lN'OTlCE.: k THE TIMES. "Til U PSD AY APRIL 2Gth. 1804. Tie 'memorial address will bo de llvcrei! ht Chicora Cemetery a4- t'irce o'clock p.ra .the 10th of May. We for to, to l'xvc U-g Lour in our !ait issue. Col. Breckinridge w.Il -Oglst b it ot:t to the bitter end." And u hitter end it wili be- - Memphis Com. Yes; and he will . resemble the that got licked. LAID TO BEST, i Senator Vance's Remains rrrtorabed. toletr.: rvicss at Ashe rillc ed, and a couple of officers took Lim in a buggy to the Capitol, where he viewed the beloved face for the last time. He was almost overcome. and no man in all the great throng shed more genuine Uar3 of sorrow. La ir, at: P n Irani-1126 Concourse of pe0i:i3 Attend the Burial. i . , ... " v dispatch to the Wil- rtou Messenger, "Uecl April 18, !,;;ur of noon tosdav The WaUenc-s have arranged to - l.uild a hosiery mill at V dd'c, their settlement in Burke county. The mill ; lCing rcntractcd for. Only Waldenses i ,av9 . AMe be employed. Mr.-Miller, a Swig,! the re nisi ss ff the late Senator Zeb has operated a mill at Charlotte, j atjn B Vane,' were deposited in their I,-- joined the c-iouy, and will have ! last rest' r l '0- overlooking the charge of the new mill. I oer.utifo! lima I Uiver. The funeral m , rain arrived jnst ftcr dawn from 1 1 lei" b will; tlie committees of both HON. THOS. J. JARVIS k,,-JtV,f Congress, the Governor ail,i 0t;er oilbers of the State, with Succeeds the Late Zeh. B. tLree car3 uiSt:nguislied friends of VailCe- the dead Sen iter. Es-gov.Jarvis ffasat Yarboro when ; Notwithstanding the late hoar he wa notified of his appointment, j ,vh3d the train ; :i-s-sed Hickory, Mor and at once wrote to Gov. Csiir hejjan'on and other stations, large fallowing 'letter of acceptance, weigh Crowds parsed into the funeral car to we clip from the NewsObsei Ver and j Yie v the remains. Tiie body was Chronicle of the 20th inst. : ! deposited in the r irst Pr-sby terian church at '8 o'i'ck, and from "th-.it ,ye 11. 3 J o'eioclc thousands of .)Cf,.jic t'roia his native county of liun-co;;,!,;- ;,:.-s d ti; take a last look. An imrv TiS'j croud of Confederates, ToN lot,:bvlii diiion-nt fraternal or- MP 3 5 Sm FIRE DIDST BURN ME OUT AND I AM STILL TO BE FOUND AT THE S4ME OLD STAND, V HEEE YOUR Raleigh, April 19. 1891 "Vo Hi'- Excellency, lion. EHa.? Ca:r Got crnor of North Cr lui:: "1 have just received through the h;i!.d? of your Piivate Secretary'. Ir j TeH'nir, your note of thu date, In which jou tender me the high and re I iUiiz.:.:n,iim by sponsible position of United St-it;s Senator for the S ate of North Caro lina, and I beg, in pursuance of you: reques t, to indicate to you ray accept r.ne. This position, so recently mad 3 vacant by death of th3 lament ?.!:.. V :,!): -pent half an hour in j.riv.k'e with her dead husband, and asked that :-!:- might ba the last one to see his i'tv.e. The pToccv-s;on was then formed, reaching almost from the cliurch to c-d Vance, comes to me, as you neii j L.e Qemc..0-y. a distance of two miles, know, unsought by rue. It i your j T a lljarchefl out to lav voluntary act, and I shall give to the .high ollloe my best endeavors to justi fy before the people of th1 State, to :im awa- is c.-tirnatd at 10,000. T:tc cr .