Hi: f IMli OS-TICK ; . prepared lo. I'riot Your KU IfOTK HEADS, fTHE GENT?14 TIME att rivn fir JnR j PROSPER.' GRANTHAM & PITTMAN Proprietor. -PROVE ALL TIJPJSS. AND II0LD FAST, TO THAT VT :ICU IS GOOD." $1.CQ Per Year In Advance. JATES IJE4S0NARLE. r-r i . Tlir.enfrjjy .of i hipin mm is it ih.ttM-ing circulation, a pjriwbd udc:t;-.i:ig VOL, IV. DUNN, N. G WEDNESD AYX FEBHtJ All Y 6, 1 395. NO. 47, julge( Jiy ! i? Vire paper by. t!o orid at lr.rori i i it ii ii a v y n yi i 'M t s- iu a it yi i haw 11 ii s w " . i ' i . . . AVOID BuIK Soda ! I bad soda spoils-good flour, c Pur soil the best soda, canes - ..- ... . only in packages. bearing this trarfe mark?!' -A. . -V? 3 It ists o moic fhin inferior package soda ?' Tr v . ; f-rVi-r.spoib the flour il ways keeps' so.t fa, fr;vv j'te. ; y .. i. of i.ih'ii-io:; .fc-ie m-rks and Libels," j , .a icst5f packages ::, vor J- ARU'ANS C: Town Directory. m. i : 1 M, I-'.- Yoiiiisr. .1. II. K v. V. fain. Pa- THE t. STRA IT FOR PUBLIC Tliis arpeinent o.adc tlii? the l8lL .lav if ! r?l,r mrv. 1 Ti .13. ar.J be j --- : " J i . '.v.icu t!ifc S ato 'f ortli , Carolina through tiic j i t cmi. iriittce of the t xV - ;iS ; k hi.. vory fir-t bun- j neil( ral Assembly f Public Printing jrin.l 11 ;i- in. ail 7 p. in.,' y j : , . , - i u ,1. :-i.n..L,v. Pr;.y.-r:!0 Hn- . v. ry j Lli rt. duly ruMiri2-d by law ; on t i-vTV rniii:iv- niuriim :n iu , ., I' I. I I IQIII WIIU.-.i,l...' . ' ----- - . A trinket iijulf like a heart, ar, OFr'l goM, l.ri -jlit anl ll:n, W':i hvii t n: lor a keepsake, Given to ine )r mine. . And another Wart." arm and tei.ilcr. A true a-s a h.Mrt ;:jM'rxj And every tJirob tlint Mirre.l it Wa always ami all f r in?. Sailing oyer ih waters, Watching the far ijn land, I dropped in y 'golden heart, dear. Droprt.-d it out cf iny hand! It lies in the aM blue ater-, Fathoms :t'id f. it horns deep. Tlie coMen l)erirt whicii I pr.:i;:o:, Promised to pi ize and keep. Gazing at life's bright visions, ho false, and fair and new. I forget the other heart, dvur, Forgot it and lost it, too! I might seek that li -art forever, I might Seek and ? ek in vain And for one .-hoi t a:.d car??t: ho ir. I pay with' a iif-' of pain. -Adelaide Proetor in Wilmington Star. THE JOW?J OF DUffy. WOKDS 0P .INTEREST TO':NORTHESN.MEN WHO MAY "WISH TO -INVEST IN THE SUNNY SOJJTg. ' V 1 Tp MAKE A HOME. Thre arc s mr.ny duties beset ting the mother of a f mi!y, nnd s!ie Tnat! tries so hard to do her best at all U; K. pl.niuia,'j. CUH.Tiin'J.i - , j--- 1 JfVeting of Sunday w.-lioof Mi-- u;e said Jocp'.ius Dar.uid d e un-j times, that it is not to be wondered . - Z & 1 - fc- . . . I . . . I try .iy everv rii. "-Id erst, nd a:il a,;rno to do all j the 1i.h. o"mg ll.-u -s iir ayer nuet-i ' ! -if ... f.i. i l, !. , i.rKiini't i iirn-lr ri i 1 1 rt'i 1 . M. Ha-. lU and allow d by law "to b 1 done. dur-. -Ivieri in I!V. Sr. iiir everv-lht and fifth in-r t lie tcr!2 of .two vor fn-m j the ? :VX'-Zyl-TfA "( February. lx. by .be i k. J. .A I'e.irsalJ .Siipeiinn i: ' st.;c of North (.'Molina and tr j all j penal 'Mid ciiaritab e iiisMt-.Hlonsi of -i..i.i.y i; iiTi-T- Minn ay fc-i.im j , llli'i III! L i, ic.