10 sine1 ii (HE am I 0 rn:i.i:n:j) ;vi:itv Ti:ttiiay, i:v young & gi::;ti;am. t ; i t ; i : s: i a y .j r ; n :: 1 . : so.,. Fat f x. N C. Ma :?!.. Mi:, Km tot : If soiins t ! r t llo. B. I'. frfflv, OUT ('o!. J.-("S::3 i llUH dispk'a-'ed inarlv rvrry body. t many ph res. in hu rrcornmendinL' postmasters as n':irlv ev.ry h dy you m?rt s rj t? ! : 1 i lc 'o -:iv jaii st liim, hut vvr, not from nrronal lr.en.Miii. (f.,r we a.-.- not r,.fti ,t-l ; v itlt tlifr jcii t Ir hi nr.) nor 1 hro . h ( sympathy lor hir:: whi'e v ma jy are! :iainKt him. but simply b'-'cause he j deserves mir pr:u-e a-'fj imnls 'r , 1 hanks. "wis!) to r:ii-.e our voicx in his behalf, n(i we hojie you will allow this short letter .space in ynnr paper. Our pep!e ;n tin- iumd-.nte see tion a well r, ir n lari:e surround i n 4 j-eope of country, have never known a convenh'iii pustoflicc at which to mall ami receive their let ! ter.o, ami often having trid several ; times to have one established, iV. ' no avail, we had almost' decided to give it up, but on rt considering. dc cided to make one moje attempt, ani J wrie Mr. GradV 'o use his influen c! lor it. whicJi he lid, aud to hiv we have a pot o!h -e, the naine of which appears at the . head of this letter, that is convenient to a vast number of people who thank Mr. Grady for it. This office is at the store of Mr. "Win, Culbrcth, where he does a groat deul of business both in naval stores and general merchandise, which will make it convenient for all his cus tomers, many of whom live at. some cistancc, thus giving this office a large territory and mucU patronage. We .have a daily mail, making con ncction with the mail both North and South, at Godwin, which is three miles from here. I V'hat makes ns still more cratefiil to Mr Grady, was his promptness in this matter, which shows that ho has the interest of constituents at hears. and wishes to please th -m, but in this case not onlv Democrats thank him but innnv ofnnr nnrt,- j 1 i j friends as well. To show how prompt he was. let me saj, we only had to wri'e one letter, asking him to use his influence for us, and to recommend Mr. J. M Starling for postmaster, and in jut!ine ua 01 tJUUt' injo lue ianu a few weeks the post office depart j convetl1 in sai(1 Deed ment of our Government asked Mr. abollt ? acrcs in kesbury. Buckhom Starling to m,ke up his bond, which t,,w,,shiP. Harnett county, N. C. he did, and tod y our mail is comin- Mort-ago given-to secure purchase and going, while we have one of the I,,oue Tilis May 9Ul 1893 -cleverest postmasters in the Stale. . Oscar J. SrEARs, This is indeed a poor letter, and! Mortgagee, doesn't half express our gratitude to Iay 11 ts' c . Mr. Grady, but we hope it will escape the waste basket and show the peo- Round Trip Tickets can be pur pie that eceryho'bj is not displeased biased at John II. Giles' Barber Shop with our Congressman, and should ! better known by the No Draw Back. Mr. Grady chance to see this, we hope al ant nn(1 outi lricc of on. he may know by it Uhal he is not j Guarantee good work. wholly without fritirtls in his dis- s- trict. If we see this in print perhaps you in a 3- hear from us again, A Sr use kit. li:. NOTICE!!! Bavin-qualified as Executor of! the last w ill and tcs-ament of Thco ! ld)elus Weaver, deceased, of Harnett j county, N. C. This is to notify all j persons intebted to the estate to1 come forward and make immediate' payment. And all persons holding j claims against said estate to present i them to the undersigned on or bj j fore tl:? 30th day of May,! 1S04. or this notice will be plead in 1 naroi ii;eir recovery, iins ouiu 1 av of May, 1S93. J. T. W ILK IX Executor. McLkax A: Farmkk, Au'vs. June 1 Cw, ; ha J. e : - :.y CT.tire Stock f Goods will be sold at CO"! ' lr s ll.'Nt 1)1) 1):!V-. I ('; !! ! Mtnl mIi and examine my j STOCK h-Ton 1 uvi: eUj-wiif-ro. j A baruai i will be J-xe to -very oi.e. If thi-v w .r.t oiM !!,i:i jNTICE. CHE A.? and STYLISH. Kv rviJiinj: von want in the MIL1 LKKY LIXK can be found at in' stoi e. Very Respectfully, MRS. M. L. DENNING. Jhv 11 tf. von r -:nti O'te i room cot'ae, with assa'je a?id pantry, all newly plastered and painted. jood water and bre gar den well improved., tormc liberal, for Jurlher particulars, apply to A. MassengUl & Co. Apr20 lie, e p u. j. DANIEL. U DUNN, ilARNETT CO. N C. lias met vit! most wonderful suc cess in the. treatment of Cancer. "Write to him for one of his pam phlets on Cancer and its treatment. J. A. FARMER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW DUNN, K. G. Circuit : Ilarnrtt, Johnston, Samp son aid Cumberland. Collections a special t3 Prompt attention given to all busi ness placed in hand. Mch-M-'i-l.I! NOTICE. By virtue of authority conveyed to me in a Mortgage Deed, executed by 1t mi t a i i K' A ai,raP Wfl" "n l" ua-v October. 