i i i! 2. 130:3 -I V, Mlyerion of OoMs h,ro. .it rur-sdav i.igul in town. a!. i'i.yes of Rh'! h. spert or t'v.-i) in t:vn la3 woo';. !.. , Monday on 'eal b:ni:tesd. :-c ill v v vil. f , w tJuys in low n this w:t-k. TI;o . -.c: ;f Mrs. 0. li. Parker. Mr. 1. A.. r.r.'t'r, .f Li! it union. -i.ent last ivc-k wit!, her nv.thsr an.i a-iter, ri- '' Miss Lena .Siew.iit of Averasboro. Mi-s Daisy IVanon, after gpe-id-1U4 sinie time v illi her sinter Mrs. SiiQ.i.ons, returned to her home in Uxlei-h rue:)da3'. In l-okintr over the K&t of namea K?'.rTd as Marshals for the Cum'ier S.. "iir. vve fiod from our town, :s-.s. II. G. Taylor and Jno. C. Cox. M-s. II. C. McNeill and J. O. Gor (1 n have opened a grocery business in 1 be old Spent ttore, where tliey will he l d to w.-tit cn their friends. L".--t year the first, bale of new cot ton w:is sol I im our streets on ihe V2ili f Septnmb- r and this season :.; ;trst ne bale came in on the t'.ilT.e ti.iV. r. Lewis Atkins ono of the I)e par: iiient Clerks in Washington, s t-.l several day 3 visiting friends .-jw 1 r,- vtives in this cotintv and re-f:irr..-i 10 hi post last Friday. j The fourth Annual Fair of the IJ'rd?r Kvposi.ion of the Candinas, will be held at Maxton. N. C, Oct. J." h Ui the.23..h. T:ie exhihl'.s and a' r-, 'i-riH will exeel any Fair ever held '..here. Uepreen' alive X. A. Smith of lira Hey-Store, was nn our s;reets one day this week. Mr. Smith is -e of our cnnty,s be3t farmers and p.to'.t conservative men. Dunn is the place to sell your coN t-n, last week it was brin-jji- 7? els. on our streets and other market qtied7jj. Oar buyers say the farm ors sh.-ill have all its worth on any1 nuxrkl. Mr. Joseph Mtithews of Iuckhorn t'vuship. dietl Saturtiay evening from typhoid lever. Mr. Mathews was an honest and hihlj" esteemed citizen of the eoanty and is a great loss to Lis IV.ndly and eoaimuuity. We return thanks to the managers of tiio A!:.mtnce Fair ror a compliment t r v ticket The Fair convenes on 1 VI,. of Oil- and holds until the I'- ij Increased e.Toris have been f ' iV to lr.nke this F:dr excel til! in e p:i it in that c sunty. I .i t ieU the Uth. an Alliance iin ' -v-i'l be -i:iven at Buuu's Level, li iirv Sk;nner aid Mr. I. M. bourne. iVesidee.l of Ilia Famers 'i-:;...;-.ee -viil address the crowd. The ! Mi are invite 1. Ive-v h dy at-t-:i ' a 1 i earrv a well tdled baskot, -1 1 all will haye a go d time. Mr. Hill Johnson of Raleigh, son Kv-Si.erirf Ja. A. Johnson )f this l' U'ity. ipent a few days this w?ok J - o.;r t )!v:i in th 3 into-est. of th I' r ive Kntio vine it Guillcf A"-rij:i, of whi-jii Ua is .the State A , nt. lne up, ei.iu'.l t&ko If .jLi5r.--.ot; curts Mal.iria, Incll.'-OO. - -I V r.r f-orrj to hrsr of I ! n- pair- j fill and neiious accw'.ent t7h::h j Mr. Z T. Kiu-U of L n ! v.iU) i-s! VYsdi.e-dav. ' Uf ! i c oiidge across Liido IM r ! r ;.arrt u.ldli piece cif Umber kn cke j o-f ; u:.o the rive: lace foremo: i .in.!.u-i U : slru :k .t hv -.v. iter u Jallii J idece of limber stiuvk him on th j . aek of his head. k:iv-;i: Iumi un- 1 ! jciui for:; whi'e. The" wi-uuds -.vert- -Irv-i ei and i:e ii ii:- r-.s veal. '. ' . 1 1 . 1 i 1 r. : . Having l'l i.'.!i j I ;li su I aji-ii.-iT.lt )i j C.unty C, Uijj to no my all jicrson.s uavm tiianns aaius ihe t s-ate of said ilccctiscil t.j t-xhihi-iLeru io the ur.ilersiined on or nciorf Lhe 2Qlh d.iy of Sept. 189 i or uotic: will be plead in bar of their recovery. All erijon. ideb:cd to saitl estate will pie.se make immedi ate payiuent. This 'J'i'Ji day of Sept. 1303 Witness S. F. Malhews. . D. L. Mathews Ad'm. 9 28. 6l. Fleming & Go's is the cheapest place iu town. Call and ee them. Our -New Stock" is the cheapes-j vt brought to Dunn and we are ready l show our many frien-K huv tliey cao saye money. Call and see us. Fleming & C. We are selling 35 els. Suspenders at 20 cts. per pair and all oiher goods iu proportion. You will save money by buying from them. Flem ing x t:o. Look out for the Lee Hardware Co. Ttiev are coining nit i their bu luie of Harvlware and Furniture. Don't stop to buy Furniture an' where, until you get to the Lee Hard ware Co. Dunn, N. C. 