- - it IT 7 If a N J u 1 r i fin AJLX ' tn 1 1 j a J2i 3 a CiAX Til AM. i: li:ur. Rer.cUr Vi.Il Caesar tli . i ' V. Uaos uto God. (- ocTs- $1.06 Per Year. Jn Advance. li 111. DUNN, HARNETT CO., THURSDAY Si.Pr 23. 1S9,. NO. 31 I k A a n ' u:i"ir :i:s M iyo: . .. I .! ui--i it.-. -T. II. !. i T. Ms-seng-ll, I-'. T. n-. M o -h d. M. I, (r'ri a oar I V I . tiftr, v i vdero 1 i: e i'Y nii-ii'! n r. r. -i-: iuin-'irs. T.iro the hiij tin sms tn .'!sc. T c ' Tho vi'unti . i:, ,h(. Kenn d.,. e;ilirf l'" H2 :-'t.i of Olig'f ; Mj.j.o.ir to !,. j,,rii...r :V- Hian-M'd.i It. is ni.l..r... .1 t rn' i , ;-d! levo . .... I- I 1 1 ll'il. Willi') t.'ll". U.V s'lOlll e either a iv com or aisj or n pr mu--e of -anc'io . to l'n t:.or i hut insists ii ion tti- adopt o uf Mf:i HoO'T. S Tvici'-: tin A . : . ;i: 1 1 a. nt.. :md at night at 7 p. " in . r Snudiy night : .g: i0 j. n. Siindiv :tt !l :i. in., II. J. St ncUluri.l, ! i ii I hi i j Vt.irIuo3 I ii! :,s ii i. !o;i . ir.o i:0 Siii- ' l"r' l i llltlt li" i . i r . : 1 l . ' , (j'lestiuu, h:j his tlfjmr: tire fr tr.r ; : iii:iihiI :iins will h:r. i v be lcl:i i umc!i b'u:i.l :u:?iii on tluit, u c:i-;irc.'! 2 I'll lllll? U)iU li i J i-c u.u I!y -ik; Ms : f-.v il iys hunt Oil of 111;- I UOS. Mil' Ill'iS. C'M' IN i l i'c vim of i s -ir. 'I I. o ; I--... i nii'i 1 1 ; n.j.-lililj- Vll. v s fur rp'.crt! in th;ir r.i!,v:i--s (1f tl... SeHfitP.nn,Wt,.n.;?..,i. j wliioh a.lorn an.l .i.Iier-.vUc. l!ie ralN i wli i Ii aid nn TiMTn iinLT.fr uvp , i hi inn l'ui iiLii a i: rxz t'""' ? i sj;ii-iims " the pnr ra-t- !' Speaker- j S nil, LAR-AfUD jri; v tiia this ivo Minn f.r up.ron !rihvi Maib'e I i iiii i ihe c-ii!it'-r i ' Ilr.v. G.'l. Simmons, r.i-tor. (iIf.(ir.,i r , n ' I-it n'st'n!ii:ic t nt 1 h'sina 15. Umi. ! ?T3 3 nt-(rirtl r0 o-iI there is no w. riant i , .l .... ilvML- ' or th,ir consierin, nnv ,ropo,:,i-n ! lie ,S l ,M ,n lh ! ' PuiMiT.VK UAVTiST.-S,rvW, s,t- of cmpnuniso. At the .same time n a w.rmn, but in fact h.s gJQW ..n a.i.l Sms-l-iy niornii- M-f.iro t!i nilmiwr nftl.w, ws. n. . ; a;U.aronlly . st boen it.vei-ic.t n.to flnnl Snmlav in i:h-1i niMilth . . - . . - bl? l.-tr ;j LTOCil UCrM lllir.O'i. I lie l'H'.t- Vw "N JL xiN JT rene.i on in v tc lor u-vorrbt lor.al . . .... , , I 1 irLT I'TTU vrL' I' llll' I a.i-rk It.itt r u in rt fc. It I r -1 rn I il fTikltl UIC ll.Ill.i 111 . O I J II v. lit. wi ft j rop'oal when an ppo tiinity for such I a vote i3 nil": red are not willing as DisciiTiKS. STvi-i.s :ir.l Sunday in ;Vottij in with Mr. Voorh?es in an ,,.", .nnntli. iih.i nin- and ni-ht. Sun- j (,rrt t) .. . i l ... t . ... i ... . My r'"ii.ii ;u - i. in.. viry .lii'i i . j !ei!1 lr ro-ir!'.-i'1 'I Kr. iilixix lnav.T M.-t.iinr-vtTVTIinrs:l.iv MU?it. ' ",vr" It kv. J r lAKi-Kit, P:itor j are very well rrjanizfMl for. a fibbns- r. W. Ii. M. ni...-t v.m v Monday id-ht , tf'r an(1 adoul!elly have the mate- rfti-r tiic 2u I aud uiday in each i 1 r'r a Ions; figlit. m. ,.-.!!!. U itl.iij t he past few days there lias been a KiiuSeant "out cropping f)f!he ; feelinsr, more or less prevalent at the ICapiioi. whieii regards with disfavor j r.ArnsT. Service rvjry 2 id Sun- 1 .. 