... - 'JAY AUG. 2. i ii.-daniet., Ld'-.or a nl Proprietor. akhfj-ioji." . his ij-:otaion from Sbakespear is ,-cdiousbc the card c! our, us be the card cl o r.r- v, . ,s nan. J. A, Frrn r- I .j . -.:.ieh aprc-ra in the Caucasian -i. c-injr hire so! fas a third party :. r,d d:.e for .Solicitor in the 3rd i. tidal District. It seems stran-e . .n suddenly some can flop over ,,w ne side of parly lint' to anoth ... Uty arced the sweet odcrs a p:b'dc office. Wo can stiil ai- i, -t hear tlie echoes of Mr. tanner fi.o.-ratic speeches made here two V-:.rs :iz., when lie in stet.i:rhn ..rii-s t,.ld the people that he bon.d -, ;s to. ue might cleave to the roof 4. his R-outb, if he ever uttered o -r ,ri against the principles f ihe ....,ciat:c Party-hut presto charge . the peopl of the h,.can spenbw no good to '' e j j.,, Dlslrict for the abundant sup t ,,f a Heinocratic Nazareth, but all.j tliL.y biiVe a)l times acconied me . .-.or patriotism and purity hav their j J lo difjcLar,,K tLe ditflcuU biding )!::ce in the camps of the j )jf ue oftice Gidionitef. rarewell brother harj ner vou 1 tve deserted the flag ofi -nr faMer, you have turned you- .! aek lir.o the only real personal and j p. litical friends, you l ave, and now j Tm are .-ha-in? the ignis fatuus of j nnoni.ev, huh looks to your i"-j uatcdpa20sointiiMnp.ro glittering, j but it will turn to aheslike - the p-! -:Vs of the dead sei, when you reaeti f .rth your hand to pluck it. When j 1 -on go to bed with "Marv-ann" W 'xk Kitchen ar.d others of like ilk vr u will find von w'U grt up full of fleas ar.d don't you forget it. The bottom is dropping out of the Pm.' s party, the jrood men who j'ii. od it. r.ow see that if they con tinue in iheir efforts to disrupt the Democratic Party there can be bu one rcu'r and that is to put the State of North Cidina back in the hands of the repulriran part v--!hi nvu't they do not desire, hence they were coming back to their allegeance to the party of Jefferson, Madison. Jackson aid others of the mighty ast v.ho fashioned ur governmei.t nnl s;ake liberty into l:einjr. Urethre, friends, countrymen of ihe e"jle parly we bes; you to come back and stand by the old flag; to keep it unfurlel lo the breezes of iieaven tteneath is folds victory over rad icalism e."n be won, and your State th-it you love more than party, officer seekers r politicians can be preserve el fnun anarchy and mis-rule. If you stay away the time will come when North Carolina will hold up 1 ei pory. accusing hands to you and X'-l i:n in tlie bnuage of the an t ie .t ptrphct -Na han, Thou trt th-m-k'i who ha h betraye vue into the bands cf my enemies." A gentlcm in who is a close ob 8.rer of public sff.urs in North Carolina and well acquainted with the trend of public sentiment, says that the present crusade by the Haptit aga;nst higher education will result in the opening of the doors of the University, ttie A & M. College and the Normal and Indus trial School free of all charge for tuition to all the b jyS-aud girls of North Carolina, He sny9 t!;at the people will i:)p w.lh nothing short i f thu if they once get hold ol the i lea that their children need higher t duca'.i. n an.l are as much entitled l it as the ehddreu of the rich. He ih nk-. in short, that the Wake For- isi People iu opposing aid to edu!. . . " ; hures to more than a hundred mill- euu.n ai i ie Lniversitv, have start- 1 ed a b.j'Miu ran?. It w.il.l ! ! lai .lv be a bilv e-im-nitT.i W 1 - r-- ! " ide'-.t, Melver Prof. Alderman, i lei t V';r.tor.. President Ho,;.. ,.v r eminent Prof l .hw. Prof Hill IW K-.,..,.J, " " ' P. little. Pr..f. Clax'.on, Prof. I , Moes and others should tak the ; Mump iur i:ie iree OiUiCAUor. or t' c y ti... : people in al! our public schools from the log cabin to tho University j N. O. C. 