- . . - . -. - r : . ' i r . . : ' " . - . -. 7 V , J THE COUNTY' UNION I ANITARY 6. ! DUNN, Na :''.Ulir.eUffv.lrn crver i rjiven and tie UUdce 'v:l 5 (Ml wed. Thirty . -Cdxton -03 Cents --The annual statement cf tbeeoun t. srpars in tbisisiue. 1In- i Lo-course of a few weeks the J .Tuano caffs ill begin to visit Dunn Talk tho Graded School and of vour neighbors. 'Mit' J.J Di-pree is having j some repairing done on the inside of y Lis ttore. - . ; . a k: C- F. Pope- is erecting ne;Vt cottage on Broad street near the U?ptist church. . . 1 - ia:x' "AVoodall; colored, was married Sunday Light to Mpllie Me ill. .. Vk can ue a cord of- wood, at j Tijk ( mi "n" c iTioe now. ! Bring it in j BC'd'wc will give jcu" credit on your j ubKription' account. ,r - Mi: C. F. PIoxeycutt of Samp: eon county has accepted a po-itiou with Mr. F. F. Young and will be plcastd to have his friends call on him. Mil J. II. Boyal". of C'mton. bavbought tie Hq-ior bus'int'ss of Mr. S V. Patkcr He will put s in gro '.eerie s iai-do. Se .his ad'' iu" fits issue. . : ':'-' Mr. C. B Ricii'MONDof Virginia ; iu 'the ciiy aud willcfFjri head of horses. Rud mules at auction next'. Sat urdayjhe 10-:h. -Sale will commence at.l o'clock, -s'ao??,. rain or shine. - -Mk Iv L. Hov.'akd moved hh family to hia. mill in Samfsou bout four Dji!c-3. from 'town yesterdsy.- "V ictrrc-t t) lce Mm' as a citizen. lie and "his stiruaV to wifj -' havs made' many irien.'o du--ig tueir s-a 13 re M ;:. :L. 1 Lkb is- bought the Et.'of gvlslr. E. T." Spez-ee .' aa i sr;!'' o.aftncTo.tho !usii:rs.s. . Mr -i. vi i . r i r - r ' ' r i yi .x-toro aud..-will li is frictiusj""' b3 Sfiai to serve : Is this i?u? will be ftmnd astite njenf ol toe reef :pt.v f.n-1 s of. f'. c count v of IJ iroU fo pebditures t r." t ftir i year j ijioing November 30:h J -Oo. cs ouiy a gtatCi at thn statement to ! h'H St earn that tr, county 13 in bad .lis: couuty financially., , ; , ' - ' . . u Unio xVil probibly put in a new pros sooriiy, tJ 'vo will great )y : r prteia'c fuc kindnesa if oar friends will 'a r ratine fo .pry their, little, acii'iunta wah u.v - Ve need the moti- yj aLd Letd i right at ,tL 13 time. Thk concert by the Grapnophone at the Town Hail F.iday eight w ill b-j -of uiiieh interest. It will reprr - duce the speech' of the Hon. V. 'J. Bryan at the Chicago convention, and other interesting' speeches and Fons." Part of the receipts w 1.1 be given to tho orphans at (jiford Asylum. ' - The new sign 'that the Ddnn llrdware ahd;Furniture Company have at their s:pre is quite attractive and catchy one. It was designed and pdyted by Mr. M. B. Mansfield of tuMowo. ,It3 uniqueness and sug- g'iativeuess will, attract the attention of fuany as they pass the pia ce. " We learn that there will be' no .pabtio school here ia tbls district this winter. The appropriation is so 'small that' the committee has decided to wilt until there is more money. Uudur the apportionment made Janu w ary 1st, the district, in which Dann is situated gets 113 00 There are; about 200 children ia. this district, Di.'nn should have at least one man appointed by our town commis fioaer8 to make a general round once or twice a month in tho business part of town and make a thorough exfem ination cf all the stoves aud stove flues. Some of our stoves are not in a afe condition, and a little careless ness may cause the town great 'loss. J "We believe cur commissioi ers have just overlooked this important matter, - Rev. B, K. Sykfs, colored, who has been employeddn tho buggy shops of Mr. W. t). Thornton for a year cr more, has accepted a call from the Eb- enezer Mhsioaarj Baptist church in AVilmingtoo. Ni C. ' He will leave in about two weeks for h's new field of jee f-r themselves.