1 . 1 . - : ' ! f I-i i i I. - . 4 THE. ! ' CO U N TY UNION. ; . Iff XN. -Harnett County, N. C. -j . . ; :( s.li to pottil legnla- -i an- pof-tott!ei sit Dunn, X. C'M.a$ i. . . ; laatter. g. !;. '.fcantham. .r. i pittman Editors. rj'-AI. c.nyit:t.!c;itlons must resell us on 1 iics'l.iy f. .:i'ir. j N..t ices of Cliurch entainments and all other 1 ...t ;! ( f !ik Jiiaiir.'-r from wl.i. Ii riVTiu la t, i.e derived, will be cjar ,' ! 5 eerits ier lii.f. j liiisir.ss lf-onl will be inftdf to rog-ular ad- i-i tii-'rrK Rt 5 rrnts iht I."cals without l-i auliir. advertisements will Le Charged tents ir lino, " -ut si-rit- rs will l.pcuf off at the ex ii ratlin .f tliir subscription iml.-rts we ar-i iiotilfed h. kI no i':iT will e discontinued uotil the M.l,: crii-in-ii isi-aidup. 1 ' (Vi'mii'mnimMons must always ha-e the Aiithor's name si.-n-d. and ruusl be written I laii.ly .n .:ie side otthe iaier. ri7AlviTtisi;; rates furnished on ap- . : i - . 1 1 r 1 1 . h'-jnl notices inserted icithout : c ih t-t (irfciiiice. No communication will m accepted 'unless accompanied by tlie writer's ll;.Ilie. 1 W-. AH advert iwiwiits inserted four t,Mr.v--ivV('''ki will hit CUlIlfC'd OIIC i. :o:.rh. aed will be in-crfed anl charged oid'-n-d li-eontinued when the li.iit- is ilicij. TEf fHS CF SliESCRiPTiCKj Ti n'- Months......... -r.'......: '1 Cents. si b..uh- .50 Cent. One. Year I..1.00. Sent bv Mail, Pavable in advance. Dl'NN, X. C, Al'KIL 3 1SD.). I'LASIING flME -SOME 10- GESTQ 'Uelow we give our farmers an ar ' tide from the North Carolina Hulled tin of Agriculture furnished from the pen of T, K. Briiner, Secretary. The 'spring this 3-ear of g ace promises toconfr. nt tl.e farmer wiVi many vexing perplexities. He must so pit'rli his copping operations as to donye s unc profit from the un' derlalyng. He must decide in the facd of pre vailing prices for farm p.oducts what he din best pro li e, with the dual view of home products rad realizing un the market coui Lined. . The thinking farmer must of neces sity omit cotton from the calcula tion, lie cannot afford to grow cot ton at Mic rivalling prices, and the proi -ct poims to even lower prices ruling tLis fail. Tobacco 15 not qui e s i low in price, but subject Lo manj exacting; conditions wiiich must be .successfully met to make it profitable ai t. exclude it as a substitute for 'cot: oil by planters of tlie staple, i It is4 taken for granted that ever' farmer rec-jgnizea the absolute neces sity for growing all hi3 Lome sup plies; no farmer worthy the name can airrd to do otherwise. This done, whafcan he do to bring ; in home money ? In thinking tin matter over the fanner must rely, in 'making up his judgment, upon! the peculiar conditions which surround li;ta. No one at a distance can ad viso him fully as to what may besi do, hence what, follows must be con sidered in the light of suggestions v.'hicli may point out 0110 or more m :ans to aid in accomplishing the end in view. . Irish Potatoes. One of the most profitable crops, iioi, usually grown by our farmers, is late Irish potatoes. 