THE and iliat 13 your republican Major. j he did that very thing 12 months ngr, w Jl I 1 VJ 1 lVI I No tru man will go into a conyen- ;iion and participate in it, then" come jjputatd not abide tLe. result of the We vnnt a man lor Mayo' DLWN, Harnett Comity, N. C. same. T" 1 I". 1 1 f j-.ii: i-l r! :ieeo- inn" n oosi.ii i.llui.i , , , . , , , i,. :. at th. instr- at Dunn, N. C., as U'-t !' H''" sen?c nf ,,onor ll,an Second class, matter. ! that. Mr. Cl'.zpn there i not a pcrs STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Harnett County. I l;?.v( t iiis day levied on tbs lonowiug lands belonging to the person or persons named for default in payment, of tbeif State and Countv t-es, $nd will sell the same' to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House do ir in Lillington on Monday-. May Gth. 1895 Tt taxe due for 1894 a-d all j arrears, C. McARTAN. Kx-ShertiT of Harnett Countv. p. K. GRANTHAM. J. 1. PITT MAX. 1' ditors. Ande-n Creek Township. t I . . . ..!.. crm Ur.nnr.hle of advisinz about r'u 'J"' I" ' , , .. Lucas Lucy ! such raottcrs but that knows that it jcXeiIl CM I is the commissi neis and no'. lje l"trttr A IJ estate i mayor that c.introi the whole town Hay J Mc for N Kay heirs for N Iaj estate 1 "over r. Die nt wi'Ji a democratic board : of commissioners, town marshal and ! town attorney the town could not help but be honestly governed as democrats always do their wprlc well S8y Mr, Citizen are you a democrat? :iii oil's AM)ix;ir.T. rtf-All cotrnui.icati!is 4nust rarh us on .Tuesday evening'. Kf.ticM ff ChurclTtitaintnents and all other sot ires of Ilk' manner t roni whlcb revenue in jfo be derived,' wlU be charged S cent per f,ne- . Business locals will 1 made to regular ad-; jf not get to be one or quit trying to line. Local without . xv. leuiar advertements win be charged attend to their business. Y as there feutMriiw,- j any more complaint about the ad- f ul.iwrn.er9 will becnt off at tbe exjiration . t - , f-fti.eimui.-trii.tton uniss we are m-tindninibtration of the town gnxernment aiMl no .ai-r win i uinccjinuiueti uhh .' t)ulHcrlitiuu ia paid up. CnmtnuMeatloiiB must always nave the Author' flame :-'ned. and must be written l-lalnl' f iic.u. side of the paper. fSTAdvcrtlsiug rates furnished on ap plication. 5iVo le'jnt notices inserted without punk it oxlaince. No ooinnu.'ik-utinn will le accepted rtnlcss accompanied by tiie writer's befprp 12 months ago than since, and has not. the town government at all times been in the hands of the demo crats ? Mr, Citizen fays that not long since the: democrats. p pu'.ists and republicans all worked together for a new county wjth l'ut;n as i;s capitol. Just so, but then shall we not expect a single thing" good from the republicans and populists? We rnAll advertisi -incuts inserted four r bistifisd in! axnectml' some one fu shi- v.ik will c -uistt'd oiH' J ' . , i.inth. :in.J wilH'i.1MTt. lan(l ( har-dj act at their hands that i.eed i.ot be tin'il oiih-rt il i!i.- oiuiint 0" .w hen the Jim is not !-pee'tfn-i!. TERff.S CF SUBSCRIPTION. Three Six 'Montli-.j Due Year ". ....2-J fents. ....r(J Celt:.-. $1.00. .St-nt l.y Mail. ruble pr advance. IM'NK, X. C.t APK7L 17 1893. TO THE TAX PAYERS OF DUNX, Milss Editors: The fear, alarm ! - and patiiotim of "A Free Citizen of -7)unii' a' appears from Ins.