r ' t '. i - 1 1 '! 1 i 4 the " ; I 5GO U NTY. UNION. F f T4 A U C i A L STATE F3ENT. , Financial "Statement-of claims allowed by ' the Board of Connty Cbm- i niseionrrs for the year coiomenciog the firt Monday in December. 1895 and ,Und?cg NTnv.n.W aQ.b,.J896 1st Monday of peceniber 1895. . : - ; . y :J Morgan, Jailor ' , " . ; Emetvd aceoiding to -postal regula-, Harper k Hood, medicine for prisoners " tiWu at postofiice hi Dunn. X. C, a& j )lrrocl repairing bridge , j J .K.y Byrd. tflerk (S-pi) ; . jraRtltain. it ritfman,' stationery DUX NV -Harnett Count-, X. C. secotiti e.!.n matter. J..P." FrrTMAN, Proprietor, A . M . W OOD A J.L, K . ! i U r. , TER.IS'CF SUBSCRIPTION. Il'lirt... Months ..i . .....V ....... ;.2o Cents.- Mix Months.. ttuvYear..... 4- ' i no Cents. ....31.00. jjeiit by Mail. I Payable In advar cc:. "Dunn. X. C, January 13, graded: SCHOOL 'DUSK FOR i At the present eessian of the legis lature an application will be made for an act to.allovr the town of Dunn and i adjoining territory to levy a Fpecial tax for a Graded School. Of course there will be some opposition to tbif tar by some of our people but those who wilj oppose it have not thought of the great , help and itflutnee it would have on our town. We are not familiar with the wak; of the Graded Sohool .sjstem but ifc these towns that have Graded Schools they are successful and patronized by .the whole people. -'"They give ; f:ee tuition to all of school age for nine ; months in. the year. Tey give the " poor children a ohauce. for a good .common school education wh'.so if it were not for the ; Graded' Schools in those places they would piopably get very little or none at "all. It is estimated that $1,5C0 ay tar - will furnish enough money to run a J school here in Dunn," free to all chil ! dren who live near enough to attend.. I for Bine months in the year. The j white pupils, would require ,three teachers; the colored pupils one teaoh- er. This' amount, could readily ht raised by a erall tax levied ua tbo poll and preporty-of the district and j to diminish this tax it may be "that a j considerable amount may be raised ;frtm another source, j Talk this matter over with your j ;friends and neighbors ard fiad the I opinion of each in regard to -thisvmat-. ter. A gradtd School . will - enable every child in the district to "attecd school and a great bcttfft to the tos?u ' vwill be BccompltFh d. 1 ha tax o, course will fall proportionately on all jreperty holders and on - polls. wBut j-,the man vsho .has property ; and no I children can well' afford to pay a small' ! tax toward helping educate the boys, and girls of his towuf A.help to tthem is a. help to him s - It is urged that Dunn should have a Graded School from a standpoint of vbusiness. That it would l-aiise peo pie to move hero to educate taeir ohildren and that the more people we have the more. - prosperous." would bo the to"sn. ThiL probably would i&e many to miove here .to educate their children because,a mac with six jr eight ehildren could pay his taxes and, the rent of a house to live in with ,the money it would take to pay the tuition of his children to keep tb em in school nine months in the year. , A good school is the life of any town and to have one that all the , people may have the benefit it must bo a public school and run by taxing ... vthe whole-people. 