.1 THl'i (TIMES, tC5f, Harmtt County, N. G. Entered acoHlns to pojtar rtfgula. T7 1.1. ... n.tffMP jh?jd .dirt matter J7P. I fTTMAX. f Bui coipiicpc r central Timea.i jbose people who believe tai fn- Waibipgtdn; D. C:. Dec 23th. 1804' j sion or coalition can atana ion. ox permanently benefit any, parry juiai a vouN3 trre jOlvea Editors. . pommaulcatlons must reach as on 1 WotSc ernrehet-tawmentf nd all other pSEZ oe manner frori HlaiS o be derived. wlU be enarg-ed 4 cJf JJ Jio. " . i. Baitstu local will be made to reg-ajtrja.; TertUers at f cnta i line- Luealt raUr advertisement: wUJ be Charged. 73 jeeutagerUae. V- BubsOTiJJerf wiU twent j? at the "Potion of thelrVabiSriptlon ooIcm w are nofid &4 DO TwS b discontinued-uatU tna saUcrlpffpn is pais up. SmjnnnwyoBS ranat atwaya aaUiurt natoo f Jtfned. and rauaC, , plafbl oil one Side ol lam papers ' llAdxertHj'ng rte& furnished flu ap plication.. .. ' . tKa leaal not ice $ inserted without No ajmjcnJcAtJon wUl be accepted ' pnjss aocompahJ,ed by the . jjrrJXer s name. . Clalslw$n day Jfere was compira lively mild, but since then -a. anew storm basbn rang wtdeb coIraina. eil ia a reu V Wixjird, A present dale the !pw i frozen over tbe .isptiiit pa vu--ts making sjtf-ilh ng deli'.itful and walking mn-er- .9 a a, I 1 It..ii ous. Ji rs. cneveianu vv ineu vu-iot mas Eve services athijUjricSt.Hoiia have tbe moat t written Plm.Ak Iim t hor rtifttnm - with S 7 7 r ltAnuhlicana 7.509. d tj-i . fiitt nf sionrnf. " r " I. .u.vb Uje receiversb.ip pf the First Nalior- al Bank of Wilipingtoa by Judge Allen's friends ibat tbe (Comptroller to)d me Ibnl Senator fUnjson plead ed fir it. Mr. Ricaud as f the ap. ointment was a Slate isane, Tbe jUoraptrpller that Jqdge V.ea TERBS Of SUB$.CRlfTlO. .Thivc Months..... JSlx Months , One Year... Sent by linil. 1'ayable in advance. .25 Cents. .50 Cent. $1.00. . ...... Dnss, N. C, Jakuaby 2, 1&94. ad 1U a Areowat mt taa :-r Wmm by Ilia Faranta, . . "Yon sball not jjor " ': 1 1 J jnuat ffo. I niiiat. it's nearly flra.n Tne two jovtug menao oiwuuu"! V;y-;.L.: .... adopts it are JnviJLad to stady Ibels- gtood fjl(jln? other, the younger lntjt coalition in $Vyoming.: rJa ut srcug-er lobkiiitf qf e two with 1952 the DInocraUfaseF, wUbibe back ajralnfct the closed door of the Populists. Tne bargm was that tbe hii ht fpnn clothed la oorrect Ppisocrats should TotCufoX:- Populist siternoOB costume, clutched peryouaiy . . .. . , .i' 3 .u. at tha back of a chair as if for support. ITcshJCnuai eieowrs anu we .pvp o,;,. nn brother wi d feapnort the Dempcratlc candU v-r-i,.,. tha door to the other. What a aucoeeded. difTere&ca in the face. In- M? ejea oi . q in voti tn fine eould be read unflipchinff determi- ?The other's told of entreaty. ntra.tv and abasemeni. i i - -. v incK . nil l uc it aiaoe. Result. s Tbe Republlpsns "" away ki the brothers faced increase their rote, receiving 10,149. eacij other. -There wa a click and the iioora of tha . ornamented chateau on Mot ton of the tinVe-Diece opened ; and a - ' J - . - i '-a f i bird, bearing the features oi an aamm- ; istration senatar, appeared and cue- j kooed five times.. The sligh Jaan aank into aa annohalr. ' "Let ua talk-sensibly said the other. The Democrats polled 6.965 and tbe Populists' 2,176. The Republicans bad a clear majority over both. History reports ftsejf. North Carolina Republicans did thrs year ' . . I w.,,.rr.;r.rt A. in 1 ftf2. The I .. i a chair ac-ainat the door LU choice. t0 1 a9nc that for r- ; -- . - - Sd;-- th. fc. of JOr .i mnntl.a SAnatnr. "5 ; - r j i. . . -. i,. rf vour friends. ... in weaxness auaauuuuieun v -imvui for rour own future, an noi you dfckk Ransoao will control the patronage m l . , Qrt , J.IZI-TkL. kw- v.wt that ia Tn1M i Allen's 011 in ioj ucy '"F I i. i ... aM t iaa xki n rr vrmr mnrirv smxau ui aaaaa i . a rw harveat of their folly, m iyu uie iTTJL w TMr. .i and haoov: North Caiolina Republicians, having d now j flnj y0n in tig terrible con- imitated the W yoming Dcqjocrats