ass; . T.- I TH E OUNTY UNION. P -1'.Y .III.V 17, 1S'. t - ivcep y.,ur eye on ihc hnsinPt locals i,: this paper. T .... 1.1. , , r; c,e f)n eililnria, ; page tins week about the school at,, mis place. COMING AND GOING. I rTTMAN':. 1 OCAL POTS. The firsV load came lo town Tuesday mornin raised by Mrj Joi n G. Hodes -k . i .acerai ot our citizens a'tPndot I Mr. A B Ilarrell has returned to! Un Iast h n,,n' 'ri..a at the r-i?- i !i'-ur ut 4 :i'J, the mar-ied men ol Mr. Ge.rrSe Lnng. .,f Buie'J Creek, J n"n 'cI i" Hie ba,e b .It ground, at of watermelons ! was in uwn Sumliv I i which plaelhe ro rrieT and single" Mr, M A Hood returned to her: home at Smithlield Sunday, j men were Hi-lMceu l:e Kit era. ili A UU U A it 1 E n o 1 1 7 1 v 1 1 i U I in the 'bonds" of base bad. The j game heeaaie quite interesting, a.d the sale at Falcon Tuesday Thr- ale Irs Hudson returned Friday ; at the ninth inning the mar.ied men was the household a lure, stock etc.. belo i I company ar; put-jWm. Culbnth f , ic -'iron clong their Hue." grandest ! hear froiu.yo .. The Sl.eniwcll L Kxcur'ion from Dunn to Wik . Cbeq-e.t an ,f the season -July 2-Uli. .... ii.iv i. .. i ! been in iirnmu F - - . . . 11. n'r !' for a -erai uaVs past v. J L 1 . ' , r .in,l tl,n....l. .1 . ,ec:.hbage preseuieu us iuess i ""'uii, -s u, v.. I, runr.'s society people are mov- sociables, ice erearr. suppers - niii atuiiai-tnents are the or- Ti,e 'base ball came offIt some .a in be 'married. Don't tbiobtys from a visit to Mount Olive. ;t 19 iu the mirr-ed mn's i ; iseiow vou una tne score as ! !-... . irl L- .1,.. r I in co the Into ' Ms. II J Strickland is visiting j relatives in Johnston countv. IIo about a silver convention Miss IieM.i McKay is visiting rela- In Dunn? Let'd l.Mve onej and "et j livc J Iu ll e .cour.iry. - j .makuied mkn some good speaper. -o be' present! MUs Ida Ashfo.d. of Clinton, is . " LeU ft vwcan ve the, people some light j visitinn MUs Mamye Oates. . j r on the qiieation 01 '.finance. Let usl . t, . , . .. . I i-eirsau leit Miruiav. 1 L 1 nuiii j were victorious, tne-score stanuing 1G fa vi-. it. liunu's Lovel, N- C Our vicinity wf!s visited by an elc-j trical ai lwnd uirm the 8tU inst. It wa a iieneral blow but more severe h & p l I y u n l l e d m son)e . .e ol,ier, i)n Hih plantation of Mr. Neill McDouglc it 0.tlllGl was severe, unroofing the crib and! LiMk to your interest and save money. & IIoocl trial that has Lexington fur eiid-. d Monc.aj Shemwell is set tree. lie was tried for the murder of I T t I 1 i :inU will take charts ol his engine, j D M Hood J C Cox W T U ter L II Lee J L t mith of n!l vsr oUliL-'-lay Tiere is a visitor in town, slop r ut ilifl rt'idehct' of M r. G. F. .1 Frank is - 1 i snubs It's a Herueoibfr the excursion next !;it-.(by the 24th. It will be a , deiiiiifiil trii. , j; iti-r in a s'lver dolh r for Tim: ,v W;i we will make physician and citizen N. C, Two ceRt'ei ier were in tovn Momll-, wnntiii"- to prominent L j:nigto: , Mr. 1). T. Oites of Clinton,' was i.'i town Thursday and paid us a I pleasant .call. Mr. Fulton Hall, of Benson, was i i towii Friday evening to ! wits nest, the game. of base ball. Mr S W Tarker and family tre from Sornrer.n ' v.soing relatives near Wiison'a: Mill ' i i COO 0 1 0 0 J . " 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 o U 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0..' 