cone .c; UNION xvi-.DN'EpAY, September 30. ;sqo. DUNN, 1ST. C. ! SI2:CZAI... orders for job work must be vf!iii one half vJitn order is -given and the balhwce when delivered, Thirty! iwjs v.Uoiced on advertising. : LOCAL DOTS. Market Turpentine, Y. D.1 50 " V. D. 1:60' . '-Cotton 71 cents. To day is the last of September. Registek Saturday. Don't fail. Ses that your name is registered 02 the registration books. ,-Ti:e commissioners court at Lillington next Monday. ; -r-TniRTY three more davs meets until the election. Democrats get to work. 1i7iLL populists 7CQ for a gold bug republican to go to the legisla ture? A good rain Monday night 'and Tucs'lij morning. It will help po tatoes end turnips. Our merchants are all having an exceptionally good trade this fa!). J,Ve have the best botton market this gidc of "Wilmington. Miss Caro Taylor left Monday evening for an extended visit to rela tives and friends in Tatnall county, (Georgia. Only three moro days to register the next three Saturdays between the hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m. Miss Gertrude Hardee, left on the noon tram Monday for Littleton, N. C , where she will enter tho Lit tleton Female College. vv We learn that Mrs. J. II. Byrd, pfAverasboro tqwaship, died last Thursday night. Sho leaves u hus band and one child to mourn her death. . When a man says his friends wants him to run lor an ofjhe, his riends are generally in tho otijer party. At least this rule has work ed in one instanco in this county. : Tiiere is a new registration in Avcrasboro and Upper Little River townships. Democrats don't fail to . go and register. Tell your neigh bors about it and et them to register. On Sunday morning last at tho hone of the bride's parents in Samp sou county, Mr. Jesse Franklin Wil foq and Miss I -no M.Phail were happily unitcd in marriago, Jlv. II C. Jackson performing the ceremony. Dunn has a good livery staMu now. Mcssis Godwin & Lane have aided quite a number of good hoiseu and buggies to their stock. You can get a nico turnout from them at moderate rates. The wedding bell has" remained silent in our town for many months. It certainly cannot bo said tbat our fair sex have all passed the marriago able age. Perhaps they are all satis fied, or sanctified to some foreigner who has not yet turned up. Cotton is Selling to-day for 7. C5 to 7 75 per hundred. There have teen twenty thrco hundred bale sold bere this season up to date. There is now about seven hundred balc3 cn the yard. The high prices that our buyers pay brings it to this market. Men who have no more respect ' for themselves than to como to town and ge drunk and act in a disorderly manner cannot expect anything else but to bo locked np. For tho past few weeks several havo sobered up in the guard house. "The way of the transgressor is hard." The religious, organ and" the preacher who cant find anything else to write about and preach about but baptism and sanctifieation had better run patent medicine advertisements .and tell ghost stories something ti f interest the children. But best of all pray for a baptism of tho Holy Ghost. We would suggest to our city fathers that they have the streets cleaned, especially in- the -business part of the town. 'Some of our citi zen will will haul the trash off for littering if they will have it raked up.' It would add much to the appearance mr town if the streets were swept occassUnaly. Mr. Cuaeles I. Stewart, of Roanoke, Va.p visited relatives in this countv last we&k. lie was here ' Tuesday for awhile taking tho noon wain for home. Mr. Siewart is a 'dative of Jarnett and was at ono time'editor of the Courier at this piace. He is now owner and editor 1. 1 f'f the Uoan(0ke Daily World. -lie jst: A telegraph pole near the depot T-o uivwa oown dv the storm terday evening; " . - yes- Wkls you come to tcvra bring '-a - iojgci wood oz. yea? scb tioa. tiC3. W c can t keep warm on poli ins laaies of the Presbyterian cnurcfa gave an oyster sapper at Hote Divine Friday night. Quito a nic cuui ui muaey was- raised for the caurch. riiE storm f yesterday evening was quiio severe m tbis section. A good deal of feqce rras blown . down and the cotton in the fiolds was blown out. to a considerable exten$. -Ma L. M. Maxn, of Fort Torth, icxas, came in to-day on the noon train and p'aid us a pleasant call. Harnett u his old home., He left for Bunnlevcl this afternoon to visit rel atives