. THE COUNTY UNIO WEDNESDAY, JANnARY 6, DUNN, N. C. ' iJi.,.iftil'n fi'der in niven and ,iehallance when, delivered , Thirty 'iV allowed on advertising. LOCAL POT'S, Cotton 0 cents ; - .. . : I : "" ' . . police to Advertiser All adver tim.-nts for The UNroN '. must reach the office not later, than ' 12 o'clock M. Tlic.sdayof each week. When sending ndvertiments ..please always1 state how :..'.iitnUf.r lVOvlOI)2 VOU wish ittO rrtii. Tint NW Year came in with a beautiful day almost liko spring, vi Mr. J. W Lave has bought a u'iae bt of horses and mules and will cll" stock here this season. The ' ladies of the W. & T. U are requested to meet at the M. E. ; church Thursday evening at 3:30 Mr C. E. TfopE, . for several months a typo in the Uzzell Printing House at Raleigh,; has accepted a posi- tidn on The Union. v . --It is Estimated that there is about oae thousand -bales of cotton in this it, ' section m)t yet sold. t Dudu will likely 1) a v about eir ht thousand bales this J ' i , " season. -Mk. R. L.i Crojiartii 13 now Co. th! Messrs W, II Line ;where he friends. ' " . i will be pleased to serve hie OriTE a number of our eitizenB attended tie commissioners meeting at Lillington Monday. All the liq uor deafera from this place were grant ed license for the next Bix months. Read the advertisement of tie South "Diinn Manufacturing Company ia thid issue. This company is now preparedj to furnish fine material for inside work. The sale of horses and mules here is quite large. Mr. T. L. Ger ald has already sold five carloads 'this winter and received another car of mules Mbndaj. ' ' . We hope those who are in arrears with this office will make it a point to dropia an8 pay up. Our own credit suffers when our friends fail to do their Mr, G. II, Bices, of Poe's has accepted a position as salesman with the L' 6 Hardware Company and will be pleased to have i is friends call on hi J? m. - We learn that work on two larg brick stores will commence at an ear- ' date. These wifl be erected by two cf bur enterprising and progres sive merchants. A horse belonging to Mr. P. J Jeffreys ran awav with his bncffv bundayjinorniDg. Both shafts of the buggy were broken. .No - one was hurt. I .. ,' . -t-Rkv. A. M. Ha3sell filled his appo.otnient at ' the Presbyterian church Sunday morning, but gave way for the services at the Methodist church Sunday night. ' Pip it ever oocur to you; that a year's subscription to Thb Union Iwould be appreciated by eom absent irieud. If you have 'Buch a friend puppose you try it. f x The paint brush could be used .to advantage in our town. Paint Imakes 0Ur housa lout hAttflr And it. is economy to have it painted. Paint .. - - . protects from the weather. The Old Year party at Hotel Divine last Th - v.wu.t j, wm quite a success and enjoyed by all iwno attended The rdeasure of the evening was greatly entranced by the ITisitiDg young ladies and gentlemen We are pained to note that Mr. yEnoch Godwin, Father of our towns- man nr. A. B. Godwin, is critically J ill. We leam that hia onnitinn jros . terday was better and some hope for ms recovery. Mr. Allkx Leb, who has been i j Kin Bros, Fayetteville, for tea while, has accepted a position l the popular drug firm. of Richard t & Terrell at Greensboro. He 4t for his post of duty yesterday. Mr. II. C. McNeill has ao jspted a position with Mr. J. J jDupre, our popular dry gooda mer chant, and will be pleased to. see his mentis when wanting, anything in that line. f . , v - i -Nearly every south bound pas e.Cger train thatpieses here now has Hutte a number of neeroes on board ioing to the turpentine fields of .the pOUth. The tncil rusuonoAf train londay afternoon had five carloads kf them. " , J7. 7 r Mr. L. J. Tbw of Cumberland Awent up to Raleigh Monday. He is IS f " au ppucam ior assistant doorkeeper. Sheriff Pope has a notice m this issue to doctors,' lawyers and hotel keepers, . The law, makes it his duty to report those who have not paid the special tax imposed on them to'tbe grand jury. We hope this legisla ture willrepeal this unjust tax. - 1 -Me (f. H. Park ex, who has been a salesman for Mr. E. F. Young for several years, has accepted a po sition with Messrs. H. W. Jerriigan k Co. and will be glad to have his friends call on him after . January loth. : ' A White man by the name of Bledsoe was taken from Rocky Mount where he was severely injured by falling off a house on which