YFISE WORDS. A lie has no conscience. The world was born blind. When love has the power it will al ways help. j We enjor much when we are thank ful for little. Whoever goes wrong himself leads an army astray. I When you find yourself getting downhearted look up. j Every voting man must either go up stream or drift down. ' 1 It costs something to do right, but a great deal more not to do it. A bird with bright plumao never finds out that it has black feet. Ul-gotton wealth cannot Ibuild any kind of a hoaso upon tlie rock. Never step over one duty to per form another. Tako them as they come. I The man who doe3 not improve his talert will be suro to misjudge his master.- ' J The greater the house built on the Band, tho more foolish the man who builds it. When th? -iroJigal started back to his father's honso he didn't have to go all the way alone. A goo 1 many things can be found out about 'human nature by char ten cents admission. The man who walks over a cliff with his eyes shut is as sure to bej killed as the one who jumps from it. j Business interests that conflict with home interests, arc snakes that had better be killed deal on the spot. When Eo:no people go to church, they always think tho preacher is shooting straight at the people it the next pew. j Tho man 'who spends six nights out of the week nwa'y from home, blames his wifo becaupe'sho don't raise th bovs ri"rht. i Aniin.rs That Ujih:uU Suicide. i Intelligent observers havuj testified to facts whi"h appear to sh'jjw that in certain circumstances the snake, Bcorpion, and even some qua lrupeds, commit suicide. M. Ileuryi a clock manufacturer of Loudguyou, France, has recently described an experiment of the kind which he made with a wasp. The wasp was imprisoned) under t glabs, aud, knowing that benziuo as' phyxiatoH insects he put some papei fcoaked in it beside Vac captive. Thf wasp became uucomfor table, then an grily attacked the paper, but, lindinj all its efiorts urnv tiling, it finally lay down on its back, and, folding up its abdomen, planted its feting thrice ihtj its body. M. Henry was so enriou.' to conlirm tlie fact that, in: spite ol his humane feelings, he repeated th experiment ou three wasps! with th I:ke result. London Globe. Itlr. F". C. Adams. ' Thousands of women, especially la th spring of the year, are nervous, tired, haT headache, eick stomach, fainting spells, diz tines, scanty or prof uso menses iweak back, constipation; their sides, shoulders an! limbi ache constantly in fact, they suffer from general debility of the whole system. The su perior tonic qualities of AtcElree's Wine ol jCardui make it the leading lj f thu class of troubles. j j Mrs. P. C. Adams, Chattoogaville, Ga., writes: "Two years ago I was taken sick with Indigestion, fainting spells, constipation, fall- ' lag of the womb, and various other symptoms and kept getting worse and wor.-e. Aftei taking four bottle? of McElree'a Wine of Car dui In connection with Thedford's B'ack Draught tea I am able to do any kind of work that a woman can do." j D. L. Coker. Calvina, Fla.,says:l "McElree's Wine of Cardui lias brought rosy cheeks back to one of my cousins after she was given up to die by two of the best nhrsicians. tit Trust After No-To-Bfte. ' Chicago Hpeoia'. Uejiorted horo to-day that a large sum f money had ten offered for tho famous totacc habit cure called No-Tc-linc. by a syndicate who want to tako it off tho market. Inquiry at tho general pffloes revealed the fiu-t that Nc-To-Bac was not for j'nle to the trust at any price. . No-To-Bac'e success is marvelous. Almost every Druggist in America wlls No-To-Bac under guarantee to cure tobacco haMt or refund money. ! i Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 23c. a bottle. There la IMeasure auJ Trent nd satisfaction in abating troublesome and painful ilia by usins Parker's Ginger Tonic. And Make PI oner At It. If you only