r ' f I. TIIUH- - - : I hop-! ! v, i I, :t x itv, in a few , Mat tin Democrats did snub him ; ! t reduced Mrs. i and Mugwumps tried to club hm. ' :;:;. ms as ! a;:d u Picibytcrian uoac-n s:nsie hi m j '';;v,'t's Tota- "it the sou Ids; r Mad ALL LOVERS OF !UiirhPlQoolivinn h ;. ailing eif:- And a'piulirm rector stabb.d! f J 1 Y 5 j fl fi fl III VI Ofl I Ltxa :k:oua the chest protector, and f 2 g . fi X P g i i-ee is familiar j a strong gnostic athlete smashed Hl? J. Ulll Jj Ui. IlilUll p i-, sad to realized that. many tovrn, and village Lave a lanre nam bcr of people who take peculiar d- liht i. fc-eda-g on M-.dal enrrhm, A" lot of feoJial vulUire?.. -e-y ca-. cavx" the loudest, -w.e:. u.e ,- - the most odious manv lives afe slanderous t aucs. back-anting goesippers, .if.i.K si ould he .-huntma, .L.-coi: atenanccd whom ver they at tempt to fasten their p isonotm f:i ag -ju the fair name of any one. er;' . l i -i I hy ih;d:. i'kfcsu idle, veritable so- aim i ; i s : . v.!.--r. I i.-, p. It :'!' l v.: i'c. -J '.I ii.". dvi: u :ne to ue-troy mi especially in oil led the ; is a chapter Malim-w. :h-&l ss a h. rr-:r to v in i,f the And the hih bom an.i tho j Siionlcl Not Fail To Read at d the wicked and ike holy, whea'j "THE TROUBLESOME LITTLE i t-Lc-v mobbed ills haled ollioe all were : equally profane; j Arid the deacon and the pastor and i of v. i;at I li'.o wicked dancing liiaslor, imparli I i I cirie fit last itteo't religious iiidependent, and r- I- ( ' 'i Uov. D'.Alesand' r .luclan say : To lake fi verv houaMy i :h:s raio::; : w.:cl!.;r it is be Iter-for uaa to le.-i Siif;'-. I' and v.alk pi;o ie- v s ai L ' ! i rnv u'tfinatc uily :t n his head their cqu.1 botrs i v.-f.t on and n, ; iid rain; This f-tovy will appear in the issue of God nil made And a Su ;d.;y Soh-ol superintend 2Sth. and will he continued nine ,i-...t r.A,.r 3 ;. .w., ,i i suecessivo ween.-. 'an infidel free thinker seized aud i Ii" you want to read this story, .-end as 20 cents in silver or postage stamps aiui we will send vo l die paper to any ad .ltr.a f.w i,n . v.i!is. eoniuienciner June -s,)t-0 circurn- :liul u gentle Uaaker killed linn, ana ; -i t -. : !;iv ':!(! !,ia in tinrt.i',pr!iiii l'.iy . ins in the la? t ' v.A!a.) hiandard. THE FIRE DIDT BURS ME OUT AND I AM STILL TO BE FOUND AT THE S4ME OLD STAND, WHERE YOUR ATLAJSTIO COAST LltfE, WILMINGTON AND XyLhS AND BRANCMIKjs AND FLORENCE RAILHoad CONDENSED SCIILDULE. Dated Jan. 11. 18.4. TRAINS GOING SOUTH leaves Weld ,n at 11-47 a in ; arriV vi' !l:xir. Mount at lj'-55 a m; arrive at Tan. ,,. '' 1 ky ' - yi : i 1 , 1151 ..li Uli rirtl BT' loniii at 12-05 am; leave Wilson at l -. , sy leave 8elma at 2-45 a m; leave F-n.-tt "' ,a T!1: 4-'f.aiu; arrive at Florence at 7-ir, 47. daily, leave Wiou at z-i.r i, m-1,.',', : M how at :.