HARP i? & hGvu CARit!s8.:'A FULL Ls'&E OF DRUGS, SRIUFF. TOBACCO, CI OARS, ETC PRESCRIPTIONS J. ID DEALING SHI GENTS FURNISHING- Also a Fine Line of A LARGE STOCK OF Also a fine Give me a call and I guarantee-that you THE TIMES. Plislishj:!) Evkuy Tiiuksday. I . ' j G35T-o communication will be afu-.-pt- : ed unless acc(mianied by tlic writer's j name. ' j t-iTXo subscriber's paper will be dis- c ontinued until all "arrearages are i.aid. I KrCamliilates'' aMUOunceinents will be inserted for $2.;iu, cash in advance. xr-.ivenLsemenis win ne inserted : at the follnvi::j rates : 1.00 per inch per L , ,. , . . .it i . i .i t t i in . , candidates for the Legislature and the moii'li. IJu-iuess Locals. 10 cents -per. s line f(r first insertion, and 71 cents for j ddicrent county oilices. It wa further each suc-edina: week. Special -rates i ordered that the Township Primal i'.s be in.nfe for yearj- advertisements. THE WATKKKD We have this treasure in earthen ves-j t- l, that the cxt-llein-y of the power I may In of Cod. iv. 7. md not of us. 2 Cor. The Mast"! stooo' iu his garden, Among the lillies fair, Which his ow n right-hand had planted AuJ trained with tenderest care. lie looked at -their g :iovy blossoms, And marked, wi h observant e"e, That his llowers w ere sadly drooping, For their leives were parched ami diy. 'My lillies need to be watered," The heavenly Master .-aid. 'Wherein shall I draw it for them, And raise each drooping head?" Iom' to his feet on the pathway, Kmpty and frail and small, An ea rt hen vessel w-us lying. W hieh seemed of no use at all. But the Master saw, aVid raised it From the dust in which it lay. And smiled as h. gently whispered, "This hall do my work to-day.-" '"It is but an ca'-tlien vessel, But it lay so close to nie. It is small, but if is empty: That is all it needs to In," So to the fountain he look if, An. I tilled it full to the brim. How glad was the earthen vessel To tx; of some t;se to him! He poured forth the living water Over his lillies fair, l:nul the vessel w as empty. And again he liHed it there. lie watered the drooping lillies 1'niil they reviued again; An 1 the Master saw with pleasure That his lalor had not been vain. Hi-ow n hand had drawn the water Which refreshed the thirsty llowers; But he used the earthen vessel To convey the living showers. And to itself it whispered, As he laid it aside once more, "Still will I lie in his pathway, lust where I did before. 'Close would I keep to the Master, Kmpty would I reniaii., And pei hups some day he may use me To water his llowers- again. In The Missionary. TOWN ANLr COUNTY- figy-w"e dislike Mie idear of thinning ruh-cril i but il has become an oho lute nccc-iiy with us, and we hope that all tvlm owe us will come farwanl and sct t Ie at once. We aie inifoinied that Mr. A. F. John son i a candidate for the sheriiN olliv. Mr. Johnson is a good man ami would fill thr ofh .