water and crackers, a pound of dry sugar and a lot of pork and bread. Gov. Holt of North Carolina made re quisition on the Governor of Sou h Caro lina for Hoke Qecrest, the notorious wife murderer. Gov. Tillman ioforms him that B. E. Gray, alias Hoke Kecrest, is in jail at Spartanbu g, his offence bing a very aggravated assault, and that bis two-years term ot imprisonment win em pire in November, 1894, at which time North Carolina can liave him. There are rumors at Coal Creek, Ttnn that the outside miners arc again organiz ing and will give serious trouble if the cfmvicts are not sent away before judge Turney, the newly-elected governor, enters into office. The mineis think that if ! convicts arc not there: when the it - Interstate Commerce Commission Sustained on a Florida Decision. Jacksonville, Fla. In the United States District Court Judge Swayne made an order sustaining the decision, of the Inter-State Commerce Commisiion in the famous orange rates suits This order enjoins the Savannah, Florida and West era Railroad Company and Ocean Steam ship Company from charging higher freight rates on oranges to Eastern pointj than allowed by the Commission to be "just and reason able." Prior to 1890 the. rate had been 30 cents per box to New York, and proportionately to all Eastern points.' Jn November of that year all the railway and steamship lines made a com bine, raising the rate to 40 cents. An appeal was taken to the In4 er-State Com mission, which some months lat r re j dered a decision establishing the rate o! 35 cents to New York, and proportion ately t3 other Eastern points. The com mission, however, is not clothed with powers to enforce its decisions. By to day's or lcr a rebate of five cents per box is ordered to be paid to fill East ern shippers of fruit since November, 1893. This will a igregate $200,000 for the two years, and nearly $23,000 on fruit shipped si far thn season. The JAY GOULD DEAD. "Wi-i-d nf Wall Street" No I f 1MU v ' More. A BOY OF FIFTEEN HANGED. "TU RfJJJ Qf fASHlOH. He Ii-ft a Fortune of $60,000,000 to $100,000,000. f f - - Just Before He Was Taken to tne Gal lows HeAskediflt Would ; Hurt Much. . Macok, Ga. The execution of Willis Bell, the 15-vear-old negro boy, convicted of the murder f a deputy sheriff of Bibb countv, took place in the jail yard. Bell appeared to be indifferent to his fate al most up to the 4 ast moment He said that be was going to neaven. " ing pinioned hi asked repeatedly if it would hurt rnucn ioj oe nauiu. leaving the jail the tears flowed freely down his cheeks and he trembled con tinually. The hanging was private, only the sheriff, two assistants, the clergyman and the relatives of the condemned be in" admitted. The neck was broken. Bell was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Wilder on May 29, last, on the charge of of petty larceny. On the way to inc jau he draw a pistol through the head 5. ... --a WHAT TO WEAK AND HAKE IT. HOW THEY 1 and shot the deputy ; BRUTAL MURDER IN MOORE. i - i Two Helpless Women Shot Down and : a Man Bobbed of His Money. Fayetteville, N. C Passengers on the Yadkin Valley train report a shock ing tragedy and wholesale murder, in Moore countv. near Euphonia. In the evening about 7 o'clock a colored man- en jaged at work on the rauroaa irom uuu tn Vfivser. knocked at the dooi of Ron- dole McDonald, and upon entering the hoine walked across the room and picked up a gun, at the same time drawing a pistol from his pocket and demanding of McDonald that he give up his money. At this juocture of the proceedings Mc- New York City. Jay Gould, the great financier, died Friday morrimg at 9:15 o'clock, conscious to the end, and sur rounded bv his family. Mr. Gould's disease was probably con sumption. The services were held at the family mansion and conduced by Dr. John R. Paxton, assisted by Chancellor McCraKen and Rev. Roderick Terry. The inter ment was at Irvington on the Hudson, where the body of Mrs. Gould reposes. To Build an Elevator at Charleston. f'nmr irsTnv S. C Prominent bus- iness men and railroad officials of Char lDetnn nr flfritatinj? the Question of build ing a grain