'Irish pota toes are never worth less than Irora f -rij to fifty cents a bushel at ma turity. a:id from $1 to $1.50 through the winter and early spring. B.ii lew ot our farmers have potatoes lor table use, to say nolhing of- mars keiir.g at this season. In ine Pied unmt a .d mounts n counties there Is 1.0 reasou for calculating oii'a yield of less than 100 bushels to tiie acres. Many farmers will "make 150 or more. .Omitting tne price of seed, the crop may be pjoduji very nearly us cheaply as corn, aid al forty cents u bushel, aud an hu.idred bushels to the acre, the yield will be $40 an af.re, But Ih alert farmer w.il no tell his crop at such a price. He can . d to Lo.ioC his crop and ca e lor i until January, and then sell at li.iin $1 to $1.25. or even u.ore lo; pte.ely kept, sound potatoes. Just L 'rc.is one of the leaks tuat the farm" er -iKiiild prov.de aguiiiSL. He can z.A r 1 'i make the d tlcrence oetween lue.autm aud the winter price; it itii i.ums to more tliau tlie crop is . jiii w.ie .dug. Prepare to grow lit;- crop, ana to Louse and prop rl, -. ea.e for mo aam and the re.uu :. bonuti to be s tisfactory. Kibi.D ri:As. VI: d-p:-is .re prifi,able, rot only -a 1 1 1.. rover if woru lauds, bu ; . - .1 .v.ivs a dentaiitl fur them ... puriMMu4. T.iiro is. ih id mi,, ju .0 siv .eai..ud, a grow ing iercan in ! N.r ! ?.r.d West for pes. ho great is tuis demand that it will be well for our farmers to prepcreto meet it. Pj;f. Massey, of the Agricultural and Mechanical College here, wi tell you thul seed peas from this taie will mamre bet ter in the North and North. vest vthan the same btoek fro in Alabau;u aii Mississnpi. The tea is being experi mented with in the regions alluded to, and there is no reason why our farmers should not take advantage ol this climatic fact and undertake to supply seed peas to the section re ferred to. Tue'cowsp" is one of our most valuable crops, and our pecp'e should improve every opportunity of enlarging its production and usefuls ness. IxAY. Speaking of remunerative crops, hay is perhaps ihe most remunerative for the amount of labor bestowed; certainly, if compared with cotton, wheat, oats or corn. North Caro lina is naturally adapted to the growth of many valuable grasses, and haymaking should become one of the best paying of farm opera tions. With hay worth from $12- to $18 a ton our farmers stand in their owu light by allowing it to be" im ported from the praries of the West or the grass fields of New England. It requires care and good judgment to make good ha, but then all farm requires care and good judgment. There is money in hay. Let those who are in a position to grow it make the move. Along with srass growing,1 cattle, sheep and swine are gradually added so as to make still ther means to ieach the ed to bring in some money. Small Fkuits. Again, among th - possibilities for remunerative labor on the farms adjacent to town or factories, small fruits shall not, be neglected. Rasp berries, strawberries and cultivated blackberries are always salable if they are of superior quality and nicely handled. The secret of get ting an ineome from such sources de pends aimosl exclusively upon the dme audi manner of presenting them to the market. In the first place be sure to get them into