-tiO i ra; leave Ma-iiolia at 1 i arrivo at Wilming-toi! at r-"o ji ni -1, iu; ly, leave Weldon at ;fsi p Ul; arrive "t 'il-' "' Mount 10-45 y la; leave Ku.-kv it,v,., V, y lenve Wilson 11-j5; leave layettviii . i ia: arrive at Florence at v.. lsave Hockv Mount at t". a m- ii. iC-.. ',;li!.v. 0-35 a in; leave (iol.i.sl.oro at i-o rim'-V!'1?1 .. i.,. tii Me v. ho made ine had ; " " ' . t ...,1,1 i i,-.,.. IUt trt'TC! 'i,"Jt-n ijiuj in u lien;) in lew, M ittl t'w Hut i Atid a bloo.Iy jaiibird stilled him, iSth. e . v'm, deserip- .ir oi a a dndmr.t. Ah v:irth are to b.. Ad'Jre- Tlie Central Times, Dunn N- C. !:oi:-e, t?.ojn i j,f ..l to Uii etn-'-' '-' 11 " lutions; or to go ; ut, fnd !.' er knov, to e-:ter ! . iiiCi: l- rt;.'". u i -; . h US' any a traction be-:, to overcan "ur ie);!,t to live a-vay up in tho ! ;h to winch the :na'aria of the ii'-. ci t innha.foul wn:a: no cr.Trns in ever re.'.ch? Taa' elevation is -not inpos ial i fir ui i' only v K"U i i ci v.-1 Ih (.'., and love the law on !,.. . v. are kn-l V: t .e ! ;..;re -h dl be noocc -'n" iiu ;ii iii.in"a t!ie:-p'-t'( .h.it ; - a rie- Ihi t.v'ris;')" o .:iy .e.".. Viihin i hire v. ill he no tr.-. il rs stirrend ir the camp to t he c without, bo Paul, in the I. -tier t o 1 lhiiiipid m, rttri bales l i -!" G i whici. r-;SseL;. un ;ors:aa i: a inilila.y Intlclion, w: . Jay.s t:.:.t v;ili v---.rrison the lrj;;;t an I k () tie:;; hii !i i-. but i 'iC C buccess in life may be compared to i J liiyUtM bU i'v O ,i ...w.r.iiii.r ,, ; a d.')or o iih a peculiar hjck, capable tiiv H'id their i 'n uc opet.a oy several xeya. wise of whhih vor;i easilj-, while others, besides being inserted Willi ddilculty and rciuirir.g unusu d Hirengtii to ? b!escd of inv 1 :ira Uiy; 00 f-ried many tirns lit. i';r.d, and of t!l- right :!con--d hv th' Utl . 1- t1 iC r-::so!!. ::ad .ye fi d ;no ; I h jt'.io 1 me : I was in i; I ws uecessfiiily. Frequently iume of the keys siip out or btick fast, so that the voider, wearied and disappointed, turns a ay in diseourageiuent. J aui abouL to give to boys and ceouut of one of A lv.'ii-or. to I '.V: 4 C ,"1 AT JJ ,d n.i.i , m i& -I . ;a -; .'.'an v:-". v o: fai:ii, ' Great peace hav? tln 'hie:. love tli law, and there is no occasion of sturflViir, in the in " x ae v. ..; iia.M .f-'-ar- i-j:..-r : d.-:o:o-y to ili;i that docth a ! t'ainga well. True religion is humble, and r.ot P1. d"ed up, but delights ui n-o '-.'-tiy d linac the iU:-sci-'s will if ir is iv b -i:ip more than g'v::!g a cut) of edd water in liis name. : lVrfe.: trust iilumiars tlie Chris-f Vui.i-i p.rliway will: celestial li; I have fait it) braeve that t her is ni'.re power in one drop of the .Jesus Christ to care l.1 e A- 1 !! If !h:U r 'di .u'd ! I.IlC :l: r . -I ' ; loV.'S ; Ia03t. : ; i : v A:d t!iee ! , ' . ,r..n voting men ai ' .-. Thfy could ! keys wh.eu will never fail d the one . ; . , ... -.. i usin.: it is oi' good moral character. ;.: .:- ..!Ci v iiCll ii' j -- : , e'.ji ni:i o" i 's -h.s: A ever lake u second step ;( ..