- com munication in your paper of last week is as refreshing as a 8"ow porra, at least in December, We found hand bills circulated announcing that a mass meeting f ould be. held for the purpose of organizing the Democracy of Bunn Ac," and then in the depth of his l:eart he cries out that according to "his "huuible way of thinking that the persons who advocate such a course are not the real friends ol Dunn." . Just so Free Citizen, but if they are not, then a lirge majority of ,ue best women, men, taxpayers aud property owners in Dunn are not the real friends of Dunn, (for it takes the inajority of negroes, non tax pavers and non property owners to form the ppposition to the Democracy of Dunn.) for it is a knwon fact that the persons that ate in favor of the de mocracy of Dunn, arc the persons upon whose shoulders rests the main condcint.ed, as we pre informed that their father the devil sometimes re buke sin. But the reason that we cannot go an' further with this moa urel set. they had a tu'.l chance in the lasL-legiblature to. show themselves atd he is a partial sample of theii l:rty woik. They amended the char, tcr ;f the city of Raleigh so as to tax all churches, benevolent and charitt ble "societies and what l ttle property they haye. That leislatuie cost the tax payers of the State $7,000 more tha any previous legislature, it cons s'dtrably increased the taxes and butdons of the people and did not pass one single law, that will benefit t'n'people of the State. It elected negro magistrate to set in judgments upon the lights of the white people of the State, while there were thous' ands of w hite men of superior qua.ifi tions. It elected a man b' the narte of llutler for U. S. Sena'.or who is a'lowed $1200 per year for a clerk hire and who lias appointed a3 his e'erk a man that. does not live, pay taxes or vote in this State. John B. Hu:?sey wiio has been repeatedly pub Iished'in the papers of this Slate as a couspir.ttor and thief. A man who when he commenced practicing law located in Newton, N, C. had note? placed jn li s hands for collection, he cdlectcd the j money find kept it. Kept several hundred dollars of one S"d Houston :nd also one Joseph Bos, yet this sarao man II us -ey docs a large amount of t! c writ ing for the Caucasian ami then in .he face of this Fr e Citizen goes INy N A Turner J A & sister frulove N F Averasboro Township Barefoot Jas B Barefoot N E Benton C M Brd L II Capps G M Corbet .IT Crenshaw J M Godwin SAi. W J Taylor Hodjres II A Lee W A McLeland & Layuon -ICorris h J , Pope Henrv Surlcs Mrs M E Wgaver Y a state Wilkins K I. Wilkins W T Wood Alex ' Coats E B Coats J S , - Hodges J W Kornelius. Moore J A . Pope Henry StiLkland A B lew J M Crowder Thos. Chapin L B'agt Barbecue township Cameron A J Cameron Jack Harvelle G W Lemrors J A McDonald D J Restoeant Eliza Small Mrs Maggie Stwell M B McAarthur Alex Chapin LB Crowder Thos. Black River township. Adams J T Williams J A Flowers J W estate Gardner J L Holland Lem Johnson Isabella Mathews Wm estate Mathews John Wren W McLeod W T -Moore SC. Stephenson Cade Aeres Description. Date Tax: 52 Residence 1894 25 McLood Creek 3D Cates ' 50 j Anderson " 50 ! McCrany branch " I 30 Residence " " 'I 23 McCranv branch ' 50 ; Wuite Ridge " 40 i Andersoti creek 1893 & 1894 J 00 LittU creelf 1894 Acres Dscriptiou Date Tax. li near Dunn 1894 1 '( J833 & 1894 1894 2 town lots Dunn - 5 i Junippr 32 S R 1 nar Dunn 1 town lot Dunn ' 173 S R ( near Dunn Surle3 and ) 9 19J B R.S R Weaver Hate c ( Mingo & E Jonesl and j 25 Mingo 2 town lot Dunn 10 Averasooro 1893 & 94 3 70 1 00 M R 1 33 & R 1894 .97 4 L B R " 7 7 CO i Mingo " 3 37 10 : 3 65 1 60 B H branch 7 70 17i S R " 6 75 " .S R " . 