B JLJ new good at 3 E 1! G f. I S II A R M A C i S i II It i 13 d u r-j w , nr . c . E TOT! it a ii u I w n H Ti V t i 1 P ll b If j iu i I ! 3 ji o i i ii i f Pis OM Established I)r. How r Harper & Hood i' s.i!l on the cor-er .r Iir.-l"' l , .... I w!.rc you will find a (n!S line iDRiGS, PERFIiMBY, Till M!l!fE $!, SCHOOL " BiiOKS;-jGARlEK-SES?iGASya3?$il. --SNI1FF, CiJTit. ; - riviwriptioiia a'.Siecilty. ' 7-Ojs.ts ty Mail -Ui-clvt? lr.ij.t AK.-u.ttii. " . .Our Fall and Winter Stock of Millinery and Fancy G oods is now op an. I r"0' a,C nCWh:lVinS inSt 1,CCM rece!ve'1 fr o northern market, where th ;y were se!.,t,J with greac Vare -id v.--., of all the ,:Ut'st ov,!ti,S of the season. W have a fuIUine o! Tn"f?EFI 1 rvi ! I .TICI3T?;2i HATS :,,!i()xxKrrLimEs,3IKSI, .., .:,isi-. i.u,:s.,. tki.mmS,cs , UKS, W ,m ITBS-JIWFAXCV 1IR.I1 ami miiKft.'vs. LEE fe pope.; i. iW FURNITURE STORE SEOC S D DOOR TO LEE HARD WA HE CO. j wr will sir. l you nice new furniture at low prices, fur instance a jieal pretty oak suit with French BEVEL EDG, GLASS, BEAUTIFULLY FINISHED, AT r16 50 A GOOD BEDSTEAD FOR $1.50, OTHER GOODS IN rORTlON. TC'iMAKE A SPECIALTY OP INFAN lS -CLOTHING, ui-.r nc of Notions are complete. We have secured the services of Mi - V .. V - .r i , 801 -'U AJ.. '"''g "ho has ist returned from th '- , UCIC" more r.e;v modes of the Millinery Art- SSTCal! ami ,::liu,; onrooa,before purchasing oin,-S.rAr rzo CIMSOTE. "oreseecoml door from L,e Hotel i;NX, N. C, Sept. 25th 1801. Rocking Chairs at Prices to Suit Th.3 Timrs, Bed Xionngos fee- Dunn, N- C :::::::::.: THIS SPACE BELONGS T()::::::::::::::::::::::::: Very Bespcctfnlly, MRS- J. H. POPS a l:i:;i ) ! i . i - l i i. , V-'.-' j.. C i- !'.- Y Hi hi! f. 1 I . . . I . . , ? . 1 f ' '' 'V . a : i .1 !";' ! ' 1 i : , .M. ii-.i a;.- in v-ir I'jViD. k'-i1 i 1 . i : ." : i : JORDAN, JEWELERS, our? '. (. --- s.- -"t I !" i i;:.-.! - a iu- in ! - of hi- sr v;--.'.-s h. lh..- . a::-l us a ?.-r -'c A'lMiiii-'ti-alio!) of I he rotate ?y 1'arlit-s . v i,,J !s J- ! "t-nt .-(. t.t Su i-..-.pi. .-..;.tr.-t-H-l. Vili he be oouel!i;l.-i i,.-x(. ' :-t li;.-S::ii-:!;;"; ;. : ! ,. -v.' " r .. th l!t.it.-j-,"-. al-... u i ;-;::U" i.;ir,vIi- t.i:i-l 1- fHi:r.V i!l Hlv... "iOe. u'lJ SI. 00. Ik X TIT! H s ' - - s- in t?ll ""i TELL ' I with l!ie eo' V 11 YOli YOU YOU WHAT THEY HAVE, THEIR PRICES, FACTS aces iu t!; I iiou-o ofilfi.rt.r.-inutiM-s.- H-e never cat. r ' u'iiich cc,;j,"s?--;:'" li,xt Comity, uh! i U il aficr tl:- !i..n:in aM:i , !.it afin-hi-M-' "u 5" '''' ,(! ;:1"(,t ;l1 1 of 5'" v h ! ,v-. v ral of oui ymiM mou tO"k in t!i-, i if. ii.- :ir F;.v'fl! J'villo, 1:!.-! S.l t U !(' IV . .v :..i-.ri that it w i u su.-ce--. I .I'i-- ..... A!! who wi.-h to tnake. a l.ire salary ' iif.iiir.iatt-.I, he nc-pu;ii hVsaue Ii'.; Vas l'v' llUH :l:M to eoi,.et bac dues. Vm 3 now ami Chiis'.toas s.- in hi,- : ti.e ehoi.tc of th-; p.-oi)!:. fur this portion. -di!iko t!"' of tlonning you throng-! , ;-,,t :.