knew it, the trpnblij la with tow digestion. If that was gooi youwQuld sleep Miter, wake better, work better, and make ndre money at It. How can one "get on" when the whole system Is sluggish? But pto le don't realise what to the trouble. A bo of Hlpans Tabnles makes life worth living. At 'druggists. " i r" There will b "an fnormoua peach crop U the State of Washington this year. '-- u Is Your Blood Pure JJ cot, it is important that you make it pur at once with the great blood purifier, Hood's Sarsaparilla Because with impure blood you ! are in con Htant danger ot serious Illness. Hood's Pills fr yzs:&.tg8z HIGHEST AWARD WORLD'S FA i R. IS The best PREPARED SOLD EVERYWHERE. JOHN CARLE & SONS. Hi York. fV OJU.11LUZAL Shorthand. TriMi CURES WhlRfc ALL LS f AILS. t lough byrup. Tastes GouO. Use tn time. Sold bT .-SrucBiU MEET. X? A TARIFF COMPARISON. DIIT.EE EN CE BETWEEN HIGH TAE- . irr aud low , tabiff. Continaed Was Redactions Under High, and Was Advances Under Low, Rates Facts That Upset Re publican Theories and Strike Re publican Kdltors Dumb. The 3IcKinley bill was to be a wage mi vancer, mill-opener 'and proaperity-j-irodncer so eaid the protectionists in 1890. Instead it was a wage-reducer, a mill-closer , and panic-producer, although it had the help of other Republican legis'ation to pro duce the panic of 1893. The whole McKinlej period was one ,of wage re duction?, strikes andj riots. Wages were reduced once, twice or three times in thousands ot mills. With one exception (The Fall River Cotton jNlillf, AThich advanced wages Iesi than ten per cent.), there was not, in the whole four jears, a wage advance w orth mentioning in any protected in dustry. Wage reductions began promptly and continued with incrats ing rapidity to the end of the peri)d. !Not a week went by without its list of reduction?. During the first two years the wage earners made desperate efforts to ra- siat the wholesale reductions, and at one lime the militia was out in four different States trying to suppress labor riots. During the last two ears the wage earners offered less rehistancf, although' wage reductions came thicker and faster. The pro toctionists claim that the "shadow of the Wilson bill" was responsible for the trouble of 1893 and 1894, but the K'Torru Club in 1892 compiled a list .-f wae reductions in over 1000 pro tected mills in 1831 and 1892 before ilie people had voted to turn the Re publicans out. Hence to be entirely ;, we will compare some of the re mits of high-tariff in 1890-91-92 with tho results of low tariff since last August. Here are a few of the pro tectel manufacturers j who reduced wages or closed their mills during tho first two years of McKinleyisrh who have increased wages during the first tea months of low tariff both of these acts being contrary to their pre dictions anl promises. IMOfKCfEO MANUFACTURERS. How They M'ere iM:il 'l'ro.'er- How They Am Ke ing "Kuined" by I the Wlleon inn. uii lv tlie .Ic Ki.ilpy Kill. r.ETiiLEHEM mox CO. BETHLEHEM, FA. May 30, 1893, wages advanced 11 per cent.: 2000 men af fected. June 15. 1895, 5 per cent, to 10 per cent.. Dtv. 6. 1S90, works ei-sl: t'rfK) m"ii out. Jm. 2I. 1831. washes r iu"e-l 10 per cent. fft-'- February 1. second Jn-.-rease. ?: s:IlN'3TON- -WOOLEN MILLS, LAWRENCE, MASS. D r. 13 1S3), mills April 5, 1895, wages cl-js-1. of 4000 men ad vanced. Af-UillSSr MILL. NEW BEDFORD, MAS3. 20. 1850. spin- I ihts an l b:i -S boy. Jan. 4, 1895, wages st -11 k becauMj waxes increased. !i id b-?oa reduced. m J i ; c;iiss and son'.?, webster. mass. Dv. 2,5, 1333. mill! April, 1895. wages running oa thre-i- j ot 303 men advanced fj-virlers tiin. ! 10 per cent. CAUNEtHE BUOr. STEELWORKS, HOMESTEAD, PA. .; i.i. 1.1891. wage ro in ;ej i) per cent. F.'b. 21, 1891. 4003 nu n out. A ril 9. 1S91, wages re I need 5 per cent. Au. 15, 1891, Open ll"ir;h Department 1 -. 1. 303 men out. Jiily 1. 1892,. 