J Gen rT3! 1 G. K. GliAXi llAM. Ivliior. Render Unto Caesar the Things that are Caesar' j, TJnto God, God's- $1.00 Per Year. In Advance. VOL. IJL DUNN, HARNETT CO., TIILISDAY, JU1A' 20, IS9? NO. 22. 15 IV r DIRECTORY, Town Okficeiis Mayor, ft. A. Pir- ker. Commissioner.-. J. II. Pope, J. Cox, l T. Masse ngill. F. T. Moore. Attorney, V. P. Jones. Marshal. M. I,.. Wade. Clitirclittw. Mi-rniowsT. Servie.e the Ath Sun day al 11 n. in., ami at ntght at 7 p. m. First Sunday night at S :.'') p. in. oiimlar Sehool at ! a. in., 11. J. Strickland, Superintendent, IvLV. G. T. Simmons, Pastor. Pkimitivb BaI'TLST. Serv?ee Sat urMa ami Sunday morning before the j thinl Sunil.i v in ach month. Kkv. Buiinick Wood, Pastor. Dikcii'LKS. Services 3rd Suud:ty in neh moiith. morning ami night. Sun day Sehool at 4 p. in., every Sunday. Prayer Meeting every Thursday night. 1KV. J. J. IlAKl'KK, Pastor ( V. U. M. meet every Monday night After the 2nd ami -ttU Sunday in each month. riAl'TlST. Services every 2nd Sun day at II a.m., and 7:30 p. u. Sun day School at U:IU a. in., H. G. Taylor, Su"t. I'ravor Meeting oveiy Thursday ovening at 7:30. Ukv. X. li. Conn, Pastor. Puksuytkuian. Every 1st Sunday at 1 1 a. in. and 8 p. m. Ukv. W, O. Sample, Pastor. Free-Will Kaitlst. Services ou' Fourth Sunday at 11 o'clock. Sumlay School every sumlay at 0:3 ) a. in, Eras mus Leo, Superintendent Be v. J. II. Worlkv, Pastor. -LADIES K CCulng R tonic, or children vrho want build ing up, ehould take BROWN'S IKON BITTERS. It is pleasant; cures Malaria, Indigestion, pjjirnffne,'at Liver Complaints and Neuralgia. DR. J . C. GOODWIN, DENTAL SURGEON. Graduate of Vanderdilt University, Dental Department, O tiers his services to the public. Office rooms on 2nd floor Good win & Sexton building, Dunn, N. C. Juiy-i3-tf. D U J. H DANIEL. DUNN, HARNETT OO. N C. llavwiet with most wonderful suc cess in the treatment of Cancer. Write to him for one of his pam phlets on Cancer and its treatment. ill! ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Will Practice in all the surround ing counties. JONESBORO. N, C. April-21-92. A NEW LAW FISM. D. 11. McLean and J. A, Farmer hate this day associated themselves together in the practice f law in all the courts of the State. Collections and . general practice solicited. D, II, McLean, of Lillington, N. C J. A. Faiimeu, of Dunn, N, C. May-1 l-93. Subscribe for The Tiues. BILL ARP S LETTER- Silver and gold. I wish .hat I did understand it, I have said so much about bimettallism and demonetizing j ai.d free coinage and the Sherman i suing ore to the minis and melt and to l:ake, but everbud will hav silver. IJless tLe Lord ! We will run every mine lo its full capacity day and night, and we will open a tin uand rew ones and ship the act and the purchase of bullion and what Uongress should do and should not do that it all make- my head dwin and I lose confidence in Mr Cleveland and Mr. Carlisle and every ') dy else. The whole thing s ems to be in a tangle. Have we no reat statesmen. m great financiers to back up to? Are the editors of the papers to box the thing about forever and ever and keep the people in a quan dary ? Is partisan politics- to eur.-e the country while it is" siitfcriug ''roin a financial panic thai is paralyzing every industry and creating a general distiust. There is not a republican paper but what wi uld rather ihedem ocrats would make a blunder than to bring re ief. They are a heartless set the!e po.iticians. They are ev erlast.ingly mnchiuing around to keep in otlije or to get in and the democrats are nearly as b id as the republicans. I have heard so much in the last two week -4 about mach ne politics that I :r.n sick. 1 never con ceived how man bargains and trades tiad to be male to get an ollice; huw many traps and triggers and how the patronage and spoils and perquisilies had to bii divided out to suit the con gressmen ami kepp them in orlice. Not all the cangresmep, of course, fur thank heaven we have some there who have no machine and who would not fear to have every act of their po litical life laid open to the people, bul with some of them a public llice is a private trust. They say, "Tuis is my otlice. I worked for it, I stoop ed for it, lied for it, and I'm going to make all I can out of it." It has been that way always I reckon and we can't help it, but 1 do wish we had some great state? men like there used to bo some, great thinkers and leaders like Colhoun and Webster and Dewit Clinton of the olden times. 