elevator here. Efforts here tofore made to attract Western gram to this port for foreign shipnunt win ue -nCi,mp1 and redoubled and the accom- Full of Hydrophobia Potients. New York. The parlor of Dr. Gib- ier's Pasteur Institute in this city held more hvdsophobia patients than the in ttitute has ever before 'seen at one time x - a vsar i hprp. vrere iu patiente grouped in the. room, . iney noma fmm North Danville. Va., under the care Dr. Anderson, of North Dan ville They were ail bitten by a skye terrier puppy in that city. A seven-year- a f i l!ii. k 4Ka lAfr old bov, who was aiso oineu uj -6, :a i.'cf VriAv of hvdrophobia, and this caused the exodus of the hydrophobia patients from Danville to urn city. New" Desists 3Fo Costumes' Show s Pieaainr Variety A Dainty Bonnst and a Girl's School Hat. Y READERS TO THE J ( number of half a dozen J I V have written to ask Vwhy I did not give fashion sketches of backs as well as fronts. So I do every once in i while, and right here I show two views of s new houss gown. It may be taken as a model by those who make their own dresses na -who want to see bow skirts are now be ing cut and draped. A pleasing variety is dis- ceroable in the newest designs for costumes; ind wbile there are several radical changes be noted in the length of skirt and the fashioning of the bodice, it may be sareiy ij i,.t ;r a.v. Trnmnn will wear indi- KBCl i vi " ridually the style that suits her best, she rill be able to indulge in the pleasing con- u A. LITTLE GIBL'SCLOAX. an $80,00li n,,M c L Marv and Christine, nlishmect of the scheme now seems more I . a iL. .a,Ja. I l l 1 aV n. nntr VrVirkl1R time. at lpfT!iri to remonstrate with the intruder, while McDonald raised the alarm. There upon the negro opened fire upon the poor, belpless ana aeienceiess womcu, a"6 one outright and moi tally wounding the other At the poi -t of a pistol McDonald was then and there forced to give up an his money, amounting to about thirty-five dollars. Indignation runs high through- out the community in wmcn iub crime was committed, and the guilty party will be summarily'jdea't with as soon as found cut. Death of a Gallant Army Officer.) ru. Brevet Brigadier Gen t!k- tt Jackson, lieutenant i i t ia Fourth artillery. TJf,v evening at McPherson Barracki and will be intened at West Point lie was born in Ire'and July 14, 1830, and enlisted in the United States army De- k.io iftst jisa rjrivate. He was suedes iveiy promoted to every rank from successive j i . opening ol pr ,t. -r;;V.ire war recordVas bril ?rv" n thfi war Col. Jackson in h Indian troubles in Florida, m - ..Kahlp than at anv previous Railroad authorities announce that lines operatiug in Charleston will be heartily in cxrmn.thv V.'itll aU undertaking to build an elevator and would co-operate th(J Indian Territory and Nebraska with the projectors, and say mere is no nuestiou of the fact that if the movement f..r the building of an elevator be assured, such traffic arrangements from Western points w u'd be established at onc3 as would coinm vnd the coming of an abun dance of gr in to th's port. IN lrifc TUlLiS AT LAcST. Qlover Wdked Asheville Instead of the Mines. Ashevillh1, N. '. TLe arrest in Phil adelphia of Albert G. Glover, brings to liht a sensational story of his transac tions in Asheville. Glover came here two years ago from Coson, seeming to have an abundance of money. He was a hand some fellow and had tvery appearance of a polishsd and refined gentleman. After being cordially received into the best society and winning the confidence of everybody. Glover succeeded in organiz ing the Ash ville Kaolin Company to wnrlc ft mine in Jacksou couuty. He was made tie surer. .evtial promioent bu?