r - I 1) IF YOU ARE A HUSTLER ADVERTISING! IS TO BUSINESS WHAT STEAM IS TO MACHINERY, . That Great Profeixixo Power ooooooooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOOQOOO Write np a nice advertisement about your business aud insert it in THE CENTRAL TIMES and you'll "sec a change in business all around. " ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS. Sf.vo Your Advertisement in Now. oooooMooooodooooxooooooooooooo THAT CLASS OF READERS THAT XOU WISH YOUR. -ADVERTISEMENT TO REACH Is the clnsa who road TttS Times. TRA DR. J. H. DANIF.r,, Eillor and Proprietor. 'TROVE ALL THINGS, AND HOLD FAST TO THAT WHICH IS GOOD."' $1.00 Ter Year In Advance. VOL. IV. DUNN, HARNETT CO., X. C, THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1894. NO. 12. 'I L Times. i HE JEN TOWN DIRECTORY. A. R. Wilson, Mayor. . I'. F. Yorxo, ) J. H. Foi'E, ' ;. T. Moore, f ComroiwiontU I). II. Hooi, ! M. S. Yaie, M'arshal. f 'li it relies. Methodist Rev. Geo. T. Simmons, Pastor. Services nt 7 m. every First Sunday, and 11a. in. and 7 p. m. every Fourth Suuday. Prayer-meeting every Wednesday night at 7 o'clock. Sunday-school every Sunday morn ing at 10 o'clock, ii. K. Grantham, suierintenderit. Meeting f Sunday-school Missiona ry Society every 1th Sunday after noon. Young Men's Prayer-meeting every Mouday night. Preshvterian Rev. A. M. Hass.dl. Pastor. Services every First and Fifth Sun- iiy nt 11 a. m. and 7 i. m. Sunday-school every Sun lay even ing at - o'clock, Dr. J. A. Dani d, Superintendent. Disciples Rev. J, J. Harper, Pastor. Services every Third Sun lay at 11 n. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday-school every Sunday at 2 o'clock, Prof. W. C. Williams, Su perintendent. Prayer-meeting every Thursday night at 7 o'clock. Missionary Raptist Rev. N. B. Cobb, D. D., Pastor. Services every Second Sunday at 11 a. m. an I 7 p. m. . Sunday school every Sunday morn ing at 10 o'clock, R. (. Taylor, Su perintendent. Prayer meeting every Thursday night at o :'J0 o'clock. Free Will B vinsr llev. J. H. Wor ley, Pastor. Services every Fourtli Sunday at 11 a. m. Sunday school every Sunday evening at -J o'clock, Erasmus Lee, superinten lent. Primitive Baptist Elder Burn ice Wood, Pastor. Services every Third Sunday at 11 a. m. and Saturday before the Third Sunday at 11 a. m. LEE J. BEST, Attorney at Law, Dunn, N. C. Practice in all the courts. Prompt attention to all business. jan 1 W. V. MU11CIIISON, Attorney at v Law, Jonesboro, N. C. Will prac tice in all the Mirroundiug counties. 1 ju 1 DR. J. II. DANIEL, Dunn, Harnett county, N. Cancer a specialty. No other diseases treated. Posi tively will not visit patients at a dis tance. Pamphlets on Cancer, its Treatment and Cure, will be mailed to any address free of charge. A NEW LAW FIRM. D. II. McLean and J. A. Farmer h.ive this day associated themselves together in the practice of law in all tlu c mrts of the state. Collections and general practice so licited. D. II. McLean, of Lillington, N. C. J. A. Farmer, of Dunn, N. C. may 11, 'i)'J. s LVfeA WV sJI LglS. LJ -BOTANIC- BLOOD BALM. A household remedy for all Blood and Skin diseases. Cures without fail. Scrof- 7 m ula.Urers. Rlienmatism.Catarrh. Suit Rheum fk and evorv form of Blood Disease from the simplest pimple to the foulest Ulcer. Fifty g years' use with unvarying success, tfem- g onstrates Its paramount healing, purify- g "K and building up virtues. One bottle 5 has more curative virtue than a dozen of m S any other kind. It builds up the health 5 and strength from the first dose. jw I WHITE for itook of Hon- m dertnl Cures, sent free vnappli- ration. SIf not kept by vour local druppist. send 2 SI. 00 for a large bottle, or 5.00 for six hot- S W tl's. and medicine will be sent, freight $4 W l'aU. by $ BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. WEBSTER'S IXTERXA TIOXA L ;:z&?z,s.nicTioxA r y ji Grand Educator. Successor of the "Unabridged." Everybody should own tins Dictionary. It an swers all questions concerning the his tory. sidlinjr, pro nunciation, and meaning of words. A Library in Itself. It also gives the often de sired information concerning eminent persons ; facts eoneern incr the countries, cities, towns, and nat ural features of the globe ; particulars con cerning noted fictitious persons and places : translation of foreign quotations. It is in valuable in the home, office, study, and schoolroom. The One Gre.it Standard Authority. Hon. D. J. Brewer, Justice of 1". S. Supreme Court, writes : " The International liotionary is the perfection of dictionaries. I commend it to all as the one great standard authority." Heroin mended by Every State Superintendent of Schools A'oh- in Office. tlA saving of three rents jwr day for a ye;jr will provide more than enough money to purchase a copy of the International. Can von afford to Ik? without it? lave your Bookseller show it toyou. & C. Merriam Co. Publishers. -Po not buy cheap photo-1 ivTTOVTmVIT I 5 (rrai)lno reprints of aucieut LM ajrWL I J rton, f . VDiaioNsror I tjr send for free proxpeetns V J HlustraUoni, etc. REV. mi TALMAGE. HE BROOKLYN DIVINE'S SUN DAY SER3ION Subject: Th! Generations. , "0n Reftida passeth awar, and tthother getiefatloa cometh."