I J t Ik r 3 JL JaLJa K Oli AN Hi AM. Editor. F.erdcr Ci te Crcpsr thp Thjrgs that are Caesar':?, Unto God, God's- $1.00 Per Year. In Advance, hi ! 4 VOL. 111. DlNN, JXARNbTT CO., THURSDAY, SEPT. Ik 139V NO. 30. i ST KAJu 1 IMMBo 1 "rr-t n f il 'i . j m--r-Jrr V.-132ISaT0N L3TPE3 t 1 1 ( r-.. 1'. T. M'asse.igUl. F. T. M.v.n a. r . !:'. U'V, r. SCO TIPS if: 1 Jo:;es. Hii-.r'a.il. M. I, S 'li.iiO s: ipi ! op niir.nho sks;o!. .ave I, con re- nouti.-inte ;iir i. ? ro 'ii .ir r.. ..i fi!!o .il.v.ico of the Si ar..r.. oero i uteres:.- raoh of tiifj. !! f.-r .-.. .fti...!- V';v of:!, is rs.untrv !nc tremens ' i 1 l-'U- ;:mv-rf!lll:c White !i.;ii-i b-'en J mo,-. -trnngly deiiionsLntcd. l it is f r . a msehuu: wliiise will oou.es;. .vtv ' ( near being law. It is prohahUf that-J i .... s ! : a vote wi.l be reached in about two in Hie .e r ;t. n r IVasi lorit Glev-ijl-in d , : ' V.ii,iniftnii i i fi ie snirits ft.;r.l ex- i li.L- ojw ti.HT. -vi:.M I,nz iUi.:.i" ii 1,cUm'1 ii!Proval of u0' farming j linus dra .and tl.eu is tlJit ii-e pub J ,,ot look at ' ! lie hPi !S to r,iV at Sct. itoPa! Cs tr- I Slck nan' hl,t ,,c lh M!-rnt--!isT. S-rviciM th. 4r1. Snn-j in pn.ross; in the Somu' the i)roCe ? riu ,Uu c:'u;erTn- u?a,l,, I I' ll!- i a . J . . . tl,v :it 11 a. in.j.-in'lnt ni-lit :.t 7 i. inszs dnio and the. if. Js H, t ! llc tl ,,,?L ,0,,k atv.il- like a very Fip-t Sm:h1.iv niht at 8:J0 n. r.. Snu l.iv ! i;,, v,.,; ... ,r.., .... , , . ! sick man, but he docs look like an ftcliool ;t li a. in., II. J. Sh !oula:il, i liKV. G. T. Simmoxs, Ia-lor. ! 1 . . II lt e t-SV a d c lars m.mI r :!. A,.UV . .H --""'. i uaii, uiai jU m ONLY $10 TO TO THE WORD'S FAIR AND BACK. MM A JOKE OCT- A FACT THAT DOPREE 5 LANE, AS NOW IN-STOCK THE LAR ES IE ST SELECTED. ARID GOiVIPLETE STOCK, OF '. C EW ER AL MERCHANDISE EVER SHOWft! IN DU!W, n atter com . - . . " I rrMVTQTQTTTJr2. HP nPUrTT1 -PT T r.TTrTwn irTm sffars vvith a vigorous grip. 1 hero I U4WA w w i'uuuu vv iiivj JUXllJLtO. Tkimitivk Baptist. Services Sir-ur-iax and Smvlay morning lu'fjre tho tliird Sund.tv in each month. Ukv. Buuxick Wood, Pastor. DISOIPI..KS. i5"i-vioes 3rd Sunday in :iHt ntontli. morning and night. Sun day School at 4 p. m., ft very Sunday. Prayer Mooting every Thursday night . Ikv. J. J. Harpfr, Pator W. B. M. moot every Monday night after th; 2nd and 4th Sunday in each mnth. I the dclibcraliva bod-. ! Lrast to tnis rout inc. u is )io.n.n t'ic lion thus far oH ho Aunn ic .n lUmsc1 S " " Uie "" ""i JJtt UKY UUUUS 1.". 1 1 1,1 w c lie icr" iu;ii. tin in 1 two hc-y speaker is yvcn ( 4 . I nnnins ao. lie 13 very lanneu uy j exposure to sun and. wind, but his face has a good, livelv color, iii'ticuN live of iieailh. His eves are bright of Lords." the strict attention of tlui r'enate. Those who Iiuvc Ijeen fortunate enough to be present in .the Senate gaberirs have sscn and heard the men of t tie nation at their best. The debates bristle with sharp repartee and give to the sessions of the , Sen ate an intensenes? that is unusual. During the past wek particularly the ccnat.i has been a rich Sel l LINE ' IS PRETTIER AND 10 PER CENT BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE, or stock of BOOTS and ' elastic for a man of his weight. The "wet and winirV chill has rele gated Mr. It ed's tow suit 16 the warrrolje or trunk. In connection i i with :.his suit, whir.h has become a liCll ield 'tor .: i r . . :. . 1 .'..1 ,1.... ;:ai.;ouai issue, 10 im lo ue nj,eii. ui u the s'udent of character, as well , , - ;, ..S able. AVhen its nearer first dont.cl 1'. apt 1ST. Services every 2nd Smii d:.y at 11a. in., a ifl 7:30 p. '.. R'ip. day School at 9:3(1 . in., Tl. O. Taylor, Sat. Praver Meeting every Tlmr. lay wiling sit 7:30. , Rev. X. B. Coon, Pastor. Pkksbyteutan. Every 1st Sunday at 11 a. in. and 8 p. m. Ukv. O. Sampli; Pastor. Vrkk-Wiltj Baptist S'rviee on irth Sifnday at 11 o'clock, . Su id ty S liol evi-tv sun lay at 0:30 a. in. Eras mus I.e. Siipi-rintendent Rkv. J. II. Worltjy, Pa-tor. PR. J. G. G 0 0 D W I N; DENTAL SURGEON. Graduate of Vandcrdilt University, Dental Department, Otters his services to the public. Office rooms on 2nd floor Good win & Sexton biiildiAS, Dunn, X. C. July-13-tf. W. F, It ATT0RNEY-AT-LA.W - Vill Practice in all the surround ing counties. JONESEfORO, N, C. A,.ril-:i-2. A NEW LAW