r b n T7 Render Unto Caesar tho Tilings that are Caesar', Unto God, God's $1.00 l'cr Year.-In Advance. i;. K 0 '.t A NTH AM. Editor. DUNN, HARNETT CO., THFJItSBAY, A PHIL 20, .1893, VOL. IIL IMES i ATLANTIC COAST LIIiE. jUTi'ininTton & Woldon Kail Road and Branches. Datert tb. 2 '92. i COHDENSEO SCHEDULE- TRAINS UUIXU SOUTH- No. 23 Daily P M Lcava W;Mfn li :-u Arr. Kocky Ml,...- ! 1 & No. 27 No. 41 -as! Mail Daily Daily. ex San 1' M A M 5 -: 6 0 C 31 7 0J 'Arrive Tarl.or... 2 13 I I Leave Tartioro 12 r.3 C 0 I I I i Arrir Wilson Leav? Wilson - 1 2 3U Arrive Selma 1 S Arr Fayettevilie... I r. iO Leave 'JnMslioro.- I.eave Warsaw I.eave Magnolia.... Arr. Wilmington. 3 in I 4 it 4 27 I 00 7 0 7 40 8 40 9 55 7 40 8 :w n :'0 n it 11 25 t TRAINS GOING NORTH. I No. 11 I No. 78 i Daily. I Daily. No. 40 Dally ex Sun J"- 1 A M I A M I V M L'?a. WilnlJrTon- 12 35 9 13 1 4 20 t I ' I.eave MairTioiia.... 1 511 10 57 , 0i I.eave Warsaw I 11 11 J C 15 Arrive (lolJsliorx 2 55 12 05 1 7 10 Lea. Fayettevllle. - 9 30 Arrive Selnia 11 25 Vrrlre Wilson.- 12 80 ,eave Wilson- Arr. Rocky Mt . Arrive Tarl.oro-... Leave Taboro A M F M 3 .V. 1 12 58 I 4 0; I 1 SO 6 .- 6 8 ! b 39 ! ! 2 18 12 :s Arrive WcMnn-. 5 03 2 55 10 09 " Daily except Sanday. -'Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Roal leave WeMon 4 fiO i m.. Halifax 4 22 p m. arrive at Gotland Neck 5 15pm, Qreenvillo 0 f2 pm, linston 8 oo p m. Returning, leaves Kinston riO a in. Gn-vMiville 8 2" a m. Arriving at Hal ifax at 11 oo a m, Weldon 11 25 a m, daily ex cept Sunday. Local freight train leaves Weldon at 10 15 a m. arriving Scotland Neck 105 am, Gaeen ille 5 30 p m, Kin9ton 7 40 p in, R?turninff, 'eavos Kinston 7 SO a m, Greenville 9 53 a m. Scotland Neck 2 C$ p m. arrive Weldoa 5.16 p pi. daily except Sunday. : Trains on Southern Division, Wilson and Favetteville Branch leaves Fayctteville 7 30 a. "in., arrive Rowland 12,15 p. nv Returning leaves Rowland lz 15 p. m. arrive Fayette fillrt 5.15 p. m. Daily except Sunday. I Train on Midland NO Branch leaves Oolds &oro, N. C. dailv except Sunday, 6 00 a m: ar rive Smithflcld" N C, 8 30 a in. Returning leaves Smithfield, N. C. 7 30 a. in. arrives po!dhro.N. C. 3 "0 a. m. I Tjain on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mo:int at 5 1 p in arrives Nashville 5 55 p. ni. Pprine Hop r, 30 p, j. Returning, leaves Pj. ring Hope 8 00 a. in. Nashville R r- a. ru. Arrive Rocky -xonnt j 13 a. in.! dai'y exespt Sunday. I Train on Clinton Branch ierves Warsaw for Clinton, daily except Sunday, at 6 oo p m and 2115 am. Retirnin?. h'ave i linton at 8:0 a In and . '5 10 p in connecting at Wrrsaw with Kos. 41, 40, 23 and 73, f Southbound train on vilson Fayctteville Branch is No 51 Northbound is No ft'. Daily except Sunday. ! Train No 27 South and 11 North will stop only at Rocky Mount, wilson Goldsboro and liaguolia. 1 Train No 73 raakel close connection at tvehlon for all points North daily. AH rail via Richmond and daily except Sunday via Bav Line, also at Rooky Mount daily except Sun ? y. with Norfolk and Carolina for Suffolk and fclfl points North via Norfolk. I Train leaves Tarboro, N. C.vla Albemarle & Raleigh R R. daily except Sunday. 4 40 p in riiindav 3p m: arrive at Willlamston, N. C. 1 I pin and 4 0 pm; Plymouth 8 30 p m..and P".0 p in. Retxrninjf leaves Plymouth. N. C. ilailv except Sunday 6 00 a m. Sunday 9 00 a m ,Vifliamstoii 7 ro a m. ! 58 a in. Arrive at .Tarboro, N. C. 10 40a in and 11 20 am. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen. S"vt. T. R. KENLY. Gem r:i Manager T. M. EMMERSON. Traffic Manager LEE J. BEST, Attorn oy -a Uaw, DUN N, N. C, Will nraetice ki Harnett, ami ad- !jVmini Counties. Special attention ;iven to collection 01 claims, i May-l-t. W. E. MrKCHiso. JonsKrti, N. C. Mil DP II 1LUIU1 L. II. ClI APIS, LVliington, N. C 11 ill nil i WWW Ull ill 1 I ATTORNEYS-ATLAW I LI L LING TON, N. C. Oilice fronting Court House. ; April-21-92. I J. A. FARMER, ATT07.KEY AND COUNSELOR AT UW I DUNN, N. C. i f j Circuit : Harnett, Johnston, Sann- son add Cumberland, t . , Collections a specially. f Prompt attention given to ail busi 'ness phwetl ia band. Mch-Sl-91.3 THE MODEL STEWARD- Tlie steward is nn important mem berOf Hie Mcihodiat economy, Tito wclMeih and hannoniou3 moe- meat of the system is to some extent