' . z i ','!'!'p: .V"!7' "T - ATLANTA COAST LINlf THE TB WILMINGTON AND Vt,, LOSING UTi AND BRANCIIpV! 1 AND FLORENCE IiAlLPf,. CONDEySEn SCHKDrr At) TRAINS QOINO SHfrTTf--. - -- r r i n. J. If. DANH:i , LV.horuud Piopnetor. DATED j : Hue, ill s : .ocratic Nominees. ivr. Ciiif-i jr. tick; J (;;: ;-;vt-1, !"! .iu.'trt. W.i!r Cl.iik. o? tVik". Oweia? to my health, I shall out ray entire 3i ck of imrchan lise. vcu want slioc.5, Imt-s orani'thin iuiuy line you will save money to call on me. - . f S,i::;:h- ' A rr. is t - !i i r v. . 1 : , o MetkicLlurr. IT. It S1ATK T.KF.ASUKEK: .--'.imuel Mi Tide. 4.f r.n: ke. IF COiYiE OPE, GOW1E A.XJCTIQN' V it. r n-r-r. r i V f. f'T 'JliUAl V 4 Jl. ALL TO THE Vey respcclfoliy. 1ST!! 12 iS 1 liV iiiU r p 1 Q V: IT TUP j 11 A 0 iU U 0 Li b Li -f. ltU.V A. I. li.-a'-Iu of Ti.-aiitort. i I'. A. V.' oi'.i! (!, of Wilson. J ...1. i)ts.,7. (,. !i:m. of Cum'.eji a::o. 1. !i I,.- M. Cooke, of Frank':!. ; AllE OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE v It ""- . A o Oriham, I (jr::'iu..-. f . ; f 'iff , ' C". l. !:.-. John S. !!-tnfvrnn, of J'onan. J Jnvei'IlUS ;, .,.. U .IJ. limer. .;f Od.l.vi-U. j !;-. V.'. T. ra w font, of !I:ir-v...vi, ! and uy sF.r.i.ir'c our Other Holiday MONEY Books. ro;: . -riTnior. ori;-r ji;i;i': Yiin !". Tnakt from 2fi )t o ifAflo litTf on now r.ml 11." IIMinv-a. if on will j vH'.. us J i.c- f;r a f smvof.-sirig' ut::f t.r.r l-eautifai juven;! lidirtay.Nv.ks. We i me PEST TEEMS- AND BOOKS in ever IlLOl of l.iti'lin iii Jul iiistrtictivf storks v. rftten for Hi j Eia SsIpj! fall season is now Opon a, aa every body are m-Jilng pupwrfioa for. U.eir needs for .ho. future, and w.,i.h to say to or friend, ami ca. ttet oor stock of General Mirctondlse is ,w eomi,le 1JT1 nJ u Leave Weldon: 11.52 : 9-47 : ar. ivu-ii mi.j i;vk 10:2o : ... : Ar. Tarlxro... 2:40 ; ' :. Leaye Tarboroj 1225 ! ..: Lv. Rocky Mt... : 1.-02 :. 100 : Leave Wilson..; li!oi : Leave Selma....: 2:5S : Lv. Fayettevl: 4:35: 12.51: ' Ar. Florence j 7:25" 3:ix : "" i ' I : : : r : IS : ' s : : : : : :: : ::.B:- M.li liiv-i: F. I 011, ; f Iron. .1. 1 :-.:!i I "-- V. N. Mi..iii . f !lu kii!-!i:i-i. f.yxri.AU Iri , IiO fonts J.OO, r:i !fl (o suit nil ;i;-rs. Illd Ill-- . U. .'IlllCii. Ol :U-;T). ri-T.-l T o.m - - P-litn! Pnlnri . it ii'u . . 1 ' " 1 j. -rf - - - - x v t . . .i v if. 1 -- , H j Carter, of r.ii'Wf.Uil.c. .nvl v r-n-l ju fuu instruct -on atv.i : OUR r.;-:Al;TIFUL$4.M) OUTFIT TREE. WE 1AV FIiEIGIlT. iv.v. s :i.lf !Ton: "l);J.T11liit K. Wd.'.aii of v. :;.-o-... !'.. I!. W. Ton, of .John son. ,lhI --K. S. r.ukcr, of Alan::!:!; c. h Ui-. (. II. AI'.'mj. il I.fiioir. 7:li DI-.--N. A. Mi-Loan, of I;.!.---oji :s li !:-. Ksnory K. 11a jht, of I :ivii'.ii. !:-. -IV. V. lia-lx-r, of Uiik -. H th )1.-W. C, Xowl.m.l, of C:;l U .11. 11th Ii. I. L. Vv'cbb, of Cl-vcl n. I. liih Ii. Grrr a. Joiif.