-yjJV j uiilil you have mastered the Urt. i ; -s P-'-ppr-n? Vl.cn ! try to make this sek ia import -v ,vo f0d t'.JCP, or I u''il ls' cii! 1 ' ' 11 1 oporatioil. ,i .7 !,r flT. i l ake an cxaii-ple from arithajetie. ? ,.,. t'in at, j Every wc-ii-arruugeJ arithmetio iro . -rich as e did it!Cl'eit;i troIJi ouc lo another. ' f ti-r-se nivb-etairc:-! First, you ie.uai the aame-s a:l mean- nit's of the UgurMa: then to avid theiu; .;!') Tilt . 0V i()i -J ' ' ' ! -.-id il3 says. ..pc. S 3ou ibt-rael; afiui wards you ... ,i ..... 2 iHo'v- u-e ul,,itipij , and finally ou are taught (i ve f-d tn not I j 'Odiide. Cuu une perforin a sum in o clothed me nft, j! addition wiio does not know the r.l Vo to :k irio i.nt . ! UJ"11' -a :U1(I vaiaes of the Ovrts? ve v.sucd n .t." I auyoae uiuitqdy o2J by 5'2G who , r:,rt;i ysiti ! cannot a id? Cm anyune do a sum ,., i; i i,.,.,-, ?i iq iong division r;ho eouaol siiotraci? ,,;. pnfj w0 had' u'" ai WU''J -i:ims tiiee in their order !' is tho one thins we s oa:i l any of iliein at any time. o- Ci to do " A nd i i he nio;e poi leeiiy a thing is learn .. same : ' "Irasinuch i U!liess learned correct 1 , the more '" ,,tir,i I ecrtain one is to full into serious er-j p..i0 ,.nc.s ' i jens. flj- ioi"s. Suppose .one iiud .ea:nea the i L:ilipi:ca-,ion taoie coircCi.iV cxecp. iul ho onp,.os-,d fixe times fix o arc -A hob)S man the ' '-ventys--.ce::. He might then laker. ! situation to calcaiatvj inces and oiiika ! V If I Likewise arouses the inr terest and curiosity does our new story, The iso:;e it unro I and servos Gmi Tpoablcsomc On of the very best stories of the season. DON'T FASL TO READ IT. "Yam heref Ai J. IT, S.vi. khinil's Old Stand. 1 pro-po-e to l-a-ep ti Mas-nona at B-i l( a in: arriv,.' ;it w. at 'UKiO a in, tNo5vl,N Y and Fl..r'Y 'U,n cial, leave weldon 12-0- a m: leave wiu v-' leave Favettevilie 4-00 a in: arrive -t ' THA1V EVER BEFORE- FLEASE COME AROUND AND INSPECT TRAINS GOING NORTH. No 7 leave Florence 7-S0 a m; leaxe Fav. h-v'n' 1 'T-r-v if if ii -a. J Lie 1. 1.H Mir WHICH WILL BE COMPLETE IN EVERY PARTICULAR THIS WEEK, Respectfully', xvilsou 1-05 a m. No. -Ii, daily, leave w in.,,, ton si-iK) a in; h ave .xiairnolia 10-.o a ,,,. tsohlsltoro la-t'O am: arrive at v,iis(lll' i'.f ni; No -t daily, leave Wilson 1-15 i i;,;arpVl, ' KocKy Mount 2-0r i in arrive Tai lM.r,, m; leave Tarboro li-51 i m, leave Hi,''-!' Mount 2-0; p in: arrive weldon :-l: j .,) ll.dailj, leave Florence 7-0". i m; leave p'ay. rttevilie --0 p m arrive wil.-mn 11 u ui. Wave- Wilson ll-i3 p m;arrive Kocky :,.u't 1. -05 i in: leave Hocky Mount 12-0) j n'i: arrive weldon 1.-5 i in; No 40. daily .Jeave xviimin -. twii 7-00 i in; leave Mairnolia 5-.-.7 p m: leav uolM!.oro !i.-;s p in; arrive wi son i. 5 ;.',' No r.o', N Y & Florida Special, leave Floretuv Il-5i p m; Itave Fa.vette ilie s-2 ji m; arrive x iLsoii 4-.'