bUNTY r - - THE UNION jnVj 7, IS35. Editors. We ,r- surrv to n(,te tliat- rs Mr. A. G. Blanchard. of the firm pf Duke & Blaneliard of,- AV-rdcen, well known and extensive lumber defers, was in town Tuesday, and U thinking f locating wicu us. We would gladly welcome Mr. Lillington rood season refreshing ,ell i.si'""!le u'' .fourt convenes in Srcick ir. September. vo l .mite a Uy morning, ,Xheoui!-.k for matrimony is . : 1 1 in iiur town fur the fall. IwJ ,,;- V L .v.eveae we are glad to , .-(Mi (i ti!,: store, after sever IjjJ C'I.!..'"- ",v" fKij..iliy i;i t,,wn Soaie lit'!'! ex"i'eraent in town ...lay evening caused from drunk fellows. N serious; are v.-e increasing now have damage :t- i NVJCC U.O fiiUU-u ill -uc W Jackson this week. If you i .li I . ,nv' in -"is ii iu uii on i fee of the lamest tubs ire have ,rSteu wa-. brought to town Satur- i M T u' T T . 1 I - a i t rt ri ii rt L i tpn )Uir . iM aim aa uunc a uu' r.a - jitv to t.nr people. Vl'e return thanks to Mr. II. N. it i ,.,ri- na i tiKo rm m -led us !si Saturday. Its weiht 'jsis'polillils. E'.Jer Williams, a traveling .U'.er, i Ti'ii'jlied at t!ie Primitive Hjiisi cturch at this pluec Sunday We call special attention to the licar.l f Mr. N A Sinclair, a prom pt a;d .successful atiorncv at ueiievia-. ah legal Dullness ceii in his liiiudi will have prompt eiiiioii. rrer.cV:! g at the Presbyterian nli h.si. Sun.iuv morning and fit bv the pa.Cor, lie v. aI M Has KVi?ue d ilv T.ddir-21 oubscri : u ( in !i;t. llemeuiber it, is r. ;.y orj nwo to 31. ur famil' ami ar.ou i'y to take your home paper. r,l us oil.- dojiar for tiie pape. . ' Cliniun takes place iujtfie "ad" tii-.it wiil---4wake. hustling . firm. Co., this anci you Hlsneh-. ..rd, and believe he would dq a prof itable business with his mjlf located at ur town. " TI9 June bag conies. In the month of June, v The lightning bug in Slav. The skeeter takes his bonnet off. And says I've come to stay. The June bug has the glossy wing. The lightning bug the fl.ime, Tlie bed bug has no wing at all, But lie gets there iust the same. ' 1 The )itlle,lhrce,3car old son or Air. John II. Burke died Sunday morning at G :30. lie was ihe onlv 1 child, and j-st one year ago his moth crdied. Litlla Ernest was a sweet boy aud the brightest jewel of the fatht-r's home, but alas the summon came and he has gone to join the Angels. Th? sad father and rela tives have our heartfelt sympathy in this hour of bertayemcnt, but we com mend them to Him who makelh no mistakes and doetu all- things wise- Quite c. large crowd were at Lillington Munday. and the Commis sioners transacted a business. Politics floated high in the air late iu the afternoon, and silver and go!d was the jireat issue that seemed to dwell in their minds. Some of the gold bugs say they are silver men, and want eilyer but can't pee how t'r.e country will be kbcTc better by the free coinage of silver. We say if free silver moans more silver, tht it will help the people, further more the goNernment lias no more right lo give you 50 cents and call it one dollar, than I have, fo far as the reaches. The 1 ... 1 l t 1 1 1 hi I : . . - - 1 FOE'S ITEMS- COMING AND GO IN Massengill & A. V:t;c:i their "ad" -?oe w!;i keeps what youi want. The yotinr-T man who star's out .:'.Iie wnVld with a lying tongue and ieceitfu! heart is an object of pity, riiei!l nevt-r reach a very high pe in aol.le icr.nhood. "Mr. L I? . pimdriph' and wife Momlay evening for Parkton, N. Mr. (oo'lrlth, we. are. glatl to J.is able to get out ater la sick sof nine -months." He wdl make !iui-i there with Ins daughter. M)r. N H Cobb, .if Rilei.h. will im in the Baptist church ftt this s.'e Sur. iav morning and niht. a'l a te d and hear this able krVttt ,,;f CJjd. ' We !e irn that Dr. M. Holden, a tl.vsieian in Dunn, was mar- f'i a ft'W dsvs iwn In Mr4 T. A. "r!ey, 1 f.JIounigomery cotjnty. Sovcral young men and ladies honesty and justice government hs no right to rob the people becau3e the power is g;v8n v, and ever' time it gives us a silver dollar and calls it 100 cents, then . . 