7 97 2 00 i Min 40 " 9 97 58 j B R ' " . 3 63 1067 69 town lots Dunn " 175 21 3 BR " 1 83 J5 2 13 Dunn 1893 6 90 Acres Description Date Tax & Cost 60 Gum Swamp 18b4 ;3 80 78 lrv Creek 189394 3 38 50 lv er Run 1894 3 87" GO Dry Creek 1892 to 94 3 70 1 16 1894 2 57 1 64 U L R 183 4 37 1 50 Barb-cue 1894 ' 3 30 2 38 U L R " 7 97 192 Duncan cr. 189393 5 96 210 McNeill land i tovn lot Duim, 1893. , j . Acres Description Date Taxe & Cost $3 30 1 83 1 70 J 80 3 03 2 09 2 98 . 1 63 2 It) 2 60 & Cost $1 70 4 37 3 63 8 08 2 37 1 57 2 63 4 30 ,36 11 1 97 2 17 LAND SALE! Bv virtue of a ilecree of the Superior Court of Harnett county. I will on Mon Uv. May Gth 1S95, sell to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Lillington, X. C, 130 acres of land in Xeills Creek tewnship. Harnett countv, adjoining the lands of R. Mitch--ell. W". F. Pearson ' and . others and known as the McKa.v laud and more fully described in a deed executed by John A. McKnv to J. W. Flower?. T'ais March 7th, 1S95. J. McK. BvrD, Coinmissioner. Mr-144t. NO 1 ICE OF LAND SALE. By virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain Mortgage tieeu luaue oy Henry Pope and wife Eliza, and record ed in Book II. No. 2, p:iges 1336, records of Harnett county, I w ill sell at piMic sale for cash, at the court house door in IJlimgtou on the 17th laj of April 1S93, at 12 o'clock M, 2 blocks" and three Lots of land within the towa of Dunn, being block VV' and CCC and lot Nos. 1 and 2 in block FFF, one lot No. 1 In Block BliB, to satbfj- said mor tgage deed. This March 9th, 18Q5. J. J. W;iLK, Mortgagee. i! F. P. Jones, Att'y. inr-13-4t- LAND SALE! In obedience to nn orJer and decree of the Superior Court of Harnett county, I will, on Monday May 8th 1 ?H5 at' 1 o'clock P. M., sell to the highest bidder at the Court Ilous-': door in Lillins'iou. N. ('.. 1,5"0 acres of land in Jolinsouville township Harnett county. 2. C. adjoining tne ianus 01 J. al. MarKs, Luioi;V and others, beloniu to tlio estate of Mrs. F. I. Murchuou dee'd, and soid for the iarpose of making assets to pay debts. The said will lie sold in lots to suit the purchasers, and l-ljts of tit.- san.e will be ex hibited at the sale. ' - " Teruid ui sai-j, one-half cash, balance in six months. Deferred payment to hear interest at b per cent per annum from date Title reserved until X'urchaje money is pafd in run. xnis iiar. pi, xb ;r.. . D. A.FAUCETTE, Ap?-1 w Couiniissioiiei 15 B R 189 4 179 26 75 75 100 58 140 21 27 33i 3 59 3 19 4 07 4 21 2 73 1 81 3 30 4 53 3 80 2 30 2 30 2 C3 3 30 1 87 2 83 3 63 1 57 NOTICE OF LAND SALE ! By virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain Mortgage Deed, made bv S W Parker and wife to Mrs. C. Lane, and recorded in Book II No, 2, pages 511 13, records of Harnett county, I will sell at public sale for cash, at the Post t llice in the town of Dunn, ou the 27th day of April 18U5, at 12 o'clock M. that valuable lot and residence in the town of Dunn, on the corner of Broad and Ellem street it being the san)e place where the said 6 V Paiker and family now live. AN one other tract ol land in Stewart's I'reek township. Harnett county, con taining thirty-idx acres, be the same more or less. Said lauds are fully de-? scribed bv meets and bounds in the afore !