(OlJATnPTQ) A T try -7 "rr-t f a 7 ; m U u P k 2 (t. K. GUAM HAM. Editor. Ksn&ci Unto Caesar tlio Tilings tliat ar-3 Ciesar'j, Unto God, God's-' $l.''n) r r Y-ar. In Advance. VOL. LU. )CNX. HARNETT CO.. THURSDAY, JUL!7 13, 1S9: NO. 21. DIRECTORY, C 1 IS r"iMi. Mkt 11 -must. S-rvi-'s t'i- 4 Sun sa.iX :il 11 :: im., and Hi night at 7 p. ii. Kir-t Sunihiy ni;rhr at S:I?0 n. Sum lav S-Imc1 at n. in., II. .1. Strh-Uhnel. Sut'rintrudut. Pitv. G.T. Simmon". !.!-:!-. PlilMITlVH IlAITIT. StM S;it- irua ami- Sunday morning. In'f.uv the third Sitndny in each mouth. Disc'irLtlS. rv'j-" :v S'lu-lay in ach iiiontii. moi nin; and niht. Sun day S'-Uool Ht 4 ;. in., f'very Snnd;iy. I'ruVf r Mwiinir every 'i'i'jnd iy nilit. ' liKV. J. J. HakIM K, Ta-lur O, W. 15. M. UMM-r every Moiidny i:Iirlit t'ter the 2: id- ua-l 4 1 h . Smnlay in each iiionih. rATiT. S'-rvi' "vry 2n:l S'ui- ilay at 1 1 a . n:.. a 7:U p. :. .Sun 1mv Sc'.h.oi al '. ::; a. in., li. 0. Tayi;: SuMt, braver :! tin very 'I'luu x'.ay veiling at 7:U t. j Kkv. X. '.. Coin:. Pa-tor. t r".:i!:VTK!:!AV.-l-vi"T l-t SiKulay ai 1 1 a. in. a.il p. m. Klv. W. O. Sami'Lm. IVistor. 1'kk::-V,':i.;. I' x-.'-risr rv: on Foiirtli San.i.-y '.I ".-(..-i;. S-n hi v N-h:l ev:-:y ..-!".:.;. .u '.:I a. in. Era-liui- I.e-. u; ri,.t'-u lt-uf Ki.V. II. Woni.nv. Pa-tor. '.r. I-,i-nJ5iie'Sl ri4iju-:'., '-i Ftotn a Jetier written lv Mrs. Ada E. lhi.rd. of G'-ofui, s. 1)., we qu ite: Vas taken .Willi a bad odd, which Bellied on u;v Luns, cx'iigli set in and final 'v teimiua ed in Consumo tion. Four doctors gr.e me up, ay in: I could live but, a short time. I gave m -elf up to my Saviour, deter mined if I could not stay with my fnemis on earM , I would meet m :ih-nr o o-i abo e. My husband was :. U.is.-d to get Lr. Kind's New Di oerv for "Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles; it has cured me, and thank God I am now a well and hearty woman." Tii ti bottles free Harper & Hood's Diugtture, regular ze, ooe. and $1.00. I) U J. II DANIEL. DUNN. II A UN El'T CO. N C. Has met with ir.o.t wonderful sue ecs in the treatment of Cancer. Write to him for one of his pam phlets on Cancer and its treatment. ILIIII,' ATTOEKEY-AT-LAW Will Practice in all the surround ing counties. - JONES 30 BO, N, C. Arril-Sl-r-2. A HEW LAW FI3M. D. H. McLean and J. A, Farmer have this day associated - theim-civCs together it; the practice ef law in ail the courts of the State. Collections auj general practice solicited. D. H. Mc Liiav, or Lillington, N. C J. A. Fakmei:, of Dunn, N, C. May-ll-'93. Subscribe. for The Tii:E.. HIN3i'01T LEi'TEPi. fPruui our llt-fe.ui.ir C'.rr,.-i'ir.'i;it o Uoth the poiinea! nod the financial situations, and p-irticu'nriy the sun.- i . . ' . . mer season at the js -iti'ii;tl Cain' an ; , , ' the call of President Vleveland br; an extra session of '1 'orvress to meet i An n:-T. O. I h -i r 1 1 f.'iTJie . . ,hs ;t :rfar. surprise to u ! me qnni , . i HU5H-S :iu i in cvtrv one e hat i . t lie fi.aii'ji:i! ' q icsti!n wul b;; t::e j ; . . ! . hrst matU'r to receive- fcf.oution lSi J entTitll conceded, but "there is a ; C"i:spii-i( u ; d !,verstt v of opinion :is I to how l!. ' diiTicuit 'will be met. The j secrecy thai w as maintained about j i , ' . - - I thv courem'tlritett wanted to br-parii i ! . 