1 ...... - - :j iiht upon the spot refuses to redeem that silver dol'ar at ldO cents, it i- no more nor no less than unfaii and uiijus'. We haven't got gold enough in the country for a circulating me dium and silyer is vhat we lire hound to d business on, so with more silver we inn do more business. One gold bug says that free eilver would only help the silver mi-e own' ers. No doubt it would help the mine owners, but if itjlielos us what I. do we care for its helping the mine wi-ers. What we want is something tnbeuiut the people. jYou s'iy there is as much nioney'in the country as tt.cre has ever been. We think that a great deal of our money hss gone to foreign shore and that while the population of these United States is dailv ineif asin, the circulating me ilium is daily" decreising. Ttii sfiprrn to be ;lain and vou ca:i see it without a doubt. Protrac'ed meeting at Pleasant Union rtii3 week. 0..I100I opened at Buie's Creek Monday wiih a large attendance. .wr. Joe Johnson took a trip to Wilmingln lat week. Itev. A N Campbell is conduct ing a series of meetings at Benson this week. Messrs. Joe Collins and Heibert Betts, or Winslow, spent a few days i'i this section last week, Mr. J A Hamilton attended the protracted meeting at Hector's-Creek last week. - Heigh 30! Jona Bogs did you catch another whale by the tail last Saturday7 . H H Poe. Eq took a trip to Ral eigh last week. Dr. J C Goodwin, of Dunn, was in this section Monday. Rev. Mr. Porter, a blind minister, preached at Buie's Creek ihurch Sun day njght. ' Mrs. W F Pearson of Dunn spent last week with relatives io this sec t'on.' Mr. V H Rogers spent Saturday and Sunday at Lis home near Leaf'. We were pleased to meet our es- great deal a (teemed friend and Schoolmate, Mr. ii N S!ewart Monday night. Come dywn to see a fellow !'an.. Mr. J L Hall, of Falcon, sper.t Saturday' and Sunday w'th his best c irl ne.r here. - Rev. W M Page was taken serious ly ill at Bnie's Creek last week. We hoi)e for him a speedy recovery. We had the pleasure ol having our esteemed friend and teacher Rev. J A Campbell to preach for us at Buie's prcek Sunday. Snook?, J J Cook Eq. spent Sunday Buie's Creek. at Mr. By than Bass spent a few days at Lis home iu Sa.npson last week. Miss Mary Stewart spent a days in town this week. few Dickinson Jottings. Mr. W B Mckay left Sunday for Morganton, N. C, whec he wiil be vseveral days. Mr. W H McKay attended church at Dunn Sunday. Mr, John Legett has returned home fr"m a visit to his mother at Hope Mills and has entered school at Bu.e's Creek Academy. ' Dr. J F McKay. Dr. W M McNeill, V II McKay, C A McNeill and D." McN McKay attended -The Worlds Fir" Monday at Lillington. Mrs L J McKay has returned from a visit.to her sou at Wilmington. Mis Irene McKay of Dickinson is visiting in the. city. Miss Maie Parker 13 visiting her sister near Ky. Mrs. J J Wads returned Monday from a visit to relatives at Godwin. Mr.J H Woodall, of Smithficld. was in town Sunday, and returned Monday. Prof. . j C Clifford, who. is to take charge of our school, is expected on the eyenirg train. '. Mrs W F Pearson spent several days with relatives in the Poe sec tion this week, Mr. A J