-o in sin-h a way as would not only reflect credit upon himself, hut up on the county. That clever whole soul gentleman. Mr. .i. ii.i-oK-, ueaicu usio a nue wau i mellou la-t Tuesday, for whici we re- i. i ...mi ..ii .i. ...ii: i. uu oiaiiKs, auu win m ui.n wc u o.o S,H. W;i ;l .lauuiilcr t)f J. A. Stevv not object to his ,-cpeati ug such a treat arf of TrtvvilK.. vv e extend our -still we are no hog. i heartfelt sympathy to h.-r btdoved bus- Mrs. Janu" Kai,,,,-- .111 1 CmlH-r- land cmnty on the lihh. iust. and was leu rictl at tMlicr.s Chanel on the follow- ; l -l iv. Kevs. (i. Cmoir th ami W.CJrceo! the burial eivice To the :t-;::.d Mi l -e' 'ell children We ti epct S " III pal U . :ji Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. 0 11 ii n 1 8 x U II 11 GENERAL 8IERCHAR1DI5: Dry Groocls, G GOODS, NICE DRESS SHIRTS, WORK SKIRTS. Collars, Cuffs and Hankerchiefs. MEN'S AMD BOYS' CLOTHING. Shoes OF -AJlL line of Jadtes DRESS GOODS chichi am sellling at prices suit all will find my stock of goods perfectly satisfactory both as to quality and Very Respectful! v. " that it wonld please C a r 1 A v e r y and IFess Parker too well. O! thou crank. J Every tiling is jretthijr alon O. IC. I in and around Avcrasboro. The 'thirdy.s can hardly ret up a smell, and Archa Hays say he i a democrat riirht that h,. ,'iont want any Third-party voting in j(js , , r "OTlfTB-!. At V Coutity Coiivention which mot if T illnrrui tr. ,1 sf ltil.r Z ...... lonlered that ihe re ilar County Con vention be held at Tiilin-rton on Mon- ,iav the 20th. of Atiirnsr to nominate held in toe several townshiiw on Satur- j day the 18th. It is now requested by ! K 1 :...,...T . I. ... 1 1. .. t .1... 1,1 IC MIIUI-IMUni l Irl'j 1 fl. Illilll lilt II ' t 1 lie I several Townships hold primar ie under the rules heretofore observed on the 18;h. of August to appoint delegates to rore- jseiit their town-hips in said coirvntion. j This July the liUh. 1S!4. .1. M. Davis, Chairman Democratic Ex. Committee. An Important Event- Thi 'e was ;i very iuleresti.ig marriage here last week at the ic;i!e-.:ee of Mr. J. A- McKay, the contracting parti s ! being his sister Miss Mary Itoll McKay, and Dr. J. II. Craw ford of Rrle'gh. The bride is a daughter of Dr. John A. Mc Kay of this county. The, groom has for several years been -a prominent citizen of Raleigh, where. he is engaged in the j praeticeof his jirofessioo. dentist ry. j The ceremony was pel formed by llev. A. M. Hasscll. pa.storof the rresbyteri an Church here. After the cereinoiiv Mr. ami irs. Crawfortl drove through the country to Kaleigh. The accom plished and beau! if id bride has hosts of friends in this county who wish for this happy couple a long life of prosper ity ami unalloyed pleasure. We extend our congratulations, wihing for them pacific failing acros life's matrimonial sea. P08S. Plenty of rain in this ectio;iand crops are looking line. Protracted meeting at Pleasant Plains this week. Mr. W. P. livid spe. it part of last week in Sampson. Mr. John Whitenton. of Itiner, spent. Sunday at Mr. William Johnsons. We were glad to see our old friend and schoolmate Mr. J. 1. Stewart, of Benson. in this section Sunday Miss Mary Ilarmau after spending eveial days iu Dunn, returned houii' 