- r H rr. k guantham. K.iiu.r. n Render Unto Caesar. th3 Thicgs that'CaeVar'j ;-IIiito"Godt"G;6d,5V;' Sim ivVar. 4o;iivW VOL. HI. DUNN, HARNETT CO., THL RSDAY, SbTO 7; 1893; N O. 29. 3 tj "2 ) -'"AX "H i . . h "1VA i t vv ni - DIRECTORY, Town Okkickiw Mayor, A. l'ir-Ciiiini-iouer. J. II. Pope. J. ,-. ( ox. I. T. M-iigill. F. 'I. Mourn. M.ni- . , F. I. .lone, 3lu-h.d. M. I. 4liMt!lie. Mktiiooist. Service tliv.4rh Sun day at 11 m., and at nllit jif ip. 'in. r'ir.t Sunday ni;1ir :it 8:Itf i. nj. iiMdar S.1i'"1 at !) a. in.. II. J. -Strickland, Supi-rintriirieiit, ' Hkv. O.T. Simmo.v.s, Pator. Tkimitivk Baitist. Serviee Rat-. ur and Sunday uiorningi'bef.irtj tin third Sunday In each .moutlu' Hkv. IJUBNICK yOoi), Pastor. DlscirLKft. Service 3rd Sunday In arli month, uiomlng and night. Sun- cl.tr School at 4 p. m., every- Sunday. frayer Mrvtiug every rhurfday night Hkv. J. J. Hi.mKit, Tastor C, W.-B. yt: meet ererjr Monda iiiht &(trrthr2nd mid 4th . Sunday - In- tieli month. . ' ' i UA1'T1ST.Srrlce4: every 2nd 8uri Uy t 11 a. in.. x-u 7;30 p. m. Sun day Svhool xf :39 a. iii.v It. G. Taylor, Sut. X'rjrr Kertiiij ' cyerj- Thursday vf nin t 7:30. .A I'HJ-snvTKRfAV. Tlvcrr Ift fitfuday. t 11 a. in. and 8 p. m. f; T ' FRV.R-YiLri BAlTfRT. Servler Jbn o inh Sunday at 11 oVIoek. Sunriiiy ,4-h,H,i rrrtv ftuudav at 010 a, in. Krai; iu l.vr. Supfrlntondnt - . ' Uuv. J. II. Wokiey, raptor. N U. J. C. GOODWIN, DENTAL SURG-EOIST. Graduate at VanJerriilV University, lh ntal Department, Otrrrs hU er-iccs to the publio. Office rooraa on 2nri floor GkmU in & Sexton biiildia, Dunn, N. C. July-13-tf. f. E, MURCH1S0N ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Will Practice in all the surround- - inj; counties. JONESBORO, N. C Aprll-ll-Jt. A NEW LAW FIRM. l. U. McLean and J. A.' Farmer bare tliis day associated themselves hcther in the practice mt law in iU the courts of the State. Collections anl general practice Solicited. ' " l. H. McLkan. of LillingUjn. N.- C .1. A Fahmkh. of Dunn, N, C. IjK .1. II DANIEL. v DUNN." HAUNE-rr CO. - N C. Hi- iuet with miwt wonderfal suo in the treatment of Caacer. r.ie to him for one of his .pam ' 'is n Cancer anil its' treatment. BROWN 1 3 IRON BITTERS cures Dyopopaia; In digestion & Debil i ty . ... FOn DTEFZPSXA, wtkM, and StAmacb dltordfTt, tak ' aU4lti ken it, tl txKtl. Genuine bj tawk and croaeed redlinei en wrappet. UUR WASHINGTON LETTER (Prom our Uvular Corrondent.) Nw that the Inn roil-beat of or a lory i the House has ceased, and the hittle i ransferreti to the Sen at tlj public is beginning to recogv nizo in detail the merits of n;any of the' peechea Hiat have been marie It my not be that they have arideri materially to the stock of knowlcriiie on the rpiestiuns at issue, but takeu together tiwy f-xhibit a ori average of ability, anri the d bate has heen conducted in a Kpjrlt of diinify ami good temper, which, considering .tiiy r. -h-rpness of ths contrhtion, is as re markable as it is ratifying. ,' An unusual feature of the discus- sion is the earnestness and prnmptU tude with which so in any of new ram hers came to the front in behalf .of their c)nstituences. ' DecPled as the inovation maj be, it is a. good sign that of the 110 or more set speeches made on the silver question since the Aesion met, fully onetlnrri were by members who had never served in the Mouse before "v . Talk lout the legislators swelter" ing - during " this - August weatlier. T here is no cooler place they can be ., .-' . . .. at this season than the Capital build- in ir. unless the go ub on the mniinv . J m. m ' iain.4irgot in an ica oox. ui course tneh wlw.Jcap ..plunoq like a gjmnuium ia a&iijia.uia, an , enori to make an Impressl refjeecbr coiild rfot tttp cnp ip, cold jttaTfsi?.? Ba I as a mattcf-ofTac, the .Capitol build- in is moro comioriaoio as .a worxinj place In thf. ramtaer tkan it is in the winter.