IF YOU ARE A HUSTLER I - . . . YOU WILL ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS. ADVERTISING IS TO DUSINE8S WHAT STEAM IS TO MACHINERY, That Great Pbopkixino Powkr ooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooo Write np a nice advertisement about your business and insert it in THE CENTRAL TIKES and you'll "see a change in business all around." i Send Yock Advertisement in Now. ? or nnoinnnooooOOOOnnonnnrtnnnnnnnnn I - - -wV,W W W S V f THAT CLASS OF READERS THAT YOU WISH YOUIt ADVERTISE MENT TO BEACH Is the class who read The Times. DR. J. H. DANIEL, Editor and Proprietor. "PROVE ALL THINGS, AND HOLD FAST TO THAT WHICH IS GOOD.' $1.00 Per Year Ii Advance. VOL. IV. DUNN, HARNETT CO., N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 7,1894. NO. 15. I Ml "innrTi TT7n Tnmnv a tt y II -tr-n n-n-r n VI ; . H, A K. A . V HAv : i TOWN DIRECTORY. A. It. Wilson, Mayor. E. F. Young, ) J. II. Pope, F. T. Moore, j ComniissionerH. D. H. Hood, I M. L. Wade, Marsh tl. t , Churches. Methodist Rev. Geo. T. Simmons, Pastor. Services at 7 p. m. every Firfct Sunday, and 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. every Fourth Sunday. Prayer-meeting every Wednesday night at 7 o'clock. Sunday-school every Sunday morn ing at 10 o'clock, G. K. Grantham, "superintendent. Meeting of Sunday-school Missiona- . ry Society every 4th Sunday after noon. Young Men's Prayer-meeting every Monday night. Presbyterian Rev. A. M. Hassell, Pastor. Services every First an-d Fifth Sun day at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday-school every Sunday even ing at 2 :30 o'clock, Dr. J. A. Daniel, Superintendent. Disciples Rev. J. J. Harper, Pastor. Services every Third Sunday at 11 a. in. and 7 p. m. Sunday-school every Sunday at 2 o'clock, Prof. W. C. Williams, Su perintendent. Prayer-meeting every Thursday night at 7 o'clock. Missionary Baptist Rev. X. B. Cobb, D. I)., Pastor. Services every Second Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school every Sunday morn ing at 10 o'clock, R. G. Taylor, Su perintendent. Prayer meeting every Thursday night at 5 :30 o'clock. Free-Will. Baptist Rev. J. H. Wor ' ley, Pastor. Services every Fourth Sunday at 11 a. m. Sunday school every Sunday evening at 3 o'clock, Erasmus Lee, superintendent. Primitive Baptist Elder Burnice Wood, Pastor. Services every Third Sunday at 11 a. m. and Saturday before the Third Sunday at 11 a. m. LEE J. BEST, Attorney at Law, Dunn, N. C. Practice in all the courts. Prompt attention to all business. jan 1 W. FT MURCIIISON, Attorney at Law, Jonesboro, N. C. WTill prac tice in all the surrounding counties. jan 1 DR. J. II. DANIEL, Dunn, Harnett county, X. C Cancer a specialty. Xo other diseases treated. Posi tively will not visit patients at a dis tance. " Pamphlets on Cancer, its Treatment and Cure, will be mailed to any address free of charge. A NEW LAW .FIRM. 1). II. McLean and J. A. Farmer have this day associated themselves together in the practice of law in all the courts of the state. Collections and general practice so licited. D. H. McLean, of Lillington, X. C. J. A. Farmer, of Dunn, N. C. may 11, '93. Blood and Skin Diseases Always R RR ! BOTANIC BLOOD BALM never fails f to cure all manner of Blood and Skin dis f east's. It is the great Southern building up J and purifying Remedy, and cures all manner up tonic it is without a rival, anu ausumu-ij beyond comparison with any other similar remedy ever offered to the public. It is a panacea for all ills resulting from impure blood, or an impoverished condition of the human system. A single bot'tle will demon strate its paramount virtues. ?s?-Send for free book of Wonderful Cures. Price, $1.00 per large bottle; $5.00 for six bottles. it t nnt send to us. : and medicine will be sent freight prepaid on receipt of price. Address BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. WEBSTER'S INTERNA TIONA L Entire Ay . in T It V -1 J? V ! siiccrgjior rf I if "Unabridged." Everybody should own this Dictionary. It an swers all questions concerning the his tory, spelling, pro nunciation, and meaning of words. A Library in Itself. It also gives the often de sired information concerning eminent persons; facts cone ril ing the countries, cities, towns, and nat ural features of the globe ; particulars con cerning noted fictitious persons and places ; translation 01 ioreign quoiauuus. n in valuable in the home, omee, stuay, ana schoolroom. The One Great Standard Authority. Hon. D. J. Brewer, .Instice of 1. S. Supreme ""ourt. writes : " The International Dictionary is 1 hi iH-rfeetion of dictionaries. I commend it to all as the one great standard authority." f!ecomineinlt'f by livery State Superintendent of Schools A'ow in Office. 