-Ecclesiaste AccordlDfr lo the longevity of neonle it K;ul" century has a sensation been vpir, rear9' or 3-ears. or thirty ff Bycommn consent In our nineteenth ytrrJ' a eneratioa i9 fl,ol et tren.tyflfd The lnfi?f;ir rifrvfec!AV -. . ty- . . , " w, . v -.u tier moieu is -..j ."air,rt marcnea is the army of ecne ratlons In each generation there are about nine full regiments of daj-?. These 9i25 day in each generation march with wonderful precision. They never break ranks. They never ground nrms. They n-ver pitch tents. They never halt. They are never off on fur j ! Aney came out of the eternity past, and they move on toward the eternity future They cross rivpr ithnnf nr.,. Ki-i.K The 600 immortals of the Crimea dashing into them cause no confusion. They move as rapidly nt midnight ns nt mtdnoon. Their naversack-s are full of good bread and bitter aloes, clusters of richest vintage and bottles of agonizing tears. With a regular tread that no order of "double quick." can hasten or obstacle can slacken, their tramn l nn nn-i on and on and on while mountains crumble a" pyramids die. "One generation passeth, and another generation comet h." This Is my twenty-fifth anniversary ser mon 1H69 and 1894. it is twenty-five years since I assumed the Brooklyn pastorate. A wnuie generation has passed. Three genera tions we have known that which preceded 7' "wu, mat wnicn is now at the front, and the one coming on. We are at the heels of our predecessors, and our successors are at our heels. What a generation it was that preceae i us i we who are now in the front regiment are the only ones competent to tell the new generation just now coming in sight n uj uur jreoecessors were. iiioa;raphy can not tell it. AutobioErranhv cannot- tn it Biographies are generally written hir anui friends of thj? departed perhaps by wife or son or daughter and they only tell the good things. The biographers of one of the flrt r-resmenis oi tne united States make no rec ord of the President' 9 account honVa nnm in the archives at the Capitol, which I have seen, telling how much he. lost or gained daily at the gaming table. The biographeri of one of the early Secretaries of the United States never described the scene that day witnessed when the Secretary was carried aeaa arunic irom the State apartments to his own home. Autobiography is written by th man himself, and no one would record foi future times his own weaknesses and moral dencits. Those who keep diaries put down only things that read well. No man or wo man that ever lived would dare to make full record of all the thoughts and words of a lifetime. We who saw and heard much oi tne generation marching just ahead ol us are far more able than any book to describe accurately to our successors who our predecessors were. Very much like our selves, thank you. Human nature in them very much like human nature in us. At our time of life they were very much like we now are. At the time they were in their teens they were very much like you are in your teens, and at the time they were in their twenties they were very much like you are in your twenties. Human nature got an aw ful twist under a fruit tree in Eden, and though the grace of God does much to Btrighten things every new generation has the same twist, anl the same work of straightening out has to be done over again. A'mother in the country districts, expect ing the neighbors at her table on some gala night, had with her own hands arranged ev erything in taste, and as Bhe was about to turn from it to receive her guests saw her little child by accident upset a pitcher all over the white cloth and soil everything, an 1 the mother lifted her hand to slap the child, but she suddenly remembered the time when a little child herself, in her father's house, where they had always before been used to candles, on the purchase of a lamp, which was a matter of rarity anl pride, she took it in her hands and dropped it, crashing into pieces, anl looking up in her father's face, expecting chastisement, heard only the words, "It is a sri I loss, but never mind : you did not mean to do it." History repeats itself. Generations wonderfully alike. Among