ii 1 li. K, GKAXTIIAM. Ivliinr. Bender Unto Caesar til s Things that are Cad lar, Unto God, God's 1.00 Per Year. la Atttesca. L. 111. DUNN, HARNETT CO., THURSDAY, OCT. 5. 189;. NO. 32, 1-1 iH jlJLJJJ Kj-s Hi A.L 1 IMER DIRECTORY, iuvs Okfickks M ivor. P,. A. I ir- ir. t 'MlJli-sio H?r. .f. II. lM)i. J. . Cos. r.l. M-iJijril!. T. T. Moor. ,f n"iif)-, F. I. Jiiiie.". Mirhil. M. L. f.'Iiti rcUrtt. Mktioiist. StrvWa tlu 4th Snn ,1i v M 11 a. in., rind at night :t 7 p. m. K.r-r Stimliy night .it 8::l0 p. in. .uii'lir Scttuol at ii a. mi., II. J. Strickland, Superintendent, Rkv. G.T. Simmon P;ntor. i PuiMrriVK Baptist. srvi;e Sat nrUj and Suiwhiy morning ; luforo the third Sunday in each month Rev. Huknick Wion, Pastor. JMHCIPMCS. Srrice 3rd Sunday in ?ch month, morning and night. - Sun- dr Sehool at 4 p. in., every Sunday. I the consent of tho minority must be rrnyer Meeting every Thursday night, had before any measure ctn come t . w r . I mkv. u.i l:lwor a vote, there is manifestly no chance i W. B. M. meet very Monday night for Uintf iegijJja, ilirif or fwf anv iru after the 2nd and r unlay In each UUR WASHINGTON" LETTER 'statue at the National Capital. If tl.cv have statue.-? erected in their jLr.m our Rulir Correxj.nieut.) It may not he possible Tor the Sen at. . in t!i : mi Ui of sii ;ii a ru!it as they now itavt;m hand, to top ai.d make a change in lUa rules under which tiiey h ve bee operatiiur for a hundred years It eems inevitable, however, that s.inic mentis must be provided by which a vote' may b reached on measures which haye 1 lie support of a m J riry. The present experience nill probbly taoh the Senate a lesson from which they may profit in the future. Whether the repeal, unconditionally, of the Sher man luvv b v'.wed by a Senator as wise or otherwise, the opinion prev vail in Administration circles tha he cannot fairly question the propria et of the Senats's haying ai oppor tunity at some time to pass judgmen on it. liut there is more than the silver question involved in this. I 1$ ID tB he Mil's ii It. month. BAPTIST. Service every 2nd Sim day at 11 a. ., aid 7:30 p. in. Sun day School at 9:30 a. m., R. G. Taylor, Sur-t. Prayer Meeting every Thursd ly ttituatUm in thc Seuate today by gay. muu; m ;ou. Kkv. N. B. Conn, Pastor. portant legeslation conceruin which there i9 a radical difference of opin ion. Measures which receive unani tnous consent are usually un import tant. A repeal Senator exnro-sed the 1" ubsbytkrian.- Every 1st Sunday m U a. m. aud 8 p. in. Key. W, O. Sample, Pastor. ing that tliey were surrounded by a dense fog ami could not see ahead of them. It had been demonstrated, he said, that the an ti repeal men hau force enough tu keep up a filibuster indefinitely if thay were so disposed, "At present," he said, they seem Frrh-WilIj Baptist. S.rvie4 on determined to flight until the Voor- arth Sunday at 11 o'clock. Sunday h,ee8 bjji ls killed " Thin nonpars to be yery nearl' the situation as well a anyone can understand it. It is evident enough that if the men op posing Voorhees are - determined to filibuster until the bill is dead tbev have it in their power to do so. The conditions uoder the present rules of the Senate open up the pros- irhol frty mmday at 9:3 ) a. m, Kras inii I.e. Smwrluteiident' Kkv. J. II. Woblkv, Pastor. U, J. C. GOODWIN, DENTAL SURGEON. GnwiuaUof VanJerdiltUntveriity, pect of a very neraJ failure of legs Dexital Department, Offers bit aervlces to thoublic. islatton during the Fiftythird Cons gres'S. It would not be surprising if the House, without difliculty, should Office room on 2nd floor Good- pass all the important measures which win 6 Sexton building, Dunn, N. C. JoJjrW-tf. W. E, HDRCH ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Will Practice in all tho surround ing counties. - JONESBORO, X, C. A.rU-H-9l. the damocratic managers have in. con templation and that all these tneas ures should c ;rae up against a solid stone wall in the Senate, rendering this Congress impotent. Tiiere seems to be no aoubt that the House will get through its legislation with con sidarablo expedition, and it would be a criou3 spectacle to have a very businesslike House disposing of measures with a free hand and ever thing gorged in the Senate. A great many men in both houses foresee such a situation. The bill for the honor, the moyeme.it and ihe funds mi. st come, from the people at larjje.. Thns the sold ers if the lanil fare 1 ett-r in the way of memorial than the statesmen who have shaped tlie u ol icy of thc nation, and made much f it.