he was at work, to his home at Wade Monday evening. , We did not learn the ex tent of his iDjuries. , On Thursday December 24th the dwelling of Mr. Arthur Lee at New ton Grove was destroyed by fire Nearly all his furniture was saved. The fire issuppoeed to have caught from the stove. He had no insur ance, y ' " ' . -Mr, McD Higgs has i again de cided that there is no place on earth like Dunn, and instead of returniog to Richmond where he has been in business for the past few months, will remain at home studying Pharmacy under Messrs! Hood & Grantham. Rev. E. C. Sell, the Methodist preacher,, arrived in town last Satur day and preached bis first sermon to a arge audience . Sunday night. Wre are pleased to welcome him m our midst and wish him abundant sue cess. -We made mention some time ago in this column about the number of buggies that were being sold here Our Reporter made a call on the deal ers and found that during the year 896 there was sold in Dann 192 new buggies.( ADqut one lourtn oi tnese were manufactured here at onr buggy hops. How ia Dune for buggies? Mr H. B Pope, of this place, i ft yesterday for Raleigh. He is an applicant for an assistant doorkeeper n the legislature. He has only one arm and we would be pleased for him ti get the place He goe well reo- ommended but if this legislature does ike the one of 1895 it will give the place to a negro. Miss Addih .Young, who has l r been conducting the Millinery depart meat in Mr. E F. Young's store for tie past-two years, left Monday On a visit to relatives at Fair Bluff, S C. Miss Addie has made a host of friends here all of whom will be pleased to know that she will return in the Spring and open an elegant stock of Millinery for herself. A Graphophone concert will be given at the Town Hall on-. Friday evening, January 15th, by the" Col umbian Graphophone Company. This nstrument reproduces songs, rela tions and speeches loud enough to be heard all over a large hall. Admis sion 20 cents for adults, 10 cents for children. All who go may. expect a treat, . ' . Irvin Culbretii, a respectable young colored man of Stewart's Creek township this county, took the train here for Raleigh yesterday. He is a candidate for an appointment by. the legislature. His . petition read 'for the position he might apply for." We do not know what that position may be. It is considered a doubtful quan tity. -Whilb strolling Sunday after noon we passed over ia the Western portion of the town, a part wo have never visited before. We we're struck with the beautiful lots in that portion of town which are all laid off and many of them sold. A large field of twenty acres perfeotly level, laid off in lots, presents quite a nice appear ance.: Some building is already, be ing done in that part of town and more is likely to begin soon. This promises to be the most beautiful part of Dunn at some future day. Remember you don't have to send off to ha.ve your stationery printed We are prepared to turn you out first- class work at prices as low as you can get it done anywhere. Dur ng ,1896 some of our merchants sent part of their work off. We are not kicking about this, as every man has a right to patronize whoever he may choose, but we do say it shows little appreci ation of our efforts to bring trade to Dunn, and we hope our friends wil ao oeuer mis year. v nen you spend your money with us you stand a chance of receiving it back, bu f- s when you send it .off you never expect to see, " it again. We ap- , precis te your orders and hope to - j receive them. J. he ex confederate soldiers in the Bentonsville seouon recently met at the confederate cemetery and clean ed ofl the graves and put the cemetery in good condition. The next annual meeting and re-union of the old sol diers of Johnston county will be held at the Bentonsville Monument some time next summer. The Gjldsboro Rifles wilt attend and a large crowd is expected: -Along with the new resolutions ihe town aldermen could make a law in regard 4o cattle and hogs running at large on the streets. A law pro hibiting hogs from running on the streets now would work no hardship on the people as there are not very many here. As long as the hogs are allowed on the streets we cannot have a clean town. The street is no place to raise hogs. Let us have no hogs onvthe streets this year for an experi ment and see how the paople like it. Wk arealways glad to hear peo