'Mil llfliit llOiii I J 1 ! What til? Pfc-'ty lias Done inca it Came Into Pow 9V.'r. Feu's Speech v of . cceptanco Be fore the Judicial Convention. It :r with pleasure that we publish Mr . I'o'u's speech in full, that he mMe n accepting the reDOinination tor Solicitor cf our District a3 clipped from the North Carolinian. Mr. Pou is a Democrat right and in !.is sr;ech deals out some very fit--.. ' a better man tor solicitor oi nis I District ihev will have to go out of the district to find him yes out of the S'.ate. In accepting the nomination. Mr. Pou said : Fallon: Citizens: I thank you for the honor you have bestowed upon roe. Naturally it is pleasin3 to me that after nearly four years of ser vice as the prosecuting officer of the state the Democratic part' should again designate rne as its candidate for that posi-ioQ. I accept the trust, and acknowledge its gratuitous be stowal. I wish to thank the members of Ihe hu- irrespective of party, for the and courtesy which at all , cha:actcrzej their action lov;ir ffly fellow-citizens, would ci,ar.c upon me a lack of gratitude if , f jn lhjg presence tQ repder f5ra. nrill ,,:(r. ocf ,n ra n ,of uny whoe people first declared to jti ev.orld that in some measure at !ki?,t j wa .Vlirthy t5ie conficient of ni fellow-citizens, that county whose I e p!e rather forgive thau to find a fault, the home of sturdy manhood, the dwelling place of peace, conser vaiive, but at ail times papriotic, whose f rst alirgiance 13 to country, but whose next allegiance is to the. Democratic party. I refer to the bani;-;r Democratic c-juniy of North Carolina, which I have the honor to eai; liij hi .jo. Nothing that I know of hs occurr ed to cause us to falter in our allege ancc to the Democratic party; much aas occurred to increase our failh, to arouse our enthusiasm, to make us proud that we are Democrat. Men should be patriots then par t;sans. Iu an hour when national li.e is ttrenvened with attack, when loretsn criminals fill the air with curses aud threats agaius t the lives of those in authority and with exul tations over the murder of the great President of our sister Republic across the sea, when United States troops juard the passage of mails. 1 protect private property and inno cent, life from the attack of the mob, when war is in-minent, where is the American: citizen, no matter what be his" political party who does not thank God that moral courage, lofty patriotism and genuine manhood are to be found in the chair of the Presh dent of the United States. Let there be honest differences of opinion from the policy of the President, but let us not fail to accord to him that which his political enemies concede an honesty af purpose in all things and 1 stern determination to do what seems to him right. No President ever had a greater task before him than lid Mr. Cleve laud when he t.ok tiie Presidential chair. II13 election made him the re cei.e of a bankrupt government, rendered bankrupt by the criminal extravagance of the Republican j party. The surplus left by him in ! th-j Trpiinrr amountincr in not nil ions of dolli Urs less than four years befnre was gone and there were acs tuullv no avilable funds whilh which i ! ; lo moot tho. demand.-, upo-i the gov si What was he to do. per- mil the obliat'ons of the :overn- , . T, . . mot.t t- go to pro.--'; rt-rc-d bv r,- .j?ccs.-nr In '-flit, the champion figure iiU2ler of the - world, iir. . t. a. lisie waa forcea to oorrow enough money to meet the demands made upon tho j 2!Vc.-n me nt. Those bonds v-.