THE T T T-rr TTATTAM tbe t(?wn for nd against allowiD COUNTY UNIONjtoruuontstreel. All eiti 1 ; - WEDNESDAY. January 27,.18n7.' DUNN, N. C. T SI 12 CI A T.' ' orders for job v.gx'k xpu$i be pah! one liilfv.hrTu order is given awe? the balkmc? icflft (hj'ayil. Thirty ' lays tlfc)hii W tHhrti$in. . 'LOCAL DOTS. Cotton 03 cents - Kveytiiig is frefz:pg in these psrts. Mrr. W. 0 Plume has accept je4 a position as assistaut bcok-keeptr yitbMr. E F. Young. ;- -j-Miss-Ll'la Bkidqebs, of Golds boro. is visiting in the city, nbe guest pf 'ias Fnie Cox. . Read our Supplement with this Hsue. Ms-rs. J.. A. Massecgili & Co. offer some bargains in goods. Ocr merchants have severa cars of guano no w on hand and ready for the farmers when they wanf it.'- Iiie Lee Hardware Company has fcad a prttty and attractive sign tainted and bung in front of' their store. i ..- -" ' . v '.- Tie L?e Hardware G". come 'forward this week with a new '-'ad." They have what you want in Hard . ware and furniture. Now is the time for farmers to commence composting. Home made .inanures aaa te larra auu when used with commercial fsrtil zers produce much better Its. , ' Messrs. U. $J. Putler and! brother . of Clinton, r have . bought the beef and f;pph meat mark'et. qf Mr. Yann on 3road street and' will continue the market at the same place. - -Vk have received an obituary of ! Mrs.. ,!. C. Jernigio, whq died at her heme ,in"Four O.ikson December 23rd f It will appear in . our next issue,' .-Tue little rise in cotton last week cused a good many farmers to ".sell. . There were- seventy-six. bales sold, here last Thursday, most of it bring iug 7 cents per pound. r 1 Mr: ILiuyEY II " McIvay ha? gone to Wilmington to study phar macy-under his brother, 'Mr. Mil can; McKay, who has a position in the Ma ;-ine Hospital at thai pluc 3 in poiatmcnt at ttie rruumve .c;ii Suuday night, an -ipr ached an able Beruion .tb a large and attentive con -gregatin.. .. , " . ,r ' ' . ' 1 . ." There was'quite a crowd in towu yesterday from near jeoson attending a trial in a' maijrratcstpo.urt, ' justice'' Holland and .fackson presiding. A young man Parefoot was cba.ged.witb assault on a young man Holmes;. - The Little River Baptist As ci ! ation will be held with Friendship i church in the Punn Level section this .week, commencing Thursday and con 1 uuue 1111 Kjunuey. a large congre gation is e?pcted to attend. 9. If is quite a walk to the cemo iery for the town and we think that the town aldermen should open a straigbt road to it fror the county road. Tbo cost would ' be only a tri jfle and it ;14 he'p the appearance of. the cemetery. The Swiss Bell Ringers who played at the school house last Thurs day n'ght'had quite a small crowd but the 'entertaicment was pretty good. . The Library Fund failed to receive anything as 'the taxes and ex penses took it all. e notice tnat Representative j. B. Ghapin introduced a bill in the House last Saturday to fund the debt of Harnett county a? j to levy a spec ial tax to pay the same. We suppose people of the county; to say whether the special tat shall be levied or toot. ..;.;' . : j .-I. ' ; .'''