-wd that thronged the sta tions on the wsr to Asheville delayed whom awe you are responsible, this j Uq Srail. ,)V .h,;ir nt demandstrt action ou your part. I bc-g tint yon j ;(, ; ut c -!;et, and they piled will accept my sincere thanks for thi- j . ( t rtint.r;.i .,r KllU magniricent flural evidence of your confidence and es oiI-,ri:):;g Kach hamlet added b-.itw teem. Yours, very truly, lif..t fi)WCrs ,i!a..kea ..Froul the La. Thomas J. Jahvis. I .,cg t( 0af z.;ilj.. aml wjen Ashe. Scrator Jsrvis was the recipient !vjl!o w s S:i;lIIv rcachcdt anU tie yesterday afternoon and last evemr-n j fui,cral for of many congratulations. He is wry j fJp. . r0,,,irc.,j t!l3 aid of a conli)a, popular iu Raleigh, and the impulse!, of p:,:., t remove tli3 flral to cf.ngratulatc him was gencial. j ,,,. .ri. t ;n.un?, i lit ;tu;n; iji:io All- om the mountf (i born, in the parlors and in the dining , . , .. . rPV(rpnt erov,-,l.j passed to take a List look a?" the beloved familiar face. The seeiir: Many clustered around him on 'j fa;jlry os,()r.ea rciuaina fri Btreet, mi 1 i-sS evening at the Yr . , d . . t 1 1 il . .1! room, the new Senator received ; i s -tingu'shed attention from both l .die and gentlemen. An incident of the afternoon jus: before the appointment was m-ule public was the calling upon the Gov ernor of a delegation of well knrsvn colored men of Raleigh, who asked That cz Gov. J.irvis be appointed, de daring 'hat the colored people re- w3 very touc!;i:)g when the Confed erate veterans look leave of their old commander. After these came sev eral of the Senator's o'd slaves. The i rocession to the cerr etery was formed in the following order : Mount police. Aslieville Liixht Infantry, l;ii!2U'Wii Ca'lels. nalUbearers in car garded him as their warm frit-rid arid ! r:,, ,,J5 cl . & , , i r' r-es, special ( s.:orL of lton?h and wishc.l him appomtea. 'In an interview regarding his pol k'3.Senator Jarvis sa'.d that he stand on the Chicago platform as cn:-irue.d at the South. His relations with the administration may be inferred from the fact that ho was United Sta:es Minister to Iirnzil under Mr. Cleve land's former aduiinistra'ion. Mr. Jarvis had a letter from Sena tor Yanco very recently asking him to come to Washington to sec him, and had made preparations to go t,. Washington, when Le received a tele, gram announcing his death, and he came on to Raleigh to meet his re-ju-iina, accompanying them on to Ashevilie." Ready Guards surrounding the heads of the fatiriy oi the deceased, Govs ernor and aic-iT, city and county oiuetrs, Masoiic Order, Survivors' ssociation, G;and Army Army of the Republic, odd FollowsKnights it Pythias, Royal Arcanum and Knights of Honor." These were fol lowed by dilkrent labor organizations and tJ-.e e.tthe tire department. The procasion, both civic and military, I numbered about, 10,000, while thou samts looked on as spectators. lie streets through which the pro cession passed wore draped in mourn ii'g, -r.d from uiC fnjnt ol the county courl .louse huag a large- portrait of n, new. Senator Tbom J. Jarvis fn(m - . ".". i. ; r.. . .. , u . v 'j-i u-uo soots iu iuu Mas utjrn in Currituck county, N. C. Tr . 3 in J i:;u.'ry, lboo. ana is now o3 yta-.- , oM. lie married. Dec. 23. sn 1 :: 'U whieh it o mould l,;r . :vi in Vniidi " ' l . 