C Fin nir. timi:5 firncr: Is Fully Prepared to Print Yur LETTER HEADS NOTE HEADS, F.XTELOPE, SHIPPING TAGS, r Hl-. DODGi:r.. A( I:i..iiMn wu do all ki:.i of Jon I'kintixo at iiahd ti.mk ruci:. YV li:irc Jin i!cn-:t-I . circulation, thereby givtujr splendid advertising incdiittn JOB OFfy, IS M. Prepared to do any kind of Jo? Work from a 4 Column Taper to a Shipping Tag. X ITITMAN A GRANTHAM Proprietors. PROVK ALL THINGS. AND, HOLD FAST TCKTIIAT WHICH IS GOOD,' $1X0 Per Year In Advance VOL. IV. DUNN, N. C, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1894. NO. 41. i JJL 11 JL "Town Dirccory. , Mayor A. R. Wiln. 'onimi--doners E. F. Younrr, J. II. IVi-. Dr. F. T. Moon-. D. IF. Hood. Marshal M. L. Wade. THE TIMES. WKDXESDW. DECEMREU 10. 13. 4. CIItnCHES. MethodM Rev. G. T- bhnnions Pas tor. Servlees at 7 l. in., every Tut Sun day, and II a. m. and 7 i- in.. eriv fourth Sunday. Prayer-meeting every Wedneyday nhxht at 7 o'cloek. Sunday M:hooI every Sunday morning t lOj " o'clock; G. K. Grantham, Suier:utenl ; dent. Meeting of Sunday -hod Mi. Monary Society everv fourth Sunday Afternoon. Young Men prayer meet ing every Monday night. Presbyterian Kev. A. M. II.iell. Pastor. Servh-es every rirt and fifth Sunday at 1 1 a. m. and 7 p. in. Sunday Mhol every .Sunday evening at oYIoek. Dr. J. II. Daniil, Supcriuti-n-dent, J. P. PITMAN, G. K. GRANTHAM. J Editors. DUNN, N. C. TOWN AND "COUNTY. Mr. J- II. Dani. 1 1,-ft Moml.iv evi-uiii-to i-i; In r 'tare its iu Geor-iu, Dn't fail to pro out Chri-tma night and ee J.i:ined hy Drink" phiyed. Mr. .Taiin-s A. Taylor leturned j-e-tenlay from a bu--ine-s trip to Rocky Moitut. Orders r.i eomiug in daily f r job work. Send your orders to thi ol'ace. Everybody w:i delighted .i:h "Ruin- Jed bv I 'rink" v. hen it l ived here ore. D"isls Itev. J. .T. Harper, Pastor Servkf-j every third Sunday at 11 a. in. and 7 . m. Sunday -chool Jit 4 o'elm k. Mr. Ed r.allaiu-e, Su-riutcnd'iit. j j Praver meeting tiery Thursday nizht I at 7 o clock. Mr T Gvr.ihl t St.luKU nj U)Xht MKsiona.v Baptist Sunday ho 1 lhv w Wade Ida e ju-t oitt. 't touu everv Sunday morning at K) oU k. 'ltil u" "'J,r" U': l,H,Vi family II. G. Tavior. SiH:riidendent. Prayer, J ,,mv" ,u re :lt au e;l,,y i - meet inz everv lniirstlay niht. Fre- Will H-iotNr.-Itev. S. II lev, lator. Seiviee cv i v FourtI TllKTlMs oihVo vvi!l lx found over Wor- ,c - Dujiree .t Lane store on ' lroai street where all our friends di Sunday at 1 1 a. in. Smi!ay niiir ' V"ood, ' Sunday : : t!-e tl-:Vd 1 ! . :.. I.:.:.!- J;---r.?;. - . . v ! i l ; Itn made vveb-on.e when they ealJ. To the I'atroi4 and Frleud. of "The Tlnir." With the lastissae of the papr my J connection with it ceases rs tht ! editor. In severing ni) editorial j ! connection with the paper I d:' it I with regret; lecau3e I have Telt that my readers were my friends; both with referenco to our intellectual and political affiliations with each other. Now that circumstances have b ought us to the point where our paths must part J. fee! that in my valedictory address I should say that I feel th: kful to the many friends I have made within the compass of the circulation of this paper wtiohave iiiven me the friendly grssp of the hand, and bid me Go s speed in my course that whatever fate raaj betide me in the future, I,. shall always in my heart keep a green place of remembemnce for tbem. To the Democratic partj- of this section I deire to bid adew with this proj hacv that if you will -stand by die principles of our ptrty and keep y;ur integrity "fast and true" to the i'0(;r!'