ple speak well ofJ)unn, and when it comes from a man who has travelled in every state in the Union' we appre ciate it more. A travelling man re cently said, while here, that Dunn did more business than any town in the South according to its size. This is saying much for our town but this is not exagerating it in the least. We are backed up on every sid by a splendid farming country and a large territory. Verily, Dunn is the best town in the south. " ; -There is nothing else at this presenttime so needful inDunii as more dwellings. There is not a va cant house in the town, and those who would como to live with us are com pelled to stay away. If we should .... t ., ever have a city we miisfc provide dwellings for the people to live in. One man who has a dwelling in course of erection has already had four ap plications for it. Another man writes, "get me a large storehouse and a nice dwelling." Let our citizens awaken to the importance of more dwellings, and begin at once. Dunn is one of the best towns in the state and people are finding it out. Give us more dwellings. J one. Maltlicww. On Sunday morning, January 3rd, . s Mr. W J Jones, : the clever and ac comodating clerk of, Mr. F P. Jones, was united in marriage to' Miss Ida Matthews at the home of the bride's ather in Cedar Creek township, Cumberland county J B Bryant, Squire, performing the ceremony. Ouly a few friends of the bride and groom were present. We welcome Mrs. Jones to our town and may their life be long and happy. larried. ' On Sunday at the residence of Mr. G. R.v Hodges two miles North of Dunn, 3Ir. RoBert Lee and Miss Net tie Hodges were united in the holy estate of matrimony, Elder . J... F. Owen performing.' he. marriage cere mony. The following were the at tendants: Mr. A, E Norris and Miss Ihnnie Hodges; (Mr. E. L. Lee and Miss Maggie Hodges; Mr. Johnie Muns and Miss Ida Norris; Mr. Bud Hodges and Miss Mamie Benton; Mr. Purdie Muns and Miss Susan J. Lee; Mr. Frank Boyles and Miss Minnie Hodges. IIodes Jluns. A beautiful home wedding was solemnized last Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. M E. Muns in Cumberland eonnty, when Miss Jennie Muns .gave ner hand in marriage to Mr. Cornelius Hodges, Mr. Z Taylor, J. P., per forming the ceremony. A large number of friends had gathered to witness the ceremony and extend good wishes and congratula tions. The parlor was beautifully decorated with ever greens and in the center, was suspended a marriage bell made of evergreens, under which the bride and groom stood while the mystic knot was tied sur rounded by the attendants of follow?: Miss Either Phillips with Mr. J M. Muns; Miss Sarah Jernigan with Mr. Johnnie Muns; Miss Lizzie Muns with Mr. W. T. Hodges; Miss Bsttie Taylor with Mr. G. R. Muns; Miss Mattie Collins, of Raleigh, with Mr. B B. Jernigan: Miss Ida Adams with Mr P. E Muns. In the evening a reception was given to the bride and groom and a few friecds at the home of the groom's father. The bride is one of Cum berland's fairest daughters and the groom is a clever and popular young farmer ' of Harnett. Taeir many friends join us in wishing them long and happy life. Special bargaios io Buck Waite Lead and Paiuts at Dudu.- Hardware and Furniture Co. Store. COMING AND GOING- Mr. E. WTou spent Friday night in town. . .. Mr. J. B.'Hadson, of Smithfield, spent Suifday night in town. Mr. A. B. Harrell returned to Mr.-, J. D. Barnes left Tuesday evening for Wilmington.- Mr. J. W. Lane made a '-"trip to Fayetteville Monday. Mr. E. F. Y"oung spent several days in Wilson this week-. ' Dr. M. W. Harper returned from Bentonsville Tuesday. J. M. Davis Esq, of Linden, waj in the city yesterday. Mr. Ralph Shaw and Mrs. E. F. Young left for Summerville to-day. . Mr. A. A. Croinartie of Bladen is visiting his daughter Mrs. L H. Lee. Mr. R. A. Hales and .-wife, of Kenly, spent Monday night in town. Miss Emma J effrey s returned to her her home at Fremont last Fri day. Miss Gertrude Harper left for La Grange last Friday, where she goes to attend school. Mr.