M i a 1 5 ! : v i . A r.' ! iil Six Gret Powers. There are six greatjpowers In Europe:. Russia, Germany, France, England,! Italy, and Austria. The four eastern! continents, Europe, Asia, Africa, Aus tralia, and their attendant islands, bar-: ring Japan's, aro apparently destined I to be entirelythelrs. At any rate, they vv'ant them. The field is large enough for six ambitions almost as dazzling as the great Napoleon's craze to rule the world. The two continents of North and South America are for the people already there, preserved from further conquest r Suit for Damages. If the New York lawyers who are prosecuting the suit for damages brought by the heirs of the Italian la borer Constantin Maro, killed in a blasting accident, can establish the facta which they allege they -will estab lish a valid claim for reasonable com pensation. Their statement Is that this poor Italian immigrant, earning $1.50 a day, put aside 23 cents a day for his own scanty food and sent .6300 a year to Italy to support his mother, three sisters and a brother. There is no truer heroism than that of this poor day laborer.- So long as such lives are lived by the plain common people and they are not unfrejunt they furnish a firm support for faith in human nature and for confidence In the future of the hu man race. The Red Cross Society. No doubt the Sultan has made as great a concession as he dares In con senting to admit Miss Barton and other members of the Rad Cross So ciety as individuals. In the present heated condition of Moslem fanaticism he raUrht find it dangerous to give of ficial recognition to a Christian so ciety established on an International basis. The Red Cress has been recog nized in heathen China and Japan, it Is true, but both are essentially more civilized tban Turkfv. "It should not be forgotten," says the New York Commercial Advertiser, "that British warships , with Krupp fiups could demolish Brooklyn and New York from e-Y sfaady Hook." Young men who are thinking of leaving the fans and going to the metropolis to fccel: their fortunes will do well to heed this. It is evident that tue Japanese are rapidly .becoiniug Caucaslanated, so to speak. Nyt only have they adopted "Western methods of business and war fare, but now they are founding a church whose treed "shall embody such truths as tLer consider agreeable to their taste in religion." How's ThU ! TV rfTer Or.e Hundred Dollars Re-ward foi &r.- esse of Catarrh that cannot be cared by Iiaii"b Ca'arr.i c'arc. F. J. Cn exe? & Co., Props., Toledo, O. TV;', the 'undersisrr.ed. Lave kuown F. J. Che ney for i he last 15 years, and believe him -t-ft-ctly honorable In ail business transactions unci linantraily avl to carry out any obliga tion made bv the .r firm. West fc Tkcax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. Ohio. Waldino. Kis-ait & Mabvut, Wholesale Dru?i?its, Toledo, Oh.o. Ha l's Catarrh Curs is taken Internally, act ing directly upon the b loo 1 and mucous sur faces of tae eystern. Price, 7x-. per bottle. Sold bj ail Druggit3- Testimonials free. It Took tbo Ribbon. Dear Sir: "Hsvirg U-f d several boxes of vonr Tetterixe. I can .cay that it is tho best remtdyl have ever found for fckin di-eases. A'ter failing -with Cstiura and orher similar preparation, thro igh th- recTnmndation of a fi- erid I trie t n !- x of Tktierixe, and t .to aipl:ca!ions was all that it tcok to effect a corri'lete cure of a breaking out onm? foot of longstanding. I thh.k it is the best salve in the world tor skin .isen?." Yours truly, R. B. A:exasdfr. Mt. Selma, Texas. 1 bcx by mi! frr 50c. in stamp. J. T. MiLPiRiNE. Savannah, Ga. Flop grows r3 in ahlnton an I Oroa are greatly disouraI over the outlook. Can tte sle cf an . .. "crier article cbnstantly iserisse. for a years ! Dobbins' Electric Soar bas len c:i the iiic-riet ever since 165, and is tc-day as ever, th. list an-i jntrtf family soar :ee je. Try it. -Xl-jx tcrccer Jrill frt it. There ar-'234.0v.O Uri.ish volunteers on :h roils at the present tiaae. ol whom 227,000 are fcfacient: Maney rprnt in I'nrker's Ginjer Tonic isM c'ii iavt sted. It sub lues pvn, and brings better uljesli on, belter strength and health. ,-tMnsr Svrup for children ' --" - - - infisTr.rna : "- - - : '. -'"c-. a bottle. FITS stopped free bv Dk. Kli.vk's Gn- v? Nekve HrsTOREit. No fit? after ilrst dav's ue Marvelous cures. Treatise and ?.0f) trial bot t.e free. Dr. Kline. Oil Arch St.. Phiia., Pico's Cure for Consumption has saved ire rtpnya uoctor's bi;!.-. F. Hardy, Hopkins' Place. Baltimore. Md., Dec-. 