rn r. in 0 -5- f-J K GRAN i II AM. Editor. Kendcr Ui.to Caesar the' Thirds that are Caar' Unto God, God's $1.00 Per War. In Advance. i VOL. 111. DUNN, IIA UN IvlT CO., THURSDAY, SEP IV 21, 189 5; N Q. 30. W1 XT 1 1 M 'M s DIRECTORY, flTD TIT CTf.T-i tia t - -UU ' -it- J L J J u j ; i j i State, was iimI in h made tSac occa- ... -i , simi of up;d and unmeaning memo ri lr:tpe the public buildings j (Fr::i our IU Twn Okkk.'KHS Mayor. V.. A. Pis-i ( nu atiio HT-. J. II. lnpe. J. j ' i,r:iv, F. 1. -Jones V:l !'. . 7 I I 1 1 f. . . ... 1 A It i quite evident that. tli. S.-?n- "Au'' whenever Cuhinet otfi.pr ors renresent. tl , ; i ! rssvd away wis. without in-; iflo- ! - I - ....... 4 r,.x. T. M.-eilL V. T. Moor. ,,on 5,1 l" ' of lhl::,':M """:'"' P'M.it or . View. . I hero Mirsh il. M. T.. crM, i" wi I not listen t any-I J ' . !. y vjr ' I ' l.in.. I . i ii .it I rrt ii i fv vi tlii; i innnlinn I lift!. ""'s ii a compromise. Ifj ' - one is brought -.b ut it will .. xvil, is,,-,,M b; P''sd "V ai t't H 'nt their consent. The c u 8f Mr.! t,,c ,ll""r:l1 j,n'kcl an,i "u:i-iyil oorhees is pursuemg in not attempt" i u!,f ' in t,,e vn' of pwie-l Cp Mg lo rest, i -t Senators in their rinht tressnir n. ' The spectacle of a caS to .liscus 'he m-isure to their full Ut ul ,,f Con pressmen linu aero satisfaction, but insisting that there the co"ll'r,fr-v arrayed in crat e stream 'Ullbe no Uapa in the discussion t, ers an 1 l),nck kM's? ami surfeit waste time, is approved bv all the otl ,iamP?2ne and cigars at Gover, - Iirtuo!iST. S-tv1-s th 4th Sun- it .it 11 a. in., :oiJ,at nivrht .at p. m. V rt u i.liy nihr at Si'tO n. m. 'ridav S. at ! a. in.. U..J. Strioklaud. Snpriinti'inlent, Hkv. G.T. Simmons. P.itor. $10 TO TO THE AND BACK. ON LI7 FAIR : I IS ROT A MEW A FACT THAT DUPRKE & WORD'S STO CK TH ritTMITlVK RAIriST. STviC( S:lt- nri:i and Smviay niorninsri before the third Sund.tv in each month. Rkv. Kcknick WiMiD, Pastor. )ist'HrFS. Skrvioes 3rl Sunday in .ir li month, morning and niirht. Sun A.y School at 4 p. m.. every Snnd:iy. rnvor Mevfinj: fvefy Thursday niht. l;KV. J . "lAKl'ER, Pastor ( W. B. M. in t't rory Monday niirlit nft. r the 2nd and I inday in each month. Uaitist. Services every 2nd Sun liv at ll a. in., a id 7:30 p. m. Sun ,1iv School at 0:3'J a. m., R. O. Taylor, S i'.t. 1-raver Meeting every Thursday Rkv. N R. Coun, Pastor. I'uksuytf.ui Kvery lt Sunday t 11 a. in. aMtl 8 p. in. ri:v. W, O. Sampi.k, Pastor. ruK.v.-WiT.i. It lTrsT S rvie on -irih Sunday at 11 oYloek. Runday .wh.ni rvrty n idav at n:lSn . in. Hras iii if I.ee, Suprj-intendeut. Rkv. .1. II. Wohlky, P-tor. SR. J. C. GOODWIN, DENTAL STJRGF.ON. Grahmteof Vanderdilt University, Dental Departme.it. Offers bis services to the public:. Omco rooms on 2nd fl or Giod iu & Sexton bnildiAS, Dunn, C. Jul-l.Vtf. W. I ATT0RNEY-AT-LA.W Vill Practice in all the surround ing counties. JONESBORO, X, C. Ai.rll-21--2. A NEW LAW FIRM. D. II. McLean and J. A, Farmer l ave thi day associated themselvfc blether in the practice f lavr in all the courts of the State. Collections an I general practice solicited. 1 II. McLean, or Lillinston, N. C. J. A. Farmer, of Dunn. N, G. Mav-1K'93. fl R J. II DANIEL. DUNN. HARNETT CO. N C. Ha met with most wonderful sue -es in the treatment of Cancer. M'rite to hira for ono of bis pam- "l ts on Cancer and its treatment. For Malaria, Liver Trou klejorlndigestionjuse BROWN'S IRON BITTERS lfTOUJi ISA CK ACTtK, Or yoaire all worn oat, reAlly r" wx Injf. It 1 peneral debility. Try , BKOW.r.S IRON niTTKits. wlUcure you. cleanse yonr Urer, ma a good appetite. pnrliaran'ar-aus and tacticians in Congres-i. Th;y regard it as nprop- r cour.se an I as one calculated soon est to brin the bill to a vote. The friends of repeal believe that the dis cussion will soon exhaust itself. They can make no calculation as to how long the silver Senators can talk, and some of them think that it may be not until the last week in this mon-Ii that a vote can be reached. Still the administration forces have an impression that the diseussi-jn is liable to 8tuu suddenly some time and a vote be reached when not exs pectcd. A distinguished Senator who called on Mr. Cleveland a few days ago said today: "I toll tho President It ... I. ... 