-; mortgage deed reference to w hich is hereby had. This Mareh 2 th, 1805. j Mrs. c:.. Lank, Mortgagee. F. P- Jqxes Att'y. mr-27-4t. i NOTICE ! Q 1.1 I r mm BUY YOUR SPRI WQ DRUGS HEN SAME STAND. Complete stock of Drngs. Lowest - pricel cu. Bring your Preset iptions to 03, tney are niiea dv a Kegistere.ljPi' " We make the celebrated Itch Cure. NO CURE NO PAY. Complete stock of gaideuseeds. Fresh Jstock TARIFF OKF. Use Borox on your meat, vve uave iiiineij. powoereci, ! . SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ! ' to all patrons that buy their Drugs and sundries from m, J am, yours to pleascf. D. H. HOOD janiGstf Dunn N n ' v. Fasttiils 1 Bin! '"'"! burden of mantaiuing the govern- j around town a.d gels Long br " Kennies cr . , Bui 's cr u ) eills cr 4! Long br " . Buie's cr " B R " - Long br 4 . Ktnnies cr Hugh cr , ? ' Grove township, Clias Stewa t heirs 100 acres C'n line 184 Hectors Creek towi.ship, I A Dean 3H acres Hectors cr Rambeaut J R heirs 78 acn a Neill cr 1894 Wood Sim 17-1 acres Hol'y 'Sprir.g rd ' Baker J E 10 ao es Hectors cr 1894 Jolinsouville township. Bridgcrs A axis 100 ac Duck pond 1893 to 94 3 7'j Broadfoot C T 100 acres Redy Branch 189 3 '9 1 $1 51 Cainurmi A A 100 acres Gum Swamp 18(j2to'94 $13 23; Cambiro 1 Mrs. R;B 100 acres Gum Swamp 1892 to uJl $4 69; Came on Jack 129 acres rail ' road 1892 to '91 $4 93; Fone'llardie 40 acres Big Juniper 1892 to 9i $2 54; Harrington A M i'ist 100 acres Beaver Creek 1892-'!)4$2 70; McLmch in J A 150 acres Mid, die Prong 189-1 $2 0; McNeill N H 208 acres Gum Swinv 1891 to '93$ la 69; McNeill Mary lOO acres Munroe Rd. 18 -'3 and '94 $3 64; Smith Jas 50 acres county line 1824 $3 80; Williams Cebia 150 acres rail road 1894 $2 30; Mc Neill Jcif 15 :.cs R c Br 1892 to '94 $2 74. " Bu. khorn Township Holt Elizabeth Est. 47 acres Beaver Dam 1894 $2 07; Pakr W A 49 acres Mill Creek 1894 $2 10; Brown A S 21 acres Mill Creek 1894 $1 64 ; Johnson Nannie 41 acres Parkers Creek 1894 $2. i)7; Lackatny Jennett 30 acres Little Creek 1894 $2 07. --I LUligtonJTownslpp Bethea D3vid 41 acres U L R 1892 to '94 l 95; Brantlv J D J0Q acres Shapfield 1893 to '91 $9 74; McKethan A A 300 acres U L R 1891 $9. 77; Pembert.ui E L 100 ;.cres U L R 1893-'94 $6 63. Neili Creek Township Branch H M 50 acres Neill Creek 1894 2 13; Job:. son Eliza M 20 acres Hughs Creek 1894 l 70. j Stewart Creek Township W G Adams 218 acres C F River 1SQ4 . f 10 75; Cov"ngto. Parker 50 acres Residence 189 4 $1 65; McDougahl Lucv 72 acres Rrsi lence 1894 $1 58; McLean Fred 25 acres Residence 1894 $3 97; Mc Lean Richard Est, 50 acres Homslead 1894 $1 97; Parker S W 3ii acres prv Creek 1894 0) Turner Peg g 10 10 acrs Homestal 1894 $1 50; Walker A B 300 acrs (uci Swamp 1894 $3 90; Walsou . YVat Est. 61 acies ;894;' Parker Cader Jr. 132 Homestead. 1804 $4 02, Upper Litlie River Township Douglass Nathan Est. 350 acres C River 1893 -94 $18 17; Harrington A A Jr, 350 acres McKay Mills 1391 $1130; Hoimes & Harrington l acres Lab ns Br 1894 $2 30; McDougald W M 1 acrea Old Hundred 1894 $3 67; McLean N A Sr,- 9 ajres Nardac McLean lo94 $1 47- MuNud Neiiis Est, intrest 25 acre Jones Crek 1894 $1 77; Mcl'had Ji A 1st. 43 acres Jones Creek 1893-'94 Si 96: Me.I'iiail .1 A Ku aces John Ray land 1894 $4 31; Wicker M F Est. 51 acres P W 194 51 07; pPj ' bt! j'"1 by applying to the Lockany 1 .me 54 acres 1893-'94$5 30; .McKay Neiii Jr. 150 acres Lilli..r 1 -,r . J -. 