.. . The borse of Mr. L. h. Turling ton got frightened at a train Monday piorning as Mr. Turlington was driv- ing into town and made quite an effort f to run awav. lie ran femr or five plocks down Jiroad strtet before Mr lurlmeton could him un. No , damage was done except to the har- uess. Wnp;: young itnen and young, ' ladies go to church and behave badbv it shows their manners to be bad Som of bur pasfor3' baye had to re-. nmve RnmR snnnu rsnnl a frtr Karl Ka'. f - 7- j tfrw uavior in cnurcn ang we trust tnat none of our ypung people will so act in tne future that a reproof will be peoeseary, The homo training of boys and girla should be of the best and when their home manners are "good tbey will need no reproof for badondwet at church. ' - ' r - v - . ..... -r j Petitions are being circulated g hogp citizens of i l" r a . ..''- ioe Town po wis h to protect i ' i.i .-- ... . - uanu i-4 iu iowii win 8:ga tne out; 14 inn, Mr. A 15 .y lor, e-cuoo agunst allowing tfmon the streets, j Mister on the W & F. Ra' and every ope who ha? a hog that is j residing at Rowland, N. 0 , to Mi-s of any valua will be bnifitted by 'Ida H Butler, the beautiiul and ec this liw. icornplished dapgfcter of lira. .-Mary Tiis negro Sonator from F, le-1 Ei Ba'Ur of intf Lode Sa:iP-;,,r,.,.,n;ii 1 1:11 the S :nate to estah'ish a cnimisiorjor v.i lusuiauui; iul j.1 ! in 'arojiui. 4. ne bill isf-aid to cover 132, pags of legal cap paper and. provides that the enm-mi.-siouer hbaji receive a salary of OUQ per annum. Tub elocution eniortv,nra?nt giv en by Mis IJerthaA AVilUca aod Mr. S Philips Golden . at. the Turn Hall lust Thurediy evening was high lycLjoytd by an - appreciative audi eoce. Mies yillgea is a spUudid io cutionist and her' recitations and im personaiiPn3 were delightfully ren dered. . Several dollars were made for the 0 Id Fellows .Orphans' II me at Qoidsbcro. ' r S"ehal pon viits were sent up to the pet.ttttjtiary from Carnbei laud court Monday. We noticed one yDung jwhi'e man about 20 years of age among. the number, phq it is said is a professional thief, and Las served a trni Gf 10 years in the state prison before. He goss up this time fr a ter'm of eight years. The oid time ! yited , in an adjoining room, most da w hipping post would wor'k well in ji'ghtfully gladdened the eye, as 'well such cases a"? thi3. , j as the ''inner cnau'' of all the com- Some of the nights are very dark now ani we see that in some- prts of tho town there are no street lamps. We think, that th'o town &u.iiorities should have lamps on every street in the town and have them lighted on lark nighrs. rc a day aapl a night policeman, and with the expen diture of a few dollars every part of the town pould have i street lamps. Vi e hs.T0 lamps inT- the business por tico of the to wt. ; whvnot baye them ia the residence partr- : A".traaip pmo into- Tiie ITion office Monday and "stated that he; was just froin Cuba, which country he. left L'irec wet Ks;ago. rr 51 or n T T a vena rnlnna J n. ri a Sogcs on bisj right hand. The Cu haus, be fcays, are; fighting for their liberty, and dp not wit for an organ idj e. Mijpaoy or rcghnent of sqldkrs fut lie in wait for the Spanish sol diers and fi e on them Lorn behind .stone ft-tces aud houses as did cur .Ymrricau- soldiers on the British in I he lit; v0l a ianarv ar. i . -! . - . . . v.' ' ; " 0 1 revising our subacripMon' books for the year XSU7 wq find that lii bave something over '100 due us ?n subscription tjp to J-itiuary 1st , Of. this amount about-$l2r is duefrcm subscribers who receive the