1 14 1 1 V 'I'l" i uy t eremo :v at Miss Mary Woodson, of Virginia in the Confederate army he was Cap Jain of Company B, 8ih North Curo Jina regiment, and was a munber d llhe Constitutional Convent.ion of I36 from Currituck lie was elceUd n Democratic member f f the Lenis-J-iture from Tyrrell county in 1803. He was a "mcuber also of the sues feeding Legislature, and was made speaker of the House. In 187th vas elccved LieutenantG over nor on the lu-ket 'with. Senator Vance, and lu-came Governor in 1873 when Mr. Va;.ce resigned to bccore Senator. At the next election he was chosen Governor, and oltngdher occupied Hie gubernatorial chair for more thar. -ue rave was ex ceedingly ,!enj:i, and was conducted by Kw Dr. !-i- bo!i, of the First Preshytvnan chnrcii. ;tfter which the nils wero 'r.-fvfiilU' nloci,! and tin i -N'-rin vUi.),i;ia buiieda s u. waosi p..i;.e may i,0 j-.Liy m c, in H.c council hal s of n, . na'ion, but never iu tlie hearts of her people. It is uu leraood to-night that ex Governor J rvis v,i!l be formally oilV-red the appointment, but his ac Vpt:ng doubtful, he Uiag too near Senator Ransom. WASIIINGXOIN LETTER. (Fr'in Oar Regnlar corresiondent.) With an unexpected disregard for the quips and jeers of those who pro test against following the example ol Thomas R, Reed, when he Wi.s Speaker of the House, the dominant party has at last resolve 1 that quorum-counts ing slodl be indulged in whenever sach arithmetic is necessar'. The Democrats of the Ilouae of Repre sentatives are subjects for congratu lation on their arrival at such a con clusion, for the entire weight of logic and common sense is opposed to the contention that a member can at the same time bs present for obstructive purposes, and absent as a legislator. When it was fir3' suggested that the 53d Congress would do wisely if it adopted in general the rules and methods 'of the 51st, there was prac tical unanimity of Democratic dis sent, but every day's experience was testimony to the reasonable character of the suggestion. The Democratic quorum counter differs somewhat from the rule which worked so successfully in the 51st Congress, in tnat the counting will ba done bv some other member or officer than the Speaker; but this is merely a distinction with out a dilierence, and will be useful only because it nui3' reconcile some of those who are stubbornly opposed to auy thing that savors of what has been termed "Cjcsansm." . Yet the matter is regarded as somewhat of a personal victory for Reed, and Democrats have joined in good-natured congratulations, Bourke Cock ran remarking that Mr Reed was no longer the original and only Czar, as the Democrats had decided to be czars. The importance of tiie remedy is, however, aboe partisanism. The r.cople of the United Slates des re that the House of Representatives, oeing elected to legislate, shall be aide to do the besiness for which it is chosen; and shaii not he confined by a few obstructionists to a pitiful exhibition of How not to do it." Although the speech of Senator J Hill against the income tax rv'as the pyrotechnic feature of the .tariff d bate, Mr. Pefl'cr, by virtue of hi? ps-r sislence and lung oower, has earned the first place so far in the discus sion. He is now regarded by hi ;ol!eague as a sort of legislate e by dra, for every time he m interrupted or checked by the fight of u'me, he re plenishes his stock before the nex: instalment is due, so that in a certain sense he is almost inexhaustible. The Peffer speech in one fell swoop wobld have been too allopathic a dose for the delicate constitution of the benate to stand at once, and ir. Pef fer knew in advance that ho must dilute himself. The advent of Coxey and his army is suflloiently near for prudent men to take cognizance of the fact that a disturbance may occur. The Capitol grounds are under the direct control of the congressional Committees on Rule3, and it is known that the mem bers of the House and Senate com mittees have been quietly discassmg lhe situation, for force is present to maintain the dignity of the statutes of the United States, Section 6 of the present law says "it is foroidden to parade, stand, or move in proces-, sions-in the Cspitol grounds, or dis play any flag, banner, or device de-i signed to bring into pubFc notice any party, organization, or movement.' Quietly, out with the firm determina tion of enf-Tcing ibis law,; the two committees oi rules have; gone to work, a d ..Mr. Coxey will be the ie cipieit of a surprise if he attempts to carry out his progrnnme. ' fiil U Ira Full1 THAN EVER BEFORE- PLEASE COME AROUND AND INSPECT T3 n Mllll MIW WHICH WILL BE COMPLETE IN EVERY" PARTICULAR, THIS WEEK. Respectfully, "P It A. YR nip I U U Is li, r ...- sty h4 3 LY USiWG THE in i v. ?! p Pi? T"r. n.a-;.j?cturcr of tt.o TH-L'KPH issues nn r.,rPf-vr'..'- F-if-Sr with each m Bit, lridem- luyizs the ) rci .s..-1- i.heaaioar.t of 3SO .;zi 1cf3 i occ.-.e'-vcCvI by tLo driver's iu-a1-Hi:y iu h -J th? fcorec di-ivea with jL.r.i:. thl3 IMt n. vloaf-ur ii iin ojci-tLicn, crd enly made ix)v.(.rful r.t wiil of tha driver. iL.i-s iho bi:uaticii, arid tho Vi CIO S horso hecomes DOCILE; Elderly people will find driving with OF SALE OF LAND FOR- TAXES. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HARNETT COUNTY. 1 have thi- day levied on me .xouowing lancis Deiongirg to the' person ons" named;for default in payment of their State and County taxes. the tame to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in j in;., j11 Hft Monday the 7th day May 1S94, for the taxes due for 1S03, and all arroar" 011 i Sanies, Adams. D. W. 3;ac-k, Neiil Brinkley. Lewis Brcnk'ey, Andrew Ray, N. A. Ray, tfeill Est. Names Lang.ton, J. I. Lee, W. A. Lee, S. B. Lee, Sylvesta B. Phillips, J.L. Pope. Beady Popt-, M. I. Pope, Iletiry Jr. Smith, Win. Smith, il. R. Slaughter Jno. Wade. N. E, Layton, N. A. Jernigan, B. II. Morrison Geo. B, Cameron. Jack ANDERSONS CREEK Acres. Location. Date, 640 Buffalo Medow 1S9J 151) Bear Branch 50 : ResMeuoe 50 50 ' McCrany Er. 1SH213 200 . ,, 1S93 AVEKSBORO TOWNSIIIP. Town lots. 1 Taxes Acres, 25 200 9SS 50 GO 100 78 1 1 1 CO 1 Locjilion Dates. Dunn Jlingo D'!ilU ' r,t 5. 57. 2.3ft, 3. ;3. 4- OtJ. '). iiG, ? 77. l.t;:' 4. o-)'. 2. 03 10. 1:7 Holder, Wileys Est. 237 McNeill, Neills Est. 219 2 1 BARBACUE. Barbacue Dry Creek U, L R. BLACK RIVER. Tl. R. Tli.i... B. Ii. .v Dunn 130J to '93 47 t,- " 1. " "0. 1.03. 3. 03. 3.33. Dunn S. ltd. Dunn S. Rd., Dunn 1893. 2. G3 O I 3. G7 Moore, John 120 . Rambart, 15. 