-v. .1. .!. IIarer, .Pato , ilt. i:it. u nl 2.M the U.-.ariments j. imiv tliiid Sunday rt 11 ."i , . , . ,i ',,11 f ... ,. ..:..!, ho.d at -I oel , ty s,:bd. parUn-nt, thcreo. ,to do all j p.ill.i:.e, iiK-riiitefn!.Mif ji i rinli;i ' and bindi g u a wurk r tin' eiy TI.ur;d;iy i.ig.U i ...i:k lfl P,.n, .,,iv in good Vme. u" at ID r Vli; k. 1 ror'iiis v"r1 f""-!'!'1" I Ti! t." t. iiMTii?niidenr. Prayes, Haidel's i lo receive the following i:n' Thiii-.!.;;.' night. ' 1.,.J8 Ulli,:1.,.t , .livoii its here- f. N ut...i i.a- ou. iie:i hi!ig very i l" " J""" . , I..! ! i . nmruitiir and niht. : tnaflor iiientioiivd i : ... t '.ViH IJaptUt.-R- v. R. II. .Ta- k- ' -' . Sv-rviees V .ery' Fn t h ; u i 7 a. tu. rnielay M hooi fvetw v ..'itu' at '.I o'clock, l.ia-nu;j - jinteiident'. "j eighty cents ; i.r every token or wo f Dipti-t-FJder , W. C , hi.i.?rc.l r.nd forty impressions, twen- l.i, i'.i-tor. ;Vrvi; e -,-ry (hiiid ' 13 !ive cents, and for all otuer w6r For ' one tli.a:;and cms of plain work, forty tct; fur every one Im.u sand miT of. uile and ligure work. . at 11 hi., aio iwai.n'iA i..je . 1 1 , : . s,..,e or anv r ;..nl Mill' 1.1 V al 11 a. 111. the deparlmenU thereof, except binding. LAiixjES. tiie ugu aj ostomtry rited. tor Tu:l 1. 11. know T.lg No. 11 I. O. O. ; 8j,jt binding, sixty cenls per 'i. I'li'ii- T iicdav niirlil ai 1 ..." ... . 1 ... ,k. i: G." Talor, N. (.: ). w : uinu ; Ur hall e. uin-wiu. ihc .ij iJm. V. H.: . 0. .MeXeill, ent ; , ccrit,8 per voliimn. All u.H w rk sU.ill be l;i:e 111 full at.il bJ occaioMally resents the col ainns of advice (which, as the ecotfer truly say. 1 oheai)) thut appears week after week in our' newspapers, j This little corner m y not be so dif- j ferent from others, but it pleads in j excuse that. the writer, is herself a mother, one of w osc grat. an.bi-; tii.n. ; t.v 00.. on q aiitn nl Kuril I frim ier iwu experiences thr.t may prove helj-.frd to others, Tlierefore she ventures a very lew words on a new te?;t. To many of us the thought often comes: 'I hive no time to improve myself; it is jrst work, work, from inofr.'.iJL' uii'.il niiht,." In on- youih we were ail'tvsl'e-bui'ding. All had a fai. y ship a1 sea. freighted wii.h the brigiil.ho. es ind possibilities . that voutl.ful. fii.cy coahl picture. lint .As, is veil known our climit psant ncj beIUifi!. cSnsequent'. Jj- health is ona of our great" bIes3Tn5. ' The general prc;sp. riiy of the town of Dunn fa not generally knom to the world a; large , and In order. Uiat tbe my;ng world ir-sy Itarn of the advantaget off-red b- our live, wide-awuke town, we give a few fa ss and pointers vitrt!iyi if Consi'lerat'.on. No better location poijld be found in tlie Soij'h fqr a coM.on factory or ci'lo.i seed pl tnip, fijr it 1? in the mjdst of four grgf-t cotton ro-T ing coij-Tjes a:irl any'ipves' met nf this ;nd would pv haudsorr.ly. N toisrn in the Sia?,e his aay belter back couutrv. which gives iife 'ari l energy to the gen'erarmercsnlile busings. i The town is located on. the Trunk Line f the great A. C. L. Sysie n of Kail road, thout iQ hroile