1 wish that we had Justice hick son wes in coneress. for I do believe that a man who could untangle the Central Ualroad as quickly as he d'd could untangle all this money bus1 ness and tell the country what to do to restore conlidencee. That is all that is wanted they sa'. Confidence ! I want some myself. Confidence is a plant of slow groth in a aged bos om. My old fnend Cicero Strong told me the other day that the way to settle the trouble was to lake the 100,000,000 of reserved gold that was in the treasury and use it, for it had been there for years and j-enrs doing no good and they might just as well fill up the bags with ir.m or lead or copper and nobody would ever know the difference, for it is never counted but is weighed twice a year- It could be fixed up in the night by the treas urer and one or two men to help. "What is the use of the gold being locked up so long when it is needed ho bad ?" "Maybe that's been done already," said I. -Mayoe the gold isn't there, but it is ouly bags of lead." ,Mabe them republicans did change it," said Cicero, and he looked solemn, like he. Wo, had lost confidence. During the last great political ex citement when the people's party was cavorting around, a little preacher pver in East Tennessee recanted a wagon body at a justice court ground and haraugued the boys on the silver question. Free siivet !" he cried Free silver I" lilessed be the pros-j mold and stamp and tium ship it all over the county by carload, and when our share iets here we will load it in wagons and drive out on every road, and as the wagons move along we will shovel it out ami scatter it far and w.de. and even the women and children will get Mime, bless the Lord ! Free silver; come quickly and buy without price, dm ye of little faith, and the people said "amen." That wasn't much worse thai a speech that I heard George Francis Train make at Rochester about twen ty years Jigo. He grew sublimely eloquent 'about the government issu ing millions and billions an( tril lions and quintnllions of paper mon ey and lending everybody just as much us they warned.-' "Keep the paper mills running day and night and ttie printing machines, and let the bright, new bills flood the land and then-1 will h ive a pocketful and feel like a iieutlemau, and my cotin 1T3' iViend will h-tve hi saddle .bans full, and that good woman wi 1 have her apron full and we - will build docks and canals and railroads and meeting houses and ships and fac tories and even body will have plenty to do at bin prices, and the poor will become rich and those who are now rich will become poor, for their old fashioned "money will be good no more, and we will all be hapP3r as if the millennium had come." j EUIE'S CREEK ACAl)EMY. POE'S, HARNETT COUNTY. IT. C. Prepares for College or Business. Vocal Music, Peiiiiinanhip and Teach ers Course Fiee. Forty of our Students' have leen teaching. 154 stu dents enrolled last session. A Business Course for less than $.),Q0. Telegraphy. Fl.-ue- lover than any other school in the State, tiering equal ad van aes. Qmet homes for boarders. Six miles to a bar-room. Fall term opens Ausunt 7th, 1893. For Catalogue giving advantages, te-tlmonials. etc. Address. REV. J. A. CAMPBELL, Principal. July-13-lm. OUR WASHINGTON LETTER. 'Hold on Train," said one of his hearers; "hold on a minute." "What's the matter?"- said Train. "Wouldn't the whole thing collapse and burst up after a while ?" said his hearer. Train looked at him with st)veri;ni contempt, and said : "Why, 4f course, it would; any fool might know that. There would be an aw ful bust up, but all these hotels and canals and railroads and factories wouldn't bust up they would be there. Don't you see ?" There is some truth in all this, even if a fool did sav it. Gr to Decatur and Anniston and BoyceVs and Shef field ami Florenee and Bridgeport. Go anywhere where there was a boom a fuw years ago and see the big hous cs'und stores and fartories that are emoty. They arc all there. - but the cid lapse came and the builders have scattered to parts unknown. You can't force prosperity by a boom neither can it be forced by leg islation at Washington. They raaj' grease the wagon so that it will run easier, but no permanent relief will come until there is a demand for the products of industry, whether they j (From our Regular Corrosion dent.) The stay-at-homes of the National Capital are not asking for any par j ticular sympathy this summer. The weather U all right so far any lapses in its good behavior are, at all events, not One bit worse than any where else. In Washington one's social position does not depend on Iiott many months you are on?, town. There is an essence of go-as you please in this atmosphere that prob ably does not exist in any other city in th.s country. One potent reason for it is dcubtlecs found in the fact that many officials are obliged to etay, and tleir families remain to keep them company- So whether your socl-political dame stays at home or shines in front rank of so ciety at Newport or Bar Harber, it makes no particular change in her standing wken the clans of Vanity Fair gather for the famous winter season at the Capital, This time next month the popula tion will be considerably augmented by Congress and those who come in its train. .The most of this influx comes unwillingly and nobody The prolonged illness of Justice Blatchford made his death not unex pected, ami there is consequently lu tle gossip over his successor. The names of both Secretaries Greshani and Carlisle are mentioned, but it can be stated with considerable as surance that the place will not be offered to either. Ex-Minister Phelps of Vermont is also promin ently me'utioned as a possible can didate, and so are