.' the lime will come wuen our ANNUAL STATEMENT. T. T! I.. K'K' . is. .h:dai!. taty. 'fk'V'.v I.;- i vt-i v : U. (. Tax. V. G.: . C ' Wtnincd by Drink" vveieh was j .v. 1 :i few weeks a-o by the homr uleii! will i .tl ()cfCat vill be reversed, and tbe , he repeated on l hriMiii.'s. i:r.rht. , . . . , : panv to wuicj wcowe our highest alN ; i '" " rtorel to power be. , ; Frid i.v niirht at the Dii ! Hotel for i C-(ls ; tbo principles of the Deinocra- i.. - lif.ielit ihe el'.tuh. All eorJiallv m I to atU !it!. y.. P.dmym Lode. No. l."7. A. P. A. j tic prty fvre in the language of the j immortal V-tn?. immortal. la l;e'.:alf r;f:Lie new managers of n i . . I ' .. I I - , .. ' a v.oou moral ie8n. come and see it in.r'M anil eer mi iiim.h uiiiiii . -" i. Visiting Masons invited to attend. J. Pkai.sali., Secretary. Prcfjssional Cards- Xiee J- Best, Attohnuy at Law. Dunn, n. r. t ." orrc siM"i;(7enf ik-im! not rml Jn 'teins next week. We will all take li e v. . vk orl". Do not forget to send iu ' e v vt cr, I desire to say that they f TJnTf .! n iSH"' w,,!ch i f eonfidencc and pat be iM!t u on ll e 2ml of January. I i ron5G of the public, and 1 liope th-it ii I it IklUlU'M U J'llMK I L T" .IK'S lit a. A. :he same need of good will as thej have vauched safe to me. I will continue to be a citizen uf Dunn, and will practice my profes sion and the unfortunate of all classes or conditions of people will find in me a friend and physician who will give them relief under the blessings of God. J. II. DANIEL. SEzassg. '.".n M J" i vmxKJjs. u ma practices In all the courta. tion to all tiuaiues.s. rromt attii j.m. 1. W- E- Murchison, , Atioi:xi:y at Law, JoNKsnouo. - - N. C. l'r.n-tie.a Luall the surrouinHntr counties. D. H- McLaan, Attouxky at Law, OKloe uxt loor to iMst;Ht-e, TUTXX, N. C. Oeueral Praetirt. Will utteiul thf eourta vt Harnett. Cumlrlaiul, Johnston anJSau . lion rouutioA. "V i.... . ;.. i.. I 111.19 Kev. C. W. Byrd. Pivsidin Elder 0:1 the Aheville district, of ,h M. T.. Con fereiiee, spent , several day with his parent. Mr. an I Mrs. A. J.' Uyid in this e-Minty this week and returned home Wednesday. Tlie'litth; infant of Mr. ank Mr?. Win. Cull.reth which their sou, Mr. J. A. C'ulbreth hail takvn to raise, died Tues day nlht. The father, mother ai.d little one all passed away iu the lajt two weeks. Mr. Geo. W. Neighbors living two miles from town, died Tuesday even ing fro.n a stroke of paralysis. He v.