TH'E COUNTY UNION. I !)i;;n, iiiiii-tt Co c. 1 t:i aceoi d'ug to po-:.'l tii.,. :if t ft pOsNd'iee ,-Vt IH.'I .; X. C.. :V second das.- matter. !' O. K. GKAttlTIAM, MTHAM, ) Til AX. J p. liter. p. rrr i j-A!l' cnmmui.icat!ons must reach uscn Tuesuay viine- Noticed of Church fntainmpritsprwl nil otlior noti--s f lik- main cr iroin which revenue is 4o Le derived, will be charged 5 c i td j.;r Mae. Eoninops locals 4 ill - made to rruh.r ad-verti-vrs at 5 uit-T r line. Loth is without r iru'nr advertisements will be cli.iryyd jt ct.-iits icr line, c.,iJ...itJ,iiriilluiMil r.T al Its e.l iiiitiOT! nMlit-'ir siilis'jrii.tion "las v.e are notified I .!,: ;s inapff will l.c 1i.-r,iith)ui;d aiAli tl 6ulcriitioii i.-j iiHtii t communications must il.l'n j.i.i) omoiip siue iuii;jvrv.. i f.-.'lvtMt i-i': rates furp.'i bed on np-j pheat.on. J . lUFfa 1'"J"l notices inserted icithout , cash i adcd.-tce. Xo t omnmn'K-ition wilt bo ncooptt-.l :tccii.paiik'l by tlie 8in-epive'wi'i'ks will he I 'counted one w-l ill iKlrnrfufctnin : i ; ii : frtf'( I 1.1 1 month, ad mil be mTtejc in.i t-nari-u j .1 1 . 1 i -y..tM I 'I' 11.11 tl.i time U not ccH"h!. :ERf3S cr SUBSCRIPTION. 'i'line Months. Six Months.... One Year I M7i Out ; nts. i - 1'00- S'i,t bv Mail I'nvableiin advance. : Evi:uyi:odv wants sound money. ' From 1 Mr. Cleveland 'down, every j speaker, writer or thinker in the Held of he have sound in on 03 or uis happiness will take wings and fly away forever. The only question upon which men dider ii the question of what constiv tutes sound money. Tjho adyocatcs of free silver coinage avers that siK ver is sound money because it car ries its own value and redemption along with it. The gold mcEomc tallist retorts by saying that silver is a fraud, because its value a3 1G0 cents, is to the extent of oMC-half, ficticious. The gold man declares j,ha paper monsj', redeemable in iu gold only, is the onb admissible substitute. Vrc tLuat use gold or pppcr redeemable in gold if wo would mIk.ij the monomclailjus, and we mt st coin silver unrestrveuiv" if we would please the other feilcws. And, in either event, we arc going to the devil in a hand-basket'. ucoording to one side or the other. There is just one proposition of the gold men to 'which the silver men j cannot quite reconcile 1 hem.selvcs. Vhat they do . not see in the m -ans by which ah oi:r paper money, LonuS, and so forth 13L Le c.nveited int'i gold and wliy. if it cannot be s converted, it should bo regarded a3 better than silver. O. it of all t lie chaos of p-nion ma t)3 diavtii the safe d'Uietion that "sound monc3 is m.-thinj more or less tlii.n ti;c moniy w!:ic!i the woild is willing to accept ct It- face al ii . Unfess we nrojio-d to shut mh selves up on th:.i antiner.t, toiioport nothing, to cut oil' trade with Europe. ! never to hold intercourse of kind beyond the boundaries of the Uu'led States, we must recognize the world's estimates an I methods in financial matter and remilate our own accord c . j . ...r,,vj- i ttitr rnnrtcy that passes cutrvnt every where withs oui queot ou. There ij no other kind, A North Ca ro iniuti v.