paper a Dunn. If is almost impossible for u to 'see all who are in arrears in person. Wts'wish to put u new. material so that we may be kb'.e to give our patrons a much be"tter service and to do thi we need ail the money dae us. Plea?e come in or send us the amount due. It is a small matter .to you but a sericu one tois if we do net get tbe money So please don't wait for ds to call on you but come or send at once the amount you are due. us. It, wiil be reatly appreciated. v YopxG boys when not at work should be kept off the streets as much as passible. -.W-e. notice that the boys of some families are allowed down the street at night instead of being at home around the fireside. The home influence for boys cannot bo overesti mated. Home is the place for all boys after dark unless' there is busi ness that requires- tben; tq be out. And also along .this line many men could take heed and make their homes happier. by spending more of their evenings at home. If the father spends most of his . time down town after business; is over, the son thinks he should be allowed the came privir lege. To many instances the- life of the boy is shapen by the example et by the father--oe it for good or evil Small-pox Score in Greenslioro. List Saturday evening a report went, nut from Greensboro that .a ... . , , , travelhnsr man by the name of 1 ueker j W38;sick with small pex at the Ben tow hotel in that town. Tifcker was sick with ' sctnething like ?mall-pox and the .physicians attending him ad vised bis removal to the country hree m'les from the city until the qase fully developed. The hotel wasplosedan J quarantined and considerable excifs m(I1t prevailed in the town. e?cer- day's , papers announce . that it was thought to -be only a severe pise, of chicken-pox but all precautions were bsitfgused to prevent the Fpread if U should be small pox 4- special. st from Baltimore bad been sent fcr to examine the patient! Tucker hd not been in any territory where the dis ease was. in ! Jlarrfe;! Ost 'VhiiTaAan nirrlif. -T T 11 a r tt lftt . I? ... , . ' J . . -a .j . . . r mm m. , at 8:30 o'clock a the fcr.-..e c.f. ttc the; bride, by Rev. W. P.. IIarrll. . ' . son counfv Th e marriage Cfryxscnv !-'iat fco vtondc;fuIly aLd fnystorioasly nmdc- these two, no,)o?rer two. but one, was Fpokea. u-t real, by the : i hUi -oSiciating, v.Lo prlfaetd the sarr with a brifcf aecjunt if thu t-crlr ?ura origin of tb..yr-t iatitu?irjg the hiivenly t'1.3 that bindj tro willing j isirts for 1 lie. "Taat sacred union oft-vain, who walk henceforth- tidt by ividt-; jiiiowing ech o;hf rs j'ys and sorrows, and going Heaven wardLand inland." .. Tie wlole was- clearly bf.t forth in slt;mn aud appropriate word;?, and was attentively herd by the entire .coup iny. The first maid of honor was Miss Minnie liutler, the elegaut sister, of the bride, osor ed by Mr. '. J.' P. Pittman, of Putin, who was the j groom's best man. fhe second maid ! of honor was M'iss Vennie Il neycutt, j esc rted by. Mr. W M. IIjIIj. The whole occasion was one of j iy and happiness, while the . bountirul supper to which all were shortly ,iu- pany present. ' 1 llrj wish the happy couple n longi life of married joy on ' earth, and a final re union around - the the etErnal in heaven.,' throne of Cn Sniid;)' inorning, J:mu:p-y J ith. ;t t!ie resi:.!i'uce of 31f. Jno. A. "McKay, Mrs. Ak-india .'"MnssciigilJ,' Vvife of "Mr. G. )Y. ila'se.hgHl.of Gle ! :"nioro, . JV!i n ; stuu county, gently closed her eyes in ucath. ';. ' ''' i Mr.