independent on bis fidelity. The condition of his Chtircli, i9 unity, ef ficiency, and liberality, result from example and t Moris. Ti e preacher comes and toes, but the steward never itinerates; he is fixed, and around him as the center the iiineran cy revolves. He welcomes the new readier, holds up his hands during his pastorate, and send3 him to other fields free from financial stress and strengthened in heart aud hands. A good steward is without pric. A bad one is a nuisence and a sin. The model steward ' to be with frequent ly, ond their model work is ther high est praise. The signs of spiritual thrift are seen on every hand. An inefficient steward is wore than an incubus; he nol onty hinders" the good, but educates in evil. By his neglect the preacher sutfera in purse and honor, and the church suffers with him; the grace of giving, and with it all other graces, are ar rested, and church affairs have the air of looseness. The steward gives character to hi9 church, the grace of giving being a chief one; the church which habitually falls behind in that will be behindhand in other things, The model steward must be a Me thodist in deod and in truth a Methodist insido and out. One who loves the Methodist church ; is jealous of its honor; mo3t sensitive to every thing that concerns its welfare. One who is devoted to its economy, fami liar with its doctrines, careful of its discipline. A Methodist by convic tion, and if to conviction 'there be added education, heredity, and tradi tion, it will be well Men listless in their devotion to Melii -.dism, ignor ant of its -doctrines, history, and t s sential features, untrue to its discip line, should not bvj put into the office of steward, Their relations and func tions are nol wholly financial, at.d if tbey were there is much in thorough loyalty in strong convictions, in ar dent devotion to secure success in church finances as in other depart ments of church effort. While devo tion to Christ is first, and must be so much so as u have no other first, but devotion to Christ works through the agency of devotion to a particular de nomination, 'It is an orbit limited to, and shining m, its fixed sphere. A thorough Methodist may be a poor Christian, but it would be an anoma ly to find a devoted Christian in the Methodist church in official relation who wae not a devoted Methodist. The higher works through the lower. The model steward, a Methodist in acy of the men who til -them. De voted aa tbe steward's oHicj i3 at many poin's to the . st,cuHar,his spir ituality is the mote important that 03 this spirituality ho r'ay"v8piritu lize the secular, and not fallow- it to seculariz him, his office a.d the church. .Mr. Wesley giiarded this point with great care. Tie provided that the Methodist stewards, 'are to be jen full of the Holy Gost and of wisdom; that they ba' do all things acceptable to Godi They are to begin and end everv Reeling with 'iarne.t prayer to God fulr blessings on all their undertakings." "You are." says Mr. Wesley, ia his dire c- ; why the church should' respond faith fully to Vhe last cent of its promise, and even beond the mere le'ter. As nature i3 s:id to abher a vacuum so the model steward adhors a deficiency. He will not allow it, if in the range of possibilities. He will pray and plead and work until the foul blot Is cracdjl j;. ' ' The model steward is a liberal man He will set his people an example of large and unselfish giving, as well as of fidelity in office and lonlines in life. He will have an eye, a heart, a hand, not only to keep his pastor fioni actual reed, but from any con tern as to the' generosity of his sup port; not only supplying hi3 present wants but anticipating the future. He i!l not only labor to pay up the last cent of the outgoing pastor's claim, will manage the church Guan cies as to have a surplus in hand to to greet the incoming pastor. The steward who allows his pastor to wait among strangers till the first Quar terly Conference fur financial help is far from being a model The model steward labors as hard to bring up in full the first quarter aa the last, for he knows his pastor needs it at the first as badly, and, perhaps, more so than at the last. Thttjtnodel steward looks to his functions outside of the finances. He will not; allow his olfice l be narrow