THE 'TIMES. i:u;k.sjay, dec i4i so;i LOCAL Christmas passed off pleasantly air! quietly with our people. Mr H M Pearsall spent this week at UU old home in Wayne county. Mr. Benton F. -William of Wins- low, attend d the Xmaa Tret Mon dy oight. Miss Alma Daughtrldgc, of Rocky Mount, is visiting her sister Airs. J. A. Farmer. Rev. N. B. Cobb. D. P. will preach at the Baptist church Sunday at 1 1 o'clock and at night Mr. Zcbulon Jeffreys of Gorgi:.. in spending this week with his broth er, Mr P J Jeffreys. Mr Lee J Beat spent Xma at hia old home near Ooldbro, and re turned Tuesday evening. Mr. Abe Cobencius. our clothing and shoe man spent his holiday with relatives in Goldsboro. Mias Florence Harper, who ha leen at Kinsey School for the past session is sending Xmas at home. Mr R C Long, formerly of this Co.. but now a telegraph operator of Ga.. spent the holidays with relati ves here. Miss Irene McKay left Tuesday morning for R&lcijjli, where ehe will ftpend.Kome time time with relatives. Mr.'W.T. McKay of Cheraw. S. C. pnent Chriatmaa with . relative in to?h. and returned home Tuesday evening. . There will be a recitation contest tonight at the Disciple church by 8v rl young tneo and ladie. The pub-, 'lie are invited. c Miss Bella McKay.' of Dickenson, ,hs purchased te J. A. Maaengi'l rV?ieucf and will more to our town sometime aoou. v uirr tiaun njKnc on 01 ur am ; dents of tbs Kiny Seminary "f La Grange, la visiting Miss U attic . . Barnes The Baptist Sunday-School at Spring Branch, Sampson Co.. had quite a nice Xmas Tree last Satur day evening. Collector F. M. Simmons has reco roended Mr. T. A. Harrington for store keeper and Mr. John W. Stew art for gauger of this county. The Xmn Tree at the Disciple church waa in every way grand suc cess. The tree was very pretty and filled with nice presents. Many of the wookliea of the State are taking Xrnas this week and will not come out but will resume work with more energy next week. ' Nxt. Mouday is the flrt day of the new year, get ready to make new resolutions and new promises, for that ia always in it when the new year comes. We hope that all of our Qnnn sub scribers will remember Chat this is the Nst week in 93, and if .they are doe us any subscription, to please hand it in this week, all who fail to heed this will be called on immediately. Hon D. II. McLean's address at the Christmas Tree Monday night at the Progressite Institute was a per fect gem of beautiful thoughts, and highly enjoyed by the crowd. The tree was a success in every way. The splendid musio added very much to the occasion. Uncle Bobbie Norm a clever, old man. and an esteemed citizen living bere, is 88 years old now, and he hask spent alniut 7o years of his life in the state and mail service and still has some Star routes whieh he has carried. He drovo the wagon that pulled the Lg Oabio" from Faye t Seville to Raleigh in the Harrison campaign of I84o. Mr. Norm ig i ow r.fflictei with paralysis aud ought to get a pension, the good people ot our town and county ought to make a eQort to put Mm on the Pension. Mi8 MollU .McKay, wh has been leading uhmi'c in the Wilkesboro Hgh School for the past year is spending the Holidays with relatives iieri. Capt. J. R. Jerniiian. it is announ- Iced will aoon receive an appoint ucnt of note, alfu Air. O. J. Carroll will e're lona rceieve hi desired ap poinltnent to-.the Marshallsujp. Capt. -Tern L an is a very worthy "man and will probably fill the vacancy mode by Mr, A. D Jones. Thin isue in the ilast one of this last one of thi vear. We hope every one of our readers enjoyed a pleasant and merry Xmas "and will bear in mind that they have received the Fimks promptly all the year; and if any of tbeirt oe us aay thing thej cnnot assist u hi any - better wa than to send in the small amounts at once, for the new year will not beam o brightly if we have a lot of d':iin juents on our books. A CARD. The undersined desires to announ ce to the public that he has located at Dunn for the practice of law and for the benefit of he fine school of the town. He will be at Lillmgton every Monday where his clients and frieuds cun meet him. He will' attend the Courts the Justice of the Peace any wherein Harnett or adjoining coun ties. Mr. Farmer, his partner in the practice of Ur will always be ready to attend to the business of the firm in his absence. Respectfully D. H. McLean Dec, 20th. 1663. Atty at Law. A Foundry at last- John A. McKay fc Co., the turpen tine tool manufactures h-ivebeen try ing for the past year to add a foun dry to their wilt be done. Mess. A. R. Wilson . and I. H. Mathews two well known busi ness men of our town and countv have become partners with 5! r. Mc Kay, and an will bayc perfected all arrangements to put in the foundry at once. The furuice and all the 4 neceasry- raachiuery