Frederick C. Coud dn, and James C, Carter, who is the associate of Phelps as Unile I States counsel in tlie Bering Sea contro- verss. Justice Blatchford has been at the bar or on the bench for oyer years, and brought the Court a rich experience which uayc him distinction as a member of the tribunal. He was a man. of ma y friendships, and possessed of the puolic ccnfi lenee to a lemarkable de gree, That he was a good man and a righteous judge is the best epitaph that can be written of him. The announcement that the Secre tary of the Treasury was seriously ; considering the proposition to re deem the arious outstanding forma of notes and issues instead a stand- ard United States treasury note has fifty Supreme blames them. For Washinztonians a summer Congress always makes! excited considerable Interest among hot weather hotter. But to all the ! financial racn' Generally the idea legislative solons Washington offers I is accepted as an excellent one. Thev a healthy city with clean streets, ! tbat tbe issuance of a United shady parks, delightful suburban drives, pleasant companionship and a. themometor not given to any more frequent upward leaps than anN'where else. Gold and silver will fight the great est b-ittle in all their coinage exis tence when the xtra sesion of Con-? gress settles down to work, and only the most optimistic of the silver men gather much confidence out of the conditions as they now appear. The advocates cf the gold rea'ize the ex tent of their advantages and arc bound to havs financial matters ad justed on their iines. m That the Sher man law will be entirely repealed is not at all likely, although some f the more advanced silver men may en deavor to bring thit to qass. Un conditional repeal would leave the Bland law on top, and as tbe Sher man law causes money to be issued on a gold basis, while the Bland. law coins siiver a9 silver, the situation j states note which would be on a par with the note of the Bank of Eng land could not be but a satisfactory plan and would do away with the present form of having five different kinds of paper money. The plan in question contemplates an entire change in the money system of the United States, and calls for the re demption of all the yarious forms of money now used in this country. The new note will be redeemable in "coin" i but in the act the definition of this word is to be plainly stated, It is diflbult to determine whether Mr. Cleveland suffers more from ill health or the rumor friend. Hon. Thomas B. Reed is coming to Washington with the air of a Thomas cat who is about o swallow a canary bird. To Enter the Ministry- is Prof. G. T. Adams, a native of ! nrt Ho imnmvpd nno whit. It almost! , , ... .- ! Cumberland, but for four years past liUmo until ii.u mil u.m..j, i . , . , ifromtha general standpoint would! lm -ri-ir.nn.iMO ir t !) Cull I horo ! l lit: 1111 1 1 111 bUV -MI. A UVVs i.v , been an over-produesion in everything and there has been too j 1 . 0 . . 1 principal of tbe Newbern Collegiate . . jf personeuv lnicresteu uuuuu'mu3 . much extravagance at nome. It a - Institute, has formerly tendered Lis , . .f . ts delay the work of reform, opeedy; r man gormandizes himself he g -ts J , . - - resiznatioD. to abandon the profes . , , , . . 1 - t , action of the most decisive sort is j . sick and has to take medicin-. Just' - . , sion of teaching, to enter the Vander- so most everybody has been living beyond their means buying too much on a ciedit becau-e credit was oirered and goinis were cheap, and now. when the shut-dowu ' comes we are uol prepared for it. That's the ,( Kncinnoi nrn fid tWr A for tllftt lnn ... ., .U i ton, Ky., to prepare himself for the fidence is business itself. . There will j . . ... ' . i work of the gospel ministry. He is be strenuous etrort made t Increa-e , ,n - r n , .1 . . s a graduate of Irinity College of the the currency, but the the opinion j noon 1 v t t - .. . r i class of 1889, and the Newborn Jour- prevails that is no necessity for more - 1 . , nal speaks in term of hicb praite of j - . . ' liia OTurL in lliit ritt- l'rrf Artnma way it is at my house, and all I can! this country is $24. and if confidence; .,, ' .. , t ' wmi Bi)cn(i mi wppk anil nrii ai iiis do U in lav it on this financial hnsw I was restored millions would nds . .-. ness and tell n.y folks it j confidence, It is all right, and we I old home near Little Hirer Academr. u lr. fitheir way into active and healthy 1 - .... are taking our medicine. Chicago rrft When iiiir nariv oetsin nower. , -1, 1 ,M!uas gone up the spout at niv house want, no more poverty, no more hands to hang down or feeble knees thank the good Lord. Bill Ai:r. circulation. It is believed here that the situation is already very reas snring and that with legislative re- lief of the right sort few people will i know a year hence that thre was j any financial stringency in 1893. j psr year. 1 in the northern part of this county. Favetteville Gazette. 1 Subscribe lor Tiir. Tijies, only $1 ; ! in -1 f 4 I 1 i r r 1 ' f S ! i II i 1 - i r-m t JSMPcS,J

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