dltion.. ; ...... .. it's all of no use. Of no use. Ann knwn lo me winu. wiiurcau mjc whirhviDd. - No fusion ever won two successive victories except in the State of Kan 1 . - r. ' ' - j "! - l; North Carolina, Judge i friends made the mistake of having Senator Jarvis present his claims to the Comptroller. It is really a very email matter nntl Judre Allen W04 not particularly anxious abut it la fact, he could not bt.ve accepted w lmt-'fnf tho fact t'nit he was sud I I .U : n a m C.a.lrn Vuon :,ot hr thP late Wat WUiUH w T v r, U in that State, the third atteo.pt was erloo in North Carolina. . I rpnndiRLeci ov concsb ucu ui oti party I parties. With this issue, of T OK Times our waders will see that it comes under pew management, Mr. Pittma", form- .riunf ih ymithSeld Herald, has purchased Mr. Young's inter est i fhe paper aud it will now be publish cd anirun by Qrantham & Piltman Mr. Qrantharo will hold the editor's chair and Mr. Pittman, who is aq ex- nrinivrl ofee manazer will run thai; department. Wa hcofl to tnr to eive to the ,t r - - a Vriends and patrons of tfee paper a fheet worthy .of ieir support and we wnt Avarvhnrfv to feel that it is an ' enterjrise in which tbey have an in Merest. We propose to advocate the Jmjsi principles for the improvement pf our town and ceuoty and we ask th suppprt pf the tpwo and cpunty, WUltB we are i -r. want the neonle of AamDaon. Cumberland and Johnsmn lb bare an inleres. with ui for we want Tiib Time to bear tbe messages of news to all those poqns tigs. . . i As to the poUtical poljoy pf t hp pa. per it is ueelrss tp refer, for the peo pie of old Harnett know full, well j? here I stand. 1 The three years that J was before you at the helm of this paper I eto.od for Democracy, and so Jong s Jts cnnpiples are ngbt and just, as I think tbey are, there will I b found fijhtin for. In making our bow. we thank the friends of the paper for (heir past favors, and ask fhem tp stand by us in tlie future and we will give you a Pappy of which you will be proud of. Yours Respc't. GRANTHAM & PlTfMAN. NOTICE OF LAND SALE. Br ylrtae of a power of aale contained in a certaiu Mprtjage Deed made Dy Jaa a... par lor and wife, to B. stradwlra, ana reeoraea W Book "F," No , paye Hi, 111 and 125 record of Harnett county No. 4. 1 will sell at public ma.1t, at tYim Pnal tlffi In tbe tOWDOI UUDnOD the 1st da of February, 1855, at 1 o'clock, M. fopr.&dTT 'tri fniirtwinff Real Batate. bein in thecoanty of Harnett, to wit: One track ot althouirh it had no nXore. purl to it land containing w acre, mrr: r .-a . tf. M L. V : - -' r &hoat I ortx mues irou m iuwuu 1 Oh next yedneaday. tle th .inst , be Worth Caroling fegUlatqre 3on yens and wi expect it will b run on a cheap plan as lje iopylists all fa or a reduction in taxes ud sre ' op posed U aporopriatine money Tor anything. ; Y pu tjej nut -one of f the RepobKoan or Pop members will res fuse Jiia fall salary tbojzh, wh.eg pay ay comes. "Wp Democrats will .bare to.irake : ov'f demands and 11 they don't give j what we wunt. they shall not p there agaju to make laws. ' ' . ii. VAKBPROPQII of LoCU- borg, N. C,. was founcj c4 P bi room at the Park Bote in Raleigh on Christmas morning. He was a man of some prominence and "ell connected and foing weU fo tbe insurance business, IJe was ia RaK p'gh on buajness for the company, and was drinking some the night lie fore bis death. The supposition was at be mothered, to death.; -Tuk Tptrs retftrns thanks tq Sen iiftisr Jari fof 5 eppjr of fee Congres sional pkectory wh,i.! curtains a Vaifama amount pf information about f he different niernbers of Co-gress 4iTerent committee's etc. .. Qt, Carr. on . tb,e 27ih Dec ap pintd exSenator W. L(. Williams, pf Li-tie River cadeajy. a delrgat Vo the Cotton Gnwer Protection AciaA"nin, which: is to be held in Jackson, &l;.Js.. d11- the 9th. - r . . 