.0a in; arrive weldon 6-01 a-111, t Daily except Monday. J Daily except Sun dny These trair.s carry only first class passen-?er-; lioldiug Fuiiinan nccuinmodations. Trai'is ou .Scotland Neek Branch Koad leaves VVcl-'.ou X .0 p Hi., Halifax 4 no p m. arrive t Seoiiaiid Neck 4 55 i in, Greenville (J m p Kinsti a 7 "5pm. tlet urning1, leaves Kiiisten 7:-C r. a. 'Sreenville b 2 a m, Arrivinjr at Hai fix at 11 wa u, XVeldou li -0 a ui, daily ce; i Sunday. TrrinH on Wasliiv.rtoii Baranch leavi s Wasliiii.,ton 7: a. in, arrives I'aruiele r-:.ti n in., Tart-oro i!:"0 a. m.: returning- leaves T.ir Puro 4:iO ). hi. I'arinele 6:10 p. in., arr:vs Washington 7: -5 p.-m. Daily except Suinlnv Connects .with trains on Scotland Airti Branch, Train leaves Tarboro, N. C.via Albemarle and iialeish H. il. daily, except Sunday, at ,:.:(( p. in.. Sunday :;:(mi p.Ki.; arrives Plyinoth i':.(t p . ni . ran p. in. Hetui-iiin leaven riyiii oth daily , exct pt Sunday, .'-: 0 a.m., S:ni'layj S::30 a. m.; arrive Tarboro lu:5 a. in. and 1 1 ; j-, a. m. liain on Midland NC Branch leaves (inM boro, N. C, dawy except Sunday, u." a m; ar rive Smithlield N C. 7:0 a in. Returnin.' leaves Smithlield, N. C too a. m. arrives Gcldsl-oio.N. c. .t ;-:o a. in. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Kecky Mount at 4: 0 j. in., arrix'es Nashville- xii;, p. m.. Sj.rin fiiope. r.: 0 p. in. Heturirir,'.av.-s ;prin; I i i e fc:0e a. in.. Nashville -:.r. a. in. arrive at Kc cky Mount 2:15 a. m., daily except Sun.'.ay. Traii.son Latta Branch Florence R. II.i.t.vo halt a e: 0 p, m .; arrive JuLl.ar-7.ii p. in. Ke turniiiir leave Dunbar t'.r'-'o a.m.: arrive Laua ;:f.0a.in. Daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton aily, except Sunday, at U:ea. m. H,. turnino' 1 aves Ciinton at i : f s i in., cciniect-iiiH- at Warsaw witii main line trains. Train No. 7. make cbse connection at Wel don for ail points .North daily, all rail via Richmond and daily except Sunday via Ports mouth and Bay Fine. Also at. Kooky ynnint with Norfolk and Carolina Krilroad ?! Nor folk daily and all points North via .Norfolk daily except Minday. J liii f. Divine, Gcn'l Supt. J. k. Kt-nly, Gen'l s:-anajrer. T. m. Fmeirii n, Tr.Jlie Xlana'jrer FASBLONABLE MILLINERY- WE HAVE OPENED OUR STOCK LOT OF SPRING '''"AND GUM -ELASTIC 1 5 'ST hliod woes of ;he world lhan in an ( cean , full of human q iackcry. Josus . the grandest note in env :a:n-l'clsv . 11 j is Vie brightest .;o?a in f"' crown. Dr. Tahnage. The thoroughly grrat men a:-e ,, thosa r. ho hax-? done every Lliin -7- i ehatigo. lie mijht do his weak splen-J pjy.r, pr t jyr, at? P) fPJI) j jJC jdidlyiura while, but the mou-e. 1 1 ( M lL:iJd Lil Vi UilULiiillbO 1 -d !: Chris; ion v-Yr diiia : I T 1, And when you want anything in that i. call. I vill s i! vou at iniees that 10 idher ma l in Duun can afford to. 1 ir-rited i live limes llv-i si.ouid come m he I.,! ,,,,. ! vould be xvro.i-.':, atid that wmdu " ". !,!,,,.;,;,- ,r. f.v,,-v ..ut nf biilid. eail. I will st il you at prices that P:!Pnt inv ! vvorr:; tor if ho tiat tumiiplieu uve oy ; ;;Cil you i i i t Granulated Sujrar at pr lb. Tleiwvn Si!".