UgHSif . .... , 1' V. !PU7? YOUR fTHS GENTRAITTIIIES It., hupping TAGS, i .i. : it, : '. t- 1 :jf' ; ANI)SpK YOUR. BUS I LESS PROSPKR. ' I 7t')n;KK? .vc,- t, 41.L Ki-.D0r Job GRANTHAM & PITTMAM Proprietors.. PROVE ALL, THJNQS. AND HOLD F4$? ) TAT jfr MCB JS QOODJ' $1.00 P if Year la Advance. -- - - . . i gAjps Reason a r le. ! t ilARI TIM 5 CWfCH5- Hieulation, , ;l -i-l.-ntlid" advertising The fflf fgy of a lm4ness m n if DUNN, N. C:, WEDGES DAY, JAN pA. RY 30, 1395, NO. -"46. VOL. IV. judged by lii f Yne paper y tins rld nf lrjr.s ft r ii i rr n n n i si y w 1 1 i 1 1 ru:. lj u 1 h . u w ii ii i f i i . 11 i i i . i i v i r 1 1 I r1 . 1 M i 1.1 ! 1 J ! Jl -LLiLJJJJ JL2A N -a. ( ij JE (Town Directory. A. 1. Wil..n. .,,,, r K. V. Youn?, J. II. I . T. M.xr. !;!. .Qod. ill i: ll3. r : II. v." C. Pyn. , 4 j. . - ;.: 7 r. in., ve.-F rst Sun ..: J I ;i. iii- :iul 7 . m., et-iy .' , . I':'Iin ev rv . j . , iJu"i';J 7 o'clock. Suiil:y ..',. iv Miii'liv. uioruiug :it 10 V ifiiiitthani, superiiiteiu i i-M-rf fourth Suiulay 1 .Mil t vt. ri .'i K.-v. A. M. II:l l!. . ii. i- --ry lirt ami lill at II a. iii. :ml I- uii'l;i , v. ? v mhh!,i evening at J. A lVar-all SiiiK-Tlntcii- ... ;. v. .!. J. Harper. lutn , rv iliiril iml-y iil II a. m S.n-l.iy icIiMl at 4 o Io k. I. i'l iik is SniH."riutMl'i-t, '..-;r. rrry Tliumlay niht I " K . i ipti-t-rSuml iy .echocl ...i-v iimriiiiig at-JO n'cliH-k. S ijH.riutemleiit. Trayt'i, mi. JnirJ;ty niit. n-..:i pavoif. rrva.-liinpr vt'ry m , uiuriilng ami night. : w ,-.ti.t Tlev. Tl. II. .Ta k- ' .. i.i M.r,tty' 'vtry ioiiiuii , .' i . I. III. V , . ,.rj: at Suuda 7 rclnmf vi-rj 3 o'chvw. l-rauius . r ! ...t-l'lCllr. .... 1 K iptit-rKMer X . 9 t. r HiTvires eTV . thirid iti;.iv" . I" v r 1! ti. ii., ami Satimlay befure !.;. ' nil.i at II a. ui.. t " l.iif:kn"v 1 l?e No. I. O. O. m..t- (ur' iiiirht at !;' I k. II ii. is. v. ;.: Tailor. N. o.. . CJ McNt-ill, i w i i Lodge. No. 1ST. A. F. S A. R. -ui .r -oiiiiuiiHk-ation rvi-ry third : i iv : ii.I i very tir?t Friday nht. ;in" " V t-oi." iuvlKil toatiem. , .1 rKAK3ALL,Snit:irj. Pro v.. icnal Ca- i i Vi ;ot:NET AT Law. ... -1 th courts. ri-oMi t ntte,,. i.l I uHn-jt. Jilll. . i ! L Ion Xr. "E- Murchison, A i touxEt at- Law, t-":;o. l-r.. - i.i all ihurroupJ!n? fiii"ti" p. H McLean,. ATTpj'.XEY at ....... r,; l r:ultV. ?Ctft iltMLl tli.-" court ' Ihn .c i '. mr?rlol, Jom:t on anJSaiii p- Dr J. H. Daniel, !'u:i!i. Harnett County, N. C. ...... r" - sinfully N'V ti'r aij.-sf r. ,-. i ,nvH; will wot viu j-nti. -I s ra-iifhlets on Canrer, lt . i - !..n nr.-. Hf t Bilol to -iny t H K Ihriey ' ArroRKEY-AT-lsAU. ILXK N. C. .- in tfi Stt iM Fodt-ral r.irts F "; V ""i v , ' c't hit lion is '.'Mtfa intrusted to hint. J AS. PEAKS ALL, OTTON m'YKIl, R E PRE SENT ING- A 1 f i NN.BZNSON.FOUUOAKS. w AUK ,;NI) GODWIN-, N. C. i ' vnrl). !!. 1I:kmVs Dra Store, J-JOTEI, QiyiNB," o -o 1 1 .'. U t, i ifonn the jvibli.-" that the : m..i1 II :M ha bVn i: i!at-d. is the v. . .: ribcu. i about -' ainl "Carji-d tliror.hout 'i 1 ill -ire no" enit ti "p!ia.' ry t. t who stop with .. " Special u.i.i jivvn to travt-lrp . .;". it'iij public putrou.iyt-'nerally . . olirp. lo J-l-;l0. JXO. AOA l Ej Tl wprietpf. 