1 jcu'.arly eureuii, and, until t.he inf.r- i ! ma'ion w.s fi.ialiy given out from tlie White llt.ue. no one was aware j of the importance of the special cab inet nieeiin. W'ole i! was uener.illv u:i-U-rsf.oot i that !he Executive wouli not call ' Ciuir t-ss to.;et her unless he was as-I - ! . i i fv J f'i.t !i. j i ii i u i In t till j . , . . Slierii.riO I-.w wuin t tie r r'.'pe;d3d, it is . aot liiotight tie-it, i.is atiou was based OK SCO 'LU JVS. l ne c-k isensu- i of opin'o.i ;;" .!e c-.-untry (or congres-1 1 : sio act on to relieve the lepressed - : u;e. : ' i "CM 4"'it J 1- now eon- i ' . -id t-d ;n polit'eai circles that the ; resoonibi i:.v 1ms bet n liifted from the f- ! ! ' ' 1 : d ' r of the lT0s!!,:'t to 1 1 o r-!" f.'r ;jr and that, the di i rcct repres-Mita ive's of tne- people i ;iust carry out the!; dictates, j . One ot the humerous phases of the ' a.'ita! ion lias -n' supplied bv. those 'stat: a: en w!io allege unwillingness ! to yiit Washington in summer time. ' because t'ney declare it to be the abid ; ing place of the exfamtiye ir.solatiivn. ! For a -long while Washiug'.on was i ! stigmatized as tiie home of malaria and it was t'e fashionable thing for : men ;v:t.h u neon! roliable appet'Kes. ; pa:np( red oy ofli na! opportunity, to i blame Wiiashino danst rmed Con jgressijinal malaria" for their indispo l sitioa. Tuat excuse has been thread - bare th'e ur ny :r.ont!is and no one excases it ; w, but in its place are heard re ft renews to t.e territic sum- merheat from winch the i,na4 ! Capital is supposed to suffer. . TIkH ! fact ot the matter is that there are i few cities this country that nre ' more pleasant durin" "the wnrm j WAS ihout!:s th;-n Wasliington. Br.iail I f"Hy at every snugtsLion ef an enter- j remedy or relief whatever ex-ept for idential post masters salaries hare aveMi.es ei mit the free mtivement of j prise for the unbuilding of the place, "the peonle to stand t'get''er," wsich been mad- : Asnevilie remans at $2. cooling breves, lofty shade trees cut ! Nov, th-n. let's quit all this no..- 'as interpreted by him means that 'C00; Bmlington increases from : aye i off the sun d;rtc.t lavs, while the! .,io,.i.i . rr. n cnrr,, j coo' in"" int'.ueuce uch as but few ; I jar,TC. tenors of population' enjo-. There is hardly a more comfortabit citv in the eoun'rv than Washl-vr..;.-- no matter what weather conditions , prevail. i The extra sesci-o:i c cued un ! limited gossip a to tiis organization ot the next House, which will e-sen-j tally be the first thing to be none in I the grow tL til, u town tuat can ie. : muj ana are iuc iTu5u. ui ;fi,o,...w;i. via. o-au-Au -ust. The Ca-iul ielf Can 1 It i a standing advertisement which third party :n Chatham ! : ing increase" fiorn $1,100 to $1,200; hardiv called a' center for such! always attracts. It gives more free: His attempted sarca-m and lidicide , Mt. Airy from $1,200 to $1,400; ! faIk althou-h the eanidates for n ost ; purls and explanations or the place of President Cleveland reseed .icsktn re main i?2,0t0; Oxford de !of the I louse oihee can be found ! than all others. It never lets pass a ! the grimaces of an opos-um a creased fr m $l,Co0 to $1,500; Bal 't!i