3P"A. saving of (hi re tthts ir day fr a year will provide more than enough money to purchase a coy of the International. Can you alloid to bes w ttkeut it? Have your Bookseller show-it to you. 7. & C. Merriam Co. e fuoiijiiici-s. J Sprhwficld. M'cuis. f3PIV not buy cheap pltcto 2 iii tvliU- lepvmlsot ancient J edltl'.'U. 5 J3Senil for fiw. pinsppctng iOUUnniims!eiu:cl'p.ac-'. "WEBSTER'S lv-rrpvannvil DKTIOXART J THE RAIN ON THE ROOF. Vnder the eaves is the haunt I love 1 With the outer world a myth, With the cloud-sea drowning the stars above, And the day work over with ; To lean'me back with my thoughts In tune. To feel from my cares aloof. To hear o'erhead in a soothing rune The rain on the roof. TIs a magic realm, where I am king ; I can live a whole life through In a transient hour, and my dreamings bring Delight that is ever new , And the cries without of the weather wild Seem all for my so!e behoci ; And it makes my heart the heart of a chill The rain on the roof. My wonder-book it is nigh at hand, The drip-drip lulls me o rest ; Tis a music soft and a spirit blan I , And a comrado whose way is best. So I see but the fair, smooth face of life, Forgetting its cloven hoo, As I lio and list to the wind's wild strife, The rain on the roo. Tor old-lime voices and boyhood calls, Laughter silver and tear?, All float In as the evening falls And summons the vanished year. Tho the warp be somber that binds me round, Yet a sweet nn 1 shining woof Is woven in with that winsome sound, The rain on the roo?. Iiichar J Carton, in the Independent. JUST IN TIME. hj . ELL, mother, "said tffS Barton, as he !s.Vl V walked excitedly into tho," pleasant sitting room where his wife sat placid ly knitting, "I've got a chance to sell the place for cash, and at pretty fair figures, too, it seems to me." "Oh, father! but Ton won't do it?" Bhe said quickly. "The home where we have lived since we were married, and where our children were" "Xow, wait a minute, mother; just let me tell you about it before you make so many objections, and in the end I'll warrant you'll say I'm right. A Boston man has bought the Carlton farm, and is going to raise small fruit for th city market. He wants our little patch because it kinder cuts a corner out of the big farm. He offers $2000, cash down, and we are to give possession in the middle of April. I'll tell you what, wife, a chance to sell for cash doesn't come along every day ; if we can only get some land out West, our fortune's made." "John, dear," she said, "remember that we are getting to be old people now, and it would be pretty hard to leave the associations of a lifetime. If we were young and able to endure the hardships of a new.country, I wouldn't say a word, but" "Liookhere, mother, listen to reason, can't you? We are going out there to get rid of hardships, not to endure more. Here we are, living on this stone patch, barely making a living ; taking the doctor's bill, what is due on Frank's monument, and the rest of the debts together, we owe over $209. How can we pay it here? Now, out in Dakota there are plenty of farms to be had for the asking, almost, and why shouldn't we have the benefit of one as well as other people? And then, there's Lizzie," he went on hastily, seeing that his wife was about to speak. "What a splendid chance there'd be for her to teach school ! I've heard say that teachers are scarce and wages high. And she's so pretty, and 'cute and smart, I shouldn't won der if she'd have a chance to do well in other Ways marry a rich man as like as not." "John Barton," said his wife, indig nantly, "I believe this foolish notion has turned your head completely You know well enough that Lizzie