f TRUMPET CALLS. 1 Sam Horn Sonnda a Warm In Note to the Unredeemed. THE devil wastes no bait on dead fish. Faith Is always the basis of -Joy In religion. Get a man to think ritht, and God will set him to do right. God sends his , witnesses where they are needed the most The more Tve lore God, the more (Will be wlUlns to do for man. v; The devil always goes to the wedding vhen people marry for money. God sees heroes where men see only the commonest kind of people. "We may be able to g"t rid of God's can, but never of God's truth. ' Every dollar some men get Increases Jthelr chance of missing heaven. ! When some people havo nothing to say they seem to talk the most, t The a in of many sermens Is too low Vor angels, and too high for men. A man may wear religion as a cloak, land yet freeze hLs soul to death. 1 Man's blindest eyi is on the side fcwhere he thinks It will pay to sin. ' The real chosen people of God are those who know his will and do It. A doubt Is the heaviest burden the Jevil can bind on a Christian's back. ;. No man prays In earnest who does cot expect to get just what he asks. Obscurity on earth will not keep any txxly from becoming famous In heaven. The man who walks with God must Veep step with everything that Is good. It Is doubtful If we can truly own anything for which we are not grate ful. ; The devil has not yet found out how to make the man poor who loves to '(give. The Lord's army was never defeated because the opposing army had giants in it. The first dart the devil alma at a Noting convert is always pointed with b doubt. 5 The devil has no dart in his quiver that may not be quenched by the shield of faith. ' The more a mean man has to say In ichurcb, tho more It hurts the cause of true religion. ' The man who would have the power to move mountains must begin on trains of sand. Let a vote be taken to determine who la the .wisest man, and every fool will jvote for himself. ' We know exactly what kind of a man 'Adam was, when we become well ac quainted with ourselves. The devil Is often made welcome In a home where there Is a handsome Bible on the center table. Treasurer Legg, of Pike County, Ohio, Is a defaulter for several thou sand dollars and a fugitive from Jus tice. Tike County's Legg should be pulled at the first opportunity. Xotbinr In bath or 1 sundry to rood u Borax. Dobbins' Floating-Borax 8op seed) but on trial to proT its alu. Coats asms as poorer floating1 omp. Ko on bu rer tried It vitboat bar ng bmt. Your grocr baa U. ' 'Austria has twenty bicycle factories, which tan out SO.CCO wheels a year. I cannot speak too highly of Piso's Cure for 7nsnmption. Mrs, Frank Mobb3, 215 W.tSd (it.. New York. OoL 39, - FITS stopped free and permanently cured. Ko f t after first day's w of Dtu KlimS'S Oriat NiRTtRirroREH. Free (2 trial bottie and treat ise, bead to Dr. Kline. VB1 Arcfc SU PhUa Pa. Mr. WinaloWs Soothing Syrup for child rex teething, softens the com, reduce inflamma tion, alia ji pain, cores wind colic. 25c. a bottle. St. Vitus Dance. One bottle Dr. Fenner's Specific cures. Circular. Fredonla, N- Y. If afBirted with sore eyes use Dr. I. Thorn p. eous E-e w.Ucr. Druzsrlsts sell At 25c a bottle.. Is Hood's Sarsaparllla. because it cures the severest caes of scrofula, SAlt rheum, dyspep sia and rheumatism. It you are a sufferer try Sarsaparilla TbebM f-t i he n True Blood Purifl-r. I?nnri' Dill lu' :.to 1 W W M S Slltf tane, easy to operate. 