i -A J -.1 si i w i i'-t 5 (I. K. GRANTHAM. Editor. Render Unto Caesar tlio Things that aro Cassar'a, Unto God, God's- $1.00 Per Year. In Advance. A OL. Ilf. DUNN,' HARNETT. CO., THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1393, . NO. 17. S3 . W i-e fit 5 BUIilS uREEK ACADEMY- Our school is good you mint admit, 'I. he rules nre stiiot and don't forget, Our elates are all very, well arranged . Except one class that h is recent 3' been change Our pnncpal is fur a higher aim. liev. J. A. Csinplpil is his nann, The assistant staive-, with alt her might, Mrs. Nelia Campbell, the principals wife. Brooks was eraplr3ed at middle of schod, ' J We've all found out that he's no fool. Kodrers whose dutv ij music to tea h, We think tlu highest perfection he'll reach. If there's a boy r girl that 3'ou 'can find. -Who wishes to well improve Ids nvnd. Who loves a good man and ids grace, Buic-s Creek Academy. is the place. Vvvil.. UUP. WARHIN3T0N LETTER. (From our Rtf&ulnr Corrosiomlont.) Mr. Cleveland has returned from his ouMug. Oidy churl would grudge him the relaxation he has enjoved. lor, tlioun he may exert himself to an extent may be deemed "unncces" Har. he is the jiule of his own af fairs and his own .opinion must be his rule of action. Jt does not ap pear, I regret to say. that the spurt at Hog Island was delicious' excit ing this time. List year when Mr, 'Cleveland visited the island the. en- r'.ptured Jenkins detailed to jhnn- j icle his movements telegraphed on?1'' one occasion that he had "brought down fifty-three at a single shot No such tilling story has regaled us in the Resent' instance. I alwa s I bad my misgivings as to th;.se "snipe." However. Presidents shoot as other men may never do. and it may 1)2 believed that truly pitriotie snipe would he-dtatJ to throw obatac- j les in such an august pathway. Hut with ut the smallest reference to the snipe, the fish, or, generally, the creatures of the water and the air. he must have -enjoyed and .renovated himself to a yery great extent. And business will now go on with added energy. " "Cleveland's man Eckels," whove appointment as controller of curren cy caused so much surprise and crit itio'sm on account of las lack of ex- perience. is proving more of a sur- j prise than was dreamed of. The in-; dications are that he is going to prove a preUy good find for the nd- ministratton. It is evident that he is not a politician, and if he does not mnk things hum in his oiliee it will oc strange. He is one of the busiest, most direct and clean cut little man who has lu-en tossed into the public service 1)3 political evolution. There is nothing 4stnking" about his ap pearance; nothing impressive. lie is boih short and slender, weighing scarcely i ruore than a hundred pounds.- and has a little widened lace iree ; - . ' .. . , x . ! from all signs of beard or mustache, j ins moveuieiiw are umca am ""lu he looks un there is a look of intel'S!' ligence and penetration on his bice, j When he speaks there is rua c nil a Cr o n L' n P a in hi? ..o7 Mini .www ' i that is refreshing. Some or tue Sen- ilemen doing a shaly banking busi ness who had calculated on gaining something from his unexperici.ee have found him about as hard a cus. totuer to handle as thev have struck, Hv his manlv, straightforward course he has "ot toWtbe'favorite of news paper men. for he is not alllicted with j that ' fTcial pompodty whijb makes: so many of the new "pu"rlio servants'' j , unapproachable. j ' Washington i.s fast, eclipsing- all