- i! le li THE TIMES. DIN Si Harnett County, X. C. flnn-red ftf-oi Win to postal regula I ;.. ;it th at lunn, X. C, as "ei-:o:d cl.n-! matter. G. K. GRANTHAM. T. !; PITT MAN. 1 Editor!. 43-A11 c0majn.ka.tlon3.iau5t retch uuen Tuesday welling. Notices of Church entainmcnts and all other m4ica t f like manner from which revenue is to Le derived, will be charged & ceut pr llue. ' x Business local will bo made to regular ad Vertijf rs at 5 c?nrs r line. Locals without Tegular advertisements .will be charged J ceutu ir llue, subscribers will be cut off at the expiration of tlirlr Hunscrlption uulesd we are notified ai d no paper will be discontinued untlf the i.l.scrlption la paid up. t . Co nniumcatioiis must always Tiae the Butaor's mm signed, and mum be written -1 aii.ly on one aide of the paper. fi-3.dvertW'.ig rate furnished on ap plication. ' ' I'&'Xo Ifj'il notices inserted without cisk j-t ndvunce. No communication will be accepted ti i"s. accompanied by the writer's nunc. . CfAll udvrrtlsrmenta Inserted four successive weeks will le c. tinted one .month. and will be inserted and charged until oidered discontinued when the time is not specified. TERMS CF SUBSCRIPTION. Threo Months. Si x Month. .... One Year... . Sent bv Mail. 25 Cents. 50 Cent?. $1.00. Payable in advance. Di NX, N. C, February, 20 1 805.; TI1EY ALL READ. ' Americans are a nation of readers. In ev ry home in our broad land wi'h but few exceptions, are treasure ed means for this delightful and ben tflcial emploj'ment ofleisare mo ments. Eacb yenr broadening, in its method or individual culture, con- tributes increased facilities and brir gs ihem within the reach of all. But there is no literature for the common people like .that of the newspaper. It is the da'ly compan- ion alike of the prince and the peas- ant, the man' who inherits and the inan who ern", of ti e iEiil:on:;iro in bia rnansi ri. and the laborer in his Cot, It comes as legularly as the glow of the ' lamplight, and finds a welcome at every firesh-e. If the night be fair under the radient moon that walks in queenly beauty through lur'st-irry court?, or if ihe pitiless storm bents madly at -Jie window pain it doc not, matter this mess eiiger of good tidings is present to cnt'.r am and instruct, to tell'to will iug ears in that li " tie circle what, gies o i iu the gre it b;iii ling world . with out. What bet'er message can the mcr chant send than his adterlisemout of boujv hold necessities or fashion's lioveities ? What better avenue to tl.e domestic group can the trades man. Ond Try it. and yen will soon reajize in bd increase of patronage, it has brought to your trade a new con Biiiuenc of buyers. Try it,'and j-ou w II nevr returu to the old methods; rvr will you ever cease to wonder why you so long ne'ected such a profitable investiuena, ' Notwithstanding the low price oT wheat, it is said that the most of ' M wiieat growers are puttintr a larger j1 acreage this year thai: last. Senator Ransom's nme has been 1 suggested to the President by Cons gress, as beiHg the proper roan to j wnd as Minister to Mexico t suc ceed Minister Gray, who d ed recent- Os-O - Only a few more days and Con- i'es wid hang her harp on the wil ;lo tree and let her i.b!e Congesss men go hom to rest. The 4th of i March and t!e st,ry is told. ' . - i i The most formidable petition ever ' j presented to Congress was the one presented las' week by the Christim iTemperance Union.- It contained 4.--0 )0. 000 hames, weighed a ton and if iro:led would wiver a dU , nee of thirty mile. It tok five Jvars to get it up Wil. Star, j j For years past tho Populists ard Rjany ore-heads have claimed thai a Ijiw tpc of interest was one great thing ii. give relief to poor strunglin. in ihliii.J. Tuat six pe cent, wu M iyi i'f' and should bi the legal rate. Monday this six per cent b li b;ra ne a law. Now we exnect n. t change to sofa Uke place and uld all-ilic ills vauish we will join Mil la ojie voe : d i say, -'well done," special CorepondenV of Ontra! Times.l 'Washington. D. C, Feb. lGlh-'S:. When the news of the death of j Minister Gray