-as" at the residence of his brother, S- C. Neighbors. Dr- J. H. Daniel, Dunn, Harnett County, N. C. liev. G T. Simmons and family left Tuesday morning for La tiniie wlnre the conference sent Mr S'nniiu is for the .tilllllkir l-i. I I .a ll'l f -I 1 1 1 1 f I 1 I ii'fl'lt! this tin-nit for the past two years ind I Tl-e ,eaLh of such as she, is a public his manv friends rcirret to loo.se him and - cnlaini' v. a well as a Sore bereave 1 .11 1 :M OKI A. A. At her home in Cumberland coun- iy. cn I'riday nilit, D. cembpr the loth, at 11 o'clock, Mrs Nancy Cul brelli, relict of Wui. Culbreth de eeaved, was cal!el awiy from her career of usefulness and purity on earth, to wear her crown in Heaven. Ang. do do do do do do do ;do do do do do do do do do I JCOXTIMJED NROM LAST WEEK." Claims Allowed August 6, 1864. II. I). MeCoraick List Tak Anderson' Cr Township do James Pearsali do do do J. A. Cnam ion do . do do John Darroch do do do A. 1$. Bute do d do B. F. Shat do do do A. N. Sexton - do do do 1. Darroch do . - do Averasboro do Buckhorn do BarDcoua do Johnson ville do Lillington do Neill'8 Creek do Stewart's do do. do A. C. Boie. examinatidn of bridge (Harrington; do O. G. Bradley b irial expenses, M. D. Lee pauper do A. L. Baughcoru board of paupers do W. F. Marsh, County Commissioners no mileage do F. J. Swann, County Commissioner arid mileag117a) do II. T. Spears, CKrk Board June 1894 do IL T. Spears, Clerk Board July 1894 do Geo. Wrenn.' witness State vs J, R. McTeod do Pauper list for August 1894 Total for August 1894 Claims Allowed September 3rd, 1894. Sept. 3 Centsal Times publishing call meeting A W Gregory taking.Tax lUt. Black Uiver- 6 w eihers " " Upper Lutle River J A Smith " " Hector's Creek J A Green repairing flat II II Poe icpairing bridge across Buie's Creek H T Spears reo.-.ding insolvent list and office board S W W'ethers let.ing out and receiving bridge " W F Utter D S, arresting prisoner taking to jail Joshut McLean ferryman Aig 1894 C McArlun Slieriff stationary bill ' hoi iin Aug court 1894 J T AlcCorguadale rep tiring bridae W H Sik s repairing McUouald brids;e A L Banghuiim board of paupars Raiford Lucas Jr Repairing n.-idge 11 T Spears c.erk board Au 1894 & J No 2 J TIN)rrrs keeping pulilic ferry Pauper list for Sept 1894 12 00 18 00 12 00 10 CO 10 00 10 00 12 00 i2 0a 3 00 1 50 23 75 10 00 11 So 23 75 17 95 1 35 55 40 $ 224 55 1 50 10 00 18 00 10 00 5 00 1 75 22 80 2 00 2 50 20 25 3 45 19 00 28 00 60 90 17 80 5 00 23 30 23 70 55 40 t Miles and Raiford Lucas - Cbas Williams - H John , Praughon JT Harrington Geo M McNeill "Stephen Faircloth -". Geo M McNeill (2nd case) James Shaw (2nd case) " Reuben McNeill M Raiford Lucas - Wm McLean alias Beery " II D Comeron ana li Hani " Wm McLean Nathan Moore 6 07 6 17 15 98 3 20 11 72 15. 53 20 80 1 95 5 20 C CO 7 54 5 15 3 80 1 50 Total Bill of Costs from Aug Term 1894 RECAPITULATION. Total Bill C?sts allowed from Nov Term 1893 - ueDy ( M All I $ 233 70 61 43 122 13 233 70 $ 417 26 Total for fiscal year t v ' RECAPITTJLATION. Total 3laims altewpd-'for Qscal yearing Nov. 3'th 1894 -$ 4007 47 Total Bills of Costs allowed for the fiscal year ending Nov. 30th 1894 $ 417 26 Total cla:ms'an I Bill of Costs allowal during fiscal yearj $ 4424 73 A true Statement. Henry T. SpKARS, Cltfk of Board. 