-ohuun. advert foment of rf. I. land tu a!!, we ;tv. that iu elettuu? li.m ! tUe Palier hut ic tecome absolutely , Ufce.-sarv to tto .o. i:. i! ii. ( i.. l'iiil:ii!eljhi:i Ia. It ; you' will elect anothei-man against whom The attention of our leaders U ralh d "otour hlc-mi.h can he brought, amloiii We wish al.-o to .-tate that '.ve v ill con- Mr. I. .- oh! to retire from hu.-iues, iii ; lie aeeomit of his health." 4 tu- m ' i f Mr Fr-.n.i, Tee i, rli i n. la n ilUerve his people in a manner j u" l" ' VW anotner year ?t that they wiil feel proud of. ! ,v"ei lu ,,;MU umts ";ue t-" We now wish to ask one and all, fo -o I tl,lei1 to bril1 tlown the sneription to ont uhu-ar them, and whem the Grh of ' cenl-' Prickly in advance, but for le-s We return th-uiKs to Mr. O. W. Law- ; Xov rv.-r - A and vote f e- lI.eTii. r. :.' , S.-en t ry of Cumberland County : j.( , v.-;-r dut ,l'':l5'','r-. Thi i- a .-mall am . nut j A new feature of pr.ietiea.1 interest A 'I'll-1 : i ' 1 1 r;i ! Sxiefv. for ji I'OMioli:,!..- - . . , .. .. .. , tor a iK:.?iera:ii will . iv thai it is less .ii,.-i ;i ' ust adoed I! an ;iu::ie-jse ::du'jit ti ii v :i-kei. to o2 1 "Annual Fal -. uli'e h delivered by Dr. J. XI. L. Curry, a great advocate of popular education. One of the rreat features of this day Avill be a chorus of live hundred sehool children 2" et :i ! to sun; ,,i lie Uld Aert h rotate. ' v. ii! It - lh h! in t he City of Fay.-t te iil.-. A'uu-mber 14;h, l.ih am! Hii:, m.xt. We learn that the S'd ites or:: , i 1 a i inh in (itjsve 'l"owiiii:.i! a .'".' : ' . : : d: a-.-, aod afti-r orca'.'z.d :-u v. r-j t :..-" J.ieled, W it it i i.t 'exee; i i"'l of a ';e p-."i-.---. i:!: ;it, uhi-.-h were to h- t i -. ie 1 al its e.t in. '-tin. but af er Svv r.'! of !;e white bjvtheren I-ad i:idn!,'ed i:: !eitv.;h )y eei ie--, e.d'iy'iin t!te Jhd .-urty ;. .'! Mai y Ann, and an t.hl 'ha- hey ar - i.-. ; C"V- 3fAtlj i ITS "52 5. ; , -I.-- -n - !""-" 'T'' i-.-...-t '.!;'. "il:-.;; niKl.L'in .'", ;the -ni"ripti'n of a:;y eounlv jiapi-r j in the Mte, aiul our :h;cf nuulve aud ! i'';i-o:i si, that we had. ratln r have oik; j h'-uindred. cash subserihers, tli.ui to !i-ive ; ei-'h: :w i who :i"V.:i- p-.y. So w. i Jsave made t!u; redact: on for our own j t lere.-t, as well as thoi-e who Lsh to take j the paper and pay for il . sonal h'jnor'and personal dignity re quire them to aicpt this course and thoy no longer hesitate to proclaim Ihtir intention. The Dem;L-raVi3 p.-rty, thoroughly aroused, solidifield aud united in S i!...er" "s ' - Uer ejus" to D iun who niBiiwmi im.wij iAsssssBimimmayrinmsaK wi-it t.i j ;y lii-.ai' ?ubseiptiou in ??r. r5- Iin rfIrCoi--Jiio!t Eea;I. 1 1 a at il if thv-v would hear -. hi ii iiiey eoJi.seiiied. We h th.;-' i., :..:; ! - tieh ti..e -j.eeei , t lut I : - ;-.'.hr-i..i- a-!ed to ?rep ii.-.vt! !'.' ! 'the Um . . r -i.h .:, "s seat, liteh it: ihd. -a. id ;h,; i Ir. d h i Mi ;.'