that generation that is p:ist, as in our own, and as it will be in the generation following us, those who succeeded beeame the target, shot at by those who did not succeed. In those times, as In ours, a man's bitterest enemies were those whom he had befriended and helped. Hates, jealousies and revenges were just as lively in 1869 as in 1894. Hypocrisy sniffled and looked solemn then as now. There was Just as much avarice among the apple bar rels as now among the cotton bales and among the wheelbarrows as among the locomotives. The tallow candles saw the same sins that are now found under the electric- lights. Homespun was just as proud as is ths modern fashion plate. Twenty-five yeats yea, twenty-five centuries have not changed human nature a particle. I say this for the encouragement of thosj who think that our times monopolize all the abominations of the ages. One minute after Adam got outside ol paradise he was just like you, O man ! Our step after Eve left the gate sie was just like you, O woman ! AU the faults and vices are manj- times centemrians. Yea, the cities Sodom. Gomorrah, Tompeii, Heroutaneum. Heliopolls and ancient Memphis wjre ns much worse than our modern cities as yoa might expect from the fact that the modern cities have somewhat yielded to the re straints of Christianity, while tho3e ancient cities were not limited in their abomina tions. Yea, that generation which passed off with in the last twenty-five years had their be reavements, their temptations, their strug gles, their disappointments, their successes, their failures, their gladnesses and their griefs, like these two generations now in sight, that in advance and that following. But the twenty-five years between 1869 an t 1894 how much they saw ! How much they discovered ! How much they felt ! Within that time have been performed the miracle of the telephone and the phonograph. Prom the observatories other worlds have been seen to heave in sight. Six Presidents of the United States have been inaugurated. Transatlantic voyage abbreviate t from ten days to 5,. Chicago and New York, on?e three days apart, now only twenty-four hours by the vestibule limited. Two addi tional railroads have been built to the Pacific. France has passed from monarchy to repub licanism. Many of the cities have nearly doubled their papulations. During that generation the chief surviving heroes of the Civil War have gone into the encampment of the grave. The chief physicians, attorneys, orators, merchants, have passed off the earth or are in retirement waiting for transition. Other men in editorial chairs, in pulpits, in Governors' mansions, in legislative, Sena torial and Congressional halls. There are not ten men or women on earth now prominent who were prominent twenfy flve years ago. The crew of this old ship of a worid is all hanged. Others at the heJm, others on the lookout," others climbin? the ratlines. Time is a doctor who, with potent anodyne, has put an enttre generation into sound sleep. Time, lika another Cromwell, has roughly prorogued parliament, and with ioonoclasm driven nearly all the rulers ex cept one queen from their high places. So far as I observed that generation, lor the most part they did their best. Ghastly ex ceptions, but so far as I knew them they did quite well, and many of them gloriously well. They were born at the right time, and they died at the right time. They left the world better than they found it. We are indebted to them for the fact that they pre Earod tho way for our coming. Eighteei Bndrcd and ninety-four reverently sac gratefully SAttttes 1!5. "Odd geneTatio!) passth a waT( and another generation cometh." There are fathers and mothers her,e wbon. I baptized In their Infancy. There is not one person in thi3 church's board of session or trustees who was here when I earned Herd and there .in this Vast assembly IS dne prsod who neara my opening sermon in Brooklyn but hot more than one person in every 500 tow present. Of the seventeen persons who gave me a unanimous call when I came, only three, i believe, are living. nut this sermon is not a dirge. It Is an anthem. While this world is appropriate as a temporary stay, as an eternal residence it woui.i be a deal failure. It would be areaaiul sentence If our race were doomed to remain befo a thousand wiritefs and thousand summers. Go I keeps U3 here jusf long enough to give us an appetite for neaven. iiau we been born tn .