Turlington, of Turlington. weil up to Raleigh yesterday on business. Mr. W B McKay, of Dickinson left Monday fr a trip to Morganton and the Western part of the State. ,. Mr. N A Smith, of upper Harnett an ex-representative of the : county was on our streets last Friday. ' Mrs, Douc Grady, of Fayetteville, spent several days in town this week the guest cf Mrs. O L Denning. . Sir. W II Lane returned from a trip to Seven Springs Saturday. Ho reports quite a pleasant stay and very much enjoyed trip. Mr. James Pearsall took a trip to Hi-h Point la3t we k in the interest, of t'ie furniture factory at ' this place. Mr. Ed Smith of Lindin was in town this morning and reports the condition cf Miss Bessie- Robeson. hs niece, as being very criti-al. Mi.'S Lala and Master R-iscoe Jaykson returned Tuesda' from avis-i il to relatives at St-dman. accompa nied by Miss Carrie Autr3' and Mr, Robinson Bryd," who returned Tues day al'iernnon. Mr. Isaac Willi:m, of .Texas, formerly d" this cnuniy, a-rived Suns day and will viit his brother, Mr. D. S. William and othV relatives while here. He spca!;s in the high- Lillinaton News- Board of Cnnty Commissioners met Monday and transacted a good denl of business. - Large crowd m town Monday The farmers all being throagli with their" farm work. - Someoftliose in Lillington Mon day had eyidently taken on sure hard cicjer. Mr. Geo. II. Cra9ts. of Atlanta, G a., was before the Commissioners Monday ,and submitted some spocifi ; cations of bridge, which he proposes to buibf across Cape Fear river il any tcrrxs can be made. One or more cases were tried in Lillington Monday, but your Corres pondent failed to'learn the result. If we don't go on the excursion it will be because we get left. Several visitors in town Monday. Too numerous to mention. . The negro who was in jail and bonded out by Mr. O. J. Spears made an attempt to escape Monday L but was caught and brought back. B. EADQUAIITERS FUli TWCrS- 11. Key Notes- A welcome rain Sunday morning. Ex Sherilf J A Green and wife passed through these parts last Sats urday. p Mr. and Mrs. J. A Blaylock of Banks, Wake eouniy, 'were visiting relatives in this section last 'week. Mi. Seth Parrish of Turlington, is teaching school at Juniper AaomV near here. . Miss May Parker, one of Dunn's most charming young ladies, is visit ing her sister, M;s. W II Byrd. Mrs. W T Dupree spent last Fri day evening with Mrs. Byrd. Peaches and watermelons are plen tiful; Van. Silver vs. Gold! Look to your interest and save money, Harper; & Hood are; still at their old stand corner ol R. R. and BROAD STKEET where you will find the arg-st and most complete toek f" Drugs, Toilet Articles etc,. to be found in the coanjy. Also! 1 Fincy and slick Cnndies, Stationery School ."Books, Lamps and Lam nd5. Cigar?, 8nr.tr, Tobacco - - ' of which we offer at ; greatly laced prices. res rhe best variety of COLD SRSr.teSi very d:iv ... .. 1 . I uankme all far pas' favors, we .... . ; , . rordially inv.te a'l t c vne and -ex imine good- ami incriS. Wre gua:ran tee satisfaction. Remember the place, j HARPER & HOOD, DUIUN, N. C. Keep your eye 011 tins space, aud seeAvhat we tell you next week. j Our goods are arriving and we are sellins: tliem Look ! and come. cheap Watch ! J, A. IV1ASSEWGILL GO., mr-2Vtf. DUNN, N. C WILL SELL YOU LIQUORS FOR EITHER. I 1 i ''I ! ' ' : . ! 