was received at the Capitol, Senator Ransom was lust mediately suggested for t!j ; place-1 The movement was inaugurated bv Set ator Morgan, Twenty-Qve Sen ators immediately telegraphed the President of their choice in the mat-. ter. To-day every Senator on tue democratic side of the Cb imber and a numoer oi.ncpuoncans win presmi. Senator Ransom's name to the Presi ' i m n t? - til dent for this position. He is ad mirably equipped for the p'ace. Hid courtly nanner9. knowledge f di plomacy, familiarity with tnternation. al law eminently fit him for his place The salary is $I.5.00. Board received a dispatch stating that the 1 i g h t Lo.ise L Capt. Wilde of the Light house at Smith's Point. Va., 100 miles South ol Washington, at the enter ance of the Potomac River into the Chesapeake Bay, had been carried away by the drifting ice. The keep er escaped This lighthuqse was badly damaged last winter by the storms. Most of the light houses at the mouth o( the Potomic River and in the bay are iron screw stations, and fears are entertained that others will abandoned the light. house iu this section, fearing for theirs lives. Capt, Wi'de. of the light hLuse Board is also informed that the keeper at. the plantation Point light near Cape Charles, Va has abandoned his pes as hto position was made perilous bociuse of floating Ice which threaten ed to carry awajr the structure. Congress has appropriate i $10, 000 for the hiring of tui bouts to break the ice in the Potom ic. This wjll relieve the pressure on the pier of the L nz B idtre and mar save that structure. Thursday. Mr. Bower was delayed in getting to the House in lime to call up the Wjnston Public building bid before it was reterred to the Public Building Committee. It is believed here that Mr. Bankhead. the Chairman of the Public Building Committee is opposed to the biil, but it is known that the Speaker is in fa vor of it. Senator Ransom got his bill appropriating $150,000 tor the Winston Pub ic liuilding through the Senate, knowing it would be cut dowi by the House, Mr. Bower is 'Very b'ue" over his misfortune cf cs terday but hopes to get the bill bes fore thi House again this session. It is doubtful whe.her he will succed fur tho adjournment is drawing ver' near. ' There are really only a few more workii.g days between this date and Mareii 4h. - - Robert M. Jack and Sj:n of Chica go, III-, were the successful , bidders for the Newborn I ublic buil iing. They otfjred to do the work fjr $23, . 800. The bids were opene 1 Thurs day at i he Tre.tsury Department. For the hrst time in the course of a short week the House b is ems pha;ize 1 the fact by a decis vc ad verse vote that nothing is to be ex pected from the Fifty-third Congress in the nature of financial legislation. By a vote of 162 to 135 the House a week ago voted down the Springer bill.. By a still more decisive yote of of 1G7 th 1?0 it declined yester day to authorize the bond issue pro po8.d in the President's Message of p. few days ago. , It was not a party vote, for prominent in the column of its advocates were Republicans like Mr. Reed and in that of its oppo nents Democrats rike Mr. Bryan, the aye and nay vote showi, g dicidedlv mixed results. Mr. Harrison did no volc on me measure, inougti ne was . i. though he present. . The other members of the North Carolina di: legation including Tom Settle and the Virginia dele-Ta-tion voted against it. Col. A. B. Andrews is here. Sen ator Ransom has secured the $196. 000 for the Fast Southern Mails. The confervnc between the employes ami officers of the Southern Railway took place in thi? c;tjT according to pro gram, but the resu't only establish ed a more decided entente cord tale b.tween the pirties instituted. It was found' impossib'e to raise Ihe wages of the entire force at this time. The L-yly of the Lake was burned at her wharf Friday morning. S:ie was. one of the oldest b ales on the river, plied between thi3 city and Norfolk, . Homer L Ferguio of North Car- lina and Y L. Capps of V rginia, two of the brightest merkever gratK ante I from Ahnaptdi have been