-r i t i 11 u to tlie Caucasian from Georgia, -says : "I want to tee the People V Party it. powei, and the government run iu the interest of 2uui, common people ' where it originated, and the shy look, acd gold bugs driven from the throne. I long to see Georgia fall in line with the O il North Stale my native home in all matters of reform. We b.'oke the bonds of plutocracy in Columbus county, N. C, last fall. ?ince then I have come t this State." ... " x Thispoor Populiat is" like mny O'.hor North Carolinians (only come of therti are . too Door to' leaved ho I,i j " . - ' j i aptness) ihe State would come to under-the ' nil ing of the Populists, and left. We d not aorce w.ih him in the govern ment being run in the interest of the plain common people. The goveVn-t., 4 4 - 'Vfi, inent ii me unucu . jiateri shotih! kno-v uo man, or class oT men, in theli . . '- 1 ,l . . " 1 . . P1' . . -..; ; c ' ,u ubytenan church,'; Inch means the! discharge of her duties. i , , .... . , - , j . . i , - . r-. ; j elders,. ilhe was cxpectod. The lei-j ' - ' t " - - ....... 1? '. The RnmblfcaM ; bive ot -t ll-iu-o. the i.Vput:iUs the balance -nf i t ie o "xt C JUarrcl' -gro3 'csccp-1- fns -n-i4 t- - . -i: i ; - u - i'3o--.."!iS)r tSe p.;wer iii thc.Sijhkfi iniVGrd'verJcu.t,li V1 tl,c-coanl.vt there was j Cleveland UoMs !birn" thi -- chair "ii 't T"' fi,:T !alul0? I the u rott House.- rsow4 in the name i. V ' f"V--- I of H,.-ee via ay .V jg "tc d;;tie'jrj'i. -. .-. .Ls.: i bU'JlY DO HE IVAXT FREE; SILVER. i - The question is "sometimes a?!:cd why do you want free'and unlimited silver . ! 'We claim that thl-rc ;s a multitude of reason s for wanting t in the South, and we cannot, and shall not attempt tr gie me lialf of these reasons, bui will be honest in w:l we say. According loour! jid.-crr.3nt as Vj the question, free silver means to pni. j the money, all classes, made hy the j government on an cquil value, and j by so doing it does not give the North the advantage of the South. Now if you area southern man, do you not went your dollar to be worth - i the same as that of the Northern dollar the gold dollar? The second rea?cn why we want it, is because it is a Southern measure, Und is advocated by Hie Itaders of tne Democratic puriy 01 ine oouui, .inc u ol cornea us a, followers of the leaders of our pariy to h.old up what j1Cy tioia to be best for our peos jn iic third place, the party claims I that this will bring jabout belter pri- ' C i- ii,,1iwia (i r'l' tint- tit rrnnr 111 possession of more money, this being 1 , , 13 n)a;r, to scc tnat our land will be in a prosperous condition and all will be benefited bv free tilver. Anything that will benefit the farrer will benefit us nil, and u.Vil tlie far rner can cet more for t.iat whicli ha makes, there 13 nothing tnat will b ing pro?perit3 If freo silver will bring. this sb ',ut, then give it to tho i entile. You sy we can't sea where that will causa an advance in the prices. Perhaps you can't but your not being able to see thio is njo rea hon v.-hy it ehculd hot. Give us sil ver and v.'c vail risk the consequence, and if it fails to give us what we want, then v;a can work at something else, A good plan would be for our coun try to form Democratic clubs in every neighborhood, and 'meet as often as convenient ence a' month anyway, and let some one or two discuss " the political issues. This would get the interest of the people worked jp. Other counties of th3 State are forms inir clubs, and wc consider it the best 1 thing for cur count'. Name your club and elect your officers, get in shapi for the battle that is before li'ou. -When people are well organ ized they generally accomplish, their purpose. Cleveland is aiyold bug but he don't object to ' l'aby Marioii" hav ix" a ciiver tattle. I AxoTiiKr: bad taste shown on the part of Cleveland wnen ho natuod his baby Marion. 