' "t i 1 a J JL v!il G U i .L x .ro: : a j : i s ; v. . -x. , I ' - I JL A T 'I' 1 i.- r ' PCE'3, HAI-NETT COUNTY. N. G. r 135 ' ? v5 i m 71 I JiL JLJiLJLjJ NV: t ' At.nnrv. I". I'- .J'f'v. -!:'. U tl r . i r :iitt:'! i -iji - iij ' :x p i t t jv- ' ci ?t:t.;-ri.f sj r - fr i il 'i cL-.is; t. ; T i I kV i i -X ) "( - ".. ;.! !1 :i. '..i.. mimI at ni!r.. :it 7 j Pi . t i.'x ( a: ! v i -:y tii- Atxi .." M ?.!. ' ". -:!! DO! !i T. ,rt','''s; P Mit :iir n!" ti ?. !ics J'ropfirc' for CMti!i: r hu:i,s. V::il ,M;iir. $ti.niiHHcliit anl lVftol r ('furv F?t'p. K.iriv r our S tutc.i'!? hn- i-ci-n U:ifiiin.r- I.i4-Htii A I!:s n" s iN.urSv'ifur lfs t J an ".00. Teiirrnplir. INtr l'er tlisn t:i ?."' is LouH'l.k-" n i l ;i'jr:t.r-iv. Ij. '"' ,'''t'r vJ:m! iti i he S?ali r-lferin cjul aK-n a,es. uet lumis fr t.jr, th" l-ii-iiMiir,!-! 'I i.is. j ' ;,r' 1 rs- lx TI,n l :i :" r""l!, rati utiu npfu-i auuuhi t in, j '!uri:i' Hi- I 'Eiiit Vi-i's r tr n.-e;i- l',,r 1 il givui.-i ''i-ui.as. lest.ir.ouia!?. ete , A.fli('.f. KBV. J. A. CAJSIPBELL, I'rincuul. ,.: "I'lfv, .Mr. "i -VI' : im I v jij i) v V -t S'i ,. iv ni -!ir :r ?. t.i. -u' ! iv J . ; inu . Ihk.j at !i ;i. IL .1. i: vit-ki u '. b'iu ! .jr. ih ' . 'Hr'.'A ; !ivl.: -i.i.-irN ! " Ul 'jV1:n- i ienoinmnf mjl v7rk. C)r,r rriPitin 1!) I'm jMIJMTiil' 'll'!i'!lt. , fr tite s- ssiu. but; on vhi. ; r:-" j b siji;? .v jMs.z el. There e:sr ".' i'llV'- iit-i"! n -ui -!? "i t ilu- trtlUe iii-iix i rii:n: i i it :.i:'i . .;. iri iiiv tl.inl ..:ltv it, .-'i.-!. in ...rh. j ,h!,M' ' vt'" l' 'T'? ''"J "!'J (;..:,: r.-ss lll.V. HUUNICK U' ., L4-mr. j r,a,i ; Jj tr"e.l. Hut t ' is ti:n I I here wris no tinni!i! of a s.lvor cs I i"r. The r?ts ;i w. ilu- i.cv C'ii I isiiri.?--x. S'rv;-' li: Ninthly in :h !i I'MMii!'. nun ninij :! niht. .Sji:i '3 iNr ! :tt 4 j. lit., every mihI iv', li:ivrr AU-.-ritii -very 'I'lni'-- 1 ty nl ; -1 r IjKV. .I.J. IIAI l'KK, l';i!H- sres slueihl be b mi '.it together.! ; :. serve r. ct, o :" leir''l lt! : , i-ii- ie.' Mind iv h;;mii imes. '"T"vii !::;!. is fr..;i lie .;l--i:: jsf. of ' :'iliTes :it. ime hi l '",fie :i f i!i;u iI lirejib-ee. The w art i . r ! II' I if. I II ( -it ' i-.r ''ii 1 1 ' - " ' . ' - t ' . i UI I'.'js rie-r.O'nl m VI h ti it nneo sIio'.t y.m that t'nere wns ht .nc vvnril oT 'ri!li in 1he sluimeitt; " l ne. Ileu'l the letter over anI K.'i rv isTur. s i .ri ;'e i l rs ; find 8i3 il' ou are not c'tnj 'ilod t eon ' .l..r 14 ..r ! I i- 1 it Im-iiai i I in i 1 OSS tint Villi Klxikp Tint 4iuni 111 ; 11 . .1 i. : ..ni i .... .1.1 i:i i f ii . ! :i 1 1 i t rjuan;ii iii tuc vim t ran c ! 1...,. . 'I'l... i -. l- . - i i. it i I " ,;" iivc. i ue i t's 'it'it i s r mi'ii :i i- priiini.Jv, wIiumi was :iriittl on every I 1 Ii.i'u?. wax f h' Tfie r i-.i'-a of the t:iri;l ;j iiit, be br'iiia :!t oivp. This W. IS. M.'uieit every Xoa-l.iv ui-hi j renso-i .li.bte.t seessto ii'Tess Mr. ' i-,'ro'' in K'-' ! f;; voh.r. .ven-d j .ll.