'i?i. Tear blood in Spring i almo-t eeriain to be full of impurities the accumulation of the witter months. Bad veatUation of sleeping rooas, impnre air in dwell . inc.. factories and shop?, overeatiog, hea-vy. improper foods, failure of the kidceys and liver prop -rly to do extra work thus thrust upon them, are the prime causes of this condition. It is of tho utmost importance that you Your Now. as Tvhea warmer weather comes and the tocic effect of cell bracing air is gon, your we;.Ic, thiD, impure blood will not furnish necessary strength. That tired feeling, loss of appetite, will open the way for serious disease, mined health, or Lreakias out of humors and impurities. To make pure, rich, red blood Hood's Sarsaparilla stands un equalled. Tiiousau&s testify to its merits. Millions take it as their fcprins iledicine. Get Hood's, because Sarsaparilla IstheOneTrueBl-cd Fur:fh?r. Alldrussists. 1 Prepare! oclr by O. L E.o-i & Co., Lowell, Hau. Hood's Pills are the only pill to take with HiKKi's sarsaparilla. i VtHi-Ut At I Li cc ' Beet syrup. Tastea Good. m lima. tv 3 rv (irranrM PJedioine Purify Blood LATEST NEWS IN BRIEF. GLEA5I5GS FR03I 3IAKY POINTS Important Happenings, Both Home and Foreign, Blefly Told. Southern News Notes. Thomas Jeffersen's birthday cele brated at Monticello, Va., by distin guished Democrats. Third Yice-Prosident W. WFinley, of the Southern Railroad, has resigned to go with the Great Northern Kail road. The Atlanta Exposition Company will sell the buildirjga of the Cotton States Exposition at public auction on May 7. Eleven persons were injured by a Queen & Crescent train, conpistiDg of four cars, plunging through a trestle in Louisiana. r W. H Stewart, whose home is in "Winston, X. C, while beatiug a ride ou a train"in Tennessee, attempted to jump off, and was instantly killed. Gen. John D. Kennedy, who was consul general at Shanghai, China, under President Cleveland's first ad ministration, died at Camden, S. C, last Tuesday of apoplexy. A Ductown'epecial to the Knoxville Journal says that John Smith and Ben Wehunt fell 200 feet into a shaft at the copper mines. Smith was killed and Wehunt was fatally hurt. Col. Jas. E. Pepper, the well-known distiller and race-horse man, has filed a deed of trust to the Security Safety Trust and Vault Company, of Lexing ton, Ky. The suit is in favor of a large whisky firm in New York. The Circuit Court at Pensacoln, Fla., gave Mrs. Anna O'Brien S2G.260 damages from the Louisville k Nash ville road, as the result of the killing of her husband on the Escambia trestle in 1690. The First National Bank of Bedford City, Va., has failed. Its capital was $50,000 and surplus and profits $23,000. Its individual deposits amounted to S68.000,. and tho bank owed 855,000 borrowed money. Bank Examiner Bargwyn has been placed in charge of the bank. Northern News Items. 5Tayor Strong has vetoed the -Great er New York bill. f Two men killed and two others seri ously injured by a freight train wreck in Pennsylvania. Charles ilorris, a condemned mur derer in jail at Xenia, Ohio, committed suicide just before the time for execu tion. j The President has nominated Leo. Bergholz, of New York, to be Consul of the United States at Erzeroum, Armenia. I Baron Constantine de Grimm, the well-known cortoonist, died in New York. He suffered from pneumonia and complication of kidney disease, j Capital stock of ths Lawrence Manu facturing Go., at Lowell, Mass., re duced from SI, 500, 000 to 875,000, be cause of Southern competition. Wm. Graves, of New York, files a petition for mandamus compelling Secretary Carlisle to deliver him 3100, 000,000 of 30-year i per cent, bonds, j The "Waterbury Watch Co. cuts down its force from 500 to 290, and reduced its daily output of watches from 1,700 to 1,000, on account of diminished foreign trade, The Chicago Fire "Works Company, at Gross Point. ' fourteen miles north of Chicago, 111., blew up, resulting in the death of two employes and the serious injury of six more The cause is supposed to have occurred by con cussion in the machinery used in making fireworks. "Washiuxtou. Ex-Mayor W. W. Gil Greenville. S. C. was found darf in Washington in his office. It is sup posed that it was a case of suicide. I The President has issued his annual Behring Sea proclamation, warning sealers from plying their vocation dur ing the peloic season, from May 1st to August 1st. I Senor A. Lazo Arriago, minister to Washington from Guatemulaand Hon duras, has informed the State