2d airly:: Httvir r must have made a suygtstion when the name was thosea. Evnr.y man wh;jhas an interest in home alfiirs, and an interest in the welfare of North Carolina, should go out and go to worlc. lor ihc political enemy of our State is strops and working at every Oppori unit'. Re membor your service is needed, and jy,m aru utV lio'Jn,! 05 a WCU- wislier of our Stale to go to work. i A s' t icl lc'it happened at a fu ;era! near Parsono, Kan., the oth er nay. - j nine sob oj Samuel Car son, residing you. hest of the city. ditd and was buried in the r.ei"hbor- i 0 mg cemetery. There being no hearse j the ttmains were placed in a spring wagon and convened to the cemetery. On the way to l!ie grave a swarm o! bees gat here I n the led of the ci ffio and there remained;. When the cem etery was reached alt -iI ts to drive the be- 3 from the cofiin v. era without avail, and the p:uiU.:?rers were forced t take charge of the ",Qn with the bei s swarming about them, and before the tcmains were deposited in the grave every pall bsarer suffered, be mg stung in more than one place, on the lace and bands. The bees clun'' sotcaaeioushj to the coffin that many of them were buried with the bodv I !ij Thcrp Was no I'reaclilii" i The 2rentleman whr W4 tr nmont, at the Presbyterian church last Sun- j day didn't know whether he was exs vt j. , ' L ; pectcd to Come or rot. s he tele- 1 ranhed'to the "Session rth l'ro cgr - im was ret tinted to Cheraw 1 ext ! . . 1. " . "'!rninS S'iiog iuat ihere was no Mr csio!i iu gov T'rtslivtcrian ty.".t ' - " i . . O'd pancr o.r a!"i at . : oritcc i-i 5 in'l o.' ty. ti-i A TLAXTA EXPOSITION. The prop' ?ed g ahering of thq n;h j vivirg taemh.T.H of the Palmetto regi-j mentlit the Cotton Sta'es 'tind Inters I national p:TMi ion will bean inter- esling occasion of some historical j importance. After the battle of New j Orleans, General J.ukson, who was a native of South Carolina., received from the I: d es of that city a han 3- i come souvenir vase as a token oftheir ! gre?t admiration of Iiis great progess in the w::r wiMv Griat liriiain. On Lis death. Gene- A Jackson willed the vase to the bravest soldier that South Ca o'ina should send tq the next foreign, war. The Palmetto reg iment, went 1.100 strong to the ilex ican v?a but only 209 survivors re turned. A committee was appointed to decide 'which wes the bravest of the 3oo,J but where all were .Spartaii3 in valor the committer had a hopeless task. 'ih vase then went into the posseseion of boath Carolina, and the legislature tCcn undertook Indis pose of it according to the wishes ol General dacks)n. The legislature finally disposed of the matter by de ciding that the vase should go to the last survivor of the PUmentto regi ment. There are now on'y ten or twelve survivors, and the.r cominp to Atlanta will bring a distinguished roup of men. Ti e yase will ba exs bibitcf, and will Le i.r. objict of great interest. It is of sobd silver. and beautifully embos-cd, being about eighteen inches high. Judge J. J. Martin, of Atlanta, one of the survU vors, suggested the gathering, v.diich will doubtless t:ke place. The vase was exhihited at the New . Orleans P'xpusition in 1884, when the numbei of survivors was several times its present number. An interesting attraction of the Woman's Building, at the Cotton State and lnternatonal Exposition, will be a calendar of Southern beau ties. It ia a beautiful calendar, tx quisitely printed, in which each month is represented by a tyiical btlle o! ine of the Southern States. The leading face is that of Winnie Davis, who Mississippi. The oth er twelve are like