-ir .it 4?'e nor 11). i. . ;i ' . . ' 'n - - - ivitio- (Voe ii'trttC" t seven, ne xvouni nave louiteen iuo i , ? I inu'''j a id so m anv ad.dl'lou. 1 T can soil von -Firt rreferred' Flour my own expense. ' ." "-'j in.wi.iuoi , thonmhly, and who have never dev pv y Jo'-t i!i I t.nd by fire. I1 Appiy this to reool.ee, ion a.d mis at S1.0'. per barrel. spis-1 anything, however small, o!.; have ithuilt at o cost of'$8t31, and j rstaudiug. We remember by FlVsh Canned Goods in abundance. 1 1 :i - o :.n . d in od neat in" tlto ! live an;1- 10 twenty-ssoven, umi rt -i- in North Carolina free aaU .occasion to muuipi.) unv, uy t;' G od' s ra r.ki ii ij. R u ss el i I wonder" why it is we arc; not all hinder lhan we are. How easily b j ss done; how instantruieonsly it acts: how infallibly it is remembered. bruui!Pnd. Conseirnee is a great ledger b--ok in which all our sins are re ' -tercii and which time reveals in tlir? sense a;.d feeli.-.g of tbe sim.er. lUirton.; !..re v--; hi :-:3.rl I o-ave a mortaLre ! tacuing what we are learning to what, :v A .v?e for 700, and now the! we already' know; we reason by draw- ourt iudiretrient for i.ing coneiusioa: from wna-we already ,v. : '. e :i o I wiii -c 1 1 i n June if I do nr. I . . sev set . : :wr. :.oy p-ii-i; a-.;d in my 73rd year, ! oo lurned a;' oi dours, like an .old uiiow; hut it we are wro:ig,.wc have -polled even our memory of some- liii a jui" reasoning is Respectfully, T. GODWIN. Dunn, X. C. F. n fo:!e:;o and the 3 filo i uaug nev. t . 1 ? no r i iviirl:.!'X,N Vou prt'p;,-32 to learn a trade; but j Financial ltatement- The foIlwi'Jir i-j the annual statement of the . .1 ri :...., .... t ... f 1-..-. f.iT-,i r Dunn lor the year ending May blh 1:1)1: We learn that the following- res .;-' lution xva received at tise Methodist, i V.iferec;!. at Dixon, 11!.. v.nh a; Bi)r:n of applause and uaandrnousl v adopted : "TLat knowing tl.e awfui misery and loss of life ean-.d by. ti;e : license of iquor-sciliii, and knowing ! the Iiir.dranee it is to our cil'irls a- home ami in missionary fields, it is the supro-uest trifling for -as to watr-i ... Si-.' t.oj.j . My -: :i'i::;;ir; on a !.; pics. C'.h 1 t o pe rish. Will rnv j if you ta.ee a second step without! rethren al ow p.'periy pcriounuig the iirsi, you j to :u'i up-on racf I t vcars, has niSUURSEMEXTS. vi ill entangled, neither tho sec-i st will be rmiit. lor i run i onu nor toe i: ; i i thou.h noo rl-.r tStian prineis : !)v) Ministers for Ih-. v i au: wi'ling to run .1? ft l- I iTv. ... . . - . Vuur wtii j a whole will show a de C:k:e i tiirv.P,x d-.