depart ment that a Central American Expo sition will take pia.ee in Guatemala City from .March 15 to July 15, 1897. ! Pottmaster-GenerKl Wilson has declared that the "United States ex clave owntrs' registration bureau of Washington D. C," was in violation of the postal regulations, and was not entitled to the privileges of the mails. S ' Foreign. Election ruturns in Spain show 318 Conservatives to 106 Opposition. Two hundred Matabeles killed bv &n explosion of dynamite iu South Africa. AtDaunemora, N. Y., Joi-ef Zelamel, murdeier of Teres Konioro, was electrocuted at Clinton prison. Piev. George P. Knapp, the Ameri can missionary who was reeentlv ex pelled from Bitlis by the Turkish authorities, L- airiv. d -t AJcj.ro. The Cott n Exchange Statement. The Cotton PThnnfS Qfjitamor.t r.t Vjtr Orleans from September 1, 1895. to April 17, is hs ioiows: fori receipts 4.S05.3C3 aga:nst 7,601.711 Jat year, 5,592,573 vear be fore last and 4.6S3.923 for the same time in "?3; overlnnd to raiiis and Canada 733,442 a-ainst 106.S66, 768,773 and 783,108; Interior stocks in ex.e3 of September 1st, 213,973 iis;;iiast 151.477. 123.335 and 185,893: Southern mill takings against 646,263, 566.0C7 .and 547.V25; crop brought into sight from September 1st. to date, 6.557.725 pgainst 9.405,817, 7,050.743 and 6,lS0,to4: crop (brought into sight for the week 33,424 against . 0.315 for seven days ending April 17th, last year, 63,612 and 42.1S2; .crop brought into sight for the first 17 davs of April 130lls against 210,830, 133.197 and 110,949. Southern Competition. The stockholders of ihe Lawrence Mm. afacturiag Company, voted to discontinue the manufacture of cloth at the mills Lowell, Mass., to reduce the capital of the corpora tion one-half from $1,500,000 to $750,000, and to sell ail real estate, buildings, etc, in Lowell which will not be necessary for the manufacture of ut.derwear, hosiery and hosiery ya-cs. This action will throw out of employment many of the mill hands. The action was taken on the ground that the goods mills could not be run at a profit in scmpetition with the Southern mills, with iheaper la&or and longer houis. L The London Times admits that "there Is no particular sanctity in the Sehom burgk line." That peripatetic botanist should have rested content with the discovery of the grandest flower in the world and kept out of .international politics. In the opinion of some of the London editors every movement in this country 13 a political dodge. It Is true that the revolutionary war made one President and the battle of New Orleans another, but patriotic trigger-pulling had more to do with It than wire-pulling. COULD NOT BEAR HIS WEIGHT IHZ STKAXGE AFFLICTIOX OF LIT TUt WILBUR KOBIX'OX. tie Stopped GrowingLimbs Became UseleM and II e Wat Unable to Walk His Care Brought About In a Slng-ttlar Manner. From the Observer, Charlotte, N. O. Hearing that a child near Ion Station Lincoln County, had been greatly benefited by the use of Dr. Willlaaas' Pink Pills for Pale Peopl", a representative of .the Ohseter went thither to see and asoertaln the extent of the beneilt the child had received; Riding out on December 5, 1895, to a little country cottage in the pine woods, a mile distant from Iron Station, the reporter saw a bright-faced young , woman, a pure Anglo. Saxon type, with liyht hair aud blue eyes ttandJng in tho doorxay with two plump, rosy cheeked children half hiding behind her dress. Mentioning that he was looking for a family of Robinsons, the woman eeemed at first r. little suspicious. "You're a a ranger iu my eye," she said. "I am trying to nn a child named Wilbur Robinson, who waa greatly benefited by Dr. William,' Pink Pills for Pale People." The young mother smiled and a pleayed look came into her eyes as she said, "Come in." and added, "I guess that's the oiie," pointing to the younger of the two little boys. I; was an humble home, the family being composed of thai sturdy farming class that pees to make up one of ihe strongest and truest types of Northj Carolina's good people. Ihe husbauJ, R3bit0. Robinson, runs the f-.rm of 200 acres, but was o2 to the mill at the ilme. The mother, Carrie L. Rob'nson, told a re markable story of the care of her little boy from the ejects of la grippe. H?.