-, of Mi'-o't on: County tict:i:i. 103: TIIK SKNA'l I": lion. I. II. Mcl.oitn. l oll I'.KlMll-SKXT at: vk: .i (J. Wiiiiam., Ei. you shkimff; J. I). Rariifs. FOR CJ.KKJT: Geo. 11. Piince. Fi;t ItKCilfcTKR OJ." DKEDS: Thos 1). Stewart. 'or. TKUAsrnt:: W. M. Sexton. I OIt Cotxi Y SUl'.VKYOIt: 1. E. Green. J'OU cokoneh: no r.?; rr f 4.v xvx t:-s a ::y. v.'i: oivk rn.i. iN"3Ti:t-cxioN-2. A.ifire, s, I. BELL OH., Pnhlisaors, arc a little late in makinur anno,ncemt, but a, tbrnkin5 men we postponed buying until . set . ii s i itf, t a further, that never in all our uemcriy ci me tririu iejjisiuiinjii uuvi uv-cu juvuiv, auw -w nasi exnerience lave vrcbeen able to offer such a magnificent line of goods at such astonishingly low price, A " - "-'-,-";.':; OUR STOCK OF . LADIES DRESS GOODS AN D. TEIM MINGS w,re never prettier, and they are by far. the ehest Hot it has ever bn our gool fottune to offer you 1, x 'rur wv iirPTir!? SUIRTING'S TICKINGIS, PAN L'TS CtlOTH AND PLAIDS, at liard time .prices. ' : f. M.: Leave Wilson.: 2.1s : Lv. uoldslKiro.j Sr. " Lv. Masnolia-..: 4:1 j : Ar. W'liain't'u: 5.S0 : -. - r.M.j TRAINS GOING KcTrt h :. j ,:.S-- : : m ; A.Ja : " DATED : July fcth. 1iJj4. o : fci. : A. A!.: Lv. Florence-..: 7:30:..... Lv. rayettevil': 10:25 Leave .Senna.- 14:H : Arrive Wilson: 1:00 . P.Ml ": Si .... ...j 9:,(,; . -! ii'a'j 'Z ; !,o OoL'C ii-'UT no (.biiiraUo-i :o :t'y rin.tr, nionne. oilel or p.i;tU , r,,r folh.wi-- ringinct Doniocrnis of the St-.to irive sraec 1 V A N 1 1 1 TO I.KTTF It. lt has been a long time since a more patriotic appeal wa? ma le to the Democratic party tlian wiir.t is pn.bodicil in the cpeech o T)avi.' I'cnncit flill v.-hen he formally .jen (:d the campaign in Syraouis?, 2s. V. liill gavo conclusive evitlenee of hi j tvnr ami hroai mimkil st-Ueimu;-, t!iip when he fought a senatorial eh vije here in the tariff debate. His mine recently utterances in New York. ought to be repealed to tho Democratic poss fiom'the A'lanti. ea! eii-jue mid free from any f-r.ter.g- hr.g al!ii;nc5 w.h-itever, and Willi the i s iic tU siro to dischurc my tlutv to !, : v,'.:i'.e peoole nccrding to tho hu-t .,f my .':b:.ity. No party friend ; I :,;,- only lo ay tha. the past dif ! fi-rence shall bo forgotten and that i jll i.itvits' s. a!l sections, and nil fac I ioi s shall be treated faircly atKl i .liilxc. I have consented to make the I resent contest, not to gratify my "j personal ambition but to assist in ! :Mi! the Democratic cause which iisncr.r tsr.d dear to ray heart, and j with chilli I have been identified all ' m. OTlilioal life. i Ii ti. is speech U not the embodi i:e::t of patriotism T do not know the ni-nriint: of the word Let smaller :.o'.itiehiis follow Seua;or Hill's ex-j ample. A Government employe has stolen a package containing 50,000 two cent stamps. TJiij Graliam Daves, of Newberr, N. C, one f th mo?t ve. stilc an l accomplished of southern gentle -n v.i, is in the city for a few days return 11 r bom a trio to l'oston. He sys lie i' progressing vcr rtilh his plan to erect a mcmc-riai to Sir Walter Raleigh on Roanoke Iss .and. the birth place of Anglo Satn civilization cn this continent. At the approaching State Fair at Ral eigh, the trustees and originators of which vrc hope our readers will pon der wel i : A General Assembly is to be chosen at thi? election, nnd that J-cji slat tire, ui.-dcr she Constitution of this State, is vested with powers ! to reverse the political condition i t every county in North Catohm; tin' Legislature, if controlled bv the fu sionists. will Imve the power (and will exert it no doubt) to appoint magistrates in eyery county nnd to! increase their . umber in eyery conn ty until they control the Hoards of Commissioners aad Iloa ds of Finan ce (where they exist) in every county 11 che Stale ;thiit Legislature wii! have the power les 'urn ever the control of our great SUU Institutions to the Fusionists, it v.i:i have the power to dilivcr into the hand- of the Fusion ists our insti'i?Hons of leain ng, t.nr charitable and penah institutions, and the control of llie common schools of North Carolina; thai Leg islature riil havo charge o! tho bvy mg of the taxes, and the spend'mr of the public money for the next, two rv sati'f ictfi'ilv ' 3"ears Il!ive lllG P'wer u e:.a :t V I 1 HIVE JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FR09 THE SCHUYLKILL HlLLS.PHILlDELPHIft; HICE LINE DF 6LL-W00L GOODS SUIT- LE FGR r,UK!H3 LJD1ES CLOAKS, BGY3 OVERCOATS iC THEY AF.E BEAUTIES, AND WE BOUGHT THEffl AT 25 PE.l CEfJT DISCQUKT 0THE PRICE THE! WERE SELUSG AT TWJ MGSTH3SG3 WILL PAY YOU' TO EXAmUZ OUR STOCK OF ! Ladies and Gents underwear and hosiery. We bought a large lot of the above goods for spot cssh. and it is just surprising to see how cheap we are selling them. We also hav ? a tv.ee line of mens winking shirts and pants . .' ' ' ' . very cheap, when we say cheap, we dontmean quultiy, as we have n!y bought, A 1. go-rU, bat we mean chc-.t price. : i5 3 : A. M. Lv. Wilrui'ton.: 0:00 :' ..: Lv. magnolia-.: 10:io : iv. uviiisuura; Ji:.. ; Arrive Wilson- liuu ' : "M : I : : " . : . : : : o : r"5 : : : -M ! r. M : P,M.: Leave wnsoii.: i.io : .: i1:47;. inr - Ar. Hocky Mt: 2;13 : : iSH,f: ',;:- Arrive Tarbro.- i:40 . Leave Tarboro- 12:i5 : LV. Rocky Mt..: : Ar. Weldou-....: 3:13 : j P. M l 12: .: ... : jA.Mj f.m;i t Daily except Monday. JDaily esccitsujl These trains carry only first class raL-n frers holding Pullman accommodations Trainson Scotland Neck Branch Koaaiei Weldon 8 40 p ra., Halifax 4 00 p m. arrivI A Scotland Neck4 &5im, Greenvil'e 8 - n m Kinston7 35 pm. Ueturning, loaves Kinsinn 7:0a m, Greenville 8 2i am. Arriving at Hm fax at 11 00 a m, Weldon 11 20 a m, daily cepi Sunday. Trains on Washirpton Branch lmi Washin?ton7: a. m, arrives Parmele f w V m., Tarboro 9:50 a. m.: returning leaves Tar toro4:"0p. m. Parmele 6:10- p. ni., arrr?? WaMhington 7:35 p. in. Daily except hun.isV Connects with trains on Scotland j Branch, Train leaves Tarboro, N. C. via Alhpinirle and llaleifh R. R. daily, e.tcept Sinnlav 5:00 p. m.. Hnnday 3:0ft p.m.; arriws thi t , PKOri.nj. 5:2 p. in. Rr turning leaves I'ljx,. oth daily, excrpt Hunday. 