market in ad yanee of the season. Do not wait until tLe market is glutted, but, forec the fruit as much as possible, The earlier in market the better the pries. Arrange, if possible, to have your "jrop exhausted before the market becomes glutted, Be sure that the fiuii i3 properly-sorted as to size and color, and. put into i.eat, attractive packages. This method should be strictly adhered to for houij as well as dis ant markets, lb enables manv a purchaser to buy (nd comfortably carry hom ) a package which would b out of tne question under the or dinary circumstances in which fruits' are offered for sale in our towns. Too much emphasis cannot be given the necessity for the due observance - of this careful preparation' for rr.akiug small fiuits. The price paid for nicely handled fiu t is1 always in ad vance ot j the market, lwhi'e poorl assorted hrai's odVred . fioru a basket box or bucket by measure iever coin ai and the market value. STATE OF NORTH CAROLXrcV Harnett County. LAND SALE! liT virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Harnett county, I will on 3ion-'rtat-. Vavfiil. 1503, sell to the highes. l.iiiiW f..r rjfsl! at the court house- uoor I have 'Ms day levied on th-5 following lands ibelonsin to the person o r 1 n iniutoo, N. C, 13 ? acres .of lanii naru.n o nom.l fi.r tlf.. ! Jr. ...v,..n.,r nril.n!. ..n,l P.uintv t-iT'. fiUii V..!l!i 4c'"lC ' tOW'i il!P. IlariltH- will s-ell the same to Lillington on Aloud-,' Anderson Creek Township. Eli ot Isira Lucas'Lucy McNeill C M Porter A B estate Uay J Mc " for N Hay heirs " . for N Hay estate Rny N A Turner "J A & sister Trulove N.,F Averasbor.. Township ; Barefoot Jas B Barefoot N E Benton C M ByrdLII Capps G M Corbet J T Cren.-huw J M Godwin S A & W J Taylor Hodges II A Lee W A - McLe'and & Lay ton Norn 'a J Pope Hcnrv Surlcs Mrs ME Weaver Y i ntate Wilkins li I; Wilkins y T Wood Alex Coats E Coats J S Hodgos J W ivf.melius Moore J A Pope Hcurj Stii.klandAC lew J.M Crowder Tlios. Chapin L B ant Barbecue township Cameron A J Cameron Jack , Harvelle G W Lemrors J A McDona d D J Restorant Eliza Small Mrs Maggie Sewell M 13 Fort Hardie i-st. hi ld-r f,r chsIi at t'.e Court Hoacloor in county, n-notning ia hum v d ... . - - i . - .1 11 k.-0 !n. V. V I'-arson and otlieis ano u'. ina-i i'r i.axr uiit: iui iof ...p.-, , . C. McAliTAN, Ei-SheritT of Harnett Couzty. i - t Tax & Cost $3 30 . A'res 52 25 S3 -50 50 1 30 2 '23 t:) . 40 1 00 ' Acre3 Dale 1894 Description. Residence.. McLeod: Creek Cates j ;' " Anderson ' MeCrkny hridge ; Residejice " McCranv bridge ' Wnite 'Ridge And-rson cre-k 1893 & 1894 1 CO CO Little creek Description near Dnnn 73 2 town lots Dunn 15J Juniper 32 S R 1 near Dunn 1 town lot PurJn 173 S R . ( near Dunn 0 m 1S94 Dare 1694 1893 & 1894 1694 1 70 J SO 0 bo 2 09 2 98 1 63 2 10 2 63 Tax & Cost 1 7f ii 37 !3 63 8 08 37 i r,.vi, iU. Vi'lvav land anil more fullv oesoi-ib-d in a dee.l executed Jy .h.Un A. McKay to J. W. Flowers, law M;ueh 7th, ' IS95. ... J. McK. BvrD, Commissioner. Ir-14-4t, I IT Surles a nd V B R.S R Weaver llaee c ( Mingo & EiJonesland j 25- Mingo 2"town lots Dunn 4 it 2 G3 4 30 36 11 j 1 97 12 17 10 . 1 OQ 1 a3 -4 ! 