-.- M";issf;ifil came her.'!, al but two wei'ks ago to yisit.-tit-r chUdren,' Mrs. . Lee, Mrs. A. McKay and j Mr. P. T. iI;iscngSi!. .-iiid was take a-" sick with a 'okl which developed iuto piieu'.noni;!. Her hnbai!il and hqi other two sons, J. A.-itnd Gr. K , wfeie - saaunoiu'd io her lcd.-itlc. ruigcrcd until Sunday inoriiing at h o Avlien she asked her sou to open enrtaiirs of the win dow so that shecould see the light and in a few moments life had Lwu .leaving a nuie:' in her .-ice. Mrs. Masst'iigill was in lier Oolth year -of ;iiTC'i was n conLte:)t member of flit1 Piiinitiiv, I';iptisr ehnrcli at Oak Forest: an atFci-t ioiK.te a "enlle ahd. loving mother and a friend and hcighhor, !ivcd bv .all u ho kii3V her. 'J'hc f 'f:tl was preached by Kldcr P. D. Gold, of Wilson-, Monday at; 12:30 o'clock p. in. at. the I'riinitive eli'ureh and her remains taken' -'to Greenwood gt.nieii.'ry "an, int erred. This family has lost a precious inemV ber and thii bereaved have the ten tier sympathies of a host, of e f . Lends and relftt .ives.' Esei utoi's 5ot!c'. On Monday the 22 ad of February the executors of the last will aM tes tament of II. C. A vera decease, will offer. for sale all the personal property of tbe deceased. Several valuable pule3 and many articles of value Will be exposed to sale. Parties wishing to get bargains in farm implements will fiad it to their interest- to attend this sale. The sale will bo held at the Aycra homestead commencing at 10 o'clock in the morning. ' Giles Mill Dots- Wfe are always glad to welcome The 'Union 'around our fireside. Uuion Hill Academy opened up January 4th, with bright prospects for the most successful session ev,er taught there.; The gchocl now numbers 44 students and we bear of several others who anticipate entering soon. Misses Todie Collier and Ellen Hatcher, of Cumberland, enrolled as students at U-ion IIill last week. We are having quite a , prosperous Sabbath school at Spring Branch now. Farmers jre beginning to rise early makicg preparation for the planting season. Rather a quiet marriage took Fa i in this section last Taursday night. Mr. A I. Naylor, of Rowland and Miss Ida Butler were married at th bom 3 of the bride's mother, Mrs Mary E. Butler, by Rev. B llnr rell, of Dunn. "Simbo" wishes for them a long and happy life. They left Monday for Rowland, their futuie home. i Sambo."' Why will you buy hitter ijaupcating J tqnies when BBOVE'S TASTELESS CHILL i tOKIC us pleasant :W Lemon Syrup. Your druggist is imthomed to refund the money m every case vhevc it fails to , cure. Priee., o0 eents. The Uxiox and Constitution for 1.50. ' Read our offer elsewhere. sV-'-t- of . i F&s?2!t ; j . - ft5is: V'e have jq retired a hnre- U-t tt TUK CIi,KIJR A'i ED EXCKLIOH COOK STOVES. beM. tovo'on the Uitrket and we will sell you one at a small profit- aid give y0 8 Jrar f?uan;ntcc on it. , Ojt BLUE GIIAS A X 11 U tho b si ever bro-iat to Dann. See them' be fore you buy. ' DoviN. forget that ve havd! a cofi'plete lioa of Plows, Castirg, Carriage Material., G:u P-iUin.2.. C i-.lerv of every kirjd or anything vou need. If you come ta see and c lii't li i.i whit yoi wait on the lower fi jo'r just ask for it; for we have it up stairs , iJ,I-ike our store your headquarters I table aod p!f?hsfiiit for you . I ; - ' , " , . DUNN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., . ' DUNN, IT- C Privett & Holliciay. . Next door to J- J DUPRKK ; , ' F & .1 0 Q4? I oamo J)'Ugs, Confectioneries. Stationery, Patent Medicines, .Qoperas, Bjrax, ' SuiphorDrug Sundries, Prppr,-Spics 3. Tobacco, Snuff; Limps and L im ti Fixtures, -c.lso IlaLI and Store Limps. 