I ..... Print Yi'iH XOTF. HEAD. j : -in- :TH2 C3ITTH 1 I smtpi' . ta s-;i:s ac. ; i: ess AND L,L;-. YOlU BL 1 ' .-11 "TV. :- 7-13 1 "T1"T v " i " - . m i. wnd of ... ;' TIME 1'kICES. " t i ,-' '' .nhitlon, ii'.lve-:fl-.n GUAM'IIAM & PITTMAN Proprietors. PROVE ALL Till NGS, AN D HOLD FAST TO "THAT W il IC il IS G ODD. S1.00 Per Year iu Advance. p::osp!-:i:. EATES ilEASDNAHLE. BTJNN, Nv C, WEDNESDAY, MAjUCH 20, ;.IS95; NO I. iTLc energy 'of a Lus.h;a nan." is 'judged by tiis !u-r..e paper by.lho v-orl r.t E.rge. .tc wnoi-2- story -aVvT 5 the r t 35 C2 'I r. r If c t ' Town - Directory. ' , ; -"M;yr A. 3?.-' Wilson. Nr.;.ni-.si:ur; K. F. Yoiinjr, J. H. Pcp. Iff. F.T. Morp, D. 1J. llouU. ' . j . ? " . - ' i'rt-.t A .- - ' r, A JJiOT FROM LEGISLATION, j fn,ia the cncruac'iments or , Federal j CONTROL THYSELF YOUXG We observe Uiit most of our cni. tcajporarioa re rejoicing-V'ta ihaad journbent of Con'gresa brings us a rest - frem legislation. Ebpciiilly does Mr. Matthew Marshall one of ibe entertaining writers win eaHveij the coluirn3 of the New York, bun with the sophistical disquiiitioas; o tne fiuanccsand eco-oniies which the . ., i .... . .... . CIIUKCIIE3. -Metho'Vi-t O. W. Cain. Vxs tor. S:rvict-s at 7 . iii., every lirst S.ni day, and 11 a. m. anl 7 p. m., evurj foni tli ISsititlav. Prayer-meeting every Weili:e'day niht at 7 o'clock. Siuutiy tliool every tssmday ' nwrning :tc l! o'cloclv; G. Iv. ' Criiiitliam, Saperintenl deot. Meeting of SiUidaj- school il U ioiiirv S e5;;fv cvtrv fourth Sund.-iv afioruooM., Yoih ilsu-s prayer oi'.t-' sv5!!mv so " eagerly especially -does hi every MotvUy nhu . J ttd3. ,lUkiiowibg'tsent!e.niri elaborate Prcljtfiiaii Rev. A. M. IIad!, reasons for the prevalent stale of Pastor. Services . every tlr?t and - fifth j . , , . i iV rt j " i Su.ulav nt l.i a. w. and 7 . m. oanday ! bPgins his coltiiua.and 8 sc'.i-Md every uiulay evening at' :J ! half article thus : leviofation upon the rirrraain of State legislation. The State Jurnrd ovet the. C dning of gold and s'lvcr to the ' JLhYS 1 Ti. i . ij. . . . ' V' Federal government, bat they gvej BCJU OI se'onc.o' in srr.a!! ; .v . it no authority lo refuse to coin ei-i tu,"xs u 4"3 h liiuiratcd thcr of those melaia. Sr did "tlieyln ? 11 lhe l8 ''Hife, Lu eecial- eive it authority to "make the falser money ' greenbacks; nor '-to -.repress Statp bav.k notes, that powerful en gine of credit which' enabled the States to subdue the viide;ness and. halMeep people of the ; metropajis. - - --r oW rcsime ke.pog constant control of thdrap in such fashion S3 the, world had nev er before seen the like of. We do not need a rest from legis-klion-legisiatioa that v.iU undo WANT BARGAINS - OYER YOUR EYES, v i n ELSEWHERE ! YOUR BARGAINS OA! 1 i i liiiil mi ? g st. n "Bi if r e n I!: V PAYBTTEV1LLE, K". C ATA KING ??ALE PREVIOUS TO ' - r ( ) l' 1 ' A - I iV! : I. R-gniar eommnrdearm.,, everythird r - v ' - B a-Si . A. m i A iVhrt.-k.- J. iA J.'e:trsall bupertntvu' 'dent. :. T - .'V -. .. . - . - ' -. ' - ; Dieiples Urv. J. -T. Itarprr, Pastor Services everj ttiii d Sniuliy at 11 r,. ;n. and 7 n. m. Sndav sehoul V. o kek Mr. kd B silan-e,. biiprihte;uieic, j Praver ineetiu" everv TliiM-dav ' niirhl i t 7 o'elo-k. . - - -r 4- , withho'd Che antidote froui tiie' vie- cnange, lasf. Jionaay, ovr iua.