- Mr?; E lwards labor. .He is a elever and polite col-1 js t0 be a woman cf verypoor' ored gentleman End wit be greatly ' j health and of a weak mind. . ruissed by his fleck here for whom, .he; . . ..- , has been preaching. He ha, many j Dunn Hardware and Furniture-Co. frieuds among the white perple here j will sell you a n'.C3 Bid Stead at Rhojwith him success in his ncwbome 1120. COMING AND GOING- Sheriff McArtaio, of Ltllington, was oa our streets Fridnr . ' " , Mr J I Balance' returned from a trip to Rtlegh f -nday. Mr. Aro Lee and wife are visitin friends ia Benson thi3 week. Mr. Y D Taorntorl made busiucs3 trip to Sin ford last week. Mr. Stephen Saeltn, of E:chmoad. Va , was visiting iu the city Sunday. Mr. T J Jaeksoa went-up to .Ral eigh Eoadaj. .to. be present at the inaugural of the Governor. M"sse3 Mary Bennett and Callie Bennett, of near Clinton, arc visiting relatives in the city. . '- Mr E. M. Gilchrist, I of WsJgi-fi-jld, S C., spkiat a few days iu town ia - fc Mr. G. F. Sniai and wife spent a lew wna relatives near Oaks this week. e . .1 . i t . our M. ss B;i.si9 Aldri'dgi who has been visiting Mrs. p. J J.ffirys, returned home lasp Friday. , MissCairie Felton, w&o lives with Mrs.; K" L. Howard, spent labtwee-k wih 2l'si Lucile lias's el at Godwin. Mi:s Mit!ie Collias, after spending several weeks with Mrs. J. B. Hol- I land, returned to hor home at Raleigh 3 toterday. . Messrs. ' Gastavus Newberry and Hubert Benton, of the South Pann MTg. C )., are-off on a trip to. their home at Favettevilie. Mr. Nathan Creel, who, we believe, wss the first man to build a residence ia Dunn, but now- a resident ot ; Georgia, i3 spending several dayd in town with relatives and friends. -If you wish to rea'd your home pper and the Constitution this year, send us 150 and you will get both, pipers.. By this arrangement you save half of the : coif of cue piper. Send. in jour name- sccjmpr:ied by t'je cish at once. Tiikke are iu H-irnett county 5:708:clfildrcn of school age. This incl'ades fioih ''raees. The ..anjount' of 8ih'$j&! ti-x' this year sppropr;ated by ins -county eoaimissiouers is ic-i-s taari ! M 5v;0. tulv abcjt 50 cents for each i i- - " - . . ! C .1 ; sid. rue-' commissioners sav ta:si i . . - i-. '1 lie money in sight that was ail&ble . Mr M B. Mau?ficld,. who. does tne p iiirji.it: g-. for the S'juth Dunu Man .f::e: nvipfr 1 iv; Miii v . has tivoveu to c r i br ti'iHe an extK-'iitisi aruHt iu ni j . . ' . . . , t ability to-da. fancy work can be at- tested by aujoae who wiil visit Dann a id examine thc many signs he lias p.aiuttd for our mercHants since he moved here only a Liw months ago.1 All his workshows that he is an ex cellent artist with original ideas and i an adept at' his profession. Yo have j known' Morris for several years and j knpw him to be an - excellent artist j a.d a gentleman of fine character, Ail work entrusted to hia care will i be elegantly done and in the best j manner possible. ' , , s " : . Sjm,.tiiu0 flg0 it wa9 announced : that a Mrs. Frank E Iwards .who Jives i withbr husband near the Johnston' laud Waynecounty line would go into ' a trance oflthe 1st -d iy of January ! 