has been order ed and souse of it has arrived. Tliev are enla-gcing their buildings and before many wet k of 1894 pass, they will be manufacturing plows, carst ing and all kinds of turpentine tools. The work will be started in time to supply. the spring trade in plows and casting. We think onr people should encouage enterprises of this kind and feel sure teat this one will get a libv eral support from this section of the I country. Editor Burbank Sued for Lib 3l- Winston. N. C. Dec 28. Special James S Reed, of Ridgeway, Wi lms entered suit here against editor W F Burbjnk. of the Sentinel, for li bel, claiming t.iat his character and high slanging has been injured to the extent of ten thousand dollars by a publication in the Sentinel a ! ago when Reed bought goods ijf Win- j mn m-..iiKi, unit- a....i, nir.-nrv. J ' , , . stances tuav me pp3r epaacu uiui. , Reed's brother. Dr. Raed. of Reiri- ville, who bears a different reputa tion from tne man who has entered the 6uit, cftKie to Winston and paid off the claims in order, as he said, to keep down a oiigrace. Editor Bur bank has no fears as to tho result of the suit. Reed's reputation is too well known for any jury to return a verdiet in his favor. Newa-Qbserver. Chronicle. Turlington Items Christmas passed off quietly in this section things seemed somewhat blue. Notwithstanding the "ham times gome of onr young men have resolyed to take unto themselves better halves. Last Thursday Mr. J. A. Malloy. Was united in marrage to Miss Anna CoMllc. Monday Mr. A. C, Simple ot Bie Creek- to Miss Shaw KyaN of thn ieiiiin. Tieday Xr. V. T. Bail, of. Stewarts' Academy to Mi-s Ella Stewart of tne same place. Wo wish them all. long iiyes of prosperity. There ws a lare atfendance at New Hope Sunday, the service were ably co u ducted by Elders CuaU and Adams. Mr J. B. Ptrker. we are sorry to . aay. lawt his horse Sunday, Best wishes 't the Times and Editor. ANOTHEJLCRANK- Few York. Dec. 26. The Seargent of the 28:h precinci station house in East Io4th 8ireet, near Third Avnue, was busy studying Ue blotter at one uiuoii mis morning wuec tne aoir rras suaaeniv flunii open, and .a wilu- eyed looking man who had recently leen drinking rushed into the loom. lie had long murderous lokHg knife in one band as-he rushed uo to the desk and exclaimed : am go- lected stock of Xmaj goods ever be ing to kill Parkhurst and want you to fore shown on this market, times are senu a couple o! policemen a'ongl. , A . ... . with m.toaraest me afier I bare bard andfprices will be very low. done the fob." His eys gleamed with a dangerous light as he said thi and his arm flourshed the knife very near the Serjeant' fW AftPrth Serjeant had reftovrpd fmm hi. ,,r J 0 - -v - y-w . 1 ' prise he called in a couple of poliece- men, ana alter a Hard struggle the oau was overpowe ed and locked up This mornipg;be said . his name was Timothy Kane, of 177 Third Avenue. He was sent to the Island for six mouths.- Wil. Star. EAOE CONFLICT. Jacksonville. Fla.. Dec. '26. It is rumored at Leesfrurg; a few miles from Wild wood.-the -scene of race trouble, Cirat the'whites advanced oh the blacks early; liVbis. morning and Miitf: flpvprnl n perron wnrn Lrlllwl onH others if both parties infured. Ow- o I ing to the remoteness of the eommu- w I er rumor has it that Ira Smith. ho was wounded last night, has since uea aia mat wmte man was ... ... I wounded. Savauab. Ga peo. 26r A. special to tho morning News frorq Tampa fla. says: Acting under instruct tions Trttm Gdyenor alitchell. the Tampa Rifles, forty two strong, left on the 8 o'clock tram to-day for Wildwaod to aid in quelling the ne gro riot. The Govenor also ordered a special train from Oca I a to that place to convey the Rifles of that city to the sacne of the riot. The latest news from Wildwood is to the effect that fifteen negroes were wounded, four killed and tour captured. Wildwood. Fla. Dec. 26. The ne gro Abo Lam bright, who shot Ira Smith last night, together with five other negroes who were in the fight. were arrested this morning and lodged in jail by Sheriff Chapman of the Leesburg Rifles. 