3Iouday. Some of our boys went fishing last week ami from the number of fish they caught we suppose they had lidiermans luck. IL 11 Crow tier, J P. w ent dow n to Dunn Monday. Key. Mr. Gibbs, of lienson, closed the proti acted meeting t Xew Life cliurch Sunday. Mi-s M-iry Sexton spent Sunday in the Troyville section. Mr. Allen Shaw and si?ters, f Lil lington, spent S.iutlav with their aunt, Mrs. A. J. Uyrd. We regret to annoiinci.' that Mi" Jhu mie Knni-, wfio has iv-ru very sick with x-n!i..i 1 fever for some tr.ue, iu not on-! . i proving much. M.. II- II. Coe ami t,ai:g!iiei. .mi- mi . ! liosa. attended the ju f.terly meeting at Olive r.mm li church Saturday aud Suu - day. We feci sad to announce the death of Mrs. Jcli : lie D.'.uiiug, wife of Mr. Vau- ! del" Denning which oecuiwd last Friday - he NV;V :l v.i;- worn ut i i t!ie bioom of Vf ,oVf. , a.l(, ,.,.,,,.,. !)V ;lllw!i0 k,;cw I l....l m.v t, .H-r.nlue.l survive her. May theV be prcparetl i met t Ie r in heaven ".vi.eiv thei will be u i more sorrow", hut all will b ainhine S:;'oks. li'e for j and happiness forever. Personal. A. s.j..ais is :i oi. r. ih" I.e";is!.ti ore. d: '. 1 . C.r.i.n lef: A.iliVl!!r. ' Children Cry for Pitcher's Csstoria. 'ORNTH GOSSSTIfG OF - rooeriesi eto. KiiicLs, T TUE ?spectfully, J. T Mr. W. T, Dapree of Dickinson wh in town Monday. Miss Fh.rift Vestal of U.-.leJo'h u vU.t. ing Mrs. Goodwin. 31 rs. Burke of Sanfonl, is visiting her son. Mi. J. II. Burke. Mi.s Florence Harper is veiling her grand parents at Uai per's. F. P Jones Fsm. is Mion.li, Ci-v,. . ry bi'i'land Sunerior ( 'ou-f . this vol.- M .. T T..". , .e ..ll l-i. " "; "K.v'' ,u vyoiui.i, vr.u, is miui. ins orouir, .'r. i . ,j. jenreys. " J Miss Minnie Best of Goldsboro, niece of Lee J. Best Ksij. is visiting Mrs. J. L. Thompson. ....... , . 4 M'-s J.vla Adam- of Little liiver Aca- , ..... . ,. mini kiuiittiiiitr ittni. i loin ii itii iiL'it Barm-i. v. i lIou.DMl. M. I.t,u. spent Monday and Tuesday i., l ayettevilie, attending :m-rl:ind Superior Court. Mes-rs Ralph S law of Killiuirton. and Byard AVi!l;.:ni- of, Baltimore, Md., spent several days with Mr. II. II. McKay this week. - Mr. and Mrs. E. L"e left hist Monday for Wilmington ami Southport, where they go to enjoy the sea breee foi a few 'lay1 Miss rviiHe Atkinson of Fayetteville, who has been spending some time in town, the guest of Mrs. K,. I.ee, returned to hei hoin.Mii l .ijetteMlle last batui day . Mr. Claude Godw in came dow n town :v f.-vV morning a grin on, and on inves- tigating, we learned that a risitor had arrived. Its a girl. Our popular townsman andmurchant, Mr. 1. T. Massengill and wife left today for Red Springs, where they will spend sev eral days at that popular summer resort. Wv'aregladto note that Mrs. J. IL Burke, who has been critically ill for several ds3's, is better, and hopes are intertwined by her many friends of her complete recovery soon. mm ?u:f-x'ii op ije. thhvv. In pUtiug lion. D. IT. iclx:4ii before the Convention on last Thursday for the nomination, our gallant young towns mail Leo J. Bet, Est., made a speech of rare irrace and beauty. U was re- I marked that no better speech was made in the convention. Mr. Best has a b'"i!t future before him; aud Iris already at tained success In his profession. He is evidently a line scholar, although he makt.