6:00 a. m., Siinw, S:3i a. in., arrive Tarboro 10:.5 a. ni. audlLa a. in. lialn on Midland XC Branch leaves 0nH 1 oro, N. C, daily except Hutidny, or, a' mm. rive Pmithfleld M C. 7 SO a m. Hetuni'M leaves Smithfleld. N. C. t 00 a. in. arm,, OolCalro.N. c. SO a. m. Ti-ain on Kashvillrt Branch leaves Reeky Mount at 4;r.O p. m., arrives Nasiivi!I. in., Kpring1 Hope !:M) p. in. Keturirittlovii sprinjr itoT.e 8:0'J a. in.. Nashville r-Xi a. m. arrive at iUcfcyM .untl):05 a.m.. daily rxi-c.' Sunday . Trains on Lflt ta Branch Florence R. n.ieavi Lritta 6:. 0 v. in.; arriv e J.ui. bar .flu n. iu h- turring' loave Du.ihar C::-'ft a. ra ; arrive Uti a.. I nily I'iffi t Nan'day. Ti niu on '.'liutoii Branch leaves Varsaw for O'iijM!) nily , except Sunday, at 4: Kip. ni. lie-. tur..ir.g 1' r.Vi-s t'iintcn p.t 7: 0 a. m.. coimrtt Inj. at Wurnaw-iin i iaiu linetiaiim. TlRlll A'n. 7t ina!i riOtc JOi urCt!' 'i a'Wf! :ori for t.ll j'oints t!i da.Iy. i.U xi' Ji':jr:-i";iid nnd ta!y eeept M.ai!s via l'; n.-. lilOlll i ftrl.l U(-J I.tllU. Al.- !.r iU .' 'Hit with Noifol' Mid Carol i-a Rut1ioni ior Nor. t.i;t risiiy fti;d ali prin't. Noitjh vi-.i ..oi.'olil iljiily exr-'i t Suct'lay. J ih r. l;vin-. O' n'J y i. Jf. p. K. niy,Ji:'i vjii.-njicr. T. ii. L' ue. .-tn, Ti' .lHi; ati.ier U- J1038. calioard to the Facific slope; from i Ihe scheme uill meet Maj. Daves and the northern lakes to Gull of mex co. ; tmal arrangements Will be made as SpeaLir g of Hon. Levi 1. Morton. I to the siy!o of the memorial. The his venerable, distinguished and des- i lai d is already bought a-id paid for frvedly popular opponct for u'cr .lo-pph.H Daiocls. lq., It ft la?t n-ttorial honors iu New York he fit niurs;hiy for N irth Carolina. He tmnl aad gracefully says: J will he gone aboul ten da3s and will It is my desire and iutention t cuter actively into the canvass, conduct upon my part an honoralA ! Capt. Aiihus Ilarr.es has gone to i i 'i 5 m 1 an eufcuon law to 02 tr-mea i:v ti.; Fusionibls, and lo be enforced b,- , them at the next ch-ctio . ami it wiii i devolve upon that Legislature to choose two United Stales Senators one to se rve fix years t-r.d tnc- oilier to serve two years. If rre lose t' esc two .Senators v,c wi ii lose co-.trAl of the Senate of the United SUue. ' That Legislature vvi'l choose one i member of the I-tiilro id Commission i ! c n . ' ! shoes. noiu uiiiiiiris oj congress are to be elected, and ever' county op,r-e i t North Carolina is to be filled at th" j coming election. In short.our honest i and flUeient Judiciary is at .