1 jr4dBvSEtlvBte3a J7 NEWS ITEMS- News From all Parts of the World Gathered from . puy Exchanges. Therft are 500 cloa!;njakfirf la New York that are .qut of entploynen and are awecping the atreta for a living. . John.Qaim, of Dalton, Ga re : -ntly innrdered bis wife and then tiltcmpted ;o cotumil suicy bj tak ing poison, A bill has recently been mlroduc e I in the Texas legislature t make the counties of that State liable Tor $3,000 damages for Ttry person lynched. While endeavoring to rescue bis wife from their bqrnio residence, at Baltimore; Wednesday night, Thos. Wbitridge lost bis footing and both tumbled headlong down a ladder to their death. The c-uple were mar ried about nine moutha, and were ,0 nn.,,,i,r tn sotiiatr. j r'rx?em r . - The West Virginia Leiilatur, have ing chosen Slev. Elkim for United Slates Senator. deterntfng upon an ouirageous partisan gerrymander nnd repudiated fxtrt of thoJ5tate debt. West Virginia m y ja conjicjered to have b,een irjiUaed inm tba glories of Itenublicaiiism. Luuiirille Courier .journal Dem. Manifes'ations of the new worn?.. S.ra miltipljing. C le of them stop ped a man on the streets of Dj r:ii, pulled a cigar and asked for u light. tt . ;.. MatnA m. mracclsr woman i- reported to be working op a pajiup business spanking ber neiahbois bad boys at pfty cents a npank Sullivan bought a goat, for wide: ho paid $5. Shortly after. 1p n- ! reived a tax bill oa the ttoat of i lis c&ed on RafTertr. the essor ,.w.. von tar DBIU . " J J my goat when I pa'd but $5 for ihiuif "Well," ld Ralferty. -I j have prfully read what the statues S. Cissy, and U readi: Wioever owns properwy a bulling on the street shall lie taxed .$3 t rH00? fuot. ,f Shoe ant Leather Bepflrter. CVTTON FACTORIES. Some idea of the wonderful gr"Wt li of cotton maiufactnriogin Ce S uth. says tie. Atlhtita Journal, may b oalhered from the fact that the Cot ton m.ll in the Carq.nas and Qeor- gta n iw uayp oy&Wtj rft'P " thsn all the cottqn gjjUi in the Stui!i combinctl bad in 1890. No ether jsectiqn of the country has in the same pprj.qd raaj2 soch ProS13 n an linnf industry. Lookicz back b?- yVnd I89Q we gefc g,fler impressive Lf ilinSl advance. Io l80 the total Mptsl investtt1 i!caee the saffron cw ana iqe ctnmiUsintbeHnth''as 22.000 i .TT.eir glee : as ijjey leap in j .y Cp') dollars. In it was 103,000. j fruU1 bouh U. b. igh qo the top of 00Q dollara, fn incVtase of nearly j wiH tree; and list . wliie th.e ,.r 500 per cent, in fourteen years. Uai- tridge (Jrumsbis dium. an (the wool ing th!s ieriq4 the pumhtr of cotton chUck chucks his wood. sn4 the do r mills in the qijtj jncreased frm ISO devour the d .gwood plumb in the to 425" the nqrflb-r p,f loom from ' primitive solttuoj? 1 1 ifiz05:tha number of H,in- n ,ct nr.c 4iiqk from e mos- dle. from t S.023.850 ! Norl, ww. that was haw? fn nn i.u Carolina lea4 tba Southern Stat!, .npkiu reef Eat mush and :n.. in this industry. he has 15 mill- I fr. m a rural tunn. j fp?5 JW nd rnlvasmanTaa the whole South had in 1S80V 743,199 spindle, an Son'h Carol in M,oiu comes sepqp.4 with 60 milK 730.5.10 spindles, and, Jfl.pOi loom. Ueorgiu is third with S3, ipUlJ- $92,764 4lc? ar.d 13.52i Iflpms. and A'.aWa stands Tourth with 80 mills. 2C4.4.iS spii-Ale's and 4.0isj looms. Advertise jour business in TajKs r,,. - gafely Throi:;! 4MOlher "! Safely through vther year. Hour by luv.r i.lclay by lay. Ilia hani'f ami rallit In IIi patience iiilm:tc. QoA has brought m oci our vay . Safely fhrquli another year. a the way 1 1 hand hath lel , Breail from Heaven did He provide, At HU word the waters burst. From the roV.s to quinch out thirst; Well hath He our need suppueu. In the way Hi hnd hatlj led. ' Let us now His praises epeakj For eare HU love hath sljownj Never hath He us forgot,1 Lo, His mercy chMies not: For the b.assins we have knoyn, Let us now HU praises speak. ' i Fearlessly will we go fortlj, ' Greet with song the year u,ntried: Love Divine each day will pour IJlessing from boundless store: With our Qod the guard and guide. Fearlessly will-we go forth. Nl. Y. Observer. HOMICIDE V CUAIBflfiLAND Fayettevillh, N. C., Jan. 2. News was received this moning of a homicide ui ihe yjllage of Mauches tpr. twelve miles no the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley railway, on yes terday afternoon. The only news up to train time this afternoon is that Jqtjn. Cameron a -oung man about . 