330 35 Oct 1 $ 1 62 1 63 12 00 8 63 4 00 4 50 3 48 18 05 10 00 3 00 3 00 7 80 20 50 53 90 family. me nt to these to whom bhe was es pecially eudeared by the ties uf blood and association. yS v As a wife, mother and friend, she j was lcya'f devoted and true. As a 1 christian, she loved her Saviour, and The residence ow ned by Mr. Eras Leo on livine street ha beou purchased by Mrs. IV.iisall of Duplin, mother f oiu tAvnsnian Mr.. II. M. l'earsall. Siie :i:d familv arrived Monday anil have moved iu. We, in behalf of our town welcome them in our inid-t Cancer a srwrlahy X" other disease treatel. l'os'tively will not vi.it l'litienls a aditaiH-. FaiiipMets en faneer. its Treat- ,..( aii.l liir". will lie mailed to any siiun-ss ... ..r ...-.i:. . ! free uf charge. ! or-an, L 10 :.ublih li.pior ;-,,!;; If! 1 he fatherless and motherless, of n i!i-in In rim mm -nIf i r will 1 . otriol cn lvfcii cm 1 1 !kciK . Im cv m w . j pathy and condolence of -11 the chris thanks j t ;an BConle in the land but thev can . to the editor of the SuiirhlleM Herald for ; . - .1 .ft. the kind words wbieh appeared in their tnly point them, in their apparent ; last i-sue regard to I lie iinoi oveinent j midnight of woe. to the , promise off , in our Joeai wepariuieni, ine nerani i 1 a bright, newsy, eilit column paper romit attention is ussurrd to all :lUi ,,,,, i,.r the ilianaueiiutit of two high business intrusted to him. i t"'i Christian H-KIhrie, ATTOTxM Y-AT-LA W DUXX, - - N. C. Vractlre In the Stte and Federal Courts. The fornir-r editor of this paper re-' herchtreh because it was "Ilia tern- fused to publish liquor advei ti- inents. , ple aiJ(J ab.ding place. accepted. I We aih to return our sincere Nov 5 ti . -t. ti Total fo Sipt 1894 Claims Allowed Octob3r 1st 1894- Henry Murchison S'ate witness . - Harnoh " " " J B La ier work on ford f branch O J Brad'ey lumber for bridge F J Swan county commissioner (mileage 40) S N Parker repairing Kivett chanal bridge Fowler &, Jones lumber for Stony Run badge A L Bauhcom b ard of pupers , . John McArt an . repaif ing LttUe Creek bridge A G Bodgers burial expenses pauper L L Turlington repairing bri Ige W G Byrd limber for flat Geo E Smith stationery etc Pauper list for Oct 1891 Total for October 1894 Claims Allowed November 5 L894. E F Young Treasurer of Averasboro 10 months Dane Ean eh repairing bridge clarks W F Marsh counij commissioner no mileage J A Green bal due on land sales J A Withers repairing Jones Creek bridge W J Long county oomrn'ssjoner and mileage (.)0 miles) J M I ledgers chairman county commissioner & mileage (134 m) 55 70 7 26 4 00 2 00 18 5? 13 7U 25 40 1 9't 2 60 24 55 275 00 54 40 paper iia.l:i IIVDS. f 152 11 125 00 23 04 6 00 P8 00 1 80 i 50 gentlemen. JAS. PE AllS ALL, COTTOX IIL'YKK, REPRESENTIKG No newa of interest to be found in Benson this week. Him whose pledges are always kept: - -I will be a husbacd to the widow, and a father to the orphan." Mrs. Culbreth was a good woman in ail that that word imports, and whilst we know that in "her death that our loss is her gam." We can Mr. P A Creech, is iflth us fr but say : -Not roy wMl, but Thine WADE AND GODWIN, N. iVlice at D. II. Hod's Drug lJ DUNN, N.C MLOOllO ALLAi il UUiM li ulil ! wi, I5l spending the holidays at home