n 1 TT V TrTSI J. . K GilAN I'll A M.K Iiisir. Bender Unto Caesar the Tiling that ar3 Caesar's Unto God, God's. I 00 Per Year. In - Advance. DUNN, HARNETT CO., THURSDAY, NOV. 23, .1893. NO. 39. Sal Times 1 n DIRECTORY, !utIR washm-sto-i Lsrrsi" Town Okpickiis Mayor. T.. A. Pu-j ( j(MiiiuiHMM'r. .1. II. ioM'. J. , have been setting an example of p e- tv to tiic people of the hind by his (From our AobUl.ir CorrrsLomloiiH I n I i. :... . ..i i! ! " , ' uiiuii'ii-ii i irgu i :i i ! ty an a cnurcu jioer , i though, since e has been out l The all-absorbing topic in politic 1 Woodhy. h.- has put in an nppear- Cox. l'. T. MisMgll. F. T. Moore, cal circles is .he attitude of the ad auce at a little Episcopal chapel in 3Lusii.ii. m. minitration upon the Hawaiian, a j the neighborhood once or twice. ! The outlined iu Secretary (ireshainVn pib Chief Executive ha? reasons enough usiieci statement. Public men of aliffornot attorning ci u et.. no doubt. T . . . I ' . i j political creeds express their un- Ar.oruey, F Made. 1. Jones. Cll II -! CM. "Mi-rruoniRT. Sirviee the 4th Sun day :it 11 a. in., and at night at 7 p. ni. Firt Sunday xkfht-at S:?0 p. in. Susnlav S'-hool at U a. in., II. J. Strickland. Superintendent, Rkv.G. T. Simmons. Pastor. bounded surprise at "he sudden e'.ane of the policy of the United States toward the island re dm, for li'w had place. t entire credence in the rumor i all at before the actual an nouncemet.t . f the fact. ; Hie quess tion as to what means the got cm : . . ! ment intends to employ to "re. tore Pkimitivb Haitist. Services Sat-jt,ie legitimate s-oviirnnijii't" of Ihe is. rhi and Sunday morning-; before th j lands, and thus "repair! the wron tliirtl Snndav in each mouth Kf.v.Huknick Wood, Pastor. Insoii'liKS. Services 3rd Sunday in :ieh month, morning and niirht. Sun day School at 4 p. m., every Sunday. Prayer Meeting every Thursday night. JtKV. J f Makpkr, Pastor C, W. R. M. meet very Mxmd.iy night after the 2nd and -i mday in each month. Airs. L'levelan I has not been able to accompany him, anl he has, besides, tieen ho beset this summer that,-: pre sumably, the Urst day h'as slipped by like all the ollieis iu the weekl On his return Iroiu Woodley to domestic life in the White House lie will no hab-. ill $i0 tfi i lair i hi IlAPTIST. Services, every 2nd Sun diy at 11 a. ui.. ami 7:30 p. m. Sun day School at li:30 in., U.G.Taylor, S"?t. Prayer Meeting every Thursday .euing t 7:30. Ukv. X. IJ. Coijb, Pastor. Pkbsbytkrian. Every lt Sunday it 11 a. m. and 8 p. in. Ukv. W. O. SAJdl'LK, Pastor. FltKK-WiliTj Haitist. Services on fourth Sunday at 11 o'clock. Sunday School evety sunday Ht 9:110 a. m. Eras uui L. Superintendent IlKV. J. II. WOKLEY, Pastor. A NEW LAW FIRM. D. II. McLean and J. A, Farmer nave this day associated themselves together in the practice tf law in all the courts of the State. Collections and general practice solicited. 1, H. McLkas, of Lillington, N. C. J. A. Fakmeu, of Dunn, N, C. " May! 1-93.' nU- J. II DANIKL. V DUNN. HARNETT CO. N C. Ha met with ino.t wonderful sue jesa in the treatment of Cancer. Write to him for one of his pam- 2Met9 on Cancer and its treatment. ifFiDruion diuat'iiiou ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AVill Practice in all the surround mg counties. g JONESBORO. N, C. A4rit-21-92. DR. J. G. r r.i n n v v U U U U U 1 ill done to a feeble a .d independent stale by an abu.-e of the authority of the United Slates," is the leading one and is the sul-ject of varicius and vigorous d.seuss on. Inquirv at tue State Department warruuts the statement that the Prei- nient uas given his approval to the rteeretry's findings, based as thej are upon tLe searching inquiries con ducted by "paramount authority" commissioner. Mr. Blount. And while it hai not been regarded as ex pedienl to make public the plan of the Administration for effecting the rostoration of tje monarch', it is in ti mated that the new mi..iser, Mr. Willis and Admiral Irwiu ha7e gone to Hawuii cliarged to do all that- is necessary to restore the status quo auie bellum. Hut, in any event, an actual conflict between the forces of the provisional