.:-n;h:k, after mauv " ,' ' ' ! years of u?.fuine-s to In- eiunt r.v, pa-s- A bu:e-h of Keyr, eon.dlh: of three, ; c,j :.xVay .at his houe near H -.vans' Sta- Koad M.e :;hiuery, hhowii! ery imple- i every county, marches to cenain nu iit for maki or-dVoad--, from a pick victory. ,:;.; o l i ae . .-e" s a ev t; ....... . -' 1 ,, , . . M ; turn the Tilt. ealt lor iae:n. MeCormh-k wtts a, nam of nf,hh- to a Jifteeu ton stoaniroller. Some of he machinery will be in operation. A .4. . i . . .... 'il i...V. !- ,i0..u VyOujj! es wot tr.j tis i iu v . v. vuj i tin Wednesday nilit of fair week, to which everybody iuteiested in this im portant question is formally h:hed. Gen. Hoy clone, the United States Ito id Kn-iitieer, of Washington, will be pre sent and deliver a short address. Ad dresses will ai.-o be taadc by )raetieal road w oikers vo will :-peak .from ue- tital work and expeiiene.e. (,.ii.;-. .1 ti;-o:her was unanimous i I n -;w ill i.f the el. ill. leCii , in the world -for Cuts by any special One upon th ti.lnd and Ih'Vjidd, and v;ts looked upo:. j heretofore held in "North Carolina. The bv the citi-'!!.- -i this eo;t:d v as one ei i , i-li-mnt of everv town in the 1 . ''..,! 1 1 J ...-... I ' -'v .; .ie !a e... V;i-. -t.. '-"' .i;.,-ir ehief aJAi-ors, ami w.- b'doved by Mv(. . .,:;v t:,:, ail bo l.u-elv re:,rc- Ji,u:---, S".As. I'hM-rs, Satt il'n uui. : Ur:,v ,-m. lie' n-pre-enu-d s..u...,i. rfV'-r t ft t.i-, llappe,i t::lM!s. .., .,..,,..) -i m! ; niri i ii i i ; i" S.-',:! : . ! , .. r-l.,U .f 1..n.5r?. t-iviv .i and also Hamuli iu the Legislature, and j 0l 0 jjerinans and balls including a While we have not b-. '. ao-.roaeh-l .'" ' " ' " - , ( ui.P..--rl;!Md and i.arnrtt iu. lue bettaif j 'i hu Cap. Club of Hah !;h. will give a . . ... t . ::i; i.u i -. v. o: .-. ;v .o ao .-khi j ii i ioi.-, . , --i ..i t . . . ; , . ', i,.;j,i ,,. .; , i , l ii i imii ni; The question now is only one of majority. Vriiat thall majority be? ! Shall it be a small one, such a mas jority as will leave the fusionists some hope for the future, sonic ground upon which tbey may base hope of future attacks upon the wek faro of the State? Or shall v.c, by one's month's damest work, pile up such a majority ou the Gth day of The .'oeial feature- of the Fair prom-j November as will for years to come ises to eclipH; any gathering, of petude j djsliearten tite enemies of our State? This committee bos tb it yon make choice of the latter course. It is within the -power id, the Democrats of North Carolina b' one month's united work, by one month's zealous to annihilate the FALL AND WINTER GOODS mil in 5 O.i.k in refusing to pnhlSh a li.p.wr adver- : lU'd-i-itively eaie- Piles, or no pay re- ! w;ls a direetoi iu the North Carolina In- .. Ki complimentary to the State j and earnest effort, to IN. -ee-nt list, week, still we have been ;:.,,U ll U S":-cnte.'d to -ive p.r-rfeet ! ff.Jm, AsyllI!a. Kair Marshals, on Friday nt-ht. The J FuSiOU agrcgatiort. si'W iriy eriti-ed hr ih - aetioo, not oidv : a ':o:i t;r m- iajy reuinded. r: :c" The imm diate cause of his deatli was Carolina Cotillion Club will also give a j We have it in our 1., uerldiy people, but by th-e wle. - "' hX' VoV b'lle b' '"r ', lieai -t-f: dlure. lit had been co.nrdai.dnjr ; ..0l.ie of elegant firmans, receptions etc. everv momher C-f ou . .. - . . . i . . i . .: . : .... .. . : : . ....... 