- nai adjournment of Congress expressed pretty fairly . H ,u ay be p re3u ined , the .sentiments on'tho subject of tho" citw torue that the expiration of every Con gress and of every Slate Legislature for years past hat likewise been i.;- ?; Ciea ins; S ilo in Use fullest. iv.e--!iug of the word, ail will ;:ivn-i tse to purchase,- even if they do not require the good a arc some of the G'eatet Harjinina otf.jrd, a prices unpafe -..ry of tne Fay eitev tile Dry Goods Trade, .-'irMn! htsbae jtncuiy i. m, i ii i: 4 1 wrjit cicsing (Hi; jhe entire stock AT nn-1 : HELOW COST, prey Now is vour el-anee fcr ljarijains.- '1'iiKSE. GOODS 1 J GOT STOCK HAS GOT T(i BE TO HE PKt U0E PELUCE "A "t- . ,v-'; ii " :" t i--.,v ! ML?.iona.y. Baptist Sunday . schorl t very Sunday -iourniiig. at 11?" o'clock, li. G 'I'a.vlor Superintendent. Prayer., 0. W. Newton pa:o;. Preuehlnar every f bailed with delight, but tliat aoes not eoiel nunday, morning and night. Jo leastl diminish the. signiBoanci Free Will Bantist.-Pev. U, IE Jaek-, Gf ! tbe demonstration. It is also passecf out of existence nas suown rather an incapacity for good than a capacity for evil; , and that its sin? Lave been sins more of omission tuan of commission!. bit nsyerthele&a there was no telling vrbut it might-not eventually have succeeded :n accom plishing in the way of aiischief, ,.V.nd now that it is safely dead and buried we are readv to give tlianks as fj the reuiovai of: some devastating niuu ster .'f the ancient fables." 8 That seems to express the truth, a:;d il i i probably what most oi' the people who gtt their idefts fix-in the uiotiey cenires.thiuk. Put those who; iiavu been! so ttfrolually pulling . i i - ; the. sli in'4S of governihent fromtuose centres tor two yesrs, do noi. think what thoy employ Mr, Marshall's kind tu'itmke the people think tbe? tuinic. .'.There 'never was a Congress which so completely fulfilled the ' ue sires of the controlling interests, in Sunday evening at 3 o'dvK:k, lunisuuis Lee, Superiuteuleni. - Priimthe BaptiH Elder W. O Turner, .pastor,. Services ev-ry thiri I Sunday at 11 a. m., and tsaturday before the third Sunday at 11 a." in. The Lucknow Lo.tgo No. 115 I. 0. O. F.. meets eveiv 'l'nesdav r.iht at 8 o-cltiek. n G.' Taylor, N. G.: J. W. Jordan. V. G.; . C. MeXeill, Seere; tan. j Saturdav and everv fiivt r nuay niur. ' Visirins: Masons invited to attend. .1. Pkausaix, Secretary. Professional - Cards- Lee J- Best, -Attoknky at Law. Dunn, - rrai'tkvs in al! tii courts, lion to all liu.siness. 4ar-- N. .C. i a i ! tica of an overdose of morphine,' 0,1 tbo ground that it was medicine which causee the trouble in ths tirsi instaiice. We are in the extreraest neetl of legislation legislation wlnth'tio' doubt, this now repented; Confess, the supply ot C'onsulship being cxrausied. would have been i ! ready lo gtva except for the certain tv of Ms beins: met with a veto. 'I hat was what Vance meant'when he pled with the three cr four faithless South ern senators who helped the republi cans to'shi ft tke bu den of affirmitive legislation and tie, the jhand of Con gress 'thereafter. Faeutoville Ob server. . ly in the business careers of those who attain posk.cnv oftiust. To be succcisfo! they must maintain a high reputation in and oat: of busi less hoar3, and -this thev can only do bv S ifcii nr, so much more than. 4 Ijcvtiva . uu impious. ----- vvennnat i ?v-i r. nnr vr'nii'i ipri 'I genes in anything wbidi anlits them !jCfa sealer, result from i tor tue periortaancc of their business i ; r ,-:;,:,.- 1,,,-, , r,r)U-A duties 'will . injure their.. rcpoUtioa 1 ..AV :lth KtrL - nn f;.f i phni-L-i iirun thai. o...... i I.. . i f lion, borne who avoTd liquor as a -Zm iwn.., ? 