'I heeheapest lot of furniture I have seen is at the Lee Hardware Co. stre. Well, yon know stoves. The Lee Hardware Co. has got ' era I Just call and ee if they can't 'do-rn any thing you ha.e heard of in prices. 'The Lie il.irdware Co. his Paints. Oils, Sash. Doors, Blinds and all kinds of Building materia!. -j boxes Bueklen's Arnica Salve, and , Ais leg i sound and well. John j x, , . t. I Speaker, Catawba, O , had five large ! Now s the time to get Bargains at. i . i r x ,, , " j Fever sores on his leg, doctors said' the Le Hardware S:ore. nnnn v p That Sim axe. William Mr.nn's. Host, is still sold br tiie Lee llard vs are Co. B. H. Hood has the best writing i paper at a ots. a quire over sold. En velops sane price. Go to D. H. Hood's for scUl books, he will save 3-011 money as u&Kin-i's New Discovery for Consump. j has sooie seeoe.d hand books. uion, CY ughs. and Co!d. If ,you : bavo never usod this Great Cough D, II. Hood will bay tho finest j Meti2ine ono'tiial will ooavinco yea ; stock of Xn:aa goods ever brought to : wnn:ful ourativo poR lann Ura In alT diseases T Throat. Cheit : ! and Lungs. Kach battld is gusraa- fi-k ela-s n svln-'teeJ to do all that is claimed or scon. M.Vi " i M ey rcfandod. Trial bottles free at C ; , c 5 00 to buy fro;n me. Harper & HotU's Drugjlure. Large you u. ita,. , - 'Grtxhihfmm j bottles W aad 1 00. ! ' SLU.Vfl f legs :r-s- -.tc. CO iNlr.nt'y 0:1 at or si4.-s. J..un A. M C Iv'iv &C ALL AND WlN TEii MILLI- r.liss Jxo McKay vifriies to imbrm the PUB I IG CJ-i-jST-GrEE HALL Y that she has OPENED BUSINESS ! IN STORE FOR-! ME-HLY OCCUPIED BY; . .cixo xvj bun n-iju TIMES- GIVE HER A CALL. DUNN- N. C, SEPT. 2l3t 1893. INSURANCE. Arc you w,rth anything to you r wife ai d children? Then insure your :fe l"r their urotection. -Will sell you a $10,000 policy for a prjium of $200. Those in need of life. Ore or accidental insurance will iiud it to their int.T5it to seo me at once Hates lor all kinds or .hazards furs nished n application. Nothing Imt first clss Co's. represen'c 1. 'I'iie Equitabiii of N. Y. a speciality Kc-s-pt. S. R. Flowers. Cotton. Good Middling Middling Low Middling TUIiPEKTIVP, Virgin " Yellow Dip Hard 7 4 'n $3.20 1.40 $1.10 Country Produce. Chickens 10(a;20c Aggs 8 Hides 4('6c Corn 70 Peas 60 Hutter 2025 Hams S. II. Clilford. 'New (Tassel, Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia and Rheurcatisra. his Stomach was disor dered, his Liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Kk?e- j rriends on earth. I would meet ray trie Pitters cured him. j absent ones above. My husband was Kdward Shepherd, Harriaburg, 111., j atl vised to get Dr. Kinu's New Ih hud a running sore on his leg f -MvcrV fr Consumption, Coughs and eight ears standing. Uusing three i bottles of Kl'etrie Bitters and seven "'nuiJb r'1 clw lie was incurauhi. One bottle Liec trie Bitters and one box Rucklen's- j Arnica Saiv-e cured him entirely t Sold by Harper i Hood Druggists, A million Friend friend in need is a friend indeed; j A and not than one million people : have found just s.udi a tried as in Dr. i 1 t ! lit Vj A 1j 1.1 HAVE? Y 1 0 rvi - jbiD YOU . ASIC! ' If ve : a'!e:npt t.i :;!is.vrrr y m fuMy, we might drift into a KtlUical discussion, and thU we wish to avoid. one thi; g y;v think is, that the sooner thiii ev-rvlody learns tuat Ihe can get iMire fur th.eir muey at J. A. Mr...sengid & Cms C. O. D. dry gcWa ind si ne stiire, the s-ioner e shall see money matters improve. .1 . . . ' - i An:lher thing is, the people will go on living and needing merchandise Jnd someb dy is going to supply the demand. Now we waut to be that t " 1 cbody. v.e know what "hard times" means, our business was born S"H) ; ?hard tunes. It threes best when ,co the farthest. We believe that our business will