69 Smith. M. C. 43 Stewart, R, P. 100. Wrenn W. P. 140 Denning; J M. 25 VIcLejd, Alex. 66 1893 Ste-phenson J. Cade 33i BUCKHOltN, B. R. Kennies er Popes br. B. R. ,. Kennie cr ., B. R. Middle Pr. ., IIugh3 Cr. Alford. G. B. 80 Parkers cr. Holt, J. S. 106 C. F. It. .. ' -,, Elizabeth Est. 47 , Beayer Dam ,. Jones, E. R. 137 C, F. R. & Little Cr. Lockam', D. J. 40 Little Cr. Lockam Jennett A 3dJ ,". .. Senter G. Q, 50 - Meld,, HECTORS CRFEK. Alford, G B. 213 Neills Cr. Goaers, Winnie. 77 . Hectors , Jolsuscn. T. F. t So - Mathews. Patience. 48 ., Alford, McKa' 5 Raven Rock ,. Rambcair. M. T. 70 Neills Cr. ,, for heirs, 78 Tuter, Julia. Heirs 43 Hectors Cr, " GROVE TOWNSHIP,' Byrd. M, E. Heirs 97 C. F. R. Hunly. F. P. 27 B. R. EILLINORON Botha, David, 41 U L. R. 1891,2, . NEILLS CUKEK Bravch, "II. M. 50 Neills c reak 1893 Johnson. L. 120 ,. Wiibum.Y. C. 13 Dry Cr. STEWARTS CKEEK McLean Fred 25 . B. Swamp 18D2. 3, Parker Mack G5 House Track , 1)3 Parker Ca'er. Jr. 13 .Resilience..- 1923. Watsons Watt. Est. Gl Beaver Dam 18;)3 WUkcr A, B. - 300 Gum Rjanch 1S:;2'3 LTPER L1TTL E LIVER Hanir.gton A.' A. Jr. 359 McKay Mill Tract 1.-9X3 HoWiies & Wood. 24 Big Cr. 18'-i3 - Cile. Geo. S. 50 Upper Little River ., Loi-kamy. Danxl 54 . Ya-bro Land Mci)o::galj Willi in 1 Bear Br. 1892'3 V Lillinoion N, (!. April 2-.d 194. 3 i - ' " r. ri 7 W it 5.? IS v'v? O - F- r, t-$ 'S Eit ih the inatsy malleablo iron bits now being :JiLrlltl offercd-tt.3 bar cf tha "Triumph" Is WROUGHT . rou otlx-r i:; safe to r.at ia the inouth of a horso. yll be sr.r5T, postage paid; as follows: 7cIl'pl;::oo m !ftii AiiSOALE Kacsne. Wisconsin. a rJ-o'thCai-ooiia ( lu the r:uic.!ir.r Court Hdi-iiott (anility S before CI: vk. sa: ah M- Cauaday wieiow ic. ! Fc-titloii vs for J. W. Avr-ra & wiie ?.t. I. A vera. I Dower L H. KciiiieOy e v. if o .Laui-a D. Kfii sieuy; J. Li. Byrd & wife Lanra J. Byrd. vary i . ( io.Tiariny, .1. M, iiai iiMiy, R.M.i fii.r-sdy Jr. Ji.. K. (.' .11 :d:,y, li. C, Caii.iia; , l, V. Cr. :ia;hiy ft J. L. Byrd ?u.i:-d a.n ad litem of J. U. 1 : ;cJi:y. ' Jno. A, 1 s:'.a:iy, one of tha above named dofciidants, v.-ill lake notice that an action entitled as above, has l.eeu eornmencd in special LToceedinjiS, iu the Superior Court ,.f Jlamett County for the' allotment of J)a cr to Sarati M. Caiiaday widow of li. M, Ceii, day deceased; and th; said Jno, A. Canaday wiil further take notice, that he is required to aiiear pefore tiie Clerk of the Superior Court-of Harnett Couuty N, C. at his oflice in Liliington, N. C. on Monday the fSrd day of April l;Li,and answer or demur to tlie complaint in said notion, or the planitift will 3. a.i. 3, 17. 1. 93. 2- 11. 3. 30. 7- r).rj. . 23. 3. 97. 2 '63. 2. 90. r. - , w 1. 2. 07, 4, 77. 1. 83. 1. 75.- 3, 30. 5. 20 2. 63. 4. 10, 2. 26,' 3. 40. '). 30. 2. S3 1. 00 '5.;0. 1. 97, 2 ,,r'5 213. 5, '70. 1. 53, C. G'V :..!!. 7. iVl. 4. 80. C .r;0. 4 1 r,o. 4. A') . 3. f7.. i iiO. - C. Marian. Sh-rilf. j a i)M s .nVxiiTus 'Nl ' I I : i.. Iiavin;,' i'ii;l!i!i d -is Adininisltatc.r f. W. A. Johnson. i'-:-t'i-:'.si-l. itte oi ffarf.eft ( uii!:y iorin uaroiiita :ai. i-i to not ry all ticrsoim having clam.s ax.;int ih. es.at' of .said !.. ceased to x:!ili.; tntiiito the nndersiirnr-tl 011 or tiefore tii ''!; riif rf Alai-c'i. Ih or V. nutits, v. 1!. in- ; h -i.-d ii. the 0:1 r : t!i !r rec;v ry. A"! p .;.-s.n.-hi-J bt;-.l t f,. A i-.s-tafe v. . 11 please make iNiyiiiifct. -A hi i day of Aiarcll. it. i. X.i 'i! na Jo'inson, A dntinfstratrix, O.jJ.