1897. and remain that way for fifteen ' days and that Sunday January 10th would be aV big day with? her and she Wanted all. holiuess people to visit her on that day. C ; It is said that she went4nto a trance oa the day mentioned and has been in one most of the time; since. She tells of seeing heavenly things in these trances and sees peoplo in heav en who have died and also tells of some that are in hell. She was in a trance all last Satur day night and quite a number of peo ple gat np and watched her. Ia the morning she went to church at Beaver Dam school hcitSJ in Yayne county. An immense crowd was there to see (her. She was to. 'read from the i - : ! "Lamb's Book of-Life 1 . t-. oa that day : but told the, audience ; that she had been directed not to read. She went into a trance and was uncjnrcious niost of the day. Ia the evening she j told that she had received the sight 1 ia one of her eyes ia which she had j b2en blind for aboutnioe years. bear a good-many stories about wnat ghesays and does some bf them j alm03t iaaredible. The above state ) merits were told us by two gentlemen ! who had curiosity enough to go and A Rcrasi'knlde Tilon, , At the Grumpier meeting held her.? last spring Mr. B. M F.- Coats, a joang man of tliis place who had live! up to that time a rather way ward life, professed religion and theu holy sanctificatioo. . He -soon made himself a conspicious character at" tie meeting ani when Grumpier was gone Coat's z ;al for sanatinjatioa was. such that he d'.cid ?d he mas! 1 -preaca and help his.fieads and comrades he had kaowQ in sia to do better and lead i them to the church. llj made- ap pointments to preach at different places through the surrounding coun try, aud seemed to be 'thoroughly in earist iu his desire to help others . He gave mst of his time to : this work. '.. ''-..' i Brit recently is seems that some of h':3acts of a fe w years ago became a thorn in hi fl sh a.id be .decided to make amsnd? if he could.. It appears that som-3 years ago'C ats 'became in volvad in sooio trouble hsro and went t Georgia, and whilo there ho mar ried voudz womaa. After a Qrauole or years or ho ae caraa bacK...yfJ-: lus home here, and afj;?r a while married a'-youug Udy in Cambcrland county near here and had lived with Tier un til recently. This wife now has one child and before ieaving he took her and the'baby to her father's m Cum berlaad. H3 then hitched up hia horse .o a cart or buggy and left . for Georgia on la preaching tour, hold ing' holiness m-tings a3 he went. Iu Robeson county he met one '.of his holiness brethren and to'd him thut he had been' shown 'in a vision .that the wife in Georgia was his lawful wife and that he wa3 oa: his' way to see her and if hhe had not done as he had -married again he .would live with her; but if she had married again he would return to wife No. 2 and livo with her. - . I; is thought by some that Coats ' has license from .the Free Will Bap tist church here to preach. This is a mistake, he j ined that church but it has never grunted him license in fact he went out preaching on his ow.n accord. rSaoh cjndu3t: as this is not healthful for religion or the cause of.christiaair.y. . It may be that the man is truly i , -,i . Lf - convcrteu acd a car.srian pat no will ; u i .- . e ... . . have a, hard time satisfiag tne r law tor-two wr?es. lis is ta a good way Sow to' wndup ia the J pe litentiary ?or bigamy. If thi story of two wive be true he may have a third one be fore long. .Tii -3 e.ij.3iidt-d and ruined- wife here could' prosecute him if. ..-she would-. A gentleman-in town received a letter froui him this week stating that he;' had not yet reached wifa .