Miss Davis, m be-, ing beautified, cultured and highh bred. The' consist of Annie li stening, of Westminster, Md. : Janie Sutherlin Sniith, of Danville, Va., Frances Wheat Shobcr. of Salisbury, is. C. ; Virgirda Lcth Frascr, ol Charleston, S. C; Marian A.. Dun bar, of Augusta, Ga. : Mattic ilouston, of Tallahassee, Fla. ; Annie II. lice e, of Hirniingl am, Ala.; E!ia Mch'e. of New Orleans; La. ; Emma lielLnap, of San Anton-a, Texas; Georgia Lincoln, (jf Lit!o liock. Ark.; CJueenio Woods or Nashville, Tenn. ; arid Els e Cast Icmar.. .f Loui-ville, Ky. The oi iiinal pictures are larj;e water eojors, naintvit ov the vk known artist, Mrs Caroline C. Lovell, and give an t.d;niraole idea of th? superb beauty of the daughters of Dixie. 'Mi'-y wil! be hu;.g" in the Art Gallery of th.i Woman's iioild i n T, and ihe calendars sold in the hail for the bene. fit oftuv fund. LIST OF JURORS. The following is tho list of Jus rors drawn for th ; September term of court 'which convents in Lillb2ton on the ilrst Monday of said month; W IMIarrington, Iluckhorn town ship. T J Jmet (col.) G ove townsldp. M E Camoron, barbecue.' " A D Kelly, lUickhorn D P McDonald. Johv.sonville " SJ Gaiduer, Ulack Iliver . J Herbert Parker, Huckhorn " Ii F Trulove, Stewart's C. Joseph Yon Grove ' . J M Stevart, ' S N Williams, A W Stewart, Neijl's Creek L Ii Ihint, Ui per L'tt.'e R, W A Carj enter. Hector's C. " J A Gregory. Qr ve G W Spence, Iiuckh rn I L Panies, Grove J A Champion, Huckhorn J II McLean, (col ) Liibngton Paschal llockaday, Iilack II. Norman Matthews, J I) Weathris, IJuekliorn " iIaywool Esayes, Averasboro " J Ii F btewart, LTii)er Little R. L U Iiobbs, Stewan's Creek " W J McDmald, Juhn2cnvii!e lip Harrington, liuckhorn " V' j . J i 3 Iiyrd, Stewards Creek D W Turner. Anderson's; C. " J M Cobb, Grove township. A V Dcwar, Huckhorn " J D Pearsoa Hector's Creek " M J Sent -r, . A D Mckay, Johnsonvills A A Cameron, 1. N rjo'nnson, I?;rc'.;horn " -''' ci an i.,nis rrca.i . car load iois .at H W J THE GLOiiY OF YOUTH. 'A- few days ago ex-Senator Joiin J. Inga'.ls.addressed the students tifthe Kansas ur.iversity Liwrencc. In the course of his remarks l.e said "It is magniltcent to be yoong. There supurb glory and fascina l"n about youth. The morning of life, the springtime of the fcoul. Youtn is the enviable epoch. We -e coicetuing whn we cease 10 us your.g for whicli time brings no equiv alent or compensation. Of 'ouih everytliing can be pred cte 1. Heroes, atiists, poets anl philosophers, lead ers of tlse bar, and great captains of indu-try are young." The pleasure and dignities of the world are ' the Iserit-ge of the young. Some of thete heirs of f ime ami .felicity I have ho d"ubt are here, but as the' look b ck from the apex high divide of success, and recrdl tiiis hour, 'they will feel that there, is no joy the wor d can ive'like that which it lakes a w a y wh:n wc cease to be young. To its w!n' haye tsken our place-, and d. ne our work comes the desolating thought that we shall grow no more. "VYe have oeeir weighed and-most of us found " wanting. We have baen scrutinzed, guaged and measured. .Our specific gravity or levity, and our cubic contents have bce:i asceiuiined and registered We have become monotonous. The earth grows fatigued with u, but it greets the voting with ardent a::d. im palitMit acclamation. The oung are to do the w rkand-win the vic tories of the future, and there are manv to be-won. Thcv arc to re in force the wasting ranks and fillj up the conqneiing armies of 1 lie civs