2 1 years of age had a fight with George Brewer, a m n about 30 years old. and Jie for mer cut the latter with a knife in the neck, the erTects p.f which he died rhortly afterward. Roth men J I are white. i The coroner Wft this mpjfling to hold '. n inqu?t. None of the cir- umsiances of the kiljing are known here.. Brewer leaves a wife and sev al children. It is said that Carueron has inade no effort to escape. (By Special DUktch.) FnyUevillc Jan. j2-rLater Jno. f'a-Tieron, i who killed Brewer, arrived this afternoon in charge of an officer, lie contends he actd in self deft-nee: He saysj H ewer had threatend to kill him. and run up be hind him and fct'uck hm with knu k and he (I 'araeron) got away from him. and he still followed him and sti uck him r.-.--in. when he (Cameron) drew his knife an4 cut him in the tiiroat. lie -vill peobably be j tried at this ip V of the court. j It.o January term of the Superior c uii for the trial of ctim n .l ...-:enced thi: mor nub li s Hi .-. Judge W. L. Norwood, ' of ;i sville presidini, tu i il.vbi-t . v II. E-q . aj)ijitr. rnre---a Mr SeaweU's action; against Mr. I) ii-iss w:u was appointed solitu-. tor. w is beard by consent at ,Ans n i o 'uri last week, and judgiueut ren dered in Mr- Seaweirs favor. The uit was a friendly one. t'.o . m,ra of the court are all .new ones. ilj.qugjj he ex-sberitf and ex-cletk arc asss'j.n? he I?ew incum; L -i ts, and bus.. e ja ejng conduct ed sm.Kithlx . Wilmington e:iger I Wess' AN EfyTQR LQQSK This the way the editor feels vijen helot, up bis wutlmeijts in blank verse : ! - I would fly from JliQ pity's rule ai.d ffom it fashions, and its ct ioose:s-and go where g straws berry g'ows .qu its mraj and ' ' rr ..'eberry cpj t-j r the catnip tre.e J5 climoed v Hi . ha c!utche fC I her .rcv :i. i .,ui;eless n4 unjjip. ctin.g nt on f... tatan bush at play; I wiU catch ai on rrpe St milk "t I.OUU r " I" II. a fr- ra the milkwcci) iw---j." ... a . mCI tti no ! , . .1 A ..d thin to alT.v- r.". Ktmrawcsu Hi si?rt'r- ...... " iin kjiijv. r i (e wUiv-wasftea lot i.qisx fSfHWl: pr wut. per ihre the diryqal4 i hantemag Ines, by ijruer a IoJ. ' r ruddy a4 golden re. batter j . ' ',. . to churn fr .m the njilk of hu' b'V-ter j jjewlF0 Jpproal : Mr. Z. C!in h...; aue 1M i"t n m witu lhe Um Sitqpi l hi-. residence earliest bird. U the j fragrant qar- : ..,,... ls l-efl (T" S 11' . . --- THE TOV7W WORDS OP HfFDPS&T KORTHERIf MJf WHO liaS' V9?t5If TO INVEST. IN ! T&5 SIVT fSOTJTH: . As is well known nr cUmstaJ; plernt n4 healthful, consequent ly health is one of or great blessings ; The general prosperity of the -town f pann is not generally know a to the world at ltf& fi)4 fa orrjer tha the moving world may learn of the ' vantages offered by oor'ljjre, wife-awftke town, we give a fey fac'5 ard pointerj worthy fiqnsideraiion No better location oold lg fqund ttw Sou'h for a cotton factory qt cotton seed qlj &t it is q thej Wist of four great oottoo growr ing counties jny JnTeai of tlitf kind would pay hantisom-Iy. No town in the State has ant,tette$ba':k countrv, whitJh gves If and energy to the general mercantile Iflsjness. The towi) 15 fjcte( qn.lje rqpk ljine of