1 ' BlllW SI l mm lllftil I) McN Mek iv and "Cement An- sii" anticipate attending a lawn est terms of the Lone Star State. INSTALLATION AND DINNER. The Masms of p jlmyra L .de No. 147. A F & A M, du'.y installed the foliowir.ii into " 1 1 day at 1 1 o'clock as fo Z Taylor W M ; J A F P Jones J W ; J J tos office JiowS: ( Taylor C W ; W1g Trea's.; i James G Johnson Sec'y.; K A Jones aud W A J duibon deacons-, H J Strickland and A F Surles Stewards; Rev. N. B. Ho.. d Chaplin; I VV Tay lor. Tvler. ihev were installed oy Fast Master. John W party given by Miss Lizzie Wash burn, Tuesday night. Dr. W M McNeill and lady re turned home Sunday afier visiting his sister, Aliss Margret McNeill sev eral day?, near "Riches Mill" Clement Ansil re-urns thanks to "Bi for Irs poh;e invite, but will have to decline as he has no better half and no chance of g. tlir.g one. Hope you will go "No 37' What has became of "Two Fannies" Clements went to the Fair to see them but they were not there. Old Snooks you ought to havp been there. Clement Aniv" Trqyvilh It8ms- Protracted meeting at liino For est this week. ( Messrs. T D Stewart j and R T Kenncnedy went over toLillington Dr O L Denning came in Satur day from Aurora where he went two or three weeks ago intending to lo cate, but like almost everybody who ever lived in Dunn they return and say emphatically this is as good country as can be found anywhere. An excursion will be run from Dunn nest Monday. The ror.nd trip from this ilace will be $2.00. Train leaves at 6 o'clock, A. M. The man agers are E F Young, J C Goodwin, II M Pearsall, McD llolliday. PTMas- v-ingill. E Lee, J L Thompson. J h Ballaace. FOR The question that is being dis- PURE cussed by the people all over the L I Q U O R S United States to-day, is how to get a CALL ON better ami safer currency. Have ycu w.s. JAcscsofy, stopped to consider that the best A C E IU T. , MiJJdRU.ilvJ . HrapripAor, ' i 1 i. 1 To o:et fresh niure liquors call en me. - : 1 . ; :-':':-! - y3ter is a first-claas drink in its p!L4 bt-t -lon.'t beat x. . NORTH (:,RI)I.1S. OT WHISKEY SOLD . HI. 'HE. are invited to drink with me, , what ever your eireumstancesjmav Ik..-- " i O 1 Idfl S are iroocT, where ever found, . L.igiUlVW If you want a drink cull ou McBrown : i 1 1 ALL Thompson, of Monday. Jackson Springs, assisted by J. R. Mr. A D Coats entered school at Barnes of Archie Lodge, Johns ton county Aftei the business of the Lodge 1 transacted. Mr. F P Jones an- VWII II U I. U i kJ V. ' j . Sen route for Buie's Creek1 Some ' nounced that dinner woukl be served afiliem .fKim theYc&Wn nart of the ! in the Lodge room, and that all Ma- 1 opened there CSrantlCfll of tise Sfason. sehocl a'o. Th ulaj-.' hen you set your paper don't lit)re:id the advertisements for Il!'eui y.,u will find special bar- Tire TTxi-vr will - A 111. a. W -tl Tli reason why some town? 2 i'i' oitlo's, while others remain 1 1 iM.HT. IS Inli!i'is.- tlipr oral mn if an i oncrg- who are not afrai I pvii l time and money in erecting ''tics, ganizing etck companies Pk! "t'thf town n'l .Tif- sons, tlic'r families and spcc'nlly in vited guest were invited to remain with them. Q ite a nijmber tiaTing receyd invitations remained and all e. joyed a delightfil feast of good things, for there was plenty and surae left. - ' . I The speaker that was to address the people failed io cme on account f sickness. W hich was very much regrettea by all. Time and space bi 1 here, as the hour has arrived when we o to press. Bute's Creek Monday. Mrs. Wm. Stewart spent part of iast week iu Johnston. Messrs. J M and B F Stewart spent Sunday near Poo's. Mr. J D Long, c f Erie's Creek, spent Sunday in this section. Miss Li llie Gregory, of P..e's, is visiting in'this section this week. Miss Fannie Haes spent part of last week in Johnston, Mr. W II Coats and Miss Minnie Parrish attended church at Pine For est Sunday.' Mr. A C