I (competitors a the literary, scientific j I ; latnl educational center or the country.! ror main years Boston hel l uudis- puled sway as the new world Athens, hut the scepter hr.s fallen iMuii ui nun.. hi-re. wnere wo govenuental heart heats m'si. strong - Iy, are now ihe concrete forces that shall in 'he near future give this re- public the menial and erudite su - premacy of which trna laitic 'na- tiot:s are so proud nd 'hich is the one thing needful for 'the completion of our national character. The great j that newly made mound ami window churches are establishing their con- ' less palace of rest. or. which the'een 1 1 tral institutions hero and propose niake them superior in ever' respect to the universities of Europe. Within an easily measurable period of time searchers after the truth of all ages will find their material and their op portunities not at Oxford or lleidel burg or Bonn but in Washington. XaturaHy the MajneriMn of the lit erary mind attracts the artist, and he fore the century clones art too will have its American home wi; bin the District ot Columbia, Secretary lioke Smith this week began the hearing of a celebrated land case which involves several-million dollars in value of the land at i--sue. The struggle is between the Northern Pacifi.; Uailroad Com pan' and about 1,500 settler. on the lands in the Slate of. Washington. lioke Smith as a lawyer for love of his :ro- fession and finds the joy in a legal 1 co. .test toat the Viking found in but tie. lie seemed to be in element in is c .se and entered into the cause with vigor. His principal' occupa- tion since he left Atlanta' ha been !tik?ilL"iii:fI..? n 1 1 . 1 Mot ru-.i.io.i teif i 1 ' llie "dlceseekcrs, and now that he has ;4 cue w,,n !,-r of bis liUilAl Iie is like war horse who sniifs the ba: tie from afar and longs to gel in it, Tne case excites great iuterst in the north west, as the tarms and homes of I, 500 settlers hang upon the Secre tarj's decision. 1 The color of the war ships is still engaging the s-rioiis attention of the naval authorities. The principal Tie sire for a change is to save expense. The Secretary likes the appearance of our pretty white ships, bwt the trequeut aii.tibg them looking clean airou eonsiderable sum in the course ofa! year. Tib- preference of most ofdeers aPPars to be f..r black or gray. Private Secretary Thurber speaks of the deserts of a nohle IiuL ll,al is slIidy the Boslouee for ofli- V,JI , c If Comptroller Eckels keeps u his present gait the Zimni Diggins system jf banking will soon be undermiuded. An American wine dealer says we j can in this countr- make all wines, except Sherr a fine as they can be uiau 'j any wnere, out .ve can i loucu , . Lurone oa Sherrv. for the reason 1 i i . t - . f , h(jrrK. l0iv. Jn er.,iAn ;w i lransportCli in s,ia; bkm b:i rs w,lic!. !;,., it ,,M,Hnr rtovr u-ld..l, i- . w. i ibis bice. t, . , . , 0 ..... - domestic and social virtue ! goat tmish oil. so to speaic. lias be-!,..,. a nositive- , . his rub.se career was spont; v ing the case, there is no u?e trying to . , . , . ' . , . lis manner'. , . i crowned w;tu tLe niguest u buck up against loreign bhcrrv with! . ..... , i . . -, . , I- out callivalin2 .r0ats.-Star " o If you are inclined to ay anything in a brother's absence which may lend to iujnre his character, reaicui bsr that you are violating an obliga- tion as well as doing a mean, con- temptable and cowardly act.Ex. ; JEFFERSON DAVIS- Loved and honored h the people of his o vn land as no other roan was ever love t and bvored before, revered and idol'Tsed Cor four Ions ! years and more by i1io.se who follow - I ed his counsel and advice ' and. - in ; whose !enrt i'recious m?mory : is i.ou-.i3- ennriiiti torever; re.