-r aged, white-hitire i mother, Mrs. S.irah A. Baudy. Bat near and emphasized every word of the daughit-r. The little bov, Wilbur, who owed his recovery to Dr. Williams' effective rem edy, pliiyeJ about the house and yard, and wCs into" every conceivable kin i of mischief. It really see:cd that he inu3t have taken too many of Dr. Williams' P nk Pills, 60 great .was the energy with wcich.he prosecuted his E ranks. Thrae time? his mother bad to stop er conversation and rush out to rescue the reporter s Ucv'.e, which was laaning against the house outside,- and with which Wilbur was becoming almost too familiar. 1 his is the slorv the mother told: Wilbur was lorn August 8, 1393. He was a stout, healthy bc-y till ho was nearly five months old. Be. ween Christmas and Naw Year's he took ihe grippe. A physician at Iron Station attended him, and he was sup- posed to have recovered. But the after ef fects of the malady lingered with diastrous results. In March, 1391. his parents noticed that he could not stand upon his feet, al though before his taking the grippe he could do so easily. He could not bear the weight of his body on his feet; his legs were not growin? any nor the muscle in them develop ing. He was not treated, however, till in the fall, about the last of O -'tober. When Mr. Robinson took h!s cotton to Llnolnton, the county seat, he also carried his baby along, and a" Llncolnton phvsi?ian prescribed for him, recommending a lotion for rubbing his limbs. This helped the ohild only tem porarily. Twice afterward this physician whs consulted. He told the parents that the child might some day be Hb:e to walk ; nd, azaia he might not. They would just have to let him "grow along," ns the mother expressed It. and see what developed. At this period the child's legs appeared to be shrunken. As hi3 mother says they were "as soft as cot ton." Here was a bjy fourteen months old, who not oniv eoul ! not walk, but -could not bear his weight on his feet. Ia some way they do not .know how a pamphlet found its wav to the Robinson fa-r.ily. Old Mr-. Bindy tlshed It out of a bureau drawer. It had the picture of two dogs peeping over a fence on one cover, and on the other a herd of cows drinking iu a cool stream near a bridge. Both on the fence, en d on the bridge, on the resoeoiive covers, was this line: "Dr. Wililams' fclnk Pills for Pale People." "When I read that those pills would build up the bone, I felt that they were the things for Wilbur,'' f-aid his mother. V Old Mrs. Bandy sat up nearly all of one night reading this pamphlet, with all the testimonial it contained. A few days after they sent to one cf the two village stores and got two toss of the pill?. This was about the last of November. 1801. Before he had finished taking the flrbt box, the little fellow was able to bear his weight on his fe9t, and before the second box was all gone, he could bol l a chair before him and push it across the floor. We began by giving him a third of a pill at a time, afterward increasing the dose to a half, so thev held out a lontr time." said h:.3 ; mother. "We commenced the second box in i January, this year. We had to send to Lin-j-'colnton. eisht miles a-rvay. to sret the next j boxes. After taking the third box, in March, ! the child began to go a fe . steps at a time, but he didn't walk by himself till in Septem ' ber. The fourth box. or part of it, was ad ' ministerrd in Augu?'.T" ! The testimony of the mother was that the i child's appetite" and, indeed, his whole sys ' tern, was helped by tho use of the pil'.s. ' ' Mrs. liandy, who ha I been looking over a i sort of .U:iry"she keeps, at this point in the ; conversation, read this entry: "Sept. the ' 25th. Wilbur, begins to walk alone by him i self." j j "After he once learned to walk," said his j mother, "we could hardly keep him in sight of the house, and he was cured by four 1 boxes, lacking ten pilis. Mother says, and ; always hassaid, tho Lord directed somebody j to send us that pamphlet of Dr. Williams." "You really b-li"ve the child's cure is due ! to Dr. Williams' PillsV" was asked. ! . "I am really convinced the pills cured ; him," the mother answered. "I haven't the j- slightest doubt about it." ! And the boy's grandmother chimed in: 'Tci just as sure of it as I am of living. I'll take an oath on th6 Bible that that is what ! did it." j i The neighbors in all the section around the J little village of Iron Station know and talk j about the remarkable cure of this baby, who j mitfbt have been a cripple for iife had he not. even at the age of two years, one month and j seventeen day, been enabled to walk for the i first time bv the use of Dr. Williams' Pink t Pills for Pale People. ; This story may seem to the reader like a I fabrication, but is told as the .child's mother told it to the reporter. In order to show j their appreciation, Mrs. Robinson furnished the following testimonial and fiwned it. (She i says she is willing at any time to make i sworn affidavit to her st-it-xents): ' Irok Station, Lincoln Co.. N. C. December 5. 