1 A m mui. i na.i come ;o get irora Liin a liersrinal rcfutati iu or corroboration of these cyei lasting rumors of his agreeing to a c-.impromise of some character on the silver situation. The Prssulent aid very decidedly, I'h. re is no trutn in an' rumor or report of a compromise. You may -deuv all such most emphatic lily. Ttds rejiea! bill mut pas without-, Conditio-i. and it will pass without iNindition He asked me when I thought a vote would-be reached, and I prophesied two weeks. He said that Mi 'li w his calciraiioT also.' The White House is in a sta'e of joy and hap;itie.9- Exact ly at -noon las! Sat unlay the PresideL second child was born. Whe:i the news of the sex of the baby spread through the White House there was a general fceling of disappointment. Raby Ruth lias no brother. Her sister, however, is a fine Presidential infant and is rftMorled to ti the scales at not less than ten pounds. This is the first event of the kind in the his tory of the , White House. Other children. have been born within its portals, but none of them was the a child of the President. The question whether or not administration has called a halt he matter of enforcing the Gar law is exciting much attention, li resentative Geary has had interviews with President Cleye'ani and Secret tary Carlisle upon the subject, and sfivs the law will be carried ont.r He says a circular letter of instruct lions is now being prepared at the Treasury Department, and will be is sued within a short time. A signifi cant matter in this connection is the ract that a bill ha3 been introduced in the House to modify the Geary law by extending the time for regis tration from the oth. of May. 1833. to September 1. LH94. It is understood immediate action will be taken upon this bill. - The new bdl is regarded as an artm:nistration measure, de eirned, it is said, to -serve as, pres- HAS NOW IN GEST BEST SELEQTEp': COMPLETE STOCK, OF GEN ERAL MERCHANDISE: JEWEBr SHOWW IN DUNN,'' : CONSISTING- OF THE FOLLOWING- : LINES. OUR DRY GOODS -LIIvJE IS PRETTIER AND 10 PER CENT , BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE, our stock of BOOTS and SHOES are immense. We make a speciality of ldiea and mens fine dress s hoes, our line of heavy shoes io ;lut the Caaadian government ha 1 milSt haye sh03S- We hive every stj le an I qnlity In muf " ised to ratify the instrura-Tjt. youlhs hats, from 23 cents to 3,00. .We have added to our usual stock a nice and well bought line of IJlqthinr and Gents furnishing goo-Is, .it wild be to your interest to see in before 'm bYy clothing far1 we hivi u oldr and nothing but new got) Is to sh w yuii. - -. ' " , - OUR LINE OF HEAVY AND FA NCY GROCERIES is always cqa plef-e. We have alsi addded Hardwa re to our busmcAs, and ofter" tprcial inducements on cutlery, uails and axes. . " ' . t i raent expense has long ago c-tablish ed itself in public contempt and re robatton. Such procee lings s-mly make a j jst of de i'h. f Secretary Carlisle has singncd on r behalf of the United States the inter" national agreement negotiated with Canada for the control of immigra tion through Canadi into the United a . . m 1 j ; n avCs. re.r,- .Hu... "-"-f" unexooll-ad aad -w naver forget the -little ones 'they ihe Rt..it.e mant. t.ele:rao hed from (JLta . wa refused The document is regarde d as being of grea' importance to b-i?h court" tries. In the Senste last week Mr. Tidier operated something of a sensation by making a bitter attack 'upon the news nancr ores-of the country. He acs cused the press of mendacity in dell ing with the silver situation, aijfd said that there are no longer any great newspapers published in tlia country or great c litors, Fiich as . 