11.. . ..1 11 If. SillM. , . t o T,i-irt,. I,n0 appar. nt'y increasing, m Urnce iUv S. hool at 0::h) a. in.. T. G. 1 aylor, ! J " S s'.T. liaver Me tin- very Thurlay j of 1,1 " c-xccufivo over the legislative ;,M!i Mt T-.:!'). I branch of t'e Government. Hither IU:v. X. II. Cotin, r.i-tor. i to his sentiment has found oxo-res- , ! moih on'y fro'ii iiie opponents of the lM:r :tkiax. Kvcry 1st Sunday ' Indent; a-. - for instance, when ;1. ,.,,) j. ni. (Senator 1 1 i 1 1 remarked T.Iiat. h Ki:v. W. (). Sami'I.k, Tastor. ; his colic rjru-j would vole for repeal . . j 'im.v.ved by powtr and nueorrnpted j by Fe lral patronnjio;" when Hepre l l.'l'l' Wll I. U lT,IT SiTvil't' -mi, Sun dav at ll"VIoU. Sunday j senl1' Jvc Oosvener aert.ed that the S.-h. .wtv. s a . lav at 1V.:M a. in. Kras- 'xecu'ive was now also u? l-.dsla- uni I.v-. Snpei jiitiMident IIkv. .1. II. WoitfcKY, Pastor n. j. c. mni DENTAL SURGEON. Graluatc of V'anderdilt University, I)Mital Departme t. Oirers his services to the public. O.Ticc rooms on 2nd floor. Good win & Sexton building, D. inn, . C. live d)artme t; a.d when Senator Allen sharply criticised t'-e Admin istration for the pressure which had been brought t biar upon Congress. A few days ago howeycr, Seiia'r MiU--. wl.'j i a firm friend, of repeal and of the P.esiden', made a mo-t reuifirkh c speech in the Senate, in The ex-Spea1vC r rrdied throuuh t!:e iob1'- yesterday morning 1 l:e a ground swell ii Casco liay, and combed ainst. the door for the long distance telephone closet, f'e held ii open for a moment. One eye own erily pee ed ar und the ed ' of the tloor alal rented up.m the portrait, half b:dd, half shy, like a school boy wa ching the prepress of a farmer from Mie vicinage of a jut -y apple tree. Gradually the lines of his fac drew up i it a ch3 resemblmce to the por.rait;- he entered the cl set and for live minutes a torrent of Ian- jnia"e shot off the No York cud of tlip'niro, hot, twisted, involuted and devoid of the amenities .vith which an ae of refinement has clothed Hhe IviIish lanuac. One hu:idrei years ago las. Mon day, the 18:h. iust, ?7as lai 1 the cor n&istone of tne Capit)l of the Unit" ed States. It was a ceremonial which more perhaps than any other eyent in American history, after the win ning f our colonial independence, typified the consumation of that rre--i struugle for civil liberty,- and tin people of Washington enthusiasti- caily entered int iho spirit of tht HAS WOW SfM STOCK THE BEST SELECTED ETE STOCK, OF CEW rvnERCHANDSSE EVER iN DUNN, OF THE FOLLOWING LINES. DRY GOODS LIWE IS PRETTIER AND 10 PER CENT BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE our stock of BOOTS an SHOES are immense. We make a speciality of Iodises and mens fkio dress shoes, our line of heavy shoes is unexcelled an I V3 never fo::get the little ones they must liaye Siloes- We have v stylo and qmlity in m?n 3'ouMi's h -t, from 25 cents to $3,00. We have added to our usual stock nice and well bought line of Clothing, and Gents furnishing goo is, Ik wild i be to o ir in'erest tf see tu bifo e 3'ou b:iy clothing for we Urs old, . -j ud nothing l.ir. ne v goods to show you. jOUK I INK OK IIEAVY AND FANCY GROCER IKS U ulways oon 1 plete. .We have also addded Hardwa rc to our business, aad offer Ctal inducements on