illiz'iUon kf the twentieth century. Lite's undesirable exultations may subside; its "hope may chill and grow tlim with years; its undismayed cour age, may falter at last; its daring di earns of conq'iest may smoul !er to ashes, but the timorgo ten radiance of youth sheds an imperishable lustre upon the venerable earth from "the go'den and purple issure of the ea-scrn sky. It would, therefore, be a fiction and '3 ninsin crity to pre tend to be unconscious of the honor 1 and opportunity of appearing before thesV chosen representatives of the you; li ol K & t sas, or to be unmoved uv the pathetic out inspiring su;'n sjesiions of ihe place and the hour. Wil. -Meisenyer. THE FALL ELECTION. Om ti:e 5th of November next election will be held in twele Staves, r.3 f dlows: I.wa, Kansas, KentuT'ky, Maryland, Massachu" set's, Mississippi, Nebraska, New i m;.- cw .tr ni.h, pMini.. ! v. vania, Virginia, and in the Territory of Utah,' which will that time h.ave about complied with all tlie conditions, required of it to make it a S'.ale, Oregon, Iluode Island, Mich igr.n and Wisconsin held ek-cions early iu the vcr.r An election will be hold in (.!out:c-c!icnt on Octtdier 7 for tovv.j officers, and t.o pass uod a iroposcd rcdistr'ction of the Stattr Senate. Ii:wa v. ill elect Sta" 9 officers and Loj.islrture to elect a United States Senator to succeed Dor. Will iam Allison, Republican; Kentucky. State ollicers nnd a Legislature, which will eJpet a United Slates Sen ator to surees 1 Hon. J. C. S. li'ack lurn, Democrat; Maryland, State olliecrs, U.wer' House, of" Legislature and. fourteen State Senators; the Legislature- will elect a United States Senatt-T'to succeed Hon. Chnrle S Gibson," Democrat; Massachusetts, State ofdeers, ar.d a Legislature; Mississippi, S ale (.Oicers and Legis lature; will elect a sue cssor to bed States Senator George, Dem ocrat; Nebraska, Just-ices of the Su- , . . . 1 me l;uh auu iwo regents ot ihe j state University; New.Jer-ey. Gov- rnoi and seven S-T.aiors and .entire Assembly; New Yoik, State. offijeis nd c.tire Ljgislature; Oliio, State olliecrs and a Legislature; will eject a successor in United States Senator i alvin L. Price, l?emrcfat; Penns-!-vanta. State Treasurer and seven Judge3 of th3 Superior Court. Vir iiaia, raemb ers of the llrus? of Del egates and one half of the Male Sen ale. The Senators chosen this, year will participate in the election ot a United Stales Senator to sue. ceil Joua W. Daniel. Democrat. i Chemical Depautmext, Corcoran Scientific School, Columbian Uni veusitVj Washington, D. C. j Inslruction in Ii. organic and Or ;gnn c Chemistry. Qjditative ani I Q ianitative Analysis. As.-av?n- i . of preci.-as metals. ores and bullion. ; Cl'smica! Tcchnologv ?nd Chcmicai j , KngiiK-cnng. Address Chas. E j ; Moiiroe, Ph. d. Profcsr of CLemis- i ! try. Wash. D. C- 1 .-s .3 1 'WW t yrf--5!-- .1 3 :---. - -i Y H - ', re ; St H 3 i ; I I-. t 'Z 3 IS ! C i 3 ! i is -1 13 I re re SR. S I o 3 p o ' ti c 5 f-" 5 1 -t , S re re re S D CO 2. re i r CO w 'J3 a S- 3-1- 3? cr 5 5 tf 3 re r -3 'J My. re r 3 s re Q 5 rr if, Hi 3 rz r 1 3-5 Z? -- a c 5 w c? . re en t. Of i 5 -1 - -j re 3 .T- P V) o re V r- re 71 t c re re 3 T re re in re re 5- re 5 CO 3 3 I" Z": o r3 o p re HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any ca-e of Catarrh that1 cannot be cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure. ' t- ..T. ClICN'NEY & CO, Toledo, O. We the undersigned, hav"1. known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able "to carry out any o- ligations made hv th-. firm. H est A I'ruax, Wholesale Druggists, 'J oledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, V.'Iiol'-rJe I)rt:ggits, To'edo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and inneon.s -urfaces of the sysln'm. Price, Toe. por hot tie. Sold by "all Druggist?. Testimonials free, THE M::XEY 7 A C1RCULA TJOX Inquirer" is informed that the following table shows ihe money of all kinds in circulaporij 'Mn lha treas urv. in the banks, and in hiding:" Gold coin, $4-3 770,430!hir, 5,sii.