9T,m Hon. Thomas Settle ani have returned from their Christmas hunt in North Carolina. He says the settlement of the public printing question at Raleigh wi'l largely de termine the Ions terra in the Senate. rr Marion Butler's oaner eets the printing he wjit not j get the long terqa. There is a free figh! for all on the short term. I think Mr. bett'e is mistaken. Governor Carr, told m last week that nothing hort of death would keep Maripn Bui.lef out of Senator Ranson'a " scat in the United States Senate. Mrs. . Cleveland will not 20 out much this printer for good and uffl eient reasons of ber own with which toe public has nothing to do. The Phi Kappa Sigma, the Alpha Tau Omega and the Sigma Alpha Ensilon Societies have been in ses - . I H ainrt hum f.ir ili.i t.aut tliroo ittvs itnn Twnahin. Harnett coantv. N. C. containInr . I mw.it lialf nerps more or less. Tnta home todar. I Dec.S6tb 1681. Ralford Lnc&a, Awignee qf 1 Tl 1 .a. nf ""'W latAl Harrison Phoebus, elooed ;!. a i - Tn: nni..i.,ui immii- 8h i Ureeu.and recocded in book F,ri kavestrug-eled" madly; wildly."j i "Bnt how did you, a. sensible younyi man. come to fall so far?" -. "It waa our parents' faulL" T ; "tyhatr - - - "Oh, you may say Vhat as touch as you please, but it's tr"? just the same. You were all rieht You were lucky. Ther called yOu" Bill, and there you vrere. What did they christen me? WhT. 'Herbert Edwin.' and from that lay I was doomed. There was no more hope forme than for a man named Bal four at an irish picnic . j "We didn't realize what ia meant, but you can .remember how! thing" were. Your name was Bill and your hair, was cut .when you. put on your first trousers. My name was Herbert Edwin and they put me in Fauntlcroy and let my hair gxow and. tried to curl. ...tint, in th town of Dunn also one horse t buggrya, AUol the anove ianos;Deingr fully described intbe above referred to mort; . .nri Blurt b. full descriDtlon of the -same . y hut hr aoDlylnarto me in person. This December xtttn. i i. r.. oiruu, gigeo. F. F, Jones, Attorney. NOTICE. By virtue of a power of sale crtain Mortirsire Deed by Ja contained in a certain Mortage Deed by Jamea w. Avera to Pave 7 and 7H, recora oi tiarneii count, . which aortgacre Weed naa peen aij jf - aigned to me. 1 win aeu a puduc sate iwf cash at the Court House door in LilHiigtoo, on Monday the stain aay 01 reoruwy mja. at i o'clock M.a certain traea 01 iana in urove Jan. it iw. NOTICE. ccitain Aiacixagd ueeu Dy j. l.. tsyru to j. a Ureeu.and recocded in book iHo. 3, page 173 and 71 records of llarnett county, which ton, . and they were married iu Wasl ington at the residence of his brother mt Mortgage Deed has been duly assigned . . . to me. I will sell for eaah at'pqblic sale at the ycitrfia'. Court House door, in 'LiUtnfrton on Monday t heist h day of February lb5 at 2 o'clock M., a certain traca or land in urove Townsnip, Harnett cou my, S. C, containing thirty acres more oa less. - Tbla Dec. stfith 18j4. Kaiford Lucas Asslgueo of MoptKMee. Jan. 21 vr. John Rums. M P., the famous labor leader i in tbe city There will certainly be an extra session of Congress unless a satis factory finaucial bill is passed. tvtortoaobsale! Undr and by vir. Mr..Bl.ino ha, U b.r bou "UST. ? Sr: here on LaPavette San are. A ma7s I tegiatered ia book H. No. Page 77 and 18 J " 1 in Hegisters Office Harnett county, North nifW.nfc theatrA will ha erenaed on it. I Carolina. I will seU at pnblic auction at the Mr. James G. Blaine, Jr.. is in this Ton tbe find day of Ja?. A. D. 1W5. at ll o'clock ' - I M .thf" following Rfal Eat&tfl. aitnatd. 1 vln dtV. He is attending tbe law de and being iuHaruett county. North Carolina Onrtment of the UniverSltV Of Vir- joining the lands of U. t. Gilbert. John Oil - I . ...4 T . nm...i . .. m gihia and hopes to studies next summer. complete his pf sale. cash. RANSOM S GREAT CATJ- ens SPEECH- The prominent part played by Senators Daniel and IJansom in the Democratic Senatorial caucuses has caused nuch comment among the national Icgislatprs of both parties. The mere fact that Senator Daniel's proposition to apply cloture received so little support in no way brings criticism upon him. Senatprs . gen? eralry say that be acted . handsomely througbtout the agitation, and wep be found bi party associates vera against him. he withdrew his resolu tiou in a mosl courteous manner, and deejded, to -hp.w gracefully to tha wili of the majority. y Many of the 'North 'Carolinians re- gret that. the great piHicli pf Senator Ransom could net have been made putliciy instead of behind closed doore.in a party caucus. Hi etf rt is tbe tall of the dav. 