i - s ff ! v. r n i t 7 1 1 7i -J i -i f. K. GHA.N M'llAM. Editor. .Render Unto Caesar the Things that are Caesar's. Unto G-cd. Qcd's- fl.CO Per Year.Ta Advance. VOL. III. DUXX, HARNETT CO., THURSDAY, MAY 25. 1S93. NO. 14. TPTR AT, r TlTO.Q n II II l II A II II I V U I I 1 J 1 N LL. VL'L- U 21 i 1 ii l.V II M Vlpy '" " " - " V '.r-T" f) Thu Tiar.j r JVQHAiJ WHO i liJ i' Turn's a n V.xis -inry. '-V '.i ; ia a.r a-'ii' !!. JT:i:i w.? -h ''.- -l .la:.?'. h- ris i? on hp .;u;n in. 1 h-s An! pa.nfin-.r I" .nia'i u ; r'a jirsr rt j-b. 3 t! imt Xn '.v Toaaa - -v'l 'iri hf 3ai::rs ha.r; .hi rtx, 3 -iT. rtitw h-r nm-? or hr faj. : v , -i.it iv- j. jj.-i."-!-), .!- only lately !tapl of Sir, ; I I' :n r'l.nMy tol l, ir p i ptjc:it-nifa ani m.a.i-r7 rtj. I -hink. I .-:ixht to 4ton a; this. :i.V -ny nhi-'i mot to mi of him. V'l.cii aiae.t tht mxZUiT wr.-Cao. ',ini:iii'i wu a,lvaac"i in y-ari. -i - v- fw of roll. - ! :h. aim Taarrvi ii-t. I"". i i tiiaJ -4ol.l. Clio. 'ri r ; tttina' r:nl5.i'l. yaiatiu-f ji',n.:a:ii.-'.!io, a.N:. vaor.i. THZ P233 OD THE STATE- The fl lowing essav on "rhe P a a rneas of Develop! ur the U source- : a State" iva read at t..e rncnt nieeuiti-j of the N'.rtn Caro l;na Press Association. It is pub . li-iut-d now in re-pone to requests f-, .M '..--r n-'s of ihe Sta'e and " uJi'ar as ; is . :i . e na.u.eJl eoiuoriu mau it-- v s . " MaivvJl-- -w,!Xr( a : feV f-.t e ! (1 -)' i,.- a ivi.ru f. (.,n tained tiie ni -i f. ni?e soil; it h-d a variel-v of clima,iucUding the most " general - - ? ...j ...u c .,,.. .eniah i s mountains were of ..; trough ,r the Soaih-that every ; vest of the sea; usmmerals and pre-. ioM a3 to the racrit3 a:id merits of .ize; it had vllev of exceed ng love- Plon. e ery bank; aim ,st every ; u-y hives of its ; candidate fr.m tneir districts. But line.s- i' cenerv j t,e "randest business and manufacturing entr- ! lactones, Us scnooU and ctihege this plan Wou' I only pmvitie a make upon the fare of the earth." In ' its !-ise K a portion of the adverti, ng f other tfrngs of w.ieh we may ' shift. Perhaps th. true reme-iy mav . .....Minmsof the home rew-n.ner. ' el! be proud, and nope to be proud- be fuuncl in an cxtei.oi of 'he civ- lo.-esrs were i;te u:osi, ornaiaenia. . , , x n i my j-kii i i- v 2 m v i i ai im- u i i among Ms rock the most precious of x .in4ai!V(ir i ani silver. mit era!; there was go . ci.ai and iron, granite and even pre- cius tones. liut of what value wan ail this pro- fu-eedtuof nature while the emu- try wa- peopled o?ily by savages ? Mr.ce t:.e dawn of "creation it had ielde nothing of permanent vaju;; tie winur n,w and the summer u:w saw little change. Cov,parel. ni:ii t :;e present u-es of men tliese fertile fielJs were as deserts fr aii their products were as llowers that are born to "blush uneen. Well, this 1-ind I seak of remain- s cd io be advertise ?.. and its first ad- vertier was 'hn-topher Columbus, In its r;atu-a! resources the America of his day was the America of our dav hur'fr hold how changed I The art -f printing had been invented a litrle wuile before the discovery of this new worjd. but the press as that w.rd i now significant, was not yet born. It wa some turee ana a na4r centu- ries before the gold of California. tte silver of Nevada, the copuer of Mon- tana. iecane known t the worM, and - j r.. Wo-f a l l 1 r ri"e Chores of this rountv e' ; ' ,i. n'd when i Jamestown was oun ; Mr U a.ter Ua,eig i en . . c UI.WO wna. uu. ,c It i wi'hin the memorv of u all - , . . - tor it was during tha decadi taat .. proceeded aie tai,ina u. uc niCi' ca! la these remarks-we should s:s that vtrlou. part, o tue nite t v 4 a akJnot e of anew en- Mates had au enormously rapid ,,ruu . , . r VWiOr. mailt SO rapid anu Hi u uuc. 1 . a time that even to the . p.-gresiye , . ' - . . . 