1 1 ii I . t r r THE times. . ; TBE PKESHilOSNTS VIEWS; THUISf.DAY JULY 25. 1831. r. I. II. DAN IK L, IMilor id Proprietor. ON THE SUBJECT Qpia'3Cir!ain tn(la)' 88 w have ever , must of necessity be "PlBFORlvlATION OF i bcen f tbe 2rcaL benifit luat would ; suit of honorable n i:i o i si: 3 1. vi ii K.V5-I.'i'. acvurc to U:e con dry from tiic in- : honorable compromise. I expect auguratiun cf this policy, and noth i very few of us can say when our i that all us would i tage to our people. It must be ad- i prefer. You know Low much I de- milled thrt no tariff measure can c precis Led the incorporation into the cord with Democratic principles and ' proposed bill of the income tax fea- w I5i i.-ur io I mg has occurred to release us from : measure is perfected ii 'msiiriSiil t's'Rliis A1- ; "f "bligation to securo this advan- , feeture3 are entirely ss ire plfc f'rve ;S:th JIatp. i:loIH 'i'tVV on Sugitr. Washington, July premises, or bear a genuine Demos 'ture. In matters of thi3 kind, hows 19. The fol ; era-ic badge, that does not provide ever, which do not violate a fixed Yne Oonvmiiou jIarwoni.. : lowing is President Cleveland's let-' fur free raw matinal. Under these ! and recognized Democratic doctne. The C'Crc8i.ijal Convention oi" ' ter to Koprcs-iitaf.ve Wilson, upon circumstances it may well excite our we are willing to defer to the jadge- T ird Congressional DUfiet met l?nii 51 - "1!lv-" i"1"1"" mm uHuwraa re wining : went ot a majority of our Democrat ic last Thursday July the 1U u n-trm'-'o a Democratic csf.didate j House this afternoon: . :u .:! ?. H,p l'-p "KXECT TIVK MANSION', The dav was . . 1 t V '----"-V na twere were ihic; of Iiepresentfctiycs. Washington, July 2, 1694. $ I dcl "u'iorn from all the district. The ! n.ii . iiu t:ies was called ana :ui i lit fuu .ii! reetv ruled to the cad Ti.i-. D r et U coru;,ued of B audi. (Jravcn i rinnberlan 1, Duplia, Har nett, Jones, Moore, Onslow and Sam son cou:.iiei. 'I ! t- fodowing nre the important comni ttecs : On Permanent Urgani- z ttio . ; 1'bden, Smith; Cra Hon. U'm. L. Wilton : J.!y D::au Sin: The certainty j that a conference rill be ordered ' ! between thf two Houses of Congress, ; fur the puipodc of adjusting differ ences on the subject of tariir legisla- tion. makes it also certain that you ! will be ngrn called on to do hard service in the cause of tanrf reform. ".My public life has bcen su close- read as a part of Lis remarks iu tbe ; to depart from this, the most Demo-j ic brethren. 1 tbink there Is a gens crutic of all tariff principle.-?, and j eral agreement, that this is party dus ? jthut ths inconsistent absurdity of ! ty. This is more palpably apparent such a propped i-eparture should be wheu we rea'.iee that the business ot emphasized by the suggestion that our country timidly stands and the wool of the farmer be put on the vatches for the result of our efforts free list, and the protection of tariff to perfect tariff legislation; that a taxation be placed around the iron j quick and certain return of prosperi ore and cole of corporations and cap- j ty waits upon a wise adjustment and italists. How can we face the peo- that a confiding people still trust in pie alter indu'ging in such outras our hands their prosperity and well geou9 discriminations and viohd-ions ! being. vet.. J. J. Baxter; Cumberland, G. Ii- l' relateJ to ll,e s,,hject' 1 have so Jl:i! ; Duplin, Hill Ilaraeti. L ;luu-,MI Mn iL3 utoujir-uujuui, uun ii.-,- - Jon-, T. C. YVnitiker; Qns 1 1 ,:ave so ,:ilen lomised its realiza Joa. S. It. 'i o lor; sampan, I. Royal. tion to fn' JW councrymcn as' a Tl... e.