1 I x very obvious source of injury to rep f Kc , V wr-s,r ,.A - J.-.- ,. - - - , , , - ' -- O " 'I . , ati.V o- X ulaliou are n jt so careful tn jjuard-1 ' fcTA I r a-stt :, r mg against ovetindulaencc of the an- 1 v, I ij d a flk.?. petite. for other things'; .One may overfeed and render his mind dull and sluggish, another may tire h'm telf out in the evenings by atleiuK j anee atba'l3,by ovcrstudy or by tw ir uch i eading. I n any caae, if bis habits, good or bad ia Ihemselvep, lead to exhaustiou of his nervoas en- ergy so that he goes to his. daily work listless and tired he is ineapa-. ble of rendering full sar vice, and will surely be passed by his compan ion who keeps his appetites under control and reserves- ins best power for the services of his employer. A TRAIN ON THE RUN CATCH ES A LIVE BUZZARD. Promlt at ton - tliose parts. Whet, it aliowedItself D. H McLean, ' ATTpKNEY AT LAAV, 'To .beWtiglitr.ttf-ItowQjioed' ttf .consen t I, t o the u n co n d it io n al re pe al b f the Oitermau ia, iuiuhcm tut r nui-oi. ... . . . t . TirrvM "V C. ! oiitrai P:--ii'-c-. win utter.a tfti- courts dreams ot good legislation that those a j Mr,Mar,hRll presents - could ever - . 1 : have entertained; If J's members ISurZilen'N Ariiha SiiJve. J have erred since in the csiiation ot j these gentlemen, it has bei fciQ)P.V Mie host salve in the world for Cuts, I jn lagging supertlnous onr.e stage, j North -bound train 38 on the Ssa board Air Line yesterday 'caught' 'a live buzzard while the train was run ring at full speed. The bird', was impaled on the long brass rod that runs along . the boiler from the can window to the smoke stack, 'The engineer tells the story of thi3 queer accident. After the train had left Apex and was ruuidng at full speed, 8ime fifty miles or so an hour, the engineer noticed a big black buzzard flying straigUt across tlie track. ' liird and Hrai.a reached the same spot at. the 8 a m e ni omen t, a n u co bided. The engineer looked out and saw the buzzard fluttering on the long bra;s rod... On close inspection hejfodnd the bim impaled on the lod's end, the end of tne rod haying ao-ne entirely through the,bird body. Taerodis notsharp.bat is capped 'L-'Alt I'MEN T, iXi it In ' c dlars and sleeves Ply Carpet, ai 770 -j made of the very Pest Materials, and j Tetter, Chapped Hank?, Oiil'bhihis, i onQ u the verVjlie.st Workmen: Tl the greases!, bargain an d sccrafiee it stylish Wraps that 'has ever been pu j in print. ! ! UN DEI? WEAR DEPARTMENT ,ia a? 4c - . a al o;.c. .igraiu at 3So. i'iig at 43c. a'. 21c, tsuiise?, Sores, Salt Kheum, Fever Sores ! Their wcrk was .completely done with I ! L . . . i he foolish nctiot: LliiS . l. Torn, ami an ri.m I'Vr v..Ua Mr V. T: ve.iy cures' Piles, onio pay. it w.. m1 the onuo.i.-v n-faiiiicl. PAtii wr.! UiatU I'resieut would bsc i or nioii'-y boi. -For hale by Harper it Hood. I:. l-v ' : t. '.! -S (;t;ODS, V.l:i.tt S!i etir.i jat 4c ; 5c, H .; a, le; 10c Dies i.'c Sco toil Plaid. . e: I.Joub'e-widtt. $2.00 (all woo ) Meii's Undershirt f at Pic; !jl..0 (all wool) Men's Under--.hirts at 75 cents; 1.25 Rod (all Wi.d . Mcn'-s Underwear at- 50 cents We have full suils of t! atiove a samo prices. .V.'r-exprcl Ii. clutc .i: our entire stuck of Gesit-Ietu. en's Un dervoar at unco. Awk !o CO JUNG THIS WAY. witn a; brass ball. " When the train arrived here thd tnrd lay dead on the pilot of the en gine; the strange