1?95. : My infant son. AVjibar Lee, ivn!er.:d un- able to ieara to walk by the effe -ts of the f' it f1. when he wa about five month old, hereby testify that he was entirely cured, i and the muscles in his leg deve'oped by the I use of h-33 than four boxes' of Dr. Williams' i Pink Pu:s for Pale People, si that h-is now j a h3it and hearty e.iild. I am entirely con j vinced that his cure is due 1 3 these piils. I also state that the -ibovi ?tp.'fnen s ma !e to ; the reporter of the Charlotte Observer are true, j C. L. Roeissox. I Sasah .V. Eaxdt. 1 R. O. RoBEETso, Witnesses. H. A. Banks. ) Dr. Williams Pink Pi Is contain, in a con densed form, all the el-ments necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are also a specific for troubles pe -uliar to female?, such as suppressions, irregularities and all forms of weakness. In men they effect a radical euro in all cases arbing from mental worry, overwork or excess--a of whatever nature. I-ink Pilis are sol i in boxes (never in loose bulk) !. 50'cents a box or six boxes for 3.50, and may bo tad of all dragidss, or direct by mail from Dr. V. iliiams' iledidna Com pany, Schenectady & Jt I ' ' J papers and books whteh you don't fully understand, and which you would 1 like to loot up If yott had some compact book which would give the In formation In a few Unes? not be Obliged to haailo a twenty-poual etoyclopfflilA costing 15 er t30. mm LI8HINC HOUSfi. 134 Leon II D furnish you postpaid, with lost roqh Illustrated, with complete baady Index. Do llTed? Who tudlt the Pyramids, and when? That sound travels feet per second What is trje longest rlrei la the world? That Marco Polo invented the compass in 1260 and who Maroo Polo was) What the Gordian Knot was? The book contains thousands jm f of explanations of just such matters as you wondsr mm df Q . 511 w about. Buy it at the very toic price of U J V half a dollar and IMPROVE YOURSELF. V CLEMEN8' WIFE AND DAUGHTER. They Accompany the Hnmorist and Author on His Lecturing Trip. Samuel Clemens, Mark Twain, the hv.morftt author and lecturer, Is happi ly married. He has a handsome home at Hartford, Conn., which is a center of the social and literary set of the IP VK.' V.IV,V ' - .11 JA. TK.t-: MASK TWAIN'S WIFE AND DATTGUTEB. ancient capital of the Kutmeg State. Just now Mr. Clemens is oh a lecturing tour In Australia and South Africa and is accompanied by hi wife and charming second daughter. Mrs. Clem ens is a handsome and accomplished woman and a famous traveler. She is a native of Elmira, N. Y., and when Mr. Clemens married her possessed a large fortune. . Why You Should Use li intercoms. It takes cut the corns, and then you have com fort, surely a good exchange, lie. at drusskta. Gladness Comes With a better understanding- of the transient nature of the many phys ical ills which vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts rig-htly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge that so many forms of sickness are not due to any actual dis ease, bi;t simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative, Syrup of Fig-s, prompt-13- removes. That is whv it is the only remedy with millions of families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness, without debilitating the orinns on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the genuine article, which is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, .and sold by all rep utable druggists. " If in the" enjoyment of good health, and the system "is regular, then laxa tives or other remedies are not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, thsn cue should have the best, and with the well-informed every where, Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely used and gives most general satisfaction. GENTS MAKE 85 PER DAY scIUdx r! trble pa inted device toe :wire sn-..ters a": anv ansl?. ' Suruv- "vu.ail,l3c. lei itcrv riven. Addres; i.tM.Sdif. Bow Co., ' . W. llth St ., . Y.Ciiy . Eorse ? How to Plot Ov.t a A "V. fJoo.10:.e? Kr.owiinprfe. tiers an-J ?o Gnarl against TT. td- rctect Disea.se anl Ar" ECect ft Cure hea use Is y pcis bis ? TeU the age by the Teeth ? What to call the Different r.irts of ti Acir ai? Hew to Eho a Horse- Frcp?r:j .' Ail t hi cd other Ta uabl Infom.atloa can ie obta'.nei by, teadiag our 100-lA(iE ILI.USTIt ATEU HoIl!E BOOK, whiii tre will forvrarJ, pist ad, va receipt ol ciiiy -J 5 cents in stamp EOOK PUB. HOUSE. 