-!i- .liis re or' j . m -tin sp..-..d my -.id days CYiieo. Jxiuy i.j, isi4. icet. Tins is true, a: so, of any kind of business or profession. Many a young man ha- lost his situation at ite lime uiicu he as doavr ir,s b eat i u i -1 mi on that X-; ill pay oeau-e ho was making some mistake, i' r me, and let me re-j .no result of not- learning correctly in th I j.imtbii xv.,ich he ll;oU 'iit he bud i ! m;isiered many weeks before. ! Ih L. Aoei-ucihy. iTresiderit of Ru-! In reading a b.ok never turn lo ourjiuho's in support of any p-ditt-J - W ., v.. j t...vtilM . .-..v uv wki i a Chi party which docs not dociaie w;"r ! t'ioi C;ik' -- -'it Carolina. new v until you are sure Ihat you cf ex'crminatiin a-ai;-s' fijC epii-o ' , . ,S" II on.- will jyd me. lei j undoolaud an J can tell tj yunreti unholy business" "if ny f'X'i-l ' hiia "1:roct Lh ,:4V:'r to mo at "Ruih-j xvi.ac was on the lust pae. Letter inch aetn..n is too radical, or ,-.-,.,. ; " ' ' 1are ouiuy Aortii , J l V 4 i J V T 4 1 lf lure, let him consider how fully tni-J 'ia,"':i'" li. L A. iC tile seoouu Step, ! ; than to try to idvo it before the iiistl wait sii: cmys O'. :s ur.uCi.ou liquor tralile has dehauehci the rnb-' j - " 116 conscience. Under the auth uitv ! Tie tJf? J1? Yllist. '". ; llK '"'"r"'- a.iii- v.tunial ami to mi', oim eminent a pamphlet, h.nc,;' -,! ,;, , .. -i u.x.i an impuucni- nana mat . . . ... 1 :l ' " 'oat.iui x.'us tio iiara- . , . , , i j ist ben put lorth to encourage the ; mount .,t:-i.o- r, i i , ( -aw into things more or less c early , - ' ' '-"-'ou.! u:u lie ciierisiiet.; j ... , - . ' ;;.'ann.;uv ure of beer from corn, and ; ti: intent. - f J any w;io.-e, rna l depeudctt upon lhi. i It too-k me a long while to learn ! this. I h.ni an imualient mind that Cash Paid f-r Street Work 147 r'l Prisoners Eoa.-d. 1121 " Town Attorney r.O 00 " C'ruettry Worli 4 no " Eat. due on T'u Hall. 20-( eO " Lunihex- 4 0 " Water Supj lies 13 41 " " " Li.-iting- tax 'ya, and part 'J'l . 7 50 " " " Town Marhal 9d -IS " " Extra Marshal 5 00 " xNi-rht Watchman ... 2?.T 75 " " Work on Town Hall.. 19 62 " To-aConimiio:ier 48 00 " " " Oil i; Lamp Sui plies 30 67 '' Sale of Kal Estate TyShcri:tforTax,"ti2 6 iO Renter of leed-i.... 4 10 " " Mayor 93 99 " " Insurance of Hall... 11 00 " " Printing ami Adver- vei tlseiaent 10 38 " " " Holding Election 5 12 ' (ieinrral Supplies ... 7 01 ' Exaniinat'n of Deed 0 " " Com. for Cidlecting s:ti ;.li Tax 4s 15 i " Town Treasurer....: 30 70 " " Out.-tandiiiir orders unpaid 7 33 Aihl can rive von a nice Hat in Plain and i'uno.y P!aok Miip ami V!.Uo Jz horn Lace Hats in "the new stvle . Call ami see our Satin Crown ami Bm-k i Bourdon Lace Brim Hats, ahtl the Lao and Fancy htr tw Br:: id cmiib'a.aii.m liotli omethi:.ii; new and prettv. In Flowers, we can give you tne elvet. bi.K Muslin, and Velvet and Silk combination Styles and LOW PRICES GUARANTEED MRS. M. L. n n n ti i t As. U . lJ x. K i. tt otdy $00 ...