-.t'.ke;i the control of the United S .Sen ate is at strike, Never hn a !iatv gr.aler incentive to work than vrc have in this election. Nevr were the rewards of viclorv tr-jore satisfac- have e'ujoveJ a, nice trade in shoes for the last three years, lmt lids fall we intend to beat all previon ee.- We arc a'-Ml se'.ling th.i Fartnrs an 1 Grander fivor te Ttc. and the old reliable- Cockade city We are sole agents for N. il. PiJckaM Sc Co., Pr e phoes tor rseu we ii? ve them in all styles and i c are campaign, free from unnecessat ! WPsmn on account of the death of politico, and worth' of the in.por ' Ms brother. taut public questions at issue ho-j Senator elect .Martin, or Virginia tween the two pr r.cipal parties. ; was man ied this week to Mi ;s Lucy Facts nnd argumen's are the weapons! J);,y at 8 mill-field. Va. Senator Mar ii'.c'n I shall invoke, rather tlisn v!l ! tin suecr-cds to the scat in the Sena inctition. For ihe distinguished and te made vacant by" the death of Hon. vi-iHTihle .entlcman whoci the Lc-; .Iol:n Carlsour. Among vs gticsts pt.Uiieau party hai selected ns my were representatives of a uumber of opponent m the campaign or more j lea ling families in North Carolina aocurate'y p-ikig. the gentleman and Virginia whom Mr l-Iatt elected and whose) Tl'e liro'.iicrhood of StAnd,ew?. .e cetnthe ir.vcntmn sb.cqontly h hoon ln (u hfirc xUa .li l l it ll i v i t n-u ift -.1,1 .... . I i. a. mii.o . ,c ,.r.J?r 1 meet in i.on sviUe Hie rcs'.iil ! ' PC eoir.liH- C' best feelings and mo.t prof .nnd Pt-r lKv., Is,x, Ush Cheshire, Wxr ia doobr " ,cl'aK 1 aoMiowieage ' Key. Ih.h:. Slre ar n .tJH IMThl' I (Ilia II OS fill ! .mi niw I . . - . , , i iaer.t i i.ico pal:ans in "North I 'ar- ver given in tue ctate. e w ..v.oi-w i.i ,(iu o.r ma'iy etnirl s:t-s I i: . .. . )t r i , ilso sj. ing the ce'ebi;t,ei 0y State i)u2-, for men. tvonen and children. Our stock of h.tns 1; :.re con r,ie; c. tory or more certain, and never were! V fv 'arr-v s ss!cct s?ick of Ladie3 end Gents U.r.brellas, Dime Novels, Toys for the ehUdrea, F"ncy goods the resH'ts of defeat more iisa?trr.u j . or humiliating. No good ci:izo;i caa j J v contemplate without a s! nd ler ct the! posibi'.itn- of a fusion victory ii No j vembcr. in me M-iaion oi tr.is -omm nd Novelties, Toilet articles, riavoriug Extracts, F tncy an I heavy groecries, Suutf and Tobacco, Trunks and fW f U! .11 WWW lAIL i-jj ill Aiu) I iiiiiv i.i'l 'RAILWAY. colknskd.suiikdll::. 'Korth Rocnd. l eave Vi!uiti.Ktfi. Arrive t'ayetteviile Leave Kayetteville Leave. Fayetteville Juiictiou... Leave Sanford : Leave Climax............. .... Arrive OreenslKro Leave Oreensl)ro Leave Stoke.suale Arrive Walnut o'ove.... Leave Walnut Cove, Leave Rural flail Arrive Mt. Airy....". VsVf Y.I.. :i:n ..