'He was very efTecttve in ui- opppi ion to apply in5 ',"u'e' t th Senate, an what be 9 aid l ad much to do with bringing about the final revult ju r?,e cauuus. One of the North Carolina. mim bers of the House said to-day: "The people of our State will ever h ive the highest administration. ni;d regard for Senator Ransom, and Democrats down my w,ay will qever cease to re gret that the receqt land.side will re tire hitq from the Seqsto. 'ib praise accorded his re q ark a before the caucus will greatly pleaso h a friends in the S,tate( and y uUl fnd that .the people of . thetO Siuuth generally will applaud General Rnn om foy insisting en. jia:vH g-iy co e of. rules Whit; . rlc iVa.f L four Dec. la-lw V. U. JuunsQx, Mprtagft. TTOME FERTILIZER FOR COTTON CORN & GENERAL PROPS yed and endorted by leading farmers in North Carolina and the South for tle past twenty years. Read following .cecc tiricates, and send for puuiphlet giving directions for mixing, testimonials, &c. xiKr next issue wiPtfill glvebri ketches iif fitir present U. Senators snd eaah ek we will give 'sketches pflha or. j iia uatil all 'from fbis StaVt are mcntiouihL 1 i . Tbis Pptrt ta charged hands, g 5 KcrtyUpn privo ?100 pet ear. j vear Sjjo the Repubnuait irce bill.1 irivf i Hlhuvud Dfspatclfx Mabvjixe. N. C, Sept, 80, 'W. ifessrs Borkin, Crofbr fc Co. ' Gentlemen: The chemicals T' bought of you '.or ujakiuff tilonw FertHizeiV continue to,give satistiction. I -only use it unuVr cotton. Yon knqw ( in?t think it good, or I should nQt have iied it so long. This makes. 18 tir 17. years .that-1 liavc been nsing it, and its use has mde inc able to pay for it cash, not on crop time. . Yours truly' Tjios S. KyXKSr Cheraw, S. C. Oct. 1, 1SD3. Msr. Boykij:. Carmer Co. .h ' -' 1 1: gives m pleasure to pay we have been uss rfttur Rome fertilizer" for lft;e t ln frfteenLyeara coutinouslr and expect cyutiiiue to do so Qf conrse, we are entirely lafisfled thitit pys;; us to use; it v Respect,' J. W McHTay, Top Tare' ajl Crpp h' rt4Cerealite.' POSITIONS uUAnflUTEEQ uodsr re&soaable cooditioov Omr FREE 95 Pf 111 ! - . - M I 1. .5 1 KA5RYttU 1 Writs for catalone. 1 j , SAoftitanc, rwunni spend more money in . k . Hold ,ta Ireland. All authorities agreejn stating that Che, ancient inhabitants of Ireland must have been very familiar with gold and well accustomed to its use. Kative jrold occurs In geological deposits in many parts of Ireland. ' Until lately the gold mines ?Of Wlcklow. were the most productive- of the British Isles and besides this there are six other known gold-producing' localities Anw trim, Derry, Tyrone, KUdare, Dublin and Wexford. It is provable, however, that many of the earner" auriferous do, posits have-been worked ot orwo un icnown. . It is a foot that no country tu Europe possesses w much manuf ao tared gold beldngnjr- to early aroa aa Ireland. In the iunseura of .the-Coyal Irish academy a(ue . there arc nearly four hundred specimens pf lbi gV7 antiques. The gold antiiuitfcsin &e British cmsaum illustrative of jiriti&h history are, . without exception,. Irish. The museum of Trinity eollcje, Dub- Un, contains many tine example, "and i there are several lanre orivate collco. v,4 tiona. But there ia no doubt that t"T much create ouastfties of trold oxnar Lt-ttxah are bow - kavwn as xi&tin Warbbj? Caryer. the a. ... r 1 VT w 0 . r tor mi u . o. iaT.e iroai berland couaiy; don'r wem to be in much. fcEverybKly r?u 9 a a ' a iu. arion.ousir. Juait. Waser, iiinis "r and otUr. BMkHuMlnr. Shaftluni. rwunntttfa -sad Is' . -,- . rrsphy. Wespendmore money ia th iomf.ol ni wen ui iwww. oar EaiployatratDrpanaeat nnurhalt the Bmioesa i Ctttlii) ' Colieceakpirfaa"tBtTioa. d weeks by our aBetho j n , . . , . 