i - ' ; - f . ' '' -'' V' ;: -: ''. ' : ! ' -", ,; - -v:';i'--r - .-.':-. v..' ' ';: - -1 "i -"-' -' -.' -' . ' ; ' i'i':; I " - ' . ; ; -.I- ::'L : ,( E-TZ2XSSKI53 i 2 i I 1 I i t t ! t. '--Tj'T - r- - - nrmiMii - - . - . THE TIMES. It XN Harnett County, N- Kii rrrd arco.dinjr to j.ostal irgnla ti .ii at tlpr pO!utUcvu iaun, N. C, a trcomf clis.- mutter. K. GRANTHAM, j. P 1 ITT MAN'. 1 .Editors. 4AI1 conroi.lctlon must rch uou Notlceaof CtiairhrnUtnmoDta and all other cotter of like tuvinct from which revenue 1 10 be 'derived, will be cUrgtJ 5 enU per Itoe. BaaiDes local will be snul to r 'J; TtrtUrtltllcn.KKr l. LocaU without rea-ular alverUa-a.uU will be charged i eutper Hue, Jub8erlbT trill becnt off at tbe expiration f their Milrrl.lloii uuU we are "'J'ea and iij papr wiil lie dlacoiitlnueiUuutU the j tripttou l4p'.4p- f mun)ration nort always h' the tta r' name alined, aud umal be written 1 ny oa owe ai4e of t!:e paper. i.f-rirtliM? rates famished on ap- , m . - . - - - o I location, I HTXo Irjil notices inserted tritkoul cash it. ( otce. No comronnlcAtion will be rr,pted unless accompanied by tlie writer name. flg, H silvrt'-ements Inserted four siKTrwitc weeks will be o-iuiifi onf moi.tli. and will l" inserted and t barged -until oidcrcd di-oontlniud when the lime - not ecined. UR3S CF SUBSCRIPTS. Three Months 2.Ccnts Months - - -b ' 'p J;r Yar.w... " l.oO Sent bv Mail. Payable In advance. The bill introduced in the Senate to redoee marriage license from $3 00 to f 1.50 was pigeon-ho'ed not withstanding ti e fervent etlort tlut Mime of its advocates made for iu passage. Wc are scrry for th mem t from Satnpsou because thne is n likelyhood tlial it ould have eavid ti m $1 50 on ai intended invest ucut. The Legislature has bec i running about half of t Iks time they are al lowed to stay in Hatetgh and noth Ing of anj cjnscquence done yet. Guess they are trying to imitate this Congress that baa been setting so Ion. V Mr. O.iver. a native of Sampson county and doubtless well known by many of our readers who now resides in Georgia, has recently been ap'pointed by President Cleve land as Consul General to Merida, Yucatan, TitE collision of the Eibcs with an unknown vessel in tho waters f the North Sa lat week wa a ad atTa-r. T here were 3C0 people on the steam er when llt.crah came, ai.d only 50 tui'.es ftvm lard yet 2?0 of then, went down ;n a watery - grave. It was a Trench boat from Breman and uas on a ojage to New York. Senator llurrows walk arourd th hcaate chamber, since hi promos lion from the Lower IIoue, as if he Tad been aieraor fur year irsie:d f for a few days. There are quite a number of Kcpresen'.a'.ives wh ould bo glad some of. thee dajs io ricDum into full flegcd Senators, and it is no wonder that many of thert. are looking with longing eyca b the Uj per House. Within the past few j ears neatly h score of fknfi'.or have Cfossed from tle souihrn lo the nitrtliern end ot the Capito. It is an interes'in facr, however, ttiat tie larger states rarely promote a rran from the House to the Senate. In t!os Urger areas tlie politician who to the Senate is a nan who has kept in Ucb with politic t-U over the State. A notable exception, however, was Hoscoe Conkling, who went io tne Senate from the House; Imt even In bia cae he was strong 11 over the Slate, and had an ii.flu- t-nee that was almost uational.l " i , 0v3 Kverybfiy who knows Mr. Reed at U knows his abhorrence of loud r flashy drest. His fraiu low aulUs in evt(krxe on ihis poin IK dislikes Jewelry Ilia scarf pin is raodest; no rings sparkle on bis fing ers. Well, tbe otber day he was pre tented with a cane. It was an enor tnoas affairj with a hi id as big as a f toiball. a;-d itb ureat sold ctrving Aid elaborate filagree work. Mr. Used gs;ed as he clutc'.eii the cne. I u. be curied it brave!y until be se- ir d a little privacy. Then he took n newspaper and quie'Jy; wrapped ii u,e cane; be swatrred the n-UMre i. Ri in manRercn:es aua ne-f)i ihf illr outfit into leropory rtire iiicnt. Wtien he readied homo I l- u.bltl bundle U his wife. He I t.