nominates! asai-tant nayal. construc tors bj. the Presidect. R chrrjra Pearson Ilobson. agraud son of Cut ef J u si ice Pearson, ese-m t ed two very pretty girls io the Preoi dents receptu.n last nfght. Repre-i (ontative) Swanson and Meredith wit tbeir wlve also attfeoded. ADVA XT AGES OF THE SOUTH. A crtinuinee the January ; meetin'i of the-board; of trade was held iu '.he board of trade rooms last night j President Tlanscou cabled the j meeting to order a few minutes past, 8 o'clock amf alter stating the pur pose of the meeting introduced John T. Patrick secretary of the Southern Inter-State Immigration and Indus- trial &Buociatio!). wti"se - mission - ! I atuoni the inanrracturers of New ! ; i England is to reply to question.-? i concerning the resources of the South in elation !o manufacturing ad van--tages. : " After thanking the noard f-r. its courtesy in exVer tling hi:n an invitai tion to address it, hC'said ti at while his shoulders were broad enough to carry'tlia weight of his responsibili ties the' were not brnad enough to cause apprehension on the part of the Lowell boa'd of trade of the people of New England that he could .take the Boott corporation on nc should er and ihe Merrimack -on the other and carry them South bodily, and he assure! hs hearers that he voiced toe sentiment of the S mther.i peo ple when he stated 'that it was not desired to kill out the industries of any section of the country for the advantage that :mmht acciue to ano'.her. The organization which he repre-ieiilea lias no -indention ot in fluencing mills or in Suet any jnter- " - est to move South, being i-rganized r... i.a. f..,.Vft f-ir..iai.in.. kJl llllSk pill JUOW J '4 1 iUJiHOp reliable information to those who wish to know of-Soutium resources The speaker then explaitied tlie nature of the orgatiiz tion, which he sty lad an "industrial congress." This congrts is composed of dele gates appointed by the Governor of all southern State's, the apportion-, meat bci ig one from each Congres Htonal districtand five at large irom State. The congress is aUu -composed of mayors,. c' ambers of -commerce and boards of j trade, and it meets biennially for discussion. An execMiiive"'Crtui!ttee consisting of the viCe presidents of the organiza tion is authorized to conduct its af fairs during the interim. Mr. Patrick said he represented the whole South ani jwa? not. author ized to favor any section. He was j prepared to state the peculiar ad-1 vantages of the a, ious sections but ; interested parties would have, t'. form j their own opinions. J He thought tne New England mill owners and the residents of New England as a whole would gain by the establishment of brauch mills in the South, as tie home business is not to be curtailed, i merely the character of trie goods manufactured- being the.' owners invest in altered,- while tt:e South and h ive their su p!us .profits to spend in the North in othsr c'lannels. lie thiight the qiestiou of to-day is "Can the mills of the North com pee wi.h the cheap fuel and lon hours of work in the South, in the manufacture of the' cheaper .rade3 of woven good? Yet there is a ques tion, said he. that isjof gre ter sig nificance than this a:i-l th:.t is, i can the manufacturers of the North hope to compete not'onby aafnst the South in coarse good3, but-, can it compete ith the growing industries of semi civihzed nation? Southern people live cheaper, wear thinuer clothing on iscoijunt f the climate, their hruses arc for the same reason cheaper, and ihe riquirements forborne IuxurifA are not so exacting The jseople are a contented lot, and are'not given to strikes or boycotts: He then told of ttu water power. f certain sections, owners of tlie aara?, and said that not appreciating its value, wouid not only give free use of the same butiwculd give land I free also to m lis th.it wish to tstab-l 1 . i ! lish plants . j j He naid coal could be secured at frcjm $1 75 to $2 per ton. delivered, which together with j the inducement offee bind and free water-' power, must neces?aii!v be 'a great incentive considering the jroximity, of the