1MB 1 A G. K. GIIAN I'll AM. Editor. Pwerider Unto Caesar tlie . Thing .that: are Caesar's Unto God. God's- l.00 Per Year. In Advance. ... ';n .-.t. tun jt' f ip PpTA'PY An; C o ! i i : ii i s ' : i e v s . lOOi .1. Cx?&r?&&AT T.;V.-nvi ArronjtjVotW. iwo.-. .Jur.-liikl. M.- L. ! Wade. ;1ih . MvrritoDiST. Srrvice the 4tli Sun day at IV a- jn., and at night at 7 p. m. Fu st StfliUAjr ni.ht at $:M p. m. .raidav S-hoo at i) a. in., II. J. St i inland, Huperinftvident, m:v. G. T. Simmons, Pastor. r-t-f- P i: I M Vc I Vt B A PT 1ST. Serv'oe tltiru cMimiay in cucn i"h t . T t'ttii 'RuhN?ci VVtOD,i .PnVtor- after tlie 2nd and month. Baftist. : riST.rvKejv!ryi2n;: 11 a. nir, a iTl 7:o0 p. m. J 'Sun- d:iv at Sun- d:iv School at fisJ TJ. Q4-T:iylor, Sunt. Praif i"fe?liTiA-y Tlnnday ltK ItKV. X. II. Cob, Pastor. Vkesbyteri Ar-wryt naday 11 a.-m. afrd'S'lnf. 4 4 - ;r' Frkk-Will, Baptist brrvics on . 7 KEVIIW.; H D. JA..M&ca3 ami I. A.- farmer. lother in the practice wfdajv. in 1 alh Collect ion 8 and enorai practice sulicttcn. D, II, McLean, of Lillinston, N. C J. A. Faumkii, of Dunn. Nt.C. D tjLn&T IlAIitftfrT CO. Prlftfiij cpfltai t(rtntT.di3ta$R ;ar Cancer. Pvtiivelly will not visit patience ot n oistance. A pamphlet On Can;r, I Treat-menClrid'-CufeVwfU &'maile'd'i) any address tree of charge. :? i.TT WiirPracticcTin all the 'surround ing counties. liA Arril-21-92. Gxadaauj of Viin JftcJilt JUaiversitvJ ho , ,'nT , r " -i uental Department, oife&wt&ftfe &-48teTESKs? I)iHCV-P?rvV?n!; 5vl!1Las,-v8 "! of Michigan. M -;- ach .lillS, nV(BoinjctI "Wa Wilson; the chairman of : the iav School at 4 p. m., everv Sunday. ' . omj ai."i - i . cf:ouiUeer was, i far.-io assume, . r , "if'lmate: relation w'tth flic aamlnislia" JDRCilSOS . - . . .-t4r - ,v.. .- r ,..-1 thpv 'onerate. Thens are "liiacy D--v.-L. P,- fJlM WX& 1A" has. Wit vet been ra. claus lnoking to nmfcc- tbe-issojfs rkTSrrA.TrfTOTlSri- tnv will be inrnosellf 1iiit"the P!lS5 Tf' ba-hk -issues' aye j-. , h wr w ----- i - i i iaX-JC p3UM i jj m jt M'jj"'! 9tflr0ft;anii legacies, "a verv considerable cin MtMSirie Jar- 2 'ttK, r'4"' 'r- plating cards, and a probable tax on OJIlIin. JN.A.' cirais will, at'tfre-best: yeiKl:6rrly:ah Vtfiteira Srf89.2IWCemditional rsTenue of a few-.ioifjiou ber Gth. Faithful service. Expenses , . ithaiaixxr- Lbe..-robabili. -f '3Mdf."TVIie inl.enial revenue" sche'dules :..: 1 " 1 l. . until o. raac D. ti -Parker Principal. Aug. tMlu.1893. JU&" WASHINGTON LETTER- (From our . ; "liiid breeze is bdcn plaints fdiout ,-lue new with' "larilf com- biii, There, are shouts, of cries of (Us3at isfaction approva and , Y LcUicr it is Hue with tlie national democratic plaiforju or not is immaterial to the interests involved m the struggle. They either want it or they don't it. The nevv tariff :iwcbi w:is W)ven i j in ..n apartment beneath the marble esplanade of the House -wing of' the Capitol. There are eleren democrat ic members of the committee on the. Va3s and Means. The ia'itr sched 'rikji wa i.i h tr "d to' ' tfj r!ee : ' Vjf ! I he .ty elvers,-; of .tLia committee.-. These, thrie were Wilsoc of Vest Virginia, Clifton R. lireckenndvjc of Arkansas cils of President Cleveland, iujs btfpg'&o; it Is" generatly understood mat nis tarin ouiv reuecis ;. itte new tautfbilLi. ,pt...wily before.- ihe House .but before., tlie,.. people. . The Hope w i yj,a.' nj n is. .as. p r o ni pt ly as Vhc lexers deircajid. the propLq J vvjH .;48isupn)J itrouew.ay, pr the oth-l cr hJUift)U..-JM.r. iWiJs.w is. about; the; yof.T;ir.oJegn .w Inert bo .landed in K-)4I?7He.iiie -resemblance ends. Xheretis -jumbi'i? djrican boit hia,.