-Spearfc, Attt iiiey. ;-,rd ia "is OTIC E . rrorth Carolina, t Harnett County, i In the Superior Court: J. J, Wade, ) ' KoriCIS vs of M. R. Fowler! ) EXECUTION SA LE. By virtue o an exec at km directed to tlio undersigned from t!ie Kaperior Court 'jt liar-, uett County in the ai'ove entitled action 1 will on Monday, t!. 71 Is. day of May 11 at, 1 o'clock P. M ., at tl:e court houwi door .f imKnln;rVvZ Vi . "llaea,ii cash.to SHtisfysaia oxociitlou. all the riht, .. . ... i tuie, ana liiierc-T v 2da tieo. E. Prince. Clerk of the Superior Court. F.-,':0 & n ys'& FOR GENTLEHEfl, S5, S4 and 33,50 Drcce Shss. S3.SO PcSico Shoo, 3 Solas. 62.50, S2fcr V7orkingmen0 83, S2.SO S2, $?e75 CAUTION. If acy dealer S-Jk . ehocs at a reducsJ jn ire, rr?V or says no lias t Iicra wit h- aznped 1dm iraua. "V- - 'X t---- . : S-p5 -jTt .u.u,iu..- -vx out the name et L.' DOL3GLAS Shoes "are stylish, easy rutins, and give better satisfaction at the prices advertised than any ether make. Try one pair and be con vinced. Tlie stamping of W. .L. Douglas' name and price on the bottom, which guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them A : M 1 N I Si 11 A TO H S N ( ) IT C 10 - Having: qualified as Administrator cf Ben jamin Rich, di ceaoCd. 1 .te of iianiett county, I'citii Carolina, thij is to notify all persons having ciaims wg'ainst tlie estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or hefcre the GUi day of M'siich, I8.;5, or this notice will be dleaded in l.-r of their recov ery. All persons indeltedtorsaid estate will please make immediate dayment. Tois 0th day of March, lbOl. Z. Itiph, f'th a - - Admr. NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE Jforth craolina. ) .nnlng-. ra es ) Sale undoi' Execution narnett count y U. L. 1) ennlny, V3 John Holm By virtue of a certan execution in m v hands for collection issued in the above entitled action from Harnett co. Superior court I will on Monday the -(th day o May at ,the court House' Do.or in Lillington JNT . c. at I o'clock P. m. sell at public sale to the high est bidder for cash to uatis-fy paid execution all of the estate, right, title, ir.tered of John lioimcs in a certain tract oilaim m Averys ooro lownsnip u.t is ti,.; .... Tart containing li-ii) acres more cr h-ss and which have been levied on as the lands of said John Holmes. For fall description see deed of Nathan McLaml. AdministrAtor to Join. Holmes in Keg-istors olHce of Harnett County. This April 3 16J1. c. McArtan, Sheriff. which tiie said -M. U.J'inv- ler Defendant, .has in tiie following describe! real estate, to-tjt; ;z acres in Orove Town ship adjoining the lands of B.. A. Morgan, K. T, Stei)!iens and others, 7th in C. Mc Ar.tan, Hheritr. EXECUTOlt'rf NOTlUi:. Having qualitied as Exetuitor of M:il-: com Thoniti?, deceased, lata of Jhinn-tt couutj', North Carolina,, this s to noti fy all person? having claims against the estate of a-iid dec ased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 27lh day of March, 1S05, or this- notice will be pleaded I si bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. - This, iivth day of March, 1894. J. Martin Thomas. Cthd tii E xee 1 1 to r. NO HOE OF L vxiTlsA r. E. Bv virtue of a:, ordey of the Superior Court of Harnett count' in ppedial pro ceedings, to realize assets, to jay oil tlie iiu ebtness of the etate of T. N.. ile" Lean I)eeea?el. I will sell to the high est bidder at the com t house door ml ro Township Harnett county adjoining U.illingtou N. C. Oil Monday" the 7tl" t land of i hf-s. McLamb. Ji. I. barefoot the i ,i.r r.,,, ieo . t .