is promised to Will Chester, and it would just bieak her heart if anything should come between them." "Well," grumbled Mr. Barton, "I believe they do try to make out that there's some aieh nonsense going on, but I never took much stock in it. I haven't anything in particular against Will, but he ain't worth any property, and I don't believe he ever will be. As to its breaking Lizzie's heart to give him ap, that's nothing but non sense." , "Now, father," spoke Mrs. Barton with some spirit, "it isn't right for you to talk that way. Will is a good young man, and he loves Lizzie better than his 'own life. You know that; you haven't forgotten how he saved her life when the town hall burned down. He will always be kind rfnd that's moro than money, according to my way of thinking. He's smart and strong, and not afraid of work. I'd father trust my girl with him than with why, here she comes now! And it's almost supper time, I declare!" The good dame bustled away to the kitchen, hoping that when her hus band had slept over the matter he would be of a different way of think ing, and give up a project the mere thought of which gave her so much pain. Her hope was in vain. The Western fever had taken a firm hold of Mr. Barton, and matters were pushed with his usual energy. Acquaintances in Dakota helped him to obtain a tract of Government land, and the next spring found the family established in a rude shanty on the boundless prairie. Mrs. Barton was a wise woman, who always made the best of everything ; and though it was with a sinking heart that she at first saw their new home, she was outwardly cheerful, and ut tered not a word of complaint. .Pretty Lizzie had not felt so unhap py about their removal as her mother, for her lover had promised to soon follow her, and they parted with many tows cf constancy and promises of frequent letters. Mr. Barton was pleased with the farm and promised his wife that she should have a fine new house in a year or so. He went energetically to work, preparing a portion of the land for the precious grain; and aside from the discomforts which could not be helped, all went well with him ; for he had sufficient money to buy the necessary machinery, a serviceable pair of horses and a few cows, besides laying aside a small sum for a rainy day. But all was not well with Lizzie. As soon as they were settled and she and her mother had, with womanly in genuity, given a pleasant and home like appearance to the interior of the rude cabin, ehe had written a lung letter to Will, and intrusting it to her father's care, watched him drive off to the little town of Melton, a dozen miles distant, where was located the nearest postoffice. She hoped for a letter in return, but was disappointed. "I shall be sure to receive one next week," she thought, and sang about her work, as she helped her mother inside the house, or planted the flower seeds and roots brought from the old home, which, later, made beautiful the outside of the homely cabin. Another disappointment awaited her, but she thought, 'Perhaps my letter did not reach Will. He may not have our correct address ; I will write again." The next time her father went to Melton she walked to meet him on his return ; her heart bounded with joy as he handed her a thick white envelope, but sank like lead when she looked at the superscription. It was from a girl friend, a very dear one, but Lizzie felt no desire to read it then. "Oh, father! Is that all? You must surely have another one I" "Only some papers, puss." His voice was a little husky, and he did not look at her. "How foolish I am!" she said to herself, when the first keenness of the disappointment was over. "A dozen things might have happened to delay the letter. How 1 wish we could go to the postoffice every day." "Hope deferred maketh the heart sick." Lizzie waited week after week, but no letter came from Will. "I will write just once more," she said, "only a few lines, that I may be sure that I am not the one to blame." She gave up all hope when, in early autumn, a letter from a girl friend contained the information that "Will Chester was flirting awfully with a cousin then visiting his father's, and some thought it would be a