(.Mmm..il-4'i n f lu TillJ-. f ' a" Ul ' ' I tvlif. .!..., .1 vilt ii..; ,ie .ir.?i! i ulatioriii : I w.-iuf. !! i's dIi'iIup L-iitt ;" n'M ' 111 wili;iJ.isjf 1 to ten:se!vs. bn: ea.rv b.ck i hose which favor the neoble us well Ic.ekjirmni.b Ir. is on the vririui I . . ., . , ... .. ! a . i l.iitrli ii. i" ii in "ii inuvi" ii.ini j ' J tj iiiii(ri9 aim iiiation th: will li hebifnl. li okerr. ll" the refusal t-i aerve them Tin-re is no limit, to the number frt without some uxranty that thW rroni any one school i r el ureh. All , ! e hh.ib : riic iat.e aho us we job ini ha- ft rieb apnetirane..? of solid arP jnv;t,,.l r,, attend wi-o ie inter.--; otlt- f t'' Demo -n:i io pa'ir, eon.l'..rt. T .e nails have bn re- j !(M j., jiu.lav S .,! work. -We t-el. j I ca'mo: conolule my letter w ith - ilek in this room tiiat the iY.-sblet's wit aMernls lo b . -r:vate cor e a b Vinson txpr.f.si-i54 io'h my snrjiri aal The larc, Niuin a artnjeii?, u nl b .ir"!et;rh2-fl 4t!i o.ri'lty, in f;ieveiana. a e? ii:-' :ni :!i -b-ir l ' j .iase-sii.n apr.eareil jo 1 n:ia1tani'.- I : J Ve un'il the i.p'.v reai-m wis f n i'I j Presiilent. aeiJ .Vr. Il -rri-oa as tl : . ... . 4... ... l r j I vr with lare l Mfjuet o! reil roes spring .for "1.0"' per la -.nl lo tueere regret at ither statements in iei r I'Al'TTST. S-'rviee-i i-verv 2 ul Sic- il IV nf 11 a ' ) n. a. Sun he lii; i.-iai -.iua!ioii. ;ov lv(. , ir..oiii. mil be use-i a a truest .. . t ai'joiniii ro'i-i . e 'o. 'r rib.i;jr, f) It! Vt to ;. :!inbT. ami he .l.vS-li.i'.lit 'J:::Vi. Hi. Tl. G. frivb.:-. j 'ai-e o.,-,: ion the," were .Kirtr.i i, frotn : ".-'". M "!e- ol as inne.- ot S e-r. l-nvfi- Mim tb- ev.-ry Thnr.l i. U'.l bisr. CoM-r 't liere has L.-en pV;i!,s r!,,,,n vri!l "'"hie the firu-e I'vesii.i if 7;.'!i X. IS. c'oisu. ator. ;n abnost, c .ui'ile!? revobr .o i in a n"rsV fr the national bifant ! ' it... i. i ew months, i r.i Congress entn 'S to j aether al.iio-t wit 'on a thonht, of linth V ' i : k. : v r : : : : r v v . K -r y I -: n 1 1 1 ; t y :e. 'i 1 i. ta. S :i. u. b't.v. XV. . SAMpr.t-:. I'.i-tor. i '. ti e ha 1 e:i ;.joel lo t i. a cans :ir ax-e:ii,i ;r, !Se!ieviM-' tli it an e,rrt wms beinjz i n.n?e to i u.-ik" the Government pay m t ; for the xi.'ver biiih tia p purohs- ib-i of" reasf:r .5 T-!m:t--v it.', k r i tr m : "'a' It S'liniiiv -.' 11 ii'fliK-k. S'i'iiVi t r 'I'lr' w j : ! a - ri"i :i i NiMii,J:: ' as a tan 1 '! eoaoi i inns e m.-s :;u- ilioial t;tteaie.il !Vo:.i , Ir Kvk.'.N. eont'ol ier.oi" the curren- j "s lii-iii t.'.je x.inie bii(h:n was w r t, 1 1 j i Mm , I. i ? i i . cue . :.' u: o: l'u: : tea.-- ; erv ha no, b u Ji!. lor lt;e :::n!ii of i t.i oc vi;o remain a fnti wee! or Imiv ,,,ir 'itiiouab lhnts that my letter uer, -i still lower rate will ne t'ven. t;ivcs nnl jo epuhlicani ami Thinl lieilneel rates have been jiven us j p rl in. n I was pr 'pared to sco. over 'he various rii'p'ad. and every-1 also the eouuliii ' of tnv- name with thint s bein'j; done to innke tlie oeca-j that uf ".Man arm I'ulW. bf such a io t one r tileasure and recreation .' 