acescent excited much comment. Kx". o o .O v Kc 35 Wool Serine ; ' " - ai-! c-ilo'-s. l ie; Ie-t ; -ali colt rs. 7c; AH wool ! W E II AVE OP FN ED UNDEItWFAll drift mod to wit A number of Iowa Hollanders says the Philadelphia Inquirer, "have tjouiit 25.000 acres of lai.d in Louisi ,i- i i i i-- i : il aua. lwo. nunureu lamnica m 'ice tuem ! . . . shortly remove from one section oi s:...n j,,, our price due; (.'ioth in st; our prie-e tin c; lie; 3 1 : 30 - ' LADIES DEPARTMENT Wldch a Saleslady has eh irge of. I We show Fail. Lines of Night Gowk:-. One liuuMred pieces; , . - t- t.vdilk tt.ti.lt PriAri.. ir . n J . i the lowest in tins drpartiannt. i -' O Q same power whi ;h he employed to secure the repeal of the "makeshift; to eeeure ll;e comprehensive' supple-; mentary fiuanciat legislation which the countr- so much . needed, wa her in the bud. It is t taan mis way : plain that the tlie slightest of doing anvthiog.of the kind, and the tf(np de grace was giv en lo all hop s that he would when h went oif io;ihe duck -marshes of CAN TniS BE TRUE VrWidftnt. nver had I ot tell tne iruio. A preacher came at a newspaper war "Yi-n "fi O.iirw' darf If you did you could not liye; yonr newspapers vould be a -failure." 'The editor replied, "You are -right-.. And the minister who will at all tin its and under all circumstances tell the The remark is often made by young and experienced' mea that they. have, a right to do as they please during off hou's; that their employers pay them only for certain hours of the day and that the inter vening per od is at their own dispose al. Iree from control, ThTs la true only in a limited sense. One's d,uty to an employe! requires him toj be in perfect condition durinjf the hours ot labor to do his appihted task. He may io as he pleases will his leisure hours only on condition that the use he makes of the' m shall leave him in good condition fo the next day's work: If he shatl ha bitual le'neglect to take needful rest, or shall be temperate in eating -or drinking, and shall in consequence returu to his daily labors dulled in intellect, lacking in energy or with nerves disordered, he has unfitted himself for the best service; j His employer may not dictate to him how he shall spend his leisure hours, but he may, and doubtless will - tell'ihi'm, after a time, Mat :un. less he can come back to work re" freshed and in good condition ! his services wiii be. dispensed- with.! If the offin&e is not so grave as to bring about this senleuce it will nev ertheless prove a bar to promotion, and thus tie young man who falls to obtains selt-eontool will also fil i-o adyance in his chosen calling. Men in active business have 'little time t study out the qualities of Cheir tin -. iran m iteeitt at m-ttk. the P-osirtrsia- , (Me stmii'Oicsine ir'cdtnr ,wi:'vh is ; Kiowii's Iri it tin- ttrs.. A bit- jtiei. curt K-nef.t .M Irccie from the J I lriVjf ft l I IIS 1. I lu'cnviiit li ike. noi v. - It Cures Dyspepiia, KWnay and Liver Neurrdgja, Troubler, Coftrtlrticn, Bad Dlood Wren's compk:!nls.. :..' $ 1 liiirs on i'.u v, repi.f.T. All th.r aj o sub stituit.