AT DUNN, B2NS0N. FOUR OAKS, I and with friends at o.her places. n Mr. E. L. Hall-one of our e'ever - Stcrc, ! merchants, made a flying trip home! ! Sunday returning Monday. Messrs. J. D. and W. G. Parrish, HOTEL piVINE, l"NIKK NEW MANAC.r.MEXT.j left Monday for St. Louis, Mo., where thev ro to purchase a full stock of! be done.' God moves in a mysterious, vvay, hia woi.ders to perform; lie plants his footbteps iu the se;. A:ul r.:e upon the storm Lcepin unfathomable mines. Of i. ever-failing skill. IK ii easures up his bright designs And woiks hij sov'rign will. Tlie lam Iy circle is broken now on o -t This i to iii form t! ; s nlive n lined Hotel 1-- ' t llefuriii-hed and C'ai;- ." ' ' and I will spare no t ' very one who stops '.. tTeiition given to travc'.ii :n Soricitins: public patr 1 am. yi..rs i'i , e JNO. A. OATaf, IV mules and horses for the spring trade, j ear it. t i be remitel a id inula p r .i... :Thpv v-ill verr likelv make a two i iVci in ' leaven, for it it i.ot written, lin- - - i -- J lit it iMivi.r-d. : weeks trip of it. ; e:lrboUt I ,.Ie:le cial Don't you think the writer is a V. .i bhall inhabit my holy liills, .ir l.r:'! :n rv tahernaclcs- II that J B Stewart rgiatror Upper Litila River 1894 D L Green " Hector's Creek H l McCouniek letting out and receiving bridge J T Kogets county Jailor II T Spears (Sept i894) clerk of boark 4 " " (Oot ) " M It Morgan making ballot bnxe-s C Barbour State witness vs J E and Jese Norris A L Biiighcom board of pauper ' II T Spears making out tax bo di3 1894 Pauper list for Nov 1894 Total for Nov 1894 RECAPITULATION. Tota! claims rllowed during Dec 1893 .'a.i 1894 - P'ehy .. .. . Mcil pr " " May " " June July " Aug Sept Oct Nov With this i?sue we announce to the public that Thk Times has changed hands, and will in' the future be run under the management and editorship of Pitt man & Grantham. We shall make every effort in our power to give the'; people a better paper than they Have heretofore hid. To do this we ask your confidence, kind word and support. Our full announcement will appenr in the first isuo in January. We greet you with only a half paper this week, caused only by the busiuess change. "' i We now ask all who waaitfto read the county news for, the ycar4s!)5, to come in or send in their name by tho first of January and get the first issue. The subscription price will be $1.00 per year strictly iu advance. Those who have advertisements in the paper must make contracts" .'with' us Our rates and manner -of coTlecting will be announced in our next issue. No legal notice will' be "taken without the nioaev. We have learned by ex- periense that this plan saves us of con siderable ttouhlc as well as the adver tiser. ; All subscriptions that are paid tip to J, II. Daniel, iu advance, we make good. Those w ho are behind on their subscrip tion for thi year will be discontinued after this week if they do not make themselves known to us. Remember we propose to give you ,'a better paper than has ever been publish ed in your county dining past 3-ears. "Mr. Grantham will be found in Mr. p. II. Hood's drug store, w here j-ou can transact any business matter and we can alw ays be found 1n . oiir office up stairs over the store of C. Lane. Wishing for one and all a merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year, we are, - Respect full, riTTMAN & Grantham. $ 780 78 $ 807 00 167 35 426 63 240 34 254 40 162 66 192 84 248 46 244 55 330 35 152 11 780 78 $ 4007 47 ltf-Oiiey Loaded.. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED, Our system affords an opportunK ty to borrow on either petsoal or real estate security. The plan is superw or to Building and Joan Associations. The amount borrowed may bo retain cd in monthly payment without 1k r.us, with interest 'at V per cent, per annum, it atTords absolute secntnty to investors, with a reasonable guar aDtee.ofan annual dividend of from 8 lo 10 per cent. We desire to secure the services of energetic, representatives men i 1 eve ry community to act as Local Secres taries. The position will be sufi3cK ently remunerative to amply compen sate for services. If you possess the above qualifications, write for partic ulars. . Full information regarding our system of mak'ng Ipans as well as investments and agencies will be furnished by addressing S. S. Rober tson, President. 1122 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Totol for 12 months above The following U,a true list of Bills of Cost and aut. and allowed by the Board of County Commissioners of Harnett county, N. C, for fiscal year ending Nov 30th. 1R94. ALLOWED 189 1 Sills of costs from Nov. Term 1S93. Jany I i hat: ean hands and a pure hiar?, r.dl. 1 ed a i Pretty good -p'cpbe.? ' Wh predict sret!, l(, his uwn l!Urt. a:ia marnsg 1 town and sure t I bet h imt bis 'all :i''VtT DeiiMV itl. neighoor. h- enough on last iunr..ay ir.gui me I3ih iut., liev. liarnue u ood and . .. Mrs. Bettie (Ncal or our Iowa were ': y b r where a hu.e tree will spread MORTOAOESAIE: U.ul.r a...l l y vir.- rouP.ng branches o'er her head of a ieM of mort.- exocutea to ; united in matrimony. . . , . , ,,,.,, -mi wlf., a.i : . here the lvrys twine and the mosses Ufii. l in Imok 11 . - i . oMtt 10 , uC uapihl ounuaj- ctii'mi 01 nui : creep. at , fh -re let her lie in dreamier sleep. hool ' 'r emblems all, that tin: dead shall r:-v, M..th- following Ul 1-state.siTiiaie.i.ijMi ..... .1,., oic( 1 lo i l k hs Holies beVolK! t lie skies. I'ce 77 ail W ' 1i v...-,-r 11s:..-.. Hrielt oe.ll.IJ. .mtui rei:u;.i win .--ii at i-iii-ii- nuetien ih ! place will give 8ii .entertainment. r utn c.nt Heue le.r in I Uluictoii. . C. ! . en!h..j.ii.i dv..f a. i. lv 1-' "Viock t!,at the closing exercises o fthe s.-l Monday niiiht n.t thi.r In Harnett county. Aorlli t riina . oil KViomV't: 'VoMt'Tri:.. .in: Everybody are invitcl to attend. l.t .! Jmm A . I,lliMri ani (Xliers. irruw i of au?. rah. Ths iw-,-. i-r4 Mr. Henry Ed-crton. of Kenlev. A Fill END. I W l-4w. . U. JohxsOK. Morto'a.e. NOTICE. By Tlrtu of ert!li Mertnce Pt?l rxc- rutr.1 to ui ijtii i jl. l.y ien Il.n.fou ;'rre Iill. SMid y.inr address t II K. Bueklen A '.. fhie:iirv. ct ii free sample Stite vs Assril Baker " - Saney Patterson and Ja-? Patterson Henry Stewart Nelson McDufile " Joe Robbing M Dec McNeill 4ndrew Baker Total Bills from Nov court 1893 Bills of costs from I'tby court 1894. Mch 5 Sta'e vs Nathan Gardner " Wm McLeod J R .McLeod ' " " Isaac Brinkiey ' G R Warren, " . ' Lonnie Stewart " " Daniel McDougald ' J K Norris and Jessie No-ris Sherod Harrington aad wife ' James G McLean Geo M McNeill $ 9 27 11 05 5 95 3 13 9 32 3 53 19 18 $61 43 4 63 7 30 21 45 50! 