134 Leonard St.. New York City KEN AND BOYS! 'Aye! There's the rub!" that ought to be enough in itself to seal the doom of bar soap. This rubbing with soap ,tm And mm i f i I 1 r 1 u Strikes at the Root-men you take Brown's Iron Bitters you find it strikes at the root of the disease. That's the secret cf its mighty success. Whatever the symptoms, Brown's Iron Bitters attacks the cause speedily, vigorously, effectively and the symptoms vanish. GUARANTEE. Purchase money refunded should BaowN'S Ikox Btttms. taken as directed, fail to benefit any person sufiering with Dyspepsia. Malaria, Chills and Fever. Kicney and Liver Tronbies. Biliousness. Female Infirmities. Impure Blood, Weakness, Nerrons Troubles, Headache or Neuralgia, iiows Chemical Co., Baltimore, ild. av f la stamp sent te BOOK. PUB M oim iww - a book, containing 523 pages you know who Crcesus was. and wherar he ASK YOUR DEALER FOR W. L. Douglas S3. SHOE beMdThE If you pay 84 to 8G for shoes, ftx- amine the Douglas Shoe, and D see what a good shoe you can buy for OVER IOO STYLE3 AND WIDTHS, CO GUESS, BUITU.", and LACE, made In all kinds cf the best selected leather by skilled work men. "We make and sell more S3 Shoes than any other manufacturer In the Trorld. None genuine unless name and price is stamped on the bottom. Ask your dealer for our 85, 84, 83.50, 82.50, 83.25 Shoes; 82.50, 83 and 81.75 for boys. TAKE NG SUBSTITUTE. If your dealer cannot supply you, send to fac torv. enclosine trice and -b cents ; to ray carriage. State kind, style CI loe cap or pjainj, size ana v.idth. Our Custom Dept. will fill Tour order. Send for.new Illus trated Catalogue to Box B. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass WHAT IS ALABASTINE? A pure, permanent and artistic wall-coating ready for the brush by mixing in cold water. FOR SALE BY PAINT DEALERS EVERYWHERE. t A Tint Card showing 12 desirable tint, r R F F ai5 AlaLastine Souvenir Rook sent free I IIL.L. to any one mentioning this paper.. ALABASTINE CO., Grand Rapids. Mich. WE! HAVF NO AGENTS, er at wholesale prices. 6bT nywhera tnr exarainatiol befors!e. Every thiagwal raatrd. too Etyics of Car riages, 90 styles of Mar pais, 4 1 styles Ridfag 3( Gles. V. rite for ct&loffO. ELKHART , Carriage 4 Haroesa Ufg Ca W. B. Pbaxt. So. ElkbsrC loa. costs cotton planters more than five million dollars an nually. This is an enormous waste, and can be prevented. Practical experiments at Ala jama Experiment Station show conclusively that the use of amit 5) will prevent that dreaded plan1, disease. Oiir pamphlets 2re not advertising circulars Loom -g special fertilizer', ba: are practical -crks, contain- tha results ci ln;e;t exper!mect3 ia this lies. Livery cotton farmer should hsve a ccpy. They art itct fse for tilt a.-king. ... GL1KM.AN KALI WORKS, Nassau St., New Y mSi. OngllSBMorpJ.inc Tfmhlt Cnrfd In 10 I 1 1 1 1 to 3f ??ts. No pay till enred. a S 9stm CR. J. STEPHEN. Lebanon. Ohio. PARkESf'fi HAIR BALSAM Cleanse tad bcauties tio hair. Never Fails to Bestoro Qro Hiiir to its Yontliful ColorT 06 AJTD ( Bohool of 81aortlia.xi.cl ArJUtT., OA. Roteit books csed. Aetna: b aim ess froim day of nterinc. Bainess pipers, coi'qjs carrnoy aa i gi-odi n4d. for b-.ndsoDie'.y ii!otrti ct- I locoe. Board caoie t bia :n nj Sjuthern citj. Q A.BAY-SURE..J I Jni vs iil thon- you h SEND s your ddrecs how ta v.i tltc o a d..y : tl oiuiely turt ; we fur nbh the wui'k and teach you tree jou work in the locality where you ve; send us your rrfd-'s nnd we will exolala the busituss fully; reraernijer we gnar a itie a cl -ar ;rofi: of $.? tor every ttr'i wtirk; aW-lutPlr sur"t wrlie et ntit. rA(TVKLa tO.Pl.M, Box LI!, Uetrelt, Jlich. PAYING POSITIONS CJCAUANTEKO IN WRITING. BtudentV ompiets coursi! in HAT.F the timk at Half the EirtIl cf other co leges- H placed ast month. Addres.atooM UtOUGlA Ills. COLLEGE Macsn, Ga. GREY'S LIVER PILLS lor al: Liver Complainta, Co2t!pation, Bili une-a Toipiaitr, Liver Si-t?. Jaundice, ascitrs,tc SclJ by .:ru-gis;s or s. nt pre--.' id on receipt of price '2So TrUIsize. 