-s - t)n recril.: of tvo ?c Main. s F will acn.l r; ui l i ikattilul W.vtU'k Fair Vltw cuti bttik- irt i SROWN i CHEMICAL CC. eLTiM0f?E, M0. ;RTiVTENEWS, Mr. Thorn is Watson of this c m t. ty is something on raising pork. Me killed one this we:k wet-jhina 812 pounds. Ha has two In wilt carry ver for anr.ther year that will vrtuh 1,500 Wj Is--it Mkror, County Jailor Hoke, of Caldwell county, waked up Tuesday morning to find his page empty!; that. his birds nine of them had flown, . jOf the., jiiae prisoners conGucd iaMhe1 j-iil six were white, threoj- cdored, all of whom escaped between midnfgiit and daylight --Ctiarldlte Ob3erer. " Algcrnoh-Sidney Rolwrtson, son of our esteemed friend, Major aiid Mr-j. James P. Robertson, of this I couo y died in Baltimore. Thursday morning, after a few weeks' ilhiei. Mr. Robertson was in his twenty tuiullj ycar.Fa etteville Observer, j Mr. J. M.'Necombe. who was suos posed to have been drowned while going frota Baltimore to Nevr Yom, - turned up a few days ago at Greens-, born. Hol.fouiid Lis .brother who for a while; to)k him to be a tiliosl. Prulab!y the largest shipment, of bufcr tUl has ever left on.i dioo. : ployees iiud uo inclinaiivin perhaps j-was .that u i-6 by, .Mr. j K fra.oii, to trace the causes of eliffcreuccs, j of Nalhah-. Crock, oho'day iaj-t' week. the Northwest to iiornta. some r rrtin X A d U fr t! Tnriis Ir ! Ohio peaeh growers are pulling out .... faici-l!ial is, to be -killed ! whole truth; about the members cf bv tils antbsilvcr Eastern democratic . Ws chu rcii.. alive or dead; mil not t ' occupy the pulpit more tuau one Sere wrth -It); s :t i n-a :i isa , ! c n r i - ;t yyc , ait c- j,-:'.X'-, of v very deserip-j ' v,i price s' C vS AND STOCKINGS. rcsz 12.0 0.000 Dcach.trv.t-s in Georga, i It is said that 10,000 settlers fnyn the Northwest hjye iately moved into Southwestern Louisiana. Car loads of imuiig cms, wilii goods, stoclc, etc., are'said to be arriving at crowiey, La. evcrti day, and not a barn, shed or nabitatiou of any kind unoccupied. At. iNorfo.k. Va.; Galveston, lex., Luoibermn, Ala.; Jackon, Miss., friends;' Ii is plain, therefore, to those who Sunday, and then will 'find it . neces- o DI-PAKTMENT. v i-u- One Hund-ed ard iiev C'.oaks -remaining." i-. 15c. Bl t k iloe at lOo; 15; ' r.4'.r-ma .e Hose 10c; 20c B ack Hose ar.d other places Northwesierner Vll; -A)BU.ik Half-Hjse lie; 25c i have lately setiUd. Tne agenjs of ! JUfi: k li,,ii ''! ''.- w.it.' ir iT.; ! Lhe Southern railroads report that Vi)o.'. IibiL- !'b -Mf i!,. l- tuirithe number of ai)i.icants !'r trans-j lavv ! Miwf v'i. rididr..i.-4'i F.t.o of r ! i uriativin rates from the West io E sarv to leave town in a hurry. The have memories; that, in the eslima &nd lhe pull)it go j;3nd - In ticc of the money sharks who irst; hanil wi h lLe wLilewrisI., brushes our-Easrern States, the 53d Congress -pl.asant words magnifying virtues into big ones. The is tne most, -pai.it. .-ui uu-j vi-.-.i i , jjtlle if that has assembtetl since tuea ones 'tii at authorized the greet ' 'j; pulpit, the pen and the gravestone OaCA j il,., C a. tint iniLil'fl f rill?l. and 'create the national banks an 1 are me great a.ui, manin t.iu.j o i '. but they know alint st- instinctively that one young man is attentive, j lull uf energy and untiring, and that an other has his mind hiied with out side projects and personal schemes or exhausts hiinrtlf during his leis ure hours with diversions having no relation to his business. And I this kiiowledce is quite sullicieni to deter mine "which of the v,o should be giv en a higher place. : ,- j - Ti e of Ii vo taxed State banks out of esistencei I v irate. Ard the and d.opped siiyer from thb coinage I After describing the ;lfects of tlie iaway, very thaughtful, while the VvMiiydive' of tl;ese re own prices. . Ovcrcarters in h'ack ! points m the boutu is uopreceuemeu. ..