- pal Church iness men were mauccu 10 laaesiotK anu they put up mouey for the supposed mining scheme. In the meantime Glover managed to borrow large sums of money from various sources. Kaily this year he disappeared, leaving his Asheville friends nothing to show ior tneir invest ments except numberless liabilities The kaolin property prov. d w nthless and the company fouud i'self out of pocket upwards of $17,000. Dr. R II Reeves is said fo have bst fully $9,000 through Glover The arrest of the man in Phil adelphia is ou the charge of obtaining o. roo from the kaolin company under false p etenses and Glove, will be brought here for trial as soon as xao riquismuu can be had Other ch rges are p nding. No Show for the Negro. Charleston. S. C Rev. E. H. Coint, pastor of the Wesley Methodist Episco pal church (colored), has resigned, and will join the African Methodist Episco pal church. In a published card he gives as his reasons for his resignation the fact? that the negro has no show in the Methodist Episcopal Church, prin cipally on account of his color, and taut because color stauds as' a barrier against his promotion, it is probable that Coint -will be followed bv other members of the church. There arc several colored chu-ches here b longing to the Method dist Conference, which is distinct from the Methodist Episcopal Church South and from the African Methodist iiipisco- I: is run by jNorthenraieth odists, and ms' of its pastors are 'white men. vnur Men to Hang at Same Time. Kr. i'or tnenrsv iiu"" four men win VhAKKFORT Li-i f tlilState from the same g11" " T "L;nl in me juouioiiit Vinnt UUf , , - ft t - lorpmnfira. Go Bowei, after a careful 3au f . se declined tc ?Sere and th death penalty must b pa?d Two of the murderers McCartj Jod kite, are white men, and -Thomas and Lewis are colored. A Quarrel Over a Cow Costs a Life. Fast man. Ga. W. H. Hughes, oi Emre. and J. W. Coffee, of Chaucey, hXnuanel at the station at Empire aoout ?he disposal of a co, r which Coffe, wreath of oats stop either side of the pretty mot ofhair, ard from here narrow velvet itrings are drawn to a knot under the ear. The strings are on one side, MustV the shade Df moss-green that looks prettiest in velvet ind that best harmonizes with the silvery rren of theoats. The' reverse side of the relvet is rose satin. Tfce bow under the ear f course, shows both ihades prettily. It 11 the better if the hair is the sort that will brighten against the silvery green or! toe oats. A brilliant yellow will scera a httla -RAish chestnut is charming under , mis bonnet if you are careful to get just the right rose color. For brunette change the rose color for scarlet, and make the blonde ftel herse" bestea on her own ground. CHINA'S SACRED LILY. . ft ePRlNGSFROM A F1SGER BOWL FILLED WITH V f PEBBLES ASD WATER. One of the most interesting of the newer varieties of flowers is -the Cliinese sacred lily which need only be laid on the top of a. little heap of clean, . neauuiui iwu v transparent glass dish or nnger now na.r A NEW tl TJ6E t OW his J II nrrhCQ TTiaUU III I nvi n knife, cutting aud killing him instantly. Hughes caped. viction that she is dressed in the most per fontte. This rule applies to all seasons for there is no more inartistic sight than wnman costumea accoramg .mj mode when this particular style mit her figure or complexion. Here is a good winter hat for a school gin It is a dark blue felt. The band, made as as the crown, is dirrk blue grosgrain the latet does not - nncrhpa and butch had purcu .-RM,lt upon hris-ht red satin spots. In the a i iiinia.cu vvf o throat es- Prun- I governor assumes control of State affairs they will not be sent back again, lhc labor contract fur convicts has four years mm vrt. and Captain Anderson, in charge of State troops now at Coal Creek, is determined to'suppress any attempted outbreak. POIilTICAIj ITEMS. as he can see of do in a case Chicago Student "Limp, too. Record. Charles James Fox, when canvassing Westminster, applied to a snopivcrp. fn. hi vnte and interest. Toe .mar produced a halter, with which, he said, ma Tr1v to oblige him. "Thank you," replied Fox, "for your kind oiler but I should be sorry to deprive you oJ BO vlubl family relic" My-uX. tk rnnnt of the electoral vote in "North Dakota is how neatly complete, and it will depend, .fina'ly, upon the votes of 120 Indians, whose rights to the ballot is contested Senator M. W. Ransom says that he is Wnt much impressed with the idea of an extra session of Congre.