25c "Blight costs cotton planters more than five million dollars an nually. This is an enormous waste, and can be prevented. Practical experiments at Ala bama Experiment Station show conclusively that the use of "Kairiit yrill prevent that dreaded plant disease. . AH about Potaafe 4.K results of its to by actual a 'perineal oa ib best farms ia tb United States is iolJ is a bttfe book wLich w pabliah and will gWl saatl free M aay fanner ia America who will write for is CERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Kasaaa Sc. New Tori, DOll'T SUFFER i ' ran Rheu matism when yon can finds sore cure in JR. TJ 1VJ AO 1 1 KL The rreat constitutional remedy for this ex crucuttt.5 and "fto fatal malady. It your nrusrclst do:n sell it aend for it to the man. ufactartrs The Oobbltc DruS C--. Ral elglv. N. C. 1. fix bottles lor Si- Cases of io years standing nave o cn cured wi n less i nan xotr ootues. r r - 1 1 I I eat STrofc. Taes CkxxL C. , t-l la tea fHHjmn. dj nJ III I .Mil Discusses in North American Re view the Result Reached, IT WAS TEMPORARY DEFEAT Bat Permanent Gain for the Cause of Bimetallism. Not Regarded at Conducive Settlement of the Ques tion at lasne. Ia the December number of. the North American BeTlew, just published, Mr. Bry an baa an artiole, la which he discusses the result of the election as affecting the status of the sllrer question. The Issue on which the election turned, he describes as "the greasest issue erer submitted to the Ameri can people in time of peace." The declara tion of the Chicago convention In favor of the free coinage of silver, forced upon the people of this country a study at the money Question in general; and within the last four months more people have been simultaneous ly engaged in its consideration than ever be fore in the history of the world. The result of this sttf Jv, Mr. Bryan declares, to be "temporary defeat, but permanent gain for the cause of bimetallism.1" Mr. Bryan regards It as a insignificant fact that the silTer sentiment was strongest where the question had been longest considered; thai is to say in the W est and South. In Mr. Bryan's opinion, the cause of bimetallism made more rapid progress than ever any cause made In such a short time. Mr. Bryan expresses his assurace that the election can be by no means regarded as a conclusive settlement of the question at Issue. The ad vocates of free coinage are convinced, he says, that they are laboring in behalf of a large majority of the people, not only here, but throughout the world; and ac cording to the writer, they propose to continue their contest, they are confident that tour more years of experience will con vince many who have thus far resisted argu ments. This confidence, Mr. Bryan cays, is confirmed by the history of recent elections. Mr. Qreely was defeated in 1872 and yet Mr. Tildea was elected In 1876. Mr. Blayue was defeated In 1884, but Mr. Harrison was elect ed in 1883. The Republican victory of 1889 was followed by the Democratic victory of 1890 and the election of President Cleveland two years later. Mr. Bryan counsels the successful party to remember that thousands of Republicans have been held to their party this year by the pledge that it will try to secure International bl-metalllsm. In reference to the gold standard Demo erats, Mr. Bryan Is assured that they cannot do as much in 1900 as they hare done this year. They have declared their affection for Democratic principles, while they spared no effort to secure the success of the opposing ticket. "They cannot," he says, disguise themselves again." 8TORM ECHOES. Snow and Ice Played Havoo With the Wires, Shade Trees, Etc. At Columbia, 8. C, the wires of the West ern Union and Postal Telegraph companies have been almost totally destroyed by the combination, sleet rain and snow-storm. Poles were crushed down beneath the ice. The city fire alarm and police patrol systems were also nearly destroyed. Tne telegraph lines running towards Augusta and Charles ton are supposed to be totally destroyed. Columbia's handsome shade trees have also been torn to pieces and the streets are block aded with debris. The latest from Chippewa Falls, "Wis., Is that the water is rising and creep tog slowly into the city and to make matters worse a heavy snow is falling. The reports from the farming country are distressing. Hundreds are homeless and their belongings are being swept away by the flood. They will ask the government to send help to try and break the gorge with dynamite. The board