match." Lizzie was too proud and also too sensible to let this disappointment spoil her life. She hid her grief from her watchful father and mother, and if her pillow was wet during many a wakeful night, - she was busy and cheerful each day. Summer and autumn passed. The harvest was gathered, necessarily small, for only a little land had been pre pared. "It would be very different next summer, said Mr. Barton. Then came the Dakota winter. Oh, that terrible first winter to the Barton family ! Not having any idea of how severe the cold would really be, they did not make suitable preparation for it, and endured many hardships. Winter came, and Lizzie was again installed as teacher in the small school-house, her father driving her there in the morning and coming for her at night. One cold afternoon in January he was not there as usual when the school was dismissed, and Lizzie, wondering what had happened to detain him, hurried her little flock home, as it was beginning to storm. She waited for half an hour, hoping her father would come, for she had felt ill all day, and was scarcely able to walk a long mile in the face of the storm. Mr. Barton was in" the grip of his old enemy, inflammatory rheumatism, and was almost unable to move. Mrs. Barton was not alarmed on her daugh ter's account, thinking she could easily walk home when tired of. waiting. "I must go," thought Lizzie. "Father would be here by this time if something had not happened to detain him." She left the schoolhouse and began the long walk. Presently her steps slackened; a faint feeling stole over her; she strove against it, struggled on a few steps, then sank down in the fast drifting snow. That day, when the Eastern train steamed into the little town of Mel ton, it left one passenger on the plat form of the small depot, a good-looking, broad-shouldered young fellow, whose name was William Chester. He had been amazed at not hearing from Lizzie at first, and had written again and again, thinking there must be some mistake. Finally he heard a rumor of her intended marriage. He had been deeply hurt, but resolved that no one should know it. Yet he could not tear her image from his heart. When he started on his present trip he said sternly to himself that he should make no effort to see her. Yet he watched for Melton, and when the town was reached, could not resist the impulse to leave the train. "I may as well find out the truth now I am here," he said; "and, after all, it is only neighborly to look them up, even if Lizzie is married." He went over to the large store which contained the postoffice, hop ing to find some means of conveyance to Mr. Burton's farm, A man wear ing a shaggy far overcoat, overheard his request, and immediately said: "Barton, did you say? Why, Im his neighbor, and am going home right away. My name is Lincoln. I can set you down within a mile of his place, if you can walk that far." l'oung Chester thanked the friendly neighVpr heirtily, and they were soon wrapped in buffalo robes, speeding' away behind two powerful . norses. Mr. Lincoln was talkatiTe, and Will ; soon lound that Xjizzie was jizzie Burton still. "A smart girl," said Lincoln; "she'e got grit, I tell you. She's our school ma'am, and my two youngsters think the world of her." It was quite dark when they reached the schoolhouse. "I'll have to let you out here," said Lincoln. "I'm sorry, for it's storm ing pretty bad, but you see there's nobody at home to do the chores, and" , J Will interrupted him by declaring that he thought nothing of the walk, and was very grateful for the favor re ceived. "Tbar's their light straight ahead, stranger, and if you keep your eye on that you can't miss it." With an interchange of "good nights," the two men went their sep arate ways. Will plodded on through the deepening snow for perhaps half the distance, when he stumbled against something nearly buried in a drift. He Jatopped to see what it was. A woman and perhaps frozen to death! A sudden fear chilled his heart. He felt for his matches and lit one. He caught only a glimpse of the white face before the blaze was gone, but that was enough. "Ob, God," he cried, "help me, and grant that she is not dead !" He raised the senseless