-Mihrl a ai?h of relief as be saw It -tju-rnt ui a closet, and srhn it j r Uxuvn it will be lM - yr-uw m:rvnS dy ia the Keed I 'if WASHINGTON LETTER. (special Corejoi.lence of Central Timea.l Washington. D. C, Feb. 2tb. 1895 the Williams vs Settle contested election has Us cd neatly two 3 ears. When i began m neb bitterness ,was engendered, and tbe lo factions promised to make-a lively fight 'for iliescat, D plomacy and self-interest msy cause a di!f-rpi.t terroir: lion to the affair. There arc pre cedents for co-dud;ng contts c 1 election Cases at tbe close of tbe 8CS- s.on, and givi!g the onsted member the seat and the salry in a lamp mm or $10,000. One member frorolhe First North Carolina District bad this good lock about ten or fifteen jearsao, It may happen again this ycr. It could be arranged so that llb Mr. Williams and Mr. Set tie would be the gainers by such a co nnroniise.- If Mr. y Uli Jtns gets 10 000 for the seal fr a week r to he could well tlTord to pay bim twice C.i.ofess;onal salary for the conces-ion. The tiT payers might suffer, but they are a- cusioroed J and making good all defici nces. A very shrewd politician s id to v-ur cone-j o.-dent yesterday: "The outlook is t'-.-t. there will be . no Gnancial le'.olaiion lurinj; this ses sion of Congress. The President U getting rea-ly lo 'mac n $100,000,000 wurtb of Inmds I ki.ow this to be a fagt, and th-a the bo. iU are now be ing printed at the Bureau of Engrav ing and Printing. The Administra tion does not now expect any finau ,ma! hill to bpcome a law ana de pends on this larga" bod issue to tide over, the present stringe-cy." Secretary Carlisle U not in the leas disturbed about the condition of the Treasury, lie thinks there will be an incrcas, in tLe rvenuo of the 'govern ment iu tLe Spring sufficient to sup ply the needed futids. I hope he 'is right in his calculations. There is no denying the fact t .at chuos expresses in a single word, the financial situa tion among tlie Democrats here. The Silverites threatened a few days ago to introduce a bill as antagonistic as possible to the Presideut'd program There is a small clique ia the Senate in favor of compromising differences if possible. This se. Has no lender however, cat accomplish nothing. In fnet. it looks as if the Democrat-c party needed a leader, Faction Hohta are the order kf the dav, and o i there is no leLing what an hour roa. i b'inJZ forth.. lesicrdiy afternoon, the President nominated Holmes Conrad of ,Vir ginia to be Sulicilor-Geiierd of th United Mates and J. N, Dickinson of Tennesee to be Assistant Attoruev I. S.l:citor licneral Maxwell . . . . i -Poini1 Jus nosittun oecause ue could not get aljiig vvitli Attorney General Olnry. A Mr. Oliver of Georgia,, but a native of Sampson county. X, C, ha just b.sen appointed Consul General to Merida, Yu atan. There was a lively fight in the Hour.e Yesterday between Mr Hrickinrttl e of Kentucky, and Mr. Heard of .Missouri. Tn lie was oassed. and but for '.he prompt jn- a terference of members and tho Ser geant-al-arms they would have come to blow-. Ibtih gentlemen were be, fore the' bar of the House and with drew tht-ir'rerirk3, hut. Mr. Rreckin ridsre afterwards intimated that this was not the last of it. B-eck'n- ri.iir? caiua u