21 10 Best Vcital. Q.i yesterday morniug at Edenton street Methodist church in Raleigh, Mr. L. J. Bet, a rising young lawyer of our tov?n lead to hymens altar Miss Florence VestaL of lbe city of Oaks. She is a netce:of tmr towns- man. Dr. C, II. Sextop, and as many telatives in this her native county. They will spend a few days visiting Mr. Best' family in and around Golds boro. The Times with their many friend join in wishing them a happy yoyage over life's sea. IliicI'lCii Arnica. Salve. The best salve In the world for Cuts, Hiuises, Soies, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores Tetter, Chapped Hanks, Chillblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and pos itively cures Piles, or no pay. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or itionc'' refunded.' Price 25 cents per box. For sale by JJarper fc Hood. N 1 1 it p j I an going out of business the first of January, and if you have any work to be done come at once. 1 AM GOING TO have some fine buggies for the fall trade which will be neat, good and substancial, and you will do well to call on me before purchasing else where. Respectfully. i ' J. A. JOHNSON PopeEalfl- - - At tbe residence of Mr.A. ' Bain. in Cumberland countv f yesterday 5 morning 5r. James D. Pope, son of! Mr. W. J Pope, was united in th I holy bnds of wedlock to Miss Lil liah Bain. Rev. James A. Oampbell performed he ceremony. The Times wishes the happy couple a long aud prosperous life. AND SAVE MONEY IT 19 ABSOLUTELY The Best SEW1K3 HACKEE MADE WE OR OVU DSULLTRHS can sell ; yea machine cheaper than yon ean vATo is Xnh.priher willnleRie ft elMWhert, Xhe HEW flOTIB tm OI ILfc. ub,crioers win pieae OMrbe-tfblItWamalKaeneap-rjklnda, take no. ice thai 1 n-ive severed , my ' nel a the CLMAX, IDEAL and ... . .. other Illth Arm FnU Itlckel PUtfd connexion with TliE ! imes, .ana til rawing CTaeblne for ft 15.00 and up. ..,i o v,a f, iftoi , id Call on onr asent or write ua. Wo subser,ri,.ns f(!r 1H91 mas, be p Hi w,ntyoartrmdeimalf prlee term. t me ul 4noe. 1 can oe lourit ai ana aqaare omiibk wiu win we win Hotel liivcue at any time. J II.' Daniel. have it. we enaiienee tne worm i TIaehlne for $50.00, or a better $20 produce a. BETTEIl tSO.OO BewlnK Be wins machine tor f 20.0O than you ATTwho have .lDr. JKnjr'. X-v THE KEW HOME SEWI5G HACHIIE CO. A 2 Discveiy knew its valnxvaulthose vh oa. k a- Boto-, vvmm r. y. 4 ti 11 ; spent one night last weckwith us. Wcarcslad to know our ffend ' " :"'It ' , ,V. V ! Mr. Heury E. Cox, who left us some trA x v ill -o ivinee you of their inent. 11... . . ..Til . ...... tlir.la TilTll - t-A t time ag". s now express messenger ' . - W 1 i."Jrli 111 ll ll 'ftrt'llVC Ol ill." lir Of :t- mna wu. aim iui Kr.