i X ii IwN lKA.Su 1 JL livIJ&bo G. K GiiAN niA.M.K-liror, Render Unto Caesar tie Tiling thxtareUaBsar's Unto God, God's. $1.00 Per Year. In Ad vane OL III DUNN, HARNETT CG., THURSDAY, JAjM. 4 , IS94, NO, 45. DIRECTORY Toxvn'Okficers Mayor. Y.. A. P.ir ,krr. Conuiii-sioiier.-. J. "II. Pope, J Cox. f . T. M issonill, V. T. Moore. Attorney, F. I. Jones. i:uh:il. M. Wa.lo. ;2mrclies. Mktiiooist. Service the. 4th Sun !:iy at .11 a. i., and at night :it. 7 p. hi. First Suntl ty wight ;it 8:30 p. nt. niimlav Sotmol at l a. in., H. J. Strickland, Superintendent, Rev. G. T. Simmoxs. Pastor. Primitive Baptist. Servie.es Sat rria ami Snnilay morning before the third Sunday in each month Eld. Bup.mck Wood, Pastor. Hisc'iPLKS. Services 3rd Sunday in 4ach month, morning and 'night. Sun day School at 4 n. m.. every Sunday, prayer Meeting every Thursday night. ItEV J f 'Iaki'ER, Pastor. C, W. U. M. meet very Monday night after the luil stud -i induy in each mouth. Baptist. Services every 2nd Sun day at 11 a. w., aud 7:33 p. i. Sun day School at ti:39 i. ui., R. G. Taylor, Sunt. Prayer Meeting very Thursday 'veiling at 7:80. Kkv. 15. Cobb, Pastor. Pkesbytkriax. Every 1st Sunday i 11 a. in. aud 8 p. in, Uev. A, A.. IIasshll, Pastor. FUKE-WILL BAPTIST. Srrviees on foirth Sunday at 11 o'clock. Sunday vluxd evetv sunday at 9:3') a. ni. Eras tnus I.ce. Supvrtntenden- llKV. J. II. WorXKY, Pastor. h. J. G. GOODWIN, DENTAL SURGrEON. Graduate of Vanderdilt University, Dental Department, Offers his services to the public. OSU'.e rooms on 2nd fl- or Good win & Sexton building, Dunn, N. C- Juy-13-tf. 11'. I 1RI ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Vill Practice in all the surround ing counties. JONES BORO, N, C. A NEW LAW FIRM. D. H. McLean and J. A, Farmer cave this day associated themselves 'together ia the practice of law in all the courts of the State. . Collections and general practice solicited. O. II, McLeax, of Lillington, N. C J. A. Farmeu, of Dunn. N, C. D R.J. II DANIEL. DUNN. HARNETT CO. Practice confined to the disease of Cancer, Positivelly will not visit patience v. distance. A pamphlet On Cancer, Its Treat ment and Cure, will be mailed to any address tree of charge. Progressive Iastituta. Dunn. N. C. Fall term for 1893 begins. Septeru tor 6th. Faithful service. Expenses moderate. Address. D. U.-Parker, Principal Auj. 2Uh. 3893, JUUR Washington letter- From our 1c.4 dil" The suggestion in Secretary Cur bale's report that the authority h ur. be given to the Secretary of tne lroas- ury to issue oorms or temporary evi dences of indebtedness to meet the present deficiencies in revenues, if some other means is not devised, is liable to provoke a fight in Congress. There is a minority in both houses of Congress ho have always been in fayor of the issue of bonds, and who have been calculating that the situa tion must ultimately lead to suc, a issue. .There is. however, a verv j hitler o pposition in both houses of Congress to any increase of the per manent pbl,c debt. The allema live of giving the Secretarv of the Treasury- authority t is3ue bonds ' or interest bearing notes, or else to des vise some other means for supplying the deficiency, will lead to the pre sentation of a number of proposi tions in C ongress. The silver men will endeavor to have Congress au thorize the coinage of the silver seigniorage at once for this purpose, but the most probable thing is that 6omo sort of a bond issue will be au thorizd, The democratic managers are pre p&rii.g for the opening of the tariff fight in the House as soon as Con ureas reconvenes, t'e 3rd of Janua ry, Ti.eir design is to hasten the passage of the bill as much as Rosai ble and to force it turough the House in its present, form. They believe they are going to have but little diffl. cult- cither in expediting, the passage of the bill or in preventing amend ments. If they ca.i help t emselvej. it is understood the democratic lead ers will not dovote more than two weeks to tie consideration ofttie tar. itf bill in the House. Tho republi cans txoect to follow a uniform poli cy in boih houses of Congress with r'Ia'in to the oajiff. Those leaders decide politics protise not to give any - a assistance to ueinocr ts wno. on ac count of their local intererests. will attempt to put protective duties on particu ar articles. Therefore the re publicans will not vote wiih those democrats who want particular nro tection. unless those democrats are in turn read' to make a general rule of the proposition they present and vote with the republicans to restore protection practically throughoir. bill. It is believed tint it wi'i rrJ-v: least six weeks, perhaps n:t. b !.:v .