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 010000000 01 000 0 100 0 1 0 0 1 1 10 0 buy land. They sa plenty of good land, produce free s lyer. are a uold "busi" bro Id they found )vit it wouldn't Ferhups you her. Sampson this wek. Mr. H H McKay and Mrs. Your Villi-. E F ei t Sunday at Sumuier- sil produces big h ues and no doubt Messrs 4 A n McL-an and Eugene that it is the best placl for all "gold Mom.n . of Faytttevi le, speut Sun bugs," as Sampson u ople are indesjday m to .u. it tr.ore tT!o 1. e '"alee it lo VOU geu i-" I ..v...... t i' v v' ' i ' . j i Kemeinber we nave oniy a lew flj III t lib lll-TW" 1, HIV, -i., 7 ., . ; riie one fn-e for every cash sub- ,r. als i one for every dollar paiil j,aier by old subscribers . rs. K M Fearsall w i 1 run and M D a refVeshme it car in tclioa w'1'1 excursion- to aiiigUin. They will I kcep you Si.mctimes the merchjint who Yi'Ja in st about sup, orln home nH". "ives his ,hmj batier n- i . . , t - i i ... .'.rt at Ail. c vo..ier; wny mi f Clau fe, tlie t ). ?ays hn play half wu: s mv in ire. so lie wi 11 pendent anyway so long as who:tk- berry season last. Carihtje Blade: to announce the death of Mrs. W. F. Watson, aged 30 y ear, wife of Ilev. .Mrs. M R Sneab of Sni'onu. I ; . i , - j Johnston county, is yisitiug he; son' We are pained ; Mr. G F Snead. Key. C. XV. Cain has returned (Von Kaleigh where he has been for W. F.: Wa:f - . , which vSunday nigh , at the residence ol her father, Dr. John Shaw. Ilev. YV F Watson jwas once pas-, tor of the Baptist church at this place unci he and his Christian wife have many friends in tiis community who I J ill regret to hear of Mrs Watson's !ea b J So:ne timoago w ma to men- ( lion in our locals that the market o. curred I.ere j troatinunt jf hU eyes. liC C ' ' I itlie sii.nlt' of a "helier half, ' I start in f f '- lliif lirs! swe: t pota'6 jwc hay- i tiiis sent us jMoiidu. f l tiv Mr. ilenry Fojie, I of this t. IM ;e o our town boys can ! ov .ivi suiiniv': "r :.r i awav iM'iiiH c.n.T up ou r man a:io 'x'. !.i-r remain so far ;away, fo: i i . j is jl '.vavs "room for one more.' i i - ! V f wid usk our eorrpsondents :v tn t us their items by nex -.-via. inoruing. After S tlien yor semi tUMU it. as you have here- -re. ! ' K.-v. Mr. Fullium.ofS, repairs, or but. for was delayed, the house is would a-ov we lied about it with his hfiel. iiouse was undeigo rather a pew oi.e was to be erected u lien ine local was written we thought it woul i be eojuplcied bv the liir.c the .paper was issued. i'Hiio ciis; the work At I ho jircsent Wilting almost eonim iie. e that l'opu'ist who said it to e-mc and behold own e i s. i Mosvrs. C C Fonlham, Dr C W j f'oPrl.fir CI TiT . CI r'l il . 