cutlery, nails and axes. " Fjr want of s a 0 e cannot mention in dolail our lln-Waro, Wood an Willow Ware, Crockery, Trunks and Valise, Notions, Undorwnre and S!;orling goofls. Put n;o8t heartily' invite the trade to come anl inipect our slock, and we will guarantee to rake PRICKS TO SUIT every est, we must gratefully thank the trade at huge lor their past liberal patronage, and hone by our increased efforts tn share a greater ratio the comtag icaMn ' 1 REMAIN YOURS .TRIE .I11H 1.1-tf. (bi'. idiMrv ;iiui,a whnji he expessd h's belief that the I T. ... , , , ..e,-,, ' It will no lon;;cr be nejeS-iry to fundamental truth at the bi'tmn of! - . ., , , . , f fl n w,,:.,, ' refer to tlie 1 d.est arr.val at the lute the whole fabric of irood government ,, t , 4l. ; , i.,,i. . 1 lliuse as Uabv l!uth s -ister. Kuth? was the absolute independence uf the , , i s. 1 little sister now has a na.ne. It is innpi!ienT tlVj tl iUU ' I AT TORNE Y-AT-LAW AVill Practice in all the surround ing rounties. JONKSRORO. N, C. AT-:i-32. A NEW LAW FIRM. ').'. "McLean and J. A. Farmer t ive thisi day associated thnnselvea j enate nf correspondence bearing aether in the praetiec wf law in all on the IIawaiis.njues'ion three co-ordinate branches. It is practically settled that the Prescient will offer no further bnsi ncssfor the consideration of Con- 1 gress until the proposinon for the repeal of the Sherman law shall have been disposed of. TIiosp holding this lelief argue that the introduc tion .f new bu-incss might possibly jeopardize the almost assured success of the repeal measure and it is said to be solely with the idea of refrai' iag from an v action that mi Jit possibly b3 ued as an exctnc for non actiorj.on'it that the President has delayed the transmission, to t':e Ksther. T!if. mills ad! ovor the country are ettin" dvvn 'o actual work. Sena torial fiud lu.lis sliauld observe and j ponder. A TIMELY SU(j jESxION". Mi riDjj LANE. part' was not responsible for the ills which we sutler. This confession nade some p -pu-ist leaders wince. Itp opened the ej'es of some populist followers, and opem d them Ajide. Gen. Weaver is growing old. He may feel disposed to repair some of riie State of I va is the home of the evil he his done in iho past by .a ft Gen. Weaver. lathe last election the Prcsi lential vote, stood as follows. Cleveland 199,370 Harrison 219,795 Weaver 0,095 the court r of the. State. Collections an o. icited. l II. Mc-Lkan, of Lillington, N. C d A. Fakmeh, of Dunn. N, C. Vuv-U--93. ;ults of ''Paramount . The re- Authority II 1 general practice ! Blount's mission to Hawaii will be communicated to Congre5? in the form of a special message, but this, it is stated, wilt not be done until alter the financial relief measures shall have been disposed of. It is understood that the message is already prepared Persons interested in this question no longer have hope that the Hawaiian islands will be annexe ! to the United Slates. It is now freely asserted that the best they can hope for is that the United States will un dertake to protect the present pro visional government from foreign in terference. but "ill otherwise assume no responsibil ty for the conduct of i d. II DAN1KL. DUNN. HARNETT CO. N C. 