-mmiitee on Permanent Or j rc'ult of Ll'ftir tru9t a',d confidence -hdz-itton made its report and re- ! in the :;einocralic party, that I -hope cimmuended Hon, V. E. Murchison ! no excU9ti is ' "essary for ray earns ..f Moon- as permaneiit Chairman, 3'' aPPeal to yon that in this crises : tariff policy of the country, The .ing ail the varied interest a ;d con- the District, and the national autLor party now has that power. We are'dition of a country as vast as ours, ities found out long ago. by repeated largely the re- i and costl) experiments, that a dele adjustment and j gation cf the constitutional power of Congress t the c;Mzen3 was not j wise. No citizen has been robbed of! any constitutional right by the abo lition of suffrage. "The exclusive jurisdiction of Congress' is ample cover and warrant for the system under which the National Capita! has t achieved unexampled progress and ; become 'the envy of les3 fortunate inunicibalities all over the Union, The Seriate and House Democratic conferees on the tariff bill are grad ually getting together on many of the more important schedules. It would not be correct to say that an absolute agreement has been reached, but the conference has devo loped the fact i that upon nearly all the items in the bill an agreement can be had with comparative ease. The adsuinistras Uve features of the House bill will probably be rejected by the confers ence. The Conferees are agreed that there is nothing in the changes pro posed either m the House or the Sen ate bill which is . inconsistent with the administrative features of the McKinlcy bill, which is the present law, And it is a safe prediction that the conference report will show no change in the income tax feature of the bill. With the Senate steaming ahead on the appropriations, the question a rises. Will not Congress not get through its labors eailier than was anticipated? The expectation is that SEJNTX) YOUR uuftwuu ALL kinds; A R D IN FA TO BE c i e y i i i ii REPAIRED TO Owen X"onsteii AH vnntfPTiirMDrp Dtn iTwnimiii rner cnnne nv v Him luiiiu aumiLu ti ivmiM duoi. otiuio ufl 1! of principle? "It is quite apparent that this question of free raw material does not admit of adjustment on a:)' mid die ground, since their .-ubjectiou to any rate of tariff taxation, great or small, is alike violation of Democrat ic principles and Dem .cratic good faith. "I hope that you will not consider The reraocracy of the land plead? most arnestlj' fort-he ?peedy com pletion of the tariff legislation which their Ilepsesentatives hive undertaken ; but they demand not less earnest!' that no stress of ne cessity shall te.npt tho?e they trust to the abandonment of Democratic principles. Yours very truly, (Signed) G rover Cleveland." it instrusive if I say something in :: insist upon party i rfeia,ion to another suhieut whip.h A TTT"tVTra-TrTVTT TPT'-TiTT'-D --'-iiii1 V-H JJ J, A JL ) can hardly fail to be .troublesome to DUNN, j. c. THE FERE DSDS3T BURN RflE OUT AND I AM STILL TO BE FOUND AT THE SME OLD STAND, WHEBE YOUR rsppcial Correspoinlenoo of Central Times.! I the conference. I refer to the ads The Senate is, doinr noble in a!i tne conference report of the tariff bill H I. McDuttie of Cumbtrirud andi-vou strertmusiy i JMitor Uethune of the Sampson Dem- j ,10"csty ai d good faith and a sturdy ooi at as permanent Secretaries, and j adherence to Democratic principles. ii. IS. Hardy ot the .r..h :u(,l.nian, ; ' - "uw,lue -i justmeut of taiiff taxation on sugar. ; effort to relieve itself f om the odium ! wil1 e completed by about the 25th, Heading Clerk. Clmirman ilurchi j conditions to the continuation of Under our party platform and in ac i which has attached to it through the I inst. A cloture rule will then oper M il prcsinea wim aouny, aignr.y cordance ith our declared party and -race and won the unanimous; "1 "u:k rid my.seif of the feeling j purposes, sugar is a legitimate and vi.rccia:ion of the Convention. j that this conference will present the logical arlicle of reyenu0 taxation .. 1)1. . r..