-if tai Tealms we would not be able to appreciate the bliss. It needs a gool many rouh blasts in this world to qualify us to properly esti mate tne superb climate of that good land where it is never too cold or too hot. too cloudy or too glaring. Heaven will be more to us than to those supernal beings who were never tempted or sick or bereaved or tried or disappointed. So you may well take my text out or tne minor key and set It to some tune in tne major key. "One irenera Hon passeth away, and another generation Nothing can rob u? of the satisfaction that uncounted thousands of the generation just .past were converted, comforted anl har vested for heaven by this church, whether mine pr.'aent building or the three preeed mg ouiiaings in which they worshiped. The two great organs of the previous churches went down in the memorable fires, but the multitulinous songs they lei year after vear were not recalled or injured. There is no power in earth or hell to kill a halleluiah It is impossible to arrest a hosanna. What I f. f .... A. l . . O.H131TOUUU iu Know mac mere are many thousands In glory on whose eternal wel- larethis church wrought mightily! Noth ing can undo that work. They have ascend eci, tne multitudes who serve 1 God in that generation. Tnat chapter is gloriously enaen. ut that generation has left its im pression upon this generation. A sailor-was dying on shipboard, anl he said to his mates : "My lads. I can only think of one passage of Scripture, 'The soul that sinneth, it shall die, and that keeps ringing in my ears. 'The soul that sinneth, it shall die. Can't you think of something ciao m tne uioie to cneer me up? ' Well, sailors are kin 1. and they tried to think ot some other passage of Scripturo with which to console their dying comrade, but they could not. One of them said : "Let us call up the cabin boy. His mother was a Chris tian, and I guess he has a Bible." The cabin boy was called un. and the dvinsr sailor asked him if he had a Bible. He said "Yes," but he could not exactly find It. and the riv ing sailor scolded him and said, "Ain't you ashamed of yourself not to read your Bible?"' So the boy explored the bottom of his trunk and brought out the Bible, and his mother had marked a passage that iust fitted the dying sailor's case, "The blool of Jesus Christ, His Son. cle tnseth from all sin." That helped the sailor to die in peace. So one generation help3 another, and good things written or said or done are repro duced long afterward. During the passing of the last generation some peculiar event3 have unfolded. One day while resting at Sharon Springs. N. Y:. I think it was in 1870, the year after my set tlement in Brooklyn, and while walking in the park of that place, I found myself asking the question: "I wonder If there is any special mission for me to execute in this world If there is, may God show it to me " There soon came upon me a great desire to preach the gospel through the secular print ing press. I realized that the vast majority of people, even in Christian lands, never enter a church, and that it woul 1 bs an op portunity of usefulness infinite if that door at publication were opened. And so 1 recorded that prayer in a blank book and offered the prayer day in and day out until the answer c:ime, though in a way different from that which I had expected. for It came through the misrepresentation and persecution of enemies, and I have to record it for the encouragement of all minis ters of the gospel who are misrepresented, that if the misrepresentation bi virulent enough and bitter enough and continuous enough there is nothing that so widens one'i field of usefulness as hostile attack, if you are really doing tne juora s wont, xna bigger the lie told about me, the big ger the demand to see and hear what I really was doing, from one stage of sermonic publication to another the work has gone on until week by week, and for twenty-three years, l have had tne world ror my audience, as no man ever had, and to-day more so than at any other time. The syndicates in form me that my sermons go now to about 25,000,000 of people in all lands. I mention this not In vain boast, but as a testimony to the fact that God answers prayer. Would God I had better oocupied the field and been more consecrated to the work I May God forgive me for lack of service in the past and double and quadruple and quintuple my work in future. In this my quarter century sermon I re cord the fact that side by side with tne pro cession of blessings have gone a procession of disasters. I am preaching to-day in the fourth church building since I began work in this city. My first sermon was in the old church on Schermerhorn street to an audi ence chiefly of empty seats, for the church was almost extinguished. That church Oiled and overflowing, we built a larger church, which after two or three years disappeared in flame. Then we built another church, which also in a lina of flery succession dis appeared in the same way. Then we put up this tullding, and may it stand for ninny years, a fortress of righteousness and a lighthouse for the storm tossel, ils gates crowded with vast assemblages long after we have ceased to frequent them ! We have raised in this church over 1.