-s, no necessity for it. .senator Vn irbees. of Iudiana. i in fa- IVMMWV ' . -unr nf a called session of Congress ira mediately after the 4th of March, and is confident tht he reflects ine wisnes the Democratic party in his State. nbairmnn Murnhvsavs: "lhengut- f,,! Tiluralitv of Pierce, "the Weaver elec n oron is at least 2.000: for the first time in ovtr thirty-five ear3 the DoiMibHrfina have failed to obtain Ore- iVJ"vi.vw - gon's electoral vote." Tbo nffiri;il rount of V isconsin, re- Tinrted. is as follows :' Peck, Democrat, AA lJ.,niildtIOn liovernor, 1 , iyo, pwuu, ncjiuuiou, 170.354. , The N. C State canvassing board met at Raleigh and a aided to Thomas set tle, Republican, the certificate of ekcUon for Congressman. A. U. A. v imam was the TVmocratic contestant. Seven Tears for Kidnapping a wnua. Atlanta,' Ga.-Maud DuahMn, th neoro woman charged with kidnapping little Mtrie Manning several weeks .o. has been sentenced to seven years im pris. ment in the .nAUthtt is worth half a roil linn And it was to extort money from bin. th,it ihe chil was stolen Sold for a Song.) . o r TVi rheraw & SallS bury H.;lro,a sold at here and was Dougm-uj f5Q . Darlington Raiiroal Compa-yfor $5U, 000. State and Federal Authority Conflict. wx Va The United States Circuit Court grand jury returned indict- a., -j UnKort T-vlnr and Josepu menis iiaiuau ikuuvi J r IL Hulcher. luaces oi eiecuuu ii soi ward, Richmond, and3Iessrs. James Lyons, Jr., and Wm. J. urange, uu of Richmond, for violation ol tne r eaerai election laws. . ' The offense charged against tne io iudces is that, having ordered several deputy marshals irom me deputies refusing to obey tneir orae, they were committed to the city jail of Richmond under the State law which . ,i . .1 mnn all lllfl CPS Ol comers mat huiuuhvj u- j o election. , Me-srs. Lyons and Oranga took the marshals to the jail as directed by the thpir indictmeni. i uc A Peaceful Inauguration in Alabama. Montgomery, ALA.-The UvJJ tion of Thos. J. Jones to his second term, as Governor of this State took place at noon. The ceremonies were simple, as is usual, at the second installation of the same official. r-mef After the Governor's address, Chief. Justice Jones administered the oath ot office. Instantlj therea tertucvo - ery Field Artillery, stationed t . . . fiAinro Hill, fired the customary - Neither Kolb nor any of his support- aA in nv wav to disturb the CIS BlltlUvv ... J proceedings. There is every Hint iiicv ""-"- I , rri0 in and have decided to mike no effofttt declare Kolb Govcrno-, as has been moot ed for some time. nlain from Ambush. Rome. GA.-Newshas been received that Col. Jesse Ayer, a weaitny iar. near Lavender Mountain, was found dead ?ea., tVa r bis home Saturday mghl lu. . onen . The murderei wm? u rr-- . , , maQ f roro evi u -t fmnt this same ribbon app?ars tied with a bright red satin ribbon. The bow and short ends at tbe back are of ths plain satins. The heavy wire that stiffens the edge of the hat is twisted with blue and do .fucked the dead man ".".-L-a , A C.n. Aver's axe to amousu uuu - the work. Non-Union Men Leave Carnegie. Homestead, Pa. Oce hundred nonunion-workmen left the Carnegie Mil t in a body It is presumed that they were discharged. The mill officials refused tn make anv statement concerning them. on Capitol Thig remov"al will make an opening 101 the employment oi a corr.espuuuiuS - ber of men from the ranks of the strikers. indication inevitable and marshals' judges ; foo-alitv of the supervisors au hority will be tested in these casep. Inauguration of Gov. Tillman y- OpSIS OI XllB opi-' Colvmbia, S. C.-Gov. B. R. Till ..rA r;.,t nr fiarv were mauur . j ... v.n nf the House ol uof:. iv.-s the General Assembly k;;n ir,int.Pss:.on. The oath ot ol- iA-tnUt.roA bv Chief Justice lite una tv. . - f Mclver. Gov. Tillman made a bnel in which he said: "There have been troublous times in South Carolina - A Tita ion ana aiscussiuu, 1 I ! 1 W I "vvj r tKriifrbt Afsunst conserva . a" v t v Kp n -nut forward live inouguv. " w - - - r -j . .1 Lnt.nf that demand in tne J13 IUQ tJWJVw."