-? no effort at frothy di.-play; for he is made of sterner simT a? a lawyer he is w ell equipei"; as a democrat he is above suspicion; as a gentleman he issanspuer, sans reproche. A WMEOr ORATORY. The speech of Dr. J. A. Hodges at our late Congressional Convention second the nomiuotiou of Mr. McLean, was a gem indeetl. It tlemonstraie'l the fact that orators like poets, are born not made. Dr. Hodges is a Harnett boy and we arc proud of him. He attai'.ied distinction iu his ow n state iu the line of his profession; and is now a Piofessor of Anatomy in the Medical College of Itich- inond, Va. Dr. Hodges, pre-euce at out i. cideutal, as he was convention was merely at home on a visit; but came like an intellectual sun-beam upon the floor of the c invention. In portraying the loyal service that Hon. D. H. McLean had rendered the democratic party; h!s life long adherence to the principals of I the same; Dr. Hodges wa trulv :i'iiime. It a pity that men of Dr, Hodges rare gifts ij.nl iii ;e leiium- rative einidoy- ; ,,tiu.r Sf:ltes .than thev can re- j (. .ivo Jn xM th Carolina, for v.e i:ecl j ,,H.m .it j,,,,,,,.. But whatever success Dr. j Hodges may have attaiue I abroad, he has lost none cf his J.iye for the home of his childhood, or the tate of his birth. Ilis burning elotpi nte th other day .-how ed the bio.xl that coins e, Li? vein; and j lh(. Ii;itr-,t,llMn th.u thrills his heait - I'he Congres-ionnl honors of the 3d. tavi;,s ,.,, ,,., ,,. ,,.,a.leri; ! of r!l(. 1Ioil. .Mm G. Slmv of Cu.nber- i laud count y, it will not be amis for us ' j to introduce him to our re a lers as they ' j are exp-cted to ivc him their undivided suitort at the in xt ejection. J j Mi. Shaw i- ab.;K 'At years of ac; is ! .he sou Puueaa SisaA K-.j. f Seveu r -ti --r IV.wu-eip ii. ' iiulx-i la .d. 1 I i-- ; . i irressi;:;il none - ' :4 !...t :ll (it'i-c-.-i-ani i.A the hl s;o:-k . Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. : OAROLINA: I HOSE, NECKTIES, VERY L0WEST PRICES- prices,;marked to suit the times DUP'RE'E, ! of Scotchmen who nearly two centuries ago lied from the fated-Held of Colod- i le to seek an Asylum from tyranuv a- midst the forests of what was then con sidered the upper-waters of the Cape Fear. These scotch a ten were people of tlit: highest attribattis of liniwutv tu j love of God, their church and their conn- j try. Mr. Shaw- is a lawyer by profession, was r.uscd upou a farm and knows as much aout the interests of fanners as the interest of his fellow citizen- I. . ...... ! in ottier walks of life, as :inv m.in nt lit af,-e iu our district fr .li u.