3800 in str.ke against li-.vivy wage rediic tioiih. Several weeks ri'L iiud bloodshed. May 14, 1895, wages advanced 10 percent. ILLTXOH STEEL AVOBKS, CHICAOO, ILL. J.ia. 8. 1891. work., cxci'j.t blast furnaces e!'je.l; 1500 men out. March 6, 1891, 2500 men idle refuse to accept reduction. July 2. 1892. reduc tion of 45 per cent.; ontir plant shut down. A si:,. 3. 1892. men Mt a cut of 23 per ecu'. June 20,1895, wage of 7000 men increased 10 per cent. : . ar.VRY WAREMFO. (POTTERY) TRENTON, If. J. Ja: 1). 1891, reduc tion ot" 33,S; rercent. propose!. April 30, 1891, press ers reduced 22 per cnt.; men have been vi strike mauv weeks. May 11, 189r. rc d'l i jd 7 par cent. L WCt KLIN AND CO. Jan. 15. 1891, Eliza ru-u:ieo closed down. . Jan.- 17. 1391, an other furnace closed. Mav 11.1891, one stack iilU. ?- June 16, 1895, 10 to 40 per cent, increase. PITTSBURGH, PA. I April, 1895, in crease of 10 to 15 cents per Jay. SELLAIBE NAJL AND STEEL CO., BELLAIRE, O. June, 1895, wages of 1000 men increased Jan. 15, 1891, idle several months. 15 per cent. -. ij, ma, sit-ei uune it, iu per a o t ortit a l -r piuai iui-j since j uiy. , cent.; secona in crease promised Aug. 1. JRON WOr.KS. SH ARON, 8HABPKSVILLE AND WEST MIDDLESEX. PA. Jja. 17. 1891, six f ii i uces out of blast; 20 m!n idle. A- ril 2. 1891. Roll-In- Mill No. 2 closed. N iv. i. 1391, mill May 9, 1895, wages o f 1500 men in creased. ld- some months. I l:iy 5, 1892. two I jruaces to be cdosed. j PESXSYLVANIV STEEL WORKS, STEELTON. PA. Jar. 17. 1891. after June 4. 1895, wages Feb. J. will reduce of 4000 men in- -rc;-e,; 8 and 10 per creased 10 per cent, omt. . NI1 AND SHENANuOi VALLKI IRON FUR NACES, TOCNOSTOWN. O. J-iii. 22. 1891. 15 1 1 -t furnaces, closed; 0,000 mea out. Juu- H. 1891. aver age reduction of 10 1 v cent. Ar.rillO. 1892. wages volueed 1-1 per cent; s -veral th js.va l men e ccern-i"'. June 7. 1895, wages f 2000 men in creased 10 to 15 pei vent. June 15. 1895. 10 per cent; second in crease. CAMBRIA IRON (-".. Jan. 22. 1891. wages reduced 10 re -cent. 500 J m-'i a:Tf.-te '. . May 3l-39!. I t ti.sst? I t u 2 UJ ton- iu?t.i I . V4 w 1 K JOHNSTOWN, PA, June 1, 1895. wacei o t 6030 men in creased 10 per cent. rOCHEC MILLF Jan.24.1891,redu?el wage. 4 p?- eent DOVER, y. H. I O-t. 15. 1S94. wages increased 5 per cent. tRANE IRON CO., AXLENTOWN. PA re. 2. 1891. wage !Jnel2.1S35.wa-, roiuce 1 10 percent. of 200 men increased 10 per cent. WETBDESET WvX)LEN XILLS. OLNETVILLS. a. t Feb. 21. 1891. wages decreased by a chango (April, 1895, an in of scaedu'.e of allow- create in wages, ancos. IBVS- FT3NACES. NEW CASTLE. PV Feb. 2b 1331. a'l Mav 2. 1335. wi, employe .wp: re- o 5 0 mea inn.u 1 ductloa of 1) to 15 3Qp3rc2ar. ceat3 per day, COTTON MILL, ADAMS, MA53. i March 7, 1891, two May 6. 1395, wages mills closed. " increased. RIVERSIDE IRON CO., WHEELING, W. VA. March 12, 1891, nail May 10, 1835, wagey factory idle some time, ot 2200 men increase 10 per cent. EDOAK THOMPSON STEEL WOEKS, ESiDDOCX, PA. March 19. lSdi. works closed. Oct. 25, 1891. scrap- ers' wages reduced ' over $10 per month ; ' May 14. 1895, wages ladlemen's 30 cents x increased 10 per per day. cent.; 5003 men af- April 10. 1892. fffty fected. workmen dischargctd. Aug. 6, 1892, UK) furnaces close. LtJCT FURNACES, PITTSBCBOH, FA. Mareh 19, 1891, one" ( furnace closed, 3Iay 14. 1891, two stacks idle. Sept. 15. J92. one 31 ay 14, 1895, wages increased 10 per cent. iUrnari idle, some tim. ' LOCHIEL IRON vWORKS, HARHISBCBO, PA. Mir?h 23, 1891, June, 1895, wages works closed. increased 10 percent. BEADINO IRON CO., BEADING, TAj April 2, 1891. wages j of 2013 puddlers re ducal 25 cents per " ton. Feb. 25. 1892, mill No. 5 idle; 333 men af fecfed. Aoril 17. 1892. gen eral reduction of from Tins a. t jjj. wages of 503 men increased 10 per cent. 5 to 10 per cent. . July 18. 1892, two furnaces closed; 153 men idle. j LOTEB UNION MILLS. PITTSBUBGH, PA. Mav 1. 