FIUM. I), ii. McLean and J. A, Farmer lave this day associated themselves together in the practice f law in all the courts of the State. Collections and general practice solicited. D. H. McLean, of Lillington, N. C .1. A. Farmer, of Dunn, N, C. Mav-IN'93. D U. J. II DANIEL. DUNN. HARNETT CO. N C. Has met with most wonderful suo e8 in the treatment of Cancer. Write to hlra for one of bis para llels on Cancer and ita treatment. For Malaria, Liver Trou bleorlndigeotiorijuae BROWN'S IRON BITTERS XJLDTC9 . , . KMA2n ft tonic, or cMldren wnt tam ing np, should take BROWS'lAllON BWTF?,?,, t i. i . . u icHfL indUccsticn, t!ie student of politics. The bittie 'that is being waged on the fl or - not apprent to the causal observer. Tn every motion that is made thcie is apt to be a hidden clout, and it takes i he vigilance and quick insight, of the leader to appreciate the mean- ing of his opponent and as quickly carry it with a counter movement. It is very seldom that . Mr. Gorman speaks to t lie Senate. He prefers to allow others to carry out his plans, while he sits in his chair watching every uiovemuat of the silver men and having little ' to sy ab?ye a whisper. It would be a ftilbViilt mas ter for anyone to anal'ze tlictemper auieuts of the Senator from Mr.ssa cltu-etf.s, Mr. Lodgf, or those of Mr. PeiFer from Kansas. Two men could hardly be more d liferent m their tastes '.ml habits. In Mr. Lodge there is l he cut and dasn of a cnllege-bretl New England er, with a tiiir, well dressed figure, erect and athletic a its build. Most closely resembling him in his attributes is Senator Wol oott of Colorado. For so young a man lie attract? more attention to his speeches than is usual. Firmlv iden tified with everything in the Senate that has a silver lining is Mr. Stew art of Nevada. Though his power of ojatory is not as magnetic a some if the fcPow members he is undoubt ed' a thorn in the side of those who attempt to legislate against the white metal. He has a rather prusqus man ner in exptessing himself, and on this account when he takes the floor something out of the ordinary routine of debate is expected. Senator Sher man, w ho was another pf the protni nent speakers- during the pist wee!:, seems to have aged since the last session, but it was apparant from his speech that he has lost none of the fire and vigorous manner of speech that has marked In in a3 one of the most able mn that this coun try ha9 produced. Perhaps, next to Senator Vooihee. the democrat who is taking ttie most active part in the financial discussion is Senator Mc Pherson of New Jersey. He bis come forward as a strong friend of the administration in the present emer gency, and on account of hi experU ence and long service on the finance coJimitte is one of Mr. Cleveland's most helpful lieutenants on the and ciear and ids step is quick' and j SHOES are immense. We make a speciality of ltdiea and mens fine dress shoes, pur line of heavy shoes io unexcelled and we neVer f orget the little ones they milSt haye Shoes- We have eve ry style and quality .it men y youth's hats,-from cents to $3,00. We have added to our usual stock nice and well bought tine of Clothing, and Gents furnishing goo-Is, it wild be to your interest to see us before you b ty clothing for we hive n i old, : and nothing but new good to sh vr you. '. OUR LINE OF HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES N alwuys con plete. We have also addded Hardwa re to our business, and offer speci! inducements on cutlery, nails and axes. it they were long enough to, turn up at the bottom with a killing London roll. As the days passed au the crease in them became fainter, .they shrunk .xnd shrunk and climbed up toward the waistband, until a cpupie of inches of lustrous black stocking was exposed. Upon thcoccasiiin of their last appearance in public they wee not tu-ned up and wer? an inch and a half too long. It is; not known whether Mr. Reed's pants, lengthen an I contract with the -rise aRd fall of r,!if stock market .or the ebb and flow of public eonlfdece. Mr, Srmpaon. of Kansas, had -Jcome to regard them with sort of blind dorution or fetish workshipii. On tiie days when they were cri-p and brief he b. night an I sold, undertook journeys and the like. Whsnj the we're long and limp he kept a careful eye upon cable cars aod touched the