South or Wiisoa and 2" n;iles North of Fiiyeitevjlle. It is situated just four miles frorn tiie Cape Fear River near th'jfanV'Ms S:s:iley'faIIs, whore t!iq river ith its !ni-j;hty current ha- a fa'l of 27 feet in a distance of four m'les. This water power is sufil'-ient to run all the MaqhinQry in North CurIiua wi'li small cot "f making wat.er available. h in 'AutiHeKuai day a Canal was eom meneed to Uta!i;e t:ie w'ater. but the coining on of th- vv ir arreste i the work after much nor,ey' had b.een .expended. ' Tiie enterprise was in- ' ttiig-.irat'id by .Northern npn. w!io never returns J after . hostility had ceased This water power invites profitable investment. 1 DUNN has about 35 business houses that are doing j. profitable busN r.esi. Two ! andsom hotels that wou'd b3 of credit to 'iy city. A'4fut 500frba.es of cotton ate sold on her streets each vear, besides being a grea-t turpentine market. Ti:ere are within her corporate limi's six churches of "differsnt denoir.is nations; one go'wl newspaper and j b f.'lV.'.o. a flourishing high- school, under superb management; one Iron Foundrv; one Bugg- and V agon Fa-tory, toetlK-r wth other small me-'lianijal entcrpr4-es. CiintidiTiug the youth of bur'to-.7n, (b;ing sight years oldy there has been no greater progress' r an)' town of the South1 during this lime, that will equal D.unn. The population has reached ab'.ut I'.GOO. ; Here, temperance anil general irorrdity are uheld and vice in all forms is di-d'.untenced, A heart- welcosiie awaits you. TRAIN ROBBERIES. THEY ARE INCREASING. HIGIIER RATE F0n CARItTlSO M0NKY. Tbe express compane tjjrcngli out thp country )ave put up tlveir rates for the carriage of money. The incTease amounts to nbout 25 per cent., anJ Is ihp re-iH of Ihp losses j entailed upua the companies . by thf ! train robberies which have grown so much in frequency and daring during j iha Jat two years. In erery stich eae the companies are subjected to. lltln'f 'n1a-ii'uh Np'tttre' muco expense in pursuing tiie iwcv . i orcilh.'Sl "infc-J-hcaltH.- 1 ..r , 1 .. r;i . . t v i ;;im 01.cn nicy tail iu itLU) i idvi f J? means 'so nnuch morj? than K vru imai-;nc serious nv.d tata diseases1 xoult from . trifling ailmqnts ncelpctcd. THE SUNNY SIDE.' be eve;: norsFCL. J VII EN T3 A D VE R ris E Thci There's not hing on earth sq rav j jteriously funny as a .newspaper .a4 I , : verliscment.' Tl;e p. ime. firs', last, is no greater "man than he) a"). U hj --t of an advert 1 . - 1 - - treasarp 5tt;eu. Experience has taught them, they say? that tiiey can not continue To carry money at the old rates ijdih hope of profit, and that ' the increase which they have made is the . tipple dietate of common sencc busii.ess managenjeht. r . T he followju tabde compiled by the Express Gazette, of Cincinatti. giyes the tiumher of "hold-ups" of railroad express-trains during the frast live years, and shows that the evil is a growing one and that yig- orous I gislacion is needed to put an eud to it : - i Number of r-llold-pps." i 19 Year. lsyq 1891 1802 1893 1894 12 .16 33 27 w!io is true to himseif when 1 aJl , tisenout :s to dr-aw custom. It is arout.d deny and forsake him. i ! noJ, was not an.i .