189, wa?es rf 153 men reduced; 73 black-smiths ac- .veptod cut of 2) per ent.; 75 hammer men i-truck. Au?. 11. 1392. re May 14, 1893, wages increaaodlO percent. duction of 10 percent, ji'jjepted. MOSES T. STEVENS AND SONS, ANDOVEB, MASV May 7. 1391, working Anril 1, 1395, wage? o i half time. of 1203 men increase! 15 per cent. JUNCTION IROrr AND STEEL CO.. MINGO JUNC TION. O. Mav 14. 1891. only Jun 1395. wages ns stack in opera- increased 10 per tion. , cent. ISABELLA FURNACE CO., PITTSBURGH, PA. May 14, 183?, two. May, 1395. wages stacks idle. increased 10 per esnt. NELTJN MILLS (RUN BY D. WHITE AND SJNs). WINCHENDEN. MASS. ' j May 23. 1891, mills June 15. 1S95. re cdosed. 1 notion of Aug. re stored, f JAS. H. WINCHELL AND CO.. HAVERHILL.' MASS. Aug. 8. 1891, close I probably for three months; 003 men out. March 1(, 1393, wages of 700 men in creased 5 conts per' cast LVCKAWANNA IRON AND STEEL CO. scE.vxros PA. . Aug. 20, 1391. low- June. 1895, wage er mill shut down. of 4000 men increased 10 per cent. TTOXMFil. ASSOCIATION, FALL RIVETS. MiSS. S?pt. 3. 1891, wages April 22. 1395, re reiucjd 10 per cent, auction of '91 re stored. r OLIVER IBON AND STEEL CO, Kept. 3, 1891. plant PITTSBURGH. TA. to D3 closed uutil iron April, 1893, wages increased to $4.0) per ton. July 1, second i in crease, the j two amounting to 13 per cent. j business improves. March 19, 1392, 250 furnaces idle. Aug. 11, 1892, 19 per cent, reduction in finishing dept. . ac cepted. ; . I ROWLAND PAPER CO., MECHANICS FALLS, ME. 0.t. 3, 1891, closed April. 1833. wages part of the time. increased 12!. per cent. BEAVER AND ECLIFSE MILLS, NORTH ADAMS, MASS. 0t. 15. 1891, eot- April, 1395. wages ton mill closed. increased 12 per cent. UNION MILLS, PASCOAG, R. I. Nov. 12. 1891. run- June, 1895, wages ning on short time. in?reased 5 per cent. JONES AND LAUGHLIN, PITTSBURGH, PA. Nov. 12, 1891, re duced wages 10 per cent. ; 500 men are af- fected. Feb. 29, 1892, 230 puddlers dismissed. March 5, 1892, 37 puddling furnaces elosed ; 200 men out. Ma."TG, 1895. 403) men receive an in crease of 5 to 10 per cent. Aug. 13, 1392, closed; 4000 men out. MOOREHEAD BROS. AND CO., PITTSBURGH, PA. March 17, 1892, pud- May 13, 1895, 353 llers' wages reduced men receive an In fro.n f 5.50 to $5 per erease of 15 per cent, ton. STEWART IRON CO., SHARON, PA. ADril 7, 1892, fur nace No. 1 out of blast May. 1895, wages increased. IRON FURNACES, KEW CASTLE, PA. April 10, 1892, no- May 2, 1895, wager. tices of reduction in all furnaces. of 500 men increase I 30 per cent. NATIONAL TUBE WORKS CO., M KEESPORT April 25, 1892,works PA. idle some months. August 11, 1892, re duction of 10 per cent, in finishing depart May 8, 1895, wages of 5000 men increased 10 per cent. ment accepted . SLIGO IRON WORKS, PITTSBURGH. PA. April 26, 1892, mill May, 1395. wages closed; 300 men idle, increased 40 cents per ton. PEXN. BOLT AND NUT WORKS, LEBANON, PA. May 5. 1336, 10-inch June. 1893. 1033 mill idle. men receive 10 cent, increase. per KNOXVILLE IRON CO. KNOXVILLE. TENN. June 12, 1893, May 15. 1892, idle some time. wages increased 10 per cent. CALUMET AND HECLA MIN. CO., CALUMET, MICH. . July 15, 1892, three, May 27, 1895, wages and possibly five of 2500 men increased smelting furnaces 10 per cent. . closed. TILDEN IRON MINES, GOGEBIC RANGE, WIS. Aug. 8. 1892, all mines, save the Ash land mine, under con trol of Wisconsin Cen tral R. R. Co., closed, 2000 men out. CAHNEGIE STEEL WORK Aug. 11, 1892, re duction of 1') per cent, accepted-, June 1, 1895. 700 men receive old rates. :, BE AVER F ALLS. PA. May 14, 1395, wages increased 10 pet cent. AMSatCAN WIRE NAIL C J. , ANDERSON. IND. Aug. 11, 1892, re- June 5, 1393. wage-. auction ot 10 per eeu:. in finishing de partment accepted. of 1000 men increased 10 per c-nr. M'.EU WIRE NAIL CO A rig. 25. 1892. FINDL Y OHIO.' May 18. 