13 us all pull , together in Dunn and 6tart ' up a - Graded Sahcol here nest fall and place our town t the ffont in educa 11 n abbhe now is in the business world. . , J 31c. Kay Djrd, Clerk, bnlance cf Tsx Hr-ok ' j' " Xovcmber 1895, , " j Z T Kivett, repairing bridge J-WflTpkio, assessor Dr JH Withers, attetition to Panpera .,. A L B lughcom, wood for Poor Il'tuse D As Camo? on,. burial expense of Pauper A L Ba-ughccm, keeping poor Allowed out aide poor, CLAIMS ALLOWED JANUAIlY 1SQG. Jof-h.ua McLean, ferryman - . ,' - G -Q Sertef,-carrying Mr. A B Mason to asylum Mary H'lllmn-. for Mi.port F M McKay, 0 S C, recording names Talis Jury M il Morgan, juler ' S A Sa!n,o, Kent of Court House J McK Byrd, Clerk " ; making Fioancial statement 1895 A L Banghconj, keeping poor bouses Oat side poor y ' . . ' jEBi;uAiiY ;sao. - . Fi D McCormick, J P, examining lunatic ; Xeill Sbaw, carrying Margaret Shaw to Aiyluna Jibua McLean, iYrry.mau , : " M R'Morgau, jailer . :- R B Vann, for support . A L Baugheouj. keeping poor house " Out side poor . . . i . .MARCH 180(1. County Union for publishing Financials Statement . J B Hoi bed, ,i. P.; Justice's Docket j J Senter repairing bridge r J Jushiia ikLean, exta keep at ferry; f John, Webt, repairing bridgej ' J i A L Ba'jgbcom, keeping poor house... i , i 1 11 Morgan, jailer ' j " I'Mwards & IJrough.tco, 2 Record Books J McK Byrd, ex pressage on books I - Joshua Me-Lean, ferryman i . ' 4 C HoiJirfp, J. P ; letting and receiving bridge J McK Byrd, Clerk (January) - . !, ' " (l! ebruary) j Clintoa McNeill, making ccftij for pauper 1 , . O.it side poor ' ' april isaa. I N McK- Murchion, repairing bridge G Vvr Whits, repairing bridge ' J D Godfrey, lumber for bridge J McK Bvrd, Clerk, (March) ' . i i . F M McKay, C S 6 ezpenso'dividing towaships John ivIeLsod,: J.. P., lotting and reoeiviug bridge J K P, Harrington repairing bridge Dr. .W, M McNeill, attention to pauper ' A L HuVghcom, keeping por house j Oat eid poor STATE, BILLS OP COSTS. ' State r.gainst Holort Pegi am. ' '1 50 " Jas Mc'Doagalil & l'oay rrinc 173 " " M K Sniitli and Andicw Ilodg-ea 1 IS & 23 00. l 75: 12 68. .; 15 70. 1 25. 2 50. ; 18 75. ' 25 70. ' 17 25. . 1 98. 45 Op. i 5 00. . ; 5 00. 21 55. .47 40. . .45 15. . 5 00. 2 00 2 55 : 25 65 80 00 25 35, 1 15 00 s 37 24 52,40 . 1 50. 10 70. 19 45. 5 75 1 00. 13 60. 56 40. . 25 00. - 1 00. 2 00. ' 2 50. 6 00. J3 60 8 70. 17 00. 1 25. 26 25. ' 2 00. 18 80. 16 80. 1 50. 55 40. 10 00. 17 00. 11 55. 20 92. 16 25. -.2 50. 12 50. 6 62. '17 45. 5 56 90. M Bart-foot.. 7 63 . TlibinasKpltr .- i . 4 37; "W & A L Moore . 18 31 " Kate McUrc-por 2 C4 " Th'-uias Kt-Uy ' ' li .12 - C F Canadriy 10 3 '" Willis Spruill 5t'8 .Paul Duuston . 3 0? 'Ktania KoMy " 13 " Ue!)aIattliews " 5 tB " Neiij and A nua Cataplell 4-17 " Jerry Camorou and Mary Cherry 3 78- Willis ypruilJ T-L West and N II Norpis 14 21 3."3 " " John-W Campbell 1161 " " M R Smith 5 22 " ' "CBKeily . - 439 Dock MeXttill . 9 03 )v " Sandy Buic and Henry Clegg 6 58 " " Neill Campbell 13 si " " W R Johnson , 8 07 " Preston Brewington . 5 73 " " M Gilchrist and AS Cameron 3 g3 " j" Eliza Fhillips ' 7 05 " :" W R'Johnsoii- 1 6 22 " "-P McLean and Jas. D. McDougald 8 17 " ' " Cader Parker Jr. 5 95 " Cader Parker Jr. . 5 3.; " " Peter Can.ei 011. - - y , ' 20 12 " " J M Johnson and Jaa. Driver 14 Gi James Bbwrten MAT 1S9G' Joshua McLean, Ferryman . K Murchisoo, rspiiring bridge Birncs Bro?.,' stationery Stewart Printing House Tax notioes . C:)unt,y 'Uuion, stationery P .1 MeK Byrd, clerk (April) M R Morgan, jailer D Darroor, coroner icq iest J L McLean A" A W a dd el 1 ct fees J L McLeaQ W F Marsh, Jury of inquest ' F liockaday , 41 J A Rogers J D McNeill J IL MeiVaa , " ' ' ' A Dson Bailey 44 " Josh McLean, taking up body 4 A G Rigland, Sherod Mas.