1 t modern American it seemed almost, n.dS ( ;.e e:tv in the South i a;d r" ua've doubled it population live t tenet in ten v."ar. wirle one in the "est increased t popula iou some 11 ve i!iuari'i cent. . w l 3;n:u;t io yoa t iat tnese imi i'tHil.1 -ty, !ave tven acc -na- prUhci wit.ttmt the rn I era press, :ind v. miraole of ;:ties built : a day hail its foundation or main reli- i I repeat e cannot b';ty persls it.ee on that .her miracle the tent. VV"e -can turn t'.ie atteation of Press. If.teed. s;u-h i4 u;e nec'tv of tlie new-j.apar in deve?ouin the resource- of n Star.e or a part of v io"Ta-ouu-trs re-'ar-i a new na- T T 1 t per as an e-ejitial . a-.d, a ueeary afij.mcr. of their e:ver, ri e. . Tliey 'ablivi the aw-paper shortly after layin- otf the town ' lots and charge its ex.ene ac-:oi;it on tne D)evS ot t!ie Ian I a i l d .velopmont or.njaiy. The town-b-hW. there fore. Iokr: upon Mivf tre-5 1 as ;n r in p- nt o! necssetvto the bank, the school- hou-e. the chu-'-h and the otiur con- cominaMons or jres,i ve vtllaze reacl1 the blue vault heaven it-elf; Con-ress. A few men are deoendeu ! are Pa terued after the Machias type, r tow N t nly tla. rrnt tli-se j l! n'y rivers as taey seek the set. al4)n tu see. that measures are cor The Navv continues'to be some to wu builders had nreviousiv- paid . sometimes, disidayi n the : capricious . rtctIv framed' but the pressure of! ,rhi-. -t.,r.." m," nvPf tu rHntW tribute to the press, an I in the news- f the I ar eeitie .hail present - papers ed th- ndv mta-es of therr own par- i.,,.,!;.,.. j Herore tl-e town is fruit while ! containing in greater xsriety than pr to be cat42nt, w(Ul Resent con there are but stakes to mark otf the an-v ulher Stat. in tiie American L'ti j ditions and that they are so is iHf to own lotM- the modern town builder j ion the masterpieces of the vegetable ; lIie fac: tiey are Muiou-pure snails-reconiz-s the p-e-s as an aid in de- wfhl; its varied and delightful eli-j meru In sorae qu3rters it is ar-tied i - . w i - : mirp: Its srt!Hrv beautiful in ihe '.!... . i,,: ui.. , - ..i- . veiopii tne res u c s ol a is section. After the town is built the people i fiereU reo-n-z- the value of their home newspaper bv the most liberal . i i r . .- . i .it I'atr fi 3 J" ; a IO i noLJ.ee lU ai SUJII town- ir .the West and X -rth what I . i-i - )i- Whir, is 'lia or ssUt mav b- liken- - - - e,i lo a mtiltiplicatio-, of the human voice; and if the pres of .,r'u Car- i "hhi'r its full duty, there are thouta ds of voice every day and ev- er-v l,r' ciilrair.g in w'.ioU or in part the manifol-l advantages of this X'nrth State. I be'ieve in the press. I frilieve to th cidef means of developing the resources of the Stale for it is t!ie M.urje of information, the guide of 1' - readers, their counsellor and ;ht:r f::-nd. An invention locked up tn the braiil "f E,im is without present value, a mountain of iron or a bed of H-d i of '-ie consequence until it made known t the world. Then d..es it become valuable, and where nature ha- deposited her favors in muoli profu-ion there does man baild the city adorn his ho:ce. erect a school Louse, build a church, and rm support ciiliza,i-'n hai another fi , i . . where he places anotLer muestuno ln the path ol progress Arid is ab- . T . , telv certain tiiatth-progress the r- 0 - deeu.pment of the community, is r.ext to impossible without the her-; lalding and trumpeting of the pres..; Now. what have we as North Caro ; Una journalist, to do in the -way of develooing the resources of our Sta.e i We :. iVe much to do for our suiriciently known iu or abroad. M..reove- it U sife to sav " if niif nsr ii.i:.rrs i io nothlno-. .. . ""; r .: . not: i.;n,T rii he done To Co practi- ... - - - . t.ir,,r,e to convev lurorgn our rm- r- ,.,.h ;nff,"oin ?s wd! If a i - - -, to a better cultivation of the soil and w "-k Stae than our ov-. fur vr- are all fedow citizens of a, great and beauti commonwealth, and the welfare o every part of it is our welfare ti-. la all matters of thin 'believe in pe-i-;eu'r. -tnfe i poc a t.er aiaes no iin;?ref;fn un a rc. but multitude of drops jof water w?ar awav a :.ot t-i anv stone. neop.e to a criren tifueet ! tnat ma. ; be oly temporary: but by our osvn persistence ar repeated! cif rt we can txenpel people to