1393, sever al thousand mea re ceive an iucre.xsi oi 10 per cent. closed: 40') men out. Aug. 27. 1892. liel lair:. Ohio, furnace banned down; steel works c l ot e l. A Faithlnl Dojr. Rufus M. Merrill, aged seventy nine, a well-known ship builder, while walking on the Portland and Rochester Road at Portland, Me., was 6trnek by an engine and received in juries from tie effect of which he died two hours later. His dog, his con stant companion for many years, tried to drag his master from the track, and had both hind legs cut off. Mr. Merrill seemed more concerned about his dog than himself. Trenton (X. J.) Ameri can. A man in Sedalia, Mo., U callod "the human incubator." He has made ft wager to hatch a gninea egg by car lying it ia his pocket. tWS ABSOLUTELY pukc As to a Bee's Eye. Every boe lias two kinds of eyes' the two large, compound ones, look ing like hemispheres, on either side, and the three simple, or singlo eyes, which crown the head. Each com pound eye (as one would" naturally suppose from the ' term which desig nates it) is really an immense aggre gation of eyes, each being composed of 3500 facets, which means that every eye seen has its image reflected 3500 times in the bee's tiny brain. Every one of these facets is the base of an inverted hexagonal pyramid, whose apex is fitted snugly to the head. Each of these pyramid facets may be termed a perfect eye, for each has its own iris , and optio nerve. Chicago Times-Herald. . ' ' There are some vegetables that can scarcely be distinguished from ani mals, and some animals that seen to have all the characteristics of. a vege table. Like all people with whom the beard is scanty, the Indians regard it as blemish and pluokit out. After Dinner. After the heartiest dinner a dose of TtnkrV Dyspepsia Remedy will remove all unpleas ant feelins??. aid digestion, and build up youi health. As an after dinner drink it is far su perior to all other remedies, as it never disap points, and leaves an appetite for the next me?J. For sale by Drusgists- Manufactured by Chas. O. Tvker. Atlanta, Ga. Tallahatta Springs, Ala, It i-ured ma of averyannoyingcasof Piles in a few days. I have sold a good many boxes of Tf tterina for the common itch, and it has never once failed to cure. It's all that's claimed for it. T. L. Bfdsale. Sent by mail for Wc. in stamps. J. T. Shuptrine, Savan nah, ;lia. J Piso's Cure cured me of a Throat and Luns trouble of three years' standing. E. Cadt, Huntington, Ind., Nov. 12, 1891. r j. Conductor E. D. Loomis, Detroit, Mich., snys : " The eSfect of Hall's Catarrh Cnra is wonderful." Writs him about it. Sola by Drujgist?, 75c. ! It, is So Easy to Remove Corns With t i idercorn'.we wonder so many endure them. Get it and sec how irecly it takes them off. The city of Kiel, Germany, twenty years r.go had enly 37 00 inhabitants. To-day the number exceeds 100,000. A colony of 5000 farmers, from the North western States and California, are going to North Carolina' to locate. You can carry the little vial of Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pel lets right in the vest pocket of your dress suit, .and it will not make even ' a little lump. The'Pellets" are so small that 42 to 44 of them go in a vial scarcely more than an inch long, and as big round as a lead pencil. TheycK" constipa tion. One "Pellet" is a laxative ; two a mild cathartic. One taken after dinner will stim ulate digestive action and palliate the effects of over-eating. They act with gentle effi ciency on stomach, liver and bowels. They don't do the work themselves. They simply stimulate the natural action of the organs them selves. mj3 mmmm lii 1 thing of a soapy f mm !ial NO !6 s ra r r good to go with it. And Pearline is so much better than soap that it has the work all done before the soap begins to take any part. You're simply throwing away money. li s a clear waste of soap and soap may be good for