111 -frflii ;heir exauiin-tioii befoie the 'tate Bot.rd of l'h irmacv Alorehcad Ci'y, Wind pa !'ul examination. (Jut succtssfu' applicants. Dunn furnlslietl ihree of them. Tiaere liefore th Board and seven t them failed" It is with pleasure that our town not' rurnished three of the successful men but it i J rpiiie r.?i hon or to sav that Mr. Fo.dnarn cf that numbes stotd ih; bstl examination Miss Annie Scarborough, who has been spend. ng several mouths with relatives at this place, li ft S .tiirday for Wilsoiu The Misses !Io!d r, after spending st vera' Uys iu town with .Mrs. () V Shell, returned to their home atCoKes- bury Friday. iMis.s L,ong and .Miss jlcEeaM, who have been visiting the family of j Dr Goodwin, lefi Creek. o- 7 0 0 5 200 10 0 0 110 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 I 0 1 U 00000001 100000000 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01) 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 0 0 0 0 Ot0 0 0 ' 5. 0 2 0 2 3 1 0 3 ; Mr. M D Higgs was umi ire for the single men, and - Mr J W Lane for the marrie 1 men. Mr. M L Wad kept sc ye for the -married men and Mr J D Stewart for the single men. sivoi.e mkx : T II McXei'l J Bizz-di Kemp M.-.sengill J V I'ittoiau CEl'pe Zeh J- tfery ;I 11 McKay J J Cook Ed. Ball -.nee Mo;. day for Buiu's I Congresmen John G Shaw j and (ien. I'.iady, of Fayettevilte, are on jour streets to d . i- ! ' i j Mr. J D Stewart, who has been j teaching at Turlington, was in town Fiiday, and ke,t score for the sing e j mn in the match game Friday tfier noon. Mr. Alex McLean of Aberdeen was here last week and returned to -'st week at j his h-mie Tlmrsd iy accompanied by I-: .1, -f.. t if i.f -. ..i . : i i wl .. a,,,..'. ? uueie. .ur. u .uciean who wu; -JV-1 l U VI V. . V o of the live p..-i.da few days in section. i. .; .. ii... i;....i;. f ..i.;,..j.i. w..,.. i an. I maie ine ness. average oi a:i iin.'i .i itkz i.ifii-u viif.iiV'ii nun ; i m.n.iuir and nig:i His ser ipplicant i i the class. We congrat- i.... i ii 1 !i i n!ate our b vs in their success and "I iv limn r j ii IIVMl II. ii i i.i.i" I r. c.. 1 1 j. . i . , .. i . ; . J , i.i , 1 1 1 i : wis! i for them even more in the i-Divu tnriii ii hi .i ii( in in. in i i ii ut e. We areola! to see'., so ma-iv The "House Par'tce" Siven a' Mr. M E liass, of Sampson! jwas t-ikeu very sick Monday morning on his way to Dunn. He was riding a bie.'cle ami became 5o sick he had to be b'ought to town on a road cart. We are klad lo note he is better: to day. j Mr. T B Burt arid wife. Geoj K Fnnce and little t'.anghter, of Cha.k L -vel. and Mrs. Dr. E E Boliins and .Miss Florence Coin. ir of Fla., were isitors 'n town to day. ?lrs. Ii.dli is and Miss Colmer are visi'iug in this c .u-ity. ! Ll.e resi lence of Mr. an. S .eli's la-t Widnes l y largely atte.jiled ad w i! v;sitmg ur town, and espec nln'Mmng ladies Their pros e aUavs brintr 'sunshine ami s ines." ami we know how to j suejes. It was o;o of oiuM ize with some of thp young ! i'yabte occasions that i "aIkm. i. a- .,m.. 'ih.ino " ! 'iien in Du in. Ice served as a refreshment delicious. G'Olmusio bui It u expect to make t:i;in, ibiuiiijio n. it will pay u to go d exnirsion. Toucan bubk after ! i jiusiness and enjoy the day I Mrs. C. P. nigh'., was as indeed a ih i m s. e i las yet bee:: ccam was and ib wa-i furnished b: ary tioie iwn on Dickinson Jottings. Clemer t Ansil and Dr. McNeill attended church at Suinirierville Sun- SoiiIiot" Cvt ii rivn. An excursion will be run from Dunn, via., Wilson, to Wilmington Wednesday, July -Jli!.. Leave Duniw at G 'c!ock ad' arrive in Vtrilming ton M 10:30 A. . Ileturning leave Wilmington at 8 o'clock 1. M. iio-ind trip from Dunn, Benson, aiid Four Oaks ;s--00. From S.mtii