- . . strtt which feeks ior oeiw: uuB, Patroling the Atlantic Coast. Washington, D. C .The order of the President detailing almost all the revenue vessels in. the service to patrol the Atlantic Coast has gone into effect, and from cow until April 1st the follow ing Government ships will be on duty to assist vessels in troub'e r Levi Woodbury, to cruise from Eas'port, Me., to Eliza -ltv. Mp Alexander J. Dalas, from Mt. 7 . a fAM . Cam. Desert, Me., to ii:oucesrer, jiaso. , uel Dexter, from Gloucester, Juass., 10 Newport. R I. ; U. 8. Grant, irom new port to Delaware Breakwater, including Long islana oinu; l.o .u .uvi. Abescom, N. J., to Bodies Island, N. C., William H. Crawford, the waters 01 Chcsape-kc Bay, and Schuvier VOiia, from Bodies islana to inanebwuu, o. . Will 3oon Take a Short Cut. w..nflw. D. C January 1st, th ! a fn.t Line will make a change in its route to expedite carrying the raaili by running through trains over the Short rprpntlv constructed from Wilson, N. C, to Florence, b. C. filled with water. It shoots up large, bright green ' leaves and strong stems which are crowned with great bunches of lovely wfctte flowers. These make especially good table decorations, as the glass dish may so easily tt set in the- silver Jardiniere Just before jin-.i.r and thev are particularly good draw- ing-room plants, as the buwtnay be put on the most delicately embroidered cloth with : perfect safety. il ft,- raiifnmla Turret IJuild" Oi the Pacific snider which . ft -r. A DAIKTT BONKET. the and Congressman Crawford to Marry. AsHisviLXE, N. C. Congressman , W. T. Crawford, Krpresentative oi . " l her new dress a combination district, will on Wednesday marry M ss f .kehern IntzComarr, a Haywooa The marriagerwill occur county lady. bright red cord. The hat is not a sailor, being a little narrower at the back than it if in front. Such a hat is pretty to start with. It will match your little girl's blue dress, a. - ua 1wivs has a blue dress, and you can " T -A 11 Ul UlUt ways pretty and Waynes- leave for Fletcher Murray, The wo- imnorta t progress, ana tome uwyj mj ability I have counselled the people m a w.iv which I believe will lead to impoit- Ladies Had tbe Best of It. icrx.T.r. N. C Early Bupday morning a colored man named rA a nnlnrea woman, vauiv auu - . , z , rrv.a tret. TSt r",'e. she man Rwore tuat i would shoot r ewner, ub.-i- - drew a pistol and gave n w "-""f ber to sEoot. She did shoot and the gul let lodged in Fletchers nip. is not considered nangeruua. In the eveni' g uctavia James Morris, colore g-K when the woman 6iooou - reft breSt with a knife, making a serious -wound. Jr near villa and the eroom and Driae Washington on the afternoon trin Eighty Elopes with nfteen. EVEHGKEE, Ai.A.-Ez.kiel i Morrow 80 years old, passed mrougu cirl of 15 he claims as his wife. I hey were elding, they said from her home near here, to Texas; because Mr. Mor row's grandchildren objected to the marriage- Vrnnrwed L&W ior liivwws. rft,rut fl. C In the House a bil w introduced providing for the grant and red, a combination serviceable. The little girls are deUghtfully pictures que in the new cloaks. Look at the one in ant re ults. if or tJolorea r-eopi Atlaut4 Ga. Chtisman Hall, a new prprted at a cost oi ov,wu, oSirated at Clark University (col fizht against the - - i . Carolina Lg siaiui , the education rd Governor JSortnen maue nhi .AAr congratulating the university upon its advancementn V,a norrrn rflPP The building is named in honor of Mrs. fv.c-m.n a i nrinprn woman, wuu tuza vujioi"", - . .., ttn onntna-ards erecting the Duiia ing. The former building was ourncu several years ago. Tt e present building was bui t by money received from ihe insurance companies and subscriptions Teceivrd in Northern States. TV, Insurance Men Are Up in Arms CaAiu.ESTON, H.-C.-Tbeinsurance men of Oi.r'eston a;e prepariuB - bill oeiore im - bv the terms oi nninir which every insurance compauj - business in t his State will have to deposit ax AAA .rth nf State Donus - b antee. The insurance men .. t Tit i t V, ' n rr bllt S tne oiu is "ulu "p ni method of disposing oi oonua. .