- No. 1, but was iu about 203j miles of her. . Ve are rtquesrei by the board of town aldermen to aunouneo that. at the next regular meeting of th Board the first Monday night in February, action will be taken on the question of alio wing hogs on the streets, and no tice is hereby given to all -citizens of the town to appear, if they wish, and be heard for or against the running of hoirs on the streets. The hoga will probably be ordered shut up and along with this a cow law would do good also. 'CTif following is a report of a mar- liage just as id was handed Cross, an old .darkey w press. ..: 1 . ; in by Parson ho runs our Janay the 10 18o7 Alex Wood1 AH -yas Mary Sunday Night at to Moly .Menelc 7a'1o. i h;p the good luck In their Liv- iii"; 1 lie. Marv Life And Come 'liome That night. .TI10 Sipe speck--to hav met In numi. N C at Mr J J Will son ll:ul at 11 Clock In Dunn N C Mr Alak Wood All wiir was Dras in whit Glovs wlien Maryj. She had a val on Jiuifhat. The man that Mary the was Poson See .B:iui-y. " ' . There will be an application made to flie. present General Assembly, off. North. Carolina for 'Mil act" to levy a4 special tax for the jHirpo-e of Csratlislig a Graded School in the town of Dunn. N C ManyCitizens. January 5th, 1-S7. notTcFtc LTwYas-and :P- doctors. : ': , Tbns is to notify all Lawyers,rDoc tors. Ho-el Keepers, and" Liverymen in Harnelt County that if they do not pay their License tax before February term o Harnett Superior Court their names will be banded to the Gran'd Jury, I mean business about, this matter. J. H. Popk, Sheriff -of Harnett Ca., IST. C.S HACKNEY BUGGIES. I am now agent for the Hackney Buggies, the best ma!ie iu North Carojin. See me befo e joi buy. ( E. F. YOUNG. 'e have just received a large lot cf TOE CELEBRATED EXCELSIOR COOK STOVES Tae beft etove on the market' and we will sell you one' at a small profit aLd give you a 5 year guarantee on it. Oar BLUE GRASS AXE is the best ever broagnt to Dunn. See them , be fore you buy. Don't forget that we have a complete line of Plows, Casticg, Carriage Material, Giu Baiting, CUtlerv of every kind or anything jou need. If you come to peehs and can't fiad what you want oa the lower ftaor just ask for it, for weibave itup gtaus. Make our store your headquarters while La town and we will make it prefi table and pleasant for you. Pnvett & Holliday. NText'door to J J DUPltKE xoriuB. By virtue cf a loel ol trust pxecntod to m? by Henry Poi and wife, EMza toro, r..c rd-,d in Book It. AO. 2. paca :.5--f,l. rt-cords of Harnett county, I vviU on Fb. .S0tli. It .at the Dpot in i)unn N. -C at, l:-;0 o'clock P. M; soil tit iuMic sale to tU s iiig-hesi bidder for ;c-;ish tjie following roal estate in A verasboro townfehii liar .ert cunty. to-wit: First tract ibc-in-r one-half of Ulock ".CC" in the plan of Mhetowuof Hum, CQtisisnng1 of 2 Iojs A on. S and 4, bounded oniurtii tjy t earsan sl. on east r-v a iO feet alley, on south t.y tops St., on the west lvi Kiu-r.St. Second tract. Bo- ins aiirf Biock-7; 5c.mi...? to ttte p an and 4, bounded on north by Fearsall St. TOO feet;Qii the east by Kinsr St. 3(0 feet, on the south In- Fopa St. 200 feet, o;i the -west by Layton St "00 feet- said Block bein ? :-0f) feet square. Third Tract. Beinif all of Block "FO" according- to the plan of said town, cousisiins? of 4 lots i-U s. 1, 2, 3,-4, bounded on .North by Pesraall St. TOO feet, on the east by Layton St. VW feet, on the south by Fop- St.. , feet on the west by j.civay St SQiiare. ', January 1. 