6 4 Pt i-rescripxioiis :,iyaremiiy ' ' ' ' ; I I ' ' - .' - ' . We are :tieadcniarters : ' tniiig . m, our line. -1 4- 1 'H is" YOUR : fi y Yk?f t- ! fef " F 5 ? P St3nci3rci " Bred r Spssriish "'V Jock can be '.found at Ciod win's'siablo at nli tniKs during t-liefr Fall reason. ; Farmers who wish to rai-e llieir wn mules wiil ;rjnf jt to their advantagp to get. my prices. " For further informal fori Address ij'rct-l.lj)n " 1-' , ' .; ; p. . ' :X:i'ih n. lee. . 1 : ., - :. Iun.v, N. c. BtTSINJESS LOCALS. ; DUNN HARDWARE AND FUilNI- : i ' ' . 1 . 'I Dunn llirdware and Furniture Company sell you a -No. 8 Cook. Stove for 10 00. ; If you want t. buy -good good cheap, .go to E F. Young's. Kail Road Mills Snuff at Lane's. G ) to Massengill's . for 1 Clothing-, Over-Coats and Mackintoshes. . Shoes, Shoes, Shoes, at -iJ. A. Mas 8eDgill'&'Qo." - Bjst grade of Bicycles for cale by E F. Young. Terms easy. . Good chairs at Dunn Hardware and Furniture Co's store at 33jJ cents each : : Dunn Hardware and Furniture Co. will sell you a nic3 Bjad Stead at 1.20. -' ' ; ; .' !;: ;' '-;'!' '. All our friends got a X ni3 presant and we have a few things left that will sell low. Hood Sc Grantham: Stationery, School Books, Bibles, and School Supplies at Hood & Gran tham i ; ' Best 25c. Tobacco at Hood k Gran tham. , f' 1,000 pair 0 rubber Vhoes cheap at i Massengill & Co, j Special bargains in Buck Vraite LaJ and Paints at Dunn Hardware and Furniture Co'sf. Store. Go and' look at clothing at E. F. Young's. Another beautiful line of Qatlngs, , Eiodine.", Ciihmere3, Worsted, E'-Jt-rj jDwns. Ginghams, Calicoes and Cloak : Goods, will be opsn rrnlay morn- - ing, Dec. 4tb, at J. A. Massangill .& Co The most complete lipe pver- shoes ever baofibt by any firm in';", Dunn, was received by J . A. Missen-'. giH & Co this. week. .Call ca-ly and j avoid the tush ; The Dunn Hardware andrurniture Company are in a" position 1 to better 'anybody's prices. v. - while ia town anti we will make it prcfi- i'ou'ke! to sekv r, - ' ' . 1 1 ;a 99 br'.any- OWm r mULE'S NITURE COMPANY will sell you : r 1- '' . ." Plow Poiuts'a'fc : 5 cents. - . Stark Dixie Plow at 99 cents. L'nseed Oil at 1- 38 cents 'NiceB.'d Sted , 1.05. , Dan't forget that we are the cause of Low Prices in Hud ware and Furni ture. ' ' . , . ; .-'' Plow points at 5 cents .each at Dunn Hardware and Furniture Co's Store. Bay the Blue Grass Axe with an unlimited guarantee from Dunn Hard ware andFurniture Co. ; E. IF. Voung will sell you more goods for a dollar than any one else in tosvn. A Wa 'ove just received our second stock of Clothing; first lot so cheap all gone. Come in and look at it. E. F. Voung. j You can now buy a bod 59 inches high at Lee Hardware Go's for $2 00 and a nice 43 inch bed at 1 00. Call within the next few dayi and fret vour Dixie Plo.vs from L;e llirdware Company at 00 cents. Bock