5 Horace Greeley ami llaymond; that newspapers are now run like manb" factories for money onlv. His rle mark were listened in bv the Senate f with evident sirprisa and created a visible sensation. i Treasury-official are very much cneourased at the improvement l?v the financial situation during the last few days. The total receiots of the govern int't during this ra inth hae been $-?t640.000. the expenses Ipr the same periud wero $5.03,00p These lanje receiits. togcthpr .wi.h other evidences of returning prospjr- 'ty, are believed to show that the i naneial cloud ha3 broken and gradually disappear. Rumor is now making an etFort lo adjust Mr. Rlounl's name to the v canc3f caused by the registration of Hon. Josiah Quince'. J :; wil 4 s - For want of space we cannot mentioi in d j.al oir TinV.re, Wovl n . Willow Ware, Crockery-. Trunks and Valises, Notions, Underware and Sporting g.oons. ' Put most heartily invite the trade to-coras and inspect our stock, and we will guarantee to ra akcrPRTCES TO S UV'Pf we niust graUrully "thank the trade at large (or their past liberal patror.ige. and hope by our increased ettbrts'to share a greater ratio the coming sear; . Dili YOURS TRULY, k LAI. '0.- t discharged the defendant. Memphis Commercial.' . - )iiaraniccd Cure. We authorfze pur advertisel drug gist to sell Dr. King's New .Discov ery for Consumption, Xuhs and sr Colds, upon ibis condition. '-.It yo the ' I- y throat or' Cnesl trdudl,,! Ritu,rcuT4,a,r: 1 and will use this remedy as rttrestea r ... , , ,; , .9 - , - - ? ui a rnW wpp!c ncro the State authoK . - , . --- : :A" i Ed vrard y?!; Jfid, hsTisbuP III.,. . . j igivingiia lair iriai. aim ".--1., ... . . .. . ... . ; , ,Af- ,.p. Pcsoi itMw.c. .uo-au. ...V- nQ hcni5tt yOU may return the bolUC v-v-. "j- ; i. ani have. your money re.u:;u-.i. f - ,. .- ?nt assurance to the Empire of CItina 1 A that we have not entirely auauuuwcw our friendly relations with that coun- i try. One National nuisance has been ibated. It wa a' very con?i ierable relief to find that the deatlj of the venerable and greatly respected Ham- j ihnn Fih. Granl's lUV.i I . Institutes in this State, the Ikv wiv j i claim bcin- made t!at as these in sy'v tutes in the course of their treatment furnidhed their patients with liquor, n quantities adapted to their neds, thy therefore laid themselves liab'e to li cense, the same as any other institu tions whers liquor was dealt out. Tlc situation was peculiar, in the sjn omanly of an institute intended.: to induce sohriety. paying a license for retailing liquor. The Keely people took a stand against it, and the result is ti t the State has been knor.kc! out in the courts, as th folloVing dispatch from President Ch is. B. James, president of the Memphis institute to tho Com mercial would indica'e : Chattanooga, Tenn., Sept. llj ! United States Commissioner Ew ing today decided that the Ketley insutues of Tennessee are not liable as liquor dealers to auy interaal r'4v enuc or criminal prosecution for fail- j Specimen VMCm, S. H. difford. New Cassel, Wis.. 'was troubled with Neuralgia, -and Rheumatism, his Stomach was disorr dered,4ii Liver , was affected lo. au alarmi ng. degree.. apoetite fell :away ; and. he as terribly re)1uc irflesh could not make this"orfer dile rf-M r'tk r.f. Kl-c.fria Rn.s'r .V l- know that Dr. King's New Discovery xmld be relied on. It never disap poinVs. Trial iKittJes free at Harper & Hood's Drug;. Store.. Large size 50c and $100. . . A IIIHon FrlemK A friend in need is a friend indeedj jmd not less than one million people have found Just such a fried as in Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consump tion? Coughs, and Colds.If you l-L.tVn -',& lfl !a lifs leg U " so'intl ti.d urelk. , $u Spe'akef Catawrjc, . tlad flve ; iarge Fever sres on lifs It, "fiocUirf - soid he .was incurabla. One bottle, Elec - - . . . . trie fitters, and one box Bucklen't Arnica Salve cared Wei ptlrely Soldy Harper A Hond .Droffgisti, If voa are not feeling trron and r . . .... .9 healtiy. tysY.eQXtVU.ejfc -t Gripne" Iiasioft weaS'-rH reary. have never used' tide Great Coogh!oge Klectrio Bitters. This remedy acts ainadtiy ea. ww,Mpntcn ana Kidneys, 'gently Xidintpoorgant lo perfnrro,4lieir funcuooa. At- yoa sre a01itetiith;jicit' HtraUatSs. yoa will fiod speeaanil peVcTsaetft relief Meelcine. one trial will convince you that it has wonderful cnratie pow ers in all diseases of ThroaJ, Chest and Lungs. " Each bottle is guaran teed to do all that H claimed or. mon ey refunded. Trial bottles frse at Harper & Hood's Drug store. Larg I j - t I Ex Secret a-y of! aie to pay suh tax and accordingly ; ,Ue ;,0j. and 1 00. bv taking Electric BilUiri;; Oqe trial will cflta't l&ea f v 14a) tfca reredy-YBO Deea-tTrn boUlea ca ly Sao., at, arpc Uc tDru3 Store. r':J - - i f h 1 l! ii ,1 i J -.3 "i I 1 fi I ' f s ii!'