somethihg, though it isn't much use in wash ing and cleaning, when Pcarlirie's around, m ill I I 8 J aVULlUlUlVWLliioi ; 3 Fertilizers for Fail Crops should contain a high percentage of Potash to insure the largest yield and a permanent enrichment of the soil . Write for our Farmers" Gniae," a illustrated bcok. It is. luim full of useful information for farmers. It )ji!l be .sent free, and will make and save you money. Address, GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau Street, New York. .SELL ON LovelS Diamond Cycles, e HIGH GRADE IN EVEEY LATEST IMPS0VEMSIIT3, LI33TS3T Y7EIGHTS ! HATE TOUR MKCII A'ICAI. FIIIEM) cianiit K ihce mnciiioPd as we desire to tlvw the work and material to men lir kiMw wliat f:i I work i' Wes'nkeour busines repntattnn or ver lifiv jiarsfnat llicrc isno hotter wheel marie in tiie world than tieLtniill iijon l. Warranted !n every rcpccr. All p- CitaiOne free. Mlf there is nO:i r.n". " MxGufactu:c.-s ARHS," BICYCLES AND SPORTING GOODS. JOHN P. LOVJSLL ARMS CO., 147 Wahington St., ) nnPTnil ff3 ; s'; s A Bojal Collector. The Czar of Eussia devotes a large part of his leisure to his collection of birds eggs and postage stamps, in which be takes as keen an interest as a school boy. Many of the eggs he scoured himself when a lad. He was a most daring and expert climber, and on more than one occasion he narrow ly esoaped death while engaged in clambering some cliff or tree in search of his treasures. OreES ENJOYS Both the method stud result3 when Syrup of Figs is taken; i- ii pleasant and refreshing to the ta?tc, and act fently yet promptly on tho Kidneys aver and Bowels, cltanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers aud cures haVitua" constipation. Syrup of Fig3 is lh( only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial m its effects, prepared only from the mo?t healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend il to all and have made it the mo' popular remedy known. Syrup of Fig3 is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist avHc may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one rho wishes to try it. Io not accept any Eubstitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, KY. tJEW YORK, U t. JOHNSON'S t lllld. AM) FEVER tonii Coitt you 60 cents bottle tf t ciTi-ii yn rl not ipt'.e crt nnless it doe.. Wht dou it cir? 1st. nUills :a Fever. 3d1 Biiiou Fenr. 3rd. Ttfh in Fsv.-B. 4th. Hemorrhngnc I'ever 6th. T):ioe Feror. fit.'i. Meases. 7th. Neiira'gia- 8th. L Grippe. Morte back if one hnttle fi:. k roud" emba it it. A- "B- GiR'BDKAW, Savarniili, Ga-, rropn'or ffcfj H CAN SAVE MOSEI V-gy VSSr By Ordering Your imwai mm aud mm, etc., rROM E. M. ANDREWS, CnARLOTTE. N. C j3"Write for Prices and Terras. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanwi and licautificj' the hair. Fromotct a luxurient frowth. Never Fails to Eestore Gray Hair to jte Youthful Color. Cuie italp Airmer & hair fulling. )o.fid l."Vat Oruggirta s. x. u. a?. with Pearline. 'Twould be absurd. It isn't necessary. Pearline contains every nature that's needed cr that's SIGHT! PARTICULAR ! ' ' W ce. izt an l t. lh:;.. CV.U and see thr-m in rnrr rlj .-?-.. n J t - fc ani Jolb:r.- in 8 uuo Uff , lUdbS. ill! I. - tpoor mpans so much more than i vou imagines-serious and i fatal diseases rebuit num trifling ailments neglected. 1 Don't play With Nature's 1 greatest gittneaitn If vou are feeling: out of sorts, weak and generally ex hausted, nervous, hsv tin nnnetite and can't work, J begin ai once lad ing the most relia Ki .imiothpninr medicine.whichis J 1 .. tn Ih.ii R i 1 ters. A few bot tles cure benefit i Bitters comes nm i iic d very first dose it won t stain four ttrih. and it's pleasant to take. It Cures 4 c Uv-sneosia. Kidney and Liver Neuraljria, Troubles, . 