- history-" Washington i prud of a-'d e rale ful of its military Ptat ues. It is with no diloal'v to the memo ry of thoe brave soldiers that a wish . f ! is expressed that there coul 1 be n way provided fr securing sta'ues of great eiv 1 leaders, to r- und out the history told by thc city's memorials. F:iinilarf:iccs in .the great Micioj tolitical kaleidoscope mt;et the daily ' i promcuadera in Washington at every turn now:uiis, and the streetsbegfn to take on a livelier appearance. Soc'ety has got bAck to town, and the return of Vanity Fair puts new life in the sneia! current ad gives the st:3' at homes somei.hing fresh to tvlk about. One problem that every body is answering according to his own lights is whether or. not ; Wash's ington is goi'-g to be gay the coming winter. Judging from the past ex periences this city is never unduly festiye the first winter after the ink duction of a new administiation. It has become npi arent, however, in the record of the past few years, that a winter of social activity in this city does not entirely depend on the offi cial side of snciety. and it is not bes lieved that the hard times will have an appreciable effect on the coming 6eaon" at the Capital. :', A resolution to restore the parity inducements on cutlery, nails and ax s. of the legislative, executive and jud cial departments of tnc u ivernmcni, P()r fc f g we cannot mention in ddtail our TinsWare, Woo4 an n!iii iniriif!iUr pfpfpnpfi t.o fcno first I i40i - WSi to- Tnl. .nit V.IUoo Wr.tlo TT.wW.tA two was the contribution of Senator h.c, v.u.j, - ' - . Stewart to thc Senate calendar last ortirg goods. Tut most heartily invite the trade to come and inspect week. Ii sets tortn urn-- me inue- , , ... uarantee to make PRICES TO SUIT ererv oi :WMww.y v . . - . - D 0 endenco of these branches must be . . 1 a. i - J. 1 1 .l.nMT. I t re or lilt rwn trm f Lai. nM I ha mm I mmw mmtm, mniiitmnoii fimi M.at tne U8d OI uip I . liOtlH VKtO 'f - ''if ! power and influence of one depart- aDd hope by our increased efforts to share a greater ratio til ooEtfaff twa ment to wntreil tlie action ot snotlier s a violation of the Constitution. Tho anoointment of Hornblower - 1- - - - i of New York to the vacancy on the Supreme Bench caused by thc death if the lamented Justice li.atchford serves to make emphatic the pocls ntimation that there u not much in a name. 1R NOT A JOKE BUT A FACT THAT DDPREE & LAKE, HAS WOW IN STOCK THE LAR GEST BEST SELECTED AW COMPLETE STOCK, OF GEN ERAL MERCHANDISE EVER SHOWN IN DUNN, CONSISTING OF THE FOLLOWING LINES. OUR DRY .GOODS LINE IS PRETTIER AND 10 PER CENT BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE our stock of BOOTS an 1 SHOES are immense. We make a speciality of ldiea and mens fine dress shoes, our line of heavy shoes io unexcelled and we never f orget the little ones they mllSt haye Shoes- We hive every style and quality in men'ye. youth's hats, from 25 cents to $3,00. We have added to our usual stock nice and well bought line of Clothing and Gents furnishing goods. It wild be to your interest to see us before yoa b-.iy clothing (to. ire h ive no old. and nothing but new goods to show you. OUR JJNE OF HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES is' always com plete. We have also addded. Uardwa re to our buft:net, and offer fpccial WE REMAIN YODRS TRDLY, EE k Ml. A. HEW LAW FIRM. D. II. McLean and J. A, Farmer repeal of tho fedral election laws will have this day associated themselves doubtless pass the House by a con- aj I SKieraoie majorifcy. oaviufj uiiisuuu their Hearing the committee on ways together in the practice f law In the courts of the State. Collections and general practice solicited. D. H. McLean, of Lillington, N. C J. A. Farmer, of Dunn, N, C. MaMW9S. D U.J. H DANIEL. DUNN. 11 A RN BIT CO. Ha met with most wonderful suo 2 in the treatment of Cancer. Write to hira for one of his pam lets on Cancer and its treatment. and means are going to