re. Just at 'prc-ent the Cupitol is ; good opportunity to a ivocate the in- ' lion, ti e king of the . buasls.. He eigh remits $2,700; Ktiduville, ,'Tt ;7 .'liiil, to re-eive cumoa- ieresis of its hrme enterprises. It ridiculed Cleveland's call for an ex-. $1,600; Kockingham. $1,000; Pocky ! nv tuit when Ci.nnres meets evcrv- : lv all the chuches and never fails ' tra sess:m or Congress, wuicu ue .Mount increusea irom ?i.uu bin- will be in aople pie order. In i to speuk out tor its schr o' ; resent pretiicted "would fasten the manacles 400 : Slem.$ 1.500 to $UC00; SalU-iV-Senate sacUeVau'es aH 3re Ui be ! all insinuations against the character on the ; eojde still tighter." The bur re gains $ 1.80J; Sifiby drcrea "lC';,'X. !.-tl rlvhovP i're n - ' of the dtiz-ns ar.j industries of the whole tone and tenor of Lis speech ed from $1,200 to $1,000; SUtesriJle OVJb U V- ----- - '., , .,.rri,:.. v., .;I.c. rs wi enter cpon thtir dutie: when tie St nae meets, x i.e tn y hen new face o:i th -n.r of the Senate will b Mr. Stanford's euccesiur. a;i J ptdntei bv ihj Govt nor of Calltornia. I'i:e other Senators were swor.i i i on Lhc it 1: ot Mar-ii las:. , .ot,.,,!, .,,. n(L, i i,.l . t'"1' vi!n many nr members to take their scats. A new sooake-, clerk. ' 1 . sergcnrit-nt-anns doorkeeper a d ! post m :is!cr are to be elected and J brand new committees are to be ap- ; pointed. Thi does nut necessarily 1 ; : ire n a cicnge in uie persouei o nu i i !! - j'M '"ifii. but if. ii 1 1 i i t iirMi-. i ! , ' i.lt.t.irftil Kir .art.r in A f tin 1 i ii..iini uy urn iiit:it. ii? liJt; i ' speakership, it iruversahv ui: ! - , led thai Cms.) s aam wnM iced- mave! m t tie hitiv4!unt Congress. ; . .. ! i here is no tadv of oppi.sit'on to him, i i n r lias Uiere necu any. Tiie general idea that thirty day's notice is required to call an extra; session to-jioher i errouous It w:ss the practice in the early days of the country, when me.'vis ot transporta- I v . . n .....1 ,.,N..til-..?...-t,k . w i V ? , . i W j I 1UI1 iill'4 U'Kliai I') t ltlC , to. give a i:oiice of two or three months, but the Fony-third Con was called on a notice of but three days, while an extra session called bv President IFiees assembievl -on a I at..!..,. ..T - . tt r - m i i j. , , .' . I or. loeveia:tl will remain at t-nz- i ! zaro iiav u.iUi ab 'M, the i i-st .1 i .S u ?. . , ugest. It nn.'.erstooil that lie will transact only the most urgent i luwiu; i;usii:esr u ic .au nuiiiiu a . . : liav auo w tat o.n.:i :l an .it'Uiieinuts . , , , , i 'are' to ite maoe will he iiivea at the ! i i-.xccuuve Aie.nsiou here. j ! A slatement pretiared by the con- ' , , i trot!er ot the ccrrencv ho?s that the t A. , ', , amount u n ona :uik uo'es oul- standi. g is G14,o.'jo, an increase j during the lUoai.'vear ending June 00 of 0,0S,SU7. ' ' ; - s is i: or lou- 'Make a personal matter of it. What are you doing to promote tiie prosperity of your towm ? Are you work' n g for it, and talking' for it? Or are you speaking dispannglv of the town? A town can be made or kuled by the way people talk about it. One croaker and one! , . , , l , kicker can do more to pu 1 a town , , , j down than a dozen good men can do tii- ir r . i i to build it up. If yoa don t like