1897. im xeet, cciii aiu ieet ! J. D. B.VRNE9, Trustee. BUSINESS LOCALS- Wanted 100;J pounds of "hides, dry oclgreeni- - Highest; market price paid.- II. M . Pearsail, Dunn, X. C. - .- . - ' " Another beautiful line of Outings, Efndices, Chmeres, Worsted, Eider Downs, Ginghams, Calicoes aud Oloak Goods, will be open Friday moro- ing, Dec. 4th, atf J 4.- Masseagiii & q0 The most complete 1 line cf. over shoes ever bought : by aby firm in Punnv waa received by J. A.;Slissen fiill & Co this week.; Call ca-ly and avoid the rush.- ; i The Duhn Hardware and Furniture Comnaay are in a position to better anybody's prices. Plow points at 5 cents each at Dunn Hardware and Furniture CoL's Store. Buy the Blue Grass Axe with an unlimited guarantee from Dunn Hard ware and Furniture Co. E. F. Young will sell you more goods for a dollar than any one elsej in tp An. " WTe have just reeeived our second 5tockof Clothing; first lot so cheap all gone: Come in and look at it. E. F. Young. ; 1 - If you want to buy good- good cheap, go to E F. Young's. V Dunn Hardware , and Furnitjure Company sell you a No. 8 Cuok fStove for$10 00. Go to Massengill's for Cloth'ing, Over-Ooats and Ilackintoshes. - Shoes, 8hoe8, Shoes, at J; A. Mas sengill & Co. Best grade of Bicycles for sale by E- F. Young. Terms easy. 1,000 pair o rubber shoes cheap at Masseng'U & Co. 1, i Special bargains in Back "Wni'e Lead and Paiuts at Dunn Hardware and Furniture Go's. Store. AGENTS WASeD. I want 10 or 12 Agents to begin ! work January 1st, 1887," to canvass Wake, Johnston, Harnett, Moore and Cumberland counties. For fall particulars, writs to L. J. WILSON, Special Agent, ' AYil-on's lills. N. C NOTICE is hereby next General Assembly given that the . of North CAr- olina will be asked, to charter a Had j lload to run fr-cm the C F- & Y. V, Bailway at or near Spout Springs, in Harnett county, in the direction of Bunn!s Levxl and to some point in the ,f yT-i v 1. .u l.ayettevilte.and Wilson branch of the W. & Y. R. !R ' . e t H Godwin, Attorney at Law. 1 I Dunn, ' j Office next door to Post Olfiee. Will praejiee in thg courts of Harnett iitKi a ij' i!i iiifi en-mil ics ami iu iiiCf Federal Coitus. I i 1 .. 1: :.. .1... 1 Prompt attention gived to all biiii-ea Youkks to SEuya, - , xoTicir. . By virtue of a deed of trust executed to me byyllenry Pope and wife, Eliza lpe recorded in IJook II. No. 2 pavs records of uarnett count v, I will on Feb. 20ib 18o7 at the depot in Jinnn N. C sell iit public sale to the bihest bidder for cah the followinir re;; 1 estate to-wit: .Ml of BIocki"B T-" aceording to the plan of the town of D'.f:n. consisting of 4 lots tXos. 1,2,3 and 4. Said Block is boi nded on the nou tli In iiviiui St. in said town on the east by Magnolia St." on the south by Tearsall St. on the west b Cliutoii St. Hour of sale 1:20 o'clock P. M. J. F. PllIIdYI PS, January J,-1?97. - Trustee. NOTICE. By. virtue of authciityvcontaineil in a rtain Mortgage deed .txeciitud to me ee or the 23th day of M.iy I$y2, by Bryant. B iker uiid wife Cathri;:e ,i. . Baker and duly registered in the Itegiter's otliee of Harnett eouoty in Book F. No. 2, -page .'iOS, 1 will self for cash at the Court Huse door in Lillingto!i on the 15th day of Feb. 1S:;7 at 12 o'clock M.'thc follow ing rent properly: ; One tract of land lii:ig i:i B lekhornjTov. nship tegiiiniiiu at a smaiij'shiirt leaf piiie on n branch .1; A. , Champion corner aiidriitis 1? 