the great A. C. L. Syglem of Railroad, abqqt miles tjo'.th or "ilwn and 25 miles North of Fayetteyiile. j It Is situated jipt four ijjtje from the Capei Fear Jtver near the famous Smiley Falls, wherQ t.4ie rjvef .with its mighty pirrent has a fall of Jj'tr Ii lflisla?rP fif M1F R:ies. This water power is sufllcient to ran all the Maphinry irorth Carolina with small cosj; of making water aa)sh)e. 9 rn'Antiellqm days a Canal was porn menced tq utalfe e watgf. b.t the cUi'ig on of the w;ir arrestq I tlje work after mufiii Cjqy fcad Ijeen expejded. The enterprise wag In augurated by Northerrj jjjen hq qever returned after ;:2;3Sbility ceased This water pjwer invites profitable investment. DUN'N naf ljqyt b.qine?s houses that are doing a profitaqle usi- nes-. 5000 : greu; There nation T.v.i !.adqnj hotels that w u!djbe of credit to any city. Abqift Vjif pqttpq f re. sold, on hec 8eets each year, besides hcjng a ' .vithin her Offporate liaji-s s-x churches nf djffersnt denomi i 48 SJR nPIf8PaPer a"dwjob fiftyce. a flourishing nigh scliool. under superb uanageoent; one Iron F)undrv; one Baggy an4 W0 Factory, together with other small mechanical enterprpes. Contiierjq tg ypfh flf S4E tqTn pMnS e!gh years ld thfre has been no progress in any towniSf tle Spulh 44rig r"!' 'ine. that will eqnal Duui, The populatioin has reache4 arpHt l.Qflfl. Here temperance jni general trora!ty are upheld and yjpe in all forms is die'dojjatenced, A hearty 'weicomo awaits yoq. HE GOT JJm RECEIPj what are j waiiq forJ!? gi-M a Cherokee liwyjrf tfl an ind: viio had paid him mqney. "A receipt I What do you kcoir ab.iut a receipt? Can you understand the nature of a receipt! Tell me He nature of one a4 giyg it to ymr- replied ypjjg lawyer. 'S'pose majhe me die; me go le eaben ; me finds the gates l ckcd; me see Tostle Peter; he say, Jim, what you wantf Me say, 'Want to set in. loa fjay - A. max raonr. i yhat me do? I hab no receipt : Ucb to hunt all over hell to find you." He gqt hjl receipt. Ex. No cotton : oailll equipped and manajjd economically in accordance with strict business principles, hp ever proved a f.vilu:e an where, whether operated in the S uili. in a section rpptigious to it? cotton fields or In EJu ope. Cne hundred pi;qitds of cotton :osiin ir. f;n will i. td. if nroDerlv male into cloth, a net profit of $i,32 a, Lh mi i i, f tutt the number of spimiie-. and looms ttjfl jwjli dgiennme lie exact an unt !f proS .s tua 1 at S:.. Loui. j '"That the uv.nafact ire of rotton gooi3 is profitable has bo n .ruven by the earnings of Eaterq in I Soqth' ern millg lajt yeaf, wh pc ces wsre at be4" rttpfc gpd' sales yery' light. Hie divides u,id4 by the mills of New Engjand ruged frqui 3 to 16 per cent-, xg?p, f fa pes, nd e average W3 p,rpf pep cent. This was :ie flrx$t jn an excepliof.-iih poor year and whjq pf the mills were closed for two qr three mjis on account of labor troubles In the South still larger pr ofits were m .de. i withstanding the busjness depres . i . , JSmihern mills were ruq on f .;aatliroqgh the year, ihe ac- r-.ritv -ij tbi South in this respect j -ii-i -a u) jfttf f qf the pre-ud mi. of - -'tttiiiaill gqsta.