'There was consid erabie firing from the Rifles before the arrests were made, at least seven ty-fi ve shots were exchanged. Sever al negroes were .slightly wounded. Isaiah Ryan colored was killed last night but was not reported dead until this morning.. Three of the sup posed leaders of- the riot, Coleman Lambiight. Jeff MfcCall'ster and An derson Brown are. now in jail here Jfsse Lambright the negro who start ed tho difficulty with Rube Caruhers is still at large. It it' not definitely known how many negroes were killed cicht and this moroing Tne negro Abe Lambright was shot before beinz nrrjsied this morniug. I seoraed ' for a while that Abe Lsil brigbt woullj be lynched, but a errand mass meeting of the white cit izena was neiu i jiruwrsi. lynch law and to advise peace and compromise. . Rev. Mr Eason. E. I Barwick and J H Curry made earnest speeches to the crowd advising mod eration and suyremacy of the law The crowd was quieted and appar .;utly satisfied to permit Sheriffchan man to take charge of and remove the negro prisoner, Lambright to Ta varesjail, which he did under the protection of the Leesburg Rifles. Wilmington Messenger. fir roam m i?Wir U wQm joa. liS??: For Halaria Liver Trou ble,orIndigeation,use BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Nice jot of. Novels for 'ale or Rent P. II. Hood's Drug StJie. Go. toiLee" Hardware Co a. Store to buy you a nice Limp for an Xm present. I Littte boys aud Big boys come to Lee Hardware Cos, Store fr an Air "I Rifie and a toy Pistol. I i I 1 i Remember, The Hardware Store is the place! to buy your Powder, Shot, Loaded Shells fcc. 1 You will find at D. H, Hood's DfU St0 the lar?e8t and beat 8C. r i- '1 3 . Very nfoe line of Plain and French ' J Candies.. Nuts, Raisins. Oranges &c I at D. H.'lloods Drug Store. All Fresh, f You can buy nice Crockerjr at the . 4 Lee Hardware Store now. Well yes. you cau buy a great many things at the Hardware Sore that weuld make a nice Christmas Present... Please lon't forget that we still urniturejyet. iee naruware vj.u s . i- it i . r Anothef Car load of Old Dom a lou VJ . gram by, G. Taylor & Co. i A car load of Lime just received at R. G. TaylofdfeCo's. MAaKIlT XXEPODT. I Cotton. Good Middling Middling Low M fiddling 7 TURFENTr, Virgin I $2-20 YellowjDip 1.40 Hard $1.00 Country Produce. Chickens lQ2Qo Eggs ; 15 Hides I 46o Corn I 60 Puas , 60 Butter 20325 Hams ; 121 ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Haymgi qualified a Administrator of Martha' A. Brown, deceased, late j of Harnett County, North Carolina, this is to notify, all person havltig Ins -claims against the estate of said de ceased to Exhibit them to the under- j signed on or be fore ihe 8, day of Dec, 1894. or tliis notice will be pleaded in bar of ibeir recovery. This 8,iday of Dec, 1893. 1 J.O, A. Kelly 1 Administrator. O. J. Sper j Atfy. 12 H. I 4t. v .WANTED- A Position by a cwo-third Printer Apply to C- Care of 4-Czntrjll Ttkbs. ... Dunn. 1 X.ADIC fatdlnz 1, tor-tr-. or children wbo wia:Vs!ld L tac bo. tboald AXe It la plejant to tak. cuxm V&atU. Id& ffestioa, bSiousaoi and Urer Coroxitn. 4 NOTKEl r By yirlue of a certain Mortgage Deed exocatel to me April 5, 1893, by J. Mordecal and Norcas Uorde cai and duly registered in the records of deeds of mortgages of HraeU County, in bouk H. No. 2, pages 64 65. I will sell at the Post office door :u Dunn N. C, at publio tale, to the highest bidder, at 12 o'clock M. on Monday the 15 tu day of January, 1894, The following property there! a conveyed, to-wit : Being a portion of Lot No. 1 in Block I. L in the plan of the Town of Dunn, and bounded on the North by tne lands of John Tew, aod run ning along nis line 70 feet, on the East by the lands of henry ' Pope, and running along his line 70 feet. on the West by Clinton Street in said town and running along said street 40 feet to the beginning and being a lot 70 feet by 40 feet. This the 12th day of Dec, 1893. Terms Cash. " L. J. Beat Mortgagee, 12 14, . 4t. NOTICE! By virtue of a certain Mortgage Deed executed -to me Feb. 4,- 1898, by John Holmes and wife Amelia Holmes and duly registered in tho records of deeds of Mortgages of Harnett Count3 In book F 530 etc, I will sell at public sale to the bight est bidder at the Post office in Dunn, N. C, on Monday the 15th day of January, 1894, 12 o'clk.The following property therein conveyed to-wit: Being a tract of land far Averas boro township, Harnett County, ad joining the lands of F. Tart, James Hodge-;, Thos. McLamb and others. containing 103 acres, more or less and being the place where the said John Holmes and family now lire. For courses and distances of said land, see Book F No. 2, page 530 etc.. Records of Harnett County. Said land contains valuable buildings. This 12th day of Dec., 2893. Terms Cash, L. J. Best Mortgagee. 12 14. it. NOTICE, By virtue of power of sals con tained in a morigage, executed to me by M. R. Smith and wife Louisa E. Smith, Recorded in the Register's office of Harnett County. I will sell on Moiui&v. Jan. lt 1894 to the f highest bidder for cash : One track or parcel of land, adjoining the lands of J. C. Sorrell. DaniHl Lucas snd others and containing about 50 acres more or less. For a better descrip tion see records of Harnett County. This 1st day of Dec 1893. E. F. Yoang Mortgagee. 127. x 4t. FOR SALE. One medinm size farm jnola. qual ities good. Will sell for cash. Mrs. R- A. Johnson. Dunn, X. C. 10. 19 It you r-fool uoalr and all uorn oat take DROTO'S moil DIWCR0