10c. GP.EV 3IED. CO., 52 1-2 Bowery, x y OPIUM and WHISKY habits .cured. Book sent FBEE. lr. B. X WOOLLIT, aILAXTA, Ci. 8. a. U. 17. "Blight MM t-A.nr.u ii.wBr urv.ZiZiiii may get clothes clean, if you work hard enough, but can't you see how it wears them out ? Follow the directions that come on every package of Pearline, and you'll find that you not only do away with the hard and ruinous work of rubbing but that you save time, and actually get better results. At every point Pearline is better than soap. But the mere fact that Pearline saves trie rubbing that ought to settle it. "RTT 7T A "P Th r'idis lell you ' this is as ll-r VV XXiXiV-ood as" or "the sara? as Pear!- ine. li t AlL-rearr.r.e is never peddlsd. If your grocer sends you an imitation, be honest rerrd it'lack. 453 ! carloads of Cork Legs. Two carloads of artificial limbs left Berhn, fnr Vaoles destined for the unfortunate their mutulations the men are unwilling to retunSo Italj and that the government is Feturn 1? ir,rtmp- for them in Africa. iryiiio lL' means so much more than Imsfrlnp serious and 'fatal diseases result from 'trifling ailments neglected. Don't olav with Nature's ' greatest gitt neaiin. 1 ml.'. If vnii stefseJin-r nut nf sorts, weak Brown's and generally ex hausted, fiervctis, have no appetite and can't - v. prk. begm at once taK ing the mcst relia ble strengthening n;edicine.which is Brown's Ircn En ters. A few bot tles cure benefit ron 1 i itters rntnfs Ircm ilhe ver' tirst dase it nan sin:n yozcr leein, ana lis pleasant to take. Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, Constipation, Bad Blood Malaria Nervous aiirents 4. Vornens complaints. Get only the genuine ;t has crossed red r lir.es on the wrapper. AH others a; c :ud- ? siitules. On receipt of two 2c. stamps '.ve jr' Fair Visws and book free. t' XBROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTSMCRE. I'.D. j CAFE FEiR HiBKB 7ALLET R'l Joss Gux4 BcelTsr. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. In Eff&ct boe'r. 8th, 1893. HOEIfi B0O"I. No. 2. Dally, lft.-?e Wilinlhtfton........ 7 25 a. ra irrta FayetteTille , . i . r. .10 35 leaVe Fayetterlll ...,.;.... i .. .10 55 Leave Favetteville Juacti6a . , . .10 57 it ii i Leave Baalord, ;...12 19 p. m. Leay Climax. . . . . , n 2 2 ArriTa Criaenflb$f&...j-.. 2 66 Leate Gxan3boM..li.. 3 03 Leave StokesdaJs . . . .r. i 8 S3 Arrive Walnut C'$v6..Vi i.V...VJ.. 4 31 i t t it ii Leave Walnut Cove . . . . ; ; r ; ,Y . S3 i f , Leave Aural Hall. ...... Arrive lit Airy Ho. 1. Dally, eave Mt. Airy. 9 S3 a. dv tiriTjnMl Hall "TZr -'-TTi! - 11 ftS Arrive Walnut Co tt . . T , V, . i ; i I 41 W Leate Walnut CoVi...:i,,.,f..ll ii ii Leave Stokeed&js . . . . , , . . . m . .12 12 p. z Arrive Greensboro ,ir . ..r...X2 68 ' Leave GreensDoro. Leave Cllrnaaf. , f . . . mm 1 09 132 3 13 Leeve Sanlord Arrive Fayetteville Junction .'. i 4 30 Arrive Fayette ville.. Leave FayettevjUe.. Arrive Wilmington . . 483 . . . 4 45 7 55 KOBTH BOrSB. No. 4. rally. Leave Bennetts ville. 8 25 a. ro Arrive Maxtcn 9 23 Leave Maxton. 8 29 Leave Red Springs 9 55 Leave Luaber Bridge 10 12 Leave Hopo Hills 10 35 Arrive Fayette viiie 10 52 a it M II serin croyy. Leave Fayetteville Leave Hope Milis Leave Lumber Bridge. . ... Leave Bed Springs". Arrive Maxton.. Leave Maxtcn.!... Arrive Bennetts viiie 4 33 p. m. 4 5 20 .... 5 42 C 12 G 13 7 20 ti soit-.u T,xyv. (Dailv E-cept Sunday.) Ho. 16, Mlid. Lea r a Ramsear 6 45 a. m. Leave Climax. ; 8 55 arrive Greensboro 9 20 " i.eave Greensboro... 9 33 "' j .0. vo HCoL f-adale 10 50 ' Irrivo Malison. 11 50 " ; EOVTTI ? r.fsr. (Daily Lxeei-t bJDd;;v.) ! I K i. 15, Mixed Leave Madieon 12 25 p. ra Lcae Stokesdaie. ...... 123 " Arrive Greensboro 2 35 " Leave Greensboro 3 10 ' Leave Climax... 3 55 Arrive Itaaiseur . :5 50 KORTH BOUND CCSS r fl !'.-:3 at Fayettevilio wiih Atl.it.j c.yjt Line f all poiLts Nortli end Zasr, at j. -furd with the Seaboard Air Line, at Cr.. hiLoro with the Southern Balhvjv Cuiin a:; v. at Walnut Ccvo with tho Nortcik i W.vieu Raiiroa4 for Wineton-deir.. sorxnnorxD ccsneciicxs at Walnut Cove wi?h the NnrToik & Western Itailroad for Boa!uK aad points north and west, a; Greer.sooro with the Southern Rail way Company for Raieigh. llichmcnd and. all points north and east? nt Fayetteviili -with the Atlantic C-ast I ne for all point! South; at Maxton with the Seaboard AirLin for Charlotte, Atlanta and all points eoutk and southwest. W. E, KYLE, IK W. FBY, Gea'l pg. Ant ! Oen'l Maniffr. j HOW DO YOUR FEET 1 .grns or run np 1 mt m V r . . ' M EW Accident Insurance 19 foot-shaped made from the best Tanned Calf Skin-Uoft, solid leather all over cork filled, water-proof sole. A GENUINE 90 DAYS ACCIDENT INSURANCE POLICY FOR 3100. 