- 1 H in hoat if mt tho rnlir Iiaai t iMuurmauu xui ies. xjiaaiii, " uc ! Unfortunately, however, incidents h. F. JicCullock: Craven. C. 11 i Democracy. Indication? point to its ,lavp n(,mmno;, .; e ' - i t waiiicu uci Lai i a .:iohm ii n v 'lh')m:,s; Cumberland, II. McD. ! action as the roliance of those who Kobiusnn; Duplin, J. M. Faison; f'1esire fhe "enuine fraition of Demo Jones. L. L. Houghton; Moore. J- W. j cratic PlT,,rt' lhc ru,fi,ment of Den,o .Sc(a;Oniov--. K. Duffie; Sampson ! crat?c P1eVes nd the redemption of J A Ferrell ' Democratic proui'scs to the people. ! The committee on Platform and 1 To reconcile ditlerences in the de Kulesmade its report and recom j ,ai,s comPrise within the fixed and j mmdid the endorsement of the plat ! wcU defined li ,e3 of principle will g form of the democratic purty. as adopt ! -ot -'ie sole task of the confer e at Chiepgo in 1892 and as enter- j1'"0 Uut' i,c 51 i'ct to ia- fe mera i.iH f-ii.y the Southern Democracy,) 'Kra 7 ?11 also Live in c,,arge tho uno recomjienaea tne nontion ot the 1 ""u"v","(' , pies themselves are to be saved or genera! opinion that it is a bodj formed for talking instead of action. The speed that has been developed on the appropriation bills has been remarkable, and has attracted the favorable comment of the countr-. In a single week, the Senattt dis- ate to limit the debate. But in any event, republicans are not disposed to discuss the bill at length, unless, as they have already warned the dem ocrats, a new bill is brought forth. This is not likely. So the prophets are now fixing upon August 1ft. as Money Fill U li Fun THA2V EVER BEFORE- I abandoned. j "There is no excuse for mistaking in.jrity rule for the convention. On Credentials, Craven, Wm. Ellis; Bladen, S. G. Woolen; Cum berland, J, B. Smith; Harnett, ja9. ; ,,r nPPrf enfli"S the feeUng or terns ;lcr of the rank ami file of the Dem-lear.-all; Jones, J. C. Parker; Moore ' k r ii ; , n , . ;ncricy- They are downcast under fc. J. Harrington; Onslow K. . -w . . V c assertion taat their party fas in I Urictt; Sampson, II. K, Faison, i ..... - J ... , ;?-brity to mannge the Government, ihe coiumttteo on CrenTmuals ' , ., , ., . , , an' ''y are appreiiej3ive that efforts made its report ut.d reporletl the . . . . ,. ,. to about tariff rforra may fail: Lumber of delegates to which each . . , ' . , , m jbtttthey are much more downcast county was entitled. There was uo' , ; and apprehensive in their faar that winiet a to the represenative ! nPmn0l;rt - . , ; democratic principles may be surs ..x...ew. .7, mc uiLriub nau was repor the legislation which will be submit ted to the conference, that have a roused, in connection with this sub j posed of nine of the fourteen appro j the probable date of the dissolution. jject, a natural Democratic animosity j prialion hills wh eh has passed the I It is probable that the labor or j to the methods and manipulations of; Mouse during the Senate tariff de trusts and combinations. I confess hate. . This is a-reeord. - Never be- If atinrinr in Hi t.l i -ir i ;. i i. i , , ... , uuu n, j ;rt; sucu an amount oi business seems to me we ongnt, if possible, to I neen done by the Senate in six sufficiently free ourselves from prej j days.' The bills that have passed udice to enable us coolly to weigh ! are the naval, army, pensions, mihta the considerations which, in iormu j ry academy, fortifications, river and lating tariff legislation, ought to j harbor, t-ost office, diplomatic, and j guide our treatment of sugar as a tax the legislative, executive and judis Ud as 2o8, uecessary to a choice 130. . After the r-ports of the several ; rendered. able article. While no tenderness i cial bill. TIiKp M P.l.p finnrnnrl dtii.no , - - - -w V w 1 I I 1V1" iUWI'-'lJO should be enteitained for trusts, and j committee has been unusually liberal while I am decidedly opposed to with almost all the bills this year, granting them, under the guise of : and the measures are going to cons tariff taxation, any opportunity to j cerence with large increases over the further their peculiar methods, I j House budgets. This cwurage of suggest t!iat we ought not to bo driv ! action ou the part of the Se-iate, i is en away from Democratic principles! understood, has been followed in a.nd policy which lead to the taxasj furtherance of a definite policy that tion of sugar, by the fear, quite likely j was adopted early in the sessions exaggerated, that in carrying out j by Chairman Corkrell and his dem fhis principle and policy we may j ocrati3 associates. It is said that "In these circumstances they can j indireetly and inordinately, encour-' thv.y determined to raise the totals ' not do ntfmrwia Hi -. I...l- 32Te a COmbinntion of snanr rnfinin-r ! vlipp.pvir r-.ca-Tilo n,lm.A : C . i...