- to lie M .nafactnrers.' RecqnJ. ot a ti- raoce : jWe hare run every 5pind!e and oig for sertral years pn pi time and i. creased our looms lotli Ust rtar and the veaa befire. We 1 M m Zt ft! - Kmii areli sold on for the . last two vefTS and arc. largely ahead now. II ctnton manufacturing pays 30. wejl in New KngUnd and Georg-a. It The bef yjfe jn the wo ; : : r Cuts, Miulsea. Kheu..i. !' v-r Sore Tetter. phRItfd ih!'k., HUolams, f RJ JH Sfcj" Erupting, id uosr tivelr'curM Piles, or no imv It is . ... ... nnrt n2J pQUpccsriIie fcunaay w? till ! OF DUNN. - FALSE AND UNFAIR CHARG MES AGAINST THE SOUTH. Jfrhe New York Methodist', preach er parsed rcso'uiion decreeing that 'yi-ching in the South must cease. Tj; people down tis way would be yery glad to know lint they had pease d. But all sensible peop'e kjow that they will never cease so 1; pg as the crime record continues large and hangings by the courts a.e io few. Sensible people know that so long as the i;pirg pf helpless aVid pure white women and innocent. iiCtle children continues that Judge Lnch will ride his ru ds with ex ctseding swiftness and 1rmnss ot Take North Carolina for pi)rpoe. tvo years. But three murderers hjlnged pptof4? trje4 iRt;' courts, iij.the United States in one year ojjsouie 5,000: murdets reported but rc .i-!iged. ..iThv1- Mi iLidi-t 'preacher .in- New yUri;.?c nuort sighted. They go in i . c -u tic bitter crimination, of Ihe ' . ' . . . m a. Niu'lu tatir? iiorrjtue Daroaiiuea pWpetraied by mobs in ihe South hat failed to give .the parljculats lfe grave caijs ps JUat led to smroa rf justice, if il eal. The able Jack anville Times-Ur.ion puts it at the reverend accusers after this way : I "Why did they pot say many nen. bow many women and cJii(-iren iiiildrpn werp killed ? Why did they rrpt say how many Were burned alive? Simply because they wished to ere A,e the impression that the lynching of women and children wfs as fre cpjeob in the .Squtb, or nearly so, as iie ly hching of,men; and that own ipyj at the steak was as common. p,r rtearK- as common as anjr thp f4rm of l uiiishment Th" tb at jrjverend gentlemen have sought to preat a false impression, nd have J snt op, tp the world a slanderous f;jilehoo4. . . . j Thgrp was no necpesj;y to come buili for an axtraple. In brut iHy tl lyjiclijqg of a laqqre. r ai Corunna. ichigaii, ay 25, 193. easily takes j,ie cake, tiiht hundred man cur je 1 jfpugfct and gtrujjslett for the privilege kST pulling at the ropj to at was tjed ground the victim's neck. Y'en tjie body was lowered, portions of the kyob whq had been pnaple tp get plose enouiih to take a hand in th,e actual Stinging, seized t he iopp anfl drags Sed tbe lifele ss body IhfPPgP fhe ire. Aft erwards tfcoj dragged jt albout the sretts and around thpy ort house sqpare. They fcd a teplendd time, and nobody interfered vjith their amusem ent, and np,np pf tj.em were p.qnie '.for. H " j As crime Increasea so lyqcjiriga .crease. As tlie courts Jjecnrpe tore i'.ef$;ient and fail U pnnish rime so icie'.y reqrts tq the law tjf" natureself prqtectiqo an I .angs rapists a;j4 aj inlarers as taey Usnsse i theui U California, and as if.; hive b.'-n v itgd ofieri in otu ie.raeTa!-siK(-.lBou.rgeV- D ear severs! ii' ntobs ui criminals' have ocrnrred in the ncll and censorious North The Messenger published a disji&tpb, from Nebraska, telling ; of a mob hanging a defaultering treasurer not a cruel rapist or devilish murder r bqt a thief, all tnis in the si per fine and immaculate North where Mchools do abound nad th Mr. Kno alls flourish in perennial greennetB tt has been contradicted as to killing but tt is a gness. " HJor, nq one in the South desires lynchings. any where, in the North, or in tbeSojjib. , Tlje ooqtbern prs io not favor such things, nor do hey favor .cruel ascaults upon help- ess women by Ijru'.es, nor rat:r lers of the most diabolioal kind.. The North busies itself like Eng- and ioes ftith hanins of vilUaps n the Sooth while having all man ner o' crimes at home. Thev should sweep before