-r !';-t -- n : r-- I Makes a l'o ri..f f;r xc.ir. j itiyoiif (iv, p:i! it i Guni-Hl-t-tie I'aim oo-t o"vly ;:) eonts (') r gallon, in h!d, lot-', or f r "-;: d DENlSrJIiNO. t i- V O U K IC I, ti ill p j .llii :itid xiiil l.ist fo Carolina, ila.clirae Co. MAKES A SPECIALTY OF i . . i oenuiu, tamer, m the interest; Ho said he d write the leaders or betT-m.i,iag. .N ning that last ' eor,c:U, all readers, aud ois edit. year alwut Qfteen million bushels of ; rial maiter it should never v,Ve of corn was used in m-iking beer, ti-e fense. - pamoh'ct e lys : "The raising of this He' would please the hish and low i:.rgc qtiantiiy of grain, the cultiva. j ly an. i Hie wi,kcd and t lie holy, the i:on ui ii:e larm,, t'.o I i-v!in and 1 10 55 RECKirTS. One day i tii 1 .: : . -i. . Hi' ilal. iti lhf rrenurv f.ii- tliA vnar ,.-cx eieo liiuv in tne ao- ' " .... .. . . i etidn.-May, ISi: 3 1 er.ce o! a oo o-. l eouia no uottiatt v.ii'n a certain problem in algebra. When I turned to the book I saw to my sorrw that I had to begin runny ctiics back of the one inion xvldeh ; U on traaporiai.n of the grain to market : i Ins problem xvas explained, and slow. i ly approach. r s n ii-g x-IiaI I had! before in order to 1 ! only ..aiioeu at ie ms and Mugwamp3, Lorn- . 1 y " lul''"W hnal-UoC in! He .Vouhl .-nlmri th n.m.h. Id-rl.-. ' comoreht-nil. Now I im.iim.,! i..e- i..ec,y, glVe empJoymeut u thuusar.ds vcry year.' Iiac ad jed. Vorodnr.p. ti-.,vi ..i- . P' rc.0 ! ecrneu, l stnm.u react taroii;:h in two nours. 'i'offii Taxe.i collected FIin-3 Lieenpe Tax Dou- Tx Lii-cn-e Siark's Sho (hy Mayor)... C'en-f pry Lots eold " P-arher Tax Oik Iek " Tax Paid 1 y .Sheriff MeArtan . " E. L. Parker 023 IS 71 75 1S 50 5 tO 5 00 66 00 SO 4 01 1 5 5 00 emp.oymeut to ! ei tk. n the hi -host &teeoh and pet 1 a rt-aaing a b .ok that, so far And it might ! the slick aristocrats audVat monopo- I :W 'ej"f i:at, ;h- w1or'J3 are is COil e thonsa uls of'i'sts. ecrned, I should read through in two - ' ! it i . : s . runu.w u, uunureus ot crimes --. !!.- r -ti 'r. .l r l r 1 .... f , tra,lcs' n! I iic "--d :,ft no wrathful byiom,; '1 ms syatem will onen the door of .ores of murders every year."--Cin. . bat xxould sturdy how to please V.rjanv tnvlc, bu.ine.s c'v l?.fe,sior. you mnati Christian Standard. j and his indiscriminate sxveetnes.s ! ''-v isa to follow, inr mav r,n Less Dishurseiaetits 1643 ?,3 .. 13H 55 Bal. in Treas. year ndin.!T May. 73 M. L. V.'APE, Town Clrk T3"5:-..-;-.::v-. ROr3 AND BRASS CASTINGS. tun-. i i tin or iron rum" yours. i'uY iT. SMid-;auip lor samples and r. iar 1 GUM ELASTIC ItOOF-INQ- COMPANY, :J.)