raw material for cotton manufacture. He felt that it was bejter to maitufacture the coarser grades of goods ?n the Sooth and ea-n a profit for owners of t mills than to permit the cotton man ufacturing industry to go to ..other countries: Irt - his opinion. New! England fiirfl ie,vith their expert j Know.etige rtt gooes -iaaaufa:- turing. could esrabitli -branch mills : lelio.vmm JUSTLY, and. f. erive ai in the S uih tha wluld be, able Ui''H!12 hand. This we intend to do ' compete in the market for ility v ear ! h', WP l,!,pc "ur ct?!,rls "!U ra' cl 1 c mill, 1 the Snu:h will help U classes n;e co:creo. n.l white. he lormer wf.uta te oeiunrct by los en- i ing the supply ot agricultural work trs. while the latter ! would be il von , i j rmpioyment at rates .f wj,ges ueur i befo e earned by them, lie c'aim-: 1 ! ihat enemies of tbe SuMi. had d- vanccd all sons of hruumei.e against Northern capital -.u :g South, claiming the South is u a beak h v. un- ' clean aa I iaoraat.- In closing he advised the boar I of; , tr.de to send n agent South, and he j assured it that every courtesy would lie -hwn. ah 1 that he would person S ally accompany the agent on a tour of the States! and guarantee free transportation, j . r C. H. Cmant and P,O.Hearn ask ed a few questions ahout the mills already in the 'South and were told t hat the mills were paying from ' 15j 40 her cent, i The race of feeling' will muke it iuir.osible for the color ed people to work in the mills un-j less mil's are erected for their ex clusive employment.- WiL Mes. "The best Si lling Vrermifuge i;' the Market." j The most reliable worm destroyer in . use. X3T Rdceipis furni-hed to any phys aician when requested. ! o ' "7". Ija Guange N. C, . j July 87h , Mr. J P .Joyner: I gave my child one dosej of Boykin's "Worm Killer,"" purchased of you. It Brought 3'i6 worms. I consider it the best worm medicine made. Respt. J. W. Thomasi Uuck Creek. N. C. y , ! . May 8th, 1894. Boykin.' Carmer & C., Baltimore, Sid. Dear Sirs: Mr. A. Rurld, a Very responsible cumtomer of minej jgavc half teaspoonful "Worm Killer" i L i j i . . : l. .... l 1. 1. w f( a CUMU iasl an'1 u,e lul" was 35 worms. M. . Daniel Pines Jiused it with still better results: 75 worms from one child; of course my sales will be large. ; ' Yours truly, . E S Smith. Read the fo lowing from cnoof the most prominent and best known wbvsicar.s and larmers m oouii. Caroliiia. Iie;wries, "That a negro girl 10 3;esrs old near I imi took two br three doses of flie 'Wotm Uiller'; 'and passed 366 worms.4' . i paled Uidgway, S. C, May 26, 1894i R. Ill Edmundson, M, D. j I 'Mr. II M jMcDonald oi La flranj ge. N C sa' s Dr. Boykin's "Worm Killer" .brought over .100 .worms from one child in the neighborhood;" an that it gives uiivetsal s-ttisfaciion." ilo sells mo- or it than a'l other worm u.edicirie. i Do i.ot kt your dealer put you' 'lf nil h .-orae other. Ask' (or Boy- in's Worm Kil er and get it. I l j ! j Any .l Dean prescribe it and many lo. i 1 jiovEiKr, career :o., DUNN .MARKET1. CORRECTHD WEEKLY. Corn I 50c. per bu. j Oats 55 to. 60c, : Peas 60 to 75 Fodder t() to 60c- 1 Chickens 15 'o '20a. " bun. I " doz. " lb ' f Egs 15 to Bat'er 15 to jUeat. C R Side 8 to 18c. 20n. She, 8o. 4c. 20.-. 5c. Ham, new ( it ii - ti tt c Cotton CoiL-e 18to cngar Turpentine. Yl D. $1.60 (t bb) Scrape $1.10 i i READ THIS ! Y El H ! I ' i a a a a HELPrNG H ARID We": nr 'tnWht to don -with -anr . cn f UVSSt a01, 3 otUcr a,in- nun Ltit: i. ' I'l i it 1 1' ;i "t luc D.uiuroj t.,a It wiil pay you to send us you: order. i e ilVU .ifji'U-tl fci tttj n'liix ui tu.,,., V t.a " ,.uii-k-. , i l.' -i .1 .i . f.tre. Give u i a trial ordr wnd seo what we can save yo:i. We il' yve ; satisfaction in prices and quali.its. 1 Adt,ress fhe ' J. Tl IES JOB OFFICE, i - , - v.. . LM CM DELER T PURE NORTH CAROLINA CORN WHISKEY. -. ' . , O. M. KELLY'S make handled by MYSELF EXCLUSIVELY. Special 'attention paid to the shipping trade, Old Rye Whiskey. Fine Brandies and Wines for Medical Family uses. Your patronage solicited. D. McBROWN, Lunn, N, C- N. B. Other firms have