bo better this fall than ever before, aid acting on this belief, WG have bought a larger and bettor ,Lo-k of goods for leso m :ncy t!jan we have ever boon ab'o to buy before ' W-j carr' in stock a complete line of s'aple and fancy Dry Goods. Tr ngs. Lace? eta. O r stock of ladies and children's Hosiery is simply ira pens1. We carry a nice line of Hats , for both ladies and gentlemen, a ijsloiushingly low prices. We always keep on hand, all no's, and hhado oT sewing thread, machine neetlles and oil, and the cheapest line of hand- i. ' 1 licrcluefs and table linens eyer displayed in Dunn, and a thousand other hings that arc usually kept in a first OF : SHOES, OUIl SHOE DE I PAHTNET IS COMPLETE. OUR MOTTO IS, UNDERBUY AND UNDERSELL. .vj If you will call at our store, we will convince you that our goods, and our prices are right. We proress to understand something about the neeiU and wishes of our customers. Our buyer. Mr, P. T. Massengill. htf b standing behind the counter for 13 years, and Mr. S. G. Marks Uas beeu uking the scissors and yard-stick for us about four years, and the seignior njeuiber of tho Orm, Mr. J. A. Masscngill, will be with us this tall and gr tlje business his personal attention. All we ask is a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed, or money refundee. Thanking our friends for pastfarort. , WE REfViAlfy. ..YOURS. FOR BUSilUESS. h mi nrm FrOuoiiurod IIoliIotK, t . Yet , Fr m a letter written by Mrs. Ada Hi Hnrd, of Grotoiu S. D., we quote: "Was taken with a bad cold, which settled cn my Lungs, cough set in and finally terminated in Consump tion. Four doctors g&Ve me up, say ing I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Saviour, deter mined if I could not stay with m' ! Colds. I gate it a trial, took in all eight bottles; it has cured me, and thank God I am now a well and h -wornan. . Trial bottles free Harper & ih od"s Drugstore, regular s-'ze. coc. and $1.00. 1 i . 1 : I t . . , , . A. f-iitle CIrlt IltperioncO ia a UlitUoti. : Mr. and Mr?, Loren Trescott are ', keier5 of the Gov. Lighthouse at J Sdnd Beach, Miss., and are blessed with a daughter, four vcars old. Ls6t AVil sbc w tcn down with Mea3" lc With a 'eadful Cough 'and turning inc-o a Fcve Doctors atj'lionie and tit Detroit treated her lii'Vein, she grevr wore rapid lv, &Uq wag & Itorc bandml '0t bemei.' Tiion sho tnad Dr. King's New DUcovc-ry fur Coosumptlon and after the ue of twa ar.d & half bot- t!js. w?. completely t ared. They feay Dr. K:.g' New D!covery U W.rth Its weight In gold, yet you raey get a trial bottle free u Harper & Hood a Drugncre. T ; EFFECT WILL THE OF TOE SHERMAN ACT IT PUT MOBE CiRCULAflOn!, peoyle are trying to make their dime class Dry Goods and Notion Store- BUCiOH'S ARIiCA S&LVl The best Salve in the orld far Cuts, Bruises, Eorea. Ulcers, 3U Theura. Fever Sores, Tetter, Ctap ped Hands. Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Kruption8, and positively curc Piles, or no pay required. It is guar antced to give perfect satistaction. r money refunded. Price 3."i cente pr box. For sale by Harper &Hood When Baby wai rick, w 2Te bar Outarla " 5 Vhen ha wa a Child. ei cried tor CaUrU. -Wheal sh became ltiaa, ab duoc to CartorkS When aha had CUWreo. Lo gT Um CwtfiS nrToxrn bag- wv Of TOTax aH worn oat. WSoedJX Bit o rs luCi -'tTmZHm. It vfil core yoa cienyuur arte tarn It you rfoel jrooJf and all worn out take BROWN'S IROH BITTBRl For Malaria, Liver Trou ble, or Indigestion,uoo BROWN'S IRON BITTEB3. filany Persons u byoko jown from Ttnrork cr hoojcho tax HmwD's Iron Ditters fiobciuu fhs f-.rt ant f ;r 6zs or ctOlrao" wto Vaat Vci nnow Vmox stimi. It U pl4at to Ukf, 9arm UcU, t& BROWX'3 IRON BIIXHID, Curca Dyopopoiai Xn. ligoation 6 Dobility. 'suHixis iioui Oiiinoua eonruoiooSpuito'oxQ noaiJOAnMInJ It fll pay yon to a4vrt!su lii, Tnz Tr$z. . ML k II K- .1 4 S t.i r 1 I ."V -"jiS" "-f3"'" 1 '(" . l..J..-w".'W'

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