field. SeltXia. and Lucoun, $1110. You will have an opportunity to visit Wrightsviile, Ooea;i View, and Carolina Bactn Trovvilis Itauis- are i The farmers in ibis section busy laying by t'.ieir crops. jTlu'y say there is to be a wedding US this section soon. jMiss S G Turbngton. of Turling ton spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives and friends near Barclays ville. "Bojrgles" I he L"e Hardware Compa-iy wsh to call special attention to iheii Kanawha Bum;). Do.,'i buy a pu ) .. u ti 1 you see tliem. Look out for Vr D Thornton's new hii'jips, wlipi! you . come to town, lle has got. a nice line of them i t-! tosiii.w you and will sell them cucap. The nicest hats in town will found ai H. W. Jem wan &. Vo. b, Look out for the lug blue huckle berries Now is the time to canr ;hem. You can buy the JiuW. Fruii jir a'. Lef Hardware Co. Nicest. Prettiest and cheapest line of sLirts at IL W. Jernigan & Co. stable. The cr'ps were slightly dam aged. Mrs. Dr. cXeill Las been visitirify st her old hoi.e, Oak Grove, for sevs eral a n s. It is with sadness we cronicle the death of Mrs. Mattie;MeD;armid who passed away the 7ih just, at In r home in Manchester. Cumberland county. Her death was sudden, relatives wore not'Orfd i'cmediitely. Mrs. Jane Williams, aunt of the deceased, Mrs. EJ Pipkin and Mr David Willia-ns attended the barrial. Iu lor death the community sustains a great loss She went about doing good, evei ready to aid the poor, ami comfort the alliicled. To the dear children we extend our heartsfelt. sympathy, trusting tfiey may find comfort in Him who is too wise to err, to tree to be unkind. "Coming events cast their shadows before." We are going to have a wedding before long. Mis3 L die Byrd is lo give a Cro rpiet Party next Saturday evening in honor of Miss's Atkinson and A-h-ley of Ib bersoti county. Under tin auspice of this charming lady know it will be a""Suecess. Di;e Jay. floods. Cisan, Snulf,- Tobacco dl of which we oirer at greatly laced prices. ; are st'll at their old stard corner oj K. B. ahd BliOAD STIJKET where you will find the arst au most complete -lock f JDrugs, Toilet Articles etc.. Is. I, t.....l I I'. . . . at nr ut i'jui.ii in uii; .:oun'y. ivisol I aucy and .-r'i- k Candies, Stationerv, School Books, "Lamps and Lamp! t be best variety of COLDaDR'IKK jj very day. Thankins all for past favors. ordially inv te a 1 to come and imine jjomls a id prie?s. We gu art ee satisfaction. Rerneinber he place. HARPER & HOOD, DUIMN, N. C Junnston Countj Notes- Lkalii3i;i;g. July 16.Ii 1'5. A nice jaui would be very refreshing to the glowing crop. Otiite a number of visitors in this Sec tion last'' Saturday a.d tjinnfay. We will make a note of .-ouie of theni: Mr. Young Byals and dafighter, Mi-s Liila. of near Benson and Mes-r. II Land Andrew' Johnson of near Smiihtisl i. We are glad to have the pleasure of infoiMi'mg .Jona of 'i'uriiiigtou th.i; ix.'causu we fail to semi ;i l our items, is no reason thai "'Geuerai (jreeu"' has u timler arrest. He just wants to go to Mr. .Massengiirs pond and catch another "valley-gater. Our widowers are taking in even .