their own doors. Lyn-i cfiings are not peculiarly Southern crimes. They are the product of ' a condition thai the courts fail to meet an'Vreljeyp Th) studied slanders and !sig! lies a';med at the South, while passing over the brutes and devilj that prqyoke the punishs men received, are not fair nor cal culated to improve matters. The rjmt8TJtiiqn naakes a closing com ment that it is well to copy, fur it shows to what extent the active liars 20 m their efforts to make the whole Southern peop'e infira ms. It sayq : "The infamous falsehoods that have been uttered against the South dur ing the last few months, and the equally' J 1 famqui attempts to treat ynching as a peculiarly . Southern crime and. the more infamons at tempts to convince the world that the whito women of the South ac quiesced in the purposes of the finds who were Iync44e4 for outraging them all tlK-se have hindered the press pd the better class of people in their fizhts against Ivnefangs. They have fanned the passions of the paces, and have increased the1 number of white women outraged, and the number of negroes lynched." When drviU in black find out that entimental parsons and swift footed newspaper slanderers will condone their crimes committed against JLbe purest and best white women,' and wili insult the best people in the ftStl) by suggestion? of willingness m the part of outrages and some times murdered tfoqen, it is eqough to make everv true. Southern man feel the inteusest indignation, Such foul insinuations are so inhuman, so cruel, so satanic thai the v smell of the sulphurous abodes pf tqe devil and his Jips.'' Wilmington Mes senger. V NEWS PAPER LA fVS. The follow og are the as laid doh by .he United S ates Govern ment for the protection pf newspa pers: . PIVS EXntESS NOTICE. : Subscribers who do. not give ex press notioe to tlie cont.ry are con 8-idered as wishing to continue Jtheir subscription. UNTIL ARREARAGES AB2 PAID. If subscribers order the discontin uance of iheir periodicals, the pub lisher may continue-to send them un til' the arrearages ure? pa d. ARE YOU RESPONSIBLE "UNTIL YOU ' pay up V " . -: -'L: . If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their periodica. from the pjhee to which they are di.ected tljty' are responsible untij Ihet fele' the r bill and order the periodicajs di.-con; tinued. EEOVIStt. '.. If subscribers move to other places without informing it.e publisher, and the papers are sent to .tje formic di rectjon, they ijre held responsible, INTENTIONAL FRAUD. The Courts have decided that ie- fosing todake periodicajs tr the office, or rew.ving an4 fng them uncajlpd jfor, is prima facie evidence of inteotio. al fraud. , A SUBSCRIBER DEPINEQ. Any perpn who recejyes a news paper an makes us flf jt, is be4 b law a sqbscriljer. t - ' 4.ND FINAI.Ly. If subscrihiers pyf fl adyaqc! thpy are bound to give noticg tq tqe pub- lisber at the cqd Qf their time, if they do not wish to continue taking pa per, otherwise the p hJiheri ftatlior Ued to send it on aud tfiff subgc-lber will be responsible qn-l aq express notice, with payn ent of all arrears s senj thp ppblisher. ! : TUK LATEST PQSTAI. T.AWl - - . -1 s Tdje latest.postal lw decis -n Is to tUe effect that publishers of n w p 1--a iv an I persgali. under the lw, arre t rooi f(r frau l W'-io tak?s.a pappr rcsesvj pav for. it.