THE TILTHS, Pi7HLtiti Kvrky TiitrtMr. bt -J ! '-Ji" " y , , t TU Franklin Tlt mra, it Is H. ha, f hr i ?i mm in Stokes mntT wrm ur:np In Mnrin. the man who iiin th rnota on th h of hi n 'c for a r illtr b-rt-on. If jump h Tcris iii nurc the if his gate hine. Th LYint I)iMfrfi tr Mm? 5h V. WaNnr' deWdnl. 1U hvl ' T'l'on IJ-iton T.d pvth . (i r-iri - rni. and flr ifcornneh invcti ration a Mio.t for 1.1 cf. dtma? wa given M-n. Th e will pr.btblv eo to a liihflr Co'irt. Do Yen W"ant a Mnuv.l'm? K.tni hU lbjinnJ flli7 I'nr F .S m,i of "onM", of ftnt. il hib hnor tS r.own1 ComTireial lii. K'. Prof. tT. R. Smi h. aN n m fi'v; t.h ii'ii nv th T.l Kvr ron nUionr an I .Tiror f of C i-ti-nr.ft. , orn nTf hl rr as mH -f .St C ilUx. XVr5t to Tfif. Vnh fir elri!. Si alvr tUmt In ano,hr c 4 WTif Don t th Smt3 Votir '1 ,' .111)1(1 I I' 11 ! v t.? n i' i q'nV.I'in pole everywhere nw. TTi.h nn mi in that. AMeraWr as th rsrlois States sentf Ihra to rt)rat thTr intnsts, it 1 wn tist thr w nM trr t be jiTri! bv th petition of their vnstitunts. tn 1 not kep the whole ciirr m i--ift all th Pop iji'N vil nw oos criticising s r'i -n A v'-Ht H'lly. TiTfc wait Jt't Lh b!M to s'jif. ivcrv mno, for thiVc.iYr. b .Ifin.-. D m't. waif. to j Uie l'rsi L it, f r he is onlv one tbvi. bat vote fur the good of the eonntrj, the trt mssges of the peov pit, far tfca working claaa, and then year duty will hava been performed. a -I if tha bill ii rttood by the Preti tdant It tt onty his fault. The Con jress of thee Uoit States is cast a rist stim every day and if It caVt at least, do something for the country, adjourn, and let its members go koms. There, we sse every day tNat eeareelr a qm ruta can be found la the halls of either House. Well, thos me'ib rs are not doinsr their ftitf w rk. or ther roiM h a their ivst. trvt: to accinaplUS something. Tien th xorera4nt- piys aea to sfwrk. thy oiiUt u work, and when thev jet so they woYt do their duty, take them dn und try other forces. VkTBldtlQ UZm BUREAU. Th poiat in the pr4nt flht in fb Soal U this: If the Sherman law la unconditionally repeal od. for at Uat fnar yars. th will not be a dollar addd to our currency, but an ibe other hand thera l'I be aeon tracin by hipmcntt, abrasion, etc.. fi Mr. CUrdland will moat certainly reto any bill to oln allrer that Coa mrM may hereafUr pasa while ha la V:?a U;;t. Or; tiw olher huud. !f tha ' . v .3.-.;,, ! f - - C' fc o w V it1. tlie S icrmari a for if presented in a epprae bill, it will inot surely be vtod. Himio, an unc mdi; looal rejeal f the S'lerrn n ajt m run tlie . atopjMtf? of .ill c iin e of si'ver, a , i!fa lua' contraction of lh currency, j s'owlv d 'erertsin prie- of ai! c n moditie .m I h ir 1t ti'iies. If there m a c.mple'e of coinage of j silver in tlrs country and India fur four year there Will bo mi market for silver bull! a le its u-c in lb m-chanie arts, ami tl.e price ; will fall to :V) or 4:) cent per nunc". ! That wii; close every silver mi ic in evet States and Territories TIjc i babiiants of tlwse Siatt s cannot exhUt there for four years wi h the mins closed. Heforc the four years are ended they will be mostly uninhabited ds rts nd onettinl if the territory of the United States wll return to its ratlve wildiirs.. Is there any woi. der that, ever' means knovn to hux man i gcnmty will be res rted to to prevent such a catastrophe? Or thnt Senator Pu jh. of Alabama should u.e lanmj;e like the following. It 16 the determined and unalter able purpose of the opponents of re peal to stand u on their convictions of public duty and fidelity to their pledges to the people whom hcy rep resent, ad who have honored them with their confidence on this vital question, until physical strength is exhausted and the power of speech i left to n Senator to prevent tlie sue ce&s f the conspiracy denounced by John G. Carlisle a equal in its con sequence to war, pestilence, or fam ine." Of course Senator Puh ha3 no in' .interest in mines or silver bullion. but he knows that a further contract tion of the volume of money means still lower prices for every product of the farmers and pi inters of his State and in the end g mercl poverty, and lie stands up to defend the - hearth and homes of 5fis constituents. 