-7" SiihsHlhtry silver. ;":,7Sh'.4S7 Gold certiticates, 4Sy,5'Uj i-ilver certiticates, . C21.o53.Ul Treasury notes, act of l$o 1 7.0"4,So7 United states notes, 2ti.y:.132 t'ui rency ccriiii ates, act "72. 4S.245,0J' Nation:.; Lank iote 2KW.57u.lyO 'J'otal, . ?l,C')0,lCy,55i AT T O I : X F T- A T - L , V W . Faykttevil.':, X'. C. "i rtr.te a A Federal C'oarti fr.i r- .n r . - " -3 J V j APg-I-ui. - - - ,- ... -. - - . - .. t 7 i ' ' ... -" - . ' ' ' ' -. . - ; 1 . -. - - , A ' -': ':'- ,: ":X: x ::.;-: .. ;v; - ' Hsn iiiii - ' u- 1 i "CS My tock of 5jprng and Summer G:od 3 is now ready for inspection - " consists of a'l the new and pratty Organdies, doited Swiss. Linen Lf otucr oatterns. In connection with my DRY I have ope aed a J-ILLIXERY AND JANCY and am nrenared to rive von Uia "II -.1.3. - ciuiijiuiis I 1 HATS AD Silk-, for Shirt waiet and Dress Trimmings. Lace? anrj Ribbons Uur line ot Swiss, Nainsook and!. v.v,..o ... ucauij (juainj any ujer We can give you a good article in Gloves, Fans and in fact everything Call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. DUNN, N. C 1. Thee is no doubt bat what every i man, woman and child has read ufitl great interest vhat the Legis'a"! ore aw. rn - did in regard to the Mortgage I You a'.so read the Douglass adjn ment and m-'nv other things Now : -- ... ..1 . 1 . 1 . I"" 1 " ruau an article in: is greatest of all. Yoa will lelarn l oa will Iciarn not what the Leg's- lat H. W. Jernigan tluiso ti-cf trU-rt fro:i this article, litnrA lid bnt. wh , . ....... ... & Co,, will do tor those that tmue with them 11 INE ST IN TOWN- -o IE have in our store, without a doubt the largest stock of srdod3 and greatest variety ever dicpl."Jved in uunn. ii wouia ue ine trg.. . o. tohy for us tt attempt to raenti iJ nil ..... ' " . : our articles so we want you to- cai and see them. IHUTS. fllRl 11 h T i n t s Our 1'ne of shirts are the best, cheap esi anu nicest ever orotic ut ta this ma.'ket. - Can fit the larje and small Our Hats are OUT. OF SIGHT- Prices ore low snd shapes of the very latest makes. Pe certain you ex- axins tham, o- -o We carry a general line of DRY GOODS andkee the best for the least uipn- ey. Try us and be convinced. GROCERY j DEPARTMENT. We always keep a full Jine of fresh groceries to shit the trade. For the best hrands of flour you should never failSjLo call on U3. . 1 Thanking :?ail for their liberal, we remain, Xour's trulv. II. w. D "4 Llti HOTBtQiviwJfi,' -UNbElV NEW MANALMEXT i o -o " Tiiis is to i;ifon.i the public ihat t aofvo nainea lu.tI has ln-en IteViovat itefurni -bed and Ci-rpefcd - throu-rix ie 1, hout and . v;u .spare no etloits to phe every o:m- vv?:r, stop-.; v.irir rie.; ' Cpe 'il attention gixn to tfavcii'rir'P ' Sf lieltih piiblid j, u ron ige geV-erui - I a!n,yohrs toj)leasc. JXO. A. OATES. Proprietor. rwi. an easy, hr,t class sh.ave call 1 Sarantee satisfaction ai.d will cciuui y'oii; - tht l' do"'' j"m'W S.