1 . 1 1 - . - . - : - - w "V ill IV I r. . .11 i I I u ri rfj did "si. ana 'hyy cannot now do' so. I ton Kd 18'JJ- U4 30; .McLean Cns anil b iora 19 acres Murdac Est, 1892- '94 2 53; McPhuil J L 150 acres Slony Run 1893'9i; Ray Neill Sr. 107 acres U L R. I up clubs for went of the town and thfy propose ! that paper,', and just because decent honest men propose to perfect the organization of their party, the 1-em-ocralic part', Free Citizen holds up h s hand in Holy borrow and cries enemy, enenry, traitor, traitor. A Dkm cuat. j . AXOTIIFR BLUNDER OF THE LEGISLATURE, to still bear that burdeu without the churches lieing tacd for that purpose as the Radicals and one third of a party has done in the city of Raleigh fir attempted to do. Free Citizen hays its an enemy that wjll try to draw party lines in a small town like iurs. Say Mr. Citizen are you not trying j ur best to do so now? and are you not making use of even possible." opportunity to do something 1 fn your ".iun:bae wav" for thaR.dri A law was ; passed by the last cal party and against the Democratic Legislature providing for the ele party ? What was jour real object ; tion ot" three additional magistrates iu "writing that article last week il" it j in tivG'1 townsh-p, their terms locuais vas not to try Ui tlrow some abstacle ' ,ccncc on April 1st, 18J)5. Few, if fa the way of the Democratic party ? n" "f t,iesc magistrates have qu dv A "U are a Frpe Citizen wr.y you not tell us in your communica- i lie "llices created are yapant because "tio 1 last week what your politics art? . of lbe fa,llure' ol" luc I'sons e'ected IT you are a Democrat why djd vou ' lo 1uaIil-v b ;f rt lhe lerm beSaa" hot get up a club of subscribers the T,,e 1ower lo al'loint magistrates ..tLci day for some Democratic paper l flH vacancies caused by failure of instead tf the If you are lLSC elcd l" My ves ed in ).t a Democrat what are you" tryictr tLe GoverUor by. chapter 288, L .ws to advise them fo- Well now. Mr. lof lbiJ3' a,,d he -PI"'11'1 the full Citizen to juu speak plain are you not ; Urm r tix 3rs. "ft radical, and did vou not hold a:i 8t U' 1:ite n jw fur nni' clerk to t " r B" viitne of a certain mortgage deed executed to J. II. B Miton, Oct. 2u:h IS00 (and duly assigned to use) by J t' Moore et als., and 1 1 1 1 y registeivcl in the rec ords of t!e'ds of mortgage's of Harnett countv. in Book J. No. 2,. psiges 41 and 42 I will sell at public sale to the high est bidder at depot hi D:i;i:i, X. C, a 12 o'clock M. ou Monday the 2 th day of April lSSiu, the following p.-opertj ,' to- wit : , A certain tract, of land pi the town of Du::n, N. C , atijoining the lands of J. J. Wade and others an I be ing lot No. 7 in Block U in plan of said town.' Sec said mortgage for full uis cripti'on. This.25t!i day of March, 1SU5. Teruis cash. Mrs. Eula F. Gbantham. Assignee of Mortgagee. L. J, Best Att'y. nn-27-Jt. SALE OF VALUABLE LANd7 By -yirti'.e of the authority ponMined'n a uiortgage deed executed on the iS.h day of June lo2 to th.e tin lersigncd by Henry Pope, and wife and recorded in the. office of the Resist er of Deeds of Harnett county in B ok -F'' No. 2 pa-jes.'i'O) to 3j1 the undersigned -will sell at the depot of the Wilson and I Florence Short Cut Kailrovl in the town i of Dunn, N. C, at public auction on 'lhursday the pth ilay of May I3p5 the follow ing described propel ty to wit; The two houses and lots in- Uie said town of Dunn now occupied by liufus lloldeu and Henderson Williams, also 12 acres of hind situated on the W. & F. Short Cut It. H., in the direction of Fajette yille 35 chains from the center of tin corporation of the town , of Dunn, the sanie having been surveyed 011 thy Sih day of April by -W. 11. Diauhan. A plot of the same can be seen b apply ing to the said W. II. Draughan. The .