and friends. Tiiere will be a Sunday school convention held at StoDy Run church in Sampson county four miles from xJannneit Saturday and Sunday. oeverai ibonools will be represented and each" will have a choir which will sing for the convention. Ypu arc potlreating us fair when you wait until you havo paid every body else efore ycu settle your sub scription, our book Wehavosomo names on thai havo been running two years, and we mu3t insist that you pay us. v The Lit tl o River Primitive Baptist Association was held with Hickory Grovo church in Johnston county 10 miles from Dunn last Fri day, Saturday and Sunday, pearly ail our peoplp attended oa Sunday. There wal quite a number of visiting Eiders and brethren -in attendance, i he congregation Sunday was esti mated at ,000. The congregation was very quiet and orderly for such a large one.- ! ' - " TfiEmany friends of Mr. II. L. Grodwin will be pleased to learn that he has located in Dunn for the prac tice of law. This is his home, and i . ... . Dunn may well bo proud cf this bright young son. He has by his own exertions and hard study iu3t graduated; at tho. University Law School end has obtained his license. He pmniijea'to rnke an excellent appearance iu the bar and before the jury; and his gifi . of oratory i3 nat ural. "We bespeak for him much fucpess in1 bis native couity. His card will appear next week. Sixty one applicacts applied to ihe Supreme court on Monday for license to practice law. Fifty-four passed" the examination. Seven failed to pass." Amcng theso who j.assed were Prof, J. C. Clifford and Mr. H. L. Godw;n, of Dunn, and E. S. Smith cf Cumberland. Mr. Godwin and Mr. 'Smith camo heme yesterday afternoon.' Prof. Clifford will arrive to day. ' jVIessrs. Godwin acd Smith havo just completed tho law course at Chapel Hill; Prof. Clifford at Wake Forest. .Mr. Godwin and Prof. Clifford will locate in Dunn. We congratulate the young gentlemen upsn their successful examination and wLsh them much success in their chosen profession. . They are ener getic and ambitious young men, well equipped for the practice of - law und wo predict for each a splendid success. Last week we stated in our col uum that Eider J. F. Hill,- pastor of Prospect church, would address the free silver club at Turlington school house cn last Friday night. Elder Hill called in to boo us Mon day and said that tho annuncement was made' without his consent. That while ho was a democrat of the "first water" he took no active part in politics and as a minister of tho gospel ho could not address political gath erings. Eider Hill is a resident of Aaron, Wayne eauuty, and prefers to battle against the hosts of satan, and work for the up-building of Christ's Kingdom than . to bo dabbling in political speech making which some of the preachers of the land aro doing. Sinco writing the abovo we notice that Elder Hill was nominated for the House of Representatives last Satur day by the Democratic convention of. Ifayne county. From U. G. Taylor'rf icarninoth stock of Mens', Boys' mul Cliildrens clothing in the Culbrcln ' building 1,000 suits will bo sacrificed within the nest oO days. : ' Best coffee, fiu'rt sugar, and meal at F. P. Jones'. " . Chipped and - canned beef, potted ham and 1J kinds offrcai"' canned goods at F. P. Jones-. . . ' - Nutmegs. GirSir.r. Rpicft, Cloves a:nt Ciatiatnon at F. P. Jones'. bai? met in' convention and named its standnri bearers. ' Tno convention put oat; acn- of the ' be'et moral and bc?ine?s character to be found in the eounty.- AH of them .are of ucquph- tionable character and have the best interests of the county and her pacplo at heart,- and last but not least none of them are'ehrcnio oSce eetkers. The republicans, and populists neld their conventions Monday (an ao count of which eppears in another column) and put cut a ticket 'together. In olher words they formed a co-operation or fusioji to heat tho democrats. The principles. of the two parties on the affairs of tho nation as laid down in their platforms is as different as nght Is from day, yet under this co operation or fusion to beat the demo crats the populists agree to vote for a' republican who would voto for United States Senator who will Vote for tbe republican idea of finance which 13 tho gold standard. The per- eonel pf the ticket is good, eo far as wo know.; They are men . ot charac ter and good business qualifications, but