-y. 7 f ft. nu lii l.. " 10x7 " ih.:m in i'. p. m jf.B, " jn " 4M " SOVTH DOCXD. Leave Mt. Airy Leave Kural Uall..... Arrive Walnut Cove .... Leave Walnut Cove ....... L ave Stok.esdaIe... .... Arrive Urensbaro I-eave tireensboro M Leave Climax Leave .Sanford.. Arrive Fayettville Junction. Arrive Payetteville a Leave J'ayetrevi!le. A rrive W i Un i 1 1 Kt o n . Woktu Bound. Xo. 1. Daily .Sunday. Leave Benncttsviite... Leave Maxton... , - - . Leave Red sprintr.... - . j" Leave Hepj Ml lrT.... ;c ; Va'.ises. have just added a complete li ic of Glu-s warn- -cheaper than ever before oif-ircd, South of New Yoik. i ArriVt; FayrtU vjl. y.i:. a.m. 11 06 " Ui.xr. M 11 42 " 1 ..(.7 p.m. 1)8.55 " l.i'j " 1. 0 ' H.I7 ' 4.28 " i.n - t.t; " 7.15 ;:o.4. Oaily Mnnlay 7 1" a- n- f A " s.ro " Wo will our ; d many orora- I Si-c Uckel by the largest majority i m 9 m orQ r.,. ,.;. -l ...i in ta ,... r. :n , ... i i c uiv iji iuiiiiiLL! a .t .I'.i i'j lis. i:j iii ri. i v l ; i i i :t v v 1 1 1 1 i, t ! i t i n r i i i.J x I . v 1 - 11 w w ronderful bargains oe.ueo; to Mm lor many court' s h-s 1 1- - ... . whih I... iv . r. ; i , bna ana iirinia were present, nue tit w.is presi-lm ofheer of the - i .1-"! l . ll .ii! Senate Of genial disposition i rreent trip to "North Carolina uv . v-"v"'"1 - eoncede.1 business abditv an.l l ,r. . ' Atlantic Cnst Line gave me an Prur'ah,v cri the nem-cr o! j ' ! ability, and lar- e means, he natural U ot.r-Mc iv...i umm .-tu o it y to etdiiy one of the most ! f n..ij ii iiiiii.- : i . i I.;- .i: . .. ; h-v.nji'nl i !,,. imi,.,!K.;,-nn!tl' J uc Mti eciwus ah r--r he . which he may covet becomes m,.1-51 Uie "While City" with a gold ( Sutc arc ,,,at t, e vc turned j wh ca we a. e orfjri'oj for only five and ten cents. unset for a hack ground. As one against the fu-ion ticket d iev fotmiahle r.nd d Inferring to I,is bfe enemy the i !fklv N. C. Lailrorid for the j wlii Duri" u Wlieai:i a:1 ava an-ue -t ; present incomparable Chief lfsectw I V'":,s':;;:,-H'n Steamer there are the j in,ii?rIiu: Vu'es We have borrowed live of this great Nation, he says- lwin t5t5c3 f Norf.dk and Ports ! rength and gathered inspiration; President Cleveland' adminUra ' ,lj',ulh' lUc broa,! Klizabeth Kiver. ! frW5a lc-great uctory w.,n this sums iT lion in all of it departitents c.rn- ' Monroe, the magnificenij lucr b3" t!' Democrats of bur s-sti-rj mends itself to the warm admiratio J slretc!l of Haaip'on Roads with the j St!tc8 ol 1,10 SoulU Tennessee, j of all people. It has beeo ho, est crested waves of ihe AlaTic. all in Arkansas Florida. Georgia and Ala j UmsUtent and concienti..us, ...n J full .view. Under ordinarv condis buna where ticke-s made up, lihe t!u- deserves tho confi lenco of ti,'., p,.,'.., " lionv-ii. is tr.ough to inspire artist or '"ongtcal one in this Slate, h-ae hem Thcrerore you should rcraemhor i!;i Ibtt when tlic luminoos har i buried beneath decisiva. u;:.j rittos. p ie ofth., Rsueo. th,- people ar,. ' , n i spines ..ul in hai f orbed J l iu" returns fro a these elections show j piss u;k,m ii.it fuij , s.nV ui he-inty imn, the eastern ! oriz n and , 1:3 tliat ss " P'd t'al fa.'tor ti.e P ; t!ie approval ,r disapproval of M i th1 sating mid ill'tmines the west u!ist Kviveracot :.t tli- S mill is at an j Cleveland's ndmin;srr:lt j:i an l ,M ; -vi !, .iCa.it. g o:oi s oC crim-on. i Is j cn1- Ciatjai.