of health has asked that the people refrain as much as possible from using the sewers. There are a number of cases of ty phoid fever, and with the sewers In the busi ness part of the city stopped up, the health of the community will be greatly impaired unless precaution is used, Inaugurated for the Fifth Time. Gen. Portiono Diaz, who was first 'elected to the presidency of Mexico in 1876, and under whose administration the country bad continued prosperity never before known has been Inaugurated for the fifth time. The oath of office was administered with much ceremony and the event was made the occas ion of general rejoicing. : Iowa's Big Deficit. The tate of Iowa has a deficit of (500,000 In sight By the end of the present blennal period it Is liable to reach $1,000,000, audit seems altogether probable that the State will Issue bonds for the first time since the war. Tom Watson Out of Politics. Beeently L. C Bateman, the editor of the Maine Populist, wrote to Tom Watson, ask ing for a contribution. Mr. Bateman has re ceived an answer from "Watson, who says he Is out 4 cpUtie, and Is hot saying or writing anything for publication. He is giving all his attention to his law practice. Mr. Wat son intimates that he is distrusted with such Populist leaders as Senator Butler and Allen, nahnllnMthllt If th Pftntllist DartV Is to survive it must be organized along new lines, Vasa mner Ka v fnrrhAF fn fit An Af AVAfl semblance) of fusion with the Democratic party. Rubber Oysters Discovered. A rubber oyster Is the discovery announced In Paris. The Invention la one that deserves to rank with the telephone, the submarine eaple or any other of the many ingenious de vices of man to ameliorate the condition of his fellowman. It consists of a gutta-percha oyster, to be placed In the restaurant oyster soup, so as to remove the accepted Idea that the decoction contains nothing of a solid nature. Defeated the BUI. The Georgia Senate defeated a bill which prohibited the gold clause In contracts. The Bouse passed a bill making women eligible to the office) of State librarian. To Pay m lO Per Cent. Dividend. A semi-annual dividend of IS per cent, will be paid In January on the stock of the South ern Railway. The amount of preferred stock Is tW.000,000. At the end of the fiscal year. June SO, the company carried over f 1,452. 000. The Tennessee Treasury. The State Treasury contains an available balance of (4,175, not including special funds. (105.959 were collected daring November and (82,846 disbursed. Receipts during December, it is estimated, will be suf ficient to meet payments due January 1. 1897. - - ;- Retaliatory Proclamation. There Is reason to anticipate a farther break la the friendly relations between the United States and Germany. The President Thursday issued a retaliatory ' proclamation, acting u nder the laws to sua pend the proclamation by which German vessels in America were re lievhd from certain tonnage and other taxes, because Germany la impoaJag-cneh taxes on American vessels. The proclamation says that the Fatherland has been acting verv ugly towards America In excluding our pro ducts irozn ner pons. Fitzsimmons accepts Dan Qaart'a offer to fijrht to a finish with Corbet for a purse of 1 Tho Identification Needed . lira. William Maydenbauer, of Seat tle, Wash., is a woman who deserves to go down to posterity as one with an ad mirable sense of humor. She became known to fame In the following man ner: One day she entered the First Na tional Bank and presented to the cash ier, one Turner, a newcomer In the city, a properly dnrrn check. Mr. Turner demurred at paying It "because he did not know her. He Informed her that the would have to be Identified. She. looked up, . and, discovering' that a stranger was waiting on her, remarked succinctly: "Well, sir, If any Identification Is nec essary, yon are the one to be identified. I hare lived here all my life, and never saw you around here before." The cashier cashed