work at once to the revision of ihe tariff and they expect to have ihcir bill reported lo the House during the first week of November. Washington will soon have a hand some equestrian statue of Logan, and likewise one of Sheridan. The Cap ital ciy is lich in its memorials of the great soldiers of the nation. This is due to the fact that the leaders of the war leave behind them assoc-N ates who take a special pride in hon- rTnrr ihPir memories in tuis way, WISE WORDS- Let no young mnn misjudge himself unfortunate, or truly poor, so long as To be hungry, ragged and pennij he has the full use of his limbs and less is not pleasant, but this is nothf faculties, and is substantially free ing to the horror of bankruptcy, from debt All the wealth of the Kothchilds Hunger, cold, rags, hard work, con would be a po'r recompense for a five tempt, suspicion, unjust reproach vears struggle, with the conscious are disagreeable; but debt is infinite ness that you had taken the money ly worse than them alL And if it or property of t-usting friends, prom- had pleased God to spare either or iamcr to return or pay for it when re- all mv sons to be the support and quired, and had betrayed their con -fi solace of my declining years, the les at Lome and at Detroit treated her. dence through insolvency. 1 son which I should have most ears I dwell on this point, for I would uestly sought to impress upon them dptf.r others from entering that place is : "Never run into debt I Avoid A. Little Girl experience la o Ughtliotise. Mr. and Mrs, Loren Treecott are keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse' at Sand Beach, Miss and are blessed with a daughter, four years old. Last April she was taken down with Meas les, followed with a dreadful Cough and turning icco a Fever. Doctors of torment. Half the young men in pecuniary obligations as you vould the country, with many Id enough pestilence or famine. It oucanget to know better, "would gi into basi but fifty cents, and can get no more nesa that's into debt tomorrow for a week, buy a peck of corn parch if they could. MoH poor men are so it and live on it, rather than owe any ignoront as to euvy the merchant or man a dollar manufacturer whose life is an inces Of course I know that some men sant struggle with pecuniary difficult must do business that involves risks ties, who is driven to constant shin and must give notes and other obli- ning," and who from month to month, gations; and I do not consider him barely evades that insolvency which, folly in debt who can lay bands di sooner or latr, overtakes most man rectly on the means of paying, at in business, so that it has been com- some little sacrifice, all be owes. I and to the great army societies Wash-j puted lht but one in twenty of them speak of real debt, that which in- but in vain, she grew worse rapidly. until she was a mere "handful of bones." Then she tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and after the use of twa and a half bot ties, was completely cured. They say Dr. King's New Discovery is worth its weight in gold, yet yoa may get a trial bottle free at Harper & Hood s Drugstore. BROinrS IRON BITTERS Curoo Dyspepsia, In dicobtion 6 Debility f ington is iudebted for nearly all of the staUcs that atom its paiss. When the civilian statesman dies, no matter how great his service to his country, tbere is no organization readf to honor him. by erecting a achieves a pecuniary success. j j volves risk or sacrificing on the one For my own part, and I speak from side, obligation) and dependence on iod experience.) I had rather be a the other and I y. from all such convict in the State prison, a s!s.ve let eveo' youth humbly pray God to in the lice swamps, than to p? ss j prcss'r ve h'm ever more! Horace through life iu the horror ot debt, j Grecly in Ner York Ledger. BUCKLEI'S 1R21CA ULU . V" The best Salve in the . world for Cuts, Bruises, Korea, Ulcers, ; Salt Theum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands. Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, nd positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded Price 2S cents per box. For sale byt Harper &Hood. -a i 7 i J i ft J - s i 1 t f (.1 'Si .if

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