60 10 1 60 17i 2 00 58- 1067 3 151 Acres 60 73 50 60 1 16 1 64 1 50 2 38 I Averasnoro 1893 & 91 1 3 70 S B Mingo K II 1894 B H bridge S R' 't R B R. 69 town lots Dunn BR Dunn 1. it 1893 Description G im Swamp 1'ry Creek! S ner Run; Dry Creek ,ULR Bat b'. cue U L R Date 1814 189394 1894 1892 to 94 1894 1893 1894 X 7 97 1 57 3 37 13 65 7 70 6 75 7 97, 9 97 3 63 175 '21 1 83 2 13 6 90 Tax & Cos? $3 80 3 33 3 87 3 70 ;2 57 4 37 i3 30 7 97 , Black River townsliip Acres Deenptioa Date Taxe & Cost Adams J T 15 j BR 1894 S3 59 Williams J A " 1 13 10 Flowers J W estate 179 ! Long br 4 07. Gardner J L 26 Kennies cr ' ' 4 21 Holland Lem 75 . Rule's cr , ' 2 73 Johnson Isabella - ; 75 JSeills cr " 1 81 Mathewf. Wm estate 100 Long br ' " 3 30 Mathews John 1 58 liiue's cr " 4 u.j Wren W P 140 B R " 3 80 McLeod W T 21 Longbr h2 30 Moore S C 27i Kennies cr 2 30 StepLcnson Cade 33.L llugl cr " 2 63 f line 1SD4 97 , 00 i O C jO DO jl 57 Grove township, C-'ia Steva t heirs 100 acres C ifectors Creek township, .J A Dean 33 acres Hectors cr llambe.iut J R heirs 78 acres Neil! cr 1S94 Wood Sim 174 acres Holly Spii-igj rd " Baker J K 10 ac es Hectors cr ld4 Johnsonville towi.sbip. Bridges Arras 109 ac, puck pond 1893 to Ot 3 79 Broad foot C W 100 acres Riedy Branch 1893 '?t $1 51; Cameron A; A 100 acres Gum Swamp 192 to '94 $13'23; Carob?ro Mrs. R B 100 acre Gutn Swamp 1892 to '94 $4 iv ; Oatne on Jack 129 acres rail road 1892 io .'! si 93; Fo'.t liar -iia 4o-u-.tis Bij Jan per 1892 to!'94 $2 54; Hnrringtoji A M Est 100 vi'-t-. iieaver Creek l892-'9l $2 76; Mc'J uih in J A 150 iutcs Mid dle I'rou 1.95 $2 10; McNeill N H 208 acre3 Gum'SwVm; 1891 to'93 l2 69; McNeill Mary 100 acres Munroe Rd. 18S'3 and '94 $3 64; Smith Jas fop seres county line 1894 $3 80; Williams Cebia 150 acrei rail roi.d 1894 $2 30; Mc Neiil Jeir 15 acres R ck Br 1892 ts '94 $2 74. Bu. khom Township Holt Elizabeth Est. 47 acres Beaver Dam 189-- $2 07; Bakpr W A 49 acres Mill Creek 1894 $2 10; Brown A S 21 acre's Mi l Creek 1894 $1 61; Johnson Nanni? 41 acres Parkers Creek 1894 $2 97; Lackatr.y Jennett 30 acres Little ;Creek 1894 $i 07, f Lilliugton.Townsii p Bethe, liU.ii 41 acres jU L R 1392 to '94 $2 93; 300 acres NOTICE OF LAND SALE. Bv virtue of a power of .ale contained i.Mffiin mort'raire deed Piad-j bj' II ry Pope and vie Eliza, and reeord-f-o i., 'Rook II. No. 2. pages 13o 6, vfonnU of Harnett county, I will sell at pu'lir sa! for cash; at the court house door in Tallitiffton on' the 17th day of A .'I at 12-o'cIo-jk M, 2 blocks and i'ilu-c Lois of land wit'un t!ie tov:i of Dunn, being block VV and CC'J and int Nos. 1 and 2 in blwek FFF, one lot No. 1 In Block BISK, to satisfy said mor f re deed. This March 9th, 195. J. J. Wadk, Mortg;; e. -F. P. Jones, Att'y. mr-13-4t- NOTICE ! By virtue of a mort deed executed by J. A." MePhail & v. ife to J. A. Brown and hy hini trans ferred lo A. K. Kankiii vt Co. I will sel at the Court "House door in town oi Lillington 80 acres of land in Upper Little Uiver i ownslrp for full discrip tion of said land see Book II No. 2 pages o.i7-339 Register's office for Harnett County, Time of sale Monday April l?t . at 12 M. Terms