-Sunday among the fair sex. Messrs. J II Boon and W G Parrish, of benson, came up last Saturday 'to atteno .he regular eoninmnieation of Polent:; bodice. No. 4.j0. A, F. i A. M. Mr. Wright Bomoiisou of lliis seetion who has been in Texas for the last ihiev years, has returned to his old home foi n-ereation. ; There was. -if large and attentive eon-.u;i--j-uLioii ut Sliilo.i cl.uroli last Sui.ilay. "Ye. eoi respo'ident," attendeti tin Semi-annual communication of tin Giand Iodge of North Carolina, A. F. A. M., at Oxford on June 2 th. Colli? up and spend a week with Us "Jona" and I will give you some eidei to drink. The protracted meeting will commence it Shilob cliiucl. the second Sunday iu August. - , 11A INTI3 OjTJTEI! tRAIMD BARGAINS ! ilOODS MUST & WILL BE SOL We have just opened an elegant and carefully selected stock of Li Dress Goods and 'trimmings t price jlower than ever. We still carry the largest siock of wlntOj goo is and Laces'of any .ho in the county, and make a specialty o When in need ot sbooi cotton, sewing filling ord. rs for burial purp- and embroideiy silk in allsuade- colors, Kemembef that we are h -a lq ariers (or everything in this line i don't forget to lo k at our Sea Island. SHOES. . SIlt&ES. SHOES. We claim to have tne largest and bes iu Dunn. We als-) have in stoek a nice liue of stylish straw hat. cheap, We carry a complete line of give awav a large a Ax Snuff that ou percals for shirt waists-. seleote -I stock of slioe of n.iv f groceries, SihiIF and Tobacco, nd beaut fnl picture free with every 10 pack of G ui i. buy. It Is impossible to mention every thing can i: a General Merchardise Store like ours. Because we have aim otr anvil i i that you can call for and at prices that defy competition. We thank our friends very kindly fir their liberal pa.ronage in the and cordiulty i -vile everybody to examine our pricesja.i I in inner of do bu-I.iess before purchasingV.sewhere. Azaiu thaakin our friends, . and all and respectfully soliciting. ymir patronage in the future. " We remain, yours, not to bi dowxkd. L mASSBNCILL &' GO.. DUNN, N. C i rar-2lf. il - its . i --ill 1'"-- i ! .la, "Dee Jay" is visbir.g on this side f Cape Fear this week, to the de ' An exehaiiiie has said '.that ;e a ball of lift!- -ij tan ill ii a will only m a 'i s ear. I he larmers t csumate their ctp tl.i r or-.l liia . . mili'ili U'lfl" ' , , ,r t r i ii,,-t o! her many friends assisted bv Messrs. John Cx a U K . - - ! M. Pear-all Mr. Shell and his wife j. are excellent juusi,ia!is sweet meb dies never f j those who arc under its; most laughable feature was tayling the'dunkev Young was the success and thc;r John ;A. Murchison rf Greens visiting her uncle, Dr. aa,i in my nf them say their i an,j Wim 1C lienor of r 1 I il to charme j - -"ciii. - ; sound. The j C " f the'Dickinson boy's went bf the evening to s ? his iiest girl Sunday over j be- Mrs. E. F. iyoul Lillington :wnd got very - sick. ul contestent, j Glad to know he is aole to return - , I he occasion. ; hsuue. For the best cotton hoes II. W. Jend-ia & Co. call a; Just received ,'J00 barrel fl air ft II. , Jernigan cc Co. Silvertine best Hour in town II. W. Jernie an & Co. ai he aa avera -c. ! These dun keys do not- kick and we ' belter sp.,rt than that being 'J a 'l in hv our local fishermen "J not be desired. 