'las met with most wonderful sue 1 s m, ihe treatment of Cancer. N ,,te ti him for one of his pam - on f ancer and its treatment. Kesdl a tcnic. or cliilden who want balld tn? up. should tala It ia pleasant; cure Malaria, Indigestion, Biliousness, Liver cuciplai" and Juralji. This would be a good year for Gen. Wcaverto work up some fid- hiwin in his ovn State. People's Party Paper. . ' Thi-) same th ought ocourrc 1 to us a da' or two since. North Carolina g ive him more than twice as many votes as his own State. We will more than double our vote ia the next fight. Georgia will do the samcj what will Iowa do? The Caucasian. Why sl'Q thoughts occurring to the Caucasian that Gen. Weaver had better repair fences in Iowa? Is Le iinsettii.ir anv calculations of luY -- r - now making some truthful ' udmis sion3 that tat'd Ihe hair of tome of his North Carolina brethren on end. They are amazed at his honesty and Tear i!s consequence?. They' wish nim to rema n i . Iowa where people! know better than to tiro their votes awaj We do not object to his comuig agai 1 for we believe if ail the populists of ihe State could hear him ipe.k they would sec les? use in a new party than the have been ab!c to see since casting their lo s with it. A Illllon Friend. A friend in need is a friend indeedj and not less than one million people have found just such a fried as in Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Ccughs. and Colds. If you have never used this Great Cough Mceicine, one trial will convince you that it has wonderful curative pow ers in all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs. Each bottle is guaran teed to do all that, is claimed or mon ey refunded. Trial bottles free at Harper & Hoo 18 Drug store. Large bottles 50c. and $l.00.J BUCKLER'S ARNICA SHU The best Salve in the world for He knocked down a good iBnnj pop- Cuts, Bruises, tores, Ulcers, Salt ulistic pegs in this State while here and it is going to be hard to set them up again. That is wh ifcj desited to keep him awa. The high Tbcum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands. Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively curea PiIes,hor no pay required. It Is goar- priests of populism in North Carolina j antced to give perfect satisfaction, or, are aware that for a carrying out of j money refunded. Price 25 cents per tLetr scnemes. darkness is preferred box. For sale by Harper &Hood. North Carolina .brethren? Such an j rather than light. The public cry inference in:v be drawn. The great has bcn "turn on the light, but; trouble seems to be that Gen. Weav er was too honest and told too much there ha3 been a secret and concerted effort by these friends of darkness to frnth on his las; trip t- this State for j -.turn out the light.' That is W113 itsatfairs. ! .i.e ,04H1 of tic patt to which he i the ay "away wita Weaver. Let Although no defiute plans hve j w" -.u.wlf.l foA ! as hide him under a bujeL" Sainn I dlegiar.ee. I Wb?n Baby vu tick, w rare her CastocfcL Le wm a ChZd, abe crvyi for Catorta TToea ab beemme Xiaa, sbe ekatg to GwCcHa. Wljea afce fc4 ChCdrea, at Useta CuSecf "... "4 - I I tl , -j . i I f! 1 if

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