the check. Bos ton Advertiser. Oom Paul Could Fill It. Here Is another characteristic story about the president of the TransvaaL In the days when Johannesburg was merely Farrelra's mining camp, Krue ger was one day riding over the Wit watersrand In ordinary burgher attire. He off-saddled near a wagon owned by a German. The Teuton did not rec ognize the president, and held forth on the many things he would do were he ruler of the state. Suddenly Oom Paul, to the great astonishment of the German, who was a very small man, took off his coat, and, holding It out toward the" stranger, said: "Put this on." "But," replied the latter, "It's too big." "Just so," replied his" honor, with a grim smile. "I'm Paul Krueger, and It Is not too big for me." Beware! There Is a new kind of bug, and It Is a corker. It Is spreading over the country from the Southwest, and hu man beings are its chosen prey. Al ready It has Invaded the Mississippi Valley In great numbers, and many persons have nearly died from Its bites. Not a whit more cheerful does this news become when it Is explained that the insect In question Is a giant spe cies of bed-bug. It comes from Mexi co and Texas, and it measures a full Inch In length, Money in Carrots. RoslyS, Long Island, has a woman farmer who raises such plebeian vege tables as carrots and turnips for the market She i3 Mrs. Taber Willets, and her place is the pride of the na tives. She Is a practical agriculturist and makes farming pay to a remark able degree., It Is encouraging to know, however, that her strictly pra tlcal Ideas do pot prevent her from sur rounding her vegetable garden with a border of box, In which sweet peas and wallflowers bloom. Baslness coarse to one person In every county. Please apply promptly to Georgia Busi ness College, Macon, Oa. GUFFCRING IN SILENCE. Women are the real , heroes of the world. Thousands on thousands of them endure the dragging; torture of the ills peculiar to womankind in the silence of Lome. They suffer on and on weeks, months, years. The story of weakness and torture is written in the drawn features, in the sallow skin, in the list less eyes, in the lines of care and worry on the face. - Inborn modesty 6eals their lips. They prefer pain to humiliation. Custom has made them believe the only hope of relief lies in the exposure of examina tion and "local treatment." Take ten cases of "female weakness" and in nine of them "local treatment" is unnecessary, There is no reason why, modest, sensitive women should sub mit to it McIXREE'S WIHEOFCARDUI Is a vegetable wine. It exerts a wonder fully healing, strengthening and sooth ing influence over the organs of woman kind. It invigorates and stimulates the whole system. It is almost infallible in curing the peculiar weaknesses, irre gularities and painful derangements of woman. Year alter year, in the privacy of home away from the eyes of every bodyTit effects cures. TfX3T OF CARDTJI la sold for 81.00 a tot tie. Dealrs ia medicln aell It. JFlTw wues BSBBiiycare the worst ' tntn BUBOBwIQl FREE 3 w k rj i - 1 Important Notice ! The only genuine "Baker's Chocolate' celebrated for more than a century as a de licious, nutritious, and flesh-forming bever age, is put up in Blue Wrappers and Yel low Labels. Be sure that the Yellow Label and our Trade-Mark arc on every package. WALTER BAKER & CO. Ud Dorchester, Mass. I taeot-taa C3 AHDY CUaECOUSTlPATIOH - . r - THE HOST VVOHDERFUL, RELIABLE and tFFCCTIVC WIEDICINE oEVER o DISCOVERED. ABSOLUTELY GDIRiSTEED !? Vt . ATT . . . rr " yooairee. an. a -ra.mu KUIOI CO.. ",,),i,',l,cl',tJ 'f"t'''" TTyt? . Dawn in an African Village. -I slept In a house belonging to Che African Lakes Company, a creepy sort of habitation at night - Bats galore raced about the roof, chasing one an other, and ' squealing most piteously. I was awakened in the morning by cocks crowing. There was a hush of night Insects; the houses in the dawn ing light were an Indistinct, dull brown; the grass was