think about And tii'3. to my m:ad. should ? nvr bedost sitiht -it. it will sue- ; cee ',m the principal of the adver - ti-er that -keeping ev-riastia-'y at it brin success. j I beseech yon as North Carolinians to show your reverence and your ab miration for this zr and Ol 1 rotate ' s majestic mountain, that , . wru uue Cion.i aivt ee:n at ttmes m ; Wl a cio.i i, au-i o ; oy of playful nature and in snm- 1 1-'laces iilin'z to tv Itarn-ssed so i their power may be transmitted to the needs of -i m ; Us noble forest? i ' -r - j ! shness of sprin- a.d still more .j , , . , , r ; beantuut, perhaps tu tne golden au-j ' tuma tiai- it3 'versed produ-ts of j hp sou i.s 'Sitton tie Ms and bright i tohacco, its trucking industry. it3lbaCto eaIl upoa legislators when ! fmits. iu3 Ssfi and cvsfers the hari T . ... . cr yet. L.?t, then, sound the praises of thU St.ve with no uncertain sou-?d; ao1 tn fulsome ways, bat in trudi, in . .... t- t rank ness m all sincerity. . r Ha b nk. edi!or of the Winston Sen- tinel. 1'rOnonnced IIop?!ejs Yet nom.a.et.er wn..en oy .u.s. aua E. Hurd. of Groton. D.. we quote : "Was taken uith a bad cold, which ' . settled on my Lung, cough set in ari.l r -i ' i- (opmi"I'3ti in 1 Cl in TT! H- r uon. rou' oociors Sae m sv - icg I could live but a short time. 1 gave myself urto my Saviour, deter - mined if I 'could not stav with my tnends on eartn, i wotua meet m ab-ent ones ab4ve. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's Ne Di- overv for Consumption, Coughs and r , , - , - i ; - T, V'lVi T. A A I U h te t t. 9 VOVi 4 A-A k i bntles u ba3 cared me- acd thani God I am iiow a well and , . , , , , u"il.' o.ua. xwj.i wktC3 Harper & Hool s Drugstore, regular..: u-..mimanrir e rene-a' of1 ; m loa - accompanying repea. - , c.. of t : ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE . Aavin- qualified as Administrator of J, S. Suggs, deceased, late of Har - Uef. ount v. N. C. this is to notify ' all persons having claims' against t the estate of said deceased to exhib - . - i i.Si.:.i..l : I . . it tnem to U;e undersignea on or oe- . . - . lore tl:e 1 iU day ol April. i?J4, or i ,.i..i AtL.r . ,AV.r -i .xiv wuu uokit-x: v: icu. their recovery. All persons indebu ed to said estate will please make ThU irth h, uutu.awc j r ISO- V'Crr&ir ofApril, lc?Do, b.r.MAw, Ailm'r. UFJB -i LETTZB. ihere hanl'v a nfrtn of nat:n- aI irnpurtaCc wiucu would b tccreiKv tor . 2ia,f:v we'coaied :he reat non , tne eektr.2 mass of r.he people in -: ,-x cuua:rv than that whiea ct'a!d : k, or-il u brtnr, h,n c nL;resionaI iiiaeLivitv: in the mat ter of patronage. 5r -fun rr.v. :hatl has control of itself surfers more be- j Cl are ta lour iutri-cias ror-cau-e of foo!is!i and tnetfective leis-! Pedo tr . the armored cruir Wt:on thafd.es this ord;uar;!y-bus:-1 :ae . uri 1 battle-ship Teaa. and ness like fra-aent of the .cbej dynamite cruiser No 2. author- : verv ve.ir there tsserubl this es tn City a national ciu:re-s elected os j Leasive;y to make such laws as wil j resupa iri tiie greatest number, but ; whose Urne is la-elv devoted to tf - . fort to cure fur constituents urof- itable or otiierwUe desirabl aao m tne ovur. meut service. T e re- ten seen in tae workaceouiulished b leil in the work aefomoi is.hetl in overwork is often too mncii tor- faiUl ible huaia3ity and half-digested leis lation fdloivs. A lare proportion of Senators autl Representatives ap- mi. iuore uesiruu.e s.a e ui axia i. C(;uM be creaiej ltv an aumeu: be- tween tke ExecuSive aa.i the Cabinet not to KCiyiZ2 Congressmen who 1 , , . , . :icwuiiu:.ruh wutu ajpn.icuis, . , - ? , iUServic rules so as to include. ' every government empdoye. and 'Lis! ; en!a-cuieat 0f civil service ref.rm ; might relive its critics at present complaint j i The leaders in . Cungress and the i administration are trying to come to an understanding as to the policy of the next Congress, by wJiich they i can avoid danger of party-c jnliict on : she motie, question and sectire anit- u reallv looki as if Tammanvs ; eii ac,i(,a OQ several important n!4,,Hrp -J t'h ft w tn r lim.t.'d ions which will p-esent themselves. ; j is asserted bv those ho hve : i .1 . . i oeen mort active in me matter tuat ; ajrreement wdl be reached on the nJu-dreadeii money question The ' m of the Congress has been ! ... .ip-.Mp Hpti:? and! r.a h f,,r h-trmonv r pirnrs ! : taine,i. It is about deuaiteiy settl- fid tha: :be extra ie3sioa of Conzressj ; wiU b Uea f sniadle of Sep-! 