9 rnnc i nation. Bad Blood Malaria, Nervous aliments i i Women's complaints. liiie3 on the wrapper. AH others are sub- stiiutes. On receipt of two 2e. stamps we f r will send set ot I en oeauiuui nnu Fair View and book free. r DosiiAKt rucuiri rn rai TirJORP MD L rv i r t iv wi - - - - orpAGETBOoirFREE. hvl Trademarks, Caveats, Labels and Copy- Book Free. WdSketch or Model for free Opinion as to Patentability. All business treated as sacredly confldentiAl. Twenty years' experience. Highest refer jnces. Send for Book. Address ! f -f PITIftrnil n ATTORNEY I. ril&UCUULU AT LAW, WASHINOTOaf, I. c. A 40.PAGE HOCK FH.r. lingtoa &; Win R. R. AND BRANCHES. AND FLORENCE RAIL ROAD. - i Condensed Schedtjie. Mat 13th, 1833. TRAINS GOING SOUTn. L."ave Weld on 11 53 a. 9 27 j. Arrive Rocky Jit. 12 57 a. 10 20 p. Leave Tarboro 12 20 a. Leave Roeky'Mt. 1 05 a. 10 20 p. 6 00 a. Leave Wilson 2 03 a. 11 03 p. Leave Selma 2 53 a. Leave Fayetteville i 30 a. 12 53 p. ArriTP Florence 7 20 a. 3 00 ;p. L.e.ave Wilson 2 13 p. 6 35 a. Leave Goldsboro 3 10 p. 7 20 a Leave Masmolia i 16 p. 8 29 a. Arrlte Wilmington 5 45 p. 10 00 a. TRAINS GOING NORTH Leave Florence 8 15 a. 7 35 p. Leave layettevme Leave Solnia 12 32 10 55 a. 9 35 p. a. Arrive Wilson 1 11 28 p. Leave Tarboro 2 43 p. Leave Wilmington! 9 20 a. 7 00 p Leave Magnolia id 58 a. 8 31 p. Leave Goldsboro 12 05 a. 9 40 p. Arrlyo Wilson 1 00 r. 10 27 p. Leave Wilson 1 30 p. 11 32 p. 10 32 p. Ar rive Rocky Mt. 2 33 p. 12 07 p. 11 15 p. Arrive Tarboro 2 43 r. Leave Rocky Mt. 2 33 p. 12 07 a. ' Arriy Wel ion 3 3D p. 12 55 a. f Daily except Monday. Dally except Sn;n day. j Train on the Scotland N.ejf. Branch Road leaves Weldon 3 45 p., II ili'ax 4 05 p., arrives Scotland Neck at 4 55 p., Greenville 6 37 p., Kinston 7 35 p. Returning leaves Kinston 7 0 a., Greenville 8 22 a., arriving Halifax at 11 00 a., Weldon 11 20 a., daily except Sun day, j I Trains on Washington Branch leave Wash ington 7 00 a., arrive TarmHe 8 40 a., Tarbo ro 9 50 a., returning leave Tarboro 4 40 p., Tarmele 6 10 p., arrive Washington 7 35 p., daily except Sunday. Coainect vrith trains on Scotland Neck Branch. 4 j Train leaves Tarboro, N7C.. daily, except Sunday at 4 50 p., Sunday I 3 00 p., arrives riymouth .9 00 p.,-5 25 p. 'Returning leaves riymouth daily, except Sunday, 6 00 a., Sun day 9 30 a., arrives Tarboro 10 25 a., and 11 45 a.' ") j Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Goldsboro dally, except 'Snnday, 6 05 a., ijir riving Smithiield 7 30 a. Returning leaves Smtlhfleld 8 00 a., arrives at Goldsboro 930a. Trains on Nashville Branch leave Roojky Mount at 4 30 p.. ajrrives Nashville 5 05 jp., Snrinjr Hope 5 30 p. Returning leave Spring Hope 8 00 a. , Nashville 8 35 a., arrive Tat Rocky Mount at 9 05 a., daily except Sunday. Trains on Latta Branch, Florence R. iR. leave Latta 6 40 p.j, arrivo Dunbar 7 50! p. Returning leave Dunbar 6 30 a., arrive Latta 7 50 a., daily except Sunday. j Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw jfor Clinton daily, except Sunday, at 9 00 a., 4j 10 p. Returnining leaves Clinton 7 20 a., and 10 50 a. Train No.. 78 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily, all rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Portsmouth and bay iino. Also at Rocky Mount with Norfolk and Carolina R. R. for Norfolk daily and aH points North via Nor folk, daily except Sunday. j JOHN F. DIVJNE, Gen l Supt. J R KENLY, Geji'l Manager. T. M. EMERSON. Traffle Manawr. HOW DO f Health Brown's Iron "Al PATE YOUR FEET FEEL ? 