-ist-ciars work if ou ;i'3 me cuance. My sho, is next door to - Mr. J. II. Uurkc'sjdace of b ..MinessL JERNIGAX Ljressi and styles in was, Du-es. P.qu js, Ee-cales aid J , pEPARTIVIErT Q.OQDS JEAnTME, I.itpaf. noiroltino T -i.- .. , . t'J-Ji BONNETS. Hamburg embr i leries n I ln'- r exnioiiea in Uunn Sli'npers. HoHerv." Corsets, Corj needed to complete a la lies' V wardruh Yours to TLEASE, ORTGAGE SAE OF YALU ABLE LADI Iiv virtue of the power, contain pil in 1 deed of mortgage' executed ' to 1 ie bjr J-.1411I .w.i. n .111 1 ijr, o;o,,ll ,ioiM (III Maiv Ji 10th 1804 and- recoVqiHl in t. r"' irisii'v of Har.nett county, X. hj. i Book II So. 2 page o'Q3, I Will' gf'll at ..'.T,. r.. ...... ... :r.. , p 'hiic tnitcry to ihe highest biiMfcr lor e:i-u at i lie? pfst otlice uoor in tlu tmrn 1 i'uun, N. (J., ou August 41st 895jt j 11 o clock a. in.; that tract of land ly'm . iu Ayeiav:Kro township, Uirieitw:m ty, N. C, adjoniihg the l.uls lnMeij ty, x. U., adjoining the lamfc immlf if by.J "Ai Baylor, JT.Btwi; J Y Ia'v. aii'1 others, oceupiea in w ht 1 Eryin Jones and wife, containi ijp iicrcs more or less and ilescritied iw m said nuirtirasre substantial I v' its follows: A certain piece or tract of lar.d lyih ami hcbiji" in liafi.etr count v. shite afore'diL In . '7 ahoro township and ilcril.ij as id d timed as follows, to ft'it: Adj' ing on east J'. A. Taylor, on the Boutlf and west bv S T Barefoot, on tin iiortli bv James West-lev L'ee and otlien coiH taining Twenty-nine acres, ino e or 1-It being'a part of the laudj iH the said parties of the first part' jot friffl Thophilos AVeaVtii-.' For ii betttir dej script ion referrence i.s hereby nmle W t'e reeords of Harnett count', X. t'. t his July 27th 1895. . K. Yoiixo. Mort-M't. jv.31-4w NOTICE ! Ilaving'qualined as ad qrnpo" the estate of Jolin C. Soriell, (IffpeJ, notice is hereby ' given i to all yumi holding chains against said rstitcto present the same for 1 ay 'eiiU iI'J vairitied. on or before 1 154 1st thy J August 193, or this notice will 1h pW in bar of tlicir recovery. All FM; debted to said estate re hereby wtiM to nuke immediate paemnt oftliCfJjn. This July the 2Gth, 1895. . W. K.'SEKBKLL, AAW'r T. T. 'I'lTiiT.rKfi'i'ov. I trators. v p inMi.B Aft'e i jv-3W' v . A Cure for Ileji:laclie. i As a remedy f r all forms of (Iedd flectiic Bitters ha-s proved to twththw best. It effects a p' rihanent cure J yield to its iuliiience.' Vf' l,'g!S "g m-fi afuicted to'piociire a'1ottle. anU' this remedy a falr'tirial. In caes of w itual constipation EU'ctril Bi'teriieBrj by jrivimr the heeded ton: to the wy hind few cases long resist the use melieine. Try it. Larre -bottH-f 50 cents At Harper & Hood's UrugW. ' v 50Q QOOE-S ETC- YRty. Send ten cents and get by wlDfJ, mail a beautiful souvenir of the W ton States and international Hon, postage prepaid, and your n. and address printed in the Atu Joprr,al of Commerce's special .-, Oriler Directory" that will go to ! bib tora and hundreds or mu t" . .... t - u.UIrt li- ids who will send you sample wp papers etc. FREE. - ! 1 r.rV JOURNAL of COMMMp ' ' ' Atlanta. Vs 2 . ..7 f ... , ...: Null. 'lln- t est salve iii the world for f. xiir.wu?, tiorcs, &aii jinen.... -IviVr 1 ri.,fj;;r Ihmk's. Cbilibt"' Corns, and all Skin Erupt"""- utlJJ- lively ci-rcs P.ilcs, 'or no pay- . 1 - l. v. Vllit'Pvu uarauieetj 10 g'v I"'1 - or money refunded. : Vticr 2" -0 lox. Pur sale by Harper f) - S " "o-u. c"h.ou-lc3- "i Ja -i "he "i j ifevsry I Bi ll, V - rars27Mf. ' -!--..' tJb.3 papr-r ci.e yea: V ' 1 ( :- . . -.ti 1.. t

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