wet with dew. I heard the shuffling of reed doors slid to one side, or their grating on clay flooring when flung open. A few natives begin to appear, exchange morning greetings, and start to blow up fires; men, women and children crowd around the fires, the gilded clouds in the east withdraw, the sun peeps on the horizon, fires are soon deserted, and dally work begingv-Century If some people kept their business entirely to themselves, they vjould for get bow to talk. Sweetness - Put a pill in tho pulpit if you "want practical preaching for tie physical man ; then put the jpill in the pillory if it does not practise "what it preaches. There's a whole gospel in Ayer's" Sugar Coated Pills ; a " gospel of sweetness and light." People used to value their physic, - as they did their religion, by its bitterness. The more bitter the dose the better the doctor. We've got over that. We take "sugar in ours" gospel or physic now-a-days. It's possible to please and to' purge at the same time. There ' may be power in a pleasant pill. That ia the gospel of Ayer's Cathartic Pills. More pill particulars In Ayer's Cureboolc, ioo pages. Sent free. J. C Ayer Co., Iowcll, Mass. . 8 Iak Maclaren, or Thc Companion's notes conTftitwToas ton it. e Epoclal 0ffr Balow. IAN MACUtftTJN. BUDYAUD EIPLUfO. HALL CAXNE. FRANK K. STOCKTON. HAROLD FBEDEMC. VA.T1AMT i,TT.T.lftH HOKDICa. CHARLES DUDLEY WAJUTZS. STEPHEN CHANE. HAMLIN 6AE.LANI). MAX O'RELL. W. CLARK RUSSELL. ALICE LONGFELLOW. And mora thaa One Hoadrea etaer SaUarat Writers. For the Whole Family TnE Companion- also announces for 1897. Four Absorbing Serials, Adventure Stories on Land and Sea, Stories for Boys, Stories for Girls, Reporters Stories, Doctors" Stories. lawyers' Stories. Stories for Everybody- all profusely illustrated by popular artists. Six Double Holiday Numbers. More than two thousand Articles of Miscellauy Anecdote, Kutnor, Travel. Timely Editorials. Current Events, Cur rent Topics and Nature and Science Departments every week, etc. 53 Weeks for 81.75. Send for Full Prospectus." 12-CoIor Calendar FREE. Kcw Subicrlbers wK6 win eat out this slip and snd it at once with tat&s and addrau and $1.78 tha subscription price) will receiv : FREE The Yoath'i Companion every week from time fnbscripUon ii received to January 1, 1897. t TREE ThanktgiTing, Christaaa and New Tear's DonHe Ntuneers. FREE-Our Artistic 4-Page Folding Calendar for. 1897. Lithographed ia ' Twelve Beautiful Colore. gil Aad The Youth's Companion S3 Weeks, a full year, to January 1, 18 1 5. .V THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, Boston, Mass.' Reliable Charlotte Merchants Call on them when you go to Charlotte N. C. Wrlto them if you do not go, aud have your orders filled by niail. In answering advertisements kindly men lion tnia paper. PJMWT fWf! EST WORK. PeasonaTle Prices f ftiil iasYltf Wr ta News & Times Ptg. House. PITT? WITH!? fE- M. ANDREWS, 16-18 W. Trade i UftfU.UftilAlso Pianos. O gana & Bicycles. M AND P Soliool of Sliortliaiid AUGUMTA. OA. lie text books used. Actual bnunaes front day of entering. Easiness papers, coil age carrnor an J rood used. Hend for handsomely illustrate.! out icrue. Board cheaper than m any Southern eity. QPIUr IFDRUHKEHIIESS t. CBr-4 ia 10tSO Iy a. N Pe T UU u4. DR.J.L.STKPHENS WtjiaiiOJt,oAj. II P 1 1 1 M tnd Wj?ISKT habits cured. Boek seat UrlU 111 Fre.rr.B.lI.W0OUXT.ATLaXTA.eA. 8. N. U.