back of every chair Hint be passed. A statement ip3ued by the Secre tary if the Treasury this week ihows that there was during August net increase of circulation of nearlyj; $17, 000,000, which is a most gratifyiiig nhowing. It is the largest increase in circa! a ion for many years. ) In the House of Representatives sentiment agauisS adjourning ad in- terim is very strong and is -daily t'roing stronger. Eor wimt of space we cannot mention in detail ourTinWare, Tood an -Wilhw Ware, Crockery, Trunks and Valines Notions, Underware and Sporting gooils. Put most heartily invite trc trade to come, and inspect our stock, and we will guarantee to make PRICES TO SUIT every 6ne.'' wc must gratefully thank the trade at huge for their past liberal patronage,, and liope by our increased elforts to share a greater ratio the coming season. WE REMAIN YOURS TRULY, . Lffi KIGHEK EDUCATION-: The Corner Military ScWv Ox-fbrJ.N- C- During the past month this insti tution has been the subject of closest investigation at our hands, and train ed representatives of the Journal have pursued ngtd enquiry ainong highest unbiased authorities concern ing its scape, method and achieve raents. In fact all available inTor mation concerning its features! have been sought. Those directly con -cerned in its management or financK allv interested in its success were not consulted, it beicg deemed advUable to obtain expressions entirely free from bias or self-interest. J As a result of such fair and pains taking search we do not hesitate to ! select this admirable tustitution and the important question of maximum returns combined with minimum of expense. It affords the highest prac tical education at lowest possible cost Moreover it is "ably managed, thor ough in methods and equipment; in fact, all that could be asked or desired hence we do not hesitate to commend it in unqualified terras. We have no greater in'erest'in this institution than in any other of tnis kind, but having by unbiased investigation as sured ourselves of this superiority and worth, consider it a duty to sub scribers to make such supreme merit knwwu. 1 '; Now is the time to consider selec tion of an educational establishment and the choice sh-.uld be made after closest exam. nation. This we have uone and in all candor we ay to ev ery reader that the claims of this in titution cannot be ignoied. It am sply meets the requirements of the mosJ exacting. Chicago American Trade Journal. ' A Tlllllon Friends. A friend' in need is a friend indeed! and not less than one million, people have found just such a fried as in Dr. King's New. Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs, and Colda, rlf yo have never used this Great Cough Meeicine, one trial will convince you that it has wonderful curative pon ers in all diseases of Throat, Cbest and Lungs. Each bottle is guaran teed to do all hat is claimed or mon ey refunded. Trial bottles fr at Harper & Hood's Drug store. Large bottles 50c. and $1 00. Innrflorrd! Pnllofro 9? icy. UNrmtrrv, LCXINGTOfl.KY. kemta 4 Kuril ! - .. . ! . floor. I to freely and unreservedly endorse it Mr. Cleveland is in Washington, t evcry reader who seeks the best j Checpest&BestBunntssCoUmthew'orttr 1 ins weeiv nle in the -VotPl" -Vote!" Mr. .orhees . r iiiVC,lmc, f -r thU excellent ca - 1 ..... . i . ...-..!?T;: MM: ... . l. .... A-.T...I1 llf I r.& mm m.m m mm-m m WW kwecrvofthe repeal peo-1 ,j ;h t hi education and who ! ZZZftftESl e Seuatc will be " ote . j wmjl(1 secure tii . realest retur n;uj.oa j r?f; -Vote !" Mr. Voorhees ! . . ;llve,lmc. f r thi.i excellent ca- ttTtkT 1 4 Ztmrh-at m. W. CmI mt TmXX UmUM xJnt Tit-. Pi.r.mtf w tijwt- um tM. I narnOleed iCTe. r We authorize our advertised drag gist to sell Dr. King's 'New Discov ery for Con sumption Coughs and Colds, upon this condition. If yoo are afflicted with a Congo, Cold or any Lang. Throat.or Chest troadle, and will use this remedy as directed, giving tl a fair trial, and experience no henifit, you may return the bottle and have 3our money refunded, We cou!d not make this offer did we not know that Dr. Kius New Discovery coolJ be relied on. It Lever dlsap points. Trial . bottles fre- at xzt & Hood's Drug Siore. Liz& ultQ n V: i 9 It T il :1 ii i f I , ; - I l - -1 $ i .. if ! I ji. t-

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