-.ever win ue je- woik so humble that signed for any other human purpose. Trjere' ia no realization of our fond day dreams. Our castlei may h ave crumbled into dust, and our ships. Idee the fai y phantom ships of old, ray still Ijana in th's hv.nzon.' never advaucifig to farhfulncss in it will not be noticed tup mercuaut wans uu nis scare is sfi full of customers- that lie can't get his hat otf, and then he lushes to 11. 1 . ' 1- T snccesstul figures walking in it. more ' ! newspapers an-i pius in lis au- Hid.Te warded. .0 non of 113 ncrhons. has come the j "e V " l,:cf $ 1 : often than not, you will find that they are people who have failed nsoro tbai f;r.c. ' I "Wh- n Emerson's library was Miss 1 r . 1 . 1 itt r.i,liMiiMiij !!iv( :"r- nuriuii au U)''urii. icimiu-j trom our 1 Ale -tt, ' l vent to him as he stood iti.rra l.ode. No. l.". A.F. tc A.' conluriuttv wi;h the tei uu of Chapter 11' .i.r!..:.inuide:itinn. vcry fhinl . 2 jf c .tii.led Pulilic ii.l i-i rv tirt r ;;.:.iy i.i.um. i .. M.i.-i. inited lo atteiuj. 1 Panting. It fuither agreed that !iais. been very dilfere.it anticipaiiona, yet, for all this, we have no right lo sit idly down and av. "Life has been a failure." God 8'rqng sweet .1. rKAK.sAi.i-, .s, . i rary. ltie AudiUt of ibe Svatts before Uas v..Vi as in'thi world. He lias -ion. hut he answered cheenl r-r-Tzrz- Litg his warrant lor pa t-'"1 oi' 'Vrk .,:VtMl u. our work to per for 'n, a:id -Never mind, Louisa, see what FlOlt clonal CardS- I above specified, .shall deduc. !ij..ia j-k wU r.qi;ie ns to rendcr an ac-! biautiful bl?e they make I Wei ; 8UC, mt aodited and allowed, uTixeii j o ,lim t,.0 way 0 have er.j..y that now." T!ie lesson ; J. Best, A:;onrEr at Lav. .in, ; . ti.-.-s in sll tin court.-, ft all l-n-.ii-j4. i 1: ! 1 run iu tu iiui.i'iis ' 'o ". a it '' cjnt! ..hich shall be in lull pa..mci,. - for said biiis. t our Unto a u talents. with the firelight on hi face and expressed my s mpathy Toj the I03S of ids most valued t posses- answered c'.ieerilv: a will was Then 1 r.ever lorgot'.en. ana in me yarusu losc that have come to me 1 have 'mi 1. I, f. E- MurchUon, AttokxeV at Law, iNK-nono. C.i ' And in consideration thereof, tue '; State of North Carolina agrees ixc Icordiug to 1 lu; .ciius uCHive men ItioetO, Uit 'tl pilnliii, bmdiiig.poo ! wo k ui.d otu. r suc.i w-.rk to be uuue (tii : t'es' books a d Irani aur children ; tiioroug!dy in the principles ot man hood and womanhood. Uoslo.i Uudiet. ! ilurtnu u.e .vr-.. t lvo years frau r.ttc-a In all theurrounlinff c.MintifS..( , . 1.4 1 t"..r i !u Si.nl, c ATTOItXEi AT LAW. 1 : i i . 1 til Mln i:if r."iiis - . . . to , . .... IV. :t 'inrl'oriai'i, Jui:.-o. r- iii i- I r J. H. Danielr, l brv.a. ai.d all the Uepntuueins and iystitu j lions U red", fchall bo done by j the ' said Joscphus Duiileis, and the same shall be pajd for us abo,ve epec.fi.d, All Ihe wo:k done under this con tract shuil be sutnuitied to the j de pattmenl for wl ich done and ! ap proved by it in writing before j the t:nn. ii .rnett Cmiuty, N. C i. ..t il '. ...i.lo.i.l lliitll i.