-& 41 e. KST ijliOADWAV, New York, Local Agents Wanted.. SPECIAL OFFER. We have m-ade arrangements with lie poblishcr-: of the Atlanta Wet!. ly Constitution, be which we can oiT-'r it xvith cur paper one year for only -M 25. clubb n subscriptions to he -cut to this clime and -accompanied by cash. LILLRAL PRIZE OFFER. Every subscriber to this to this re ma: kable clubbip.15 proposition i- entitled to enter One Prize Conte-f, ending !.;s guess for nn; $1000 cotton cuop CONTEST in Vv h'ch then- arc four prizes otfored for the nearest "estimates of the sizo of the co ton crop of 103-4, now be ing marketed, ami -award to be made is boot. ii the Ncxv' Or cans C'ott, ;i Exchange- a:.n un-es the official cr;p iiiures. 170 in told, fur nearest ..ues to ti:c mop. -?2d0 prize f.r sec od, '.' .r.z for third, .$100 for bar'h. $100 for fifth. Cr-'p.s (V;r r. cent y ears have been is fo h.xvs : Year 177 1 V s t ........ J -.! 1-1 r- 1-1 L.!-s i.-ll :.;'.: t .... t i;, '.-'.,.-sr.i , . ar 1 . . . . 1 --('... 1 " ... P - . 1 ii... V- 1... 1 :.,.... . i Pn!--s . : .-.W -.' 1 . : .lSo. 1 ; . : o.ni .:i .: 7 17.-'T . : ri 7...0 t r. i . fiv..ii-f !; c, r-i. ' a Add. c-s Tjii; Timks. I;i-.n. N. O Pri. f ar iai ..- l fie i III 1 1 TI EX K'TlOli'S N ( )Tl ' E- ariii-.iur.ii';' d - . v itrix of W O P.ol- r.lii:,-., "tlo.-t j-. I" l!"!i. no per.v.lf. hax'illjr pi- aX'ain.-ii tl -t;t'.' d Kaid di:c"asei it.it tl.em f" 'h' underpinned on ,r l-for lt !-tv of Ma'-5i. 1 tr this notiee will .tea-led in Par,f tNei- r-ev.-rv. All per- iu i-ld'-d t' s .:d estate xx iii please maki liat" payiii-nt. .i.-i 1. tii da v ! April. T'1'1. LENA w. ROLLINS. Executrix. SCo cinna' .... . ! ft'da be sc.ttcrcd far and near Fair.he:d in Kc-w York (Mm- ZiaT U 1 saving, yo-, xxill be stea-Hly a-lv , ...- .. u;wiy usuac.es nuie ajo, jr.nztbcth U .1 TO THE DESIRE for S H f5 J ? M o r ph h i u e , O ium, I S H J j h Whisky or Tobacco. I a f I S 1 II Proof free; o to cure w UulQrpi.jne , r whisky i .. r curinp; to' acco habit President of the Society for the 1 lasier ti.an you ar a xv;.;'o. hut wL-u iney are tin own t.y i net ot their uv. n Ll'.C. oftlatterv and wii m tit i,(w n - .... Vilnius, promiscuous praises daily storm the ' ir.v hi- pereverhigiy. a d it xviii hfi.u: TJ'avetteville, N. C. public ear. a . nip ri a 1 1 v is l): J. Addr- -s is. WISON, Fleming, Tjxas. titieii icy, in Curisuuu Auvocr-te. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Hax'it.sr 'ju as Ai'.ii.in'.st-rator id Jiiis IIo.l-. s. d- e.-asl late ot Harnett County, ''ortit Carnlina. tl.is is tx iiotify a'! pei-.-oun havinpr clahni a.-xinsl t).- estate of said de ceased to exlii5.it tl:. 'in to t!-.e iin.1-rsi,-tif l n or le.fore the lith day of May. 1-..5. or this lift ice v U I Pe i.Pad'd in .1 sr i t t-eir r .very. Ali person indedtid to aid estate udl ideaie inaJc hntnediate pavniit. This 12lli day of May, lMi. KtvtlnUi ML-C'Iani, J. '21t: Adiar.

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