1 vine; money toady vmir "able to all who attend. correspondent, GobUl5u,' but I L N. B. Hrougjiton. - know of n thin in your pa t lif or J my own wiiii:h Ld Oie to expect -jiioU ! things from you. In the closing parajrapli you speak V ANOTHER LETTER- Jul v even nne-b-df of 1.1 1.: 4.rtH,(;00 eVf! V G0MUH00N. Ni'aii i?lai;k MorsTAi:, N. C . July 27, 2JSS3. J. CVLIU'KLr.. b SQ l. a" '.I- t a. ;n. ,;.i-i- . of my letter as contatnin; "a public ii I dsliheiat nvowai if sympathy' ; with the financial policy of tlie far i n ers' A'dtant e." Now, sir, unless i tai- 1 ee. r.jn-riu'f t..'iif b't:v. J. II. SVoni.r.v. l';!-ro: ....v.. ...t.; .i. i... ; ...l ... i r... ni.ii:i an i,i u u IlilU i . r . i. .. .. . ........... t . i 1 J 1 - rv. ni ia -a:-.!'! are -no v;i p.atu tin- ; ' , - jyear Kir i kim- no -.e.ition m, t?m. my ueir hit, ii yon nvc a lew ! varnMied fa-ts f,s to bank' suspend10 every tnonth. 1 --..ni. ro.ilUa ejfi-ts to alarm thej i' '!'t" prisin-newspaper re- J-'.eiidp'd or in' vour corji merit on riiy recent h tter tw! months lopjrpr, see the greater part the Mecfelt-nbu-o: Count v A lliance, j dclibera; eli' walk out of itself leav 5 thi'. tw,J'",r:,'r wiil t!l- tlun- HicMard 1'-? :,eVfe:d tlhe fact thai yoa aulhorLta- i it, (- nothing behind but a smell of -ne baak 1i id failed m.d : tr:i" lil sU- iL:i 1,4 wil1 j lively dsiiinaie me as d?(T-nnc: from brimstone and Wall street. fit) I . I! I' ft ft j) W I K i h.tsetiae m-.ssr:l-e,i..ir.s aiu-ily I my , arfy, and misrepresent my J Yours respectively. ' 11 V U U 1 1 J,;,.b...t in eX..ir.4-;ae.l ideas vvhr.-h ! i;!MMM'' !'ur-,M-' hk i chariU . j VVor( wh the letter before ywi. r Z. ii. -Vance. DENTAL SUR-tEON. ... ,ur. aid dau.a e wi:ere t'.iM-e i " vm v t hoae. ; T; e chr-e that a Democr.t is . at j Clwr'otie Observer. : vart .i.ce with his party, h Ijo refuse THE NQBTH OABOLIl-JA. j to tavort' e unconditional repeal oH ATLANTIC COAST LINE .i ' i k' ii .i , i, n oi, . I t l t G rn bia'e of Van 5erb It Tisive'r -i . : -to o 1 mvi-' a fir any 5!sur-au;e. j iv,.,t.i! I U ...irfMi t j i'li :i i ev.eu j, ,-fc ,," ;!C scare i hard - ( ).f rs hi services to the pub'iv:. ' A P I T "i'T1 1 ma: ion pres-.f.ad by I he eon: roller- !' CiH A.UT A;UQIJA! i pos-ib.ic. in ih; f-iee of the iator- ( H ;e room on 2cd tl or Good- ; figures There .ire :.7S." na'-na!' SU.?DA7 oUHOOL I Si.etman law, depends for- its truth on'lwiiat the party laid down j Wilmington 5c Wcldoa Hail Road o'i its pi .tform -at itiiUvigo, if pr-m-1 and Branches. TO BE HELD AT via - s.'f.i;i luiildia. D-tiin. X. C j1'1' ks in the Unite I Stages i Ja:y-n-tr. CHATHAM JOUiiTY; : i) U d. U DANIKL DUNN. HAUNKlT'CO. N C Of t!ie-" 4 v i-t,.- ii'ir.i ?l Itv t: .VMM.il 1. j F..iirtee- have reopened the'i doors. GclP Ore Hill GO G- ir i Y t while bnve ma b applh-ar'on tot R E- reopen and will doint'e-s s on re- ! iiUGlJST 22 TO 27- 13'j3- ises and". pledges am'Uiilto anyteinix. ; Let us see : The Cl.icMo platform j Y- ! deuianus inter alio-. te al of! i eeive the i eers-i.arv nerrr.ision. 