our town and don I think any enterprise i t . i ,i can be made to succeed in it, the f "est thing for yoursi If and for the town is for ou to pull up and go to better place. We rind men every- . , . i were and m every town who never VC a good word to speak for their, town. They shake their heads. doubt- I sense, and as one man' talk and work for our town, and aid in every enter- ..ii . . r- prise to tn? riiiesi ex.ent 01 our aim- V'ith this spirit siccess is sure, aati without it failure-is equally cer- Uiai. Warrcnton Kecord The Home lc-TrsraT)er. A i.ewspaper is the greatest help to town ; it lives but to b.ntHt the com- munity. Tu rt pay its untiring effort asks the supoor: of the people, not - in a begi.ig man: .cr. but s a reeom- pei;se for it, labir. It is cntit c I to a liveiihuud orcaufe it gives mere thau it takes. I: urdy aks for its nm ts, j,aJ '...tie it uou.-i iiuve. i -.-Ik. . " 2 I BUXE'S GREEK ACADEMY. FOE'S, HAKN2TT COUNTY, N. C. I Prepares for College or Business. ers' Course Free. Forty of our Students iiave been teaching. 154 etu- j , ,. , , . f. . dents enrolLd last sessison. A lir.siness Course for less than s."),00. ianv other school in 1 lie State. -rflVriiu boarders. .Six miles to a hs-.r-ronm. For Ca'aloj;ue giving advantas. KEY. J. July-irwim. BUTLER'S SPEECH-. The notrious "Mary Ann'' Butler delivered one of bis demagogical luir- ftvcrnp t t.hi ril.ie.ft. on last Tneilav. 1 ,T ', . . . P 1 1 1 i S VIl.S 1 nil ilj i 7T. .1 , .41 1 V Ui-IMIi , -v- I . I v. 4 . iu a Chatham county audience, and no- j while lias canvas of Butler's may be lices iA' his oming had been widely ; the making of him and his paper, circula'ed over the county so as to j where or how does it he'p or beneflt dra.v a large crowd to hear hiu-.There anyb dy ehse ? It certainly dies not was mueii curiosity to see. him, and, 1 help tiie Farmers Alliance, because after seeing arid hes'ing him. very ! undei his presidency and tiiisman dirTerent were the impressions taade aemeut tha. order bas been well- ly ilfi. His uiiu ueo- followers; regarded I-.ini as a second Muses sent ; to lead them :n!o the 4dand of Prom- j i-.e (and if they continued) Vie lelu-; ded by him he wdi unduubteillv leiid . . , . . ! mm ltit.i t hmi n inikPn nromi.sCs . whbe otiiers r L'arded hirnias an uu- ! scr upulous demagogue, lie is a ; 1 vount r nnau Liiau iiihh pi-i!ui.s ; i" L , - , , i ' stjnposed him to be, being hardly j i . I . . T1 ., . . ! i thirty ears -11. He is lluent in i I speech and wndl educated, having i srraduatnd at the State 'U a i vers!' v in I 1685. nnd where he was known h j his fellow-students as the greatest t 'wire-puller" in college. After grad j uating be studied law, then taught; scIk-o' and afterwards became e.-'ittir I of the Caucasian. He has the manner j i j and air of one w ho thinks he "knows f j it ail," and his fox-like face betraj's ; j h:a cunemj: nature. lie has unusual powers of h.imicry, find would maitej a capital clown in a second-class cir-J j cus. It had been announced in his paper i , . ri i . i 4 i , (the Caucasian) that he w.ud deliver ; i ... , . , , , , K;-. ! an "a bance addtes?. but. he began- 'i- ui i i , m : ; his speech bv stating that he would) ! , . r . j t speak "on the issues of the day and! i. .. ., j a n, , lorthwith proceeded to mae s politi-i ; cal harangue, such as is. chaxae ' tic ot ail third party speakers. j denunciatory language he appealed j 1 . .i - j - 4- r i j to :'je passions ana prejudices of Lisj j bearers, and, while gloomily por- j graying the "hard times." offered no j everybody should nnite in giving all; ; the offices to him a::d tn r.