- Gib, Blanchard, of Varina, Wake county, a former merchant of Dunn, is in the city. - Mr. G. H. Parker and wife left Tuesday evening to visit relatives near Hope Mills and other points. ' Mrs." L. McKay, our, efficient post mistress, is on a visit to her son at Wilmington this week. j 1 Mrs. D. A. Koonoe and daughter Miss Maud', left for their home at Hertford Monday. Mr. T. L. Gerald returned from Kansas City, Kansas, Monday, where he purcbassd'a nioe lot of mules. Mr. V. L Stevens, the aoopmodat-f iug book-keeper for Mr. E. F. Young, returned from a visit to Wilson last Saturday. Messrs. John R, Godwin and M. F. Gainey spent a few days at Rocky Mount last week n a, visit . to rel atives, i Mr. Hubert Atkinson, who has been a typo on The Union for tw.o months, left for his home at Faye'tte- ille last Saturday. ' Mrs. N. B. Hgod -is visiting her parents near Bentonsville. We. are sorry to note that her mother is quite sick. ' . Dr. D. Raid Parker, of Randolph County, Populist Senator from Ran- dolph and Moore, spent a day in onr city last week, with Mr. J. D. Barnes. Mr. J. R; Baggett, of Bass, Samp son county, who has been spending the X.mas vacation at home with his pa rents, returned to Chapel Hill yes terday. Why will you buy bitter nauseating tonics when GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC is as pleasant as Lemon Syrup Your druggist is authorized to refund the money in every case where it fails to cure. lr nee, ou cents. The Hfe? IPaper, We have received a sample copy of 'The Christian Life," a holiness pa per published semi-monthly at Golds bero N. C. It is edited by Revs. A. B. Crumbier, D. A. Futrell and W. A. Jenkins, all of whom are known through this section; Its motto is: Salvation: "Present and full; free and for all." Rev. J. ,T. Kendall is' business manager and RcV. D. H. Tuttle, who is. one of the ablest preachers in the state, and Rev. J. T. Browning, an other great preacher, bearing the dis tinction, we believe, of being the first man in North Carolina to profess sanctification, are special contributors to the paper. May the Lord abun dantly use this paper, and all con nected with its management, to spread the doctrine of His holiness to His own glory. Falcon Dots Mr. S. A. Starling, of Hubert, N. C.. who spent Christmas with his parents, returned to Ins home last week. M. ;Ilawler, who lias been making tar for some northern firm lia shut down for a few davs. He will te- gin again soon. vThere was ' a public deb-ite at Five Oaks Hast Fritliry night and all who at tended enjojed the exercises. M'.sses. Emma Starling and Delia Godwin are spending this week in Bjcu son, N, C. h . We notice that Mr. J. D. Biin is doing quite a good business of late. Glad to know that; Mr. A Culbreth of t)u!iu, Is going to move back to FajU ro:i whre lie is now doing: a good bH'ff- nc. welcome Mr. Culbrerii And family in onr neighborhood..;' Mr. S. M. Starlins scent list guMdav afternooif with his parents. Sport." BUSINESS XOOALS. Lee Hardware Company is head quarters for fine and medium Furni ture, cheaper than the cheapest. You can now buy a nice Bedstead for $1 25. - V ' Go to Lee Hardware Company to buy your Cook Steves and Heaters, where they will warrant quality and prices. A large lot of Boy Dixie Plows eheaper than ever at Lee Hardware Company, only $120 cacn. 1 All kinds of Buggy, Cart and Wagon material at Lee Hardware Store. quarters for Sash, Doors, Blinds and all kind of building material. Go to the" Lee Hardware Store to buy Paints,' Oils, Brushes and all kinds of painter's supplies. FOR SALE: One good xnilcb cow, $15 cash. Rev. L. Leitch, Dunn, N. C. Dunn Hardware and Furniture Co. will sell you a nice Bed Stead at 20. Dunn Hardware and Furniture Company sell you a No. 8 Cook Stove for $10.00. . ' 1,000 pair o rubber shoes cheap at MassengUl & Co.' E. F. Young will sell you ' more goods for a dollar than any one else in town. . i Go and' look at olothing at E.J F. " ..: Jh. Yourg's. ' We have just received our second stock of Clothing; 'first lot so cheap all gone, uome m ana iook at it. tu. F. Young. i - : ; If you want to buy good good cheap, go to E, F. Young's. See Massengill before you buy your baby a Hood. He has them cheap. - ' '. ' .' . Go to Massengill's for Clothing, Over-Coats and Mackintoshes. ) Shoes, Shoes, Shoes, at J A. Mas sengill & Co. D'on-'t forget Massengill when you want cheap coffee. 