- ct-in,! ui o.u iiisLiiti. sn.iv. stands j well with his neighbors, which is fiv best t evidence of his worth, lie is the conn- 'ty attorney of Ciunlerland and looks iwiih faithfulness and ability after the ;;,.,.,,. r tt . " , interests of the tax pavers he was elec- ' t fvo v"ir ' demoi-iacv j through the third district with very tlisl tingu district by a Jurat majority over the .... tcy coiiioiuea powers oi republicanisni ami third partyism. Tw as this service which o strongly commended him to the sup- , . . 1 portofthe convention that nominated ni,H- Now that we have put Mr. Sli iw I,, tl... il, .1 1 ... .,il i.. ii iiv- iivri oui till rJ' Ht ll.-s r V L to work to elect him by a good hand some majority: and thevebv honor a worthy democrat and at the same time , " . , - atlvaueo the cause of democracy. Let j 5t ,U)t j SJj(j t1;l(. tju; f01.tuuu 0f ; ,rrslllfI . ..,, v ,i: stI.: w;rh :.ll its j gun-ions t radb ions, with its brilliant. pavt, and its hallow ed memories, shall be , , . ,, re-committed to the control of her cue- mies by whatever namj called, or under whatever flag the' may light.. Whon Baby wu tick, "mo gavs her Cartoria. VTheo she was & Child, she cried for Castorio. When she bcame Miss, Bho clung to Castoria. VThfcu nho had Children, she &ro thoiu Castorio. BUSINESS LOCALS QPTTOrF books a!I UvIlUUlJ school sup plies -at Harper & Hood's. A fresh lot of nice candy iustrecefved J If irir X- IItwls TURNIP SEED, A lot of new turnip seed just received at Harper & Hood's. How About This? We will give one year's subscription ; to The Times for the iir-t watermelon ' received at this office. We will also . give one year's su scription for the !ar-; "rest incllou. I hey niut be yrrown in ".larnett.or adjoining count i-s To the Ladies of Harnett County- To any lady who will send me one dollar 1 will send one month's tent nenl of a perfectly hannless, vet wonderf'it ! lo.nc treatment, which really cures the worst ft in of Female Weakness in Na ture's own 'vay. or for live dollars I will send six months treatment. Very Ue. pectfullv, Mrs. Martha Li.idley, Cane Creek, X. C. jn-2 t; m. in TH1-: i):-. UK n 8 iy or i . i.acc". iUU Pnx.t free; $." to (U .i.orpl-.inc r whisky habits; $'2 'or .'orirg tnh-icco habit. AdU. s It. WKSON. Fleming. T -.xas. ; jas. peaiisaj.l; COTTON BUYER- 11 E P K i; S K N T I X G nrrti.(i nrr onn'-i-T n n . f jfSK 1! HRB fli -rni-Nv 7nm.v Foii 'ovrs, W A I ) K A X D G O D V.' i N , X. C. Ii hi, l. i. Hugo's is uj; S - re Dp Or. M md.iv, the (it!. dav of Ai:r.j A. ; D. Jii. I wii; ,- :,t the" Court' Ilni e Ir.fr u: the town f J. lhnirton, to the hLr'ieM: bidder for Casli.oii- Jr-iot i.l land S i:i Ilanutt Count.v. containinj? a o,:t J": fry feres, ami h-m;ded a follows: ! Adjoining the lands of Levis B.i!-y and 1 j others in I.iiliugtou Township anil foil ; further dtscription see mortgage made j ; !y Defendant t Plantiti to satffy an j execution in ni hands for 'collection j j Ke;ahit David Mereeison and which has j ; been levied on said land as the property I o: said Ilavi.t .Here Jisou " C. .VcAitan ! w,c, . ; j notice, j j North Corolina, Hansen county, J. J. ' ; Wade v. M. 11. Fouler and w'fe, Juliet l.'Fowlcr, O. K. Turlington, and William 1 been ! of Harnett county which Is an action of i ejectment to recover the possession