-50. OOO),0&'4Vae,,sV,0'fl'0''tV P)0 ....Don't Lot III! a ConstipationKillYoDl MIMIXC 74 1 ah ff caseartt. tut i rrip er eri bet raaea emrr matwral rsa Ita. Sans, f QiicTO. goatreal. Ca.. arKaw lata. sit.; TitSsessssnassSsssssstr DssAmu Cannot be Corel 1y local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only on way to core deafness, and that is by Constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused by ania fiamed condition of the mncous lining of tne Eustachian Tube, When this tube sets in. flamed yoa Lavs a rumbling sound er lni per fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed -Deafness ia the result, and unless the infiam xnationcan be taken out and thi tube re stored to ii s normal condition, hearinr will be destroyed forever. Nine cases ont of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an ia flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. Ws will give One Hundred Dollars for any Case of Deaf nsssjeaused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for Circulars, free. F. J. Chww A Co., Toledo, O, Fold by Dror-fiRta, 73c. HalisTaiiiihr Pills are the bast. The Modern Slother Has found that her little ones are Improv ed more by the pleasant Ifyrup of Figs; when in need of the laxative effect of a gentle remedy than by any other, and that it is more acceptable to them. "Children enjoy it and it benefits them. The true remedy. Byrup of Figs, is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Company only. and Light. '' r -r ,rj rally S00 of the Uort Fitbovi Vea and Women of both con tiaents hare eoatribatett to U next year's Voluae of Celebrating in 1897 Its seventy-first birthday. The Companion offers its readers many excep tionally brilliant features. . The two hemispheres have been explored in search of attractive matter. Distinguished Writers.. EON. THOMAS B. REED. ANDREW CARNEeiE. LIEUT. K. E. PEARY, XT. 8. N. DR. CYRUS ED SON. DR. ED. EVERETT. HALS. DR. LYMAN ABBOTT. aw Mills. 'Light arid Heavy, and Supplies. CHEAPEST AND BEST. tap-Can every day ; work 180 hands. Lombard Iron Works and Supply Co., AUGUSTA, GKOitGI A. Which do you prefer? Tetter, Eczema, or 50 cents? Better swap all three for TETTKRINE. l box by mall for 50s. in stamps. J. T. SHUPfHlNE, Savannah, Ga. It Caret all Skin Diseases. -TT" Siickesi Ck SI EARN rr ioo arrCoTBCM Hxir." Ten cannot do this nie yon nndN'stanl Wieia , and know Low to cater to their re-ialremeatar aa J yoa cannot ienU years and doliars leamlns; br ex perience, so yoa im.jc bay ths koowleJge aaird by others. We offer this to yoa for only 3 cent. YOU WANT THEM TO PAY THEIR OYM WAY. rrea If yoa mereTy keep tliern as a dlvereloa. Ia or der to baadte yowls jutlieioasiy, yon mast kaow eometlilaz about teem. To meet tula want we are seUtas atokff1riutheex:rteaeeOf!w )R. Iter a rooaJ pou.Uy raiser fpr I wni-fcwws tweDtr-Ove years. It was written oy a man woo pas all taiaUnl, an! time, and snooey t- maklez a soe easa ot Oalckra raiaiav aot ae a aastlme, tm& aa a linsliif sail it yoa win proflt by bis tweatr-ara years' work, yoa caa save raaaCalok aoaaaiiy. aai make yoar fowls earn dollars (or yoa. Tfcs point ia, ib&t yoa mast be able to detect trouble Im the Poultry Yard at soon as It appears, aad kao bow to remedy it. 1 his boo will teach yoa.' It telle bow to detect aad core disease; to feed fee ere aad also for latteolaej whiea fowls to ear for Wee J Ins; porroeee; an4 tnrylikia Indeed, yois aarrnli kaow on UU saoieet to make It proatatila. poatpal4 lor tweacy-ara eeaia ia aiaaapa. Oook Publishing House . 134 LaoiAanJBn. K. S". Cttf. , Mere Of Qst Want to laarn all about a a, Hone? HowtoITcX Onty4 uooavner mow mijivuw tlons and so Guard against 7 Effect a Cora -wueu sama U f tba Teeth? Waat to call'tba Dlffarent farts vf in Aaimal.' How to Sbo a Horse Properly? All tbia and other Yalaabl Inormation can M obtalaed try raadtag oar ICO -r AGE UAAJS'XSiA.TZU HORSS BOOK, which w will forward, post' paid, oa raceipt of oulj 25 ecsta la aSaaais. BOOK PUB. HOUSE, tZL aaar4 BU, K. T. CUa No thin a to Them. First Moth For heaven's sake, letV get back to the city where I can get a decent mcaL Second Moth Whafs the matter? -- First Moth I haven't struck anything trot bstMpg salts nlnce I came here ( IZmw Tork .World. - - : . ; s 9 a means so much more than ' vou irriaeine- serious and 'fatal diseases result from trifling ailments neglected. Don't play with Nature's greatest gift health. l Ifyouarefeeline out of sorts, weak and generally ex hausted," tiervous, have no' appetite and can't