-ey, Oat side poor t JUNE I89GL "The papers have Mr McKijley tbttsy making up a list of -Lis cabinet officers. No doubtfa great many rc publicans who as-pire to :hose positions will be disappointed as Well- as the editors of the papers when Mr. Mc Kiuley makes out his list. There'are only eight cabinet places to give and there will probably be. more than eightdisappointed oue3 for each of .these places, A-plaeajiftg,S.0Q0 Ja year will make a great diffcreice in the opinion of maisy men. Is the state of Ntw'Tork the legis lature has passed a bill prohibiting .the work of coavicts, at labor that would antagonize outside labor, and under this law all ' the work of tbe state penetentiary of that ; tate. has been shut dbwn and the inmates of the state prison have .had a holiday sinee -January 1st. Somo cf theu have tried to commit suicide sioee tucn because; they had no employ meLt, . ' The state of Ariz ma has hired her (Convicts ut at 70v cents each pei dy lor ten years to dig canals to irrigate arid lands. It sterns that a convict is ia demand in that etatc. Labor is i J MeK B?rd, makias tax boots 1 Sf5 M R Morgan, jailer ' ' Fluh. Bain, repairing bridge ' Vv' F Marsh, repairing flat .. J ,MeK Byrd and B F Shaw, indcxing.Reeord J MeK Byrd, clerk (Maj) A L Baugbcom keeping poor house Oat side poor - - . ' JULY 18, Stewart Printing House, Tax Books r. Ilirrell's Printing House, stationery ; . J" McK Bjrd and B F Shaw, indexing Record A L Bdughcm, keeping poor house vf J I) Jones, burial expeuse of patfper J It Spence burial txpene of paupor M R Morgan, jailer ' , Dr. W M McNeill, examination: body of J L McLcaq W M Bryan, carrying a lunatic to asylum J McK Byrd, clerk (June) J H Pope, notices to list takers S A Salmon, rent of court house Oat side poor .. . . . j AUGUST 189.G. Ovje Printing C.omp-any, stationery J McK Byrd, clerk July H '. -" A L .Baughcom, keeping poor house Xiven Ray, lis taker 1896 J Vv' Lucas, lUt taker 1896 J 1' McLeod, list taker 1S96 R F William?, list taker 189Q . A TArnald lh-t taker IS96 - L L Turlington, list taker 1896 ; . & A Smith, list taker 1896 i ? ' fi'A Morrison, list taker 1896 M B F Sba; list taker 1896 " ' , V A Green, list taker 1896 D J Parker, list taker tS96 J B F Stewart, list taker 1896 Out side poor j SEPTEMBER 1SSQ. M R Morgan, jailer J McK Byrdclerk (Angust) Oiptial P. ioiug Company, sfa,tionery J-vU Luch? rp.ifiDg bridge .V II F labh j r-patring fiat ' i '. A L B.3.nV;heou, keeping poor house pJentifaVat that price, ia this state Slc Vocr yitboi the board. OCTOBER 1$0S, 12 12 18 75 . 25 00 0J f 00 1 25 37 05 ' 22 80 18 30 13 20 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 00 3 15 1 50 1 50 1 50 51 40 8 70 42 00 7 00 , 72 OS 25 95 27 21 52 40 - 3 00 1 00 17 96 16 l 2 40 2 40 2 80 10 00 15 10 22 10 7 20 105 00 51 40 6 88 31 05 19 00 9 28 23 20 10 10 9 12 10 76 14 96 9 40 7 28 7 '60 '. 9 28 12 40 20 08 51 40 20 50 17 70 - 1 00 450 2 85 23 35 250 00 53 40 W J HodfsjJ. P., fXRoiTning lunatic J MeK B) rd, committee woi s J J D McAclj. burial expense pauper -M R Morgan,' jiiler L L Turlington J. P., examining laoatic B F Shaw, committee work ' V ' S J Strickland and S C Morrison, attention to pauper F M McKay, C. S. O. fees : ; - J McK Byrd. clerk (September) ' ' J B Deal, buril expenses pauper A.L Baugboom, keeping poor bouse Out side poor ' V s i NOVEMBER "iSDQ. R M Morgaa, jailer F M McKay, CSC., copy bonds 1895 " 1896 ... JKE Murchison, attorney's fee for Bjard I) H McLean, ; J H lODe. Sheriff holding November court 1895 February ' 1896 44 September .4 1896 carrying lunatic to asyluoi - - I . - . . X 4 : : : . . i - & M R ' 4n a ? m 4 oo ; i '19 20 . . 