- : to iiet the tarstf bill through I' j i a.-. The indications are that it is the present intention of the li lance eonuuittee to entirely reconstruct the bill when it reaches them. To over come the possibility of a division in the party after the bill is reported, it vill be the piun-of the committee to tettle all ditferences in the committee nefoie the bid is reported, and then to put it through the Senate as a par ty measure by a solid democratic vote. They want, if possible, to a void any attempt on the part of the democrats to amend the bill in the Senate. The external T'ioiaas B. Reed f the present bears no resemblance to the external Reed of last summer. The Reed of last summer was clad iu a tow suit. The Lord did not smite him with lightning and he lived through it. The coat of this suit hung about him in folds innumera ble, and to ever' fold were a thous. and creases; the vest crawled up to his chin, and the trowsers fitted him as stockings would a rooster. He wa3 a siht to mhkc the heathen rage and kiudhearted women wep. The Thomas B. Reed of the present wears what MrV.Hamie. culls the "customa ry suit of solid black", a full-back fbat of the fullest fullness, and a ii:r ; ianthemum which he shampoos :r.fj combs every morning before put- i it on. He looks a s lf satisfied, im posing, and aggressive figure. " The labor of choking the wLecls of the Wilson tariff carryall agrees with him. The result of the late election buo38 him. Afar, and high in the heaven as the evening star shakes in the steadfast blue, perhaps he sees a vast and clamorous convention and the arches of a great building tumhj ling to the acclamation of his name. Or perhas he thinks he'sees it-which is the same thing. Anent the Hawaiian business, it is V.- - believed the ex-queen Lili's refusal to beres.wred iu the manner proposed by the administration gives the latter an excellent opportunity to wash its hands of the whole disagreeable bus iness. Apparently the administra tion is about to Fvail itself of this op portunity. The note of surrender has been faintly sounded by some of the administration forces. The adx ministration's Hawaiian policy wan. like allGaul, divined into Hirc parts. Firt, that a grent wrong had been done; second, that it could be and ought to be undone through a queen restoring by the republic; third, that for the purposes of this restoration the Executive tras paramount. Tb3 administration had numerous sup porters for the Srst declaration of its policy, suffered a wl olesale desertion when oaeen restoring was inscribed on its banner, and w.i3 left almost entirety without. support upon the third proposition. Now that the log ical results of the policy are being repudiated by some of the prime pro moter, it is beco-piiig apparent that the -policy" is de.-td. Congress is moving so energetical ly in the making of new statea' that soon the only remaining American! colonies will be Alaska. Hawaii, and the District of Colntnbia. WHAT WOMEN OAN DO. Here arc some things a woman can Jo Shop all day long and not spend more than 50 cents. Walk the floor with the babj- half tho mgnt and not be bad tempered at bread cast next morning. 1'ntertain unwelcome visitors and :'.-. a them feel welcome :'incefor hours in shoes two sizes L.io small and yet have a perfectly l?vlv time." Make her mother-in-law like her. Talk about servant girls and wom an sufferage in the same breatii. Have a nervous headache and go to a matinee and forget all about it. Subsist ou a diet composed chiefly of cakes, buns, pickles and tea. Sleep peacefully with steel prongs sticking into the head, their purpose being to crimp the hair. Wear thin soled shoes and wonder why she has neujalgia. Do fancy work for four months be fore Xmas "a d yet enjoy that holiday when it conies. Keep house- rear the children, at tend church, se. belong to several clubs and then feel sorry for "poor John" became be has to work so hard. Here are some things a man can do: Sharon a penciL , Drie a nir.l. Take his Sweetheart to lU-i theatre 1 - and never oiicele:ve h r side. Take the ame sweetheart to the theatre a year afterward, wh-m she has became his wife, and go out be tween every act. ne positi ve mat ne Knows more about the silver question than any. of the othor fellows. Smoke 2 worth of cigars a day and wonder how some people can be extravagant.! Go to a baseball game and howl like a Comanche Indian irom pure i enjovroent. Spend his last $5 for a good din ner and think it well spent. Wear a chrysanthemum the size of a young cabbage and not feel con spicuous. 