government of Hawaii aod those of the United States is re garded as out of the question. The bombshell of the Administra tion has raised an immense volume d criticism, aud various expressions of opinion. In many circles it wa regarded as incredible that the Unit- e l States would take action 10 mio- press the government which the be.it residential ciemeuts in Hawaii hud set up on the ruiiisi of one of the rut tcr.esi thrones ever tat on by de- bauclied and debauching monarch. and give the moral support of this country to the woman who claims by .descent and by "divine right" author ity to sell the interests of her "sub jects" to the highest- b ldiu lottery sharks and the opium smugglers who will divide most liberally with her majesty the proceeds of her illegal acts. In doing il.is the United States WU9W ulT. UN INTELLECTUAL CENTEE are least semi-satisfactory, and elects I -"- v . to encourage conspiracy and provoke bloodshed; all to the end that a far from admirable specimen of woman hood be reclad with uowor to work groat evil. Both President Harrison and President Cleveland have recog nized the provisional government as a ster if this country suuply desired to let the two factions tight it out among themselves; that would be a: unfriendly act. But to dras the doubt resume his old-religious its. There is a strong brobability I that the tariff hd! will' not be reported by the Ways and .Means Committee until miilc Lime later than the members them elves expected when Congress adjourned. The committe" is putting in some very heavy work these tajS, or ah least that little circle of! the elei t of the Democrats to wh eh is intrusted the framing of the bill; it is known that some of the most !, im portant schedules of the bill hye not yet been even taken up by the com mitlee. How large a part the recent elections play In the conference! of the Hub-cominitte it is hard to say, but is apparent that-some of the tar iff reformers are shaken iu their belief n to how radical an4 Hwepiugij the changes from "Mclviulcyism,, shguld be. s) The famous monograph of Edtiard Suess entitled. "The future of sil ver" has been issued as a Senate doc ument, pursuant to the resolntion of fered by Senator Vurheea in the last days of the session. It i surd to make a profound impression wher ever read. After demonstrating, the ptactical exhaustion of the gold sup- piy as an adequate money metal ;the pamphlet boldly predicts that in Hhe future .-ilver will become the" mo hey metal of th Wtjrld- It concludes; as follows : "The question is no longer wheiher silver will again bev:ome a j full vnh;ec)i;:age uietai over the whole j earth, bu. what are to b its trials through 'Europe before it reaches that Koai." " j " It is quite evident that we intend to keep our finger out of rhe BraztK ian muddle. j The consensus of opinion is that the liornb'ower nomination to the Supreme Bench will be confirmed. irS NOT A JOKE BUT A FACT THAT DtPREE & LANE, HAS WOW IN STOCK THE LAR GEST BEST SELECTED ARID COMPLETE STOCK OF GEN ERAL 'MERCHANDISE' EVER SHOWN IN DUIHV CONSISTING- OF THE FOLLOWING- LINES. OUR DRY GOODS LINE IS PRETTIER AND 10 PER CENT BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE our stock of BOOTS anl SHOES aro immense. We make( a speciality of ladies rand mens fine dress shoes, our line of. heavy shoes is unexcelled and we never forget the little ones they must haye Shoes- We htve every style and quality in men'ye, youth's hats, from 25 cents to $300. We have added t our usual stock nice aud well bought line of Clothing and Gents furnishing goods, it wild be to your interest to sea us befor you buy clothing for we hare old, , : i and nothing but new goods to show you. OUR LINE OF HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES is always ooa plete. We have also addded Hardw e to our business, and offer special inducements on cutlery, u ails and axa. For want of space we cannot mention in dotal 1 our TtaWars, Wosd and Willow Ware, Crockery, Trunks and Valises, Notions, Undsnmr Eld tS porting goods. But most heartily invite tie trad to come and tasgstt we will guarantee to make