'I he tis'i arc i i -Very particular as to bait) "t of cone, aled honks. u'1 :s tti at. big catches are would be glad to at tern another. iilltl o ! w av for a tow h to get or suss ami the j tlie rs ; Liilineton JS'ews Rev. Mr. B'ack ami c'aughter t Sunday night at J A breen trv. one that will oaV. is u r t r t.zei.s to commence thd scln ine 'u!v.'9. Pel vonr t asli in it. a,,itsilers- are not afraid, for n Ui " I eojilc then have conli com-nuaity unites iin anv sien jSheritf Pope was in ami Saturday. ' Mr. II II McKay was Sunday lo the de ight friends. Now for Fislimg parlies an donee "in U,e rc"le are fUrou-h , w,lU I i: tt.eir cr')s; a l ar. cpjoy iheinselyes. . :rs: thc-e wasa'MasonicdtMncr and c ins- al!ain of otli -crsi at God- 1 i,o-e ronv. ns"'b .n ltst Saturday.. Mr F P '"( mad . :m a i.iress bjlore ilie -litK.. ,. - Lff.. " -. iiiniii-r .111. .i'i. " Ul"n: Mr. .', J Wa le - i shoe pitching i Guess S obks slept so late Mo day A. M. he forgot write bot week. 1 You shotfjd not do such as that, "old i ; bo ." ! ! ' i ! Miss Isabella McKay of Dunn is i - visinng at Pleasant Plain.' j i There is to be a basket picni :j at town Friday! I urners t. ros uoaos, near .oryai Friday. All arc invited to a'.tc-nd. Gr ceriesof all kinds fresh and i car load lots at II W Je;n:gan tCo. J ist received a large lot of fruit jars at Lee Hardware Co. one and two quart s:zcs. Winslow Items. jin 1 ly sctiool at 10:30. of W our were glad to see so many friends out Sunday. Bev. G A Bane filled li s appoint. ment a' K.inuies Creek last Saturday ! aad Sunday. j Mr. Milton Stevens and sister i Miss Mary, spent last Sundav im ! lids s cti n. up to see us Mr. Aichie Jidmson ,of Bint's Four of Hector's Creek charming ji his many : Creek lost Ids little girl after a frns ; V,,UM1, i:uiies soent last Sitnlay in gering iilnrs?, it died Thursday ev-.-n- cciii)n- Co. ne again girU Wr 1 Pie- : ig. T!;e paren!s have the syn pathy u;.ja u, stv yolu ; Mavried -At the residence of A. . Gregory on Ia-,t "Sui-day it Barciavsville, Mr. Jas. D. Carol! !' Raleigh and Miss Ella T Gardi e. f Barclaysville, were united in th ioly. bonds of matiimouy. A. W. .Gregory, J, P. olliciated. D. McBRDLUN j. To a:ct frbsh me. Water is'a first-class drink in its place but it don't beat ( liquors call on uull iiin NORTH Mil SI- I u d I'wiiiii ivitedi ALL what ever r, ;,;: ii. i 1 1 1 1 1 i itu I'liiii to drink with me. MM SOLD BT HZ ; -ran res inav lie. are good, wliere ever found. you w.i nt a di ink -a!l on MeIiroUi. DRINKS ;ry NOTICE I ; !, of t his community ow j i Mis Lovdie HolIoV'ay spent lasi a.iy t'- Mis Eizzie .Mclvay, who nas een wetk with Ler school-mates in Ben I visaing relatives at Libington, has returned home; CAMPHOR GUM, CASTOR OIL, . i lorse and Cattle Powder, S1TCF, PEPPEB, GINGER, CREA'i TARTER, CONDENSED MILK, MATCHES, SCHOOL BOOKS. PAPER AND TABLETS, CIGARS. CIGARETTES, COLOGNE, room powders. CHEWING GUM, COLO DRINKS, CANDIES, TOILET 'ARTICLE. BASE BALLS, 'RAYON, LAMP GOODS, TOBACCO, SNUFF, DRUGS, FOR GOOD W IIISKEY, CALL ON For pure whiskry and Wines cal on F r the best goods at the lowest pfiees, call on ICE COLD BEER I AAI'CAAI will treat ycu i W. S. JACKSON. Agent. JACKSON. JACKSON, Call on Jackson-giit, By day oj- by niglit, Foi lie can' always be found One door llow MeBrown'f. lOTlCK I If o;v! want your prop- K !. ... t; m eiiy, ine or jic see me or drop rr to tee vou. i i'ATENT MEDICINES. s all the go How manv are going on tue ex cursion t lie - 1th. 