i "an uiiaru u ... - scoundrel and Heard said fie silver tongued ort.tr wa- a "bar. Tne reception at tlie WMic House Friday niliu to the Judiciary and the Membeiaot Congress was hr.Miant and well alten.leil, A nuinMer of North Carolinians wcr present Senator nd Mrs. Jarv s lef. foe their home in Greenville, North U.r olina Tuesday, li li were verv lp ular in Waihing'on. Senator J.rvis made in the few m -ths he was here a reputation lor be;n an honest man a sincere friend, a fine pirlara-n-tarin. and a safe ju licious and able statesmtn. Hs h.d :.ot b ea be e a month before he foretold the presa t tinanvial diiuculttes, aad aid a joint caucus of the Democratic House and Se ate ou Jit yo bs called to ag-ee on a financial bi'l that would relievo the Treasury. His advice ouht to ha e been heeded. Hon, S. Id. Alexander is pushing his wise bills to ; erect a $70,000 lighthouse near tlie oou'bVr the Cape Fear, with a $3,003 electric light, aud comfortable quarters at Southpor f.-r the ub-clleclor of customs, co to cost over $500. Winaton mliht stand a chanc of ?elUng a $75.00 D public buildiog bill tt.rouglv. when it comes to one cos' in? $275,000. it is out of the question, espec ally at this time. Priichar I and Settle are at tbe Ebhitt Ho! and went to tb tbe Atrw tn?e'her last week. This mean !lhfr bW hate-mrif a;' past dif. jferfnce ... I I LEGISLATIVE NOTES. MiWDAY THE 4th. Mr Padd:.on presents a petition asking Tor an tpornpnatiori for the colored training school of Long Creek. . i Mr. AdarV intrmluced a bill to regulate the Superior Court1? of bore county. Mr. Parsons a bill to amend sec- t'.n 676 of tho Code relative to the foriit vtion of eorpoations. r. Pad.lis n. a bill .to. repeal see tion 3750 r the Code fixing the sal aries of clerks of the courr. Mr. SuMlers, a bill in refere ce ho!diig county insiitu'.ions t -r school leaefsers. Mr. Sharp, a bill to , prohibit sa!e of liq.i"r iu mo miles of the Sterling 11 dorm churcli in Iredell coumv; also 'i biil t provide for a cotton weisber at Moonsvdle; a!3o a bill to proliibit the sale of liquor in certain localities. Mr- Grant, a bill to repeal chapter 272 of ,!.e hi a f '15, Mr. FaMhing a bill to prohibit the sale of i-itoxicatini' tiqirs. The l)'li rciiar linjr labor in fac tories was re-reforrfd to tlie com mittee, Mil? to establ'sn grad.ed schools at Kihston pas-ed second' re:viiisr. Bill rc-i-uUting thft f-pe. d. of 'driv ing over Tnr rier passed ih'ini r-ul iniX Bi l ti provid that any coun ies in i he stale may 'cvy a tax ftr the im- provertient of the public roads. After eoniderabie discussion the bill w-f.s re-refcrred to -he ; Comm.iitee on roads. ; Bib to regulate fees for register;n-jr crop liens cau-d much ilebate. the Pot.uiUts and Kepub icans favoiing a reduction of the fees. Mr. Dowd said this idea of reform ought, to ex tend tr the per diem of Senators on t lie floor aid he i hoped Senators would alio their consciences to pre vail in this matter also. Mr.' Fowler opposed the reduction, and said th- fees charged M'ere not excessive. H -moved 'o re-refer the bill. The raos lion was put and the Senate refined to re-refer, j Later The Senate, after passing the bill reducing registration fees on lien bntids to fif-.' cents and prob te lees to te:: .cents, adjourned, Wil mington Star. i LI7SKP03L LETTER. The following. letter was receive' Feb 1st. by 1 lie Times fiom Liccr pool, and will be of mncli interest to the furmei : ! Liverpool., Jan, 15th 1805. I) ear. Sin: . ince our letter of the 12, h December, in which we. re ferred to the continued selling of n .w crops, lii ere has been a further de c ioe ami cot to i for 1895 -96 is sell ing he'e