-ale u iil take place at the sai I depot at 4 o'clock p. M., 01 as soon thereafter as the train going S,'th about that hour arrives i Dunn, Teruis w ill be offered to suit the purciui.-er or can be ascer tained by applying to E. W.-Poil, Suiithlield. N. C By agreement with the in'ortiratrer anv other property owred by the s .id llenrv , A Ihrik, Mort!r;Ciree. V. Pop Attorney, a-104w. j ointment under the last radical ad- uinistiati..n ? Now to be plain abimt t lie matter we do nut care to, and vii i:ot take thB advice podtical'y of auy man that has not the m ral cour- ae to state what his h. itics are. We do not-know 3 ou bl have .a! ! ways hard that it was the hit do" that hollows a .d the oryaniziy of it.e Democrats of Dunn must havt j 'vtilc'1 bit ou a bad lick. Mr. Ci.izen bays nat 12 mtinih ago we had a fuwn 1 lection when ti.c ietle voted for man aud not for Uyi party, aud X . c icsult was thai a rei.biicin was 1 ( cavi .uayor, three Democ ats a:id .ue independent were elected pii--.itit.ers, since whic'i lime the ion 1 a U-eu i.con4mically governeil tic S y ..-i. iiiKiii. did yiu not a.:d c v . ti.t r man of good taste, thick i at ia: exited. ng bad taste f.r a to i'.to a coi.veution anil i !.'!. a catuLdale and the ery e li ijiie lie Worked lor being poiuhJlfic 1 a; d ihen cepjo out ot the " " NOTICE! Bj- VH tue of two certain mortgages executed t use bi' J. F. Phiilips and wife and registered in Registers office of Harnett county, one in li ok II No 2 page 54'i etc., the other in Book J No -2 -pages 151, 152, 13.3, I will self at public sal .s to the highest bidder at the depot, in Dunn, X. C, at 12 o'cl.ick M. on Tue.-d.13- the 14:h day of MiylSjl. the following property therein conveyed to wit : First tr.ict Being that portion of Lpt N'o. 4 in Block P. in plan of tow n of Dunn where J. F. Phillips and wife ! former! Vi lived. :iilio!!iin tli" l.-iiuli i,f newly elected D,-. l l. Moore, Moses Trii.i) et als. es to qualify in time rid v ' being tlie land conveyed in the iaortga"-e ' ii.-. . r . .1 1 ' , I lii t atoe mentioned. ;lUepeop.e ot ; the burden of 3,600 toutl tract-iiiuir all of orbmed ! re-ident Lot No. 3, in Block S. in the qualify those appointed, and if ihjy aiU nipt to qualify them their acts will be illegal. The failure of ihe and ol I pla.i of rue .-aui tow.i c: D:::n:, b'.ing o! I the laud conveyed ifl the second mor- uiiuet s.-a:y nagctratts, about v"6,'X.'U lor the pur'chas books, c'.C. lor the new inayi-LratPs. ' t:iire above ineutioucd. and for the d intei.ded to Xoiitii Carolina, 1 Before Clerk of fcjujxirior Court. Harnett Countv, J S II Btichanon in beh ilf of hiin- r self and all other creditors of the Estate of Lewis Pipkin, dee'd. ys. J W Pipkin, Adui'r. of Lewis! Pipkirp deceased. '' j A creditor bill having been r Cred I itors 1 I'.iil. I filed in above eutiib d cause by S II Bucbanon. iaMiialf 'of himself and all other cred itors of the