2 (fi)D r shoes make you limp or shufflel Tfi O -4f inch corns or rub. up , blisters ! r' "n Do noor i Finch LEWIS Accident Insurance 18 foot-sharjed made from tbe leather all oyer cork filled, water A GENUINE 90 DAYS ACCIDENT goes with every pair. Examinej 'em at your dealers. L.evis Co., IVIqiltei-w, JJosston, AVOID BulK Soda! I ' Bad soda spoils good flour Pure soda the best soda, comes . S8 4 only in; packages. ,x bearing this trade mark ijr" It costs no more than inferior package soda never spoils the flour always keeps oft. Beware of imitation trade marks and labels, and insist! on packages e bearing these! ! ARM AN! rtAMMFR.SOItt Mads onljj by CHURCH & CO. Writs lor Ara end Iiimmcr The Fastest Cruiser in p., . " The fastest cruiser in . e, .t. - i; . clen. bus rt5miz.eu expectations, irill v?1 Bnenos Aires, just bailtatth. t, Works, England, for the and is fitted with twin JfS chinery of 17,000 horse is expected to give her a .' twenty-four knots. The Buentf? which will be armed with qaij! nns of the latest pattern, ispro thronhout her whole length curved armor deck. New York v1 and Express. 1 It Jb expected f that the coat i of the Transvaal, South Afrj 1895 will considerably exceed tons. i Wiliniattton arfl Wi 8 p AND BRANCHES. AND FLORENCE RAILROAD Condensed ScHEDt-LE, Ji lt 1, ig-)-! TBAINS GOISQ SOUTH, Ml. 12 57 a. 1020 p. , ' arm,Roli Leave Tarboro 12 20 a. j Leave Roei; jr Mf. 1 05 ai 10 20 n m . Lave Wilson 2 03 a. 11 03 p. Leave S'Jlaia 2 53 j Leave Fayette ville 4 30 a. 12 53 a F oreace 7 20 a. 3 00 a. I Ami, Leave Wiion 3 13 r.. 6 35 . Leave Golde-tyro 3 10 p.. ; 20 . Leav MaernolU 4 1Sip. , WtlmingtOn I 45 p. 10 09 -v TRAINS GOIKG NORTH Leave Florwc? 8 15 J ' 3.1 p. Leave Fay.4t;vH: o i.". . 0 3S n kin Lva Stlroa 12 3i a. :A rrt ve WiUon 1 11 iO . Leav Tarboro 2 4S p. Leave WilmCutrtov 9 V.O . 7 00 n, Leave MarolV. 10 L? n. S 31 r.' Leave W lson 1 30 p. 11 32 p. 10 32 n rive Rocky Mt. 2 33 p. 12 07 a. 11 15 P. ' Ar- Arrlv Twboro 2 4 f .' Laave Rocy "fc. 2 33 p, 120 WetHfrtl 3 39 y. 1 W R. fDaily txttpi ilonlny. JDa'lvjtjit dav. train o ih-9 S-oKar'J B-finh t xtr .1 1 0 t r t . 1 1 . . . B3oiir.au TV rrn. k. no p., vktwiiViU? 60 m mm 11- o s . '1 ii a., umrtTj- a J n. , arnTinj? Hli 11 uva., Ri'..on 11 a., any eirept I8nv aw, Trains on Wajhins;t-n Branch Wy $.4. InKtoa 7 00 arrivi V ir;nli 8 0 a.. Tsroo- ro n.ou a., r?vtrpi J?ove jiri.ir.. im Parmele 6 10 ., arrive WaAhii-vton 7 iTC,n kmiii'vvou I Si n daily ejiteft Son.lay. Conn(V;t r.th tkiai oa 30waaa .'; jjro.nn. Trains leaves.Tarbord, N. C. daily e Sunaay at 4 ou p., sunaay b w j., adma Plymouth 9 00 p., 8 20 p. Ketutum; Plymouth daily, except Sunday, fi OOa.j Sun- day 8 00 a., arrives larnoro loaoa. 10 25 a. i and Train on MidLiaf N. C. Branch W Goldaboro dailv. "xep: nni'.ny, 6 03 i, Sm;tbfild 8 00 a., arrJv s rX Gil'ishoroiSMi, TrlB? on- Ni3hYiUfvjl5-a-n Imv.; Rn-kt Mount rrt 4 30 r., arr'vt'5 Nihvill! 103 p.', Sprinjr Hope 5 30 p. R-tur.laR l-ar1 $?iini; Hope 8 00 a., NashvIHe S 35 a., arf,K- tf Rocky Mount at Oft a., finny "xotsumht. Trains on Latti Brach, Florehun R. E. loavo Latt 6 40 p.. arrlv Duahnr Returning lve Dutibar fi 30 a. 7 50 a., dally -xee .'-- arrivslLatti Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsiw for Clinton daily, except Sunday, at 4 1U p turning leaves Clinton u a. Train Jhfo. 7J rn':v, ci..-- fywrtison W-ldon Vr aU points N.r?v '1 -iiy. a'J rkUTlr Richmond, and l-uy x e: t aw- and d lily xe;t Buxi 1 and b.v Un". Also t Norfolk a4d C-n'-na Tl. y .th Pfrtsmoui'i Mount vr.tb r. (or Norioi. d 'Jv an I all iio'.M.', r..i v Nor- fol. d.V.ly tvf?-" t S-tn ?.n; JOHN T. f". IN,', fi nlfipt. i. R. T.T.:iL, O-n I :! , v.- r. . T. M. KMKU.'.ON. Tr.i !fl Mvwr. AS THE WORLD MOVES ON SO DOES OUR JOB PRESS. JET Tnere are a great1 may ch an?;- all kinds of bus ne ss. We especially call your tion to atten- THE UION JOB We have just ut in a nanr TOR ftnf.fif. h.nd bv brana 1 doing the work ourselves we arpable to compete with any hoiise m the State in styles, prices qualitv. Remember we do anything from a visiting canl .to "circular 24x30. Send w your a .orders, they .-shall nae our prompt and careful atten tion. I Addrss r THE UNION OFFICE; best TanDed Calf Skin noft, w. lid ' - proof gole. I 1 INSURANCE POLICY FOK $m la word New York. Sold by jjocers cvcrj"r'icr :" 0 c Ikok til vaiaable Recipes-f.R2