-.He -aas straight, sant'.y hair, a liiilt inustaclu-. and a Kosce I... . i. . . ri: .11: 1. . : . . : uy !; iciii"i;..spcecu a:-u.u-i(t ;-uruiv Vrary" aciiOi-oCSpeuker'12eeKtft thcx" Fifly-fiMl,XHi jjre$f. : CI'fc 4eH sihialrt'V.-enoiii'li to r.ni;ffute-an;iem':., soliiateT- lil ful Uxwrn. I'The sc ; are-' gualAies that.-will telHir tire com;uij i'ruIe. :V !- ;,, -;r .v v "' The tcdlf .atKV I red oir.io ales even .tlie Hawaiian luyjr 'jiUw, - A re' imposition if ihe Uy on suir,' anion ntini; to tijrp. qn artery f afey:n.V, is one )f tin; jevisii'ms of the Wilson, lar'if bill" wliiCll inay " Vet "be iiia'e. 'Tlie op.positirtn t an increased" vhi- key' ta.is so rVat'aud tils jViilictnties" "Stfrrou-nflmg sncv; irrcrease so tjumw ous. Thai-it is not tikely any part ' of. LtUe deficit caused by the redaction In ratesAvill "be met iroiii that, sodrc'd.i Some df the-neuil3eis of- the- Ways and Means cWiuoitttca beiieve that" with.a small duty on sugar, the ln- ercaseil cost to the' cnsrtniT wutiUi be very slinht, while th'e revenues re-i suiting tlicrefromyu.all.Ue consider able. Such a movement wouhi be very gratifying totHi1 Loasfaua ile! egatior., and to the delepations from otfcer States 'wficro th'-i' beet sugar in- d uslqr'H apidJt OaV',ioiw "The work on, the iutemal , revenue Schedule is proceeding slowly. A detintei uYidvstan&ng ttju:ding tlie opu l:Q?. WW1: at incomes is still very srt.. 11 . . , .-j --. r'r. Tn T ,.t must l.o raUcd fr..:n otUpr sources, lue increasea tax on cigar- W ill bo a'ccomplished until the reassem bling of Congrcas after the Christ i mas. recess, atu&the.-;)!. of Jintiir,io'upori tl'io admittedly. cs uutio-w The message ,rf .President : CIovK ' h.nd to Coru're aecoispauvih" t&e ! ns!ers.- und? correspondence .in te f lfawaiiau.Jii8A;er4l'?vbefln.ii"as.1e Jiub. lie: In the message, tlie President j cniciscs witlt g.reat severity. ,tle;aCs xijns oi air. iiini.ster b.tevcnsf w o referred to as .a, minister full of ze&) f i r . a n r e x a t i o n , . a n . r e v i e v s, a 1 1 , c n g h theotcurrcncc-.in Hawaii, his.. cqi) elusion. beinlhat the Queen, wis' f wrongfully .dispossessed of her.hror;e by the use of the troops of the tlnitdl . . . . g . States. He slates,. that he gave, Mtr iter Williyisiructions to retoles the Queen .lowlier, throne pridejd that she would, bo willing to grat amnesty to. all persons concerped ifl her overthrow, but on these condjr- tioos. the President adds, the Quecji - hasiiot et given ( her acquiescence The matter is, the.iefqre, in a . quies. ceU. tat-e. - Hut ; the ' message dir- cl'ise.s that .lbe polIcM lias been ey er'thiig feared ; thitj.it was to tle full as sinter aud as periious as ruV mor i)adit. fNow theSwhole buestion isbefore-Congress, ..where it "righ fully;bl6?jgs,. and where it should l.avebcenr from the. .'beginning. We shajbsion se? whatis thought of t by the:oTily authorry competent tt decide questions' of .war. Pending .wtiich cotisuraation congratulations may he extended-tlie. people, of H wi iipori lui'ving escaped' reienslav mept to ah ignorant and vicious de4- LpQtism, and to the people of the Un,i- r.d&ttteiM'rpori,,lriiitig " been spa eJ i!ie!sb?troe tf cvtli. u vicarious" comt plicKy'iiv-sueh ac'iTn'. ' - J " THe?oBrcial Tfis'ury-'figdrcs show that fife' retjy'ptsf'nre Trt vulng :'f:. ate thle 000.000 Vyear. art' ex'penditOres 'fit 'thciratof $32,0O.0i0Of a month Fhese figures i.dic'v't'e' i dacit' for'tho' fiscal yeaf 'endiifJitnct), 18&'4'. 