--peciei J and udtidre by fr e-d and foe alike, j on land and' on sea, throughout, the I nations of the earth. JeliVrsori Davis's i mortal remains now peacefully rest i in lbdhwoncl Cen.etery,' -Richmond. ! Va , to await the last and final sum mo.ns of the Resurrection morn. Over tojtrv stars drop tluir stiver tears and around which the whispering zephyrs breathe their soothing requiem in 'strains as soft and low as those sweet notes fund mothers sing, when they in tender mood sogerd.ty soothe their fretful bib 3 to sleep," tran quilly rests all that U mortal of the grandest pan of this. or any oiher !X'. e. ' "In hallJ ot Slate he .sto.-J fiu- many ynars, LikfalhHl Ilnight, his visa all'a.'low , IV'ceivin, vir.;- storsily, blow for blow. : Cliameion of right! Uut from eternity's farsliort', TI;y spirit will retur.t to join the strife no more, ' ' . ( Rest, citizen, soMier, statesman prtriot and gentleman, rest; " -, Thy troullel lif is o'er."" Of all the'mcn in r'the nineteenth century who have brightened the pages of oiir countrv'.s historv,- lm printed themselves upon ttii minils j and hearts of' the p .)p:0. set ex- I um(es worthy of e-nulation, and carved their names in the niches of enduring fame. nine stand 'out; s-o 'c ji'spiciuusly as that of our dead ! ebieft.ai Jetiersou Davis. Some of UlVm hj;ve been orators,' who capti- , .. . i vated the aliection and swayed tne p.(SSjon6 of the people; some' have j been logicians, leading1 us step by step down into the well where- truth is found and rmsiinr us to the surface L. .... i hill armed in moot so,hi.Si.nes and . ... ,t-, n.'.-i.i abouiidi; some have dazzled with their genius in the domain of litera ture of the acts an i sciences: some have shown with ;mHeorij brilliancy ift the works of hu-uanitjv nr.o ttu; j -erl ood h; ai; broad fiehl of a common broth extending their sympathies' j ever-widening circle,; some have ris- to '-P en to heights of glory on land and ounts loaijj anj ,irawn forth plan's and r.liseS rr tlieir courage and skill,! I devotionj and patriotism in .the dread i arena of war; and $me, wliile noora- ,rs logicians, men of letters or scinnce, phjlantlrropi.s or warriors. : j,ave comhiuel themselves qualities which made society t ran seem! entry ' i,tte, because itTV-wer-:; merjbrs of it; the republic far loiter because they live-.l u it. And of thUs class Jelferson Davis srands out lirst and foremost- and iiead anil shoulders ' above l ho m all. He was c;,cn as the da", honest. .amii i generous, affection ami faith ful in his "private relations ; bold and K ' , . ! demonstrative, eager and aggressive .,.... It ,...t... -vo,loT n . . c- 14 lmn(';iluei,ull. 1CJ,K1 H"' as a parliamentary leader, quick as th.ui -ht, courageous and bravo as a i lion and yet meek as a lamb, j His private life was adorned with all the oiaesuc aiui sociai virtues, wnue : ontaneousl3 ionors in the gift of his people. Always andj was everywhere a leader of men; Le i , l : t ever lorexaost in ucuau-. ojauuajiiii:; the hither respect and consideration ; of his oppor.cn; and the aectionate regard and admiration of Lis friends, A man of generous and l.oblej im- pulses and one of unwstial attractive- ncs,, he wp ti e id.l of milUoh of j friends, wlr.se devotion lo his nrinei pics and allegiance to his cause j knew no hounds and the people of ! j the South, whom he loved with such i rar-j -levotim and sjrved so well,! i ! faithfully and true, now render sin- ; cere homage to his virtues and Ids ; ! extended puhite services. -ini while; j profoundly mourning his irreparable; j ioss, nevertneios- iifO me Si:entiti ! nt'bly per funned lo famii, friends solace. was a tower of strength in all that was upr ght, ft is' and patriotic. Whatever ho was called upon to do was done with the foice and acumen ofgrea'.