girl in his strong arms, his valise lying unheeded where it fell, and pressed on. Could he reach that light in time? Every thought was a prayer for help in this his time of great need. He struggled on, now and again stumbling to his knees, for Lizzie was a dead weight on his arms. "Had it been any one else," he said afterward, "I think my strength must have failed." Mrs. Barton, now thoroughly alarmed about her daughter, had started out with a lantern to look for her ; she met Will a few rods from the door, and to gether they bore the unconscious Liz zie into the warm room. How they worked to save her precious life ! And when their efforts were at last success ful, and she opened her eyes to see Will bending over her Ah, it's of no use for me to try to describe that scene! The next morning, when all had been told, and the mystery of the lost letters wondered over, Mr. Barton hobbled to his desk, and. unlocking a drawer took therefrom a small pack age. Giving it to Lizzie, he said : "There, child, I wont have that on my mind any longer. I suppose you'll always hate your old father, but I thought I was doing it for your good." "Why, father! My letters and and Will's! Oh, how could? How could you?" "Hush, Lizzie!" said Will. "It's all right now, and we won't hold any hard feelings. Will you give her to me now, sir?" "Well," broke in Mrs. Barton, "I think she belongs to jou if she does to anybody, for you have saved her life twice, first from fire and now from freezing." Mr. Barton could not speak. He held out his hand, which Will grasped heartily, while Lizzie threw her arms around his neck. New York Journal. Perils of Deep Sea Fish. An extraordinary danger to which the deep. sea fish are liable is pointed out in a very vivid manner, according to Knowledge, in 'a new book by Dr. Hickson. At the great depths at which these animals live the pressure is enor mous about two and a half tons on the square inch at a depth of 2500 fathoms. It sometimes happens that in the excitement of chasing a pros pective meal the unwary fish rises too high above his usual sphere of life, when the gaes in the swimming bladder expand, and he is driven by his increasing buoyancy rapidly to the surface. If he has not gone too far when consciousness of his danger grow3 greater than his eagerness for prey, the muscles of the body may be able to counteract this, but above this limit he will continue to float up wards, the swimming bladder getting more and more inflated as the un fortunate creature rises. Death by internal rupture results during this upward fall, and thus it happens that deet sea fish are at times found dead and floating on the ocean surface, hav' h ing tumbled up from the abyss. How Marbles Are Made. Most of the stone marbles used by boys are made in Germany. The re fuse only of the marble and agate auarnes is emploved and this is treated in such a way that there is practically no waste. Men and boys are employed to break the refuse stone into small cubes, and with their hammers they acquire a marvelous dexterity. The little cubes are then thrown into a mill consisting of a grooved bed-stone and a revolving runner. Water is fed to the mill and the runner is rapidly revolved, while the friction does the rest. In half an hour the mill is stopped and a bushel or so of perfectly rounded marbles taken out. The whole process costs the merest trifle. Philadelphia Record. Whj Manilla Paper Is Tough. The tough paper which comes from China and Japan is made from manilla fiber. The new and fresh hber is not used, it being too expensive, but after it has served its purpose as rope or cordage and has become old it is care fully picked to pieces into a stringy pulp and manufactured into paper The paper is singularly strong ; when rolled up into a string or cord it is a very good substitute for cotton or flax twine. Its strength is solely due to that of the manilla, which is one of the strongest fibers known to the man; ufacturer. Chicago Herald, . . i After all, some of us are only a little ahead of the time. A French scientist says that in the near futurt whiskers will be universally worn. Josiah Stkoxg calculates that the agricultural resources of the United States are