-!ili.- - Ni -tin r ii ase . s iu e buaii ue c.. 'nfciv-v, t"-" ,14 mimIci- onrse'vea as refined and -.;;iv a d as is.ssible. Let us read ; learned to look b-r -ometamg biau- 1 1 u 1 an 1 krigt:i, . None of us rabze that hopelfulness is noton'y a delightful quality to meet ip o hers, but a positive dutv incumbcft 00 all of us, L Paul, th.- riift. 1 r:er?eal of writers on life JOHN WESLEY AND '" an,, it3 a-fficulties, brackets it with c FARMER. j faith and love as the chiefest of I Christian virtues. It is not a mere ' I accidei.tof disposition whether we ' J farmer went tphear John Wes- j persis'enlly h ok on the datk and ley preach. He was a man wlh. cared ; j,i. 0my r the bright.slde of thir giv little about religion; .' the other 1 jjUt jiahit f oiind wbjeh we " can t.and. lie was not what we call a bad cultivate allow Jo die through man liis attention was socp exciv j Wa,lt 0f pSc. ihI and riveled. AVesiey said he f. M..1 I I- 1 ! .ii.tl rf .(I.v.-ly HL. t vi-tt l.ti , - , . , .w ..I,.,.- vertisements. . When the dull sef son jjets along, and there is no trudg, and he wants to sell golds' so bid he can't pay. icnt, he takes out his advertisement that is. seme of the:n do; but op- cassionall'y a level-hca ie I ineroiiant puts in a bigger one,' and' scoops ail' the business, while his neighbors are raortgred to pay tip gass bill. There are lime when, you couldn't stop peojie fioiu buying every thing in the efqre if. you planted a cam on behind the door, and that's the tf.me the advertisement is sent on its holy mission. Tt makes light work for the dy rtis;3m?;i for a chalk sign on the sidewalk would th all that wa? needtd r.iid have half holiday s x days in thti week; biit who wanl to favor .an advertise tnetit I They -are built t.i do hard ; work; and should be sent out .in" dull oay-v when a customer. has to be knocked down with haul f;cis and kicked in sensible with bankrupt reductions in price before they will spend a ceat. That's the aim and end of an adver tisement. IJtri'c try to got them to Total number trains held up 104 Total, r umber of lives lost ' 2i Total number of neonle injured 27 Senator Butler has introduced ,s bill which puts raouey packages of express-companies on the same level as United States mail matter, and it is believed that if it becomes a law hold up" will beof infrequent oc currence?. Train robbers aeldom ins terfer with'. the mills. "They have more f ar of the . United Jtate3 au thorities. Tbey know that to touch any piece of mail matter is to set in motion a band of trained ofijeers who have ample means with which to pursue them te the. land's 6 end,, where local authorities are rartly provided with the ineans to pursue 7 v If ytvik fVl Of f:l l-..iall, lia no is.'y t-i - it t vou, J t work. J! bci in M one ink- . tt.e nivi rri.. J edit'-nr ov 11 Ili.il u 1 :trth n cures Neuralgia, Iroub'es. -bciivi.1 4 w the S ltjc it V I II i rL:lari-, tit youi ai Oct 0:1 fit S1:.! inc it r rroi-.-1 rt-fl lues on li-itf tyr,1j.tcr'. jllilhVit .cud SiHUtPS ! )-. r. ,v' t of' tw .i will s-.nti Wt "rtf V bcuutuui W l-alr Vlcxv it -1 t.ack-t-iite. t BROWN CHEMICAL CO DAL.TlCe. ' J. . 