07-2,000,000; f'-J -1. BANKS' - - 1- Let us h-;i trVe tcvdo.i. ThvV some SouHiern lie i 2"e, r pposi nv. tUtfn. . Thev.ares wedded 'to :ibb n - -National - Hanking: Vv.str?iu r tiiat. theV - J .van see-no safetv, - utiHty -or excels . lej ce of -any Tciv.il in liorae" buhkY. 'Ve do'not' insist ,'th it tliQ Nation if banks should be wijie.i out of exists ciTce, but they siroulri . be. strengths eucil'.'irnade safer"" Depositors shud De lyotecteu oy every possiDie guar antee. j It ;is understood that a bill to. . re peal the 10 per eervt. tax on " Slae banks Ts reaH' and will be reported soon to the'Hinrse. Ifissaidto be Qry long and full of radical change. itpfoybre3 tor the real of 'the Ha . Ttit limits -tlie "circufatiba '"of Stafe ban It issues to the States In wiiiqh male as sound as it Js iiossibic o make them baed upon .Unile"1 'Stated. Slate, m'uhicipal nd conny bonds why" riOfia mem circuiaAe w her e" ver ihey'may 'as tliey "did "prilir to the war? We are sailsfi-;V'thata provision of the sort-named in tie b;li:aou!d produce bupfusioii and eni; barri3a.Waifia. and. busifieii. -. . , xticCtJainiiUee Inviiig cJiarga -H this bill, in referxinglto.tbe register. ing of State issues b - the United States Comptroller of Currency apd bs ir.srictlda from'tiimMo time, sip- da,r in all respects to the inspection of National banks o'r, say if is bjis. j the . Stattfs. and -.that-- the. dMaiis o i the Ftiler.il duties prescribed." arc ; cori fined as nearly a in :y u a U .tninitrativc.' functions. .-They ar intended to. constitute guarantees i against fraudulent issues and of the ! periodical testing ' of the issuing banks. ' -' . At-'pTesent we do nrt see our way i to approyo of this feature of the billv 'the Federal Paul Pr' business is not a safe way. if we may judge by the past, which "Patrick lienr' held to be the right way to judge Ibnt experi ence was the lamp unto i.ur feet to guids us. The less of Federal inter. y.ention in State aifairs. the less per sonal Govei nment we bear, and the le;ibt possible interference with tlie people in their rights and liberties, are the things needed and give the surest guarantee of stability, satis faction. aud high patriotism. We are glad to see that even in the North that State banks are growing somewhat in favor. The Neyr York Financial Chronicle says: 'As the currency cannot be retired and cannot be xporietl. and as the situatiou is an oycrsiipply of iuon ey, and a3 the only kind of money that can go elsewhere is gold, rates for foreign exchange ady ance and an outflow of gold sets in. Do not these few fuels show that there is somex thing radically wrong in a paper money system that induces such con ditions? Furthermore, is it not evi dent that the defect lies in ha'ing a system under which the machine for nte issues is not. so contrived as to autimaueali3' carry the notes uack to the issue and ktep them there in readiness for home uses while "busi ness is slack and tlie paper is not neexled for making domestic exchang. es. State banks would to soni'j extent remedy tne:evil sugested. Kepre sentauye Warner, of New York, is in favor of repealing the tax while say ing tjiat many Nt)rthern Democrats adyicate the measure,' while the lare banker-) of the East will not oppose it. . We do not see the .New York Journal' of .Commerce, but it is re .ported as aleo favoring Stale batiks. Ii is Vn'en c ut tliat "tte Presidest opposes the repeal arid S fate banks. It is thought, itr.V'ashihst!3n that' the rej'e.il will, come anyhow. Strong mn;in.the Ilouse are advocating it. A bill will be repeated and -Speaker Ciisp i enthusiastic in its behalf. vcpresentative II all, of Missauri, is' on the Com:oiU?