cash. B. J. Bell, Att'y for A. E. Rankin & Co- HRISTMiS G o , 1S):V1!,.. , Ml II hS P u 1894 GONE ' T ' -re vith tke NEW YEAR still in the lead. ci!vM X J. c omplete stoc oi i;rug. - lowest Brin yor i: r--criptjons to us, they are filled by a Registered We Sake :K brated Itch Cure. NO CURE NO PAlj. Complete ?tc!: ''f gat-fleu seeds, ru-su wuapiai;i- - . t 1 Us B -rot ; :i wur me&l. V. 3 Hive u nneiy pownered.; " lllfBlKANLlOPOLISB, Dl . .1.. :.,. ;t1 noil irr! .r ns whether v,. .. and every oo'j v-.- r-uicu.w w . . j May or be glau to sLe sou. Wishing one and all a prosperous New Year, I am, yours to please. Ja- -'-'t UTXhli "ff A w ''CC3 F 01 , LAND SALE! In otedlence to an order and decree of the .Superior Court, of Harnett county, I will, on Monday May 6th 15 at 1 o'clock P. M., sell to the highest bidder at the. Court Houss door in Lillingjon, N. 0., l.fdiO ncres of land in Johnsonville township Harnett county, N.-O., ad.ioining the lands of J. M. Marlts, Lamont atid others, belongiusj to the estate, of Mrs. F. I. Murchhon dee'd, and soid for the purpose of making assets to j;iv debts. 'lliesaiil will lits sold in lots to suit the purchasors, aud plots of the same will be ex hibited at the sale. Terms of sal, one-half cash, balance in six months. Deferred payments to bL-ar interest at s per cent per annum from date of sale. Title reserved until purchase money is paid in full. This Mar. Id, 18n5. D. A.PAUCETTE,' Ap? 1 w Commissioner NOTICE! Having this day been appointed Com missioner to inake sa'e of a certain lot. or parcel of land assigned to John II Givgory, Millie F. Ilea der Sarah C. Fu nis, and Callie A. Williams lairs at law of A. B. Gregory deceased, by Couiinis sioia is appointed to l-artilion Hinds of said A. B. Gregory deceased. See re port tiled in said case, Xo 94 special pro ceedings docket of Superior Court ot the County of Il'irneit. page 32. and for a dvscrii'tion of said tract or parcel oi land it. being lot n'o 2 of said RepOi ., see the same. I w ill on M-'ud ly at 12 o'clock iL May the Glh day oiler for ea.-!i the lauds above referred to, in accor dance with any said.Couiini-.-iou and ilu' order of ?:ale. This Feb. 25th 13:)5. J, M.civ. ByriL CoiumissioueJ'. J In tl'i Su perior Court Notice ofS.de AN ACT TO REG ULX TE AS SIGN ME NTS "Section 1. Tliat all conditiuna sales, assignments, moitiiages or deeds in trust which are execu;ed to secure any debt, obligation, note or bond which gives preferences to any creditor of the ranker shall be abso lutely yoid as to existing creditors. "Section, 2. That all laws in con flict with this act are hereby repealed. Section 3. That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification Ratified the l3thday of March. 1895." IIEAVFN fVAS HIS HOME. 4; McKeoh;;n A A 30 L II 1893-'94 $6 63, Aeul erteiv Ib94 !