on a basis of about 4 cents do plantation s tn America; the sell ers of these positions are very rg gresive, and reports being current Ihat'auotiicr large crop will be plant ed, feel confident th tt the' will be eaab'.e to lepurcl.ase their present sales' at a profit of one cent or more In other words, thev expect that far mers will be ready to part with 'th next crop at thre - ceritn and bel w 1 . i . . ... O. c urse ' -t n i itie or no doubt 'ha', if it i- lefj. to Liverpod merchants Ui.d la:chealer spintiors. price will rule ery lovv, and it would be unorLutlai.e if we should get another enormous cr-i; ven 8 000,000 ba!e too larg for : vouid be v.'.-r'd'j. ! men's wV.cn r- co i-:er iba: E:g!l.i spinner i-.hy n 1 ij.ie-.iu- ::; t good poS'i li. ti; il iu h i Tt:iis:ua ; trade c-m iri-i Fra-ice. Germ m v. i Aus'r n i.-ii Ru-sia-pwe bez to a a e fairiy !ayoib e. J Very truly. 1EFU C'OWELX. & Co. - ' J, LUNN MARKET, t ORittCTED Weekly. C ra 4ft to 50c per bu. t )ats 55 o 60c, " Peas 45 to 50c. M . Flder 50 to GOc. "bun. -Chickens 10 o 20c Ezs ll tol4c - doa. Batcr 20 to 25v -lb. Meat, C R Side 8 to 8 j, ' . - - Ham, new 7$ to 8c - . Cotto'a 4?. - : . Coffee I8to20. - - d'gar (-., " Turpentine. Y. D. $L60 - bbi Scrape $1.10 - - RgX John Where d too get snch nice shoes, you get er.ly wemcli salry ? f John VelI !U2es 'too see I take he newspapers and ran find oat just where 1 can ouj kkU the cLcapra CATTLUCKIPS. The New Gun Which Is Wounled on the Latest Vessels. . The ships of the Majestic and Mag nificent' class j England's latest bat tleships, are to be armed with a new type of weapon in their main bat teries. A new Kuni mounted, ha3 also been designed, and" both piece and carriage are now underoin.i; . severe tests, j The pun is a 12-inch breechloading rifle. A service jour nal says that in it a compromise has been effected between the 10-inch rUn of the Centurion and the 13.5 ineh gun of the Jloyal Sovereign class. It can be Crcd quicker than the lighter weapon, and inflict greater 'damago than the heavier In the Royal ; Sovereiifns and Adj mirals the guns have to be brought to a fixed loading station, and the barbette locked before loading car) be commenced, but here an alter native central loading sysiem m provided, in .addition .to the hxed loading station, so that the guns can be loaded. at any position of train ing; and one can be kept pointed at tbe enemy while the other is being loaded. Every operation, such as training, elevating, loading, etc.; can be performed by hand as well as by hydraulic power. The gun is loaded in the run-out position which it takes up after firing-, due to the. action of powerful springs which are compressed during recoil, and as the nun runs out after re coil, the breach is automatically opened, being again instantly closed after loading jby moving a lever The loading arrangements are alsb very 114) vel, and are designed 'with a view to saving time-; for, while in the Roval Sovereign it takes about twd and a half minutes to .fire a round, in" the new gun a minute ana a. uau is. suf;lcint. Made of steel and wire, the gun weighs about forty-seven tons; and, with the mounting, will be protected by a powerful shield mounted on a j turntable, as in the Centurion. Cordite ammunition is to be used, the weight of the charge being about 150 pounds. The prob able "life'. of the gun has not yet been ascertained, but it is so con structed as to survive by many rounds the 13.5-i::ch weapon. JC.' Y. Times. i ' - HANGING PICTURES, Middle of the Painting Should Ee on a Level with the' Eye. In hanging pictures it is well to avoid too niuch uniformity. Give the picture the best position