1 : ' - - - ; ' 2 00 ; ' jgk xi rj ' - A . 3 84 I J McK Byrd, clerk (October) So oman Hassell, .for support A L Baughocm, keeping poor houfe Oat side poor :v County Commissioners Court, for the year ending November 30tli ISOb. . .1 M Hotles, 32" days $1.50 per day " ; 7Gg miles 5c. ' ., E Smith, 17 days $1.50 52 40 20 30 2 45 2 45, 5 00 30 00 32 70 4170 34 40 0 50 6 50 23 95 150 18 30 53 15 54 1 miles 5c V J Long, 20 days $1.50 " .200 miles Sc.. ' FJ Swan n:.20 days $K50 " 720 miles oe. ; V F Marsh, 22 days $1.50 kt lio mileaire $48 CO oS 45 25 50 27 2U 30 0)1 ilO 00 30 00 3o 00 33 00 Amount paid Jurors for the year 1800 , ' ?27S 15 . $015 45 , -.J.TcK. BYRD, Clerk. J mancial btatement showing the l evenue and allowances macli for ending 30th November 196. Amount of County orders allowed By net Connty Tax . Amount poor " ' By net poor tax Amount paid Jurors By net Jury Tax r Amount paid for bridges , By net Bridge Tax the year 2301 70 80S 90 615 45 ITS 43 "3o545r m2l 07' j05l 95 . 411 05 "$423TlT SI on us : for any- the. irr - . w 4Z Jf" I M A ins. m rfrr,,.,.,: ,jjZZT. rV"V -".v-vv.W v v. v.. .a. .v.siv.k.-v VV.S..Vh- 1-.hv' W e fii'e sellinii" - -77 or on for' casli time. all itespectfullT J. -A:. MfcLssenaill fe Co. STILL TO THE FRONT. X. B. HOOD- j ' . ' (). R. W'hh the' Largest n l Best .Selected Stock ;6f Drugs and Mrdicics o unty ; - . .-' HOOD & TEW, I K tu iho COUNTY INDEBTEDNESS. II Lilly estate E,.I "Lilly estate K Ij Peniberton Out standing Scrip about 6273G0 00 3G0 00 . 2 GO 00 31)00 00. J; McK. BYRD, Glerk, To The Public. We are Ileadqnarters for . first class .' lour, fresh, water ground Meal, Litre! , Molasses, Sugar, Collee, Canned Goods of iiny sort, Nutmegs-,. Spice, Cloves, Ginger. Apple Butter, Apple Jelly, Cranberry Sance, .JDi ied apple: Dried Peaches, Table Peaches, Pio' Peaches, Mince Meat, CotVish, Gold -Dust. : Oat Meal, Starch, Sotps, Soda, Black and Green Teas, Baking Powders, Box Lye, a .complete 'inu of Candy, Fresh Malaga Grapes,' all grades pf chewing Tobacco, Cigars, Cheroots, -Cigarette, Snu. Chip ped Beef, Canned 'Beef, - Oysters, Sar dines, Currant?, Dates, Prunes, Kasiins, Sliced Pine Apllcs, Oranges. Coeoamits, Mountain Butter. Cheese, ' all ports of Cakes, Piek!e?,i Potted 11am, Transpa rent Gelatine. igs, Bice, Pearl Homi ny, Gnu Powder, Shot, Caps .Timyare, Vinegar, Kerosene ; Oil, Cooking Ex tracts, boioivs, Iri.ih and sSweet -.Potatoes," Chickens, Ejrgf,', jCibbage, S ui sage, French Mustard, Axle Grease, all sorts of Nuts, Olives, Smoked llen ings. Cinnamon Bark, Blueing. Shoo Black ing ami P.olislu Tomato Catsup, and everything else that a , developed taste will :s.vpieciate,'7 All our ,'goods are f res?h and pure ami a. jvpreseiited.- New Goods received b' "neat ly every.', train. We ask ybu to. c.ll, see our gools, -get our prices and weights for yourself, and. we will receive youi-pati onage. i i Kvxr . E.av E-ii-m.' .... .' The unders:gned having this day formed a copartaership for t hi prac-. tide of law, rerpectfulJy tender their f-ervices to the public. Tbey will practice in in all the courts j of the State where their fer vices may bere quired, but especially u the ooslnties of Harnett, Juhnstoa.i Sanipsou and Cumberland. ' , DffllGGISlS PiiininpKr IJiUtVlilLiOL 1 0,. Sell Drugs as oheap as they can bo bought iq tbe Stati. stock constantly a Wo ker p ia FULL LINE of DrugV Medicines Toilet Arlicles, lVjrfumVy, .S')a;)i of .,11 kinds Bn Purses. Sponges, oc'j. ...' Stationcy, a uFall School Supplies, Cigars, Cigarettes, Clicraots. P.pe Soda, Starch, and Pearliae, snuff, and Tobacco A-.fu(l lino of Sjitxtu.