of ; I'liiu in uiim- iu ii.li mui tu 11:11 ! J in which it is snid that vou claim an in- j ierest; you loth fsn tlu r take notice that ; that you arc required to s.ppenr at the next term cf the Superior Court of Ilar- I nett comity to be held on the 4th. Man ! dav before the 1st- Monday in Septem- ;ber!8)4, at the Court lloiwe of said j County in Lilhnyto s, X. C, and an- swer or demour to the complaint in said j action, or the I'Jaintifl will apply lo the Court for the relief demanded in said ' complaint. Done at oflleein Lillh'irlv,!!. j the -J.l!i. day of .June 1S:4. ! ' Geo. K. Prince, Clerk Superior Court, j I F. F. Jones, Fh'.iutirt's Attorney. j ATLA.KTI0 COAST LIKE. j WILMINGTON AND WKLDON i AND BRANCHES : AND FLORENCE RAILROAD COXDKXSKD SCIIEIH'IiK. Ilatc.l Jan. 11. 18.7t. j TRAINS GOING SOUTH - Xo 23, daiiy, i Mount nt 12-55 a iu: ai-riv? at Tr!HHrt i-x't a I ! Soon? at u a nniei-rS i 'arve I ! .iay. ''ave Wi-ou ata-om. in; ioavcvicMd-1 , arrive at vvifniU5Ston at r,-.S y m. No rr,!tai- ! ly, l:avc Wcluuii at ;;-rl i m; arrive at Kocky Mount 10-4 1 i in; icavt1 Kociiy Mount 10-15; : leave Wilson ll--.f: Kavc Favcttevillf. 1-1".: i ci.iiin iii me superior Louri., imiuv. I I I fS ( i Mfn ll (1 H fl T YITYl XV.JJ JLJ JLXiJL- i ssssr; lillff hTflliilllPn M FIB- instku- i ' . . : ,. i . u . t a. v iT f e m f . i c m - k K vn i n m l m ii itii nciiuu cm men ;is me uoovc n;is ff.i3a r in w: i t ii i it ii e i i i mi'iui commenced i-i the superior Court U 1 U U W III UiiWiiU U. A UUl 'lllJVLN JLO. . : isave itoeky Mount at 0 a m; lave V il.soii at i ' Suf' arrive atUMd ukiJu ! Vo take pleasure in announcing to the public, that we have enlarged , at in-'io a in, tNo 5oi,N v and Florida sie!our tore, and have raided materially to our tock of Drugs. Wo can fu : hVave'iye anything usual1 v Cound in a fir9t-el-'9s Drut; St.tr e. In addition to our i large toe.! of DRUGS, C'KdlCALS. PATENT- MEDICINES, Ac. i TRAINS GOINO NORTH No 78, dai!y, ;, .;ii o ro H.,o nf TOII AUTH'! Vv; PWfc'TlMVRY SL'I'Aw i-avi- rior.Mci i-m a m- i.t.vp Favfitovii!,' i w'" a nice Jine ot lUlLbl AlulLLfA trv.r U MtL.l 1 , olA : ,0"27 a ",; K'avo Kehna 1-i-lo a m; arrive at Wilson l-do a in, No. iH, daily, leave viltuiiic-- : ton y -oo a iu; leave Mag-noiia io-.o a ui: h ave : x'rdinieav; wiKnf-iSaiiivVat i aoaiit;-oij. iu: nrrivu ww.ion s-n i. m. No ; ll,dail., leave t lorcnec 1-0. i m; lave Pay- 1 ftteviiie j-nu m arrive wiim-n ims i m: ,t Sleaveitky". : wHd'-m l-5.:i.in; No a. ,iaii,i.-ave wiiiiiiny- lo) --oo i m; leave Mai-oiia - 7 i in; leave , 1' Sll li.jinmMMro K..tti.v;n. - x nm- iu-i-iv : wl,so" -xoa m: arrive weidon h oi a m, ; f Daily except Aionday. Jliaily exct-pt Sun- iiiy Tlios trains carry only flr.Jt -'?.ss i-assen- . .... , ... .... , .... I g-ers JiuMiag tnliiiian accoiuiiioi!i.t ions. 1 1 a-insuii r.oii.iiiii ifr imi:on nosi! leaves Weldon :s i m., Halifax i oo i m. arrive at : eotlniid Neck 1 j) i;;, tSreenville ii ;-7 i in Kitten 1 35 v m. Ufitarn'.ii,?, h-avos Kix.tou 7:0 a in, Ureei.villo h a m.. Arrivinir ;it Kal- mm sundw. i Twins on Wasliii f-ton naranc'i leaves I W&sliinirt on 7: a. lit arrives I'lrtm-lo v.ati p ! ni.. Tarlero t:',0 a. in.: r tuminc leave.