work, begin at once tak ing the most relia ble strengthening tnedicine.which is Brown's Iron Bit tersu A few bot rovm's ron Bitters tles cure bene6t comes from the very first dose ii moM't tt&ii jimr Ufth, and it's pleasant to take. It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, ' Troubles, Constipatlcn, Cad Blood. ' Malaria, Nervous ailments Women's complaints. Get only the genuine -it has crossed red lines on the wrapper. All others are sub stitutes. On receipt of two ac. stamps we will send set of Ten Beautiful World's Fair View and book free. r BROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE, WD. VViLlfiGIOIl & V7LD0HJly AND BRANCHES, AftD FLOltENCE 11jVILTIOA.1. CONDENSED SGHEDULE.' SEPT. 87. 1893. TBAIK8 OOINQ SOUTH. Leave Weldon 11.55 a. m., 9.44 p. m.; ar rive Bocky Mpunt, 1.00 p. m., 10.39 p. m. r Leave Tarboro, 12.12 p. m. - Leave Eocky Mouat, 1.00 p. m., -10.39 p m 5.45 a m, 12.45 jhj. Leave Wilson, 2.9 p m, 11.18 pm, 6.15 am, 2.15 pm. v Leavo Selma, 2.53 p m. Leave. Fayetteville, 4.36 p m, 1.07 am. Arrive Florence, 7.25 p m, 3.14 a m. Leave Goldsboro, 3.10 p m. 7.00 a m. Leave Magnolia. 4.16 p m, 8.03 am. Arrive Wilmington, 5.45 p m, 9.30 m. TBalirs OOUtO KOBTH. ; Leave Florence. 8.40 a m, 7.40 p m. ? Leave Fayetteville, 11.10 a m, iQ pm Leaee Selma, 12.34 pm. A rrive Wilson, 1.20 a m, 11.35 p my 10.23 p m, 12.57 pm. Leave Wilmington, 9.25 a m. 7.00 p m. Leave Magnolia, 10.52 a m, 8.30 p m. Leave Goldsboro. 12.01 a m, 9.36 p m." Leave Wilson, 1.20 p m, 11.35 p m, 10.23 p m, 12.52 pm. Arrive Bocky Mount, 2.17 p m, 12.11 p m, 11.05 p m, 1.38 p m. . ; Leave Tarboro, 12.12 p m. . - Leave Bocky Mount, 2.17 p m, 12.11 a m. . Arrive Weldon, 8.32 p m, 1.01 a m. Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Boad leaved Weldon 8.55 p m," Halifax 4.13 p m, ar rives Scotland Neck at 5.05 p m, Greenville 6.47 p m, Kinston 7.45. Beturning, leafex Klnston 7.20 a m, Greenville 8.22 a m, arriv ing Halifax at 11.00 a m, Weldon 11.20 a m, daily except Sunday. - - Trails on Washington Branch leave Wash ington 8.00 a m, and 2.00 p m., arrive Par mele 8.50 a m, and 3.40 p m., Tarboro '9.45 a m; returning, leave Tarboro 5 SO p m, Par mele 9 50 a m. and 6 20 p m., arrive Wash ington 11 25 a m, and 7 10 p m., daily, except Sunday. Connect with trains ' on Scotland Neok Branch. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, daily, at 5.30 p ra, arrives Plymouth 7.35 p m Beturning, leaves Plymouth 7.40 a m, arrives Tarboro 9.45 am. Train on Midland, N. C, Branch, leaves Goldsboro daily, except Sunday, 6 00 am, arriving Smith field 7 20 am. Beturning leaves Smithfleld 7.50 a m, arrives Goldsboro 915 am. Trains on Nashville Branch leave Bocky Mount at 4 30 p m, arrives Nashville 5 05 p m, Spring Hope 5 80 p m. Beturning, leaves Spring Hope 800 a m,Nasbvlle 8 35 a m, ar. rive at Bocky Mount at 9 05 a m, daily, ex cept Sunday. Trains on Latta Branch, Florence B. B., leave Latta 6 40 p m, arrive Duubar 7 50 p m, "Clio 8 05 p m. Beturning, leave Clio 7 20 a m, Dunbar 7 40 a m, arrive Latta 8 40 a m, daily, except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton daily, except Sunday, at 11 1 0 a m. and 8.50 p. m. Beturning leaves Clinton 7 00 a m and 3 00 p m.' Train No. 78 makes close connection at Weldon for all points north daily, all rail via Bichmond. Also at Bocky Mount with Nor folk, and. Carolina railroad - for Norfolk and all points North via Norfolk. J. B. KENLY, General Maaager. J. F. DIVINE, General Sup't. ' T. M, EMERSON, . , Traffic Manager. Training of Jewish Children. Within recent years the Jewish ele ment in this country has given a large amount of attention to the manual training of the young. There has also been a notable Increase in the. number of technical schools for Jewish' boys O09eoeoeooeoooeeooooooooooooeoedoooot9oceoeooet999-B ' . ; , . '-. ... ... - ... 