their politics is not stable They 111 join with almost anything to de feat the democrats. This was , the controlling iL&uenco in their coaven- Men cfjHarnett. Honest men. Men who ! desiro good government and the laws of tho county Honestly and economically administered, which of tho two tickets will you support to rule over you ? Ycu must decide between now and November 3rd. The one has-a ticket ia accordance wf"th t - the platform of its party in the nation; the others havo laid party aside and fused, to beat the democrats, for of fice and. nothing else. They say to you,, give us cruce; let the people go to the devil; give us office; office is what we want. ou remember what fusion did for you two years ago. llow many ne groes in the Stato of North Carolina holding offico to day from the tffects of fusion ? That fusion ' legis ature made it possible for - negro registrars to administer oaths to you before you! conld voto. You saw usion give a 5 a day placo to a black negro in preference to a one- egged confederate soldier. And other thiags we could mention whi';h i3 j Jot as bad, you saw. Now which will you servo. "He that is not for me is against me, make up your mindi. and .make- them quickly. 'Choose ye this day whom yo will 1 - serve. i - ' Since the above was put in type we learn that one condidate on the usion ticket has buch a privaLe char acter that many of his own party will not support him If you "like rich Milk and Butter feed your cows on Bran, for sale by Lane & Co Just thipk of it, we are selling Coffeo for 113 pr pound and all oth- rr Grocerita ' verv cheap for casu at Lane & iCo's . r V Gat our prices on "Meat, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, tobacco &o., befor3 buvin2f. Line &, Co Wo aro headquarters for Ckes, Crackers, Cindy and in faGt evcry- thicsr vou Want nice to eat at Lane & Co's. Pride of Rjid3villc Smoking to bacco 40 cents per pound at Hood & j Grantham's. For Machine Oil go to J D Barnes Ladies Button Shoes for G5 cents at J. D. jjarnca'. . ' - For Tobacco, Fiour, and Csffce call on J. D. Birnes. . Gin Oil! at 25 cents a gallon at Hood & Gpntham's. -' ' Best 25C Tobacco at Hood & Grantham's ; Fresh Apples, cabbage and home made syrup at F. P. Jones. . Rememtier the little account you are now due us on subscription 13 badly needed and yoitr prompt settlement will be appreciated. Remember the promise you irjuie b. Will Vou keep it ? , NO MATT33B , If our name isn't "blown -in the bot tic," but it is oo 'matter if sonw drns: gist does ty to palm oft" ''something just as good," you will find, that he- liasn ! anything Vi't-t as irood-' as RIIEUMA CIDE, the! great constitutional cure for nhcuniiitin. in shcrt there Un't any other absolute ciu-e for rheumatism on the market. It is a - new disco very- Don' t wait until you become a cripple. J ia cured now. ltheumacide is sold in Dunn by Ilood & Grantham, in Smith field by llood Dros. ! . ' Au. 2G-4m-E.Q.'W. - . ' ."VTOTrcB! The registration books of -both precincts in Averasboro town ship vilJ Te cpn :it their rsectivc vvs plac'. on ''Iturdayw .ptclubor 26th r -'iiuied by U , -1 .4. ?a!l of 1896. R!EW' ; STORE 'Frcs.i frcm tl.e markets and leading fact..riesof the North I p csentto the, pe p!e of this vicinity t!:e grandest display of goods ever mule in Dunn These goods were selected by me ?n persou aud with an exoerincftd knowl. edge of the bard times and a scrnMnfzing.eye to the interests of my cus tomers, I guarantee-goods to mor(Than meet the expectation of the closest b;iyerg. " v. ao in who trade at Dunn. I trould say that I have a very large and attractive line'of F i'i-E DIS: E:SS, G;0-0 D';S.:: Thecp goods are in great variety, with trimmings to match, and . at ' pace's surejro please you. ; Ladies fine Shirt Waists worth 1.75 reduced to 75c. My line of MENS BOYS' and CIHLD11ENS' Clothing fs immense. All raes and stales, You will Lave to see it to appreciate it. 5000 PAIRS SHOES ? now on exhibition doice stock all styles and priics. My stock of H3tS and CspS varied and complete. Also a full line of Groceries tind Farmers' Supplies always Mateiial &c, alwa3'S on hand. " BQF'T FORGET CASKETS. BURIAL ROUES &c., hll my old stand or .at the Culbreth building next door to J, D. Barnes, Cune to see me and I will please you lar savsd is a dollar made," ' ; , j : H.. se21-3m. Tfic Popy and Huds ffhig e. , Tho much talked of fusion conven