1890, and duly recorded in Book "IV No, 2, of the office of the Register of Deeds of Harnett count', pa;cs 2C8-9, I will sell for cash at the Court House door in Liilington, N. C, at 12 o'clock m., on Monday -i 1 i- T tono .t. l i Jxo. H. Giles, Dunn, N, C- Tinsleys High Urade Guano has ! 4 per cent, of Ammonia, you should ' try it at Young's. Go to Young Bros, and buy 3-our Guano, Riclmjontl Stonewall Brami Guano are tor s:lle by YoanS Bro? an'1 fal1 to try lhenK Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria? Wc hav0 a llice lin of India Mull in tlircc different shades, blue, pink an,J trtam. Fleming & Co. Flemit.g&Co. carry a complete j ",v- 171183 o..c iui uum oeuts I and Ladies, Ifvou are in need of Window ! Shales but them from Flerniu- & j ; Co. I 1 ' . j P.iolic that I shall continw ui j .ss at Dunn. N C in H c sl:..j f.-r-j n.erly occupied by B, A. Johnson. , . OM han$ OA IMS, WAG ! 1 IIAIINK .... . ,p. t m ky which J ,-un- Ifnr fnr f A S ! L REPAIRING of ill kinds d r.e at Moderate priees. Order - by mail receive pron pt at tention. H ping by fair dealings to share j a portion of y.mr patronage, j . i I am, 1 Yours Bespectfullv. ; J, A. JOHNSON, j Dunn, N C. j Mch30. j J. Mi a The O heap MILLINER, ALL STYLES SPRING- HATS, Satisfaction GUARANTEED, or MONKY REFUNDED. Call and S3e lny stock. Anr27 '93. For Malaria, Liver Trou ble, or Indigestion, use BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Go to Young Bros, and buy Rich mond Brand Guano and n.aV-c a good crop, FOR DYSPEPSIA, Indigestion, and Stomach disorders, take BUOWA'S IRON BITTERS. All dealers keep it, $1 per bottle. Genuine has trade-mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. JIAKKK'JT ERPORT. Cotton. Good Middling 7 Middling Low Middling Turpentine. Virgin $2.70 Yellow Dip BO IIard 1.00 Country Produce. Chickens 15(225c E-ss 121 Hides 4(Vr6c Corn 05 Peas 60gd.00 Butter ' 2025 Hams 12 Fleming & Co. have just received the nicest line of Trunks, Valise and Grip Sacks ever brought to Dunn, and tLey will sell you a leather Vas Use ljor $1.00. Be sure you see our goods before 30 u buy. You can get the latest styles of Xeckware in any shrde at our store, for we carry the nicest line in town. Fleming & Co, I have a brand new'Sinuer Sewin Machine for sale cheap for cash, or half cash and good Lime on balance. You can see it at D. H. Hood's Drug S'-ore. G. K, Grantham, bucxlejts mm SALVE. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, ores. Ulcere cftu Theurn. Fever Sores. Tpmw rM... J , V II ped Hands. Chilblains Corn3, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Pilcs' r no a rcfl"ired. It is guar- anteed 10 Sve perfect tatisraction, or BROADWELl 0 c-inev reiunueu. Price 2.i cents per box- Fo? sale by Harper & Hood. r I pOS;H IS I f $ f Aft for infants vl0r....---- I recommend it nz ra?.enc to -nj prc&cnpucu kno-wn to rr.e. " II. A- Ancrrza, VL D., Hi So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, II. T. t, nc. of 'Cartona' is so universal And 9 r h uso or tS-i L,m5 -vrk 9 'Sitel!&nt families who do uoi keep Catoria J within easy reach." I Caelo3 MAnTYK, T DA fi Late raptor Bloominsdale Reformed Church. 0 1 j Tms CKNTArx ill! To WE ARE NOW SHOWING THE NICEST LINE OF BRESS GOODS EVER BROUGHT TO DUNN, AND WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO ASK OUR LADY FRIENDS.. TO i CALL AND SEE OUR MAMMOTH i STOCK. OUR LSE IS EVERY RESPECT AMD WE GUARANTEE TO SUIT -EVERY OWE. THANKING YOU ALL FOR 10 EE REMEMBERED IN IRE YOURS TO PLEASE, FiaiG and Children Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, triictation, E Kivq woiuid, givod sleep, and promotes di I rectiors. Witliout injurious meoicauQC " For sey?ral years I h&v0 reoomroen your Castxjna.'.atidshaaalwaj-sccmtitmeto re6U.to. Eoto F. Pabdm. M. M Ynabrcp," ii5th Street and 7th Ave. ew ifotk Gix Compaxt, 77 Hckiiay Street, Nkw York. : o :- COBViPLETE W PAST FAVORS AND ' ASKING FUTURE, WE n v