$2 13; 70. Brantiv J D 100 acres Shapfield iii3 to '9 1 $ii 7 U L il 1891 9 77; Pemberton E L 100 acres U Neill Creek Township Branch 41 M 50 acres Johnson Eliza M 20 acres Hughs Creek 1894 $1 Stewart Creek Township W G Adams 218 acres C F. River 1S94 ftlO 75: Covingtoi. Parker 50 acres ResideinoeT894 $4-65; McDoiigald Lucy 72 acres Residence 1894 $1 58; McLean Freo 25 acres lvesidehce' 1894 $3 97; - Ale Lean Richard Est, 50 acres Homead 1894 $1 97; Parker S W 3$ acre-, Drv deck 1894 $2 40; Turner Peggie 10 acres Homestead 1894 $1 50; iVaiker Wat Est. 61 lies' 1S94; A ii30(iaorts Gum Swamp 1894 $3 90; Walsou Parker Caifc-r Jr. 132 Homestead 1894 $4 02, Upper Li tl.e Uiver 1 ownship Douglass Nathan Est. 350 acres C Tf River 1893 -'91 S18 17; HarringJon A Aj Jr,-350 acres McKay Mills 1 r-'J 4 $'u 3J; iiolaies & Harrington i acres Lab ns lir 1S94 $2 30; McDouaid W M 1 aerea Old Hundred 1894 $3 67; McLcaa N A Srj, 9J ares Nardac McLean lh94 1 47- AicNull Neil Is Est, j iutrest .25 acres Jones Crek 1894 $1 77; MeFha i A f St. 43 acres Jones reek I893-'9i $190 ; McPhaii jl A 80 act s John Hay land 1894 $4 31; Wicker M F EH. 51 acres P W lo94j $1 97; Lockany D n;e 54 acres 1893-'94$5 30; McKay Neiil Jr. 150 acres 'filling--ton Ed 1893-'94 $6 30; McLean Cris ard Flora 19 -.cres Murdac Est, 18D2 '94 $2 53; AlcPhail J L 150 acres Stony Run 16j3-9l; Ray Neiil sr. 107 acres U L li. . A KISS. A certain y-uag lady sends a very neso de-uri;Lion of a kiss to the Fx - i press and we turn it loose, ' 'A k.ss is tlie visible sign and to-i Once upon a time an editor died kn of a sentiment wh ch words cin- a .d slowly wended his way down to n-jt express, The eyes do a good those regions where they don't shov-j deal of appreciable work of oye ! el snow. I He supposed that a very I making, bul the meeting of the lips ! warm welcome awaited him. But i s the sign and seal, the chrism, so when he had alighted and was steal-j to speak, which transfo ins the earth ing his heart to step into the "ups y into the diyine. Love withouj. a per, neither and sunounding fires," ! kiss wonld be like Uij harp without the devil met him and said: "For the hand', the rainbow without its many years people nave failed to ' bue; the brook without the babb e ; j meet their obligations with thee. ! Thou hast been innocently sending I them tl.e psper on time and they ! have cursed thee because thou didst ! not gel u; a better paper. Thou IMOTICE OF TAX SALT: ! NORTH -CAROLINA, iiarnet County. -J. 31. Flemming, ys. D. Bascom Parker, Having been appointed a commissioner in the above entitled case, at the Feb. IsjO of Hai iVett- county Superior Court for that j.Mirpo-e, I ill ?ell at public sale for cash, at the post office in iue town of Dunn, on the GJi day of AiM il iS9 at 12 o'clock 31. the Lot aud building thereon, known as "T1k; Pro gressive Institute," located within the town of Dunn, This March the osh. lSS..-. , F. p. .Tones, mr-G-4t. Conurdsiouer. NOTICE OF LAND SALE ! By virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain Mortgage Deed, made by is W Parker and wife to 3Irs. rj. Lane, and recorded in Book H No, 2, pages oil i records of Harnett eoi'.uty,T will seil at i)ublic sale for cu.-h, at the Post effice in the tow n of Dunn, on the "27th d ;y oi April 1893, at 12 o'clock M. that valuable lot and residence in tlie town of Jiiinn, -n tlie corner of Broad and Kllein strc - being the same place w-heiv. the said S W Parker and family now live. Also one other tract of land in Siew.tn's Creek townsliii). Harnett county, con taining thirty-six -acres, be tlie same yiore or less. Said lands arc fully do scribed by meeUand bounds 'in tjie afore .4aid mortgage deed reference to wiiich is hereby had. 