-intellect treined in a purity and honest of purpose. With him from childhood o the grate, life al ways had its noble purposes. In ii VI contests he was found at the front, where the blows rained fast and thickest ever leading, vaN iant and lov'al to the cause he espou sed, lie did not faite.r at odds, as all the world will cheerfully bear tes timony, and defeai never conquered or dismayed him He. believtd in the right and the justice of his cause and naught detered him. Ke was a toiler when others ,'slept and worked when others idledand his unselfish regard, for duty onl' censed when the cord snapped .and he entered upon diis final rest. Thus once more we reverentially pav farcvell honors tmd tiibute to 'one. we have loved and al-' most idolized from boyhood; one whos-e talents hign- ciiristran- ctia.rac.Mv,area Kiirston ? i mr9rnvinfe w.a" tn,-. , . Scotland Neck i ni, arrive "NVVldo'ft SflSr. ter, paTiotism, statesmansnii, sol- m ..iaijy except sundry. 1 dierly bearing and chiyalrous deeds challenge the'admiration of mankind from the rock bouud)e.6ast and'pine ci'a:l hiils of Maine d-o-where the gold en sands of California are washed by tire restless wdves of the" Facific, from the great; gull on the south to the lakes on the north, from the Po- to mac to the Rio Grande, Irom the Missisippi'?o the Atlantic ! As to how generously the-e feelings '" i i aifd seiilitnents are 'everywhere shared I K,. fl.ni .n,..da ,.f iiir cnnnv slrnifJil'tiiil - 1 1 ' we would refer rou to the honors and respeot shown the remains from the time of the departure" of '-the funeral i tram Irom 'Ae.v Orleans on ?.Ionaay ""til the easkVwas lowered to its last resting" place -In Holloy - v.ooo on ine ioit;vwug ncuuu.id) 1 prentne it Piehmond Faveltevilie eentng, at idcnmonu. i tuturn, j ' ; Gazelle- Convincing Testimony. I was soendiiig the night in a i jcountry town not long ago." said the j 'i U rummer at the dinner table, and in j tlje evening, "before iKrdi'ine. several; , of the natives c .!! Leo at, the tavern 1 ; and we sat around on the porch talk- ! iatj, Oie of the r5idyts was tell- j jingroe what a f.ne country they had' ! about them. " 'Win',' he said in all earnestness, Jack IJisnev, who l?as a dairy farm : ten miles from town, gets 1.000.000 I , , , . - pounds of butter a week from Lis I i 1 i J cows, " I .,. ! a, "Ah, corn e otf," I ?aid with a . laugh. vou can't make me behvc any ; j fueh a stump speech as t-hat.' nui u b irue oreacuni, iu- ; ? sisted. i "I demurred again. -Ain't it so. Henry T he asked appealinslyio an elderly looking .. ... roan sc.i:ig iiwi. .u u;c -Wil. I Cit.'t say as to 1.000,000 . poaus. was He cautious rcpiy. nor jus, how muck exactly, but I know Jack has got. three saw mills on Ids; place that he 'ans entirely xrvh but- ' tertnilk.E. . . j ATLANTA C-'OAST LINE. "l'miniOn UJVVCiuOn 11311 xCoaa C3NS?0!EULP ' .t -tr 1).A1N SOL Til. . Xo. -23 I No. 27 i rasi Mail ai:y! Daily. No. 41 iully i-x San A M 0 M Iat..Fet.. r . 