1 Liver V i ncnts WO fZ MO. V DK. BOYKIN'S WORM KILLP.R, 'The'bjst Selling Verra:fuge in - 4 he Market." reliable worm destroyer in have to take chances of detection and conviction they prefer to incur the penalty of the State, law. rather than of the Federal law. And ih.en, of course, they know that they are far more certain to find currency in ex press packages than in mail matter. jr ih,e Ujnteci States Government would undertake the carriage of mon ey packages and would insure delix cr3. it might Lave alLpf this carrying business. Hut this the government has alwavs decline I to ' do. If ti e The most t. Rec use. pis' furnished to any phys sician when reqli .;stil. o Mr. j chid one La fiifAxau N July '87. P Joyner: I gave my doie of Hps kin's irchased Killer," Brought 306 woriris "Worm you. it of I Cojiider it the be t worm mtdipn made. . Itenot. J W. Thomas. iJuck Cjikek. N. C. May' 6th. lbL! B3 kin. Carraer & Co., Haltimore, Dear Sirs: Mr. A. Rudd. a Md vesy responsible eumtomer of mine, ..' .dL d J..P iv-ti t. s.t ttM li.ilf lAnO tf.M in I'll V iipm K I or ana punisu iiicm. o", waeu w.c) - to a cliild last week ad tfte result whs 33 worms. Mr, Taqiel Pines used it wjth gij II better resu t- : lb worms fpqm one child; of c urse my. sajes yill je larQ. Yours truly, ! KHKmitb. j j ReacJ the folqwiqz fron? one of the most prominent and tjeat known physicians " aqd fapfjer n 'South Carolina, HR writs "That a negro girl 10 years old-near him, tosjk two, or three closes ol the Wo;m Kilie:!, and p d 360 worms.'? j Dated Hidgway, S. C, May 26. 1891. Post Omee Department will not 1o V H. K imui.dson, M, D. this brines why shoulfl not Cori-j Mr.fi I McrnaJ 1 oi I ttfran. rcss extend its proJectiqn to money go, N C-sa-'-i Uf. ijoykiu's '"Worm 3 t . . , ' ,' Killer" brpu, ht oyer IQQ worm irom oackages earn d by express eom- . panie I If it should do so we (should vi.l t ma.l.Hl Iii any rr-- - . n -M tloued. . . 1 .lirOhNEY'ATLAiy. urxx, - - n. c J. t'., In the Sti-te an.i Fo4or r:rH- V. ' cttention is usturtil to uu tgiitd) OAS. piAllSALL, j nrrrox HjJVKn, W.lness : v x 1 . ,iscpnus uaiucis, John L King, ; C Morton, j li b Ay cock, . j T M Uobcrtson. . Senate lir inch of Committee, I him ; it J il McCeilami, A L; Ward. Jv.ui. It Howe, i W R Al en? ) L M li:j.c. . I li. use Braiuhoi' C mmUiCv;. T P Ji.au m, Jr. legin with small thing?, and the row on you in grealer Ifastly, resolve to 1 o't . or nnd-rn.l a nei-d.bor and sai'. : ; 'or me or. gnu piace ... . iui tuvi - - n 1 -This is strange preachire ; I never 1 would lake qpth-ee topics of thought;! "'" 0 eiHhe wa3 talking chiefiy on money, llL-jhnb.t wdl grow I first was, -Get a1! you can." The ones. Steadfa he-ird the like before; this is Very aud if .Mur path tn life is gloomy and difficult, lot k not only son the d stones ot the wsy,. Vat fix ..,.-1.1 T!.f has trot llimsrs iiiii"""" ' u .d,.ir:ible 0ret.chi.v2." your mimi steamy on iu , w 1 .. r . . ,. 1 hich come in the darkest ami 1 I I J.ihn Wes ey iiisc-ursed on -intius- j try. 