- With the massive nvuble t " walls set on a croit of a bill it is al - . most proof tvg airt beAty scnt'Wlten the hea come from within,. In the winter when Jth air rts kept in the huildtyg until- it has bscbme oyer heated the b tiding U intolerable; perspiration springs, frora c rerri pore wbea the tbercacieter resistr xcro outside, and the legislative blood is stagnant and the brain dull. - If the country's legislators are not all quite comfortable it is the fault df their not knowing how to'die'ss. Fully three fourths of the men seen on the floor of the House and Senate are dresse t in black, and most of them in rather heavy materials. Tbe most seasonably dressed men are from the north. The suits of Ken luckv jeans or tow linen are worn bv men from Maino, Ne;v York or, the shores of Michigan. -. It was for Tom Reed, from the tool state of Maine, to set an exam ple in thiu clothing. While he was Speaker of the House ho adapted a negligee shirt and a sash, and how he wears a tow-linen suit through which sand might be sifted-coit, vest and trowsers, which wave, about . his bulky form like a breeze. Fitch of NewJYork is a thing of beauty in a spotless, snit of cream flannel. Dr. Everett, the Boston ese who appealed tQ the-si! ver men not to ."deposit" him in a "jayity'Vhas envelope-l Irm self in a yellow negligee shirt adorned with the ugliest checked tie. save one. that mortal ever looked upon. The only less incoming m'ako up ia the Hoase and the only uglier tie adorn Uie rugged figure of the gentlemen from KanIAjs. Mr- Simpson. ' He wears a yellow silk negligee shirt witji putted; front anri a' tie with , the colors of seih1pdaVly blend ed in checks. In tb$'ate dignity abef suits of aalem black prevail, but Senators Gray. 'A anri Vance Uaye given up tbeir vests. Sheirman looks cool without regard to his clothes, ; From politicians and statesman like come remarks ns to the financial situation which' should cheer the j hearts of many-now desponding mor ta!s. Slowfy- hut c?rtainy th. strain upon the money market' le ting lip and with favorable acti n by Con gres.s the coming of good times and easy money is not like! v long lo In delayed., la the. great , ina' ufactur inji centers there la much more n.u tiyity a u it is qui e possible that many of those concerns itirat were corapclbd t sliut (lowubecauee nnu 03 wa beinii- hoarded wiU'ngain be. prtxlucers of goods a nd distributors ofcuirencv The outlook has ; iin- irovei jviwioeriully. ana there is everj reason for believing that the improuemcnt wiii coulinuj. This cou wry is tw great and has tb many varieties of.todutr to le par aivr.d pn hv Rl.rh a diHtnAinr comoiaation of circumstances as brought about the stringency .which wrecketl so many fortunes and for a while retarded prosperity. The .greatest gatheruig of medical men this country has ever.tJcnown will meet in Washington -:Sejjmbr 5, at the first Pan A tnricanr Medical Cong r ess. . tfcep r e& e njLati ves from 1 1 the republics of all tlie Americas will be present The congress was: de ylsel to bring together the nations of the Wstern Continent Witli ' a vie w of forming a new vrorld policy. rjarid cicaiii g a concert of action Jrithe practice of medicine. Congress at its lasj session appwpriated 15.000 to successfully carry out tlie idea, in accordance with tus alxive latr the President by pfocl4ralion is " sued .invitations to all the Ailierecaa to cend .4 1 legates and partjeipate, jn the congress 'According tq Hie rto grara,; President Cleveland will: dc liver the address of irelcume. -Althtrah the Presnlent anrnfC Cleveland still remain at.their cottage by the sea. several members of the Cabinet family have :fetorned -anti are settled in their homes. I canx not recall a .time during the- past tcjnty years when there have been so many little children in the Cab inet and official circles. Indeed Mrs. .Cleveland's freshness and the charm of a young matron as ths centre of it all. gives every doraesric atmosphere to the ofli i'l life of the present ad ministration. SPECIAL- The lady who bake and exhibit the best dozen rolls ut fl ne State Fai r of i893, can get fifty dollars in gofd a3 a premium forthe same. Tbe second best dozen will get thirty dol lars ; the third best, fifteen dcllars ; and the fourth best five dollars all paid in gold. , ft. WVAycr Secretary of the. State Fair is able t make this announce raent to the ladies of the State lirough tlte liberal couitesy of the Slratiburg Steam " Flouring Mills, which are represented 1.1 Raleigh by Mr. E. L. Harris. This gentleman has notified the Secretary that his mills would give the