- Tar- i t-tiro !:i0 1. ra. fai iiielo 6:10 p. in., arrives i ; wushhiKtoii ?:5 .. jn. Daily e..j.t Sunday. I i V.0',!,T,a v,lin tral,is on 'Cot,a,,a RtCK i j Train leavos Tarloro, N. C via Albemarle and Kaleiifli K. it. daiiy, except Sunday, at J r: p. ;n.. t-'uixiay H:oo i. mi.: arrives Flymotli I i n::0!i.m. iiSOii. ni.' lleturnnij? leaves l'lym- jotii i!aiiy. except J-'umlay, : : :o a. ni., Sunday i ' y:30 a. in., arrive 'i'arbory lo:x5 a. m. and 11:1.') ; a. in. ! Train on Midland N 0 Branch leaves Golds ' loro, N. C, daily exci'it ui.vlay, o05 a iq; ar- rive Sll; it!.!:.-. 1 N C, ISO a iu. Keti-r:-; ; leaves t-uiitnt'ivM, N. C. 6 00 a. ui. arrives I tiold.loro,N. c. a ;0 a. m. Train on Nashville Branch loaves Rochy Mount atJ:-0 p. ni arrives Nashville 5:05 p. m ., Spring liopo r::.0 p. m. lieturnini? leaved Spring Ho-e ?:0j a. uu.. Nxshviile f :3r. a. m. arrive at Kocfcy M-mut 9:15 a. mdally esccj't Sunday. Train on Latt a Branch Florence R, K. loave Latta o: -0 p, m.; arrive Iunlar 7.40 p. m. Kc-tuming-leave Dunl.ar C:"0 a.m.: arrive Latta f.KJ a.m. Daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branrh leayes Warsaw for Clinton :aily, except Sunday, at llMKia. tn.'Re turuiuij L aves (.'liutoii at i:00 p. ni., coimect mg at Warsaw with main line trains. Train No. 7S make close connection at . m.'pI- ' don for all poi;ts North daily, all rail v j mouth and Bay Line. Also at Kookv Mount j I Kichiuoiid and daily except Sunday via 1'ort with Norfolk and t.arolina ltrilroau to? Nor- ! diUy'exc'ert'unday!111 '-s,'or'" v'a ,'r"t J hn v. Divine, ueji i Mipt. J.K. Knly, Oen'l Mro igpr. T. ii. Emerson, Trailic Manager 5 233f2Sa-552iSJii. it wi i 5-1 1 - i .1. II. Littcll. attorney a id Conns llor iu Patent, Trade Mark, and (."tipyrigiir (J.is's, or-o.siTi: i'at.;.n r ofk.ck Wa.-iiinoiv'X, D. (;. Over twelve years experi ence, American .-iid Kmiu patents. Coveat.-, and ail bud ness arii tg under the patent hivvs noiii;tly anil earefull-proecutl-il. Ri j cted eaes aeco: ded sp'cl.d attention, write lor iiiftuui:itioo. Up n rcvi-ipi f mot le or sketc'i of invention. I alvi- us to parent without charge. ! MVr! shy i;F i mm. Includes the CoU.-uv, the Univftilv. the Law .sm:1 ool. the Medical .s. inol and , the Summer H hool for Teachers. Col- lc-e tuition $itu.tf() a year; board 7.C0 tn."0a month. Ses.-ion gi :s ep tcinber tii. Aiid.n-s iis;;ain:.? r v?.--'2 o., Chap d Hill, . ( r HiH I liiit'J UL'H nillkkw .S&' ' CiU13?ae will eiiiwui wujwt v.u . - . " Dr&flStotfs Practical Business College, Bock-lceecin. Shortiiard, Perm n ship a-d Te!fr ersony. We fpend more iaone .u the : loeweei oi ocr fci3?loynieatDpur.mat than half ihe Etuanes Co!iec3t3keina tnivoa. 4 weeks by oar mt-thoa t-sachinsj book-keepine is ec,va! to 1 2 by the old plan. 1 1 taacars. oOd stnds.ti pasi year. no vicaiion: ent.r any time. C'ic.P Ioahk. .e nave ic-c;r.!y pxepart-d books esptc!il aaipa 10 HOWIE STUDY. Pect on 60 dys trial. Write ns and eTplaia To.:r wants." N. B.