2 NVilo chaiiis to n .loiie corner iit J A Ch;utrj)ioiV;ii!i of the is .'survey his cur- licrilf tliO 9:lfl siirvi'i' thjjtu' tie liij li.w. i Uie.lst kurvey South 82' E '9 eliains j aud.2'0 Sinks to-a stone his corner, thenee z h y tiiii'iis aim s HiiK.s to a stone; corn "r by ihe path, thence SoiitU S5 East 10 chains and 50 links, to :i st'one corner, thence S 0 E aod 50 links to n s tore corner, tbenctW 15 chains and 50 'links.-thence S I chain and 10 links to atbranch then rjovvu said branch to the beginning containing 2o acms more oi lers. . .. '. ' . J. A. ClIAMPIOX, Jar.. 5. lSg7. Mortgagee. f , NOTICE! : By virtue of the poWer of sale eon tailiied in a -mortgage- deed executed to me by M, W. Barefoot and wife on the 17th day of June S'ji ai.d duly icrorded in the Begister's orliee of Harnett coun ty in Book VL" Xo. 2 on page 2p5 I Hfliail yell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Post Office in tlie town bfv Dunii N. C. On Tuesday the"l''ith day of February 1S07 at 12 o'clock M: a certain piece or tract of hwfl lyh'n ;""1 bving in Harnett county .ate aforesaid in Averasboro township, il further described iu said mortgage deed substantially as follows: Adjoining the, lands of K. E. Barefoot, Handy Bare foot andothers -and bounded as follows: Beginning at a .take in Deloney Lee's line and mi,J with said line S. S5J E. 12-5-10 ehaks lo a stake and oak, thence .,5 W 47 OY-100 chains to :i stake in Mingo, VV'arren's Fine, thei?iee with his line N . 06 W 14 5 )-100 chains to a stake in said line, tlwnee X .5 E 40 chains to the beginning containing lifry (50) acres more or less. This, is valitaide projerty near to a thriving town and good market. Tnis Januifty $ h ISoJ. . ALOXZO Parrisit, ' ELLON S & X ORGAN, Mortgagee. Attorneys. ' NOTICE! . B 3' virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain mbrtg-nge deed exe cuted to me by J, II, Stewart r.nd G. W. Stewart ami bis wife Martha A. Stewart, on. the 12th day of January 189.") and du'lj' recorded in the registry of Haniett county hi. 00k "L" No. 2 at page 476 lie. I slnfll sell nt .public auction to, the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in the town of Lilliiigton N. C. on Monday Hhe 15th- day of February at 12 oldoek M., a certain piece 01 tract of 1.1 nd lying pud being in Harnett county Slate aforesaid in Averasboro Township, and further described in said mortgage deed sub-taniiallj- as follows: Ceginniiig at a Black gum in tiie Bun of Holds, Branch and runs S 2tf E , "20 chains to a stake, thence S 53 W 2l cHdiis to a stake in Jesse McEanib's lir.e, t!once N. 32. W 14"55 chains to a stake, J .-. Mc- Jiamls coiner, tlience N Co Ell chainsV. j to a stake. .Join r 5r ewai t s eoiner, th'Miee j N 20 W 16.50 ch-MUs lo a stdke. in the i run of Bold's Braiuh," John Stewart's I 1.1 V i 1 V-- ! r jg''1 !. X1 lil II i,w 111V oeginimig eo!:tai!uig (,-.); lifty aerrr. ' m s 's u'vabudJcfanii , located near tlie market. Tit leperfecl. Ibis Jaumfry i sj, :sy7. ; r , . Dorothy McLamr, Weilons & Morgan, 1 Mortgage . AttoriH'3. ' t " - ' 11 ' 1 r 1 :. A V MI N I ST II A TO iV S NOTICE! i Having oualifsed as Adminittrator of I Alexander Par.'ier, deceased, late rf ! !11;iniort Co,nty, North Carolina, this is to iiMtify all "vei-sons had u d.iitus , i agvmiM inn ii:;e oi ssaio; uece;ieu 10 ) cxjiibfc them to the un lei sinetl on or before lhej I-t day of Jainrary. 1S1S,' or thi notiei willbe ideaded in bar of their recovery. All jwrsons indebted to u ilil Mit:ri i 11 iili--i.' tii.itp Iiumfili ifi 1 C, ! payiiie'it. Tit; 1st d :y i Jauu iry, lOT.'