0 I AVOID ulK Bad o e Pure soda the best soda, only in packages. " - bearing this trade mark 5- It costs no more than inferior package soda never spoils the flour always keeps soft" Beware of Imitation trade marks and labels,; and insist on packages ? bearing these tverii o o 9 e o o o o o o ; Made only by QIURCH & CX)!few 9 write lor Arm sad llJtamcr DdoSc ef ra!oabXe Recipes-FKES. r o " o 9e99G6Qoee0Oooeee9eoe-3e&c'399&0vCooo9eoooeooeo994 HOW DO YOUR FEET LEI Accident Insurance - is foot-ahaped mada frora the test Tanned CiU Cilaeofl, tolid leataer all over cork filled, water.propf cole. A GENUINE 90 DAY3 ACCIDENT IIISURAIIOE TOLICY FOU $100.00 w JSP? vjlh eTery P'iE: Exaisina- 'cn si yenr dnJsrt. J.13 Lcwio Co i::c:::a. Scctoh, rial CAPE FEAR & IAD3H YiUSi R'T - J0H2T Gnx, Receiver, j : COMDEnQEtTsCHEDULE. I In Effect November J5th, 1880. ! v , JfOBTH. BOtXDw j. ' " ''" . No. 2.'DaUr Leave Wilmington:,..........,.. 7 so Arrive Fayetteville. . . . . .,u oo m Leave Fayetteville : . . ..11 21 Leave Fayetteville Junction .....u 27 Leave Eanford....... 100 m Leave Climax..,.. 2'50 Artire Greensboro 3 13 M Leave Greensboro......... 825 T asm CfrvlrAOlalA t .n w wvwv.w.w ............... . a 4V H Leave Walnut Cove..... i 440 , Leave Earal HaU. : 610 Arrive ML Airy.... 655 tows, socito. - ' No. 1. Dallr Leave ML Airy 8 40 t,m , Leave Buraifiail. 10 0 r Leave Walnut Cove ... .10 S3 - Arrive Greensboro........... 1155 Leave Greensboro..... 1210 p Leave Climax..... 12 41 Leave Sanford....... 2 53 Arrive Fayetteville Junction 4 12 Arrive Fayetteville 418" Leave Fayetteville 4 33 Arrive Wilmington 745 M KOBTH B0U5D. " . , No. 4. Daily. Leave BennettsviUe. 8 30 a, a. Arrive Maxton..... 940 i Leave Maxton....; 9 50 . Leave Bed 8prings 10 18 Leave Lumber Bridge ....10 33 " Leave Hope Mills........... 11 01 Arrive Fayetteville....... 1119 SOUTB BOUSD, No. 3. Dallr. Leave Fayetteville. 4 28 p. i Leave Hope Mills. 449 ' Leave Bed Springs.... . 5 86 u Arrive Maxton. 609 Leave Maxton......;...... 617 N ' Arrive Bennettsville 7 25 vobtb somtn. (Daily Except Sunday.) : ' - ' , No. 16, Mlxfid. T aa Pavnunv A A Leave Climax......... 835 Arrive Greensboro. 9 20 " Leave Greensboro.. 9 35 Leave Stokesdale 11 or. Arrive Madison...... 1155 ! 8OUTS botjjtd. - - - (Daily Except Sunday.) t No. 15, Mlied. Leave Madison......... 12 SO p.m. Leave Stokesdale. 1 23 " , Arrive Greensboro 2 40 Leave Greensboro. 8 20 Ml Leave Climax 4 15 " Arrive Bamseur...... 600 BOBTH BOOT COH2ICTKS at Fayetteville with Atlantic Coast Line, for all points North and East, at Sanford with the Seaboard Air Line,: at Greensboro with the Southern Railway Company, at Walnut Cove with the Norfolk & Western Bailroad for Winston-Salem. SOUTH BOUSD COIfKECTIOyi at Walnut Cove with the Norfolk & Wester Bailroad for Boanoke and points north and west, at Greensboro with the Southern Rail way Company for Raleigh, Bichmond and all points north and east; at Fayetteville with the Atlantic Coast Line for all point South; at Maxton with the -Seaboard Air Lm for Charlotte, Atlanta and all points south and southwest -W. E. KYLE, j J. W. FBY, Ga.'l Fass. Agent Gen'l Manager. ' . BT AS THE WOULD , : MOVESIONSO DOES OUB JOB ' PRESS. : fa b b b h (a J3 Tnere are a great may change es made in all kinds of business; We especially" call your attent tion to union jod We have fust put in a branfl new JOB outfit, and by doing the work ourselves we are abh fn the 6tate in styles, prices and quality Remember we do anything from a visiting card to circular 2430. Send fn your a orders, they shall havt our prompt and careful atten tion. ; Address THE UNION OFFICE TrademarlcB, Cavaats, label and CovT rtghts promptl7. procured. A 40;fi! Boole Freer Eend Sketch cr Model for Free opinion as to rateni&ruity. . business treated as saxellycondentlaJ. (rears' experience.- lajnew twiw end for ook. Addrosa 17. T. FITZGHnilLD. . - WA8U15GT05f, D. C. ktotz rui.r- . - T Soda! a soda spoils good flour. comes York. Sold by grocers cveryr.here. J PEEL ? O V ((rh sc;

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