premiums men tioned above, t1 only, condition be" ing that the rolls. hall be made of the "Acme" brand "of flour by parties who shall have used that flour, from July 15th, 1803, or about that . time, till the Fair. '.. , This condition does not mean that anyone who may wish to cempete for the premiums above must begin buy. iug ihe fiour on Juij J5.a It may be that many nbnld like t com pete who may have on haxul a supply of flour thai would last for thirty. . or sixty days and 11 rf Harris does not intend that anyone with such supply on "hand shall be debarre! fitracoca petition. Tbe , object U to r caue familarity with the 'home brand, s .ONLY FAIR 1 IB NOT AND HAS R1GW GEST GOIV3 SHGWitf JOKE BlllFftlBWDOI'REE LMv " 1 " . J. . JHBM 0Bt -IiSl--:DUmi!;.:: CONSISTING- 0F;.TH OUR- ."DRY'.'""' GOODS .-.LimSv-.CS-, PRETTIER AND 10 THAN EYER BEFQBE,ur stock, of BpOySipxxOi SHOES are immense; : Wo nrirl rrioTiRRTift drags filioes" xmoaccelical aiifl.e nevor riorgoti that ttia.pacalic j' mUSti liaVOShoeS- We bnve every style and quality in oen'r tjA : iii - .j -f' "' '",.. "-' .-.'-...- ". '"-'-- k" Jtf -Tottth'a hats, from 25 cents to $3,00.: W hare ailrled to oof ussil cU t nice and wellbought line of Qothinj and Gents, furnisblnjj ,no! tS ! 1 be to'yoiir interest to see us. before you buy clothing for t3Shvt: ticioH;.i' ' and ,nthlng but nfew gomls to show yo u:, ' V' t . OUR IdNE jOF HEAVY AU-ANGVG wmrf , "eoxaV ! plei. We have also addded Hardware to our business; nd fcCTcr tpcql ;r inducements on cutlery uails and axes. we ooti nrttefallr thani tha tradfeV Una liopo oy.ouc lncreasm enwri. that anyone competing may know how to get the1 best Tesults in bread . m&keing and thus be able to giye tlje fullest possibilities of the flour. Any particiilafs not fully undcr stood will bo given by the Secretary. Infomation concerning the flour may be had of Mr. E. L. Harris. RaTcIgb. A CARD. . - . I again have the pleasure u an - re riounce to my friends and customers, that they can find roe the coming Season with Mess -Dapree - & Lane, and I am profid to say tbat they have ucb a Largefand wellbought Stock of general Merchandise that wc . can rioaway with "Hard Times" and send you hotwe rcj icing, if you; will trade with m- XJoroe to see me, I am al -ray s glad to roc you, ! i I Yours, ltespectfully. A.B. GWin Jr,:: Opening of the University- -v ; ; - -a. - The next session of. the Universi tv will ooea Thursday. Sept. Ttb- -Tuesday anr Wednesday, v epl, 5th an 6jth, will be devoted to registry tion and tile allotment of rooms. Lectures will begin Thursday. Pres ident Winston has had over 1,000 letters during the summer, and the prospects ere fine for a Urge attend ancev; .. 1'-'- ;-' - .--' It . jrou rfool F? BR0TTNIS IRON BIWBBS "For want of space.we cannot. mention in 'detail oaj; r WitlowVaUrbrcrfy" iur stoclt. and'we will gtiOTcbiPTOI $10 TO, TO THE WORD'S BACK; SELECTED e- stock ;;oe xsErj V i. . f FOLLOWING - - -IilNESi - PER " V CENlT r 5 BETTER make a speciality of lLTc oiir line 6f llCClVV - 0llQ3S ktgs tor tbeir ptsVii&rtl pste. - ; . . j.wiw. jwf-., -4 LAND FOB SALE- A small improved faro.' oib from Dunn, healthy bction y good water, terms' eaay; applr: 1 -Care Central TitoM : ' ?" 3m. - 1V daaranteed' Cure We autborjxeour advefUscd dng IrriattnapJl Dr. Kiricra-New Diecov - - - -o - r ' ; ery for-Consumption, Cqcbitffld Colds; upon - this . condition If jro are afflieted with- n-Cougli, VCold tr any Long. -Throat tr "Chest trondle, 5 and will oso this" remedy as 4ireeted, - -givinlt'a fair trial; and 1eiperunc3"r no beriifit, you may return me domic - and have your money refunded;" Wd could hot make this offer did we n.it 1 ' -j i"n. v Vnm nloiiM-iirD Know iua ur. xviuii o cw could W relied on.' It' 'never1 disap points. Trial ; bottles free at Harper " . & Hood's'Drug "Store Largeslii J 50c and$100. ' ' ; ; Fell i i i "sii i w' pi pa ba An nf- .Vwnatnf'v tin - Iif4. "at I LI - -1 111 A I ' i " V Jonn A. U6Xi&. : i ? ' V X7JOPB IXACH ACiil--l'' raasaaaworaoot. jw"yr3f ; J .... , fctHrootrUetl--TTT- t ' Cr sea 7uxi,clUc ,-sKia, ignores exj t-.lUt" , :"2""" - f 5v?f . - l" B c3 curs too. desa ynrt LccsJifr3 " t it. A 1 - - A". J -

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