tion met at Lillington on Monday : last, and did tho work; in form, which, had already been done by the leaders in fact. To all appearances great harmony between "the 'reformers" and tho republicans prevailed. The demands of the negroes were eought to bo met by the nomination of L. B. Chspin, who i3 probably tho most ex treme republican in tho county, for the' legislature. Ia bis speech to tho negroes he said that ho belonged to a family neither ono of whom, had ever voted anything but a republican tick- j et, acd that he would vote the samo in this election from VcKinley to to ivnship constable. The balance of ths ticket was then made up of pops and rads according to rule. Amcng tho nominees is ex- shoriff J. A. Green who is their can didate' for county commissioner. . The democratic party has done a great deal for Sheriff Green", having kept him in office for years', but thirst for oQce will often swallow up gratw tude, patriotism and everything else. "Cromwoll, I charge theo to fl ng away ambition, for by it angels fell - and by it you will find your grave." The ticket is as follows : For sheriff, J. H. Pope, pop. For Register of Deed3, J. McKay Bryd. Pop. f . '. For Tresurerr Goo. bpenco, pop. For Coroner: !j. J. Wilson, Rep. For Lgislature:L. B. Caapin, Rep. For Commissiojers: J. A. Green, (mugwump we suppose,), Neill Mc Leod, rep, Hannibal Bizzel!, pop. f.Ct Every Democrat Atleiad. There s?ili bp a meeting of the democratic club at the town hall next Monday night at 8 o'clock. " Eyery democrat in the township is requested to attend. ,Wp want to mako this melting an important one. There is some-work to bo done which is im portant to democrats, and we want all to meet and make arrangements to do it. We want both of our regis trars to be present. It is important that wo should hold this meeting and havo-a full atten dance. .We wish to assign every democrat to some special work. We must defeat the enemy in this county. Hernttt must not send an old line moss-back republican to tho , legisla ture to vote for Jeter C. 'Pitchard for United States Senator, tho fol lower of McKinley: and tho gold standard. . To defeat them thero is some work to do. Come cut to the town ball next Monday night aid let us get to work. ' ' j;" "'';' . '.. -. John A. Oatks, Ch'm. A. M. Woodaia, See'y.. Gainey & Jordan, Jewelers, keep constantly on hand a carefully select- ed stock of Jewelry, Musical Icstrn ments. Eye Glasses, and Sewing Ma chines. All goods guaranteed. . Re- nairicg doae at short notice. NT R3EW- bo'ODS; - . ' " , ' ' ":- aies kept on hand. -Lime, Building tbatI carry Tm line of c?Fs, styles and prices, T)an be found at in both-goods and prices. "A doK ' Respectfully your9, Oi' Will You BSelp? This has been and is a campaign of education. The -people are ready and desire to be informed oa the money question. ,Fvery voter who hag not reading matter on the subject should havo it. Wo havo a plan for all to get it, provided the friends of silver will help us. Will you help? "Here is our plan. Prof. Edward -A. Ross, of the Uni versity of Chicago has just writ.ten an able little book of 64 pages on the money question entitled- "Honest Dollars." v Senator Jones, chairman of tho National Democratic committee, has given it his endorsement, . and desires a great circulation for it. " A scriptural allusion to the subject of tho book if found in Deuteromony XXV-15, "But thoir shalt have a perfect and just weight, a perfect and just measure shalt thou have." Tbe price of tho book is ten cents. Now to all who send 15 cents to Tiie Union and tha names of-threo per sons and their, post office- addresses whom they would like to read the book, wo will send each - of them a copy by mail; - v : Friends of free silver this is an op portunity for you to help dducato a doubting friend. . - Remember it is 10 cents for a single copy.: Tiie Union make3 the special rate of 3 copies for 15 cents. Send in the money and-tho names of those to whom you wish it sent, written plainly. Address, ' y The Union, Dunn, N. C. NOTICE ! The tax books of the town of Dunn have been placed in my hands for tho colleetiop of the taxes for 1S9G. All tax payers will please call on me and settle at ' ence. Very respectfully, ; - M. L Wads, -4 - Tax Collector. B I hereby notify the publie that have opened a Boarding House in the building next door to the PcstOfSce. Board byvthe day, week, or month. Rates reasonable. Single meal. 25 cents. " 1 solicit your patronage and will endeavor to please you. JOHN STEWART, Dunn, N. C. ENGINE SUiTLIES. 