25Ta WEEKLY LEATHER CROP B0LLETIM. The report ot corroapondentsl'or the Weekly Weather Crop Butlctin issued bv the North Carolina State Weather service for the week ending Monday. Sc tc ubcr 18th. 1893, indi cate that the first part of th week ffK.4 very unfavorable on account of much rain, cloudy weather and lack of sunshine. After Thursday the weather was good, except some cool nights during last few days. Special reports concerning cotton indicate a very unfavorable outlook. The prob able yield cannot be estimated oyer aereatyfive per cent., and will be probably considerabty under that fig ure. Out of over a hundred report only five make cotton in a good con dition, with prospects of arerage yield. Picking cotton became gener al latter part of the week. Tiie wet weather baa also caused second growth on tobacco and pome poor cures. Owing to soft condition of soil farm work has been interrupted. Fine weather the coming week will brighten prospects materially. Eastern District. Excessive raina during first three days of tne week injured cotton considerably, and a great many acres of corn in lowland along the Roanoke river, it is thought, vill be ruined by the fresbcU Cotton-picking was of course retarded. Majority of reporters say that cotton is well boiled, though the stalk is small, and some few estimate an average yield. The full effect of the recent rains U not apparent yat, however. There is considerable rust and ahedding of leaves and some rot tingofbolU. Turnips doing well. Pea-nuts and rice promises good yields. Raina reported : Embro. 5.- 66 Inches; Floral College. 2.00; L'.r. 1.4: l..ri.'.i!S:J, 1 .Vv 1 - r Tnur-l;tvi 'he last of lhi week wa ; 1 bright and tttore favorable. Frida jj was vef v warm, but a cool wave .prcnrl art f lie Slate oi Suv.liV. The wet wVather of tlie first of the week has been ;cr da'iia 'big to all crops, beM hs causing heavy ilod in man v f the streams. I be damp ... rather his cause! cecond growl h of tobacco, and Inter with crin... Special report concerning the condi tnti o' cotton tn( icate a miner j: Klmy outlook. KoMing ami pr-iut. i l ' 1k'i,s continue; mueli of it is j lying on the ground from nilects oi storms. riorne correjHimlcnt! r port . thnt August squares have been shed. Cotton not opening so fast, and picking is not general yel. The probable ield in this rii.strn t. c.-uiiiot be placed above .-evenly per cent. 1 llains reported ; Osborne, 2.38 inch ! es; LilIinto 2.30; Monroe, 0 7(' ; Liunnhurir, 5 80; Smithfiel i, 1.30 Raleigh. 0.7.5; Greenloro, 2.88; Chaprl Hill (on 13ti.) 2.70. S. II. Cliirord. New Casscl, Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia and Kheumalim. his Stomach was disor dered, his Liver was affected to an abirming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in fleh ami .strength. Three bottles of Klei trie Hitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., h id a running sore on bis le ol eight 3'ear3 standing. Uusing three l)ottles of El ctric Hitters and seven boxes Uucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., bad five 'arge I Fever sores on his lei, doctors said ' he was incurabla. One bottle Elcc-I trie Bitters and one box IJuck!ens Arniea Salve cured him entirely Sold by Harper & Hood Druggist,' PrOnoiinr'd llopeI, XavCd. Vrum n lot.lor wrlMon v W ra A tl r "Was taken with a bad cold, which ! settled on my Lungs, cough set in j and final!' terminated in Consume j tion. Four doctors gac me up, say-;! ing I could live but a short time. I , gave myself up to my Saviour, deter minod if 1 could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles; it has cured me, and thank God I am now a well and hearty woman." Trial bottles free Harper & Hwd's Drugstore, regular size, 5oc. and $1.00. A. Ijitlle Girln i:xerience lit a IiiKhllionNe. Mr. and Mrs, Loren Treeutt- are keepers