'atuivity." "living to p:ir.'osp. and reach id hn ejc.nd division. Save ab v-m can." The farmer be cau.e more exeited." "Was there ever anvtLiutf like this I" he said Wesley denouncing thr ifllessness the sun ai d stars which ate always j shining above, if we will but lift our eyes and see them. It is not xourseif' only you will out of the wiu lows, but aive them your adveriis-Mncni. Tight between the eyes in the dull season, and you wi I wax rich and own a fast liorse. j and perhaps be able to smoke a good cirar once or twice a week. Wrile this dosn where .you will fall oyer it every day. The time for a merchant to draw business is when he business wa-itsl and not when ho has aore busine.-s than he can attend to already. soon see the companres returning to their ohj ralcg; perhaps to rates lower than ever before, j - We are not fawiliar with tlie details of Senator But er's . bill, but miles-, it is iiablu to soma objection come when tb3y are already sUckiiig j does not occur to us, we. should think ijiMt it ought to pass. Iu t. e instance of the Aquia-creek rob ben we see how tiillieult and c ally it isjto pursue train robbers, and how tro ibl- eaome it Is to bring .-back for trial a prisoner who has l)2en arrested i another State, This, to , notwith standing the fact that Governor -p'Ferrall lias made untiring efforts 10 bring th - guilty ic judgment. Indeed, jf the executives of all oihei S'atcs which Uav bsen the scenes of train robcrs hafl pursued tiie rascals w jth the same vigor an i determ:natin that Virg nia's Ex-- I ecutive has pursued ttise who held ! .- . . . ... n e clur.t iliat it gives' universal salisfaclfo-i." lie sells 1110 e of it than a l other worm medicine. Do npt let your dealer put you if with soran other. Ask for Boy kin's tV'orm Kit er and get it'. Any M H can prescribe it and oany ; . j k J ' !Y1IK, CAIt IRIt C'I., Tiic wi( of Miss Angeline WhUe w:s probate I in Raleigh Satordav. The, tate will amount to $1,000. erest of John Wan- amaker, tiie prince f Phibdelpida. has spent. serve bv the formation of hopelui ; -,vtr ia!f 3 miliion loll s-dyer ' : .... 1 . - views and habits; you will be a ptr- hin and stili Keeps Hup, der at Aq lia ' crerk, this itk' j and was'e. and l e satirized H e wil- j tual cosdial and tonic to a'd those j tyn.: in papers in all sections 'of.t c forra of crVme acuid nave disapp -ar- V al . .,! o-.,'-.,' M,-!iie!i l:ivihetl in ...,,,. .i ,. -.fjnir list ia cast-. ! .....,..t p.. .-. 1: imffrii m lim " in liit i , V- o.. , I.. llt CpDI'VT f QjJ.V nKght ue.r Wdcox Auzoaa, jandj iXUty; and th faimcr-f ubbed his J - j.;ierci3e a strong will to secure . eu!ltry is belter- known than hie. j j,own' l!):it, ju some States the au JiLcVUj 4LLA. tluLltl 'J'-'Mp.bhcd by five men of' ten t ..ousand j i!aiu as thought, "All this I have j ai y, j If we wory about Uoj-jr'; yafianmakc-r is the man - "ho I'thorHies are'uot very diligent in iur. V r 1 UNN. B2NSO. FOUR OAKS, j dollars t Mexican money, u;-;teeu tauni tnm ; j rJst Avwen gone, or '-7 j recently .fviuei a;-u, presuieucy 8Uiag 8Ueu olleudcrs. fhe f ct is I ' " ' n...l two lit st cais. baggage 'and j ..i.