1 f tembcr. It is said to be the present under-j f -nn.jj n,7 tj ,at t he ci jmnr om' se o-on- i ; annuing .uat lue ojajproujc p.o osition to dispose of the stiver ques- I the Sherman law with the real of the 10 per cent, tax on state bank cur- ; rency will reeeive the san-tiun of the administration, and that the n-.en in Congress who are fightiaj against 1 any contraction of the currency will ' be satisfied to let go of silver if, they jean et the state currency, riefiy, J there are lour things ,h:ch it is the oesire ui kue ucm.uc iea iei- ! - L , j- cue coming a-.e$ saouiu anjose . j j I are the repeal of the federal election ' laws, the levy of an income tax. the ; r- nf ih Sh.m.n !w and of th .- - tax on state feank curreccv and a re vision of the tariff, making a reduc- Hon of duties all along the liae. "a'd be io-iaued to the three gua boar audsnb -marine torpedo boats author: z-d by the la-t Congress. So -retarv Herbert ha- nowever. author t!.. ctinstructioa of nine nf vee;-of war. Thev am all SE'U but they hel; t move us alon ' Ve or n racc w1" P ' i- -1 k i ' ii w . lllA4 - I er3 u Eae wor u Tlfi extra vessel public has apparently lost ! to oe otnstruited by the act of I LS-5 Secretary Herbert's decision I oa Uic the three new gua- boil: U expected in a tew days. The i tttiiues of riye dirfVrent Hips hare I -r.tareii. One of these calls ! for the oid-fashicnrd petl tie wheel ior spcc.a't service in the shaihw wattrs of Chinese rivers, another calls ! lur :l cutPPsl-e 3iia;c ana me otaers announced jurpose of the Secretary - 1 to refuse extended leaves 'for busi- ness purposes to Xavy otticers in the future, and notwithstanding the far rtaehi rg nature of th decision, there are many oilicers who are open in their commendation commecdatio of the new order of things. There is an entertaining program of socio-otlicial obseivarrces in -stor for the next three weekv First, the Government will be otferig hospi tality to the Spanish royalty in the person of tne Infanta Eululie. A state dinner will be given the prin cess and her aaite Z the White. iltu?e. I're'deut .Cleveland, xa'd thing ! re!v : "I do unr, k good . . oije v,l" ,a-1 more I jut now." It' wearily out of his souih window j every morning at iLe oroau rotom c, ! fnitf the odor of the woods ar.d bank- er for a little sport with rod and reel. Gen, Wade Hampton and Con gressman Amos Camming have been recently whisperng alluring tales in to bis ears fi da tales. ; to the ra;)tJ courSe, Senator Hill is said to have his . , j - , f " . 7 year;i' foCUi j Specimen Case S. H. 'Clifford. New Cassel. Wis., WJW troubled with Neuralgia and p. nm . . fm,-h Attnr Kheumatism. bis Ntomacii w3 disr- ! dered, h'ii Liver was atfected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in 9esU and strength. Three bottles of Elec- ! tric Otters cureil him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisbur. 111 ; aiu runnu, wu uls j eight year3 standing. Uusinz three r u:. f r , bottles of Electric Bitters and seven ; boxes Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and cU le. u sound and welL John ! Catawba, had fira Janre - MfcUl AJ T Fever sores on his leg; doctors said h w incarab'a.. On bottle Eiee ! trie Hitters and one box Buck'en'S Arnica Salva cured Ma entirely 5oM bv Barier & iIot1 Druggi.C ' : f Wildrefl Ury ICf rllCnerS UiSICrCL iuereditable, Withm a year Lss s ' 4 . gef.era.iV -p pjtd T ., v.CC -'uiC. U. --. U-iv-.-. -- J It will py you to advertijc in tuc '.atruna j;e i.e 'r;s:r! oj. .-.lure cicv itli pved :rcc:s, - r . , f r . t ...

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