7 . - . - i ft.rhf skene iTeqaal to ia weeka by th j Berghem. the Dutch painter; had a piipiaa.-iachra. 600 atudeata paat Hvao. aeokllng wile, lie was lazv and she book euV0d2pn thrifty and insisted that he ahould HOMS STUDY. iKepworic. nia araato was over tbe oa CO dara trial. Writaaa sad esplala kitchen, and from time to time Frau N. B-Wa py S. cash for aUva- Bertrhem nounifMi thm milino- with . - vacauoo; eeter say racaruly prepared eparteaioaa, pronaaq ws fA asms. f riwao sua wai I Berghem responded by stamping, to assure her that he was awake and xuiinsr to buiinesa. ' ." "' You can get 4"That- waa the 'Way fit, was right long through school , and college.. Why, I might hae been pn the foot ball team if the captain had not said. Herbert Edwin t Well; I guess not.' That settled it, and all the honors I rot was a place on the '! sophomore re- ;eption committee, which was worse than nothing- - 1 1 'Honestly, Bill, when I graduated from college and came home, I firmly determined to flo the right thine. I aid to myself, 'I will show these peo ple an example of a man becoming a :redit in spite of adverse cireum--itancea.' -I will live down my name, or rather, I will rise superior-to 3ts bale ful influence .That was v.-hat I said, but itHvas of no-tise. v ""In a mOmewtof careless foolhardy thought of my terrible danger came to me. Through the waving petals pi the phrysanthemum on my coat I could oatch occasional glimpses of the dim, wintry sun, and'" I went calmly to my fate. On -the., sidewalk in front of the house a benevolent-looking old gentle man handed " me a tract with,a plead mg, warning look. ' It was headed: 'The Ter rjble Curse, or Why Thomas J. Bippus Became T. Juniper Bippus I thrus the 'tract in n-y pocket. Ah! If I - haa only read it then and taken heed. .. ... .. j j": . "As I went up the steps a man pushed, by me, putting on his coat ai he went. . .1 recognized him. His name was Ebenezer Isaac. 'Where's th nearest bar?' he said, wildly. I've been poisoned.' "Wilh a happy stnile the tract man pointed to the corner, ahd Ebe eer disappeared. i ? ' ''Inside there were twenty-six )adi and one. man. ,IIa name was Reginald Algernon, and he owned the place. I was introduced as Herbert Edwin and was made much of. . I drank 'tea and then I. drank more tea, and I ate little combinations of air' and " sugar called in flattery cakes That night j I : wint home with no appetite for dinner but thoroughly steeped in tea and small talk. The next morning I awoke with an utter loathing. for tea. If the Chit uese nation could have had only one big tail I would have spent; hours weakinjr it. But I recovered and went again. f it needless to speak of the steps In my downfall. Tou see the result. I am a confirmed five o'clock tea'er. 1 make afternoon, calls, and as soon as five q'clpck comes if I can not get to a tea I go nearly' frantic BUI; if you )ove me, If you have .any remembrance of our boyhood days, "you-will make me some tea, rustle, the furniture about and talk to me pi the;, curious com plexion and perfectly lively lace Aliss JcS watt wore at the reception -yesterday." ; Herbert Edwin staggered serosa the room, and fell weeping on a divaq, Washington atar. 1 I iTTLJClai i'r ?- r .t . .i Tliink of your hohie news week for one DoUar, ;s We want this paper to go into the homes of the people of Harnett, Johnston, CumbeWaiid ai son, - Samn The paper is under new man- future he Bittman. agement and will in run by Grantham & We will furnish you with a ood county paper the coming year, giving you the Countyi State and General Bews. News . ironi Mffij&i gress, and our own State Leeisla- ture will be furnished every week. Su bscribe, to-day-81.00 will get the BBper for" 1 895. " - - - - ' " --1.' ;- . - tVs--.- ; rours to serve, v Grantham I" gumee up stairs o.teitswre of C. Lane, . In a- I