equal to supporting a population of 1,000,000,000 people IT 13 ABSOLUTELY AND SAVE SEWING MACHINE MADE MONEY WE OR OUR DEALERS can Mil you machines cheaper than yon can eet -elsewhere. The NEW HOME tm our best bat we make cheaper hinds, such as the CLIITIAX, IDEAL and other High Arm Fall Nickel Plated Sewing- machines for $15.00 and np. Call on our agent or write us. We want your trade, and ir prices terms and square dealing will win, we will have It. We challenge the world to produce a BETTER $50.00 Sewing Machine for $50.00, or a better $20. Se wins Machine Toft $20.00 than yon can boy from us, or our Agents. THE FEW HOME SEWIHG MACHIHE CO. Oiusok, Mass. Bobtok.Mass. 8S Ukioh Bwukb, H.Y. Chicago. Iu St. Louis, Mo. Daixas, Texas. Sax Fbasosoo, Cai Atlanta, Qa. FOR SALE BY For sale by GAINEY & JORDAN, Actual col, a lz&s iiiaii &i.5 jpeb gal LEE HARDWARE CO SOLE AGENTS, DUNN, N. C. June 29lh ly. AV0R1TE IMGER. v Aim Q3 Arm Every Machine hat dron leaf, fancy cover, two larce drawers, with nickel rings, awl full set of Attachments, enual to anv Singer Machine sold from $40 to $60 by Canvassers. 1 lie High Ann Machine : has a self set'in needle and self-threading ! . . . . - . . ! shuttle. A trial in your home belore payment is asked. Buy direct of the Manufacturer and save agents' profits besides getting certifi cates of warrantee tor hve years, aena lot machine with name ot a business man as reference and we w ill ship one at once. CO-OPERATIVE SEWING MACHINE COm 901 S. Eleventh St.. PHILADELPHIA, PA. irp. a r 1 tup t--it m T.-isa WORK FOR US a few davs, and you will be starth d at the unex PeCtetl SUCCESS I I1HI Will icnmu ;vm inuiio. po-itivelv have the best bu jiness to oner an aent that can be found on the face of this earth. $45.00 profit on 75 OO worth of Imaim; is 1 i n..fl IwAt.i-aVilv tii!lill hv ami 1 kill i tt hundreds of men, women, boys, and girls in out employ. You can make moi.ey faster at work tor us than vou have yv idea of. The business h go easv to ieara, and instruction so simjile an. p.aui. that all succeed from the start. 1'lmse wl,i ttike hold of the business reap the alvaiita.'e tl.a arises from the simiul reputation of one of the oldest, most successful, and hn-jres-t piibli-hing houses in America. Secure for yourself the I!o!i: that the business so readily and l.aiiil-oiiic-lv y k-hl-All beginners succeed "Validly, and more than realize'their greatest expectations. Those hc trv it find exactly as we tell them. Tin re i-plenty of room for a tew more worker', and v.t urt them to begin at once. If you are a!rea lv m ployed, but have a few spare moments, and wis!' to use them to advantage, then write u :il :m tfor this is vour grand oppot tun in ) . an. I rt-cer-full particulars by return mail. Address. XKl'E & CO., Box 'o. 400, Augusta, CAN be CURED; We will SEND FREE W rr.ail r. bm-TRIAI. ROTTI.F. f also, a t'..se cn Foileosv. DON'T Pr'ER. AMY LONGER I Grw: Post Of. f.ce, State and County, cad Age pliic!y. TM1- HU. CHEM'C.L CO., v?r. 1 . ..... ,t t A-j-r-:e. l'hLJelpiiia,Pa !THE ANIMAL EXTRACTS: Trepared according to the iarinula of 1 mi. W3I. A. IIA3IMOND, i In his laboratory m Waithlnrtoa.D. C. (EBFBKIr froMi the brain, for ds- a HEUl LLIXt; fro:;i lh fj.inal cord, for A diseases of iliv curd. ; Locomc'or-Ataxia. etc. 1 A . w. . W - i . V. . lor Qiseases J of tlif h-art. TtlSTIMl, from ttie tst-. for dlst-ases of the testes. Atrophy of tbe organs, ter- iiitv. fit: f OV.4MXE. fro:u tje ovarii 0, for ('.iseates of th ijvarif . JIl Sll 11:1 : Willi'. ri. . J D, l'ii lrjx. Fri-t J citrbas . $2.19. ' J The hysil?i.-al -fiV-ts rrodurfd by a , J siiiiile limv of Orrbrino err cc-ieieraiiosi ( J of the pulse v.ilii f-t?Ii:iof fuilut-s:i and dis- tentiou in th- l.ca-l. exhilaration of spirit. ' increatil u.iiarv c a .? .on. aiicr.ieiitatiou ' tof the expulsive fore .f the bladder and peristaltic action of the i:ite-t.i:i s increase A 111 muscular s:r-tieth r.ri-t enditrai.ce. in- , tcreasi?d power of vision in elderly pt-ople. , and increased aopetit ami !iK-stive power. Wne.-e ioc-al .".rncEriMs aie not supplied with the iraiiiat'.inrt Auiwl Extracts tbey will rn mailed, tust-ttier n;ta H existing IiUrratmeo! tt-t. i.jevJ . c a recei f f price. A hv thi: ni!.; linii t iiEni( AL to., t7ai!iiftg;f on. !. . X it-is, . 