-j, l? if the bill becomes a law two-thirds of the companies doing business w, I Dr. R C. Miot, who recently went from Co'-umhia, S. C, to Macon, Gv died in the Utter place, from an overds of morphine to allay nervousness. . ing of divorces upon the ground of adul ! j .niiinr. the husband to pa. the expense of the suit if he be the guiltj partv and his wife b- unable to pay. 1 fa not probable thit the bill will pass. Tne Fight Is Now On. Columbia, S. C.-In the House . ,olumino,s prohibition bill was introduc Ia Tirpnaref bv a committee of the lead ,"L 1" V.;Kitinnist of theState. Its pro i;fFn ar verv strict. A strong will be made against it. uZtZ. nf Prince George Wales to Pri-cess May of Teck is to be SficWlj announced after the year of moumin- for the Duke df Clarence, her former .fiance and Prince George's elder brother has expired Vew York dealers have nougnx au.u Turret Coast there u builds its , house, so t " . i u.ii1ior mannrf. and li. peas:, in verj - therefore, styled the California turre builder. It mines into the ground more or less perpendicularly to the depth of eight or ten inches, and from a quarter to a half inch in diameter. The size ol house varies, according m maturity. This burrow is lined :.u -;iw tfcrnuohnut. and the ncst .oi full grown female will have a turret three inches in height abovojthe surface of th ground. Thq material of the turret n made of whatever vegetation may be is the vicinity, woven together with silk It has a wide range over CiUf rnia, the turrets presenting a pleasing variation on account of the different material! with which thev are made. In tbe raioy sea son they dig and enlarge -these tubi but thev do not then carry; otf or scatter the earth, but utilize it by budding aa ti,.r arthen tuiret, remindiag one, fin.ihed. of a miniature vase . a 1 ! J rr 1 1 f kind. The sexes occupy nesu; but the newly-hatched young ro found -witn tne mv-uc. burrow, .vbica xs more in nf different a girl's school hat. always imftnm of her roomy at the base than at tne opening. It is closclv allied to the trap W spider of other region, but is smaller and differs in other rcspecU. It ; wme Umes confused with the Californw tarantula; but Professor Kiver, from whoe paper the above facU rc gath era J states that all the larger ipider., a ndrts of the Union, go popularly California turret a not pro figb of I claim that roundabout 60 W0 barrels of whiskey in " within the past few days. The Renator Colquitt, of Georgia, and hi JfbSh-oI whom have been sufferi 7rom paralysis, are convalescent. ' : i-h.riMtnn A SOI J. C Jersey aieu - nt tK. Frsccc blviiists. . ri T,rr commander of th r, . the hair of Captain ftf 1812. :. iaruu6". k ouite filled a n ...-m I r it au au9 I An riFKTPT iiih suavv. - the Picture. In the original Cashmere. The wadded yoke w of the or dinary sh.pe.-d the pl-tedfolds Are sew on straight beneath it all round -It is med with fur. and ornamented by lsrg rote tei of ribbon, the long ends of wbicb fall down to the bottom of the cloak. Th turned-down collar is trimmed either witb feathers or fur. The sleeves are large nc puffed, either nr lined thr r U the wrist, and trimmed with fur The rosettes and ribbon, are "ol abso-utely thr nmission does not m- aecepsaijr, . -- - lure the general effect. MnnM ihcwo is a dainty one made f the silvery green that comes only in oats The sheaf is made wreath shape, au--i .v-.i..5r The metallic yet T.,::. L.i - of throats mingling on-sus v. . r r. i rom me - shows; or, u by mm taran fulas. The ...iAi.. 'cr. Hr dnei. not make pendent. , A Cnrloos River. One of the curiosities of 3lextco i the Sunora River. It risei in the ortera part of the State of Sonors and flow, Lthwe untilit sinksio . about fort. nf the Udlt. nere - . the quantity oi miles IlerinosUlo carries is im-nense, lies soft i mtb the hair, as it waves water it t A but in the snon carries " , , distance of twenty mile, there is not he least vestige of water, and a burnin? waste of .aid extends from there to th Whether thU water merely sinks intc the sandy soil and is evaporated by the great heat, or has some .ubtmaean Outlet by whichit rehes the sea, never been determined; and, as f ar a . t, able to find out, no one capable o I iudz'O? roatter the cooatr.-St. Louis Republic.