1 :.e i Ha nipt witli mot wonderf il sue llamitv li-iwler his been trvian I.-j For rveral vour; many of thos S j the She-iu tin . law, as a cowardly ; in-ike-a!iiftA an obstruction to the free coinage of silver, etc. The obvion- mva;ini of tins t. it lU-iK ia;v vv i ve-s ii she treatment ot Cmieer Write to him for one of his (-hh-ts on Cancer and its treatment. : eo- vir.ee t he t 1 onejiitess that inoxr i n':ied in our Snad-iy school work out of the v. av we could have "re i votnr.iXe ,j quote frnin mem rv, hav- rriv TArLoro.... Writ., to hi t.i for ,t.it. of hi o-im. I of T'ne b.i!; were either eor.e or r.. -u State, have feb the tit ed ot i ; . .m,i. .,r 1 1 : i for m ! ii'ti r' : t .. t. - in-; he conrroler s ex.wt str.te men an annual meetiu- fT l he consider. 1 ,u ' 1 1 , r,..,re f. I I: at ISoae oi LUC lliir. l jjio-, x.hows tnat. n i ree per .ect I'on of M.t!:od-. of 'i:;'.ii e, . - s ecu JwntuULc- (JUINO SOUTH. No. 23 J No. 27 1 N'o. :1 j Msl Mai! I !it!y ' Daily j D:ly. b "S.- ua I ' M I' M j A i 1 :u I ; ; : j o 1 ) I : I - .... 2 U j 1 I I g i'J) J I r m j "i I I IRC "ATTOP.NEY-AT-LA.W AV ill I'rac ice in all the surround iiej counties. .TONKSKOUO. N. C. Airil--.l-U-2. . .. .w..,j To out i-t-nhiee of tlie' S i.crmari . rJ-...V-ii..,., """ .ui ' nave been ntf.vred and of the e a re- i :kni. .Mai.sf mcrr, Arrange-! ' 1 . ! Xr'-,vo ;..,,; " T I""' i , - - ! ,. p. I law; and I pn;pos to voe aanu. re-j A. v u.ww ... i 5 :o I ..'..!.l j speetati'e r.eor ion is one,. ,.,re ; men.. iU. , . i . , , ... . , '.- . , . - , - i , , , t, i oe:tl u Hss that be done. It my pa.- i.-v. ';"MWro.. ? r. i ,i i eirrfir;.d in the t-attraction 'f bu-i- j Aiur much correspondence with i , - t."arf Wars 4U . . 1 " -!'., .. i ty is opposed to that, then its utter j t.w M!i,Mij!. j 4X71 a jh j ,l05 j Ire:h ?ren on the tb jjcr, it has iieenjv ', ! Arr. wi.tniMgnm. I c-o s joei hieo to rein me movement mix anc at . Uhn'ao were ins nutre aou , 8 ?a 9 : n 44 11 25 M iuiifer ib)ii:ts special Tntsi'o !fo Hawaii i practically complete M VC:ir U' a Chautauqua, or ; ded lo deceive ; if it was sincere. , jand hi fin i! rep.irr is .aid t.i b ,:ow ;Sua:mer Sri., ol. at Mount Vernon ! then I an, trviejx t.' stand on Hi-, : ou iis wav to Washington. The vox I Smino Chalani cmui v. b iuntn- ' platf rm. Ajiu. U pledges the par ; i ;,u,nos reports already received I on Tuesday. Au-ust l2d. and closing j ty to the Ue of b,th eold and snver, La. wiWftOT. have Ivan, transmit-ed to "tl,. Jresi j sundae A.ut -27th. i on equal terms without discnmina t y?- - i.S..r. nt lt,,7y..r.rs Itnv ho iJ Tl,e pace selected is one of the tion a-aitiUher a- to voina-e et i Xrrlvc ;.wi-.?7. TRAIN'S OC1NO NORTH. No. II j Nn. Ti Datty. I D1I. So. 49 Pally ex Sun A NEW LAW FI?vM . in full posesion of inforn.a! ion am j t . i..t .1 T A Thinner I u. n. .oci.erui ..o j. , u. Sl,.;icj0nt for l!lrt flirmatimi .r :, sum A M 35 imost cenvenit ntiv b.cute.l of our -.cetera. ,w, if we cease to oiin one j fy-iine.