'Ti.ere will be a sand 'excursion n -i ''!ie Sanlord and ijilimgwoi laimlv. i - suiun t-iilie soon, we !.i!i V know the r. I P .Ifiii.-. an.t ir V . . ' 1 Moure -m. I -;r .Mi I V '""rd !u.h.,. Mr .I!G .T.din. ,lA'e- 4 Mr. W U Lane Tliey; kli Mis. W ; i -i isaul uu-eii,,,, m-.U a .nod.; her motlter. Mrs. Dr. Bgers. J Washburn is visiting and Mr T) B Collins soerit last Sund:i ' TIE MICA LS. I t ..... i . iss Mat tie W l'.pkin is visiting near Wythe. j o at Ilea' thy Forest this week. A lare crowd of young pro pie at-; ' Mrs. L .McKay nnd daughter. Miss tended .the s:ngi;:g -it Mr. C C Belt-" Per e. attendeM ch:i;ch at Picasai.t evening.- Plain, Sin-day.- Come np i. xt week Mr. Editor Ye'lemtd a s.-yere rain nnd an, heIll " eat- watermelon-.-haii storm vi-:ed we-iern si.iof Ttie plough spok-u of by l-e . ' !a-t Cai-e Fear last wn-k 1 :ngtcns1dcr- TC-k is run ty a woman a. id ox. Stock insured come to me a postal and l, will Cotton Gins a Specialty. J. II. KIKKMAX, Agent, ' Siuithlield, N. C NOTICE. ialt ol lots ran now be :irs ii-r ai-re ex in be bought- for I I'our ilia Suprcwci. Having the needed m'rit tf inore.tM-i make goo 1 all the advet tbiuj' el.ii .1. for theni, the following four rem- jliavij reai-hed u ilieiiiiicn.'il k.-iI'. Kings s New Di.-eoverv. for roii.ii lion, Cough and Cold-, e.iili b ir ii'i it iiti 9 Il.-f'f rf ItilO-t.. flir .i ....... . ..... ' for Liver, Stom u-li and Kidm I;i' klen'rt Arnica Slre, t!ic lt in iworld, and ir. King's New I,if- I i swliii-li :irc :i lu-rffi-t I il!. : All lliesi- r I ofler for sale apart of tie Ur , L.,jKr, an. ,rn nentee. to do ju-t wliaT Pope proprtv. A d' scnption ot tu, k huiteil f.,r them w the dealer wii.. -anie e iu !e s-eu at the olt:ce ol h.l., hiunie is ;it ia!icd lirew itli will h: g ! . ,.-,... . . f I La - . .... , I to ICS r.-l ... I II I e -Hi r im; . ... ...c k-0 t ell VOU III ir' ol f tM l.i. &ld at il l.' lots ontaiiimg from five to fifteen acre each. Anv of these nought at Fifteen Doll rejit Lot No s. which ' O. sit i.'n Dollars pcrac-vfc. Icrins will !k; relia-er. Only a ciplired a-!i. jp r t lbod'.- Drugstore. made to s'.ut the p I s i iM aino-mt will ! i v : .1... t.. 0;t, tl.i Li-iiiyrfv - V ! '1 he !:- are of oiiveoie!it -ie :iul I he .'- ' lei iiis pi ii-e are aliuo-t wittiiu tlie v- .. ... it . nr.iminn- i-. :o ll itf t-VlTV OI.e liO wi-bl'S'O lIIV. 1 u are iinnru t i.;n f .-..... ...v - . , M)'1S an Satls!aci.ion guaranteed prices. RespeMful!y, D. H. HOOD, uv of the !..:s ran b ; bought for o e f..i;r;ii of I'm- pri --e.i-b. one Iialf th" (,.hu-c .1 ae.o.-t. lS.ft.iaii I tli" lialai.' .(.fo. J-r. ls'.o. ti;- t:r f!ii- 1 la uieTi 1 is ui i per ehl.- 1i -i tf d i Mil .id. . Interet at able damrce to cro s and fnrt trees. Can you b.i'. 1 at Mr, Sao ,k -? j ) r r Dur.n, N. C. i ; G i s t, OLD PAi'ERS FbR SALE AT jauslGX THIS OFFICE. To those living in malarial districts Tutt s I'm ? iare indispensible, they keep ti z System in perfect order and an absolute cure I fur sick headache, indijresti Smalaria, torpid liver, consti;; tionand all bilious diieases i Tutt's Liver Pil! B. Cli-:mi:nt A'-ii- AD.

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