PRICES TO SUIT every ontt we must gratefully thank the trade at large tor their past liberal patronagt, and hope by our increased efforts to share a greater ratio the coming season WE RMA1N YOURS TRDLY, . ITT? 3 I DENTAL SURG-I30N. Graduate of V'an.'enlilt University, Dental Department, Otfers his services tothe public. Office rooms on 2nd floor Good in !t Sexton building, Dunn, X. C. July-13-tf. Progressive Institute. Dunn. N. C. : ter:n tr lS:i: h 'gins, Sop!e or Cth. Faithful service. Expenses Senator Stewart, of Colorado, thinks Kansas a great intellectual, centre. The opinion is possibly due to having known something of Sena tor Ingalls. Hon. Jerry Simpson. Gov Lewelling. Mrs. Leae and a few otn ers of their mould. He further adds that Mhe had found that where the slavery agitation was moit violent the human intellect was most active throne from out the roval woois! ed fnd that in Kan?as there was a much and, after dusting it off with the fraz-j higher average of intelligence and a j z!cd h ipes of honest Americans. re broader grasp of public questions be born a man, .constitute Senator 1 hft eniovs the dis-f tinction of being the lonely possessor of a strange taste. To the average pf rson. Kansas presents a truly re markable spectacle as a Stae, per haps not so much as an intellectual centre and a birth place of statesmen, as a habitant of cranks and missing links. Of course there are many sensible and good people in Kansas, enough to keep the State from dn NOTICE ! By virtue of a power of sale con tained in a mortgags deed, executed on the 8th day of August 1891, by E. A. Jones and wife, L. E. Jones to V. A. Jones guardian of Rex O. and Hu bert Y. Jones, and to anv successor she might have as guardian of the said Rex O. and Hubert Y. Jones be- gracms itelf. We merely refer to f(jre tfce payment 0f mortgage Oie large number of rare specimens j wiU geU to lliC illgtie8t idace the Iowcooiclv iiueen on its cushions is an act of hostility toward a uienoiv power wmcu nenucr met Americans of Hawaii ntr ihoeof the United Staie are likely to condone. President Cleveland lias not been than in any other part of the coun try." !' This is a very remarkable ciseoy erv. It may be well to remind the venerable -cave of the winds" frob Colorado that before slavery was .... Addrpv much of -a church goer lately. In his j abolished the great majority or ow former admimstraii.-.n he was noted FreMdei.ts were from the South, and fur his regularity, aud every Sunday the bulk ol the Nation's greatest morning his carnage used to drive statesmen were also on this side the up in front of the hrst Frcsbytet inn Potomac and Kat of the Mississippi. LmilCU .t"M. . nv. - .....v,.. ...... .v." n , morn rv'ir n ?n those Havs ! the country. m terrifies wouic;.. a-u 1. U.iU'.rt:., anu of the genus homo peculiar to that commonwealth, especially in the field of politics. It -Great wits are to madness near allied. And thin partitions their bounds divide," there may be something in Mr. Stew arr's assertion. However, it is man lfest that the "thin partitions' have been burst through in many instan ces and the madness of some leaders has been mistaken by their followers for very able statesmanship, Samp son Democrat. Full line steim fittings pipe brass ! ! floods etc, constant on hand at All' highest der for cash at Court House door in the town of Lilllngton, on 'Monday the 4th. day of De 1893, at 12 o'clock, m the following real tttatao in tha town of Dunn, N. C. Harnett county, to wit : The undivided half interest of the said E. A. Jones and wife in Lot No. 1, in Blok O. O. ac-. cording to tho plan of. the town of Dunn. Said lot cornering 00 King and Cumberland Kireets'being 140 x 150 feet. Also the undivided half Interest of E. A. Jones and wife in one half of It No. i. in Block O. O., the same b2in? 7 x 140 feet, said lot being situated and cornering on Lay -ton and Cumberland Streets. For a more dafinite dlcriptIon see Itegis try of H&mett Co Book F. No. 2, pages 153, lu4 and 135. This Noy. 9th. 1833. McLean & Faitncr. ) W. P. Jonis Guardian. Sue.

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