-.o, hiuii iuuh niw UlII o " ' " " . "'oomiu, "licit vnc ill omiu'ttees the Cha'rman stated that ' . . ti . ' ' , nlenec to you and to those who with I ,ntereits- I know that in present : crease would result in putting more uominauo ts were in order j- I VOU ea'i notriivtiiolK. J : ... conditions this ia a rlolinnto enhiom ! mpn tn u-firL- Tliio In r . .. i ---- i.VUaii y unit fIIH;ercIV w . u.mv - imo 10 uut icsuib Ul Mr. Havens of Craven waa nomi-! . 3 a t ..... .... , ,! - , ... ami i appreciate me oppin ana . tne panic anu commercial depression. gai'izfilioii will not take any further steps looking toward the introduc tion of impeachment proceedings a gainst Attorney General Oluey. The labor leaders discovprpd diirin'r i' eir visit to Washington that the sentiment of even the Congressmen who are supposed to represent their iews most thoroughly was opposed to anything of the sort. A' few ot the petitions may be circulated a mongthe trades assembl e", in order t carry out the assen,blnce of a fight against Mr. Olnej-, but " the well-founded impression prevails that none of tbe memorials will ever get as far as the petition box of the House of Representatives. t PLEASE COME AROUND AND INSPECT LlffG Sir i WHICH WILL BE COMPLETE IN EVERY j PARTICULAR THIS WEEK. Respect fullj 29 $3 o i 5 KU 3 3 f p - "3 GO w 00 o CD a C (0 O a 1 1 mm, iiumi-.i,.,ni , ... . i... u- meoause ot tariff reform .... w, Uj ,,. . v,iarK rsq ; ,j. u. t x strength of the feeling which its treat- j and it is hoped tint the budgets of i ment has trcu?ed. I do not believe ' thissesnion will help to restore pre Within n-r nnroC l: .1 - i -i .Shaw -rCwnbcrlanJ was nominated UJV n "" gUmea l,vMr.smi,hfKu...Tn 'bi I)cmocrc principles. This con. r, ,. ' "! Bence is vastly augmented by the I we should do evil that good may come, j vious conditions among the loborin" Oil OlUUtllin. Kid nnminol.,1 K.. T-i ! .- " J C( J o ,,..., 3 I acuon un,'er your leadership of the j but it seems to me that we should I classes to a large extent. ....... ui, ..iiiciverol Moore. Housnnf ... "-'icsi;ui,aiives upon Hie iiummuHi Dj- n. j. A.la-rs Ksq; bill now pen.Iino-. Iho.L. Gillman of Oulmi, w j "Every trua Domocr.t .,, every . ,J.,ne U,yR.Uuni,; Hon. 1$. sl,,eere tariff rerr.r knows that itrnny u.e piesent incumbent was this bili. c r not forget that our aim is the corns! There is considerable activity, at j pletion of a tariff bill, and that in '. intervals, among citizens of the Dis taxing sugar for proper purposes and trlct of Columbia who are agitating within reasonable hounds, whatever 'or a change in the lorru of our lo i in its present form and r.s ! else mav be snid f nnr nnt.mn wo-mI (rovemmmii 1T-.m-.tlt. tim ! K.l.ii.int. t I. ..11 1- 11 , ' J " " . - v . w , " , O " - ..... l , nit UIUIU! noiuinaUd ov Piof. Rovat rr ... ..-n - J -"F- lb win ue SLDmitted tO the Confer are in no dan.rpr tf .ninnitur P..unfpr i theV.aorifntP th Ipso nrnr..rt tVio.J CJ - - i - - . L J . to Democratic principles. With all i bave of accomplishing their objectJ here is at stake, there must be in ! The simple truth is, that this Dis- !.. 11.. i ii ii . . , hirl r..- i i ! u. u. tucL,ean of this coun! lut wn,c" yre have suffered ? the treatment of this article some ; tnet is the envy of millions of go oil tk" WaS notmiiata.1 hit T T i. n ! llpfcat iri'il J:. . ... j h vb i jrrr: i - m - ms -s-mu n ii iriiiii I i i ni m dr itr a k. . a . . m . . . r - i. a.. . J ..u.agtmeui, wmcn, grouna upon wnicti we are all willino citizens in an oi the great cities of O 6 :"u seconded by Dr. J. A. m its aiuicipation. or.v rnn I n ..,! .i..M ..i... , it; v c .... J J2rS - ''M&WAifl i b v 3uuiii. 