- S'.;e.:esivcly ea-jh of ; the cn hirsoment hr.d a ..li s onc'ofthe ehoP.-et! ,lC:?e P'pnli carried; Which its W!v. ...:,...:.' Oits uf sPi'imti' r A mrrtrn. Am-nw'W ofthCUl. 1 hi 1 optl.ISt IHOVC I .ne of ns regret the spl m-li-l vde Kve Mr. CWvhn iu S.) 1 If ihe i..on::olion which 1 hve re-, blue-.nntly ae.ephd. under eiromn. Maneos nit!, wl i-l, vuae familiar. tball be ratified by the copte, I shall H I U T' I V P Thanking our friends one and all for meir liberal patrocag . in the past we resr.ccl li A A lv 1 A U fulfy at'. thesn to continue with us. We remain, Yours foil- low Fnrru Doi Ni. No. fa.ly K- Leave Fyetteville Leave Hoi.. MiIIh... Leave li-d sin-inH 1 l'-v .Ma vi .n Arrlr" Uei.iiAj ttvsvilie.- ' 7."j ' 4 VI V ra r.nr. " .OXK.". suni-v Ienve llaiusour - ... 6.' is w. Lenve Clm.ax j r. ti - Arrive Gr.nsl' r... J ' . L-ave Or rif-iori...... j 1 " Leave Slokslal 'if, ; Arrive Madison I.. Leve Mr.fllHon.....-...... Lave Pfoke"i.5l Arrive ir--iboro Ix'ave Ore-!oro I.ave :iuiax .... Arrive ltanj,4--ur...- r, r. .Vi Jit.'- i-siiy A't :n p. K i.s. - I ;.:-5 " i we an opportunity to iee il i tit; Ul lo do so. - is:ia rot 's i.irrri:5 From Chnirran P.iu's letter to the meut, at the S"."': or; 3 hecuue a more' Sideshow t. tie I'.e-ivbean party,! aad to the leat ropu'abie wiig. ,f j the Pepublie-tn pail at lhat. It f a- Soi l its. prim:; lo kit i-.'. f-r-Mir," s:;d ! ' wiib tins circl.-.n ir will di-apj-er Continued on 3rd pe-'.j T 8' J. A inn in t i n C L L L Jm ii I N X , I'OKTH BO U X I t '( N I.' ' '1 1 1 s. Trains il atd 4 eniturct t I'ayrt tf-vi'i" J:rt'fion vth tli Atl-int!.: i.ji, f.-,r . ; loir!. ts'crtn and Eat-t. Train Wo. i cnnrt- nt aRfr i -aritu the .hImn t Ir l.m, ;ir-r nnd FHth frfMjnd. nl at ' r.-Tist ! ft'i th K-i.jiS"nrt & furr'SI.', R. R. . r,,ni a;.l N.alli tMiuil.. anrt nt VV'ulnut (off witb l" Norfolk it Wegtfrn R. f.r Wlnstc n-sa;-ia. Trin Xo. 15 e nonets at MMiw. oi, t. ! Sortoik & "'tni R. R ,fori.uf.k au.i all j folnt Worth ant wKt. .lT? rL',n.-1 '"Oit-"tj t walnut crvc- wirh tbr,orfo! U VS,eM-rn H. H.. frr ii,.Sn,w ana all rouitd I."orfli and Wst ual a Ur : Niro witn thk aiebinond U I'snrtU- I?. H rorth and J.mh hout.'l. aoOat i-i.-ci O -Ibe seaboard ir Line for ail t on' .er aii4 South, and at Kaeti-vi:i. J.n,, itr r. iwrii tbe AtUntie ci?t I.tn- for f:-rU uu '.' i -oovil. ani al! Florida l oii.t,. i raia ' ' I "-:nn-e at -Vast on vitt tn t'tiis. r i i.;n lr C,harl-.ft, At2r.fa -! i. v

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