0. iO I. . i'.-,c .-.. (.; .lies si d t Ue m . I - ; ! .1 1 . i t. -s to he ehnstian 5v .-av'm 1-iral ba-iiK-ss, v:!:i. 'i we ;h!::ii?. ee; ai .i.ivs, a mi me mo: r-i.i i e ' ui i lie a? o.-e as uu u. mu a -o n c f:;r as our Stale laws;-, re conserm-d, but we Yesterday t-vt n'.ug about 4 i e .. a u. o'eloek lie wa- taken r.nd n;i--.-J unv ; 1 l -Vi5' power to elect our delegation to the next Congress, our Sta'e Treas- t i urer, every Judr.c, every Soliciloi h.dd that its an ijnmoial biii:s, ami , M ' ... .,.r. . ,. brw minutes. Mrs. d. M. linrK.4 returneu iu ne j auu a yicui. maj.Muj iu vuc giDtai , ',!:in' Mr. 1 . I oi.e v. as out m use i , ,., . , , , , , !, , ,. , ' , .. ... r . nt.uM he immoral for us to advertise it an.! ! ,, ... ... " , ... . . ., . I bus ends a life of no oh- deeds, !i!id ; jiUl(.e at Maxtcti, lau M inuij-. tore. U e can do it if wc Will. Let li-'i'l Hieillil lUilU'l UN 111! ll.ui'i.1 ill ! , , r . i 1- : up..,, the,,' groups ve n ImCil Ui ' his !;:, near here. Anderson CoA, I 000,0., u.,u.u. a- J.Vvtt Ksq. spent mveral days in aidj-HthereNvewi-htoassuriv-urnadirs.,. f y (,,ni(l lip, :uk1 ! ' ne.gnbors. that -o long as the Times is eontneded ..f.tM. .( h woril in vJlWh C(:Us wa, j : ! -W '.11 Italeigli 1 i?t week, on badness. us put aside every question which might weaken us, and seek only the l.v 11- !liev will nevers.ee s'i.-:l :ldve'-- . - t lie aggr, 1 1 e 1 1 1 "S i-ou.m:.s , i Mr. I'.uw. the Kail taUo-ellVet va t .. o, .,, 1 f. 11. ,i,..d,.., J .ice-; - - i ? i 1 n ni ii p.:nu tit in i muo 111 lorn..: , 1 "vv. 11 m: 1 vjj-j. ,hew bis p;-.o! and , ."0-r2CI-: Xixt Monday the county canvass 'will hi- bowie. As stum : s this wa- done, i .,u, plaee-. forth- p-np of edict ting j We learn that the Cape Foa- -Kiver i success of the Democrat ic party, and ' was h'uhei- during the frushct than its ; let us seek that success with a zeal worthy of Democrats. leianu-nee, and we wish to say tint the cU;Js left for parts unknown. ! . Taxes for lsyi, and all atiear-: 1 '' ie of Harriett, liave iicw r laul tiie 1 1 'i;( iau- was sent for, ami :if;er .folinsonville Townf!iip, at .Johusouvtilc. 1 I a-me of gazing upon a uo'der set of .making an examination, think it a very j oct. 22 ISjJ. e.mdidates as w ill greet them in the can-i serious wound, bat tlunk there t, chances i 1J irlieeu0 Township, II. D. Cameron, I for his recovery, i Oct. 2d, Shenir MeArtau's many friends wete dad to see him in town last Monday and vas. Let us give 30 days earnest effort, to make sure and complete the vie- Tuesday. . j try of our purly on Novetnber Gth. Mr. J. R. Sloan, of lone-boro, wdio i Let us make our victory so eom-ha-b.-en i 1 Daun'fcr .