- 030,000 for church charitable purposes dur ing the present pastorate, while we have given, free of all expense, the gospel to hun dreds ot thousanis of strangers, year by year. I record with gratitude to Gol that . ... . Ma. z r during this generation ot iwenty-ave years k remember but two Sabbaths that I hav-j missed service through anything like phs-sical indispositions. Almost a fanatlo on tho sub ject of physical exercise, I have made the parks witn wnicn our city is oiessea mo means of good physical condition. A dally walk and run in the open air have kept me ready for work and in good humor with all the world. I say to all young ministers of the gospel, it is easier to keep good health th?.n to regain it when once lost, ine reason so many good men think the world is going to ruin is because their own physical con dition is on the down grade. No man ought to preach who has a diseased liver or an en larged spleen. There are two things ahead of us that ought to keep us cheerful in our work heaven and the millennium. And now, having com up to the twenty- fifth milestone in my pastorate, I wonder how many more miles I am to travel? lour company has been exceedingly pleasant, O my dear people, and I would like to march by your side until the generation with whom we are now moving abreast and step to step shall have stacked arms after the last battle. But the Lord knowi beat, anl we ought to be willing to stay or go. Most of you are aware that I propose at this time, between the close of my twenty- fifth year of pastorate ani.berore the begin ning of my twenty-sixth year, to be absent for a few months in order to take a journey around the world. I expect to sail from San Francisco in the steimer Alamed May 31. My place here on Sabbaths will be fully o cupied, while on Mondays and every Monday I will continue to speak through the printing press in this and other lands as heretofore. Why do I go? To make pastoral visitation among people I have never seen, but to whom I have been permittel a long while to administer. I want to see them In their own cities, towns and neighborhoods. I want to know what are their prosperities, what their ndvenitio and what their opportunities, and o onlargt my work and get mor adaxt4 fcesi. Why Ad t go? For educational par poses. I want to freshen my mind and heart bv new scenes, new faces, new manners and customs. I want better to understand what are the wrongs to be righted and the waste places t be reclaimed;, t will put all t learrk in sermdUs tJ be pf eached to yoU when I re turn, t want to" see thd Sandwlah Islands, hot sd much in the light of mddefrt pdlitics as in the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ which ha3 transformed them, and Samoa and those vast realms of New Zealand, and Australia and Ceylon anl India. I want to see what Christianity has accomplished. I want to see how the missionaries have been lied about as living in luxury and idleness. I want to know whether the heathen re ligions are really as tolerable and as com mendable as they were represented by their adherents in the parliament of religions at Chicago. I want to see whether Moham medanism and Buddhism would be good things for transplantation in America, as it has again and again been argued. I want to hear the Brahmans pray. I want to test whether the Pacific Ocean treats its guests any better than does the Atlantic. 1 want to see the wondrous architecture of India, and the Delhi and Cawnpore where Christ was crucified in the massacre of His modern dis ciples, and the disabled Juggernaut un wheeled by Christianity, and to see if tho Taj which the Emperor Sha Jehan built in honor of his empres3 really means any more than the plain slab we put above our dear departed. I want to see the fields where Havelock and Sir Colin Campbell won the day against the sepoys. I want to see the world from all sides. How much of it is in darkness, how much of it is in light, what the Bible means by the "ends of the earth," and'get myself read' to appreciate the ex tent of the present to be made to Christ as spoken of in the Psalms. "Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheri tance and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession," and so I shall be ready to celebrate in heaven the victories of Christ in more rapturous song than I could have rendered had I never seea the heathen abominations before