00 Koes with every pair. Examine 'em at your dealers. - T J -Ai L-eAvis Co., Makers, Boston, 3laJ 9 O a 9 AVOID ulk Bad Pure l soda the best soda, comes only in packages. bearing this trade mark " It costs no more than inferior package soda never spoils the flour always keeps soft Beware of imitation trade marks and labels, and insist on packages bearing; these words e 9 e & 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 1 km an only by CHURCH & CO-. He- Yor i Writs for Arm zrA li--ncr Hr ' C ceS208e999S090909fe3Qe7 Beat His Boy to Ieath Jacop Carson, a ix-year-old ni-gr0 died from the effects of a beating ia Cv?' lestoc, B.C. His father, Abraham CurC' Is charged with the murder. Mary Ca.r' the dead boy's sister, was an eya witness0? the brutal scene. i. 7 t 7iLf;iifiGi 33 & ?aD0ffS : AND BRANCHES, AND riiOBENci: KAILRob, C0KDEN8ED SCHEDULE, MASCH H 159. irtrirtrtrtririrtrtr . TBAI"S O0I5O BOTJTH. Leave Weldon 11.55 a. m., 9.44 p. a . rive Bocky Mount, 1.00 pi. ra., 10.33 vCra Leave Tarbbro. 12.12 pi m. . 1- . Leave Bocky Mount, 1. 00 p. m., 10 39 TO. . o.-o a. 111, Ai.ii v u. Leave Wilson; 2.05 p m 2.10 pm. Tsve SAlm.i. 2.53 n m. 11.18 pc, 6.20; a Leave Fayettevnie, i.ou pn, 1.15 a a. Arrive Florence, 7.25 pj ra, 3.14 a m. Leave Goldaboro, 3.10 p m, 7.05 a i&. Leave Magnolia, 4:16 pj m, 8.10 a m. Arrive Wilmington, 5.45 p m, 9.45 a a. I TBAISS GOIXO '0H7H. Leave Florence, 3.15 a m, 7.40 p m. Leave Favetteville. 10.53 a m. D.40 p m Leave Selma, 12.32 p ni Arrive Wilson, 1.20 a rri. 11.35 p in. Leavo Wilmiaston, 9.25 a xa3 7.00 p a. Tsro MAfmoIi3:-l0.52 a m. S.30 n rn Leave Goidsboro. 12.01, a m, 9.36 p a Leave Wilson, 1.20 p m, 11.35 p a. 1 m, 1.00 p m. 1 Arrive Rocky 3Iount, 2.17 p m, 12.11 11.05 p m, 1.33 p m. T.eavfl Tnrhnro. 12.12 D m. i a, Leave Rockv Mount. 2,17 p m. 12.11 a a. Arrive Weldon, 3.32 p nv 1-01 a m. j j Train on tne aeotsanu eas. -uranea E 1 . ti -,! In- O tv TT a 1 i f -i -c t J r kLI oa j leaves iiaauuu.u'j y - j m, rives 3eot!acd Necs: at 5.05 r m.-Green' ar- 6.47 p m, Kinaton 7.45. ( Beturuinsr, leav Kinston 7.20 a rn, Green viue iSie 8.22 a m. arnv Weldon 11.20 aa fng Halltax at li.uu a m Trains on Washington Branch leave Wash- mglOn o.lU ii 111, etu-a o.w y airive far- mele 8.50 a m, and 4.40 p m., TarLo'ro 0.45 a ia; I returning, leave Tarboro 3 30 p a. far taele 10-20 a m. and 6 20 p m.. arnv? vt. ington ll 50 a m, and 7 10 p m., .d:i:iv. f.jert Sunday. Connect with trains ou S -otlaai Neck Branch. I 3 Train leaves Tarboro. j. C, dai.y-i at 5.39 m. arrives Plvmouth 7J35 p m l:v:rm- eaves Plvmouth 7.10 a ta, arrive Tarboro 9.45 am. Train on Midland, N. Goidsboro dailv, except C. Branch, leave Sunday. C 00 a in. returning leaves Smithfleld 7.50 a m , arrive; Gr-Msbor-j 9 15 a in. ,1 Trains oa Nashville Branch leave Rife Mount at 4 30 p m. arrives Nashviili 5 05 p m, Spring Hope 5 33 p m Brturii:-'. k-aves Spring HoDe 8 GO a m, 2ashv;iie 2 ii j a : rivfl at Tt-iPif Mount at 9 05 a m. diiiv i '.arts- cept Sunday. I . Trains on Latta BrancS. Florence K. 1ava T,ftn filflnm. arrive Duaoa: 7 IE.. W p in. CUo 8 05 p ra. 'Returning, leave Clio -7, Gj a m, Dunbar 7 2'J a m, arrive iatta ;s ij a m. daily, except Sunday. , Train obT Clinton Branch leave? Warsaw for Clinton daily, exeeptjSuaiay. at. 11 10 a m. and 8.50 p. ra. Returning leaves Clinton 7 00am and 3 00 p m. ' ! . Train No- IS 'makes close connection at Weldon for all points north daily, all rail via Richmond. Also at Bocky Mount with Nor folk: and Carolina railroii ior Nc-rfjik aai all points Sorth via Norfolk. j Genera! K::33r,. - 3. F. DIVINL. ' I G-n-rrcii Sup'tj .-' T. M. -j I Tranlc MitLn-er.'' ID Tradesraris, Caveats, Lat-sl? and Covy rights promptly procured. A 4o-Fa9 Boole Free. Send sitetch or. Mode-: Free Octnioa to Patentility. All business treated, aa sacredly con.etnia rwenty yeiirs' experience. Highest re:ei nces. Send for Sook. Addrcsj j ff.iT. FIT28ER610-, "S AS THE WORLD MUViiib.UiN bu DOES OltR JOB PRESS. W7 JB k k k T nerft are a erekt mav chang es made in all kinds of business. We especially call your auc tion to ! f HE UiON JC5B We have nst put in a bran3 new JOB outfit, and by doing the work ourselves we are able to Compete with any house w the State in styles, prices and quality. Remember we do anything from a "Visiting cap to I circular 24x30. Send m your a orders, thev shall have our prompt and careful atten-? tion. Address I THE UNlu:- FEEL ? ousters ! - m , Soda.! soda, spoils good flour. , c- a!:- i I 01 a IS I I f i 1 1 ! - , w i IP A ! 1? i X a ABI&! SSI 1 : I I ? i

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