-, -,11, cutting, and what yiiU -i.;.. iUJ nt umie, the .ble-sed t:i4,f a ra'i'ro'sd because hi didn-t have L .. . , ;, tau0lt ,n -nvi mft!, i fol- ADK AND GODW IN, N. C. . - .. i,..., fru.ii i the i 1 .lin,r it 'set met! to l.im that 't-i.;,.!, il Il we can bj aUfsi of, !,:. n.-w I'n.ui i biiiiness. 1 ; ... .1.. ... .. . ..-o. s -. . ma 1 1 ctti a, ri w 1 , 1 uvi.w "si . . . . luu.. 1 . --- :iow uiese ticsi:i ti ..- .. . . ' . . ... I - - t ' ice at U. II. HtHMli.s urug JM-r.,- ,.r ti,. ,,oiiieer ;was ..t, -tin hi.l et.me to hin imus. i The will provides that the fir i this raonqj- shall be paid during their life to the' surviving two, aULers and hroth -r, whq are :b ut fifty y"r of ig, and U,'on tlieir death tl e princi pal shall a into the handa of the i qstef of W ukfe Forest Col lege, who shall apply the interest arising fron? t t- t o f T "W CX. At assonger ira... t... Xv JL, XT XV JLi O Xj J.J a. a. ai w. , tl-a 1 raiirtU'i was oem uj- I)JJNN, N.t-' -in ri:n m;w MAX.i;r.Mi2NT , 4 1 . o '-ti j see met! ' ;,.iMMi'er cars aim iue cuiimv.. - . !: v. .... i ,na,ie lo run forseveral miles away j jin, ; Wesley a lvapc-i to his third i:h the rubbers abtard. after which ,lt.al. tvhic . wa-. "Give ail jou cm. Ah, d :r. ! ah. dear," said the lar- : 1 1 . . ' we i.e.er have. eleUed. fpare from lis ! The merJmiii i.. co't see tlie .jjej.n th, m jf j,uey s!,ow fight, and 1 nujrsl in tins s .on! 1 imiiedia ely in- j UjQ 4fl,n the o!Ilcer3 0f tsfc jaw have wit v, i lU- oid iheir wtk 1 ! j mcr, !l5uckl''nN Ariii4ia Salv. ; j .1 . 1.- ! 1 ' . 1 . : . .i. r1.! f,.r f:lt. aive in in i - - i -4;iAid. 1 .- ... 1 .r..rii ii.e .'iin.' tr.ai m1.. im-its m .1. rd lbirl h- N-'i-.i tJeo..v:it. tt. J -mis,.- Sores, bait llheHai. Fever xre f n i l-.e.l nod :uiHteil tJiP;iiioui . fi,..! Hanks, t hil!ul uu. 11 p latest tnprove.ment on watch- cs is lhat of a pho iognqdi 011 the in-1 '. . 1 . ; . . 1 . I t . ,l.i i...i,a nn.1 flllrw vt st m f-o'.ne q b:c-tarr!ea Lui;l j!.n iit.bcsoniaii'. ' specs. and S considered heir detection I punishinenl ipore a raatter that cok cerned the'sxpres? ciimpariies than a ! muttrr that 'concernclf the general Learned men tell us that n Latin J tcre. ! A iramp iu Massachusetts' recent . ; pub'.ic, UicUmoud : Dispatch. ( lv afattUcd a school girl, and wsi . . it to thy eIucaiioq of; you.ig'rainra ers. 'This beqiet Is of sK.cUl in erest cn i;eoniit of the fact that it ' tiic avjugs of thirty-six Vea'S of 4rvire us cook in the family of tl.f (kie Kev. llames ?. Purefoy. Forest, ial!gh Nes and of Wcke Obeksrv Perfect Health. Keep the system in perfect orT of use I,-:': w no etioVt-. ir' V: is now threats be weeii , isl j ,u ;r months, ints r ... -,vo..,-u ho stop with uc. Specul -orn-,aa r.t 11. k " - , lTiuM Stale i; mean t M-xi ... an. G; tf.i.fx The Ijuttrd u w;y li.t t, - i au outrageous ' our businesa fler by the occasional Tutts Liver Pills: They reg7 ijlate f he bowels and produce. " A Vigorous Body For sick headache malaria, bil iousness, constipation apd kin? dred diseases, an absolute cure -i , HfKiTlTTT!S I Jver -4 .... .

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