Estate of Lewis Pipkin, do ceased, notice is hereby triven to all creditors .f said estate to appear before HALE OF LAND. ! Under and by virtue of a power . of sale contained in a mortgage from J A Morgan and Bessie E Morgan, his wife to W C & A B Stronach, w hich mor tgage is dated .March 22nd 1SS3 and registered in hook P.. office of register of deeds of Harnett county, we the said mortgagees will on the 18th day of July 1S95 at 12 o'clock M. at the court house door .in Liilmgton sell at public out. cry to the highest bidder a certain tract of land described as follows Viz: Lying and being in Harnett count v. X. C. in lilaek River township 011 the West side ui im; xHK'igH itoa(it Ut'guuimi at Our handsome display of MILLINERY BEGINS APRIL 3R 1 r i iin f fT C !re npw ad seasoiable, Tho ilt'-iijm!. m. BB 1UI 1 1 1 U 11S 2 , -cfc vii' ill L J l) new and Stylish. OUR COLORS s stsronize wUh I I P5 OU A DCC in T ades and Misses' HATS anl BOXXet cpiiibl le the most popular features ul !. Foreign and Domestic makes. CHILDREN'S?: HEAD-GEAR A SPECIALTY. We have bad our ILL!ft3RY ROOms neitl fitted up" and have spared no pains to p'-aoe ::" most beautiful nnd stylish of M IL L I N ER ever brought toDunn . . Call and exatni?.e our spoek before purchasing elsewhere, j . PRICES TO SUI T THE TIMES, Yours to PLEASE, P. Tfll! DUNN, C- The Eeet Shoes far the Leact Money iS 2m . wsmsm? FOR SAL Oyer One Million Veple wear the W. L. Douslas 3 arid 4 Shoes. All ur shoes arc rqoally atinla3 Tnoy glTc use Ltct-i v&iuo lor tne money.' i ney equu ciisioci Buoes in nryie uua r.:. Their wearing qualities aro unsurpassed. ine prices are unirorni siampeu on tuie. From (1 to $3 saveU over other makes. ir your dealer cauziot tuppiy jou w S5.S4.S3.50 Cordova,Frrf 33. SO Pclico SM83. a.s If your Jca!er cannot cr? you, wriu.' iur vm- I IV. L. DOUgl!. US Y E. F. YOUSC me at my office in Liilmgton. on or be- Utake and pointer (Cotter's ' corHeif on fore tne -;h day of ..une 1 , at the j tl;e South prong of he Soldiers Branch hoar of 12 o clock, noon. anj j)le evi- Luid' i-nn nn hi-jia. ,....:..,. (ienccs of their cl, nns. April Jrd corner in McLeod, line, thence as his the legislators ci i: ion, terins etc , ot tins niortira ivf ruiii' i. lnr v iiimi!,. in l'.nnk -1 v.. spcud il they hud known how. j 2 paiCes 151 eie and to liook I. No. 2 - I he pn-.iie w 111 huye U tha-ik the p:l-ts d-Aj elc' 111 lk'ters othce of it ir T , , , , , . ! nett county. Teruis c.ish. rhis Lord, and !.oi lhe Legislature, for ; luih, M.3 L. .1. lie.-t, fidinj them of l!ib bard. p. which tiie j n-l J-to-jl. Moriga.. e. Legislature viicd upon them. News t aiid Observer ls.. F. M. .VcKY. Clerk Superior Court. W K Yurchhison, Att'y., for phiintftl', Uuchauo!'. - alO-Cw. NOTICE OF TAX SALE ! I'r e Send v nr ad !r-s to i. '".' ( hi'- iUM. tud gi-t . '. f I r. King'- .i vv trial will iii t viiiv ti ti t mc pMi- ;tc v iy t-i II- E. Iueklen a free p.ilti. p ! . . tp c -i;i'-'U-ion . k i ( r.v d iia..!i..; '.It . t.f.v riiu. a h. ir meiit.-. ictiuii ;ind are !.t ! cure it ( tn- ;'di!te. For M:t Ih. , haJ i.ei-u 1 ill- v i.1 ' t NOTICE! Having. ihi day been appointed'oui r to make a'e id a eeitaiu 1 t r i-aieei of hind aa-incd to John 11 j Greb-y, Millie J-'. Kea der arah C. Eu i id-. Cjliie A. Wiiliaiu heirs it law i " f A. !. -Tiemii iiecea.