1 , Make Diore trouble about a slight Lcold in the bad than a woman would if flhp had typhoid feyer. Wear lonfe, warm, comfortable clothes in Winter, and thij, equally k. 7 sensible and comfortable clothes r, f bumner. -t Pay little or no attention to fash ions and yet be always well dressed. Be generous and fair where h:s wife's relatives are concerned. Admire other womn and adore his wife. I . Talk about the hard ti mes to hi wife wbeu she bints about a new bon net and tell all his men friends that h,h8 notfejt the stringency In the money market at nil. Uobesonian. ' ' '. I . USEFUL OjHINGS TO KN0W. , I ' T.. - Washing the fac? in buttermilk will remove freckles. Salt sprinkled on the stove will re move any disagreeable odor. A cup of rock salt dissolved in the - e bath will proj'C as invigorating as aj sea bath. t Small basj of unground black pep per pinned aijiorig clothing in closets will keep awiy moths. . Rattan chairs that are badly soiled may be cleanlsedby washing in hot milk bavins i little salt dissolved in n. Tea and ciuTee pots may be kept sweet by boiling cold water and a spoonful of bilking soda in them fur a couple of-h&urs. To preventilamps from smelling bid and giving a poor light, boil the hurners once? rr..th in water with a little sod a J n it. Soap should not bi used on the har, as it makes it brittle. A little borax or amonia in the water ill t thoroughly cleanse the scalp. Bits of toilet soap which are too small to use tnay be utilized. Make a bag of Turish towelling about nine incites sqare knd put in it all the small pieces f soap. When hree quarters full ?ew up the end an-1 use ihe same as ijT it were a cake of soap. Exchange. I Two Men Ell sd- Burlington; Dec. 25. Last Satnr day night at Graham, two miles east of here, Frank Mills fired two soota into the side of one Moore, an opera tive at Oneida Mills, from which he died Sunday ) night. Mills escaped and has not been caught. Monday ni;ht our city was greatly shockbd by the announcement thixt Mr. John H. Murphy, a 6on of Eagi neer J. R. Maiphy, had shot himself through the Ueart with a pistol in his room at 9 p. In. It Is supposed to have beea accidental a he left no word, and died instantly. He was a telegraph operator and had worked ia many placWtoath of here. -Golds boro Headlight. i i r n T 1 TT 1 IT I M H " 1 ) i . SOLD UNDER C5UAWNTEE. Actual cost lzss thau ti6 pbb qwt LEE HARDWARE CO., SOLE AGENTS. DUNN, N. C. June 29th ly. CommerciaJ Celine SLRi&SSSlk " Cheap tt MtMtButiHtss Colliti ih UorUT 0.-0 ChUmUi U aifaiw . IniI; I, Hmlmmf WILBUR It. SMITH, LKXIHQTOJfa KT 9. 14. 8nu (TKf 5UMUU 6000J Ml i an1' iflRlib FERTICAL SUCBAC1CSU5PFJDERS- FOR SALE HY FLEMING & 0. WORK FOR US a few day, aud yoa will I ftutfed t tbe unex pected saeees that will reward your ffort. ' po5ltlrely have the bet but ineta to offer ac tgtnl that can be found on the face of this earth. S43.00 profit n 873 OO wrih of baaliwaa U belne t-a.ily aud honorably tuade by aod paid to huuired of mea, womea. boj-.. mnd girlt in ear omnlnr. Ynu rsn mpkf i loneT faater at Work for 1 u than rou have ;y Idv of. Tit bnalseM U SO e&Mj to learn, cvl faimtkrf o iimpu? aaa pm. that al vicciiX from the uis.ru lhoe -a ho Uik hold of tlx- bcuiae reap tlte adaatare that Bjiei froii the aonni repatatiou of one of too oldt, mo( 6ueceful, a4 lurgett pablUhlaf houM In Amrriea. 8cre for Tounlf tbe proflta t 'iw t the bulne to r adily and Itaodomalj yields. All Ixfiner aaoeot-d grandly, ad more tha rt-aJlz- their greatest expttatton. Tboee who try It fud Mtj M we tell them. There l pienty or room for a few more worker, and we arfo them to begin at oucm. If yo are already eav p!o;ed. but nar a few tpan- tnoaeate. aad wUh to ue tbem to advabtag m, tlen write nt at one tfor thi l your xrar.d opportaalty), aod reealff; fall particular by retsm maU. Addreae, TSU A CO Uox '. 400, Anxsita, Urn SROWW'S IRON BITTER5 cures Dyspepsia, In digestion & Debility. Cs"2f &acieL or children zsixnvs'sxjioa umrd, If is piartat; coa UmImHk LaAIjrra, u0 Indfeeatioa. S2lioackea. D7Ppik,Uil rja. Kerrouia xm. aad Gcica1 IetCltf . Jtara lain reoosusead U. ASHLtaSmmSktL Gaocsng naxk a4 arxnA xti Car t waTi for Si L 'Wrap J I I 1 w i. 01 THt iMX f .l Illlli 1 M

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