'This 3Iarch 2tb, I3':i5. ilKS.-O. Lank, Morta-ree. F. P. Jones Att'y,. mr-27-4t. Onthe 6th day of Alay 1S9 it' 1st Monday of said month at the Office in t o'clock 31. sale for ca due thered Blocks A tb landscape with ut its colors;1 the tube rose sweetest flower for scent that blows without its odor jt'ie borealis without its variations; poet ry without rlntue; Spring without j .hast been called a dead-b.-at .b the : sunlight ; a garden without" fdiage, 1 passenger conductor when ttou hast ! or marriage without loye. The j shown thine annual pass to his ' en- j young woman whose ideas teach Jier vious gaze. A l thee things thou ! to recoil from a kiss cheats the lover , hast bo ue in silence. This is not a I of the joys of loving, and those g,d it nabiiaiion for such people and don hour ol wooing and cooi,.r as the prod ! for his txe i$1.45, being Post e town of Dunn, 1 C at 12 I will sell at public auction li the following real estate in the saiil tcJwn of Dunn, for the: taxes n as follows 0 tow n Slots in nd 31 levied on as the prop erty of Edoch Gad win for lis ta$.es for 1S94 taxes $10.53 cost $1.43. 1 - One town lot in Block A levietl on as the propei tj of B. J. Lai.gston for his taxes for lSy4 taxes 50c. cost lr45 J tow A lots lk-vied On as the property of Ile.iiiy Pod.e Jr. for his taxes fed 1SQ-1, taxes $Gl.d4co.-t $1,43. 2 lots leVied on lertvof Isidore Sanruiertield for lSyi taxes Sl.uj) cost NOTICE ! . By viitue of a certain mortgage deed executed to .1. II. Teuton, Oct. 20rb IS'ji) (and duly assigned to .ine) by J K 31oure et als., and duly registered in the rec ords of deeds of mortgages of Harnett count v. in Book J. No. 2, pages 41 and 42 I will sell at public sale to the high est bidder at depot in Dunn, N. C, "at 32 o'clock 31. on Monday the 29lh day of April lb93, the following property,' to w it : A certain tract of laud, in the town of Du::n, N. C , adjoining the lauds of .J. J. Wade and otlvers an I be ing lot No. 7 in Block B in plan of said town. &ee s.ud mortgage for full dis cretion. This 23th clay Of March, 1893. I erms cash. : . 3Iits. Kula F. Grantttam. Assignee of Mortgagee. L, J, Best Att'y. -v ., mr-2,7r4t. 1' ZX 31. L. Wade, Town tax Colic i-tor. Send v n ra;Idress to II- E. Biicklen i thou eanst not r,iQe in here." And i atsn dismissed hi n. would bo robbed of that exquisite ; fl'iie-e pill- As lie did so , Jeiuih'u w,.ieh makea earth wear for . he pulled to the grating gates behind ' time the glorious semblance of i:eav- tim .and int;rine-t-d t, himsoi: . ' 1 i - i- . ' .! murine'cd to "litiveu 13 home and tKsidcs bad let It .ii o,uie in here, he have been, con iuuallv THE merchants in all lines of tradp nd Sick lb-ada be. P.jr M:.-! w,u " l,,al "ay ?lve .iver tumbles-they bAvef been ; SPECIAL UA if w. would ueut.iu:ut buosrib r a d tims cr.t utei disourd i i tb- raptures of Paradise .