possi ble as to Uhtt;and above all things do not hang it too high, says, the Washington Star. Pictures must sometimes be skied in galleries, but they need never , undergo this hu miliating treatment in the drawing rccm. The middle of a picture should bo on a level witb or a trifle above, the eyes that look upon it. 1 a beauti ful room great variety may be dis played in the position of the various pictures. Family pictures should not be on exhibition in those rooms of the house winch are set apart for occasions of ceremony. These may be appropriately used in bedrooms, or even in little studios, or dens, which people have to themselves. Many walls are very trying to pic tures, and it not infrequently hap pens that a really. beautiful engrav ing or water color loses its charm because of f.n ' ineffective cr dis: cordant background. One may re ceive hints aud suggestions as .to tlie proper hanging of pictures by an occasional" visit to studios or gal leries, where frequently the tones of the walls are effectively treated so as to bring out the best points in the picture. . Not long ago in a coun try house a woman cf taste hit upon the plan of hanging a bare white wall with a drapery laid ou smoothly of rich-toned olive plush. Against this her pictures and engravings stood out in greatly added beauty. Blue denim makes a cool and effec tive background for some pictures. The Inventor Got Fifty Cents. In a quaint old house at No. 609 Marshall street lives Frank O. Des champs, who, although over seventy ' years old, has been inventing things all his life. Mr. Deschamps is as active as a boy of twenty, lives all . alone amidst his models and con trivances, cooks bis own meals, acts as his own housekeeper, and is as; naPpy as lke y is: long. Mr. Des- chatnps's first invention of note was the artificial leg. It was over fifty years ago when Mr. Deschamps, their an apprentice was asked by. bis master to see what he could do for a foppish Frenchman who had lost a leg. At that time only wooden pegs were known, and the Frenchman was dissatisfied with this by no means elegant substitute. In two daj-s youug Deschamps bad finished s complete model of an artificial leg, with every movement of the natural limb duplicated. ' His, master bad it patented, and it yielded him a for tune. T got fifty cents out of it,' laughingly remarked Deschamps 'The Frenchman .gave me that and told me to go over to Smith's island and enjoy myself. And I thought I was in great luck at. that." Phila delphia Iuquirer. The man who only advertises Ms bnsi. ness three months iu (he year wdl not propr. Brtrr, sippo. vm. coe your store door nine ni with, ia twelve, could you s i 5crcJ S?hd in rnnr order for lob work Lc """e prepared to do yonr work as n l Y ,,et a Jou caa ,bT u ENGLAND'S IBWIfniif Riflniiti ii ! PURE NORTH . Ji CAROLINA CORN WHISKEY., O. M. KELLY'S make bandied by MYSELF EXCLUSIVELY. Special atcention paid to the shipping trade, Old Rye Whiskey. Fine Brandies aird Wrires for Medical Family uses. Your patronage solicited D. McBRO WN, jj r Litmn, N- C Other firms have claimed to .o, 11p Hip O. M. Kellv whiskey. Re ware, the C. M. Kelly Corn whiskey is handled by me only. Fine Tobaccotp. Cigars and can goods all ways in stock; JanslG-tf, NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION". Notice is herebv civen that the firm - heretofore doing business under the ;h nt name of of Bi itt & Jonlan. in the fown of Diimi, has this day been dis solved by mutual consent. J. 11. Jor dn has assumed all the liabilities of said linn and all persons holding claims agaiu.-l. sa'ui firm will present the same to "J? E. Jordan for payment and all per- .