they were conquered. And so I hope to come back refreshed, re enforced ard better equipped, and to do in ten years more effectual work than I have done in the last twenty-five. And now, in this twenty-fifth anniversary sermon, I propose to do two things first, to put a garland on the grave of the genera tion that has just passed off and then to put a palm branch in tho hand of the generation just now coming on the field of action, for my text is true, "One generation passeth how many we revered and honored and loved in the last generation that quit the earth I Tears fell at the time of their going, and dirges were sounded, and signals of mourn ing were put on, but neither tear3 nor dirge nor somber, veil told the half we felt. Their going left a vacancy in our soul3 that has never been filled up. We never get U3ed to their absence. There are times when the sight of something with which they were as sociated a picture, or a book, or a garment, or a staff breaks us down with emotion, but we bear it simply because we have to bear it. Oh, how snow white their hair got, and how the wrinkles multiplied and the sight grew more dim, and the hearing less alert, and the step more frail, and one day they were gone out of the chair by the fireside, and from the plate at the meal, and from the end of the 4hurch pew, where they worshiped with us. Oh, my soul, how we miss them '. But let us console each other with the thought that we shall meet them again in the land of saluata tion and reunion. And now I twist a garland for that de parted generation. It need not be co3tly, perhaps, just a handful of clover blossoms from the field through which they used to walk, or as many violets as you could hold between the thumb and tne lorannger, plucked out of the garden where they used to walk in the cool of the day. Pat these old fashioned flowers rieht down over the heart that never again will ache,- and the feet that will never again be weary, and the arm that has forever ceased to toil. Peace, father! Peace, mother ! Everlasting peace 1 All that lor the generation gone. But what shall we do with the paim branch? That we will put in the hand of the generation coming on. Your is to be the generation for victories. The last and the present generation have been perfecting the steam power, and the electric light, and the electric forces. To thesa win De aaaea trans portation. It will be your mission to use all theau forces. Everything is ready for you to march right up an I take this world for God and heaven. Get your heart right by repentance an 1 the pardoning grace of the Lord Jesus, and your mind right by elevat ing books and pictures, and your body right by gymnasium and field exercise, and plenty of ozone and by looking as often as yoa can upon the face of mountain and of sea. Then start ! In God's name, start ' And here is the palm branch. From conquest to conquest, move right on and right up. You will soon have the whole field for your self. Before another twenty-five years have gone, we will be out of the pulpits, and the ofilceg, and the stores, and the factories, and the benevolent institutions, and you will be at the front. Forward into the battle ! If God be for you, who can be against you? "He that spared not His own Son, but deliv ered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?" And. as for us who are now at the front, having put tho garland on the grave of the last generation, and having put the palm branch in the hand of the coming genera tion, we will chear each other in the remain- . inz onsets and go into the shining gate somewhere about the same time, and greeted by the generation that has preceded us we will have to wait only a little while to greet the generation that will come after us. And will not that bo glorious? Three generations in heaven together the grandfather, the son and the grandson ; the grandmother, the daughter and the granddaughter. And so with wider range and keener faculty we shall realize the full significance of tho text, "One generation passetn away, anl another generation cometh." What Smoke Consists Of. Smoke consists of minute .particle of solid or liquid matter suspended in the air, and its color depends partly Upon the chemical constitu ?nts of such particles, but also largely upon their size. Exact expe riment has shown that as the 'size of minute particles suspended in air is iradually increased they rise to col ors varying from sky blue down :hrough the whole range of the spec tral ale. This is the cause of sun set and sunrise colors in the sky. Its ?ffects can be traced in the case of (he two kinds of tobacco smoke modi led by the murky tints of the car jonaceous products. The