-ere only j issued because there was not enough ; money of any kind in the Treasury ;0r either gold or silver to meet the obligations of the governm :ut. What else vii uld any sensible man, any business man have done under the circumstances? No one claim that a single dollar of the money Las been improperly expended. But iho question is ashed, what has the Democratic party done since it has been iD power? Some of our Republ cian and Populiat friends actually have the impudence to ask this question. Thyy commenced ask. ing it even before Congress convens ed; they have kept it up sever since; and the last husky whisper of the old dying Republican carceass will pro bably be. what has the Democratic part done? Weil, what has it done? Is there one of us so ignorant who can not tell what it ha3 done? It has dis covered twenty "five millions of doK lars of fraudulent Republican pens sions and has cut them off; it does not lie about the condition of the Treasury ; it has repealed the last remnant of a Federal election law; it has provided to raise thirty millions of dollars out of the plethoric in cornea of the country (much to the sorrow of our Populist friends); it has passed a bill reducing an unjust war tariff twentysfive per cent; it has placed many of the necessities of life on the free list; it has provided to make farming implements cheaper; it lias saved to the farmers of the South nearly half a million dollar on the item of cotton ties alone; it has treated with justice ever' part of the union; and it will provide for the coinage of both gold and silver as the money of the nation; this is what it has doae in less than a 3 ear, what would it not accomplish for the people if it had as long as the Re publican party? These hypocrites pretend that they expect us to undo in less than one year all the rascality that their ingenuity devised iu thirty years. And when they almost lose breath asking what the Democratic p. arty has done they actually have tbe :a'ro- gance to accuse us of failing to pro vide for the froe coinage of sdver tnd failing to repeal the tax on the issue of State banks. Well, ia that tleir businesis? Were they in favor , of either of the3e measures? One of them asked me about this the other day. "You failed to pass a free coinage bill," ' said he. "Were you in favor of that measure," said I? Oh no," said he. "But you failed to repeal the State bank tax," said he. "Were you in favor of the repeal of that measure," said 1? ,'. "Oh no," said he. "Well then what; have you got to do with. it?" . Rut they 3ay they want to get into power again to givft us honest elec tiohs. They give us honest elections? They who more than once stole the house, once the Senate and once the Presidency, they give tia honest elec tions who carried the ballot boxes in this very county to South Carolina to be counted? God forbid that our elections should ever again he givan over to that set of men. But they want to reduce taxes in North Carolina, who believes they could do it in the first plf.ee and in the next place, who believes they would do it if they could. The taxes ate less in North Carolina than they ever have been, even less than they were when cur great and philanthro- j bic and economical Republican j friends were id power, less than the j taxes ofanv State that touches us ! and as little I dare say a3 the taxes! i of any civilized com unity on ear.h. j Again some gentleman has dived j down iuto the depths of this sarcasm ! and resurrected the expreaion that . Trm ana me party, wuereas lue let the Democratic party 13 4 a very good j ier developed tije fact thai the exe opposvtion party." We should thank j euiive, the House, the press and the him for hs very frank admission. people wanted a somewhat more j It 'has been a great success as an oi,- : ! position pa: ty; for thirty years it opt nosed UenuUio-wi exiravauar.ee, i;r, I 3 1 i j posted every a. umpted yio!uioii of ; the cointittition, opposed and defeat. : d two f :ve bi! finally it.