'l tt " mmt m llC ' I flR KfiST MrniiriMiri mn mmtm 11 i - i i.n im mi H N fe1 1 is u .1 So What is i 3 Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants atlitl OfaHlronr-"Hxx i.l Opium, MopUiu ao other Narcotic substance.' It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothiugr Syrups, and Castor Oil, It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of 3Iothcrs. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency, Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. " Castoria is an excellent medicino for chil dren. Mother hav repe11 told me of its good effect upon their children." Da. Q. C. Osgood, Lowell, Mass. Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of the variousquack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Da. J. F. Kincbkloe, Conway, Ark. The Centaur Compsuiy, TT Murray Street, New York City. ' The Best Shoes W L- DOUGLAS Shoes are satisfaction'at the prices advertised than . mi . r iir T N for the Least Money, -"rm I f II B ft L7Cfl W 86, S4 g i $T V 08.80 tm H 4- 1 V 82.80 im HIS IS THE KPcrXaB LJV vmceu. a ne stamping oi a-. fuvgo name anu pnv, . -- guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them. Dealers who push the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps to increase the sales on their full line of goods. They can afford to sell at a less profit, and we believe you can save money by baring all your. footwear of the dealer advr r.! 1 - w. . rmnflLAN. Brockton. Mass. UBOtt WXVW, VMHMVftUV W Uk'WM frr.VOTvu - FLEMING & CO. F. M. MCKAY. YflDGJ AQ MflDLGD that hohse i 1 ii-i.-J 1 a K"3 The Bit ts HUMANE In its operation, and only made powerful at will of tbe driver. The animal soon understands the situation, and tbe VICIOUS horse becomes DOCILXi the PULIiEIl a PLEASANT DBIVEH. Elderly people will find dririn with this Bit a pleasure. . .? fin "Jo' Rnnfminrl thin Bit with the many malleable iron tits now being ujmhJ oftmitho bar of th -Triumph" Is WROUQHT STE E L, and cone other is safe to put in tbe mouth of a horse. VILL BE SENT, POSTAGE PAID, AS FOLLOWS: c K E u' P LATE. . '. Jloo WML YAHARSD ALE, Commercial College of Ey. Medal and Diploma, awarded at World's Principal of this College, for System of in attendance the past year from 25 States. employed. Business Course consists Commercial Lata, Merchandising, Banking, Practice, Mercantile Correspondence, etc. Tuition, Stationery and Board in a nice writing and Telegraphy, are specialties, having special teachers and rooms, and can be taken alone or with the Business Course. tions. JA'o location, Knter now. lYILBUB, n. 1ju&&ttAfarCo&mFrc&zaV8r erfiu&y Ifmm goods -amth Heat 0(tx U'errrnivm 0 jrdumerpoGi ""1''Viiiiiw iinnaniinimin.n mwwH Castoria. " Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. Archer, M. D., 1 11 So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn, N. Y. "Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." United Hospital and Dispensary, Boston, Haaa. Allen C. Smith, Pre., FOR GENTLEUEN. and S3.50 Dress Shoe. Police Qhoo, 3 Soles. 02 for Worklngmen. and CI. 75 for Ooys. LADIES AND MISSES, S3, G2.50 82, $1.75 CAUTION If any dealer offers 70a W. I Dauxlas shoes at a reduced price. or says be hsi them witn- tbe name stamped the bottom, pat htm aown usiniia. stylish, easy fitting, and give better any other make. Try one pair and be con- !.. , A -t-o in f lio Knt f -m which DUNN, N. C. SUiUJKRVILLK. N C. BY USING THE TpSooinraplhi SAFETY-PIT. The manufacturer of tbe TRIUMPH issues an Bnsarance Policy nifying tbe purchaser to the amount of $0O when loss is occasioned by the driver's in ability to hold tbe horse driven with Racins, Wisconsin. University, Lexington, Ky. Columbian Exposition, to PROF. E. W. SMITH, Hftff R Book-keeping and General Business Education. Students 10,000 former pupils, in business, etc. 13 teachers of Book-keeping, Business Arithmetic, Penmanship, Joint Stock, Manufacturing, Lectures, Business &Co8t of Full Buslines Course, including family, about $90. df Shorthand, Type No charge has ever been made for procuring situa For Circulars address SMITH, President, Lejclngton, Ky.