1 keep on hand all kind of ENGINE FITTINGS, such as Valves, Steam Guages, . Piping and .Belting.- r 1 - "!.:".' If you need any repairs on en gines, see me or drop me a card. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Drive Pumps, Pitiher -and Wood, cheaper than cay one else. - - Owen Hocston, " Dacn, N. C. 7 2 ia- !-fmRiiFisriS.o:issu FREE SILVER IS HOOD $ HAVE THE MQST SOAPS, and all kinds of Sundries ever ofiarea to thq trade in this country. We will sell you PURS DRUGS r as cheap as any one. SCHOOL BOOKS, SLATES ana all kinds cf TABLETS on hand. WE DRAW NO PARTY LIKE ; EVEUYBODY IS -WKLCOMK . AT OUR STORK. THANKING OUP WE REMAIN ixEADY TO SERVE TliEM'lN TliE FUTURE. " ? . TRULY, D. II. HOOD. , G. K. GRANTHAM. . STILL TO N. B. HOOD- , With tho Largest and Best Selected County. ; - ... - - Hoor) -"DRIlCfilSTS IP Sell Drugs as cheap as they can be bought 'iu tho Stite. We keep in stock constantly a " v . '!'.: ' " i FULL LINE . .- ;!;-. .' , . i. .:- - .... .- j. j. ..."--. ! of Drugs Medicine, Toiret Articles, Perfii miry, Soap of ull kind BruihQl Purses, .Sponges, &c. " -' - ' I Stationery, and ail School Snpplrei Cigars. Ciiaro'tes, Cherimts. Pjpes Soda, Starch, and Pearline, snufT, and Tobacco. A full !irjo of. SppQtaolo and iy any other ar.icles. . V . ; j : We thank all for pa3t patronage: Be sure to pall oh u you " ij treated politely, fairly, aqd squarely. , , , Remember the place. USKE - All D. WARE OUSE, : : t oa.' ' Leads all others through thij .section in i . " j , BUiLpma MATERIALS AflDFARMiIMPLEMENrS.STOES.& A large and well selected stock of all kinds of Hardware constantly ; on -hand The celebrated BUCK COOKIE ( STQVE3 and JJUOIC3 Jr , RANGES are the best ba the market. We cordially invite you to call and prices to suit. .We have what you want - HUSKE Fayette ville, N- C-' IIIW The qutst:on of Making Dollar is ono that is just now agiiatlq the peo lc of this country. Some want them made, one way cn 1 sonp another. EVERYBODY C ATT MAItE DOLLARS- ; The way i easy. Y"ou can save dollars and a d.ollur saved ione mvl? b' tradidg atjmr store. We sell almost and can save you money in buying your shoes m mi Our stock is complete now. Cill seiotf, ' STILL 10 IHE with a carefully, selected stock o the finest liquors ever brought t Dunn at my old stand on Broad street. and my new stand on Lucknow Square. ' ' ' - ' ' ; " . - The J. A. BURNS' k r CORN WHISKEY, OSCAR PEPPER, " . 1 OLD DEN FY, GOLD DUS.T, VIRGINIA CLUB . , and MALT RYE. PURE CIDER BRANDY, - ' ' w?s. 1 CIGARS. TOBACCO, etc I will sell for Ftee Silver, or Sound llopey. . Call n me for anything iftiriy line. Polite atterition and Satisfaction Guaranteed. V ' r" ' Yours trt-1y. . .;" . W: S JACKSON," Agent. Dunii, K- C- " ' Best grade of Bicjcles for sale b E F Yrtar. Te " ea?y WHAT WE WANT. GRANTHAM COMPLETE LINE OF FRIENDS FOR 1'AST STTPPOHT THE FRONT i (). U. TEW. Medicines in th " Stock of Drug and - r . . .. & tew, .'PIURMiriSR Yery respectfully.,' I- s - , : HOOD & TEtVv Successors tb HaRPEII & HOOD.' twit c Ve are solo agents for them. examine our stock. Wo will raakg i and will be pleaded to wait on you. , HARDWARE HOUSE, ; 4 ' 1 ap-20 6m- AIR!! anything you want to eat or wear. fall and winter jood. n fim specialties, " and ae us. , ' li . : DUNN, IT- C. JUST TELL '. ; THKM T)IAT YOU4- Saw me ; " . ' js jAt U P. J E UN I G AN'S Store pur chasing my"Gioccrfes. i , lie keeps . well asso-ted stock of . STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Tobacco ami h'nuif and Tinware. Fresn new River Mullets j .t received. , i ' ' I ' '. ' ' -: i - ''" y 'j' j Hi Price are as low as the Loweat. 15 Diiu't ul to cull for bin frelj roasted caijqt. -,' - Give me a cail. . , - - j Lc P. JERNIGAN. - V Duni-', N C' Ntp IO'E. ; ' Having qualilifd a admiJii'rator (. T A.'of Jen n 1 1 11 At thtfwfi' U'-reas4-d, tule of llkrueti county,' N". C. this U tl ItitiU'y iill jHfreoi)' huvil!; cl iiun ngHint the csLit t( K;ijI ' Wrl'l to xfiihit them t IhtVurtdf rMnrd on or iwforc the 2Sth dnyhf Angiir, IH'.F., r' thit notuV will be T':idcI 3" ' bar ot their n-covcrr. " All 'jwrsoiij indehiiliq 1 rftnto will fih'.-i-. m:ikn imiufinat meut. ThisS-Vh d.ij' of AniiHt.-' l.S.v;."- . S. F. Matthews, .VfJiniiibtfaior. se-2-Cw. ,