-i i ,i. n u .i irs of seth Hodges deceased and Thos. I ''ly,0. 1804 at 12 c,ock M aI1 !,"; iaiios OiMongiiig -tOk.snKl I . iS : i .u ti, -. r-. r.f r t t,a,, 1, , : ... :u . u''Si 'frk.iiiiiiici ir.-'.i.iiinM o . . . . ..... - P NOTH'iC, North Cr.roiina, i t In the Superior Court. Harnett County J J.J. Wilson Asiarea of i KOTICE v I tileaves Hardware Co. ) of 1 vs. Execution A. R. Wilson i By virtue of an execution directed to the increase the sales on their full line of goods. Thev can afford to eell at a less profit. Li !!.tVeS"U1 creetei to the take." the verdict u"aint hlill in f !n ; anti xvo fcelieva you can save Eu?nc-y by bnylr.g fell yoar footwear cf the dealer auvcr j v.npttVnni.i v i-. h,.i. , t tviivc. tin. uv iti .i0a.w. o I in iu lilt., fi-t9inm,A f nrJ irniiraMnTi. r i.nrci n-r..t tv,-u far".1 tT co.l!ll, Ui t he B hove ent 1 1 led action . " ' Vvlil on. Aicnday. the 7tii day of May Ib.H. at l-t t'liivo e r r i.,rVvr T . I 12 o'clock m at tue eourt house door of said rLL-'Hi-v)f ; lJjii, iN. j. county, sell, to the highest bidder forcash. ! to sat i.-fy saia execution, ail the light, title I and interest which the said A. It. Wilson, j Def.'nJatit, has in th following- described iufanou3 ciso that h is polluted the; columns of th-j pre-n of t'ie w!i -le country for .several weeks, very calm ly. His db :nair inditrer. ncc may bo a?-5umv?d.l).it it is very p ouounoed. When he left the court roo:u, itnme-. liately after the verdict, be was met hy Mr3? Breckinridge. wlo was in waiting and husband and wife en tered an open carriage and were Affecting Scene. A -nccial d:s.,accu to tha Messenger says an aticetiu Sceuc in connection t driven aloni; K street, one of tin- fix years. In year 18S5 President i W!th Var.ee uervmuuies vras told ; principal buMncss streets in Wash-Lli-ytla ul appointed Gov. Jarvis j lo day by "tiij penitentiary oilieia'-s. i ington. where department clerks and Minister to Brazil, where he pssse-d ; 'r eighteen )ears Andy Wmccoff! shopper were eagerly bay ing papers t!.e follovviug four years with honor i h'iS uoea n prison. He was convict- j coatainins; the verdict. The earri ige o biinsalt ana credit to the Amt i ed ot ram.'e.- ei "hteen years a-o, in stopped a,t a b- store, whee Mrs.! Mebeaii deceased. Terms ou a credit of six months with good security, and title reserved until pun-base money Is paw! This ilaich 31st 18'Ji. j'. S. Bet ha' CfdinnisioiH r.' F. M. MCKAY. Su.MMEiiVILLE. N C ---'I'-ag J-y "j-1-' utim-mii.?misjmM him m niji mm ji.wji. '.'."jiitjL1! i real est . x e , t -w 1 1: ilii acres f land known ,COJ in . , " umor' vnrT VlfVP pT VnTT TrrTT T T-n enDDV VOTT rvn r.T I ?,s tiie Mo,1;l;1 J,55acie3 known as Alex.i-:Io-5, taxes 5,1 J. o.j. cost $1 4o B-bFOKblUU AilUVVll lUU WILL Ub bOREY YOU piD Xi CT ! ?n lain! y koown as Lewis acres of land in the town of . ... i f-rnsou iai:d. 4 -. acres Ki.own s the Dr. J. T. ... . ' V4 . lt Ml fj HAT ' Jicu-aa hind, ii, 'Mcwaris Creek Townshin. ! and one acre (house and lot) al !Siout Irprlngs : in Audersou creek Township. : c. ijcirtan. Sheriff, TO