smoke liven oil from the heated surface of lie burning tobacco in the bowl of :he pipe consists of matter, all of vhich has been highly heated and rery fully oxidized and decomposed. It consists mainly of exceedingly ;mall solid particles, exhibiting by rirtue of their smallness a bluish ;olor. On the other hand, that smoke which has been drawn through the tobacco into the mouth of the smoker carries with it a relatively larger quantity of water and hydro carbon, which are condensed upon the solid particles above mentioned. The relatively large size of such par ticles explains the well-known gray ish color of the smoke which issuej from the mouth of the smoker. One-eighth of the population of Great Britain is in London. NO TIME TO LOSE. Cleverton Miss Twilling rejected me the other night, but she let me kiss her before we parted. Dashaway (reflecting) I guess I'L go around to-night and propose my self. TJttdffe. IT 19 ABsourraY The Best SEWING r MACHINE MADE WE OR OUR DEALERS can nil yoa machines cheaper than yoa can get elsewhere. The NEW HOIHB Is our best, bat we make cheaper kinds, such mm the CXIITIAX, IDEAL and other Illsh Arm Full Nickel Plated Sewing Machines for $ 15. OO and up. Call on our agent or write us. We want your trade, and If prices, terms and square dealing will win we will have it. We challenge the world to produce a, BETTER $50.00 Sewing machine for $50.00, or a better $20. Sewing machine Top $20.00 than yoa can buy from us, or our Agents. THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO. OBAXGK.MAM. Boston, Mass. 28 Vmon Bqttabk, N.T. Chicago. III. St. Louis, Mo. Dallas, Tkxas. Bam Fbaxcisoo, Cai Atlanta, Oa. FOR SALE BY For sale by GAINEY & JORDAN", POT T1 TTTMnTTFJ r.TTAHAMTPT? Actual cost less than si.25 pes gal. LEE HARDWARE CO., SOLE AGENTS, DUNN, N. C. June 29th ly. Favorite Jinger. Every Machine has a drop leaf, fancy cover, two large drawers, with nickel rings, and full set of Attachments, equal to any Singer Machine sold from $40 to $60 by Canvassers. The High Arm Machine has a self-setting needle and self-threading shuttle. A trial in your home before payment is asked. Buy direct of the Manufacturer! and save agents' profits besides getting certifi cates of warrantee: for five years. Send for machine with name of a business man as reference and we will ship one at once. CO-OPERATIVE SEWING MACHINE CO- aoi S. Eleventh. St., PHILADELPHIA, PA, -3- WIS 1'A Y THIS -FJi KlQll T.-Cs, WORK FOR US a few days, and you will be startled at the unex. pected success that will reward your efforts. We positively have the best business to offer an apent that cau be found on the face of this earth. 45.00 profit on 8 7 5. OO worth of biifiiuet is being easily and honorably made by and paid to hundreds of men, women, boys, and girls in our employ. You can make money faster at work for us than you have ny idea of. 'The business is so easy to learn, and instruction so simple and plain, that al succeed from the start. Those who take hold of the business reap the advantage that arises from the sound reputation of one of the oldest, most successful, and largest publishing houses in America. .Secure for yourself the profits that the business so readily and handsomely yields. All begUiners succeed grandly, and more than realize their greatest expectations. Thoe who try it find exactly as we tell them. Tin-re is plent y of room for a few more workers, and we urge them to begin at once. If you are alreadv -em ployed, but have a few spare moments, anil wish to use them to advantage, then write us at once (for this is vour grand opportunity), and receiv full particulars by return mail. Address, TKL'K & CO., Box "o. 400, Augusta, 3i& t: s orFalliiigSictas CAN be CURED: M We will SEND FREE hr man a urge i KiAi. XHJ I x Lh SUFFER ANY LONGER Gie Pot Ofc ficc. State and County, and Age plainly. ' Address, THE HALL CHEMICAL CO.." SSGO Fairmount Avenue, Philadelphia, ssi auu. a iicai.ic uit-cpucyy. An THE ANIMAL EXTRACTS I Prepared according to the formula of X DR. W3I. A. HAMMOND, tin his laboratory at Wanhinrtoa, CEREBRI XE, from the brain, f&r dis- eases of the brain and nervous system. 4 MEDl'LLIXE, from th? spinal cord, for s a diseases of the cord. (Locomotor-Ataxia, T CAKDI3SE. from the heart, for diseases I Of the heart. Y TESTIXE, from the testes, for disease of the testes. (Atrophy of the organs, ster- ilitv. etc. 1 x OTABIXE, from the ovaries, for diseases s of the ovarie. X 3ICSCVIJXE, tbyrodine.ete. A r: ft . Jr..k,' t SO W increased urinary excretion, auemeniaiiou of the expulsive force of the bladder and A peristaltic action of the intestines, increase in muscular strength and endurance, in- . . a Will IMf lUttlliru. i ttr-i ... . - literature on the subject, on receipt of price, by THK COL1MBIA CHEMICAL CO., Wfcla1ow, I. C, ? . . . 