. . N. Parker. A-ibiu.o-travor. Oscar J. speare, Att'v, j-iO-Gw ! ' . 1 Go and lack at cUthio at E. F. Pufcines Manager a man 'of many year's experience opened up a . R1EW SALOON at Stewart's Old Stand ri Broad Street, "naosjte Mr. J. J. AVad, We shall sell Liquor f.on A'Irl Fresirfrom our Distilleries which rc!ic:itcd v J.Vati ry Baonch near Clinton, wlierti the waters spring f.rtli pur a a cryst 1. just so with our Liquor?, they cme to eur customers pure.. Iiuving beeit 'analizd by Iho bost'physioians and pronounced pure, we d- nothesiiaUs to rcvcomrqand Ihem'as such, ami feci fcure a trinl will cwivii;eoyouv ' You are cordially invitedjto call and examine oui quali'y and prhes. JUST LOGIC AT tube cor.N li 41 4i li i( 11 1, F! R3 Ef.SQUTH ER All . way soii hand - i . ' - . . . . 1- , , . 'GrooriS"!- We have in conrieetion a c li icolhift ofjFMnll.v Grocrries and (in. rdtjoe ybu in prices. Give us acili and you will bo'trealel right. ' J. fC ja13tf. f Y 1, ,": B GO'ID PLATED KENT'S HANDSOMS SFEM-WINMNG WATCII Sent on IO - .' . v You pay the Express Agent 2. 47 and jlO DA ib. If not as gol a timekeeper as any watch l i your town or your town tlock, return it to the Exprc.v Agent, and he will rrfund your money and Rend the. watch biek at our expensi . A (Job!, Plated Clialn and'Cliariii KKKE. THK -WATCII is sent in a Bountiful Plush ak t. in iking it very nulUblV for, Birtli day or Holiday Piesents. Send order on Postal ('aid, and My wSivre jour nrar- est express olriee is located.. Oilier iirnn 'office. How can von tell tint their watches will keon rood thn? . OUKS DO. " jTherefore wc let you wearthein so yjucan judge for yojir'lf. " ORDER WOW. EUROPE Am WATCHCO., now D. MpBRO W, Proprietor AP.er J A January 1st, 1807, I will be in the ' '','V 'fF6 get freli pure liquors call on tie. Vai 1 t first-class drink iu its place OLD NORTH CAROLINA CORN Ail arc Invited to arc Invited to drink with ni', whatever your circumst in -c X t I 51 ff CJ are l IUV If flSME SNTERIOR ! - We are pn par J.-r '... I . pared to gf I til WKl-K .f IIIHII'II Ut IIUIM.- '! 'and oil) ;e. A ' variety of j tylei fHiperior to anything ever . . . 1 1 ... ir.. iterior Prte coiiteiiinl.iting H-e our designs and get our prices. Tb S ii)rrinteinJe:t of our work U x ipnm- fi;Ii-bed and exjMi L-ii'-ed Iliiiil ut. f 11 ir iiif.-c fo ill ..... - - 1 SOUTH DUNN M'FG. G(i. 1 W. Tou' Attorney-at Law. yMrniFiELD, N, c. i , ! Careful attention to any -fivil matter 1: "mtmstc 1 to hMcayr in the court of Uarnett Coipity in the liquor-business who has now " -' AND GROCERY liirrrfinTiTni 1 1 I lift hot. rr r(U .f TRESE PKICES : $1.23 Vcrl G.dlon. 75c. Tor Gallon, Jov. lVr Quoit. 20e iVr Pint.' .. lOc Ptr Tint. W STARiWH IS K E Y Youus TO rLEAK.S MANAGER. DUNN, N. C, , 1 1 I V 1 1 t I 1 I I ' I EFOR.E YOU BUY ! Days' Trial, -' express eh irge, and. wear the watch I allow only an examination at expre j AGENTS WANTED. atore mow occupie l by Mr. S. V. Parker. I, '. j, but it (Joo't but urif rorn IE. If iirij' !e. goo J, wlierevcr ruind," yo ir want g iod drinks c ill on McBiown, WOOD fVnKli at fliort- notic ol Houses, Stoics, CJru.vli pattern and ol hwh Iu Dunn. buildin? will :lo uroll Desjgir. on . thU lin t" 11. 1. . -r - j " LAST 04X1 I Town Taxes mnst -nd I -n . - - . j. rie imz 13 out v av ir this rnonth and avoid cost, J. A. DRIVER,' mm WHISKEY SOLD DY WORJ j Town Tax Colleger. 1 in 0 Jn ' - . i t

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