irr-n T I V i HEM. IT IS SO SIMPLE : THE ONE THING Til AT EVERYBODY WAN IS And noufd be made Lappy by ?nd you can sifi-rd it a new can pcop.e. Since his return he hr.s devoted himself to his profession. The Times feeli jubilant and very much like selfconp;ratulatioii, 2s it was the firl paper in the field to ure ; love for his benefaetor, lie is now Mr. Jarvis claims for the appoint j ment. Gov. Jarvis will leac this week -for Wasbingfen to assume his ' ijjnat'.Tia! duties. Robeson county, but Senator Vance i Breckinridge ave so.ue orders. Col.! procured a commutation of his sea- Breckinridge stood ia the door way, : tence . to li.'e, imprisonment. Wine- j calmly surveying thi crowd of pass- f cob always l:ad a deop and abiding j ors by. A new-boy yelling "Here's : . Four to Fifteen Dollars. Z t 3f a 1 ?orth Carolina In S:i perkr f'onrt itarm-ri roimiy. Jblcbre Clerk. 1? ......... a. t ,1 . . Cauadf y;, vs J. V, Avcra and wife M. I Avera. L, Ii. Keneuayand wife Jul- j ia V.. Ker.eday. ! J L. Ijyrdand wife Laura J. r.yra, ilary Y. Canadsy, Jno. A. Canaday, B. ' ' Hiiadsy, J. C. fanjsdav and J. L. Bt rd, fiiicrdian r) llt-'in -f -J- C. Canactav. Petition for Partition xN O I CE O F TAX N A L K, On the 7 u dav if May 1804 it be in the l.-.t A'onday of aid month ai the Post OTice in the town of Du-;n N. C. at 12 o'c o.k M. I wiii sell at public auction sale for cisli tlie following real estate in ihe said town of. Dunn for tie taxes due thereon as follows ; T (own lots in Blocks A & M levied on as 'he prop of Enoch God w n for his taxes for 18 Dunn. : levied on as the property of II. A. HimIcs for his taxes tor 1893 t iX. 3. LS. End cost $1. 6.". 3 town Iota ev?ed as tbe property of A. T. L -e tor his tEXesfor 1803, tasfes $3. 63. cost 1, 45. 1 town lot No. '4 Blocfc M M levied on as the property of Mrs. A. T. Lee for her taxes 30 eta. cost $1. 4o.. 1 town Jot in bock.'A. Ie - ? 1 n an the property of ii. J. Lanar '" taxes fo- lSfJ3 taxes oO eta. co-t $ I 45. CO town tot leied oura the property of lienrv j (iiud) Pope for his taxes for lo'J3 , Jno. A.C-nodaj', one f thf at've named I taxes 5?o.. Vj. cost 1.45. 1 town ! doff-i'dmts, vii) taka notice that au pctiun. I , v.. o :,. i.i, w t i J entity! as above, ha been commenced, in i ' ' ' ' I ulOtiv r leVfe'.Cil on as ! Sp.-cial l'ro:.-f d;n-s. in the Superior Court the iTopeilV ! J. L Pli I'ii.s U,r his . . . . n r, - - . . E! : v,i rtnd accrue, the Sem for alv.h's b.It ; the man's every day : hno.1 a. canaSay wfn vxi?,ik 2 rn"h..7 V l' ?'" f t ! vor extra l All r.oout the Breckinridge WuUi. - - ve a cosi::er one, penups jl pociiet uu .r tia-i I z vouu-sIts. 'iimt he h r-iur--a to apar f. -re the Clerk , , . . 4 u n ":o'k in old man, emoloye 1 at tha prison trial !" pus.ied n extra in his face. : Cj - :.,.-i,i t-roo i.Uw.t.id ' w-rr3 ; - : t.. at his ...Lee hi LUt,n-ton c. -u Moiay ' IL-o.. r i . t , . , ' ;o!tt03. tsterday he begged to be; He puuled. bj-ht the paper, and re. ; J , ' 4 ' . mar totheecmptaiiit i a;a aci.o, tor th' 62. 00 cost 61 45 ll.i A.ii ,i10... .i allowed to look once more upon! entering the carriage with l.iswif,,: ' n 4 f vt,t7 o TW ' fiS 1894. Tt!l T. vii j Vance's face. His request was grant- j drove to their home, vjAiLl Cv OXJa.jlJ . ih' .rior court; Ton Constable l;i n 1' v s C C v n 'ti .1