-. and Tan, 35c - to 'si .Ob. 7 CO milliard limes as we I as cold winters .laced by the extravagance living oi which procertea toaii. iir. ursinn editor turned to hi- work, and told tbnnt the surpassing beauty of th? bride," while, in fa-t, she was as homely as a hedge fence. Es. ' - , Thus the young man who has! hi appe ites and passions under coiitrol . ! ... il...t I I r l ctj . v a H;tad tn dn. Ills minister went!au 1,uai- 13 "j " ..wv- , day's work is pot insensibly io the line of promotion, wtdle he who ,Is svlf indulgent a id pays no heed tu his employer's interest except j dur i'.jg the appointed hpurs of labor is lent consied thousand pounds of ntcfl, frerli, Crm butter whch was sent. to the! North- Wiikesboro. Ndws, . aa or era markets For the i.t."., fciicv. ... . .. .. -vi i- .t.i-i : : .,i ir nnu-PiUMi liui. n.t . jjiatiui : .. ! wool Aortii Ua. oima 1 z 4, 3 lb, a are responsioie lor iui ueguwin.s Ui i - j : - i T1 m; nu- for .$7.-it. W'e- ... , . j .iA.innA -trt . .rmm winds uo with this : i .ilarr(n Iteu!t lhe young , . , iC-i.T. ' fJ, U'J lt:i iiai:i.C'.S 1 0 4! " viti-uui j 1 ' " c 1 i i' . I . -:- --.i ! went v-i' .-t vriirtli !ilini:I ; - .. . .t i ' .., ..1,, ..i. ! . . . I these I;. in . . . - i a' 5v IS Buwvjry l-t.pp ond lIor--e ! movcm:-nt Irom tne N jrtnwes to me "tlowever luis may u-.-, ui u.c C4 j r0.n a ietter written oy i;ev. u. umi- !.H. these we. will- close- " . ' " 1 w- U.-vhPi'.p oninion entertabied of il dei-utau. of Dhnondah-, Mich.', we are movem-jnt - ,.- , . : Blankets al your own price. ' Soudi- - in.uy.De ue opinion en verba, m. Jl L..,,,:,,, . ,,lp th;;,.vf.r- lmv. .:. .. . , " "v 1Wtn n (l ! The Virginian is leased to kn-m the couhlry's :condttiont no legula-ij f)0 Mitatton . in recommending Dr.J ' -v vre will clvse at vour 1 . ' ' . ... ... , . ? ! . p,,;.,,,,.!, ., i k-s.'.-J ww r.iv'ir m ili 'i-psnlr I be can loo r.,. .., , .. .. . , - i tuese things, l uc ime oi itavei nas ion cai improve n. v.w..Si.o-. - - , . - . K SI p)3 I i1 VUTM EXT- - ; i - . were almost marvel tus in thi caf cf my.f ijfe bUtor ,l J lv u 1 !i.,i iv,,, iKio V?i-.i.J mA-a Will, jinii notion and beef .,. -. ......i i..;...:.V!-",c. ' .. ''oriCPS o noted above! T.-idir' HO Tv id nt " 7U lci :.., :.- .... Z ... ,. I . j- lt i f..r nv mnrrt in t tie. i fhnrr-h t Hives .l;inri!i sbe 'was ! 'i1 . ---- i - ...... . .... ..Mivi. .v.,v.. i,uu ucii uii: cata n c I I K.f .1 tiitlior ciifT;re dtrrft datum or fails to get cuvanccment. nran can scarcely observe js for himself -as tlie social is quite siow. When . 1 n . .... I , i ? .,ll,j gttr k back, and, reviewing the of his friends and j ac inlands, he will find that those are all xVit-w : t,ue l--r Sr.3. A 1 of ( lie of them Lsdies' Shoe. for -r 1.19. since November ' All Shoes included in th:s our v- a-i-.i V.VC- y :0l-id 1 - i . .t .. .v,.at;' r brought down wirti Pn.-uinoni:i succetHi-; wno l.aVe risen, have, as a rule, kept T lh3 Great European markets than the cnU.;. j Gnpl , t rHWe - im f CoMlrol.of themselvss and that ily occurrcce. t ion of rival agricultural ronntnes Roughing would lat hours vth htt.e m- . - ' i : '' , it 1 temmlion and it seeinfd su if -he x .M . thuiC who have Tailed to advance w .lays, close up tne sti.ies.at.?!.; krippcmlorrs $2.00- a-nvcl of settlers, fror $1.50 , Northwest almost a dai I - I .. I --..-.! tni-rimrmii anil If. .-l-llli.I JLS I Tl.0 ia lifflr'l- Mrotfixni f..r ll.irv rrtTinir. and. aS a Cf lnSCQ ! lC-. 