1. ; i . i . . . u.i,K all Avist ti. MONEY S . . . - ... Iter??' to SB WARTIME MEW- . cPeVy Arm Aim u 5 and increased appetite and digestive power. J Where local druTKts are not Bupplied T What is KM5) Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic rubstancc. It is fi harmless .substitute for Paregoric, Irops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its rjuarantco is thirty years' use by Millions of IIothcrs, Castoria destroys Worms and allays fevcrishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea- and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and llalulcncy, Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers hare repeatedly told mo of its good effect upon their children." Da. G. C. Osgood, Lowell, Mass. " Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats," thereby sending them to premature graves." Dr. J. F. KiNcnsxoK, Conway, Ark. The Centaur Company, T7 Murray Street, New York City. The Best Shoes for the Least Money W. L. DOUGLAS Shoes are for the Least Money. """Tjl - rg-T" '"W-T,"' " .Ik.! k MlHIS IS THE BpiSI im satisfaction at the prices advertised than any other make. Try one pair and he con vinced. The stamping of W. L. Douglas name and price on the bottom, which, guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them. Dealers who push the sale of V. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps to increase the sales on their full line of goods. They can afford to sell at n Ions profit, and we believe you can save money by having all your footwear of the dealer adver tlsed below. Catalogue free upon application. W. I DOUGLAS. Brockton. Masa. FLEMING & CO. F. M. MC KAY. . YUM) IDAfa MfflLSD that aoBse t TP (P The Bit is HUMANE in its operation, and Tne animal soon understands the situation, and the PULIiER a PLEASANT DRIVEB. this Bit a pleasure. Qa rjo't finnffllinrl tnis Bit w,th the nialleable iron bits now belnjr B miltjmm ofreredthe bar of th -Triumph" is WROUGHT I ST EEL, and none other is safe to put in the mouth of a horse. WILL BE SENT, POSTAGE PAID, AS FOLLOWS: '! nYckel'plate 2 00 I Wn. VAM ABSDALE, Racine, WjfcJJ Commercial College of Ey. Medal and Diploma awarded at World's Columbian Exposition, to PROF. E. W. SMITH. Principal of this College, for System of Book-keeping and General Business Education. Students in attendance the past year from 25 States. 10,000 former pupils, in business, etc. 13 teachers employed. SSButineHS Course consists of Book-keeping, Business Arithmetic, Penmanship, Commercial Law. Merchandising, Banking, Joint Stock, Manufacturing, Lectures, Business Practice, Mercantile Correspondence, -etc. j2)Co8t of Full Buxinens CourtiC, including Tuition, Stationery and Board in a nice family, about $90. T Shorthand, Type writing arid Telegraphy, are ttpeclaltles, having special teachers and rooms, and can be taken alone or with the Business Course. No charge has ever been made for procurirg situa tions. ?T -V Vacation. Knter now. For Circulars address - WILBUR It. SMITH, Iresldent, Lexington, Ky. Our GOODS : AJtM 77f B3f P ft CMS Tft LOWEST Our "JJ ML UIM Castoria. " Castoria is so well adapted tn children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. Aiiciieii,M. D., Ill So. Oxford St , Urooklyn, N. Y. "Our physicians in tho children's depart ment have spoken highly of tkoir experi ence in their outside practice with Castor Li, and . although we only have among onr medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confes that the merits of Castoria Lias won us to look with favor upon it." United Hospital and Dispensary, Boston, Mass. Allen C. Smith, Pres., KJ U. L. DOUGLAS ss m FOR GENTLEMEN. $5, S4 and $3.50 Dress Shoe. S3. 50 Police Shoe, 3 Soles. $2.50, $2 for Workingmen. $2 and $1.75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES, $3, $2.50 $2; $1.75 CAUTION If nny dealer offers you V. I.. Tt iiiKia hoes at a reduced price, or naya ho Um them witfi- ut the namo stamped on the bottom, put him down as a fraud. stylish, easy better DUNN, N. C. SUMMKRVILLK. N C BY USING THE Tiriaflinpln SAFETY-BIT. The manufacturer of the TRIUMPH issues nn Insurance Policy nifying the purchaser to tliR amount of 3 SO when loss is occasioned Ly the driver's in ability to hold the horse driven with 99 only made powerful at will of tho driver. the VICIOUS horse becomes DOCILE; Elderly people will find driving with University, Lexington, Ey. mess and fittinir. and eivc . 1 i 'J "f. : 1 ' 4 i m .1 t r ' s ft i V ; - ft i t i.

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