-iil.'r. .1 in iu rrriTM rn )P I., r . cc 1 . . liaiuJa 1 u 1 1 - .t ,.11 .mil Sirk- I lea. I i lie. f or M k. ao. vj 1 wui eii t i-ui be i inij between Mu Airy and r ayctte- la.-ti and L.v r tndnV' tin iuvc i . n i l to tht hif!iii hiadcr i thr 0urt Huw t ... 1 proved UivaliMbh. I hey are -inrau-, io.,,t Lininrrt n, n. ;.. u oKck M. u Ville. We wisbhim uulimiled success. .,.,,. M.rf,-itlv fr-e from ewrr ' iturU Uiri-na iM- 'iul'- f Hit f"l- ... 1 . . . , 1 , , i,, r.,,,.. 1.- l..llf vr...rt fntiu wuvyM t.. wit: ... , . ... d.- ete'ious Mib-tanee .lid to be purelv Acrtini...t nit atl ih ti.. town c( Vtiiiai - W e Would like to know tiairer . , 11..T 1 o not weaken by Kttn.tioM Tt iithli. 1 1 binr I"t II III . . . , , ..., ... ...,-t : I... I... r l,,n. to .InmJ .-BWk 1 n.av i-..-:.a r.i.i.herlaii-1 st rtn. Weill t 111 IUC "OWICIUO .t . iii.-ir ......, ... --. V" " -"" v.p f.n'n. -...i. ... i....i ff llaroftt 1 . . . ... t neb anl bonel- irreatlv invigorate tin? lea;.;VriMir hl a .i-!:nx catt. claim a onmm in tue AIMI.S! : : ! ler - ' - l box. Total Bills from Febv court 189 1 IUUs or Costs Allowed from Aug Court 189L Oct 1 State vsJohn and Duncan McLean John McLean .. .. .. .. Mc an1 NeU1 Mathews " Mc a-d Neil I -Rolls ' Ava R.ker Jot n Holmes (full fees) J W Smith and John ao.2ii " ' (2.,u) .t .. .. T Le (2i:d) n,,. 6 50 3 18 122 13 3 10' have not. have now the opportunity." to 8 17 i try it fri-e. Call on the ad vert bed Lr'.'g--o I pist and ret a trial bottle, tree. t'tud .! . II V Dvir.tt. ,t your li-'ine iii'i uui - & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Ir. King's New Life, Pills Free as we'J as .a. copy of guide to Health and I!rtt? hold Instructor. Free. All of - which U ciwmntped to do von good and ccUt ywi nothing at Harper x lioou s vwv&wtk 11 23 . 4 52 10 42 9 .53 3 05 44 85 18 17 -T no 2 73 10 02 kpfi, nix. wfivp..- -ji: Ciucaw). tro r. Luvm,Ko. aixas,Ti FOB 6 AtC BY GAINEY & JORDOX, Dunn, N..O- POSITIOflS GUARANTEED oader reasonable condition. Oar FREE 96 pat catalogue will explain why we can aziora u. grand--: concert For the - Dranlion's Practical Business College, benefit.of the cilored M. .E. chu cti by the P eal talent of Donn'at CuU h-tuh II aIL (me one---come a!l Fnn ai.d .ati'-ter for all e KASHVILtE, TEN(. WrUe lot cautotne. Book-keeping, ShorthaiwJ, PennumtWp and Ta jrraphy. We spend ti.ore money in tbe interest of oar aac F.fnBlmmeniDeryartinent than hall tbe Bo&ineM YU wji I College take in as tuition. 4 weeks by onr method ..klna knnbutsin. I. Mull tn 19 Wlf h tk : the celettrateo fiie eater- also old plan. 1 1 teachers, 600 arodenta past year, no . . ti... . . tracaiion: nter an time. Ciior BoD. We have prize Dylit, Wiir . z 1M. l""" retTiity prepared books especially adapted to traiim.e i c mj-le e with oih' r aUj HONTE STUDY. tractions to- numerous to mention. I Sent on 60 dm rli. Write as and explain . ', . . in. i "your warns.-N.B.-We pay S5. cash lor all va Au!TU3S!0i ioC CJ.euetl IV.. f cancies as book-aaepeis, ttenoRMpliers, teachers, v:tt. h Manlier. clerks, etc reported to us, prorided we 611 . a t J. J . i i-v

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