-lb-.-r lead- ! . i . ir . I 1.., ,,. .P ; ers 01 uie tni ru pai ty iic staau - : that' politicians always control politi - cal parties, and warned the Poplfc's fparij. against being controlled by j politicians. " This was evidently a jestj for he certainly would not have said anything so personail unkind ' against the chronjc olUce-seekers and politicians wh were sitting so near was ;o ecbitter his hearers, to truuse . their pasio::s a d prejudices, mt'k- icg them dis-.a;:-fieJ with everything , a l ili-lntfni of every tio iy. Auu thus ander the guise f his oOlciai jios tloM a-, prew lei.t cf the State A 1- liar.ee. this potiver,. us agitator and u angerous t tv :urtz"2 u-- ir-ito i'e o--r ur strive -UIj-. V(:a! Mu-ie. Pe r.:i;i.aehiu and Teach Tel'iir?phv. Bte- loer t!ian ec.nal r.dvnn-ajcs. Oui hon.-r T.rz Fu'l tern o:eni Airuut 7t':, IS?3 te '.;m -!iir!,s ti: , A Je:i. A. CAMPBELL, ivineipah j neighbor :nd to p-ornoti hia own ; personal interests. Vr rre suppose i evrwLero he fpeas. as was done j here, an appeal i laadu to his hear. ers to heii ;? cause" In becomimr ; . . v , , , ' n:gh wrecked! -Chatham Record. Three. Kiszes- The purest kiss In the, world is this - Th2 kiss that a mother laya 0:i her child's Trtsh lips As he bli'hely tiips To meet the .world and its ways. The sweetest ki3s In the world is this The first long kiss or love. When time is nt And tiie earth's forgot. And Eden drops from above. The Ri:d.'!eBt kiss In the world is 'his The kiss on unanswering clay When dead lips tell We must sob farewell Till the dawn of Judgement Day. Philadelphia Ledger. The young icen in North Carolina 1 are at the front! The clcvatioa of 1 Edwin A, Alderman and Collier Cobb a" tiie un p.erauv; Jerome uowa at 1 ' T rinity ; James Y, Jovner and P. P. J 1 ' - Claxton at the Greensloro College lor women, and the election of Dr. ' Cheshire to the bishopric are the 1 . i North Carilit.ians r.re alive to the ability of its own sons. It means ' ' - that a new an S(tnh q A.r x and better era has dawn- Carolinian. The following adjustments of pres 000 to $1,400; Chapel Hill from $1.- ; 100 to 1,200; Cliarlotte remama $2, cn . T i. rir. . 1 . i-1 ; iuu, iuiuain, -.uu ricuuin. i 200; Kl:zab-th Citj. fl.ot'O; Fnyette- ! vjlie, l.f-00; (rohUb ro. fl.SOO; j Greensnoro increases fi om 2,300 U 2,400; Greenville froiu $1,000 to s 1.100; Ile icrs'fn decreased from 1,00 to ?1.C'0; Hickory remain ; f l.OO; High J'oirt decreased from $1.50' to 1.400; Kintlon remains remains $1,700; TarUoro. $1 C00; WashingUn. ' $lw00; Wilmington. $2.00; .Vt'iison. ? 1.600; W i niton in - creaseil kosi IJ to $2.yOJ. ? There -raUriei are adjusted annually ad are based on tU grM receipts for the three quarters of the fiscal cj. n.ai,0 .iormwsr uaiwu. there will be a c-mp:de re.r

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