-.e:f liccaaie victor over all i-ppi'siii It ha attended me funeral of ail Us it. Th-rt-are idd me i i-c;e to day h.) will live to act as bearers at lLc uutizI of the Republican party, who will li'c to see the name of that party become extinct. Fellow citizens, let us address our - selves more earnestly than ever to tl, nnrr&'inrr rS nol'nn..! "rr.nrf; 1f us be true to our principles, let ua choose leaders who will eagerly enact into law whatever seems to them good." .A tariff for revenue only, a tariff bill mire and more perfect until the exact revenue point is reached ; the free coinage of both gold and and silver, a safe elastic, currency beyond the control of any power 00 earth save the people, a just income tax, the government economically admimstered, let us be faithful to all these principles and success in oiir3. Let no traitor write upon our ban ner any such' hypocritical inscription as "protection to Amercian indus. tries" nor those other words of da lusion and folly "protection to Amer ican labor," but every where embla zened all over with letters of living lights as it floats o'er the land and the sea and in every wind throughout the whole heayens, let U3 inscribe those other sentiments dear to every true American heart "Equal and ex- act.justice to all men, equality before the law and equal opportunity to all citizens, States and sections." These, mv fellow citizens will be the svm j - bols of permanent union iud eyerv I i akin T Senator Jarvis's Motion Carries ths Tariff Bill Back to the House. T " Carolina Personals- Washington, D. C. July 26th. 1691, When the tariff fifr'ut was st its height Senator Jar vis moved that the bill be referred back to the conferees without construction. The motion was accepted by the D ember iTio ci.u 0011 the cus, and yesterday afternoon House. Ihe Secretary 'of tne S.n?.le, Gen W. li. Cox, was so much inter- eated in. the outcome that he took the bifibver in bersoa. Five minutes afierwuod'it was locke-i up in the safe in the Ways and Means Com mittee Kom. Monday the conferees witt begin "work again on the bill. All sorts of -rumors are in the air, about noj bill this sess;on.''.. The hcfSlQ38 antagoniam. of Gormanites and the Administration aud such' rubbish. . Mr. Cicero W, Harris, who is one of the strongest and most un swerving of the Cleveland men in this city, as well as one of the xn&t experienced of newspaper men says th Cfiarlbtte Observer : "A reoipro- ... citiy "arrangement as to poal;- the iuafTtluty .to be 45 per cent, ad velo. rei fhstead 'of 40, the differential duty to be eliminated and the plan ters to receive twelve-twentieth oft the present bounty of two cents per pound. Senator .Smith is quoted on good authority as saying that the Sugar Trust will be satisfied with the above, although today's papery state : the very reverse. . . , . The situation has been gradually J changing fer several da a. Ibenators in compromise mood. Kepresenta tive Woodward represents ;he gen eraj feeling when he state.3 that it woald be almost impossible to ob- i taiu much change in the Senate bill;! that it will considerable reduce the j rates of the MeKinley law in woolens j I an going ;nt of business the first j and many other articles, and placing j of January, ar,d if you jjsve aay work j cotton ties on the free list, lieli,, jAn, , thiuk3 Cleveland's letter hasaccomN ! plished great political good, to thia: If the letter has not baen written it d hav'j been claimed wita iuore : trade whicii will be rent, good and i -brce by our enemies thai the bill did j 3Ub3tancial. and vou viil do well to I ""t satisfy the demands of the i'lHcapl0n ,uc kf,fl,.e r,ar(.,r T ., Democratic bill bm could rio; get it because ' of four or five. Senators. They and n ft tlie Democratic party arc responeib'fc for any s-hort co?!fl. Tliere is some talk of a separate ni liter bi!i to put sugar oa th, free li-st 1 pniiisi: t! if l.'.O' tor the erectim ti.ey practice.4, but if. i.-t are puuiai 1 so ought . a!-o tie Alabama-Senators to b. fur what they have secured on .ua, and iron, Tl -is w W o ir-st rea'i ;.?v.;!e s-u lion i of tuc Situr.Mor- I have ever seen. ! Mr. Harris is r. the beat of terms ! with Hon. Win. L. Wilson. SpcaKer j if'-isn H'l't " Til. r.ilipr '.'f the Other! 