-ome time, left for ! plete that no man shall hereafter We would like to say. that iflhepeo- j -j 1c are not willing fr Mr. Iiirues to be ! 'I'rirlit-iidoii, Foe's last Saturday w here he goes to do t- t :i.i- i:. ... "r ,, !-. oh T;,.i I I .!. r L L l; ll I? 1VIWU-II:'., .4 1 ll il' I , . . . . ... - n 1..." a oiiiim eo.rt: ml ie lilin'nr' le.le lil that iheii -heniV, we would like to know who, . , . . ,., , . io,i,inuiuua..i, -ection. Mr. rfloin won many iiiend 1 li.- vionlii like t leu-.. W.. ,1,. iinf -'iv I 1 '-" ....... . I',,;,,.,. Titt'. T?iver To w ll-hi o. fit Tlir- H-Jiili. in mom wlio ill be dad to have ...:1.00m. t. e are a 1 n t e. .-mo.-i .- m j , , 1 - I,. ... . m JUio our victory so ureal, luai no , 111- ;"vi'i-f.i ri-i'.. . iviifiiiw?i,-iTi 1 hope to reach Judicd hon .rs by deals effec'.d in' secret caucus with disrepu'ab!e politicians.- Iet us ::c!i meet ier. ana we ju-rmei in it ui ; : -H' l al.oe.f .-d! il,,.-Anderson Creek Township, at Jacob: iu. it.- ..'', ..... i; t"e. a use he is the nominee for leii;V !1 ti:- Democratic ticket, b it bee;u-' ie- deserves th-- hearty snpp-.-rt -f th-.- ','" Ui: 'rl' 1 'V i Mr. d. C- Uiiiiam-. our -andi date fu Stewart Creek Township, at BunuV Lc- ; f,(mi tIll, f:U-c of the ear: h .'uou-i vn n,.m i;oL one i an 01 .n;' . ni " Den .-eiatie Yoleis in Cii.-ye 'i'iwn.-:::p. We.-t's Oct. Continued from 2ml page. nil'!- on lb.- Ce"i-lature. is exoeet.-d Lo be with . Vel Oct. 27. UK 1 ii '. eaf anv - . 1 : --r in.!:! ueghi f I pro-id of. lie us next Saturday nignt, a 5 so Mr. T. D. The Populist are losi; g every day j vver-b-ro Tow n.-hip. at D.iun ()et. 2t- '. their men of character, and ad those h ,s a , ha.-n :,r that is ab..e r, proa.-h, ' ' ' ' " ' . ' "" M irove To w n-hip, at Tloyville Oct. .'1 ) 'who went lido It from principle see and will, if elected, make oil Ikrtictt j ',,i'''" v nl-hi theSOdi Inst.. Hon. ! NVdi'V Creek 'i'ownsliip, at A. F. John- j that they must now leave the party '! .. he l.o,! .-lauh- i: U.I.- ewrli.i!. . " . , , . siinV Oct. 31. I nr nr.-o 'nntrnft to thpir nri ne.:ide;. t-. t r t 11 ,.-:u .,,1 '-..- ; son s- ucl. 01 - - t . -Mii'-, ... i;..iii, .:i .'i 1: would hke to pay ainH'i mag "i:('; ' .lH Mr. I. 1. Stewart, ti-.e nominee for litari-ter of Deed.-. We! av-.kuovn him J v. ars. ;iml knowth.it hi; is a u-mtl. -' )aan who w ill serve the count v well am! ! v ill do the otH e honot if eleeteg, whivh : make good ail tie- .. "ive. ii-i.. s ,.;. h-1 v.' have 1.0 f.-nc uf rlu- i.oi.h failin'r t,i ' f..- tliem. 1 be foli.w i'l-' f.-Uf l-eilKVaeS I . . 1 . ., . ,,!.- V.' . man will again essay to reach the Supreme court by denying his polU tics, or by making clains to non-par-lisaiish p on faKc pretence, Let us make our imj rity so large thai no man in Nurth (ar.di-ia will hereafter bdieve that Iu; Ciu reacl. the Utjitc-d States Sotute !v travel- IITIIHTPI LUiiliiui I. J8 D l F M E.j S. CLOTHING!! Wm VVe have Dy far tlw largest stock of clothing in the County. Mens boys' and children suitsthe latest egony and qualities stub as