-e on Hanking, and Currency, and hj says it 13 of ver' iteat importance, especially to the laboring and producing classes the very. c'asses that- de-scive well, we may add, and always at the hands of the Government. Mr. Hall seys : "The national banking system was originated for a purpose, toVit : The floating of Uni'.ed Sta.es bonds at a time when they were being hawked about the market at a 40 or 5U' per iejit." discbunt. As a currency. ,na tion'arbahk Tic'tcs h'-i i;e been a signil and deplorable failure, in the most iraf9.rtaMt element of a vajuabje cur rency. T!ie time this'currency should have expanded to have met . the -in- creasing. demands of trade it con-I Ttacfedrfor whiie. the volume'of cir- CHlation of national banks was at one time near $500,009,000 tt the time wbeDr the recent pan e occurred the circufalioii wa4 not "(h Excess of $18o 1 oiKj.obo, showing2ational bank cur jenry to be acoai)leie failure on that iost important element of flexibility. There is'ffd -question irrrny uiind that a"Stae bank curfney Will create a flexiWe" cnrrency llwt -rin' expand and contract if rtb t' e needs mA. trade and thereby to a rcat degree. at least prevent the recurrence of panics. Wilmmgtoa Messenger." r" ' II ml li'fcTi ni-fWBMiM. V b kVj t2.M f A I ; l SOLD UNDFIH OlTAFIATfTSR Actual cocr lzzs tkan ci szn, cai - LEE HAIiDWARE CO., SOLE AGENTS. DUNN, N. C. June 29th ly. iBrnmercia! College u Cheapest & Best business College in (he World.' Awarrfei lUshest Har at VTvrU'a ExeltUB for 8ytm ut Book-kplnc and (tfrtl BaiiaM r.4mrmtim. 10.000 Cr4aatMla BvsIbcm. Xmjj l,OOOStatfeata aanaIljr. 16 Trarban mpXojtd. Coat frU BanlaeM C'anrn. iaelutflDg Tattien. 8utiooarr. o4 Board, about 90. Short-lis.A. Traa-WHUar and Tclacraaar apooialttoa. Ha VaeattJo. Mater now. GradaM aceca.fal. TbUallT la boantUnl and boalthfnl. for olrcalnr. wtdrooo WILOUR R. SMITH, LEXINGTON. KY. 9. 14. 3m. UMMUM BONLJM (the supreme aoop . " Vertical sude-bacK Suspenders FOR SALE P.Y FLEMING & CO. a few dav8,aal you r. ill tartl-i at th ud-. pecUrd inicct si iJiat will rewuni our effort. Ve positively hre the b i-l tnsi jets to or,r lu'ijfnt that au be foua 1 on Hie incr of thi tK.r'Ji. . K43.00 proflt n S1."i OO worlh f buln- is being t-njlr atfl lioior.t;!j' lujuie by and paid to humfreda of ra?n, wonto, bo, and jfirU in ocr employ. You -an maif - tuoey fatt-r at work for n than vou bav ,-n- ii.a of. Tbe butiot ia ao eajv to leara, and in'?tructiora o timple aad plaia. that al' ucct-t-d from the i!art. Tlioae who take ho!-, of th pi;ir.c- rmp, i!. alfantage tLat ariii from the 'und rtrputaTion of one of the oMeir, most Siicrtful, aui lrjr-t pubUahlnf hpuw in Aineri-J. Secure ir Tourlf tl proata t.'iat ihe byin'u o readily and handsomely yielda. A!l tz'.ur aucrecd c'rat.dlr. mud more than realiJe tWir F'-atrt exri!iou. Tboe who trr it fin 1 exactl- a we theia. TTire is plenty of" rootn-fr x few more workers, and we urjee , them to-begin at once.. If yoa are already em ployed. but ti- a f-w ar? n .omenta, and wlih to ue them to a'irai.:an-, tlien write u at one MfTr thi I rour prai.1 prtuaif aad reoeiTf fill particular hv return ruail. AddreM, TRIE & CO., iiox 'a. Auuta, Maw BROVYIT'S IRON BITTERS cures Dyspepsia, In--d i gefti on &. Deb i 1 i ty . i ii -j -. - - - . - - -- - - - - - - - - - UttCrg m tccic. tir chairea who irsat bn24 , j lnsr op. ynil& take nnov.'S's utoac uitTETi. 1 2i J pUVt : cats Maltcia. InisriGa 1 i S . t & rr I'.S it n i. JfZZZ ft POvwioMTea. " c fin IT8W i t-a ON THE iTf ViT WORK FOB OS : V i) r : 1 i7 .4 - A. . 1 s.

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