Lead at hi cents, Linseed O.l at 37 J cen's per gallcn. Plow Points .at 5 cents. We nianufaclure our own Furni- ; ture and employ home labor. AVe ! are in i pesitioa to give oar custo- rjers a lower price tbaa ny other dealer, and will do itv Le Hardware Co, The Lei Hardwire Co , carry in K zQ Oi 0 tB direct , T7. , r. .' v r. v , from High Point Furniture ractory LAST CALL. TOWII Taxes jnUSt b3 paid j XllB uIUlS 13 01jt Fay in h h d id t J . . I . Town Tax uollector. Ja-C-lm. lop LOW PRICES cop . . COODG TALK ! THE will for Th a Starks Dixie Plo;v Iron Bound Hamss Traos Chains No-10 Headed, Nails Whito BuckXsad Linseed Oil . A Nic3 Bed S3ad And numerous othtr ffod your interest' t. see ub, fjre buying .Wvi ctu an i will J-yca , m .Dey, hiving had a lare ' buying and (.:fliii.g Hardware we are in p5 siiion to give you more and better goods for the money than arybo ly, and we now propose'to give oar customers" the bcn!it AVe thank you kindly for past favors add Lope a oatiotunca. of tho'samo. . . .-llegpretftiliy, ' ' 0 "- ' ; HARDWARE mUm mtOm IM0B E. LEE, Manager. . : : UMKi - JftuJ MflDdgfililCpi. . : . I sjie to call the at'eation cf my friend and the publio generally that I bave bought the stock of goo Is ofMr J. E Jordan on. Broad Streef an( w 11 continue " he business at the same p'ace. ' ' . , I have in atock a splendid selection of I) y O N iUoqa, II its, SSos, &a. ALo a good lin of S?aple uod Faiicy .Groceries and F-riuer' Sup plies which I will sell as cheip as the cheapest. f - . All goods sold guaranteed to givi satisfaction. Vjvr patronage solicited. Give me a call. jalB Ira. viiiYlLii' 7:' D. McBJlO WN5 Proprietor. After January 1st, 197, I vHl be in the JPo get fresli pure liquors call me. ; '.'. -V'iiV : : ' ''- i WatQi is a .flrt-ciass di ink-ia its place but itoii"t be it ' OLD NORTH CAROLINA COR ALL are iuvired to diinklwiWi in". wjiat ever .your circumstances bki Bites.?!" are 1EME INTER50R 'WOOD' WO R it l vie worK lr interior ui .- . 1 ! . l-s -an lolli A , v ir'H - J . . " . . .1 ; -tyles superior IO .'103 iiiiii 17 11; seen 111 i.nn:i. P.irtie contfnidatiiig'lm'iMiri.s will q -ll U our deslirosmdjjot our pi it;e.4. i The1 SiMMTilitendeiitof 0;)lisiie(l and HXIK'neil.-ei Tn ... . i ... .t ind ue guarantee to plea SOUTH. BUNN M'E'G. GO, I AW Go'iniG BACK: TO: 'V. - r-v - , . Where I always get the PURI3T &3 at as reasonable prices as honest, IP I c. nnnv tlTTl LUKft PiMl mCIl BRANDTf. ; " .-..l The lffa4inl brtn of RTB WniSKEV,. Tobaq? , Cigars ,frf -j prove what I sJ is to callon J . '( , W- s Jackson, Agent - Broad Strest and Liicknow Square, punnf 1. Q. liPsPf 51 p u ill .Best -is- the l r-'-r; .v t- - - - . ICT j LEE HAnDWAtlH CO. tlic next . 20 d.ays offer 00c. Each. 25 c- p?r. pair ' . 25c per pair.. 75p3r.kbV. ; ,51p p ;r l 37c p r Gal. ' $1.00 Bach Js ut rtniorkable low r.ricr. P-tji? mbfr it is to GQiVlPAPiY S xt Poor tv E. F. Viang f Tiu.'LY Votin?, . DUNN. N. C- store now occupied by Mr. S; V. I'jtrker. j s may he. jrood, wherever 'f'.uh'I. o ir want irood iiiinks e ill. on McI5.rwn. : 1 L 7-1 1 11... . . . .t 1 . w ty of paitenn and ofl . ! . r. t rnn'.i,irirai-ii nr work "4 ni hn-oiii i I...S- . 1 t . . ' I Mesiuer uri UiM , HIM - e you. - ...1 . . ! - : r,- ;-rf v ' nd best VVhUkeys. Brandies, Jli J reliable good can;breoia x." r 1 : -'...-( s - I