Chervors, Clav orsteads, English Worsteads. and Caeh-mer. a-,tl many other lie and prety styes made up in Cutaway. Frocks, nnd Double-bre -.sr.. I imrchaHl tUvnts ffood nlnve the A;v Tai iiri.Mw wa tc1, aror rur 1 c:S sell tlem UrCnty tifv per rent. cJ,e;Mt r lhau aajbi.5y eisc. ? HATS BATS II ATS HTS HATS. SHOES SHOES SHOES. I have also a big hue of shoes that cannot b;i surpassed in prices, styles or quality in Dunn, or any other place. DRESS GOODS, iPfetl ILO If you want m buy ,i ess goods. I Have theui from a cm.:., to the Gnen cachcatre dress in all shades and color-, with tri.nmin to m itc i. V7"OOLEN V V (.OODiS. I have .i lin2 of Fiaur.cl and Jenns Cal eati. t b-.- bluu lu ,rhc., 0. laltly anywhere, rpn-'ng from li; o,s to Jo els per van!. ' JURNISHING- 'Q.OODJ. V o i'wV Jin-ii-ioxerviiodv ti-att. :uV l!!aek River Township, at J. C. Will- Th se incn sec lhe base purposes for ! iuS 3 5aUl WI,U "' t-e " - " T. iam-Xov.l. ' wib-h thev are .being used bv t,!C ja. hd 1 the conhe ,.r t b p.o;,!e j y.,l;.o men, if yo n ,.eed n th.ng b. the tvay ol h.il j ,0.l4, ,,er, a.egooj a.. t,.e .mw,u-.;.g ..mm d Jvlh Township, at Lilliogton . , " ' " , ' ' , , . We must work; ami ..,-1 tn-d-re "7"7 INTKK TS " OVIN 1 1 . hive reached a phenomenal sale. Dr . , ..i ! 1 - I Tit lillt.u ..'IiV, i..i: I.'-.tO III.!'. 1" lv.ee lioim all ths5. who. in lea'in"' ' 1 , , - , , , our in.-j -ri'v for our .hi l.;t:- aad for j ns, acted from pure moti.e3 and from j , , our ireasuror ic-n i ti ri t s- -m i . r . . - , r . . 1 -vii 1 -i .iri.' ai . ill lit "ii jiitv 1, "it W a t id cfrvtl ll Ltll ! v iiiiv PV NfilV:' r. HM tlblMIHIll ' " ! . . ' : 3 r- - t I , b iillo,li,U m i-.U o,vmtl..LKl,,.,I,,a,'.K,,n., 11,,.,,. ll,e,.,vat!ovo5at,,l,;,s.liCreWilt o5 W; j pnnc,r Ii U,, r clurn ..c-csc. JH!slUi 1 r , , . , , . , ,. ,5 . , , . w. ... 1 . .... 1 1 1 1 . ' 110 indul-Miee given after tle hrst Mon- oik rnai rity, and a ids gladness to . h 1 ai-etf and his count v. and e pel met . reme '.y far l.ivcr, stem tt!i ami UsdneA r. j j " , Chainoin S'-i'e !)-'n 1 x ifm thu th ople of obi Harnett will not.? B-vkleaV Arnica Salve, the best in the j day in December, l'Ji. to our success. The bes'. men in the Wiley RuH Sc rc'a'V ' " ' "u theinelves fo ungrateful as to ; world, and Dr. King's New Life Pills, The Legislative 'and County Cantli- Republican party, disgusted tvi h ' -' ''- O'limiiiK) tioo- ii'.i to , Joct him at Hie coming eleeti !i. ; wliie!i are :i ju-rfeet pill. All t!ie.-e rem- dates will attend with me. and discuss sucj, performance a? have lately b?en h,e of the next county . ohicer - in " ...r;. !iri. .'.j.,r..i;tvet. to do J.i.-t what is , tiie L'oiit:cai w-ue- 01 me o .j . . ,,. c..0 refne to sanei..n 1 v ' i It' there mast If .-ome one elected tdrbr..-d f..r tb.-m and Hie d.ader w!i ;-e ; Septcu'.ber 2lh. 1'JL C. 31CARTAN. t i ...... . 1 ! . 1 . 