- Under th s law it la a dangerous trick . for a nah i allow his 8gut)cription acoo int to ru unpaid, arid tl'ien Ull t'ie postmaster to mark it refqs?d.". or snd tha p d itr postal card to discsolintie ths paper. -The Continental -Un oi. STATE NEWS. I7E0S UF 1NTE.UST IS TftXEl FROP! OUR Near Davidson College Thqrsday- night a cqlored fnan was murdered.' and foi)be4 II name 1 not known. Au qld co irel v,-omsi living in Burke cou ty had her house burned some nights ago and then she was cremated. I ' ' A little colored girl n Rtileijh aa. burned to death -e daV Inst week bv her cloilies M(vmin? iini- - -. r 7 j r '' . -.- ted while in ,froit of the Hr'?, '' A J'oqng latjy ofSTorf 'k Va, - 1 . ;aio bv 19 the nameof I,qla V 4lowe, was found dead in lied Wednesday morninsr at Newberne caus ed from w i the gas... ,- - Greenslwrp Becord : John Gnu sey and Eli Richardson were yester day conyictQil o.f gambling Uy or Boyd. They weie, throwing; dicir for a cent a tlrov. Kicharda'tn is just back fro in a term jn '''e pcnlteu- iiary where he ws sept for , perjury -Columbus Ntw.s : A j,oo4 many in this section are gfi-. ing to try rais.104 tobacco this year. It has already been demonstra.e that our land iwil' make a good yralc of tob cco.and it beats cottqn as a -monqy prp. . Huriiam Sun. The Krwin Cot ton Mills haire recently e ectcdjthrro large compartments to the cotton house for the storage of cotton. jTlu y are now buiUling an ejt'e tsion to th? dry house one hundr. d feet. and one hundred feet wide and two ttorie high in order to better enable (them derua id for the goods to supply thd of this popular mil Is. t Carthage Blde: On last Satur day night some miscreant .anpjicd a uirch to the barn of Key. 3- A .' 'B.. Trott, colored, of Noise, and the barn with all the lorage, grain and a va'us able h -rse wer ? destroyed. ; Loss $250. This is not the first ineendia-. ry fire iu that section. - Charlotte News ; Mr II. C. raint- er, Observer h'f the Weather Bureau ' at this p.aoe qi q yeftcrday after- noon shortly after 5 o'clock! Ha had b.'en i,n failicg Jicaltn for sorafj months pat but had been confined to nig jjome tor only three weeks Mr Painter was 33 years or zf, and was a native ot Mariana, nay ing been born near Baltimore. ao'dsboro Ilea lliz'it : The .re- mnins of Mr. Adolph Colin, who-d el rhtirs4ay m ruing near 1 jPao, fex while n his way to Mexico to rectaperate, ' reached here Ttidiv afternocm and were conveyed to thg Hebrew cemetery, wliere the inter ment was made, surrounded by thQ prpsenoa of a larg coucottrjs o" relati ves u d fr en4. Decease.i was 34 vcarsl at ae, and. was form ;rJf ly a resident of tlus city, h Chntqn Deraocat:' Mr. Rfcvos FaiHoth, one of the old and jjstly esteemed citizens of. our coo try', 4ied on January 20ih, A g'eat many pf the people about Way Cross are begiqning lhe culture if tube roses aod as there is loot mor ey iq them, it 13 not itnirobable that in a hort time it will bee una an moor- ant product . or this market 1 nq farmers in the Way-Cross section are plaqtinV 3 great deal : less cot ton and insteid will-cultivate cri. ieas and potatoes. Th-i wi ij ti become more self-sustaining. A nerii named Brodv shot and kiiled his w !'e here about 7 30 o'chnrk Fridsy nigh Hnwle wit to hi home with a double-barreled g U11 ar.'l foond his wife makinjr prepara 1 ujh to uo to a marriage with anovWer negro, when he shot hr. the load en tering the tippir part of her thiyl.. severing the fein ral nterv. She du. . before a phistcan could re ic'i har., Tha l ttltf six-. er dd ilaugbttr of the parties ;w.s lift onl' eye wi'oc -3 o the ray, Slie t t.ea iiither came in and c umiin'vd .0 qrf ! rf mother and then ah., her. Br.'.d iinmclia'ely iert the' i oiisj au l not server. a fuu::d, New'3 .idd U '. t 1 . n n

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