-s iiulebt! (1 to iaid firm will make payment to J. E. Jordan at once. ' JS. T. BKtTT, J. E. JoBn.. riiiiin, N. C. - Jan. 15f l6l3. f-0-4w. ' NOTICE OF LAND SALE. Bv virtue of t!ir- power of sale contained in n. ..rtaln mortfajr ;'-ed made 1 G. m. Capps aVl v.'ife to K l Youn and recorded in book So. 2, pages 10 sviiui u, recohaa ci Haritein - . J u 1 J CoUliiy, .', i'li iraiisi.-rrfu vy asm x. r Voun - to me, 1 will sel4 at public sale for cash c 1 h 7lh day of March U.'d at li o'clock . fit the court house door. the following real esti ta 1.. wit: A certain trace or lanu in Harwell cuiity alout 15 miles from Duiiu, containing- 'Ai acr'S. more or less aji c isaia iauu uein.ijr f uilv d;sciibod iu said mortae. See record Att y. Mortfc'aee. ale to take place in Lillington. If is elected to the . TJ. S. SENATE. and 1 am still selling YADKIN County CORN Whiskey, Guaran teed pure . and is pronounced by olivsicians io oe tne ourusi. on iut market, Marry land XXX Rye, i'ure Apple Bratidy, Fine Wines for ohuich purposes &c. ' Positively n Kelly whiskey kept in st:ck! nor any other brands, ex- ept thofce 1 can rccc mmend. Ilav ing been iniormed that other dealers were claiming to be doing business tor me, and thereby deceiving some of my friends, I call jour attention io the faci that I tun in no wa- con ned ed with any tther. bar,, except my own in the Nimocks building. Thanking ray Trends and cus tomers lor the libera' share of patron age bestowed upon me in the past and hoping by honest and square dealings to merit a continuance ol ihe same, I nn. Yours anxious to please, W- S JACKSON, Agent, DUNN, N, C. jan-2a-tf. WANTED Do you want to start the Mew Year in a good M)?itiou 'that, will pay you well, provided you are a good salesman. aitu culleetor ? AVe want live, energetic men to canr vas, sell machines and collect. If there is a.i agent in your community, we cau locate you elsev, heie iu a good section. We. furnish a nice lbrht runnb.g wagon. ,ige;it to fiu iii&h hor&e aud harness aud snake a $500 bond, Vve offer a good salary or commission contracts, one un der which a live, energetic, hustling man 'oan make and save' money. .Men of char acter and good make-up do -well to se cure Work with the Company for If suc cessful and the bashes entrusted is Handled hoi.or.iblj-, they will be pro moted to a more ve.-poitibleositioii if trust and responsibilit j with increased compensation. Address 11. L. GREEN. lJisiriet Agent, Raleigh, N, C. J, II. Harley. Manager, Wilmi:igtoii,N. C. jin-23 2in. srfr Jr (vn Big Day! ON tle' 3nl rsaiurday iu February 1825, will be a big d y in DUNN. THE merchants in all lineaof trade, will on that day give SPECIAL BARGAINS to all classes of men. A GENERAL TKADK DAY hen yon can exchange anything you may bring ;o town. Lev all who wjnt special bargain i U A '. Mi w w t ' " -. ' - -! ' ! ' '-" - - 1 ! : I " ' ' ' '' ' ' ' ; . -: ...... ,T. ! . i i,i . - I FALL GOODS ARE KOW BEING RECEIVED . : ' - . : .1- ; ! I ':'- - ! .... ' . ' I i !- I ' . ; and ;.Y ;H---:t;V ' - i - : ' ; - " . ) : i V IN A FEW DAYS P STOfK Wll.f. H ' . " ' ' '..-!' . ' . ' ,"" ' ' - . - V . ' l ' 't . , :. .' '- ' ' , ' . ' ' . P" - - ' - . : I V I have the PRETTIEST and CHEAPEST l ine of V . ... ...... ; . . .... . ' ' - . - DR ESS GOO DS A!nj:TR I ivi mi WCS : , - - "' ' .'t : ::- ' :':::: EVEKBUOUQUTTODUS.N. Mj-tocVot .-'... '- j .. ' f :.-r- " . :''.-'-'.''.' ' CLOTHING, HATS ARID SH02S MUST BE SEEN TO -oooo- Grive me fx Yonrs tn l'LEASJ. DUNif, Our goods ars tt?s Czz? r-t m iv ..a ;j -. - - ''; - -H ! - ' iP ' w w u .it m u 4 i i , i--- - -- ' -.' j " ! - BE APPRECIATE call iDlfll ,, ; t ome to uwb on that day.