ed and hardened by being the mere financial agent of the church. The steward is not only the Almoner to disburse the alm3 of the church, but it is his duty io seek out the needy and distressed, not only to give finan cial aid, but to comfort the distressed. This will enlarge his 'sympathies, keep his heart mellow, his solicitudes vilioant. The steward dishonor God and prostitutes and enslaves his church by looking at every member from a moneyed standpoint, and measuring tho new convert by the dollars and cents value, The Discipline among other du?ics NOTICE, tion to the stewards, "b consider whenever you meet Grod is here ; therefore, be serious, titter no trilling word, speak as in hi3 preiencc and to the glory of his great name. You are to continually pray and endeayor that a holy harmony of stul may in all things subsist among you, It will be seen how spiritual conditions were part of the conditions of the of fice of Methodist steward For these times of secular handling of sacred things these directions are a good tonic. '. The model steward i3 concerned about raising ihe collections and ii.eeiing in full the assessments, but beyond this and of far greater im portance -ho labors diligently to train his people into liberal spjrhual giv ing. He is concerned about securing the present demand in full, but he is more concerned that his people be educated in the Bible principle- of 2ivins. His methods Ivtfk more to lhat parraanent and salutary end than to the present, as importaad as - it is. The model steward loolp also to the reaching of every member of his church. He works under' the convic tion that a igoroiis and healthy con diMnn of tilings can only 1kg secured bv engaging the interest d: d calling into action the ability .0': ".each ami i all, the poor as welj as the . rieb, the j of the steward, d lares that "hi' is to vounz as well as the o':.U He osti j seek the needy aiid distressed in or- 11 al s the littles and .the -many, and looks to their aggregate V inevt . the burdens of the church r.i'.her than to large gifts of the few. Evjery should er with its full strength tq the wheel is the perfection of church Ufort,, The model steward knows his peo pie, their two main points, li lancial ability and willingness. By :ll le gitimate methods he seeks to enlarge; pe-.ple to keep them in line and in their willingness till ii becomes cheer ful awt liberal, ami, that generous giving keeps pace withj increased ability. " f J The model steward keepj his church full informed a3 to the demands - on if theui, and the receipts aud - disburse ments. Ignorance is the parent, of North Caroling, In the Superior Harnett con ty. ) Court. Williams & Sons, V Notice or v Execution N. T. Creel, ) Sale. By vi'tu? of an execution directed to the undesigned from the Superior Court of Harnett County in the above entitled action I will on monday, the first day of May 1803 at 12 o'clock ru., at court house door of saidcoun' ty, sell to the highest bidder for cash. , to satisfy said execution all the right, title and interest which the said Ni T. Crtel defendant, has in the following described real estate, to-wit : Being the entire interest, title and estate of said N. T. Creel in lot No. 2 in Block V in the plan of the Town of bunn, N. C. and being house and lot recent ly occupied by said defendant as a dwelling house. C. McArtan Stiff. AprilC Ct. NOTICE. Having qualified as Executor of Wra. Tutor, deceased, of Harnett county. N. C. this is to notify all persons having claims against the Estate of the deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before 3rd day of April, 1894, or this notice will be plead in bar of ther recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This April 3rd, 1893. A, Y. Tutor, Apr6 6w pd. Executor. NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE. By virtue of an execution in ro hands for collection, I will on Mon day the first day of May, 1893. at the Court House door in Lillingtou, N. C, at l o'clock m., sell at public sale to tHe highest bidder for cash a ct-itaiM tract of land lying in the Town of Dun-, a-lj ininj the lan hs ! r. . , i I, t 7.:. . -I........ -..I der :o relieve and comfoit . them; to eirf on;, ,v..jo, inform the preachers of any sick ar I E. A. Joiin-, ant others .anl !auM lisordcrly persons; to tell the preach ers what they think wrong in them," We see from these how lare and im portant, how tender and delicate, his funciioiis outsitle of the finances are. The steward is a helper, by virtue of his otliee, to discipline the Methodist battle trim, by a waichfui oversight. The model Pteward is the preacher's wise and faithful counselor ; the friend of tbe poor, the useful honored ser vant of the church, wh se name is written on the hearts the church and in. the Book of Life, and whose value is priceless, Kaleigh Christian Advocate, Koinr. nil f,r I.i.i. N.i. ?, in P.! - ck 4 ('(" in the plan of. the twn foresaid, imd which -'has been levied on !h: land of F. A, Jones AUu'r f D. A. Jones, deceased, for the purchase money and to satisf' a judgement docketed in the Superior Court of Harnett count-. This March 24th, 1893. C. McArtan. ' . SberifT. Mch30-ts- S. H. Clifford. New Cassel, Wis., NOTICE! SALE OK VALUABLE LAND, By virtue of a power of sale con tained in a certain Mortgage Deed executed Feb. 23rd. 1892, to the un dersigned by J. L, Johnson and wife. L. J. Johnson, I will, on the 24th day of Anril. 1893. a the Court i . many hings besides superstition. rn and woof, must add to. this deep I-GoTs people perish for lack of spirituality, that is. his piety must! knowledge." is a truth as applicable be solid" as the Discipline enjoins. to finance us anywhere else. In fur- Religion in ihe steward must take no troubled with Neuralgia and second Dlace. lo estimate iinauciai.anuu-i.. om,.l, wa Hia.ir. H .j ; r ni;,1(Ttnn v r t ability as the first, and religion as a the I kre(1 Ms Ljver .fiected to an ,2 o'clock m.. sell at public ?ale to secondary matter, is to degrade the , conscious, awakens apathy, arou.es " H f c . t, office' When the apostles saw the ; to prompt and liberal response. alarming u.g.c. necessity of separating the secular The model stoward is always con- and he was terribly reduced in flesh frthrdierlpiritualwork of the ! scientious and punctual jin attend- j and strength. Three bottles of hlec cl urch they did not propose to relcjance at the official meeting, W ith . tric liillers cured him. aate the matter to seculair or mdif- the model steward church duties are j Kdward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., ferentmen to men of finance or in- first, private interest suDormna.e j h3d a running sore on jus ieg fluencc rccrelv; but liiey weighed the He has a zeal for duty that leads to; ejgh: year3 stanain;r. Uusing three . ". i.. .. .rlRnna Ilia nlliCO. itsdutV. fend: . ' ... . - i ! maUer. and the men tncy Boujiu .uufc iuw.-. ; bottles of Kiectric niuers anu suvuu w.rn men of hisih character, -of hon- the honor .f his church engage him. ; Huck.en's Arnica Salve, and - ... s- i j 1 1 ... n,.ornD,l tint Iiia phurcn Dav est report, full of the uoiy iuosi ana ; u ,3 - - . . tsk ' . !. .I.. . 1 ,f tho full lt fih- the highest bidder for cash a certain tract of land in Ncills Creek Town ship. Harnett county, adjoining :the lands of W. Mt Sexton, James A. Johnson and others, containing 90 acres, bcinn the tract of land on which saii J. L. Johnson and wife i a t ftAil O I PACWlOM 1 I III I fr" V W 11 LMJU UK BAIU AJA w sacrifices. His office, its duty, nmi ; Ki .tera an tl orcn i r- . .i.a.i..- i uvj 1 1 1 v--3 '- i trrrtcTp UeeU. r Or sL uiuic ucuiiik; I C7 a i i r-.; t n Z 1 land rafamnft ia , - - - - (it sifr I r L I ( 1 1 ui saiit aui v-v. v. v. oncerned thit his cnun.n pa j wi-dom' Stephen, the nrst manr. u. Uc - - ,,P9,.PP Catawba, O.. had fiva large iG0. etc.. in Ke-istcr of Deeds office ! .. , !,rjn.Lltobe. Tbe more ! science about paying -l.rttj.ey hare Ue was incurabl. On. boUle Uet, r1'" - , . j , u-i,;t on the oart of . . .i nL-Un nl Me'hodist stewam me , agrees p-j , inc uiucr v - ... mt i i :. .a r.H.,rin.r nr lul c is . t-. . r - i Druggist, VvOnwored bv the spimuai ueg sDirLu,l a Methodist steward the! agreed to pay. While on; the part or ; uic iml onc better suited he is to his work. The ; his sede.ying pastor there 13 no Uq cufcJ fc e U to allow these officers to uspicion tUatth b -and ; & pod bv the spiritual degener- ; salary, let this i, Ue mo.e r.as.n . ot Harnett county. This March 2lst 1S93. , J, H. Tou. Assignee of D. W, Fi ller, Mortgngee, L. J. Best, Attorney. Mcl.23 4t. c f