-I, and irany ot'aer at ifies. ... U e-lhank 'all for past patronago. Be sure to call .on us you ni l treated politely, fairly, and squarely. . , Heiasiaber tlio -place. - - Very respectfully,'. - HOOD & TEW. . Succceo:8 to'IIAUPl;u'& HOOD. bo OUR :W83 mULESr Dunn. N. C. , D. II. Mc.Lka, : J. C. (.'l.iriOKI), Ooti Gch.THIJi). A Ir A l A KXLi X 33 Tue first bill passed' by this Ugh- lature was o repeal the I fraudulent yfeigjoment act passed by the iaat leg islature. So far so good. - Standard Bred - Spanish - Jack ,can be fouiulut Godwin's rtuble ut all times ilurun' tlj Fall censon . Fanners' who wish to raise their own mule will Hud il lo their advanla" o to get my prices. For ' further, information uddn s. or cal on ' 1 . " L M.'lKF, . Di ns, N. V De-lGtf, DUNN, N. C. JUST TELL THEM TUATTOU Saw rne., N ! A L.. P. JERMGA N 'S Store, pur-eb'a-in'g my Groceries. lie keejs a well assQ-ted 'fctook of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. Tobacco and Snutf and Tinware. Frasu new River Mullets iu9t received. " His Prices are as low as, the Loicest. lw Don't fml to ca'.l bis fresh foasted PeanuU. Give me a cll. . L. P. JF.UNIGAX; Dunn, NT. C. LAND FOR SALE. i : : ; L I r If- This great remedy d's, indorsed by physicians, -vakV prescribed by thcrii all over the world. ' . Positively guaranteed to cure the mbst stubborn cases. The formul is published . plainly on every bottle. As a tonic it is f .if.&TA B to i-C A 'A Li f MALARIA &r ' ' ' Super tor TROUBLE'S 4 I offer for sale a good farm containing 105 acres, 48 acres chared, in good condition, with good buildings on th.'i same, situated in II irnett county, Two' and a half miles from Diiun. Possession given at once. Terns c-asv and made known on application. For fmther in formation write or . apply to 4 i! W. F- Gain'ey, :.- : ' Dunn, N. C. . K- B, If the above la:;d is not dis posed of at private sal before. 1, will sell the same at public sale to the hizh est bidder on the 6th day of February, 1897, at 12 o'clock M.'v at the Depot i i Dunn. This January 4th. 1S07. " W. F, Gainey. Ja6-4w. las TO .ALL,; aoani For Fernale ComplSftits and building up run-d(n sys tems it acts like maic.' Try a bottle and be . cbnvirrced. Sj .i mi . bl V FO'lSONiNG READ THE TRUTHS mm EXTRACT FnOWl BOOK OF TESTIMONIALS. . i "Wasa.rhetimatle fniTerer for 11 months. DeVivM noh-nofit froa physician, treatment ut !Uir.rrf Wilw sr JiL'ttJ't????1? Indorsed bjr B. V. Fxake-ns, l)r. - 4 1, Wln will j-o!i hny hitter nauseating o ucs when GROVE S TASTELESS CHILL T03UC is-as pleasant as Lemon Syrup. Your druggist is authorlaed. to refund the money iitevery case wlicrc it fails to cure. Piice, Q cents, 1 MP.P.P..Lippm.an,3'Great r:on:e,y,cT3ryJmeof difll-nlt hrcath Injr and palpitation of the Le?rt. Ha.-, not ?lept ou either t?Je for two years ; now I tJeep tonudly ta an v pcMticn.' x "Sworn to and subscribed before me,"' c , ? J. M. Lamceht, Notary Public. -': " SalTered for vpnra wit. a Tarious remedi-b faileu to remove u. Three toaki ot P. P. k; Upul f man's Great Kemedy, ccnipleteiy card ra"." j N . . V?apx. J. Ii. JOHNSON, Savacnjiwreaf 50LFJ BY ALL DRUGGi STS LIPPMAN: LI PPM AN 5 v V 'HUD. PROPRIETORS, BlOGK-SAVAfi NAH. GA. ks'END FOR r.vV;