11 : . ... ' - I . iti-ivv u ... ... v, .w iuv..u .mi , .v.. .! not survive uieiii. f. ii ieiiu r-t"!iii:i-ini Great vf the Very Latest ' Style . laughte.Sa'e. liiitiru.Mui'ii ui riUtiiiJitf ' - . o itu i.toii Block at To cents illar. 5 linur had vhiip. fult. lierhnna a fcri i,- ...... , t , - ) . t. 1 1 1 -' i a rope ani aitacne i one ena to a- . i oeam in u uiru n-ny , supnins.u;n icr j - -. --I ---- i . lai'urs and 1 ' v"! "vm .4 chance, ! box an1 i:,ini,e;J oTr ,at f,r 1,1 ' - l time' v arrival of someone she wonM iiinvs vjf,-.r7e isrt in mu 111c ins orv 01 1 ; - 1 - - 1 Oil nion can improve the country's con- Dou't keet. jour bann, in your ; ' ! lm. nmnirtt clement aM,iave 8traIed tea1''. Ai is - . '' idittou." is lb, eat of Uie monstrous ipockeU. Itmay.be construed as ler at5. t8 cUaracier, uud that can jahe was uncbus when taken. Don't tell evc-rv thing that hai oens I fallacy which underlies ail the gold-; meaning y..a do not trust yoor fi iend j el. brNu iW tuamtaincl only y 1 iX'''Wn " i " ,J;ar!; byu' - ' . ' 3 ' i - - . tii... i. -..'.. ........... . . t niivsi'-ran to brffiff her bsck. Tronblo luvweeo ytf and v;ir sweetheart, as- bug.argnmeuts. wwj . W!Ul wnoa oa .c yuiiisui-. t sr.oae who ma-iiUin compIete jsmtrol i 1 J j . . - - t . ,, - - I ! . 1 . - . - ' -. " : i . -.,- , I STai- lit. tliml ia III. IH1R3I . h'Iot. n-r.l' i -,!:.- 1?. -iu --..it 1 li r.t.l a lull. Ulll Uie litis i T....' I. . ...... 1 1.1 . I, a...... 'n.ur ftiP.).i 'tea n.il.u.inri 1 I - - . . ; - I ' i .. i . i.- . ,i , tl-.A iH.rina iTrf.l!ir . ...1 t.;...-. V.,..- t i--t i ull llirousi" me oontuern country, ana cannot cucn. u. v y ii-u m. ........ . , . i-. i . .. . i . J..i.;M n., .l-f.It ouiek 1 it- work ami J.urhly att-t;ier-ry , xai one, wj.cu u injure, :. no wncre in me o -ua. wWi toe wei-toi raiiroau B. ..-. , lll-t,. Trial Katies fie at tlar-taiaUon Their a e or fourse ot I ..,.ii-i ti ;.. ..u i ; ......! lintPrest and -dividend t ,-. hi-t K,f.v.. iN..r,,i,r u- - ,ow;-7- - CUliiC UC II v.". t V.VJ1 It 1 A l Vllktl UI U K t t r- l 1 1 KXJ i ' - I ..-i IV tin"! ti i..uw.v- ......1.1.. 1. . , ! .. J' . . . i- V. . .n.uii - i elements vjf successor ot ill gmu, UU'.emc . hundreds payer,. A-; , , Lood or bad f.irtune, that 1 f and m tliouanus. Airioi.-c iriin- - ii.ica TOoy.-la "nn ipitn- ' , -: .". . :. past six niontln. g-mized gring of thieves , have been terrorizing the town of Iteaufoit' to such an extent no one felt safe. All the p?incipal streets and many dwell. ing have .been robb?I, A detective wai employed who piarined and join id them in breaking Into Jones & .)--- - -i Forlaw's s,tore last night and; four of I j- - !,he gan were captured a id are ho in jaiL Ners and Observer, ' - : . j . . ' - -" '. - "- '- . - i - ' Earnest Fincher, the young nisi arresteI a short thno ago, j charged with stealing $3,000 from Mr. Fred Threat, of Union county, has con fessed vq robbery and $1,000 of the !.raonv -has been recovered. The " ' i f ----- money was found concealed! in an old. ontuoo In the ya-d of Fincher's father, .about Gvo mi es fro. r Monroe. It ii not ti.ouht that the other i - 00Q will be recovered. -Waifcaboro Messenger In'.elJigencer. -: !" -"" - - A colored woman nami , L?e at tempted to l commit . suicide a ffw rig-its agi-by hinging. She procured tho doll; J-T FRANK-THORNTQW,-. : lMVF.nEVII.LE. N. C dico tflarvh.' '; doing of Irgisiation, ; It needs reaijg jr69 e'd. New and Observer,