claimed to handle the O. M. Kelly whiskey, Be ware, the C. Kelly Corn whiskey is handled by mc only. Fine Tobaccos?, Cigars goods all ways in stock. Jansl6-tf, notice of -Dissolution. Notice hereby given that the firm heretofore doing business under the firm name of of Uritt & Jordan, in the town of Dunn, has this day been dis solved -by mutual consent. J. E. Jor dan lias assumed all the liabilities of said firm and all persons holding claims against said linn will present the same to J. E. Jordan for payment and: all .'per sons indebtnd to said firm will make payment to J. E. Jordan at once. E. T. Britt, ; J. E. Jordan. Dunn, N, C. , Jan. 15, 1S95. f-G-4w. NOTICE OF LAND SALE. By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortfrae deed made by O. m. Capps anil wife to E. F. Younjj and recorded in iioeic ii. io. pages 18.i and 1.0, records of Harnett t-uiirity, n. and trancftrred - by said JB. y. Youn t me, 1 -will hcIi at public sale for cash on the 7th day of warcii lj.ifi at la o'clock m. at the court house door the following' real estate to wit: A certain tract oi land iu Harnett county about IH mites from Dunn, containing acres, more or less' , All cf said land being fully described in said mortgage. See records ii K I II Kit, 0 1' PHILLIPS. Att'y. Mortgagee. Kale to take place in Lillington. is elected to 1 the- ? ' TJ. S. SENATE, ' ' and I am still selling YADKIN County, CORN Whiskey, Guaran teed pure and is pronouneed b physicians to be the purest on th. market, " L Ma'rn land Rye, Pure Apple Brandy, Fine Wines for church purposes &c. Positively n Kelly whiskey kept in stuck, nor any other brands, ex cept those 1 tan reccammend. Hav ing bee: inio.-medHhat other dealers were claiming to be doing bucines? for me, and thereby deceiving some of m' fi lends, I call jour attention to the fact that I am in no way con neo'ed with any other bar, except my own iu the Ni mocks building. Thanking ray fr:cnds and cus tomers for the liberal thare of patron age bestowed upon me in the past and hoping by honest and square dealings to merit a Continuance o! the same, I pm. ' Yours anxious to please, W- S JACKSON, Agent, DUNN, N. C. jau-23-tf. SLANTED Do vou want to start the w New Year ill a ffood oo-iition that will pa' you well, provided you are a goofl .salesman and collector ? . We want live, energetic men to can- vass, soli machines and collect If there is aa agent in your community, we eatr locate you else vtheie hi a good section. We. furnish a nice liilit ruiinb.g wagon, sigent to furnish horse and h.-irness and make a $SiK) l)t!(l. We offer a good salary or commission contracts, one uu t!er Which a live, energetic, hiistiinr man can make and save money. Men of char acter'-and good make-up do well to se cure work with the Company for if sucj cessful arul the Business entrusted is Handled honorably they will be pro moted to a more responsible position if trust and responsibility with '.'increased compensation. Address, K. L. GREEN". District -Agent, " Italelgh, N, V. -I, II. ITarley. Manager, Wilmington, N. (J. j in-23 2m. Big Day! ON the 3rd Saturday in February 1895, will be a d y in DUN N. TilE merchants in all lines of trade ? viii i LnaL o.iv riv.e t , tr i spi'niAb HA-RQAIVS ;o n cfi"3 of men. A GENERAL TRADE DAY $ vhen vou can exenane anvtum? you may bring to town. Let all who want spial bargains 1' O lr- ome to tott d' co vatdiy. - w 4 U . " - ' ' . - ' i ' " ' " " - . . 't . . " ' " i M FALL GOODS ARE NOW BEING RECEiTES s - - i - ; - "' ! AND . : J and can t . " . -. ! " IN A FEW DAYS MY STOGK TO gj "" .,-'-" i - f ' ! - I - L I have the PRETTIEST GOODS EVER BROUGHT ,TO' CLOTHING, HATS AWD - SHOZS MUST BE SEEN TO -oooo- Grive me aj Yoars to PLEASE, n DUNN. OU GOODS' AAB THE CZZT Our PtiicE& Tff LOWzr and CUEaPEST Line of AND tRiMnfiinics - DUNN. My stock of BE APPRECIATE . ' ' T'' ' ; ' . ' . ' " I r- L i j . : - . . - . . -.i i i ! I ; ' i . I ' " I"-".! call j' 1 r ' i : . . 'i ": : . i i - l inn, t j ! - . ' m . ' j L ' I j- y. c UUNN, N. C. i : - . " " "

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