1 1 .ui, as ifi mai is me couui. uusuh-.. , n uue is attaeie.M uerew ua win oe , -ii. W. M S-'Xton was, nominated to ' to y0-.i more oi then".. S'd lat liar- tilt- hi'di nnsliion. He lias held thl- . a !.., .li lrm- Store. ' I " hire two years, and has made a f lithi'u I ; Business Locils. ; the 'deals made by their ov-i disered-; stati: mi: 7C r::s. anil'' w u rerd blr-nkrti. here is tije fd.lC0 fll luri,h0 lUc.m , me !arge Mock and can sell them fr-m $1 00 to frM) per pair. OOOOOiMfHOfyKKMOOI - I would sL-r, ral! your attention (03 fio0 ljnp of j - v;d- utV. l-ij)Jt recaved that is hr.i c ass. Hl.it n cln Intto,,,. plM4 UltJi(lJ, and baaie puis ahnKd. .4hnrm? and loo els d5bl rin iM oe if ladie. and misses gold Wn t ri;,gs a ol e-r rbu . J eh inVlad.-H ciams. ladie, and mts-en braco!els, ladies nn 1 rtd t' , la 1 ..i,,... . ... i , 9 U t 7 -31. 3 '"" it, and will, so long as the petj'!e vid , 1,,-r him. Ilf is a man of o;-!U ss ' Fnen a etier written by R-v. J. Can- ; greatest sueee.-s ever attained by the! jn j1,n(,t, every ' county in th u . usmyamnim serve yvU as m .. , ara::. vi x.iue. cia.. , ... . , v. . .. -4- . t . State discord reigns Supreme amona !;. 1 Ia 1 -t-s rci'h tremhl.llP l'l.nnli. i i 4 IIrMfr .V: llinnl hieo nlrinu- auto -ats, an announce that tbeyL . , . , , . ; and eeut!' cuff buttons. j;;:scyLius shirt tu.- - !i,.ii'7 it t iP r tin I'll' ir,i ,4 nr'al tsr ill i . ...... - J r " ' vv. , i Matters have trvstallzed- ir.to such : will assist in bum g ths rusioni, , . ,"- . . idtTAli i UU j-reiry is ;uatenteed for five xo rs Li..., . .,..." i .i.o.t.t th,. . . " -have them in. stock before Christmas. . . J i - itCKjc. ; ., . , t- ooooorKXoo,u).,orinoorn , j They will have the r.iccst disp'ay of Xmas gcods ever shown in Dunn. the nar.t. hanorably ; pe. i. h ted to make tliisextraet: I have Numerous attractions have alrculy .. We would like to mention Hon. D, Ii. ' no h, -it it on in recommending Dr. j been mentioned of both practical and the ranks or our enemy. Dist j You can ?e.t fan.-v candy al liar McLean, who was nominated by our King's New Discovery, as the results amusing chantcter. j and in donation fill the i in-iids or hon- j )2T & Hood's for Li y nts per pound. - an v, sanip-on and liladen to lepre- were almost marvel cis in th? ease of my I Toe-day, which is Educational Day. ! est men of both Republican and t at ( iu the State Semite. Jts oe.l-:witV. WlTde I was ) istor f th" Jlaptist promi-es one of the most infre-ting f T'otu ist, parties; thev spurn the! Wl.v i- it it, u,... jr. it..i ... . . s ... . ... . . , . ... 4 ... ..r ,...i.,...i . ...;u " 'J " jv ;-.ui .in fo?ay anytnu.g in ngar.i to t'im oh at Hives juncuon sue wa i-air w.-i-k. . n. ,o 1 ::i:hsoTtO di-!i ofT-red them In- the ; sells the b :st cdo n so ehtap? lie- i I THANKING ONE AND ALL FOR THEIS U3E2AL PVTROSAGF. THE PAST, AND WISHING A G0U2UU1H:)E OP TTO RAMP for th; i'crle of Harnett know bt.-u-ht down m h iM.uii.; .urcc l- be i:i attenda c, cn.l an ud-Jrc v UM, ; fu3ojigt3 j bey fee that iheir per. Icuua? they make ith-. wolves. I AH. Eesp3Cifal!jr 3. J. 13 XT P R E E, - st' in