-ed. bv i'ouiuii--' ; iO:ie;v ;-pUiuttl lo l'Ur.ilioll' i lids' i f ! said -. l. Gregory I'.eceax d. See " re port iiied in aid case, No Ul special pro : ciCMtiius i -kei (;f Superior Court ol the I o ciiy of ii o i-eU. l';!e .'J2 . a;:t for a de-cri;.iioi: of -aid tr-u-t or parcel of land I cite t... 2 of s.iKl K.-i'.oit, see the t On ihe Gth day of M;iy lit Ix ing j 1-t Moiiday of s:id uionlli at the. post j tt'.-e in ti e toyn of Douit, N C at 1. o'cloek M. I will sell at public auctioc I f.n- "-a-!i thi.' follovhi real. estate in ' the said town of Dunn, for the i taxes ! '" ' tlicreon i1 - follows o tow n lo?s i:; ' li:ock A ami M levied oil a- ilse jiio;- Hue and past his corner wi;h John Mathews line South G? E 3o 50 chains to a stake and primer on the West side j of the ltaleigh road, thence Nordt 5 E J I chain to a take mil pointer, thence West 22Q E 2.50 chains to a stake in the I lialeigh road, thence up said road West ; 4 E 25 chains to a turn in said road, I thence W. i;f E 4 chains 25 . links to a , .-lake (C.t! .pbeil's corn.-i ) in (ii t'-rs ! hie , ti.en.ce as Carters hue N 00 W. i 'iV-riii of ale cash. W. C, ifc A. B. Sthoxach, Mortgagees. ALtx Stkoxacu. Att'v. April 14th, -jo. a-l7-4t. RAN p;; BARGAINS' ! MOODS MUbT & WILL BE SOL We have just pned qn elegant tnd cr?efuily selectetl. jstocfc of L Dress Goods and Trimming al price lo'.ver than ever V ? still carry the largest sock of while go:ts and -Lace-of anv in the comity, and make a si-ecialty of filling orders for burial purpf Vhen in need ot 9p(Kl cotton, sewing and embroideiy silk ia alis.ade' Color-?, Rrnr.Fmber that .we arelieadquarters for everything i. tin? h!iC' don't for-o v. k at our Sea Nland. percali for snirt waitlt. SHOES.' ' SHOES. SHOES. We c!-..c in Dunn. clicks , v-t :'crv a :ointde!a lino nf trrv. ri.. 'Sr.u.: .t. picture free with yvery l'J 1 Mic largest a?d bes- selected! stock f Us') have in stock a nice lino of st ;- u li '.i - Sve ::..;. .;arjs gnd be tut fa! I NOTICE Ak Sri ; if tiat y..u buy. H in rosib!e to mention . evej ; i .4 c-ir Having duly iptaHued as the exeeuior One town lot m A levied 0:1 as i VV''' 'VctediiOttw h hen by given to the plop rty of B. J. Lar.gst.ji'.i for 1 a .i:-i,-:TT: -.1 e f l Li a; . li -je .Store !1 that v w C::;i c :; ft!.- "..r s. .........;... '. .. " . . " .same, i will ou M-uidiv :tt 12 o'clock e . i 1,. UO liO; v. il.eil 1)V ri. ...11 m 1 iheir :..-,.. .Lot V r... ....V? t' -"'ils above n f n d 10. in aceor- aeba,. 'i h..u . - .i. T. ... .V . V .T ' u! MY ;li'' ComiuWiy.; a: I -. .. :.. it- - . 1 ' . " . . - - .-'"- inu 1, 1 y in uia power iu iieai tue m-n lie sy.-t m. i:eiTuli- size 1,;. an jivit-oii- liohimg claiiin ng-uu-t sai. I Di-cause c h .' c aud -at prices that defy eonipslkio?.. ;We i!ia:sk-f ,ur fneH very kindly for their liberal p; ;J lUe J and coniiHiii i everybody to examine our prices!an i ;' -r j 1 ' p.iir. e.ilio cvcryih u.- ibit Ibis Feb. 25th 1S15. tiie Ilei.rv V pe Jr. for his taxes fo. 181i4. 1 f April lsa or this noti-e w ill pie id taxe'1.24eost 1.45. 2 h-tsi levied cu 'ar of tncir reaver-. All Jhtsoms a- rtie j.rop. rtv of Isidore SurinnerlieM ""'eoteil to sai 1 estate are hereby ootili t'or h- te f u" lnl taxes !.ut) co.; "d to n awe Min.e i ite j' i.. incnc of . u.c .-5 T j ! :'ine. J In-'A -li j ai d all apt' respectfully soliilmg your patronage in the fuluro. We remain, yours not to bo downku. i - - :- s '. . ? ' : ViJ? & l ? ? e 5 & ft l'es voc do; St'Ml'.v ibupc . -i Q