25 rolls straw matting just received at Massengill's. Cheap for cash. Best grade of Bicycles for sale by E F. Young. Terms easy. . Floor-oil-cloth is a nice thing. Massengill & Co sell it. Wanted 1000 pounds of hides, dry or green. Highest market price paid. R. M. Pearsall, Dunn, N. C. ' 'Another beautiful line of Outings; Eindines, Cashmeres, Worsted, Eider Downs, Ginghams, Calicoes and Cloak Goods, will be Open Friday morn ing, Dee. 4th, at J. A. Massengill k Co. " "'"'.j '. ' The most complete line of over shoes ever bought by any firm in Dunn, was reeeiyed by J. A. Massen gill k Co this week. Call early and avoid the rush. - The Dunn Hardware and Furniture Company are. in a position to better anybody's prices. Plow points at 5 cents each at Dunn Hardware "ad Furniture Co's Store. i. Buy the Blue Grass Axe whh an unlimited guarantee from Dana Hard ware and Furniture Co. NOTICE isereby given that the next General Assembly of North Car olina will be asked to charter a Rail Road to run frpm thi O F. & Y. V. Railway at or near Spoat Springs, in Harnett county, in the direction of Bunn's Level and to some point in the Fayetteville, and Wilson branch of the W. k Y. R. R. Britton k Johxsow. LAST CALL. Town Taxes must be paid The time is out- Pay in this month and avoid cost. J. A. DRIVER, Town Tax Collector. Ja-6-lm. LAND FOR SALE. I offer for sale a good farm containing 105 acres, 48 acres cleared, in good condition, with good building on the same, situated In Harnett. county, Two and a half miles from Dunn. Possession given at once. Terns easv and made known on application. For fui thef in formation write or appry to ; W. F. GAIXEY, Dunn, N. C. X. B.' If the above land is not dU- po?ed of at prlviite ale before. '1- will ; the saineir public sale to tlie high- t biddt-rn the 6th dy of February, Dunn: This -ttnuary 4th, 1S97 I JaG 4w. W". F, Oaistkv. C ALL Tin flu lira i store arid examine stock of and. ? . . . ; r -Purniture They are too busy new goods, therefore you much this week but will tell vou more next week. ; DUNN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., Privett Holiiday, Managers. . Next door to J. J. DUPREE ' Dunn, N. C- TRY BEFORE YOU BUY ! A GO'ID PLATED GENT'S HANDSOME SrEM-WINDING WATGH Sent on 1 0 Days' Trial. You pay the Express Agent 82.47 mul 10 DAYS. If not sis good a timekeeper clock, return it to the Expre.si Agent, find the watch bick at our expense. A Gold Plated Chain ami Charm FKEE. THK WATCH is sent in a '.Beautiful Plush (.asket,- m.ikin it very suitable for Birth day or Holiday Presents. Send order on est express office is located. Other flnm office. How can you tell that their .watches will keep good tiincf OUKS DO. Therefore wc let you wear thein no you ORDER WOW. EUROREAW WATCH CO., I nrs D. McBROWN, Proprietor. (Xfter January 1st, 1897, 1 will be in the To get fresh pure me. y War is a first-class drink in its place OLD NORTH CAROLINA CORN WHISKEY SOLD B! i. A I I are itivired to drink with me, whatcuere your circumstances 1 L I HI FT Q are UiilulV If F INE INTERIOR We arc prepared to Fine work for Interior of es and offices. A variety -tyles nupenor to anything Parties contemplating nee ur design and get The SuwriutendcHt of DlNlied and ;xcrieno;d ind wc guarantee to please SOUTH DUNN M E G. CO. NOTICE TO LAW iK LIS AXD DOCTORS. This if to notify all Lawyers, Doe tors, Hotel Keepers, ana liverymen io Harnett County that if they do not pay their License tax before February term of Harnett Superior Court their names will be banded to the Grand Jury. I mean business about this matter. J. H. Pop. 8heriff of Harnett. Co., N. C. E. W. Pou Attorney-at-Law. SMITHFIELD. N. C. rwftil attp.nrion toan Mvil matterii AT Frtim Ciw's their large . r opening up cannot tell express charge, an 7 . wear the watch 9 as any watch'. In your towu or your towiii he will ivfuml yonr money and a'end Postal Card, and say where your near allow only an examination at oxpreM can jmlgo for yonrrtC- AOKXTS WASTED, NBW TO UK. store now occupied by Mr. S. V. Prke,r. liquors call on but it don't beat may be. Pd whererer found. yo-ir want ffool drinks call on IfcBrown. ;1700D VJOR1T L furnish nt short notice! Houses, Store, Church of palti-rnn and ofJ ever ceu in Dunn. building will do well til our price. our work Is an nccom- Ueflgner on this line you. HACKNEY BUGGIES. Iam now agent for the Haekney Buggies, the best make in North Carolin. See me before you bay. K. F. YOUNG. " ' ' A0KNT3 WANTKU. I wsnt 10 or 12 Agents to begiq work January 1st, 1887, to eaovaM (Wake. . Jobnatop. Hroet, ' Moor jaod Comberiaed esuntiet. For fa. 1 jpartivultr?, writ'j to L J. WILSON. . Special Agent, WlUnVMilU, Jf.,C. 0 intrusted to his care m the courts of llarnett County, ; .,' ' "