if the Gov. Lighthouse al Sand Reach, Miss., and are blessed with a daughter, four years old. Last April she was taken down with Meas les, followed with a dreadful Coub and turnina ir.CO a Fever. Dontora . at home and at Detroit treated hpr but in vain, she grew worse rapid yt nntil she was a mere "handful of bones." Then she tried Dr. Kino-'s New DUcovery for Consumption and after the use of twa and a half bot ties, was completely cured. Thev say Dr. King's New Discovery is worth its weight in sold, yet vou mav get a trial bottle free at liar, cr 4lrZ'ii Y V , i rr , A IU 'Grippe'' bas left weak and wearv. Hood 3 Drugstore. JL1 DRALJR IN, MEDICINES.' ! p If I I? TJ VI Vl V TO TT FT A RTh. 7?C jj 1 V L t'iULAXA' 1 1 Jjl j cbG" rRESGRlPTIONS CAREFULLY MME DAY OR Xlfiflf WK KKKP IS STOCK ALL THK STAXdAKd ' ' rPATENT. MEDICINES, 1 AlKAlE ME WOOfiS AND. rPEPFUMEIJY! COLOGNES. IJAY IUJM. ILOlii DA WATER, : : Extracts for the Handkerchief. : ' OUR STOCK COMPRISES ALL OF THE POPULAR ODORS. TOILET AND FANCY GOODS TOJL'Ii L kS(JAlJ6, BAT I:. S0APt FACE POWDERS, INFANT POWDERS TOOTH POWDERS. SACHET POWDERS . TOILET CASES . DRESSING: AND: FIN: COMBS. JBRXJ Hair Brushes, Clotii Brushss, Tootli Brushes, Nail Brushes, Flesh Brushes, CALL AND "T7" ... T . i. . t r t Vii TKK HOW SMALL YOUR PURCHASES. YOU M Y 4 SURED IT WILL RE OUR CONS AN. T AIM TO SELL Yor t-ip BEST GOODS THAT CAN BK ORTA I NED AND AT LOWEST PEJCES. 10 SOLD UNDER GUAHANTEE. ACTUAL COST LESS IBAH SL25 PB QAZ LEE HARDWARE CO., SOLE AGENTS, DUNN, N. C. June 29 b ly. VJ. L. DOUGLAS i 03 SHOE noTVro. Do yoa weir them? When next In need try a pair.; Deat In the world. 45.00 : If yon want a fine DRESS SHOE, made In the latest tjles, doe't pay $6 to $8, try my $3. $3.50. $4.00 or $5 Shoe. They fit equal to custom made and look and ! Vv ,we"'. wish toeeonomi In your fooW, i pa so oy purchasing w. L. Dcuglas Shoes. Name and 1 Pr,ce stamped on the bottom, look for It when van hnv. Ajvr kJ mmJLO, iirpCUOB, UUS. Sold DJ Fleming & Co. 8.SI 3m. Strength ami Ilniltli. If. von are not feeling ttrron ant' y ii'k..iti... .... 11 r .z J use Electric Bitters. ThU remedy , Upts directly on Liver, Stomach' and j Kidneys, gently ai Ung thote organs :o perform their funeiiong. If "you (pre atnie!-2d with Sick Ht-adiehe. vf.u ii.i.v," 03.50 ( .LJ2.00 02.25 Vi, M4I.7S R9 fA rS AirOR BOY FOR (01 (iljull PUPiE DKLGS CHEMICALS, " CTITPP Dust Brushes. Whitewash Brushes Marking: Brush s, Artists' Brushes, Camels Hair Pencils feEE US! S t niiri ii .1... . Favorite Simger. l0 Aim Every Machine ha a drop leaf, fancy corer, two large drawers, with nickel rings, and lull set pf Attachments, equal to any Singer Machine sold from $40 1 $60 by Canvassers. - The High Arm Machin has a self-setting needle and self-threadinf shuttle. A trial in your home before payment is asked. Buy direct of the Manufacturer! and sava agents' profits besides getting certifi cates of warrantee for five years. Send for machine with name of a business man a reference and we will ship one at once. CO-OPERATIVE SEWING MACHINE CO, aoz S. Eleventh St., PHILADELPHIA, PA, WJ5 TUJS J'JtHlUUT.-itM Commercial College fiST rfWoWi: "Cheapest & Best Business College in the World. Awarded lllclxwt Umior . W.rl' J-'xjHf'-'", py.t-m r Book. keep! as n.t 6iril Jir.-i-. M i 0,000! a Kvla. Xmj i; uiuilr. 15 Trutirr, umpire. CvmtaT TH Bu"'! Conrsc inliMJ1a Taitioa. JttatinneTT. .1 BmM. "T TlUo. KatT now. lirvtUlM mn. -MftuL '' S Untlftil ni hlir.fnl. Koc ireBH.r 4r. WILBUR R.SMITH, LEXINCTOM, K 9. 14. 8m- Many Persons are broke overwork or household cares. 5fow", .Irou Bitters Rebuilds , tfce S boilu, uus digestion, rernove.a eicca cures malaria. Get the genuine. twt( aajuuar) ajq xzd 12 j da 3 W 99 'wapjosip qawuio pun 'uoiP For Malaria, Liver Trou ble, or Indigestion,use BROWN'S IRON BITTERS IV TfiTTTt Or yon are all worn tout, reajry good foil' lerJ iefcjlity. Try U wIQ cure you. ccsnse your liver, xd good aDelite. It you f f eel -.r all worn ou wo aV. T T? O '-J 7' ' v: 1". ' 1 i mm fl IP ? Higb