-VTe pay $5- h ,or ai va cancips as book-keepers, stenographers, iwHen. Clerks, etc reported to us, provided we nil saaoo. a i p f 11 f 3 f I l g Hi t I 1 8 15 J t L? ? DO YOU NEED A PIANO ? DO YOU NEED AN OKGAN ? rrpjT2 XSS A POSTAL PRICES. WO HASTY GOODS SOLD, YEARS IN BUSINESS, XAAOixiw BUYING AND SELLING. From one to three years for payment freight paid warx'anted will rent you one nncil paid for. -! WE ARE NEVER UNDERUOLD WRITE TO THE ! RALEIGH BRANCH OP j I MMX t DJTM Q jJ(j(W j LllDL'Lil IV UAlL0 0. il. 11ULUL, ! - RUOQl ! TIONER V. &C. ' ... , , , , . ! We have and keen in stock I Muili it Hrushes Facc Puwder- Tablel8' &ti- aud a li"e of CANDIES. Also ' m Aa Fiiie Clears, CnerOOCS, TODaCCO. and bnUII. ; . . Also LAMP and MACHINE OIL. and many other useful articles not men. j turned. , - We thank our ii'.niv friends f-r their liberal patronage, and icspec! fully Invite all to call at our Store w hen in iced of anything in our .inc. AVe are uware of I tl c str !!:Mcv of iiioiiey. and will make prices to suit. Come in ami see US Wbeili you come to town i " You ATTE'VYIOPl! O It 'j j SECOND EDITIONlvOW READY! lli.,IIls, North Carolina A COMPLETE -AND PHAC riC-AL COITKsK IN ( IKTIIOGUAPII Y. Kilt TH V, USE o? public: and private hciioolm. CnT5IM'G A LIST OF T-E PRIN'CiPftL PROPER XVAZS FOUND IN THE GEOtRKPHY anunr-iu ur ajKiti b , JLin-, ALSO EX TfciSIVE DiCmlON EXERCISE? AUD GL4SSSF1E0 L'STSCF ZXZ HIS, FLOlfl, .'.OUHTfiNS, LAKES, RIVERS, SOUKU;' P.UvlsEfST FAKXY NilGES, CO JRTIEF, TOWhSaHD VILLAGES IK FGnTH ' CAROLiftA, KD W'JCKa-3-E YCLUAHLE INFORMATION WHICH CA- KfJTBi:F3Ltn 10 lTSro, i.r ii-.nl. i wm.m ao-i."lA33?TrD BY STATE BOA'D CFE'CCATIO In ExciiaiiK for Old Spelter in u;. 1 . Cent. For Use In the Public .''cWl. ITITTIIELAIMJRVT. I!HT and firEIM-ST SPKI.Ll NO-HOOK IV 1 UK f'KITKH STATfcS AND IS roiTLAK UOTII 1TJ TEu'lCi A VII IVCII.-.. CONTAINS OVKH I'tjHH) FK ICTIClL f oKIa, PUHLISIIED UY, . Aifrpd WLiaiLs & Co.. Kin of all Bicycles. V i Light Weight and Rigidity. Every Ma s K.4 chinefu'.ly warranted 5 Hlghast licn:rs at t&s '5 tl 5cdc3 twot stamp lor or 24-page Catalogue A work rf Art. Monarch Cycle Company, . Retail Salesroom, Zn Wabash Ave. Q fl &AWS FOR CATAOGTJE AND BEST FACILITIES FOR SOUTH OF PHILADELPHIA. MILLER k Wii MGRS . itil uLLll U; UiiLL, .UUUO., RALEIGH, N- O. . , j. . , 0 . . oilet and Medicated Soaps. Comb. s, Rtspectfullj-, i HARPEll & HOOD. ATTENTiCAl ! I have, accepted the Ajfcncy for tli LIGHT RUNNING DOMESTIC SKW ING MACHINE. TUK BK8T MACniNK. THE MARKET- N too tW rrcmlutn at the World' ylr. vill sell thei for cwli , or on the li.xtalineui, idan. PI!sse come in and esamlnv. thju or if you will 1 t me know, 1 will cat! on you ml Bhy.v thcei u:, Kespect, uUy, E. F. YOUNG. Practical Spelling Book. AUY OTHER 200K. rimr. Sr :;:::: , Absolutely the Best. ft Superior flaterUl and Scientific Work- maoship. Styles World's Cclcstlan Eipasitlca. Lake nd HaLsted Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. ' 8 9$ 4

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