1111 i . i.iiiri i iiiii i i i i i'i i ii k. - diiv: i i ii 1 1 i . i in :i ii mm i u k.'ii iviir i.p 'r son. There were four ballots without ' . rt ot the consum any nomination and on the rm, 4i J maU )n for wh5ch we uave long la- -T -4 r 1 o n' t-1 3 "C w so 3 K & o 3 " - 'r 3 S" ra oc ro 3" x 3 3T f -1 . I c 3 " 75 5 T 3 3 C P cr CO 7T r" "'v.iuuNU, . Alter HlP (TV in j . -ninationofMr. McLean five 1 ' , .T day f tr,UmPb' MtI diti.mal ballots were then h id. and I 'tS promise of ts accom pusnment, is .auu, uere toieruti'in ana con ; union, oecause or me superior) m 2 - ciliation may be allowed to solve the 'economy and efficiency cf its gov- I . 1- a! ??2 5 hI: 'is. violates the fundarccntAl thnrv rr i ! ought not to probing this letter. republican Institutions in that it de- j I &3 ? 8 uo O i O o ? o O 3 o a Carolina Ma-oLiiTie Co. MAKES A SPECIALTY OF o GO REPAIR in problem, without demanding the en ernment. Ciiizens who demand on the ninth ballot Hon. John G. Shaw F nt' ,8 so nteri-oven with J tire surrender of fixed and consien change complain ' that our system i O s r- 1 J -' ; 3 K V ! V O VUl- ( IVlP votes cast. w. nominated as demo .v,.. t!iat our abandonment of the l-r: lf f n.l i.lo t . ...v. n.aic i,,r i iinorpjj nf t . fnn;i ... n . . I. dis r-ct. Mr. Sha received 141 principles upon which If what I have written is unwelcome nie the ballot to the inhab.tants of , , . otes it rets. means nirt" piprfiilt-on.i i i iorr . ..ii t.i ki: : . i; ..... vj. nteiareit the nomiree of the Con-' 1 U5"tU! 1U U1J goou : tins district. Jui u would seem! ventfo., and his nomination was ' d,shonar- .intentions. : that the men who framed the Co:i I insde unanimous. , "One topic will be submitted to the J "In the conclusions of the confer- j stitutmn must have had a pretty fair j Hi . T.T1?. VtCS n tm,erenCe whidl b.Klie, Demo! ence touching the numerous items conception of their duties and obliga- I ue irini i.allot, which was a dimn cratic nrinpi.Q en .iirAnii . i .iii .. . lThn:r ai,.. i,v ..W1J uwi inu.i.u nui uewuaiucrea, lue people Hons relative to the scat of govern! 71 WO L SZ2 rrr IRORJ AND BRASS CASTINGS. ce a' d cannot. I r-...n .- i . ! . ........ tline-teem in wtiirih ho ;a i...i. : ., . - . .....u t.MI, iUir ,utere3l wu, ,nenL dUtri. -i i,s. " . 'ie "'rpla, form, and in .very .. itiicmuereti tbat ui i not go into the eonvention wav ' be neglected ft candidate. in Harnett an I t'.e third d strict. as . niifostati.m of the ennfUpn.., - . w v. v. a tl VU:illOI, I fiiimiimmion.l V . ...... r .. : . 1 .1... .1 t . r s -m . . () W V AAA I : v I - . n, . I .... . ..( c jvi-ij.-. S!.i!ii"nii l ho tirovision t ituc. n :ic1 i Pssit.le declared in favor of thfl frP .'Gneral rpsnlt r... . .. ' ; to ca.l on me. Iam agent for one ! c .... are tne LHstr.ct i U Huni'jia, as soon as ; . , w , . . . itiouof raw materials. We ; concerned will I,p i.t ..i...... .... . ..... , . , j - ,t wool factories m Nortn n . . i"-1'5 ""lue u.e governraeni came nere, -muter i Carolina f'm lin-o it f-,t,i c...... ilet.osi I armoy prevailed in aM agn an i again promutd that i.esasies and cmf..rt en-icr iti ,- , r, n ' 1 the deliberation, .,r tL n ,i . , . co,m..ri ea-.er wlUl. t!,e feXciuslve jurisdiction of the Con- and wove, or can exchange t for and it T Z dav r- bC nCC,,rt?ei 10 Ur ! lhdr ' better gres.- To all intents and purposes 1 doth. Respectfully. j " v.viu7vtL-v n.iii mil- n-.ir-; ...-.. - i 1 .- ndtriumoh f- V ' aiior! v, ti,sC ht 3 i)r.tnc, l3 a government resers Vcr IO' e Democratic party was invested ; toil. v,fi 1 . . . vati.-n. Ihe bulled State own? . with the power to delermi..d the ! -n 1 .1 . : u ' e all know that a tariff, cover more V an h ll jf the real estate in I Taylor, Dunn, N. C. -- - 7 - 1 - i-a t 1 -- - -, n - 1. - 1 TJ,ayetteville (;- Tl n. op

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