ILdloway was in this sec tion last week. " . An excursion train will leave Dunn next Monday, August 12th, for Vilminrton and the seacore. This will be your last opportunity to en joy a delightful day on t!ie seashore. and everyone who ctn, should not fail to go. 1 lire vas not one who went down on the excursion . a few weeks aro that does not want to co again, and we believe there are many nf them who will take advantage .of lhese extremlv c!:eao rates, this - j being the tast opportunity, and go again. To stand beside the waters of the augiy deep and see the waves as they play upon its throbbing bosom, and catch the fresh breez3 as it comes sweeping from across the sea, is a delightful e diyment that wo don't 'hue every day. While t'.ere are NOTICE ! If you want jour pron- eit'. Life or Live ity. Life or I.ive and purest Liquors is what you Stock insured come to .s"e me or drop me a postal and I vill go to bei 3'ou. FORSAKEN BOOM TOWNS KANSAS, should drink if vou use it at all. I N. C. oifer no other kind but pure liquors Jll Cotton Gins a Specialty. J. II. Kirkman, Agent, Smithtield, N. C. EUNN MARKET. Cokuect ei Weekly. IN, 1 Wre learned tint JonruB .gs nV en 1-! many oth. r sights to bahol.l ana ed another fishing froTic' Sa urday. us stop just ws r.ndpull together. If I'ill you 'rsh. Anil they a'l began to make excu- 'H rimes wlipn rrf ask n man 1 .no ii.r 'as county paper ne Th. L?e Hardware "Company wish to call special attention to their Kanawl.a Pump. Do;.'i buy a pump U'til you see them. The nicest hats in town will found at H. W. Jerniia & Co. Fid you catch a v.halc this time Jonah? Mess's. Frank Jtnd Jacob Stewart spent Tec-day at Seedtiek Acadv my. Kid bv.- Turlin jtda items Refreshing showers and crops are looking tine. iVfitrart pA rrpctinr troinc on at ! Pine Forest church this week con Uluctedbv Riv Allen Betts pleasures to enjoy, the . surf is the most delightful of all. Gu and don't fail to take this part in. Tra'n leaves Dunn at 6 o'clock and a: rives at Wilmington t 10:30 Round Hip fiom Dunn $2.00. Re member this is the last opportunity of the season, and that a day - spent by the waters wdl nevei be regreted BURST'S TURNIP SEED. CAMPHOR GUM, CASTOR OIL, Horse and Cattle Powder, SPICF, PEPPER. GINGER, CREA'-l TARTER. ' ' CONDENSED MILK, MATCHES. SCHOOL BOOKS. PAPER AND TABLETS, Corn Oats Peas Fodder Chickens Eg2 Bit'er Meat-, C R Side Ham, new Cotton Coffee Sugar 50 to 60c. 50 lo 55c, 60 to 60c. 10 to 20c. 07:. lit to .?()-. 3Jc, Co. 15 to 20. ' 5 to 6c. " per bu. "bun, doz. lb tc i. Accotdins to the WaU Street News the e are twenty well-built towns in Kansas without a single iiuUbilant to wiiken the echoes of their deserted streets." It is sait that Saratoga, one of these desert ed villageg, has "a thisty-thousand dollar opera bouse, a largo tricic hotel, a twentythousand-lo'ar; school house aiu a number of fine business houses with nobody I to claim even a place to sleep." All of this Mire about bv bominz on borrowed capital without resources enough t pay Uo interest. Peo pic moved away from these towns as a new way of paying old debts Turpentine. Y. D. $1.50 " bbl Turpentine V DiJ.t'O 2:irvelii ISenltx For the best cotton pith tnousands of ethers' ,j W. Jrnigan &Co, hot s,4 l r vtn.t. time, while . ,.f .j.irts at H. V, . .lernlgan A: to. r a s I tin ii:it fio nrivtliintr ,1 - " I'U vounty news. Sir h excu- 5--me people a'r go'iig '" "'Uii the world on Drop such A Cii-1 or rii;iil-- I and my wife take this method of thanking the people 01 Dunn for then Nicest "Prett:-t and cheapest line I 1 he public school in this district j m.ic!j anpr,ci:Uea kindness to u-! : in charge ot .ir. . i. "" 13 .