-egained,'? ULD NE Si'Ai vii .SALE J uiy kingdo.a,"- -Ex. , 25 CE'io PER HUNDRED T :ag, -aid get a free 4amp!c King's New Life Pills. A fc Co., Chi b- ..f Dr. trial will convince von of their merit?. are ea-y in action a:jd are p.irticularly effective in the cure of Con rtipation aiu lana and I Tiroved invaluable teed to be deleterious vegetable, their actios aCh :illd Im y-te! i. i. Sold-bv lia Big Da 7 ON the 3rd Saturday in 1895, will be a big d. y in APRIL D U NN. Hoon DTI Oitr handsome display of M'lLLINERY OUR GOO ucw and Stylish. EGHVIS APRILS? afe new and seasonable for themselves a glance show i are'now and Iannontze wit in Dress Goods. - BC CMJI A W2:& brL-.dies' and Misses' 11 ATS. -in,! IifJ J ri. 5 i i f '- S " W co.ubine the most popular ttiemtubej Foreign and Domestic makes. eubirw u! CHILDRESS HEAD-GEAR A SPECiALTY. We" have had our MILLINERY ROOrd xeut'y fiitcd upland have spared no pains to p'ace before ! you d most beautiful an 1 stylish line of "M ILL IN EH Y - . . i ev-. : r'lir.-'ught !o Dunn . C:oi ami cxau.ii.e our stock' before purchasing el-iewlicret PRICES TO' SUIT. THE ITMES. - - ' lours to rbPiAfi E. ; F. You H DUNN, N- C- Oyer One ItZiliiou Pcoale.wcar tie V. L. Douglas 53 &fti&i AM ear shoe ara Cf;"lnt!y iatuiM Tney plve tbe best value lor laa ni yw They cauiii custom shoes iu f.l'yh' ' I'llit. TliS Best Shoes -jgh for tLc Least 3Ioaey j3ma . -X. 1. - .-K 1 s. i mr-2N. La Pj FOR SALE BY E. F heir weaniig qualUi'Jd arc uasu. l From 1 to $J saved cv, r ovmj m.- - If your deaur cannot i -tipply l,,Bn S3.EOr-C!:CCtt ,1ft dr fin mu u. If T"-- you, i er.lrr rT' ni-nrkir-fc-n YOUNC FOR. THIS ' ' s O-N iii.- perfectly fiv ar. friu ubstance and to b They do not weal , but by giving tune ; vid greatly ii.igo. cg'ilar size 1 -. gfiarau- 1 every purely n by f tom- th: box. per t ilo'jd Drug BARGAINS to all classes of men. A GENERAL TLADK DAY when you can exchange anything you rray bring to town. Let all r. ho want special barcrams ; coiic to 10- n on that day. We have jast opened an elant and carefully selected stock f. ,JJCM iwwa and trimmings at price lower than ever . ..j WJC laiscod'siwK 01 wnite goo.'is ana Liaces 01 o in the ccuaty, and make a specialty of filling ordirs for burial uen in neea 01 spool cotton, sewing and embroideiy silk in kl's.''" colors, Remember that vve are headauar'ers for pVprvt.liin in this li"1" don't forget to lo ,k at our Sea Inland, percals for shirt waist?. t: SHOES. SHOES. SHOES. V e claim to have the largest and best selected alock of shoe-) l.rif in Dunn. We also have, in stock a nice line of stylish st-av ' cheap, We carry a complete line of groceries. Snuff and. Yub ' " ceaut 1 ni. picture free with every 10 pws Ax Snuff thni-.-.'fSii 1..,.. t. t .... . .' . . '.i.j'.r n 1 " 11 is impossiDie to mention e enui a Ceneral Mcjchacdisa Store like ours. Because we have alw that yoU can call for and at prices that cL fv .,..m.Piit;nn. Ve thank our friends very frn'rlly for their liberal pa fna: and coroiully invite everybody to examine our prices and in--business before purchasing elsewhere. Azaiu thankiM o:r aud all ar.d respectfully soliciting y, ur paonage the .fu.ur V e remain, yours not to b: dowsico. - in the ri ,;,r",.f' I- 0j I "if. DUNN. -N c I 1 i i ) -