1 leaders in tLe Senate and House. His long a&d fithful service :or tne- Hcmocratic party in North Carolina, his intimate acquaintance with the politics and politicians of the State, and hi3 unswerviug advocacy in a number of the foremost Southern papers of tariff and civil reform as taught by Mr. Cleveland causes such friends as the gentlemen referred to,l to speak mere freely with him on these subjects than bbey would to the average correspondent. ;l hear witfi great pleasure that Mr. Rower was renominated. He U a hard working affable and tno9t effici an, congressman with too much brains to have the swell head. Last week I met him on Pa. Ave. carrying an eus ormous bundle. 1 said what on earth are you toting around Washington on such a Lot day"? He laughed and said: -Nothing but a map I've got for Jad?e Wilson of Winston. You Lre not aahamed to see one of your Congressmen working this vray tor a constituent are yor?" "Notji bit of it" 1 aaswered." ' I like vou better S You couil1 Rot bl buDs Wilson nor work for a better county Fred. Woodward i3 another Con gressman whose head has not been turned by a brief term of r-tiicial au- thority and po:-ilioh. I ..hope he will be re-elected. I have been praying I for John Henderson's reubniinp.tion j by acclimation and re-election by a j majority big enough to give any olh e.r man the swell head. That is a disease he cau't take. Ui3 head was originally too full of hard, honest r.orsft nenae. . i t uo rct3 u3 tines ne ... . , . , i will nc elected speaker d uhn.next j Hou83 Mr. Crnwfiird from Asbvilie j aJstjict ia another r:?tn who bni stay, ! ed here and worked faithfully ar.d ef- j'.Heiitly. 1 boar v:ith f.a-nre thatJ j Uq w5iI b- ro,rs,uU:Cu He esorves j jp t i ir o?i his rrc-rd alone. Mr. Branch! s r? ! f i lias a iso done n ?. part by am con- ! :f. , .. t et niair in t he district. Messrs. Bumi ar.d A.lexander' having" viii.drav?i from the race are no longer factors in in the campaign, J nere is. a great deal ol Loan going the rau ads thr.t .'Administration men i, e. frierds of Grover Cleveland navel been marked for retirpment in N. C. I take no alork.in it. There is a great deal of gossip here about the fight between Ransom and Jaryis-.'. Itseem to ra-; thai the democratic-roasSes ought to setile this thing now at the primaries, and be sure that the east' has a senator and the west one. This hereiay of suggesting two from the east is an injustice no unbiaseed tar heel will olerate. Just ' a Little Amnsing. , ,.Itds ajiul,e amusing to see these little .;bob-taikdV . lawyers, (whom the Populists used to delight in abus i incrN rnnrnnrt nrnni'l trvincr tn crnt ' . J " tue ifopa to endorse them for var ous positions. The latest one hereabouts was a man named Farmer, and we believe he. hails from Rocky Mount. j Ho waut3 to be solicitor. He war. to late horo l-'ever.. as tlie "Stc-r- ! ing Committee' of the Pops of this " , , '. i county, hod already endorsed Ber ; ,i " r. . ,. T j nard. a Kepuolioan. Loniifn'rn ! 7V,. i AM GOING TO j have some line buggies f.;r the full ! wnere. 4 t TO T1 2'Z( W ; iGSiTIOisS GUSHAfU LEU : urd'r rSJ7 coaorr.. oar fxhb. S j?e j raialogoe will ex: 'ac wiy v ra i-ilitd it. J tril!!l02'S PfiGtiC-Sl 2Sl28SS CcIlCC, i nashv.lle, 7nn. write fsr csiaic-?w -23hy. We pf;nd ru-r n.c -n-.-- in ti. irt-.tat r.t v "ZCJti MOMS STUOY. i,Jps f. rig L "ii ; eit.-ks. c rt.-ott..j t3 ai, prooc e un same ' " . -.. , . ' 1 P Si P ! - i SEND j-5 t SI A N D lljfl! INF AC T E Y E R Y T fl TOBE-REPAIBED.ro. OWEm HOUSTON, AVI THE FIRE DlDiTT BURN. ME OUT AND I AM STILL TO BE FOUND AT THE SME OLD STAND, WHERE YOUR will B ill ifillliO THAI EVER BEFOllE PLEASE COME mS 3 WHICH WILL BE j" PARTICULAR Respectfully, Carolina JVTa-cliine Co. j j MAKES A SPECIALTY OF REPAIR RQfi AND BRASS CASTINGS. jcfayett-eville - (1 YOUR AN D VMACHINERYOp iiU ALL KINBs, 4 C DUNN, N. C. DP U AROUND AND INSPECT COMPLETE LN EVERY THIS! WEEK. 4 v IDTTl IT XTHMTV H PACT CHAMY 1 TV n lulu ni nuiuiimL uuoi. oijvio i Fif ult I, MM WE II,