(luri; g n.v lon: ana sennui counue ; afl uris!iing coa liti.in. mfcOt. We wdl alwavs rememlr CIGARETTES. TOOTH POWDERS. COLD DRINKS, 1 TOILET ARTICLES CRAYON, . TGBACCQ, I'ATENT MEDICINES. From a letter written by Rev. J. G1111 deruian. of Dirnondale, 'ilich.. we are pei milted to make thisextractt- "I hae no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New ' Discovery, as the results were almost marvelous in tin case of riiy CIGARS, wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist Church -at. Klves Junction fife was Keep Out or Ielt. in ar Eyerj man who would get on this world should ayoid debt, as as possible. From the very outset of his career he should resolve to, live withjn I is incotqe however small it may be. The art of living easily as to money is very simple: pitch your lniurht -down with l!ii-umoiiia succeed- I Li, Lr ; .. ; ir .1 CpLO&NE, hijr LaGrippe. Terrible paroxysms of j ' " a . it J1AHIIV UJttll USI.C9 UI9 couhin"- would l ist hours v.itli little in- your means. UVi-ir- ttu t trnpti.m and it seenifd r.s if . he colJ.1 aowftfal! from the day he began bor CHLWING bUik not survive them- A 'friend recommend- - . L ' v. Dr. King's Nev DWeoycrj- It was fS 'i'. " " piick in its wOrk'an'd highly satisfactory ligation, for that incurred, others foN l.rTKvT.'SKlS 'iSuS K noceMU.ti3 otter; tbU' :;(!.. ami 1.U'J. loiiow iue preiexis, exviiue. Him i. Still all sense of shame is lost, the hole life becorrcs a ftilurc, and ljLi CANDIES, BASE BALLS, LAMP GOODS, SNUFF. DRUCS, and r TIE MICA LS. o .is:i call at Miss Peggy William, a very old lhcm w. gratiJc.lo f"r ti eir i lidy of thissecti.jp. is right teo.e. . aUenljou and th.. many favors ;'..,-. lt.,i Mr. A. J. Turlington went up t rendered a poor helpless- sick m m ' Y; u are invited to cU and examine .olds and prices.. 1 ' leas mv brothpr mid- come 1 ' ' ' ' 1 Sl,PI,ort 3"our home pa- Li!ir:i 10 read. 'take lime, -and -3ve 1 l si tae cure for your count3'. Silvertine best Hour in town H. W.' Jerajgsn & Co4 at Raleign this week. Mr. B F Ls.-.gdon and Pra t. J ....-- . n :' v. ; w'silo d 'w n 5 n their ir.iist for ni 'C ; family ofj M10nt!is,"a'id ;f you net p re.rd : . ... . T n ., f - iu this sec.ion ih;s week. -t 4 --Oi Knrri'tfi floor fit ..J"k ; ' . Dot'EKELL. IL W , jeniigaii o. '" h.re tlere is a . ymir. sificorely. L- F. GoOD-.i'ui. Respeclfuiiv'. I). HESRT.BD 1) R U GG IS T, Twenty Years Proof. Tutt's Liver Pill-fkeep the bow els in naturalxnotion and cleanse the system of all impurities An absolute cure for sick heaclache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, con stipation and kindred diseases. "Can't do without them" R. P.. Smith, Chilesburg, Va. Satisfaction ; vrjtes don't know how I could ! do without them. I have had ; Liver disease for over twenty years. Am now entirely cured. Tutrs Liver Pills debtor in despair finally resolves jto ive by indirect lobbery and false mod. If you wish to succeed in il is world, and live a happy life with debt. . clcr conecience, avoji k CKAHCE TO MAIE MOIEYI I h-rl t. ( l -r- " guotl ibowi lu Oi la-t month I niai7ftlliB Uim Oi-b Wulm. I ti-iT urn ibin taka liM 1 they d. Wl.en muy m-b m u tiia dinf ! 11 er iHnhf, clen au-l Ur tw in ona ntiuutai tli7 l.ciy tbc ril.lar- AnMliecaii iake I fia riiiht at firie aT. I liar ' aaad. M an xiooa are the pfte for tl. I.T.ut tby fu I fur th-m. A i il-to theClinw -ifr. C.. Colaan t.iin. Uh.. and lh l 1 -r.' circ!ar. . j ia ay at-llinx rn-r) to-ly vaata to bay. I will niik 3.- tii rear i Dunn, N. C. janlCLf. OLD i'Al'i-I-S TUIS OFFICE. FOR SALE A