- :tcr resorts, and t- e pr.pr:eter f and refu-e to tender it in payment ! Arrive Wiigon. AM I r M 15 1 4 sa I 1 54 I 10 '7 j tft 11 11 J IS je5i I it " I Tia 7 11 .-n 12 SO bnvr this dav associated themseUe- t njjov tie ,oMleral qnsuon o- an I the hotel has iriven us such rcluctd even of obligations which rv the etn- L.Tfc wn 1 n . it's t ! ooUierintbenractice-flawin annexation. It is ,.ot at all imbroba- rates for In.ard that we felt it uould , tact are payable therein, we dis-; ' J ilu" courts of the State. ble th.t tha KxeeuUve wl send , be better to , o there and pay our j criminato gainst tha: metal m coin-; - j j M : , " . nrHl.ticJ special tnes.a to Confess at he way. rather than undertake to t j and virtually cease t use it. In ( . rM t - - Collections an! general practic l - - on P8 1 some place to enterla.u our pcope : opposing the repeal of the Sherman Arrtr. w.idop--. 05 : ,55 l. - solicited. -I ... . .i At- o . J r, ..r,.i,..rtfl V.- i avp Mount ! l,w without some subsitute preservxf-" " '''"- - - - T .,i v n i assert it a a iaci inai air. i eveiano , ' v. . - ( . . i .. I H. McLkas. of Lilhnston, N. C Uvruo., snn ' a iirv Academy : in-the use and coinage or silver.il Httdv- r n V r ! IS opposed to Vhe annexation if ttiC j erio.i p.ins a i ire ai-iuciu) i'-V Trmfn on ftlJ-i NVrk BrD-h Rn4 .1. A. I a km Ki of Dunn, , , .. oxercise 3 ulld a lUpiM chu ch at our disposal. : ,.u squarejy w:tb thep.rty. an.l those i ij Vu! Mav-11-93. In warm weather yon need fans, li:iv them Iroir. Fleming Co. t. . i IT 1.. 1 a. t a" kxa1 r o t . I n 1 oa UaIii - 1a ra . BTfltal9a-tm ! guardianship ..ver fi-m udiient to ; DIU ol which are w,u euap.tu u our wuo uw ui.,u.,....u. " tnTiiu B;S:ArrtfiM.tH 1. .. .r.,.,..rt .... ....r. ..flwmk. ; ..ot with it but are violating it oU i at II a m. WeWoa 11 X5 u..Ullr ex- ! llCVllt 4li4 't ! IV. I"1" i ' anv o her foreign goveriimcnt. The work of the Chautauqua is emn pledges Local frelrt.t triln lavs Wldon at W 15 It will pay you to Tut Tniti. a A aa In aV 1 I ..1 T I II m TP1 J aa n i When Mrs Clevelan.i return to IVid out in t he pro-r.vmiLe j u ih-hnl yon assume vhat no intelligent oi''jpV.Kinrton'ip b. iuiaroln. White Hot,Se in September it ! e'cwlter: Ii i uot onr purpose to will grant, that the maintenance of j 'a? UiU be to tin 1 the place in thorouH, undvrke au thm- like S-is .tion for sl -r as money is exclusively lit mjnxUl rn i4 .Jtztn inj order for the wii.tei's s.,cia cam the organize uii of unda Schools tinanci.l ycb? of that organize r";;; paign. Williiuduurs the most ex or in uiy w ,y t , mtei'ere "-.rtioa. a leading or mMellcr wooiu j I 1 ri r f t I j i i If J 1 in ill 1 m ii 1 i s a f . 1 ; t H f : 1 1 i I f t ? ?

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