1; o 1 ;i V M j -i - I T . I . . - t f 7 0. Arrive Tarlioro ... J 2 1" 1 .. I Leave Tsirlro M 8 C (0 j j Arrive Vilon 1 2 1 I 7 0f 7 40 Leave Wiis.-n t i ?. .. Arrive Selma 1 : 2" Arr i"ayetteville... I T. ? ' LiMV nl ls.(rvt... t IT. 7 it) 8 ?.0 Le.tvo Warsaw ! ill 9 Leave Mairnolin.... 4 ?7 8 9 4t Arr. Wilmington.. I 00 9 55 , 11 25 TRAINS G01XQ JiORTH. j Daily ! Dally. 1 Daily. ex Surf P M 4 20 6 02 6 IS 7 10 Le. Pivnttf'Tille.- A rrive v1tu- Arrive Wilson 11 :-:r, 12 W F M 12 r.K j 1 M , A M Leave Wilson. f 3 A Arr. Rocky Mt I 4 0. 8 1 8 S3 Arrive Tarboro. Leave Taboro.... 6 o0 2 13 12 r.8 i r- M 2 55 Arrive WeMon... 05 10 Ofl Daily except Snnday. Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leave' Weldon 4 iiO p m.. Halifax 4 22 i m.. arrive at Scotland NeckR 17 P m. OrwvWe 6 nj. Kins ton 8 0 i ta. Heturnln;r,leave Kington. 7 10 a in. Oreeirvilla 2:n-m Arrlvlncr at Hal ifax at 11 i0-'a m, Weldou It 25 a. m, daily-".-erri sniiday. '..-' . . ' Local freiI.t trnin lc.avo.i WeMo'n at 10 ir;a tn. arrivlnir Scotland NVk 10", am, Oaeeiii- iile-TvSO p m.. Kinston,7 40 p m. Kturii1nf . Traijis on Soutliern Division, Wilson and Fayettcville Branch leaves Fayottevill 7.30 a. m.. arrive Rowland 12, If. p. in- Returning leaves Rowland lz.15 ni. arrive Fayctte ville 5.15 p. in. Daily except Sunday. Train on Midland NO Branch leaves Golds boro, N. C. daily except Sunday, i;in'i a m; ar rive Spsit!r;!.!'l N C:. M' a m. Rcturnirnr b-aveM Siuitjiiield, N. C' 7 :0 a. ni. arrives Gohisbro, N. c. 'J :' a.m. . ' Tjain on I"ahv!Ile Branch leaves Rocky Mount at U 11 p in arrives Nashville 5 55 p. in. Spring Hope ::o p, m. Retiirnlnr; leaves h'j.rinif IIoj' 8 00 a. m. Nashville fc S5 a. ml j Sunday. Trnm on 'dintn Rrtnch ifrve A Clinton, daily x-epr .Sumlay. nt frves Warsaw for 3 (0 j in and ! H I' a in. Returning, leave Clinton at 8-.0 a m and :: lOpm connecting at Wrrsaw with j n.,s. h. .an-i i-. i South boo nd t rain oji wiNou FavetteviUa Branch is No 51 .Northbound is No M). iaU except Sunday. Train No 2? ieuth and 1 North will htop only at Rocky Mount, Wilson Ooldsboro and Magnolia. j wol lull f(r a;, points North daily, ah rail via j SST1 Moulit- p Richmond and daily except runaay via uav t daily except sun-. Una for Noffolk and Norfolk Train leaves Tarboro. N. C. via Albemarle : & Halej;h R R, dally except Sunday. 1 40 r m j S:jnd.iy : p m. arrivi. st wimam:ton, v. c. I 7 l- ini ai d l iftnj; i iyniouin n m p in., ana ! s.ii j.m. Ret rnin leaves l'lyrnonth. N. C. ! da'.I v. except Sunday (' a n. Sunday a ui I Wifiia:ust'n 7 "0 a in. 0 5. a in. Arrive at, ' Tarboro, N. C. 10 4 a in and 11 lb am. JOHN F. II VINE, Gen. Suvt. R. KKNLY.G. r;cr;t.i Manager. I ! T. M . LM M ERSON. Tralflc Mauarer i i Many Persons arc brotcn dTRa from overwork or hrxusehQld cares- ISrown's Iron Bitters Kebuiidithe - e;-&tena, aidj di.r.-Mi r-v.- - s cswaofLile. 1 1 mm ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Will Practice in all the surroand- lnS counties. JONESBORO, N C. ; Aj-ni-n-M A 'NZW LAW FIRM. D. II. McLean and J. -A. Farmer I have this day associated themselvea ! together in the practice mt law in all J couru of the State, ; CoHeclions ncral practice soMcitetl ; r. Mr. fT:nu v r j. Av.Fahmcb, of Dunn. N, C- t3Vi93, , , . , Children Cry for PeC-tCn AMI AM L?a. Wil'niinffon 12 35 15 T.eave Magnolia.... 1 S4 10 f7 Leav Warsaw.! 11 11 Arrive (oMlori- 2 r." 12.01 1 i rt: a; 6 II f ' tii iii wi im ii . r - r . : - ' I

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